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State University San Jose Department of Mathematics

Colloquium Series

Tatiana Shubin

Mathematical Circles - Russian Experience

February 7, 2007, MH 423
Abstract: In November of 2006, MSRI (with support from the NSF) organized a study tour of Mathematical Circles in Moscow. In their invitation to join the group, they wrote: The Russian model of Mathematical Circles has fed the production of Russian mathematicians and scientists for several generations. We would like to observe rst-hand this living tradition, with the goal of adapting it to American circumstances. As a member of this group of 19 people from 10 dierent states I have had some truly remarkable experience that I would like to share. Despite the hardships of the Soviet era totalitarianism and the calamities of the last two decades, the great tradition of nurturing young mathematical talents lives on. What is it that sustains it? Can we learn from it? Do we want to? In this talk I will try to answer these and other questions relating to mathematical education.

Snacks in MH 331B at 2:30 Talk starts at 3

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