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Seth Andrew J.


December 3, 2012 Reaction Paper

The Blue Planet. The title fits the movie, content, and context. The documentary made by BBC, and narrated by David Attenborough, was effective in describing the planets diverse, rich, and exotic sea life. Its purpose was to inform people of the oceans diversity while explaining its fragility. The films message was to tell the viewers to help protect this underwater utopia.

To summarize, the worlds ocean currents are regulated by the Suns heat. These currents promote a diverse underwater flora and fauna. We should all contribute to its preservation. A viewer must at least get to know the different animals presented in this movie. Science students are most knowledgeable in terms of these matters.

Culturally, this movie affects many countries, as most nations look to the sea for nourishment and sustenance. For the Philippines, more than half of people fish for their daily livelihood and income. The movie inspired different emotions from the viewers. Curiosity caused many to search for more information pertaining to this topic. Some felt awed by the planets relatively unknown sea life and its unique methods of survival. Still, some felt a pang in their heart, wanting to help conserve this great food chain.

The content was spectacular. It presented the viewers with an array of significant, relevant and important facts and info. This helped increase the knowledge in an individuals schema. It showed, as stated earlier, the diversity of sea life and its difference from terrestrial life. Seeing as this is the birthplace of life, we could still see vestiges of early life in its dark, murky, and concealed waters.

The documentary grabs ones attention by immediately plunging the viewer in colorful scenes, pristine areas, and beautiful animals. It showed presented unique trivia that piqued ones curiosity. This alone compensates for its less-glittering content.

The narrator guided the viewers as if he were right in front of them. I think that this movie is excellent for young minds. This movie can truly educate our people regarding the desecrated sanctity of our beloved oceans.

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