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Student Employment Handbook


At The Weary Center The Best Job On Campus!
2013 2014 Campus Rec Quick Hits General Employment Information Begins on Page 5

How To | Information Related To How To Do Your Job Begins on Page 15

Emergency | Fire, Tornado and other emergencies Begins on Page 51 The Weary Center for Health & Fitness exists to advance the mission of Nebraska Wesleyan University to promote intellectual and personal growth within the context of a liberal arts education and in an environment of Christian concern. The Weary Center contributes to the health and wellness of students as well as other members of the Nebraska Wesleyan Community through support of academic programs, intercollegiate competition, organized intramural sports, and open recreation and exercise. Additionally, the Weary Center offers experiences that enrich the lives of NWU students, faculty and staff through excellence in facilities, fitness, sport and play. We are committed to fostering leaders, encouraging lifelong healthy lifestyles and developing healthy relationships.

Injury Information Begins on Page 57

**************************** A more detailed table of contents can be found on page 2

Stay up to date with everything going on at the Weary Center. Employees and users can use these resources to help stay up to date with scheduled hours, fitness classes and much more!

Search: NWU Campus Recreation

Search: @wearycenter

- The Journey of the Open Rec Staff Handbook Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 7 Page 8 Page 15 Page 27 Page 28 Page 29 Page 30 Page 32 Page 33 Page 34 Page 35 Page 38 Page 39 Page 40 Page 41 Page 42 Page 43 Page 44 Page 45 Page 46 Page 47 Page 48 Student Learning Outcomes The Best Job On Campus Job Descriptions Expectations General Employment Information The Front Desk The Cardio Room Knight Field House The Aerobics Room The Weight Room & Circuit Room The Racquetball Courts The Swimming Pool Snyder Arena Cleaning Attendance & No Show Coverage Policy The 10 Point System Family Time Guest Policy Lockers, Locks & Towels Snow Day Information Incident & Ejection Policies Equipment Repair & Maintenance Policies Customer Services Conflict Management General Facility Policies Page 49 Aerobic Room Policies Page 49 Cardio Room Policies Page 50 Knight Field House Policies Page 50 Racquetball Court Policies Page 50 Weight & Circuit Room Policies Emergency Procedures Overview Fire Procedures Tornado Warning Procedures Theft Power Failure Bomb Threat Active Shooter Suspicious Persons Suicide

Page 51 Page 52 Page 53 Page 54 Page 54 Page 54 Page 55 Page 55 Page 55

Page 56 Emergencies | How To Handle Them Page 57 Burns Page 57 Chest Pains Page 58 Choking Page 58 Diabetes Page 59 Fainting Page 59 Head, Neck & Back Injury Page 60 Heat & Cold Exposure Page 61 Insect Stings & Bites Page 62 Seizures Page 63 Shock Page 64 Sprains, Strains & Dislocations Page 64 Appendix 1 - Pool Emergency Page 65 Appendix 2 - Public Relations Emergency

2 Best Job On Campus


The student employment program at the Weary Center provides student employees with real-world learning opportunities through work experiences. In this program students have the opportunity to grow into leadership positions while getting a more meaningful experience than what many graduate students across the country receive. Through these experiences we believe the following learning outcomes occur:

Be involved community citizens

Develop a sense of self worth

Make healthy lifestyle choices

Develop personal responsility

Develop leadership

Understand and respect diversity Develop healthy relationships

Through these student-learning outcomes, we believe that our student employment model is one of the best in the country. What keeps this model strong from year to year is the student ownership of the program. Students are given opportunities to be involved with policy formation, creating procedures and other administrative tasks. The student leaders in each area of employment are responsible for selecting whom they would like to elevate into leadership positions. This helps keep everyone accountable to each other and has worked extremely well for a number of years.

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The Best Job On Campus!

A job at the Weary Center is often referred to as the best job on campus. Some former employees were nice enough to write a testimonial about their experiences. Working at the Weary Center was definitely fun and entertaining every night. Being a BS provided me with great leadership experiences and conflict management skills I still look back to and use today. The Weary was a great place to work; definitely the best job on campus! -Kyle Bown, Building Supervisor May 2009 Graduate Working at the Weary is one of the things I miss most about college. It was where I met some of my closest friends at Wesleyan. Most of the university uses the Weary, at least at some point, so you have the opportunity to interact with a lot of different people while getting the chance to make some money and get great work experience you can put on a resume. I know that my work in open rec, especially as a building supervisor, helped me get to where I am today. Take your job seriously and you'll learn a lot and have a great time doing it. -Amy Stratbucker, Building Supervisor May 2009 Graduate It was a great place to work because I learned how to be a leader. I became a BS for the second semester of my freshman year, so I was pretty young to be telling huge football players they needed their ID or had to leave. The amount of responsibility that comes from being in charge of a huge building can be scary, but it taught me how to work well with others. I met so many people through this job and have remained close with them. You become really close with your coworkers and those that use the Weary. I learned so many valuable skills like how to deal with conflict, how to problem solve, responsibility and teamwork. The best compliment I've ever received came from Nancy Hansen. There was tornado one night in Lincoln when I was BSing and the building was full of users, a little kids football camp, a cheer camp and plenty of parents and coaches. She told me there was no one better that she would have wanted to be in charge to handle that situation. Everything I learned at the Weary prepared me for the real world in a way that classes couldn't. It was real life experience that gave me the skills I needed to get a job. I looked forward to working because it was a chance to see my friends and earn some money. -Carrie Heiser, Building Supervisor December 2008 Graduate Most former employees look back at their experiences at the Weary fondly. While they may not have realized it at the time, the experience they gained while at the Weary Center has proven useful in their lives after NWU. One of the goals of the student employment program at the Weary Center is to allow students to develop leadership skills and grow as individuals.

4 Best Job On Campus

JOB DESCRIPTION | Area Supervisor

The purpose of the Area Supervisor is to provide quality supervision of the Weary Center recreation areas at all times during Open Recreation hours. Due to the inherent risk that exists with all types of physical activity, the Area Supervisors responsibilities are tremendously important. The Area Supervisors are critical to the safety and security of the facility and the users within it. The Area Supervisor provides users a safe atmosphere, promotes educational awareness of the facilities and equipment, and offers assistance to users by spotting and answering questions. The Area Supervisor is responsible for cleaning and maintaining the workout areas and equipment.

Required Skills/Knowledge: 1. Effective communication skills 2. Pleasant disposition and ability to promote a positive image of Nebraska Wesleyan University 3. Effective teamwork skills 4. Willingness to learn 5. Knowledge of recreational and leisure time activities and skills General Duties and Responsibilities: 1. Hold current certification in CPR/AED 2. Be knowledgeable of all equipment in assigned area 3. Educate users on Weary Center policies and procedures 4. Enforce Weary Center policies and procedures with all users and other employees 5. Abide by Weary Center policies at all times 6. Complete assigned cleaning and maintenance of equipment 7. Complete all necessary forms 8. Remain alert and attentive to the users in the assigned area at all times 9. Watch for and correct any safety hazards 10. Answer user questions 11. Take attendance once each hour, at the :30 mark 12. Assist the Building Supervisor or Professional Staff as requested

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JOB DESCRIPTION | Building Supervisor

The purpose of the Building Supervisor is to provide quality supervision of the Weary Center during evenings and weekends. This is a para-professional role held by students who have shown a strong work ethic and dedication to the Weary Center. Students are nominated to be Building Supervisors as needed by the current staff of Building Supervisors and Professional Staff. The Building Supervisor is the eyes and ears for the professional staff and is ultimately responsible for the facility and all people, programs and events held within the facility. The Building Supervisor is responsible for the overall supervision and safety of the Weary Center, student personnel and programs while on duty during evenings and on weekends. The Building Supervisor is responsible for knowing and enforcing all policies, procedures, rules and regulations.

Required Skills/Knowledge: 1. Effective communication skills 2. Pleasant disposition and ability to promote a positive image of Nebraska Wesleyan University 3. Effective teamwork skills 4. Knowledge of recreation and leisure time activities and skills 5. Willingness to learn Responsibilities: 1. Hold current certification in CPR/AED 2. Open, close and secure the Weary Center in a timely manner 3. Be knowledgeable of all polices, procedures and aspects of the facility 4. Follow and enforce all policies and procedures with users and staff 5. Provide quality customer service by answering questions, directing users to the answer, problem solving, etc if the issue is beyond the knowledge of the area supervisor 6. Manage area supervisors 7. Responsible for implementation of all emergency and incident procedures, including documentation. 8. Complete minimum hourly rounds of the facility 9. Be knowledgeable and aware of all activity within the facility 10. Complete, in detail, all daily reports and paperwork 11. Check Area Supervisor cleaning tasks and report it when it is not being completed 12. Assign extra duties to Area Supervisors when appropriate 13. Complete scheduled cleaning. 14. Use assigned keys and fob for their designated use.

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What it means to work at the Weary Center

Your job is very important | Unlike any other student position on campus, you serve the entire university community by providing a safe and fun place to work out and recreate. The university community includes your peers, faculty and staff, and a number of community pass holders. Your job is very flexible | With proper advanced notice, you can be scheduled to work around your classes, meetings, athletic events and practices, and any other time commitments. Your job provides a great learning environment | You will acquire and use many skills that you will take with you into the real world after college. These skills include: customer service, conflict management, teamwork, organizational skills, management and supervisor skills. You will also gain specific knowledge of how a recreation center operates and what is needed to make it operate well. Your job is fun | Participants come to the Weary Center to have a good time. You can enhance this by having a good time yourself. You have many opportunities to socialize with your peers while doing your job. The Weary Center recognizes that you are at student. We will not jeopardize your status as a student with unreasonable or unjustifiable job demands. Although, by accepting employment at the Weary Center you are accepting a commitment for which you are responsible. As an employee at the Weary Center, your actions are representative of the department. A positive attitude and professionalism towards users and co-workers contributes greatly to the overall quality and success of the program. Student employees of the Weary Center must know and perform all responsibilities related to their job. They are expected to follow and enforce all Weary Center policies and procedures even when not on duty. Your on-campus job must play by the rules | You are not allowed to work while youre scheduled to be in class. Do not, under any circumstance, skip class to work. You may, however, work if a class has been cancelled or gets out early. If this occurs and you log time onto your timesheet, you must make a note somewhere on your timesheet that class was cancelled for that particular day. Failure to make this note will result in not getting paid for those hours.

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Work Schedule | Being On Time

The work schedule for Sunday-Friday is completed prior to each semester. All employees will be required to submit an availability form prior to the work schedule being created. Saturdays will consist of a randomly rotated schedule and will be assigned at the same time as the regular work schedule. All supervisors should expect to work between 1-3 Saturday shifts each semester. WORK SCHEDULE TIMELINE Fall Semester Work Schedule Availability Forms due in May Work schedule created first week of August

Be On Time | It importance of being to work on time cannot be

emphasized enough. Employees are expected to be in their assigned area and ready to work at the scheduled time. For example, an employee scheduled to work at 8:00 pm is expected to be in his/her area at 8:00 pm, not working in the door at that time. When the work schedule is created, every effort will be made to avoid situations where the employee is scheduled up until he/she has a class. However, there are two scenarios where you may be scheduled to work immediately before or oafter a class. Scenario #1 (scheduled to work immediately before class): *You work from 9:00am-11:00am & *You have class at 11:00am Clearly, its not realistic to be expected to be in your assigned area at 10:59am and then make it to class across campus for class just one minute later. However, there may be times where this type of conflict is unavoidable when filling the work schedule. If your schedule has this type of conflict, it is expected of the employee to do the following: 1. Look at the work schedule to see who comes in after you. Talk to this person (or persons) and see if he/she can arrive 10 minutes early so that you can leave for class. If this person can arrive early, simply leave as soon as he/she arrives to take your place. If, after talking with everyone that comes in for the next hour, no one is able to come in early for you, contact your direct supervisor. It may be possible to make other arrangements.

Winter Break Work Schedule Availability forms due first week of December Work schedule created second week of December Working over winter break is voluntary

Spring Semester Work Schedule Availability forms due second week of December Work schedule created during third week of December


Summer Break Work Schedule Availability forms due during first week of May Work schedule created during second week of May Working over summer break is voluntary *These descriptions serve as a basic timeline. The timing of the work schedule being created may adjust depending on the academic year.

If you have a situation when you absolutely must leave for class but the next supervisor has not yet arrived, call your direct supervisor. If you cannot reach him/her, leave a voicemail on his/her office phone. This will demonstrate that you were attempting to meet your employment obligations and that you did not simply leave your area unstaffed. Scenario #2 (scheduled to work immediately after class): *You have class from 9:00am-10:00am & *You work from 10:00am-12:00pm

In this situation, its important you get to the Weary Center in a timely manner. In fact, someone may be waiting for you to arrive so that he/she can get to class. Please extend this courtesy to your fellow employees. Once you get out of class, get to your scheduled shift. This would not be a time to check your student mailbox or meet with a professor. If youre scheduled to work, its imperative you report for your shift on time.

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Finding A Substitute
If an employee is unable to work a scheduled shift, it is his or her responsibility to find a qualified substitute for the shift. There are a number of ways an employee can go about finding a substitute for a shift: Group Email | All recreation employees will be a part of a Google email group that will allow an email sent to one address to be seen by everyone on the staff. This method for finding a sub can be very effective, however, if the timeframe for finding a sub is small, there are other, more-effective ways at the employees disposal. Group email address: *You must be a member of the group to send an email to the group. If you receive a rejection reply to your email, contact your direct supervisor. You may need to be added to the group.

Phone | All recreation employees will be given a staff phone list with everyones phone number. If an employee is looking for a sub and the email method hasnt worked, the employee is expected to call everyone on the list if needed. Face-to-Face | Face to face interaction can be one of the most effective ways for employees to find substitutes. The downside of this is that you may not know where another person is at any given time.

If, after speaking to everyone on the staff, no one is able to take the employees shift, that employee should contact their direct supervisor at least one day in advance. At that point, the employee and his/her supervisor will discuss the possibility of other arrangements being made.

************************************************************************************* Once youve found someone to agree to work for you, theres still one important step to follow: fill out a sub card. New for 2013-2014: a sub card must be filled out for EVERY shift that is worked by someone other than you. Sub cards can be found at the Front Desk. A sub card essentially serves as a contract between two employees. Once both parties have signed the sub card, that shift is then officially the substitutes responsibility. If no sub card is filled out and no one arrives for the shift in question, then the responsibility of the shift lies with the original employee. If a sub card is filled out and the substitute does not show up, then the substitute is responsible for that shift. Sub cards eliminate the he said, she said of people subbing for other people. Sub cards provide written proof that someone agreed to work for you. *************************************************************************************

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Personal Crisis Procedure

In reference to employment at the Weary Center a personal crisis shall be defined as any circumstance that prevents an employee from fulfilling his/her scheduled duties and responsibilities. The following are examples of a legitimate personal crisis: Car accident Death in the family Medical Emergency The following are examples that would not be considered legitimate personal crises: Going home to watch a brother or sister perform in a sporting event A birthday party Studying for an exam or writing a paper Group meeting Competing in an athletic competition Regardless of a legitimate/non-legitimate reason, points will be assessed in accordance with the 10 Point System; however, it will be documented as a personal crisis and will be taken into consideration if any other 10 Point System infractions occur. If the employee feels their circumstances are out of their control, he/she should contact their direct supervisor so that the personal crisis can be documented accordingly. Employees should following this procedure in the case of a legitimate person crisis in order to ensure that their shift(s) get covered: 1. Call the Weary Center front desk immediately after the personal crisis arises (402.465.2172). Give the front desk supervisor your name, the personal crisis you are experiencing, and the hours that you are scheduled to work and will be unavailable to work due to the personal crisis. After this is completed or if the Weary Center is not open, move to step #2. Do not leave a message at the front desk. At this point, the front desk supervisor should call their direct supervisor to pass along this information. 2. Call your direct supervisor (402.465.7504). Give your name, the personal crisis you are experiencing, and the hours that you are scheduled to work and will be unavailable to work due to the personal crisis. If you speak with your direct supervisor directly, you are done. If you do not, leave a voicemail with all of the pertinent information. If necessary, your supervisor may need to return the call for more information.

The purpose of the Personal Crisis Procedure is to: Know which shifts are in need to be filled due to the personal crisis (in these situations, the professional staff will assume the responsibility of filling the hours) Allow the employee the time away from work to handle the crisis


1 Best Job On Campus 0

Illnesses and Sick Days

Everyone gets sick. Whether its a cold, the flu or food poisoning, its reasonable to think that everyone will get sick at one point of another. With that in mind, its important everyone know what their options are if theyre feeling under the weather. <> Unless circumstances are dire (i.e. youre hospitalized), you still have a responsibility to try to find a substitute (see: section on finding a substitute). You must still be prepared to contact everyone on the staff if needed. While its certainly understandable that you may not feel up to making an effort to find someone to work for you, you still must try. If youve exhausted every option above and you know that you will still not be at work, follow these steps: <1.> Contact the professional staff (402) 465-7504 to let him know that you will not be at your scheduled shift (be sure to inform him where you are scheduled and for how long). Leave a voicemail if not able to get ahold of the person on the phone. Proceed to step 2. <2.> Contact the Front Desk (402) 465-2172 and let the supervisor know that you will not be at your scheduled shift (be sure to inform the supervisor where you are scheduled and for how long). If during an evening or a weekend, ask to speak with the Building Supervisor. If for some reason you are unable to get a hold of anyone, continue this step until you do (if calling before the facility opens, call back once the facility opens). The Front Desk Supervisor will then make a note on the Duty Log that the sick supervisor will not be at his/her shift. Each supervisor will get one (1) sick day per semester without points being assessed in accordance with the 10 Point System##.

Some illnesses may take more than just one day to recover from. Any situations where employees must miss multiple days will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

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Dress Code | Look The Part

All employees are expected to wear their STAFF shirt and nametag at all times while on duty. Not only will it make everyone on the staff look more professional, but it also makes it clear who the employees are in case any users have any questions. Employees should not wear their staff shirt at any of the time. Employees are responsible for keeping their shirts neat and clean. Employees will be provided with one shirt and one nametag. Additional shirts and nametags are available for a small fee. Nametags will be re-used and must be returned at the completion of an employees employment. Neat and clean casual pants or shorts are acceptable to wear with the following exceptions: No

Cut off pants or shorts Pants/shorts that do not go high enough on the employees waist to cover your underwear (in other words: no sagging) Vulgar or distasteful advertisements Sandals Hats

All employees must wear closed-toe shoes. This is for the employees safety and also sets a good example for users, who are also required to wear closed-toe shoes.

1 Best Job On Campus 2

Timesheets and Payday

Each employee is responsible for his/her timesheet. Failure to record hours onto a timesheet may result in not being paid for unrecorded hours. Timesheets are located in the timesheet binder at the front desk. Each payroll period begins on the 16th of the month and runs through the 15th of the following month. Student payday will occur on the last working day of each month. If the last day of the month occurs on a weekend or a holiday, student payroll will go through on the working day prior to that. Nebraska Wesleyan University uses direct deposit to pay all employees. Pay notices are available to view and print through WebAdvisor. Employees should record their hours at the completion of each shift. Employee should not fill in times before the work has been completed. Timesheets should not be removed from the front desk area. Any hours not recorded onto a timesheet may result in not being paid. Employees should round off the number of hours worked to the nearest quarter (0.25) hour in decimal form. o hour = .25 o hour = .50 o hour = .75 o Employees should not write in any other times other than those rounded to the quarter hour (example: do not write in 7:00pm 8:05pm). Timesheets will be collected at the end of the day on the 15th of each month. Payroll Information In order for students to be paid for oncampus positions, all appropriate payroll forms must be completed. 1. W-4 Form 2. I-9 Form 3. Direct Deposit Authorization Form These forms take approximately 5 minutes to complete and should be completed with the employees direct supervisor.

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Technology and Homework

Below are the parameters behind what is and isnt allowed with respect to technology and homework.

Cell Phones
Cell phone usage by employees while on duty is prohibited, including the use of nonphone functions such as games, calculator, calendar, etc. o EXCEPTION: Building Supervisors during evening and weekend shifts may use their cell phones for work-related reasons. For example: the Building Supervisor is attempting to resolve a situation from somewhere in the facility, but needs to talk to a professional staff member. o EXCEPTION: Front Desk supervisor may choose to their the personal cell phone to call a fellow employee who is not at work (for example, the 2:00pm Cardio Room supervisor does not show up for work, the Front Desk supervisor may elect to call this person via their own personal cell phone). Student employees may have their cell phones available in the case of a Wesleyan Alert System message. In the event of an emergency, it is of the utmost importance that everyone is aware of the situation immediately. o If a student employee receives a phone call or text message (or any other type of message) while on duty that is not from the Wesleyan Alert System, it should be ignored until the employee is no longer working.

Tablets (iPads, Kindles, Nooks, etc)

Tablet usage by employees while on duty is prohibited, with exception to reading magazines or books. Do not pretend to be reading while actually using your tablet for something else (like Facebook, Twitter, etc).

Laptop usage by employees while on duty is prohibited.

NEW FOR 2013-2014: homework is prohibited while working, with exception to reading (either a paper book or book on a tablet). Notes, notebooks, worksheets, etc. should be left put away.

Its important to remember that this is a job. Positions in Open Recreation are designed to help keep people safe and to provide a customer-service driven environment something thats difficult to do if a supervisor is engrossed in his/her homework. Students in other positions on campus are not allowed to study while at work.

1 Best Job On Campus 4

The Front Desk

The Front Desk serves as the headquarters for the Campus Rec program. The Front Desk has the desk area where users check into the facility, but also has an upper level where the employee mailboxes can be found. Employees may use these mailboxes however they see fit. Some employees keep their staff shirt and nametag in their mailboxes, where others have kept books and magazines. The front desk area also is where student timesheets are kept, as well as various attendance forms, accident reports, etc. *************************************** The Duty Log One form that is used at the front desk is called The Duty Log. A Duty Log will be used each day that recreation hours are held. The Duty Log serves as a daily record of what happened that day. The Duty Log is the employees way to document anything that may need some extra attention. It may relate to small problems or other items that need the professional staffs attention. On the front of the duty log is a section titled Employee Check-in. With as many hours as the Weary Center is open over the course of a day, itd be realistic for someone to not show up for work and for no one to notice. The check-in section of the duty log eliminates this possibility. When arriving for work, all employees should check in (note that this is different than filling out a timesheet). Employees simply need to write in their initials next to the times and areas theyll be working for that shift. Employees may check in for multiple hours at a time for this purpose. Front Desk Supervisors have the responsibility to check this section of the duty log and initial in the far-right column each hour. This is to ensure that all areas are covered at al times. If someone has not checked in for work, it is the front desk supervisors responsibility to investigate the absence with a phone call. Since the front desk phone will only make local calls, front desk supervisors have the following options for calling the missing employee: 1. Call the person using the calling card at the front desk. 2. Call the person using your personal cell phone (this is an exception where a mobile phone is OK to use while at work). 3. Call the professional staffs office to let him/her know that someone is not here for work. The professional staff can then make the call from his/her office. If youre unable to reach the missing person or the professional staff, leave a voicemail on the professional staffs office phone.

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The Front Desk supervisor is responsible for: Checking users into the facility Answering the phone Checking out equipment Monitoring the Resource Scheduler Monitoring employee check-in Monitoring Snyder Arena, the main lobby, classroom hallway and hall-of-fame hallway Anyone wishing to participate in Open Recreation or Intramural Sports must present their NWU ID Card or University Fob to gain admittance to the Weary Center, with the following exceptions: Students and faculty attending a scheduled class. The user here should indicate where he/she is going and for what reason. However, if the user attempts to walk past the front desk without indicating that he/she is going to class, stop the person and ask where they are going. Simply ask the person to inform the front desk person the next time as to avoid any confusion. In-season athletes attending a scheduled practice. These athletes should also indicate where he/she is going and for what reason. Again, if the user attempts to walk past the front desk without indicating that he/she is going to practice, stop the person and ask where they are going. Simply ask the person to inform the front desk person the next time as to avoid any confusion.

The Validation Book While WebAdvisor is used to check users into the facility (see next page), we also have The Validation Book. This notebook contains validation list for all students, faculty and staff. It essentially serves as a paper copy of the database that WebAdvisor uses. If at any point WebAdvisor isnt working, the front desk supervisor should reference the validation book to assist in the checking in of users. In the case of WebAdvisor not working properly and you are using the validation book, users do not need to sign the Validation book as long as they have their ID or Fob.

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Checking Users Into The Facility

At the front desk computer, open Internet Explorer. Once the web browser loads, youll have three different tabs available to you: WebAdvisor | Use to check users into the facility. The Resource Scheduler | Use to view what is going on inside the facility and surrounding courts and fields. The Campus Recreation (Weary Center) web page | Use as a resource to view additional hours, fitness classes, etc. Aside from those 3 pages, the computer is configured to block any other web site. Do not attempt to view any other sites while working the front desk. Checking your email or Facebook can wait until youre off of work.

WebAdvisor 1. Login to WebAdvisor with your NWU user name and password 2. Under the Current Students tab, you should see a link titled Weary Center Access. Click on it. 1. Login with the credentials located on the computer monitor.

Campus Recreation Web Page 1. There is no need to login. This page is for public viewing.

Using WebAdvisor | Once you login to WebAdvisor and click on the Weary Center Access link, you should see a screen similar to this:

Once you see this screen, be sure to notice the Select a Term box and use the drop-down menu to select the current term. Note: if you do not select the correct term, users will not check in correctly.

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Once you have selected the correct term, be sure that the cursor is blinking in the Student ID field (even if a faculty or staff member checks in, youll still use this field). If the cursor is not blinking in this field, IDs and fobs wont scan. When a user approaches the front desk, follow these steps: 1. Say hello. Make eye contact and welcome to the person to the Weary Center. 2. If the user has an ID card, take the ID from the person and swipe the card (the magnetic stripe on the card will need to face the green light on the card-reader). If the user has a fob, the user will be able to touch their fob to the fob-reader on the front counter. 3. If the person is given access to use the Weary Center, youll see a screen similar to this:

4. 5.

Next, click on the Submit button at the bottom of the screen. You are now ready to check in the next user! Note: sometimes there is a short lag in the time you hit submit until the next person can scan his/her ID/fob. If you need to, ask the next user to wait a moment until the check-in screen reappears.

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Occasionally, the computer will show a user as ACCESS DENIED. If a user is denied access, youll see a screen similar to this:

7. 8. 9.

If the user is denied access, inform the person that the computer is denying them access. DO NOT let allow the user to enter. Fill out a WebAdvisor Identification Error Form. Be sure to get the users name and write down the exact message from the computer. If the user insists that he/she is a student here, simply inform the user that the matter will be investigated, but, in the meantime, he/she cannot enter the Weary Center. a. If its during the day, you may send any users to visit with your direct supervisor. Sometimes people want to talk to someone higher up than the person sitting downstairs at the front desk.

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What to do if someone just walks past you at the Front Desk: 1. Stop the person. Say, excuse me, I need you to check in before you enter. 2. If the person says that they do not have their ID or Fob, see the section on No ID or Fob. 3. If the person enters anyway, even after youve asked him/her to stop, ask anyone at the Front Desk to wait for a moment and follow the person and say again, excuse me, I need for you to check in before you enter. 4. If the person still will not provide an ID or Fob, get the persons name if possible and call the professional staff person or the building supervisor on duty. No ID or No Fob | What to do if someone does not have his or her ID or fob: 1. Each semester students, faculty and staff have the ability to sign next to their name in the Validation Book. 2. Users may only sign the Validation Book one time per semester. This is allowed as a measure of good faith to users who may honestly forgot his/her ID or Fob. However, after a user has signed the Validation Book that user must bring his/her ID or Fob each time thereafter. 3. To have someone sign the Validation Book: a. Grab the Validation Book from the credenza at the front desk. b. Ask the user for his/her name. Do not allow the user to look up their own name (in the past, people have attempted to sign next to someone elses name). c. Once youve found the users name, manually enter their ID number (which can be found in the Validation Book). Make sure the picture matches the person before you allow him/her to sign. If the picture does not match, do not allow this person to enter. d. If the picture matches the person, point out to the person where to sign. Watch the person sign the book to ensure they are signing next to their own name. 4. If the person has already signed the Validation Book, he or she should not be allowed to enter. It does not matter if the person is coming in to use the Weight Room, play Intramural Sports, or is your best friend. All users are only permitted to sign the Validation Book one time per semester. Note: The Validation Book will not be immediately available at the beginning of each semester. Students have until the end of the first week of classes to validate, and it generally takes some time after that before the entire list can be populated in the Registrars office and sent to us for our use.

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The Resource Scheduler

With a facility as big as the Weary Center with as many different areas, its important to know exactly what is going on in each area of the facility. NWU has invested in a web-based interface called the Resource Scheduler. Through this interface, we are able to see everything that is scheduled in the facility, including classrooms, courts & fields and conference rooms. Login with the following credentials: n: wcstu (standing for weary center student) p: weary4ever

When youre at the front desk and you open Internet Explorer, one of the tabs that opens by default will be the resource scheduler. The login screen youll see will look like this:

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Using the Resource Scheduler Once youre logged into the scheduler, you have the ability to view all of the Weary Center schedules. You do not have the ability to add events, change events or delete events, so there is no worry about accidentally altering the schedules. On the left-hand side of the screen youll see a gold box that will list all of the different areas inside the facility. Click on a facility (see image below looking at Classroom 106B). If you click on a description with a + sign next to it, youll be able to view multiple areas at once, though depending on which of those you click on, its not always very readable when the schedules display (if you click on one facility at a time, you should have no problems viewing the schedules). The best way to go about learning how to use the Resource Scheduler is through trial and error. There is no right way to use it, as everyone may find something that works better for him or her. If you have any questions about the resource scheduler, please feel free to contact the professional staff person.

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The Campus Recreation (Weary Center) Website

The third tab that will automatically open when you open Internet Explorer is to the NWU Campus Recreation website. You will not need to use the website on a regular basis. The purpose for allowing the front desk supervisor to view the website is because it may often lead the supervisor to answer certain questions that may arise. Some general information that can be found on the website (these items are on the menu on the left-hand side): Policies Bike Checkout Information Family Time Information Guest Pass Information Intramural Sports Information Meeting Space Information Information about the recreational spaces the Weary Center has to offer Frequently asked questions Other information that can be found on the website (these items will generally be features on the picture that changes every few seconds) Information about our hours, closings, etc Fitness Class Information Intramural Sports Information Other pertinent information If you scroll to the bottom of this page youll see two columns. One is for events and another is for recent news stories. These may also prove useful for the front desk supervisor to be aware of.

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The Open Rec Blog

The fourth tab that will automatically open when you open Internet Explorer is to the Open Rec Blog. The goal of this blog is to make certain information readily available to all Open Recreation supervisors. From this site youll be able to view and download a current copy of the work schedule, an employee phone list, as well as see other pertinent information employees need to be aware of. Staff announcements will also be posted on this page. Some information on this site is password protected. If prompted for a password, enter: weary into the field and youll be able to access the information. That page will look something like this.

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Equipment Checkout
Checking Out Equipment 1. NEW FOR 2013-2014: To check out any equipment, users must have their NWU ID Card. The users ID will be kept at the front desk while the item is checked out. This will serve as collateral for the user to return the equipment. A fob is not acceptable for checking out equipment. 2. Have the user read the checkout form and legibly print their name and write down what they are checking out and any identification number on the equipment. Make the user then sign their name. 3. Prior to actually handing the equipment to the user, briefly look over the equipment being checked out to make sure it is in good repair (example: make sure the basketball doesnt have a hole in it). 4. Hand the user the requested item. NWU ID Cards are now required for checking out equipment. This will help ensure that all items are returned. Checking In Equipment 1. Take the item from the user and look it over to make sure it is in good repair. a. If not, make a note on the Duty Log indicating what was damaged and who was responsible. 2. NEW FOR 2013-2014: Return the users ID. 3. Find the users name on the checkout sheet and make sure the item number matches. 4. Initial the checkout form and tell the person, thank you. 5. Put the item away. At the end of the day check over the checkout sheets to make sure all items returned were initials as being returned. If not, check for the item and initial it. If not found, make a note in the Duty Log about the missing item. If a sheet is full and all items have been initials, throw the checkout sheet away. Bike Checkout Program | Checking Out A Bike Additional instructions for checking out a bike can be found in the Bike Checkout Notebook. 1. 2. A NWU ID Card is required to check out a bike for use. Detailed instructions are available in the Weary on Wheels notebook located at the Front Desk. Be sure the user has their NWU ID Card. We will hold this at the Front Desk as collateral. If the user does not have his/her ID, do not check out a bike to that person. A Fob will not be acceptable in this instance. IDs can be stored in the designated drawer at the front desk until the user returns the bike. Have the user read and sign the Bike Checkout Agreement and Waiver (theyre attached together with a staple). Bikes are stored in the room directly adjacent to the Front Desk. Each bike will have a bag attached to it for the storage of a lock. Look over the bike to make sure it is in good repair. You should also have the user stand over the bike to make sure they are tall enough to handle that particular bike. The user should be able to straddle the bike and have at least one inch of space between the bike and the users crotch. Give the user a bike helmet (required) and have the user try on the helmet. It should fit on the users head without being too big or too small. Give the user the appropriate key to match that bikes number. This is so that the user may lock up the bike if he/she needs to leave it unattended for any reason. Inform the user of when the bike needs to be returned. Bikes can be checked out for up to four (4) hours at a time, however, they must be returned before it is dark outside or 30 minutes before the Weary Center closes (for example, since the Weary Center closes at 7:00pm on Fridays the bike must be returned by 6:30pm). Once the user has everything he/she needs, fill out the Bike Checkout Log using the information provided by the user on the Bike Checkout Agreement (this log is filled out by the employee, not the user). The Bike Checkout Log is very similar to the equipment checkout log, but this is used exclusively for bike checkout.

3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8.


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Checking In A Bike 1. Take all items back and look over them to make sure they are in good repair. If not, be sure to fill out a Bike Maintenance Form (found in the Bike Checkout Notebook). A fee may be assessed to the user depending on the damage. 2. Be sure to check the bike back in on the Bike Checkout Log and circle the appropriate option as to the results of your bike inspection. Be sure to also initial the Bike Checkout Log. 3. Return the users ID card. Tell the user, thank you. 4. Return all equipment to their original locations. Lost & Found If an item is turned into the Front Desk, follow these steps: 1. Take the item. 2. List it as being Lost on the Lost & Found Log (a notebook located on the credenza at the front desk). 3. If during the day, place the item in front of the BS closet. The Building Supervisor will then put the item away when he/she comes on duty. 4. If a night or a weekend, go ahead and log the item and then give the item to the Building Supervisor to be put away. 5. If the item is something of value (electronic devices, a wallet, jewelry, car keys, etc.) call the professional staff. Items of significant value should not be kept downstairs. Note: since the BS closet remains locked during the business day, if someone inquires about a lost item call the professional staff. During evenings and weekends, the Building Supervisor will have access to the lost & found. Answering The Phone Just as the front desk supervisor is the first thing someone sees as they enter the Weary Center, the front desk supervisor is also the first person someone hears when they call the front desk. Its absolutely necessary to present yourself in a positive an energetic voice. The standard greeting you should use when answering the phone at the front desk is, Hello. Thank you for calling the Weary Center Front Desk. My name is __________, how may I help you? You may change the greeting as you see fit, within reason. Its important to tell the caller where they have called (in case of a wrong number), who you are, and that youre willing provide assistance. If you are taking a message for someone, or someone is looking for assistance that youre unable to provide, be sure to get their full name and phone number so that someone is able to return their call. Also, you have the options of transferring the call. Instructions on how to transfer a call are available at the Front Desk. Deliveries 1. The Front Desk Supervisor may sign for deliveries. 2. Deliveries for the concessions stand can typically be put into the room beneath the stairs by the Front Desk. a. For deliveries needing refrigeration (for example: hot dogs), call the professional staff so that those items can be stored appropriately. 3. Please place any invoices or packing slips inside the Duty Log notebook. 4. For any other deliveries, either make a call to the person responsible or you may also direct the delivery person to that persons office.

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The Cardio Room

Bikes, elliptical machines and treadmills highlight the cardio portion of the Cardio Room. Users also have access to the rooms weight equipment that includes dumbbells, and selectorized equipment. Spin bikes are also available with a television and DVD player dedicated for their use. The Cardio Room supervisor is responsible for the Cardio Room, Knight Field House and the Aerobics Room. When scheduled to work in the Cardio Room: Check in when you arrive on the Duty Log at the Front Desk. Before sitting down at the desk, walk through the Cardio Room and the Field House to familiarize yourself with your surroundings. Also o Make a mental note of how many users are in each of your areas. You should always know approximately how many users are in your areas. This shows that youre being alert. o If you notice anything that needs attention, tend to it. Supervise your areas at a high level. o If any users experience problems, you are the first person to respond. o Be available for questions. Be approachable. If you are engrossed in a book or magazine, users may not feel as though they can approach you. Greet or acknowledge everyone who enters the Cardio Room. Complete your assigned cleaning. The cleaning schedule can be found in the area desk drawer. A map of the area is also available in the drawer. Take attendance at the appropriate time. Attendance forms are located inside the desk drawer (and printed on the back of the cleaning schedule when applicable). Perform a round of the Field House a minimum of twice per hour. Walk around the perimeter of the Field House

When scheduled to open the Cardio Room: Turn on lights (light switch is located in Northwest corner of the room). Turn on all equipment (TVs, ellipticals, etc). Some of the equipment is self-powered and will not have an on/off button. An easy rule of thumb: if it has a power cord, there is an on/off switch. When scheduled to close the Cardio Room: Turn off lights. Turn off all equipment (TVs, ellipticals, etc). Some of the equipment is self-powered and will not have an on/off button. An easy rule of thumb: if it has a power cord, there is an on/off switch.

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Knight Field House

Three basketball courts and an indoor running track highlight Knight Field House. The Cardio Room Supervisor is responsible for supervising Knight Field House. When performing a round of the FH (a minimum of twice per hour), the supervisor should walk around the outside of the track and check for: o Doors that are ajar o Leaks o Broken windows Athletic Practices Monday Friday 3:00pm 7:00pm This time is designated Athletic Priority time. If a practice is scheduled during this time Open Rec will not be available in the Field House. The Cardio Room Supervisor needs to be aware of this and ask users to leave accordingly. The Cardio Room Supervisor can be aware of what is on the schedule by asking the Front Desk Supervisor to look at the Resource Scheduler. Tip: If working in the Cardio Room from 2:00pm-3:00pm and you know that Track Practice begins at 3:00pm, let the group of people playing basketball know that there is a practice beginning at 3:00pm and theyll need to leave by then. Tip: If nothing is scheduled in Snyder Arena, users may use that space during this time. The Cardio Room Supervisor needs to monitor the Field House during practices. If any users sneak into the Field House to play basketball during this time, it is the Cardio Room Supervisors responsibility to ask those users to leave. It is not the coachs responsibility to stop practice to ask users to leave. Unorganized Outdoor Sports Traditional outdoor sports (baseball, softball, football, Frisbee, etc.) are restricted to scheduled practices. In other words, users are not allowed to play catch inside the Field House. Indoor Track Information 1 Mile = 10 laps on inside lane 1 Mile = 8 laps on outside lane

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The Aerobics Room

The Aerobics Room is a private room equipped with mirrors, a television with DVD player and stereo with the capability to connect to an mp3 player. The Aerobics Room is ultimately the Cardio Room supervisors responsibility, however, it is a passive responsibility. The Cardio Room person should not feel the need to investigate anything happening in the Aerobics Room with exception to any suspicious behavior (loud noises, cries for help, etc.). The Aerobics Room is available on a first-come, first-served basis with exception to some previously scheduled reservations (which can be viewed on the Resource Scheduler). The key to the Aerobics Room can be checked out at the Weary Center front desk and users are asked to use it for just one hour at a time.

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The Weight Room and Circuit Training Room

Free weights and selectorized equipment highlight the Weight and Circuit Rooms. The Weight Room supervisor is responsible for the Weight Room, Circuit Room and Racquetball Courts. When scheduled to work in the Weight Room: Check in when you arrive on the Duty Log at the Front Desk. Before sitting down at the desk, walk through the Weight Room, Circuit Room and the hallway outside the Racquetball courts to familiarize yourself with your surroundings. Also o Make a mental note of how many users are in your areas. You should always know approximately how many users are in your areas. This shows that youre being alert. o If you notice anything that needs attention, tend to it. Supervise your areas at a high level. o If any users experience problems, you are the first person to respond. o Be available for questions. Be approachable. If you are engrossed in a book or magazine, users may not feel as though they can approach you. Greet or acknowledge everyone who enters the Weight Room. Complete your assigned cleaning. The cleaning schedule can be found in the area desk drawer. A map of the area is also available in the drawer. Take attendance at the appropriate time. Attendance forms are located inside the area desk drawer (and printed on the back of the cleaning schedule when applicable). Perform a round of your areas a minimum of twice per hour. You should not be seated at the desk for the entire shift.

When scheduled to open the Weight Room: Turn on lights in the Weight Room (light switch located behind the desk) and in the Circuit Room (light switch located on wall just North of the door frame inside the Weight Room). The Circuit Room lights will take a few minutes to completely turn on. Turn on all equipment (radios, etc). When scheduled to close the Cardio Room: Turn off lights. Turn off all equipment.

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Weight Room Spotting The Weight Room can be a very dangerous place to work out if not careful. Just like a lifeguard is able to respond a moments notice, the Weight Room Supervisor must be able to assist any users struggling with a lift. Step 1: Pay attention at all times. Step 2: If you notice a user struggling with a lift, your #1 priority is to get there as soon as possible to assist the user. Step 3: Determine the degree of seriousness this lifter is experiencing (ask the user if not obvious). Does he/she just need a small amount of assistance? Or is the user in serious trouble? Step 4: Use whatever means necessary to get the weight off of the lifter (if the situation is not serious, provide whatever assistance the lifter needs). Some options available to you: Stand above the lifters head and assist with the lift Life one side of the bar (allowing the bar to crash to the floor; its more important to help the user be safe than to worry about weights crashing to the floor) Start pulling weights off of one side (again, allowing weights to crash to the floor) Ask other users for help

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The Racquetball Courts

The Racquetball Courts provide NWU users the ability to play racquetball in an enclosed, safe environment. Some users may also elect to use the racquetball court as a place to do additional stretching, walleyball or even some indoor soccer (with an appropriate ball). Users are required to wear goggles when playing racquetball. It is the Weight Room Supervisors responsibility to monitor whether or not goggles are being worn and to enforce the goggles policy. If a user does not want to wear goggles, he/she is not allowed to play racquetball. Goggles are available for checkout at the Front Desk. The user will need his/her ID to check out a pair of goggles.

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The Swimming Pool

The Swimming Pool offers NWU users the opportunity to swim recreationally in a number of ways. Open swim, lap swim as well as some other activities like basketball and volleyball are available as well. *Community Pass holders do not have access to the pool. The Nebraska Wesleyan University pool operates as a Class F pool in the State of Nebraska. Although by law NWU is not required to have a lifeguard on deck at all times, its the policy of Nebraska Wesleyan to always have a lifeguard on deck during pool hours as an extra precaution. Lifeguards are part of the Open Recreation staff, however theyre also their separate entity. They work within the Open Recreation program, however, they require a different set of certifications. If a lifeguard does not show up for duty, then the pool must be closed until a lifeguard can be on duty. When lifeguard opens the pool: He/she will turn on the pool lights and radio and will then unlock both the mens and womens locker room doors. When his/her replacement arrives, this lifeguard can leave the pool in his/her hands. If his/her replacement does not arrive for work, this lifeguard may clear the pool deck and lock the locker room doors (thus making sure no one is in the pool when there is no lifeguard on deck). In this scenario, if it is not the last shift of the day, the lifeguard should leave the lights ON for the next lifeguard. When a lifeguard closes the pool: He/she will clear the pool and pool deck. He/she will lock both the mens and womens locker room doors. He/she will then check all exterior emergency exit doors to ensure they are closed. He/she will turn off the pool lights and radio. He/she will exit through the pool doors near the office and ensure the door closes securely behind them.

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Snyder Arena
Snyder Arena hosts all NWU home volleyball and basketball contests. Six baskets are available in Snyder Arena for shooting. Two full-courts of basketball can be play if played in an East/West direction. Snyder Arena is available for Open Recreation when other events and activities are not scheduled. The Front Desk Supervisor is responsible for knowing what is scheduled in Snyder Arena and for enforcing that schedule. Practices, games and HHP classes are normally the only roadblocks to Open Recreation taking place in Snyder Arena. The Front Desk person should encourage users to use non-street shoes when using Snyder Arena (however, that is not something that needs to be strictly enforced).

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It is the responsibility of the student employees to clean all of the workout facilities. Custodians are responsible for cleaning the restrooms, locker rooms and drinking fountains along with special projects. Custodians are not responsible for cleaning the workout facilities with exception to occasionally shampooing the carpet or mopping the weight room floor. In order to keep the Weary Center a clean and safe place for users to recreate, it is absolutely necessary that our equipment stay in the best possible working order. The best way to do this is to keep our equipment as clean as possible. There are three primary reasons why its important to keep the facility and its equipment clean: 1. Clean equipment is more attractive than dirty equipment. Think about any prospective student touring the campus if you were that student would you want to go to a school whose rec center wasnt clean? 2. From a hygiene perspective, clean equipment is safer. With the threats of MRSA, swine flu, etc., its imperative we keep the facility clean. 3. Clean equipment is less likely to break down. Equipment is going to be out of order from time to time, but clean equipment breaks down less often than dirty equipment. Each area has a cleaning schedule for its supervisor to complete every hour. These cleaning schedules are not made as busy work, but rather are there to ensure that everything gets cleaned in a timely fashion. The cleaning schedule maps out the minimum amount of cleaning that should be done each hour. If you notice something that needs to be cleaned, please clean it even if its not your assigned cleaning. After a supervisor has cleaned the assigned area or task, he/she should place their initials next to the task on the cleaning schedule. The Building Supervisors will check the cleaning each shift to make sure everything is being cleaned appropriately. The Building Supervisors are expected to write up any cleaning that is not done at a high level. Note: the Building Supervisors understand that while its possible for someone to clean an area at 8:00am, and by the time the cleaning is being checked by 5:00pm that area may not appear as though it was just cleaned. For those types of situations, the Building Supervisor will be looking for obvious signs of areas being cleaned. Dust settling on an area or a piece of equipment is an indicator that something wasnt cleaned. Its one thing for equipment to get dirty over the course of the day it takes much longer for dust to settle. If you are not sure what is expected with respect to cleaning, refer to the instructions found on the next two pages (also found in the area desks).

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Cardio Room Cleaning Descriptions Black Mats Under Equipment | Using a cleaning towel found under the desk and some of the user cleaner, spray down these mats and use the
towel to wipe down these mats located under some of our equipment.

Black Sit Up Mats | Using a cleaning towel found under the desk and some of the user cleaner, spray down these mats and use the towel to wipe
down these mats located near the dumbbells.

Door Handles | Using Clorox Wipes, wipe down the door handles/crash bars on the doors to the Cardio Room. Be sure to do this to the main
doors as well as the back doors to the room.

Dumbbells, Bottom Row | Using a cleaning towel found under the desk and some of the user cleaner, spray some cleaner onto the towel and
simply wipe down each of the dumbbells on the bottom row of the rack.

Dumbbells, Top Row | Using a cleaning towel found under the desk and some of the user cleaner, spray some cleaner onto the towel and simply
wipe down each of the dumbbells on the top row of the rack.

Empty Vacuums (if applicable) | Empty the receptacle on the mini-vacuum. Maintenance is responsible for changing the vacuum bags on the
traditional, upright vacuum.

Equipment | Using a cleaning towel found under the desk and some of the user cleaner, clean all of the equipment in the indicated area. Be sure to
wipe down the entire piece of equipment, including the equipment frame. Using Fantastik (found in the desk) should help to remove any marks found on the equipment.

Organize Desk | Straighten up the desk. Remove any miscellaneous items/junk that does not need to stay in the desk. This may include pens that
dont work, old news bulletins, etc.

Straighten Up, Organize Magazines, etc. | Straighten up the room. Re-organize any magazines that are sitting on the cubbies. Make the room
look as if it has just opened and is ready to go.

Treadmills | Using a cleaning towel found under the desk and some of the user cleaner, wipe down the entire treadmill frame, display panel, and
deck. Be sure not to spray cleaner directly onto the display panel. Treadmills will also be cleaned as part of Area 5; however, with as expensive as the treadmills are, its necessary to clean them more often.

Vacuum | Vacuum the assigned area using both the upright vacuum and mini-vacuum. Windows | Using paper towels and window cleaner found under the desk, clean windows in the assigned area. Clean both the inside and outside of the

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Weight Room Cleaning Descriptions Ab Mats | Using one of the user towels and some of the user cleaner, spray these black mats in the Circuit Room and wipe them down with the
towel. Do this to both side of the mat.

Bench Press Bars | Using a cleaning towel found under the desk and some of the user cleaner, spray the cleaner onto the towel and wipe down the
bench press bars.

Bench Press Pads | Using one of the user towels and some of the user cleaner, spray down the bench press pads and wipe down with towel. Black & Gold Mat | Using one of the user towels and some of the user cleaner, spray down the mat and wipe down with towel. Dumbbells < 30 Pounds | Using a cleaning towel found under the desk and some of the user cleaner, spray some cleaner onto the towel and wipe
down each of the dumbbells that are 30 pounds or less.

Dumbbells > 30 Pounds | Using a cleaning towel found under the desk and some of the user cleaner, spray some cleaner onto the towel and wipe
down each of the dumbbells that are greater than 30 pounds.

Dumbbell Racks | Using a cleaning towel found under the desk and some of the user cleaner, spray some cleaner onto the towel and wipe down all
of the dumbbell racks. Move whatever dumbbells you can to do a thorough job cleanings.

Empty Vacuums (if applicable) | Empty the receptacle on the mini-vacuum. Maintenance is responsible for changing the vacuum bags on the
traditional, upright vacuum.

Equipment | Using a cleaning towel found under the desk and some of the user cleaner, clean all of the equipment in the indicated area. Be sure to
wipe down the entire piece of equipment, including the equipment frame. Using Fantastik (found in the desk) should help to remove any marks found on the equipment.

Exercise Balls | Using a cleaning towel found under the desk and some of the user cleaner, spray some cleaner onto the towel and wipe down the
exercise balls.

Medicine Balls | Using a cleaning towel found under the desk and some of the user cleaner, spray some cleaner onto the towel and wipe down the
medicine balls.

Mirrors | Using paper towels and window cleaner found under the desk, clean mirrors in the assigned area. Rack Weights | Rack all weights. Every bench press, squat rack, lifting platform should be racked. Also, any miscellaneous dumbbells, or other
weights in the Circuit Room should be returned to their location. The Weight Room should look ready to open after completing this task.

Squat Bars | Using a cleaning towel found under the desk and some of the user cleaner, spray the cleaner onto the towel and wipe down the squat

Organize Dumbbell Racks | Return any stray dumbbells to their location. If any dumbbells are racked in the wrong order, return them to the
correct location.

Organize Weight Room Desk | Straighten up the desk. Remove any miscellaneous items/junk that does not need to stay in the desk. This may
include pens that dont work, old news bulletins, etc.

Vacuum | Vacuum the assigned area using both the upright vacuum and mini-vacuum. Vacuum Dumbbell Racks | Using the mini-vac, vacuum around the dumbbell racks. You should also be able to use the hose on the vacuum to
vacuum between some of the weights (dont just vacuum the floor, but you can also vacuum the racks, too).

Windows | Using paper towels and window cleaner found under the desk, clean windows in the assigned area. Due to how the cleaning schedule is
setup, you will only need to clean one side of the window (either the Circuit Room side or Weight Room side). In the Cardio Room the supervisor must clean both sides of the window.

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Area Attendance
The Area Supervisors will take attendance every hour on the half-hour. Forms are provided in each area and are printed on the backside of the cleaning schedules. Count everyone in your area(s) and write the number into the corresponding field on the attendance form. Use whole numbers, not tally marks. DO NOT count athletes that are participating in an athletic practice in the Field House. DO NOT count students in an HHP class in the Field House. In those instances, simply write HHP Class or Track Practice (or whatever is appropriate) instead of a number. The last shift each day is responsible for totaling the days attendance. Attendance sheets are collected and new ones are distributed by the Building Supervisor responsible for closing the last day of the week (typically on Sunday nights, with exceptions being before campus breaks and during campus breaks).

No Show Coverage Policy

If someone does not show up for work (regardless of the reason), follow this process to make sure that all areas are covered: 1. The Front Desk and Weight Room should always be staffed. Supervisors should rotate around however necessary to make sure that these areas are covered. The Cardio Room is the least important area to have covered. The Front Desk and Weight Room take priority. 2. The Front Desk Supervisor should call the person who is scheduled to establish if he/she is coming in to work or not. 3. Attendance and Cleaning: 3.1 If we do not have a Cardio Room Supervisor, before 5:00pm on weekdays, the Weight Room Supervisor is also responsible for taking attendance in the Cardio Room. The Weight Room Supervisor should be away from the Weight Room just long enough to complete this task and return to the Weight Room. 3.2 If we do not have a Cardio Room Supervisor, before 5:00pm on weekdays, the person who works after the unstaffed shift is responsible for completing the assigned cleaning. 3.3 After 5:00pm and on weekends, the Building Supervisor is responsible for all attendance and cleaning of the unsupervised area. 4. Make sure all no-shows and course of action that is taken is recorded onto the Duty Log and that a 10 Point System Infraction form is filled out accordingly.

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The 10 Point System

The 10 Point System is designed to serve as a self-monitoring device to keep student employees accountable to their employment responsibilities. In this way, a students job status is determined by his or her accumulation of points. The system is not intended to create an atmosphere of fear, but rather it is used simply to make sure that everyone is doing his or her job. In this way, the professional staff fires no one. Employees control their continued employment. For most employees, the 10 Point System runs in the background and is a non-issue. The 10 Point System is used over the course of one academic year. A notification of points will be sent via email if an employee has violated any of the below parameters. When an employee accumulates five (5) points, the employee should consider this their formal written warning. If there are any questions about an infraction, the employee has seven (7) days from the date of the notice to contact the Assistant Director to discuss the infraction. An accumulation of 10 points over the period of one academic year will result in immediate termination. At that point, the employee has the option of writing a letter of appeal which will be considered by the Director, Assistant Director and Building Supervisors. Any letters of appeal must be submitted within seven (7) days of the final notice. 3 Points 3 Points 5 Points 5 Points 5 Points 5 Points 7 Points 7 points 7 Points 10 Points 10 Points 10 Points 10 Points 10 Points Failure to wear STAFF shirt or nametag Incorrectly completing forms (maintenance reports, duty log, attendance forms, etc.) Late for assigned duty Late for substituted duty Failure to perform to your job description (as determined by the description in the staff handbook or by the Building Supervisor or Professional Staff) Misuse of a cellular phone (as determined by Building Supervisor or Professional Staff) Failure to attend a scheduled meeting or training Failure to show up for assigned hours Failure to show up for substituted hours Failure to enforce or abide by Weary Center rules, policies and procedures Falsifying of timesheet Failure to attend staff training Failure to gain certification in CPR Showing up for work while under the influence of drugs, alcohol, etc

*If any other sort of infraction occurs that is not listed above and the Professional Staff believes action needs to be taken, the employee will receive notification explaining the infraction. *If an employee reaches the 10-point level when termination occurs, he/she may write a letter of appeal. This letter should be typed and either hand-delivered or emailed as an attachment to the Assistant Director. The letter should explain what happened and why you feel a second chance should be awarded. Upon receipt of this letter, it will be reviewed and the employee will be informed of the decision within one week of receiving the letter, but due to the timeline of possibly needing to hire a replacement, this decision will be made as soon as possible. *Upon receiving 10 points, the employee should not arrive to work his/her scheduled shifts. It will be the professional staffs responsibility to fill these shifts during the appeal process. If the employee is re-instated, he/she will resume working his/her shifts as scheduled. *All employees should feel free to defend themselves. If you feel circumstances were out of your control and you received a loss of points, please visit with the professional staff to discuss.

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Family Time
Purpose of Family Time
The purpose of family time is to provide faculty, staff and students with children an opportunity to recreate as a family. Hours Available: Saturday 1:00p 5:00p Sunday 1:00p 5:00p Update: Traditional Family Time hours will take place during the Fall and Spring semesters, and will begin on the weekend after classes begin. For summer and winter break, family time hours will take place during the evening recreation hours.

Eligible participants for Family Time includes NWU faculty, staff and students; their spouse or partner, and their children. A Family Time form must be completed before the first Family Time participation each semester.

Family Time Policies

1. 2. Children and spouse of faculty, staff or students may not bring guests. Children must be under direct supervision defined as: a parent and child playing directly together or within reach of each other. 3. No one under the age of 18 is allowed in the Weight Room or Cardio Room. 4. Children under the age of 16 are not allowed in the Circuit Room. 5. Children (16 and older) and parents must work together on the same weight machine, and within arms reach of each other when in the Circuit Room. 6. Strollers are not allowed in the workout areas, including Knight Field House. 7. All children and parents must adhere to all Weary Center policies. 8. All current faculty, staff, student and community pass members will have access to workout areas during Family Time. In other words, no areas are reserved specifically for Family Time. 9. Access to certain areas will be limited during any scheduled special events. 10. All users must respond appropriately when approached by a Weary Center employee.

Front Desk Instructions

Families coming to Family Time must check in at the front desk and must fill out a Family Time form, found in the Family Time notebook. 1. Scan the ID/FOB of the faculty, staff, or student member. 2. Look up the familys information in the Family Time notebook and make sure the form is complete. a. If not, ask the user to complete the form. 3. Record the names of everyone on the family time attendance form. 4. Tell the family to, have fun!

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Guest Policy
Day Passes
All students, faculty and staff may bring one guest with them to work out for a $5 fee. If someone would like to purchase a guest pass, follow these steps. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Make sure the guest is over 18. If theres any question, ask to see a drivers license. Fill out the Guest Pass Form. All guests must have an NWU sponsor. There is a $5 fee. We do not have change available. For this reason, we can only accept exact change or a personal check written to NWU. Tell them, thank you and allow them to enter. Put the money and the form in an envelope, label it, and put it with the Duty Log. Guests may not check out equipment, attend fitness classes or play intramurals.

Community Pass
The university recognizes the Weary Centers potential to accommodate the fitness needs of the public on a limited basis. In opening our fitness facilities, our intention is not to become a fitness club, but rather to have pass holders become a part of our extended campus community. ** Community Pass packets are available at the Weary Center Front Desk. ** Persons wishing to purchase a Community Pass may pick up a packet for review or may elect to fill it out at the front desk. If the person wishes to fill everything out on-site, the Front Desk Supervisor may let this person into the facility if: 1. The person completes the registration form. 2. The person completes the waiver. 3. The person pays the registration fee (exact cash or personal check made out to NWU for the amount) Once all three requirements have been met, let the person use the Weary Center. All materials (registration form, waiver and payment) can be sent up with the Duty Log. A Community Pass will then be created for this person, which the person will be able to pick up from the Front Desk. This pass is typically ready sometime the next business day. Please inform any persons purchasing a pass that they will need to present it each time at the Front Desk to gain access to the facility. A pass purchased during the Fall semester will be valid through Winter Break (typically Mid-January). A pass purchased during the Spring semester will be valid through Summer Break (typically mid-August). As is tradition with institutions of higher education, the Weary Center will be closed for Open Recreation over holidays and other University Breaks. **Community Passes do not grant access to the swimming pool.

Special Guests of Faculty and Staff

All NWU employees are allowed one Special Guest pass. This may go to a spouse, partner or friend of the employee. For a special guest pass to be issued, the NWU employee and the guest must start at the Business Office where a form will be filled out. The guest will then be issued instructions on acquiring an ID card. If any questions about this arise, please send these questions to the professional staff.

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Lockers, Locks & Towels

Lockers may be checked out by faculty, staff and commuter students only. The lockers in the Field House Locker room are the only lockers available for check out. The locker check out form is posted on the bulletin board inside the Front Desk area. Only the lockers listed area available for checkout. Fill in all information for the person requesting the locker next to the locker number. Inform the user that they will have to provide their own lock and they must empty their locker at the end of the semester. There are two types of lockers available in the Field House locker room. There are small lockers and larger, transfer lockers. The large transfer lockers are not available for checkout. While a user is working out, he/she may move his/her belongs into the transfer locker for the duration of the workout, however, after the workout is complete all belongings must be moved back into the small locker. Any abuses of transfer locker use are subject to the users lock being removed and any contents of the locker will be available for pickup at the Front Desk.

Note: this picture is not of a Weary Center locker room.

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Snow Day Information

If classes are cancelled for an entire day due to weather, open recreation hours will be available from 2:00pm 8:00pm. If only evening classes are cancelled (or if the University closes at any point after the work day has already begun), the open recreation hours will remain open until 8:00pm that evening. If only morning classes are cancelled, open recreation hours will begin at the same time that classes resume. All intramural sports and fitness classes will be cancelled on all snow days. Some examples: 1. Classes are cancelled for the entire day, however, youre normally scheduled to work that day from 12:00pm 4:00pm. Under this scenario, you would need to arrive for work at 2:00pm when the facility is set to open and you would complete your shift at 4:00pm. 2. Classes are cancelled effective at 3:30pm (which would likely be the case for a storm that hits during the day), however, youre normally scheduled to work from 5:00pm 8:00p. Under this scenario, you would report to work as any other day. 3. Classes are cancelled effective at 3:30pm, however, youre normally scheduled to work from 8:00pm 11:00pm. Under this scenario, you would not need to report to work since the Weary Center will close at 8:00pm under this scenario. 4. A late start of 12:00pm has been announced (meaning all morning classes are cancelled, however, classes will resume at 12:00pm). Youre normally scheduled to work from 11:00am 1:00pm. Under this scenario, you would need to report for only the 12:00pm 1:00pm portion of your shift.

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Incident & Ejection Policies

If an incident or policy infraction occurs: 1. Inform the user, in a calm, non-threatening voice and professional manner, of their infraction and ask the person to correct their behavior. 2. If the infraction occurs again inform the user, in a calm, non-threatening voice and professional manner, that this is their second warning and failure to correct their behavior will result in them being required to leave the facility. 3. If the infraction occurs a third time start ejection procedures.

1. Inform the user that they have had two warnings and they are not required to leave the facility. Also inform the user that he/she will need to speak with the Director or Assistant Director in order to be able to use the facility again. If the user refuses to leave, get the Building Supervisor (unless you are the Building Supervisor, then get another employee) and ask the user to leave again. If the user refuses again, do not try to force the person to leave. Call Campus Security and inform security that someone has been ejected from the facility, is refusing to leave and request an officer for assistance. The employee that has been dealing with the situation should meet the security officer at the tower entrance as long as someone is able to cover his or her scheduled area. Lead the security officer to the offender and let him/her handle the situation. Fill out an incident report. Be very detailed, including all parts of the process. In case of a serious incident (such as a fight), a warning is not needed to eject someone from the facility.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

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Equipment Repair & Maintenance Policies

Equipment Repair Procedures
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Investigate the problem, taking into account what the user has to say. Ask what happened before the problem, what sounds were heard, did something on the equipment break/stick/fall, etc. If the problem is a result of user error, educate the user on the proper use of the equipment. If the problem is due to broken equipment, place an out-of-order sign on the equipment. Fill out an Equipment Repair Report. Be very detailed. Leave the Equipment Repair Report at the Front Desk with the Duty Log.

Facility Maintenance Request Procedure

1. 2. 3. If necessary, place an out-of-order or caution sign on or near the location of the problem. Fill out a Facility Maintenance Report. Be very detailed. Leave the Facility Maintenance Report at the Front Desk with the Duty Log.

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Customer Service
Smile and verbally greet everyone who comes by you or that you pass. Dont let your bad day affect the way you treat users. Be alert and aware of what is going on around you at all times. Get up and get moving (exception: being at the Front Desk or Circuit Room). You will look more professional if you are doing something other than sitting at the desk. Sitting at the desk for long periods may make you appear lazy and uncaring. Be pro-active. If someone looks a bit confused, that person could probably use your assistance. Say hello and ask if they need help or have a question. Remember that you are working for the users and you should make sure they have having the best experience possible, every time they come into the Weary Center. Since you never know whom you are dealing with. Treat everyone the same way you would want to be treated yourself. Be knowledgeable. This includes the equipment in your area, activities going on in the facility, and upcoming activities. Check the calendars at the front desk when you arrive to work. Just because you may not know the answer to everything doesnt mean you cant find the answer. Deal with problems up front and right away. For example, stop people who try to walk by the front desk and educate those people of the policies. Never say, I cant help and leave it at that. Say, let me find that out and Ill make sure that someone follows up on it.

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Conflict Management
Be knowledgeable. Know the policies and procedures. This is your first line of defense. Take the attitude of, Im just doing my job. Stand slightly to the side of the person when talking to him or her. Do not stand face-to-face with anyone. Do not corner anyone. Do not touch the person. Give him or her their space. Keep a calm, soft voice. If you feel yourself getting upset, take a deep breath. Think about what you want to say. Then speak. State only the facts. Do not argue. This may mean that you will have to repeat yourself many times. It is hard to argue with a broken record. Do not use fighting words. Dont give the person anything to fight against. Use phrases like: I understand what you are saying Our policies state I will be willing to listen when you are speaking calmly Give the person information that cant be argued with. My job is to enforce policy and Weary Center policy states If you would like, you may speak with the Director Listen. Do not cut the person off unless they are being abusive. Let them tell the whole story and then inform them of the policy or what is going to happen. Letting them express their frustration can help even if they do not get the answer they want. It feels good to be heard. If the person keeps walking away and wont listen to you, inform them of the policy they are breaking and the procedure that you are required to follow. This may mean calling campus security to have the person removed. Fill out an Incident Report on anyone that you have an issue or problem with. Report everything. Even things you are able to resolve. Documentation is a valuable resource. Check out the Incident Procedures and Ejection Procedures section of this handbook.

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General Facility Policies

Use of the Weary Center is a privilege. Acceptable rules of conduct must be observed at all times. Anyone violating posted policies, or engaging in any disorderly conduct or inappropriate behavior, including verbal or physical abuse of employees or other users, is subject to immediate removal with loss of facility privileges. Any student found to have violated University policies, rules or regulations is subject to the disciplinary sanctions outlined in Article V of the Student Code of Conduct. 1. Entry to the Weary Center must be made through the front tower entrance. a. A small number of users may have access to the back (East) fob entrance. While these individuals have the privilege of entering through the back entrance, they are still required to check in at the Front Desk. b. All users entering the Weary Center must check in with the Front Desk supervisor when using any of the workout/recreation areas. c. Students, faculty and staff must present a valid NWU ID card or University Fob to gain admittance. d. Faculty and staff and Special Guests must show a current NWU ID card or University Fob. i. A Special Guest is typically a spouse or partner of a faculty or staff member. Any Special Guests are issued an ID Card that should scan at the Front Desk. ii. All paperwork related to Special Guests is handled through the Business Office. e. Athletes while in-season, attending a scheduled practice do not need to show ID to enter the facility. However, they must stop and indicate to the Front Desk Supervisor on duty that they are attending a practice. f. HHP students attending a scheduled practice do not need to show ID to enter the facility. However, they must stop and indicate to the Front Desk Supervisor on duty that they are attending a practice. g. Community Pass holders must present their card to the Front Desk Supervisor. The supervisor should inspect this pass and ensure that the pass is not expired. Food, bottled and canned drinks (including bottled water), and tobacco products are not allowed in any recreation or athletic area unless otherwise posted. Exception: clear, (non-colored) water bottles containing water only may be carried into the Cardiovascular Room. Spitting is not allowed and will not be tolerated. Pets, bicycles, skateboards, scooters and roller blades are not allowed in the Weary Center a. Exception: the Bike Checkout Program b. Exception: service animals No unorganized outdoor sports may be played in the Weary Center, including the Field House. The NWU Athletic, HHP, and RAF departments are not responsible for loss of individual equipment due to theft. Users and guests are advised not to bring valuables to the Weary Center. If it is necessary to bring valuables, it is recommended they be secured in lockers during workouts. Lost and Found items can be claimed at the Front Desk after 5:00p M-F and during open recreation hours on weekends. Open Recreation hours may occasionally be disrupted by scheduled activities. Changes in the schedule will be available at the Front Desk as well as the Weary Center web site ( and Facebook and Twitter pages.


3. 4.

5. 6.


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Aerobics Room Policies

1. Shirts, athletic shoes, and proper athletic attire must be worn at all times. A sports bra does not count as a shirt in this area. A shirt must be worn over sports bras in this area. A sports bra is only acceptable in the Field House. 2. Users are responsible for all valuables and personal items. 3. Users should not attempt to use equipment on which they have not received instruction. Users should ask the supervisor on duty if instruction is needed. 4. Users should immediately report any injury or facility/equipment problems to the supervisor on duty. 5. Users must remove and rack all weights after using a piece of equipment. Users should not move equipment, or modify equipment in any way. 6. No chalk is allowed in the workout areas. 7. Weights should not be leaned against walls, glass or equipment. 8. Users must obey all the time limits placed on equipment during peak times. 9. Screaming or use of offensive language will not be tolerated in the facility. 10. Equipment shall not be removed from the Weight Room at any time, for any reason. 11. Radio station selection and volume will be monitored and changed by the supervisor. 12. Use exercise machines and equipment only for their intended use. *There is a one-hour time limit for Aerobics Room use. *Organized groups (i.e. Spirit Squad, STEP team, etc) may not use the room for practices during Open Recreation hours. Any organized group wishing to use the Aerobics Room regularly needs to make arrangements with the professional staff.

Cardio Room Policies

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Shirts, athletic shoes, and proper athletic attire must be worn at all times. A sports bra does not count as a shirt in this area. A shirt must be worn over sports bras in this area. A sports bra is only acceptable in the Field House. Users are responsible for all valuables and personal items. Users should not attempt to use equipment on which they have not received instruction. Users should ask the supervisor on duty if instruction is needed. Users should immediately report any injury or facility/equipment problems to the supervisor on duty. Users must remove and rack all weights after using a piece of equipment. Dumbbells must be returned to the proper storage area. Users should not move equipment, or modify equipment in any way. Users must not rest weights on the benches between sets. No chalk is allowed in the workout areas. Slamming or dropping of free weights is prohibited. Weights should not be leaned against walls, glass or equipment. Spotters are encouraged when appropriate. The supervisor on duty may be asked by the user to act as a spotter. Users must obey all the time limits placed on equipment during peak times. Screaming or use of offensive language will not be tolerated in the facility. Equipment shall not be removed from the Cardio Room at any time, for any reason. Television station selection and volume will be monitored and changed by the supervisor. Use exercise machines and equipment only for their intended use.

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Knight Field House Policies

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The indoor track is for running, jogging and walking only. Faster runners should pass to the outside of slower runners. No walking, jogging or running three or more abreast. Clockwise runners and walkers should use outside lanes. Runners and walkers should move to outside lanes when other activities are taking place on the field house floor. No unorganized outdoor sports may be played in the Weary Center, including the Field House. Unorganized outdoor sports include, but are not limited to: a. Football b. Soccer c. Frisbee Golf d. Baseball e. Softball

1 Mile = 10 laps on inside lane 1 Mile = 8 laps on outside lane

Racquetball Court Policies

All three courts are available on a first-come, first-served basis for one hour at a time. Reservations for racquetball courts will not be taken at the Front Desk. If someone feels their circumstances allow for it, any arrangements must be made through the facility director. 1. 2. No street shoes should be worn in the racquetball courts. Eye guards (goggles) must be worn during racquetball and handball.

Weight and Circuit Room Policies

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Shirts, athletic shoes, and proper athletic attire must be worn at all times. A sports bra does not count as a shirt in this area. A shirt must be worn over sports bras in this area. A sports bra is only acceptable in the Field House. Users are responsible for all valuables and personal items. Users should not attempt to use equipment on which they have not received instruction. Users should ask the supervisor on duty if instruction is needed. Users should immediately report any injury or facility/equipment problems to the supervisor on duty. Users must remove and rack all weights after using a piece of equipment. Dumbbells must be returned to the proper storage area. Users should not move equipment, or modify equipment in any way. Users must not rest weights on the benches between sets. No chalk is allowed in the workout areas. Slamming or dropping of free weights is prohibited. Weights should not be leaned against walls, glass or equipment. Spotters are encouraged when appropriate. The supervisor on duty may be asked by the user to act as a spotter. Users must obey all the time limits placed on equipment during peak times. Screaming or use of offensive language will not be tolerated in the facility. Equipment shall not be removed from the Weight Room at any time, for any reason. Radio station selection and volume will be monitored and changed by the supervisor. Use exercise machines and equipment only for their intended use.

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Emergency Procedures Overview

The Weary Center Emergency Procedures plan is to be used by all Weary Center student employees in the event of an emergency. This plan provides for a universal organizational structure for all areas and programs within the Weary Center. This plan assigns employees specific tasks to perform in an emergency. This plan also provides helpful information for a wide range of injuries and illnesses, which may assist a student employee in the event of an emergency. Simply put, if all student employees in the facility perform responsibly in an emergency, the emergency should be handled as swiftly, responsibly, and professionally. Everyones safety is the #1 priority.

NOTE: if some type of emergency happens in the Weary Center (whether it be some sort of explosion, fire, medical emergency, etc.), as an employee at the Weary Center you are being asked to not talk about it. NWU has a Public Relations Director who handles all media and press information (outside of local tv/radio/newspaper covering athletic events). If asked any questions after such an incident please answer, no comment and feel free to direct them towards your immediate supervisor.

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If there is a fire in the building, sound the alarm by setting off a fire alarm pull station. If the fire alarm sounds, it is the obligation of the student staff to see that the building is evacuated in a timely, but safe manner. While the alarm is going off, an automated message is announced throughout the facility in addition to a more traditional siren. Simplex, the company that manages the facilitys security system, will alert the Lincoln Fire Department of a fire. Students, faculty, staff and all other persons in the facility must head to the nearest exit in an orderly fashion. Once outside the facility, everyone needs to stand away from the building. No one should re-enter the facility until the all clear has been given by the Fire Department. In the event of a fire drill, the NWU maintenance department will give the all clear. Front Desk Supervisor Responsibilities 1. Check all classrooms and ask everyone to evacuate immediately. 2. Check the restrooms across from the classrooms and ask everyone to evacuate immediately. 3. Check Snyder Arena and ask everyone to evacuate immediately (if an event is occurring in Snyder Arena, the Event Management staff on duty will be responsible for evacuating Snyder Arena). 4. Remain at the Front Desk to receive confirmation from the other Area Supervisors that their areas are clear. Once all Area Supervisors (and Building Supervisors, if during an evening or weekend) have reported to you, exit the facility. Cardio Room Supervisor Responsibilities 1. Check the Cardio Room and ask everyone to evacuate immediately. 2. Check the Aerobics Room and ask everyone to evacuate immediately. 3. Check the restrooms across from the Cardio Room and ask everyone to evacuate immediately. 4. Report back to the Front Desk Supervisor and inform him/her that your areas are clear. 5. Exit the facility. Weight Room Supervisor Responsibilities 1. Check the Weight Room and ask everyone to evacuate immediately. 2. Check the Circuit Room and ask everyone to evacuate immediately. 3. Check the Racquetball Courts and ask everyone to evacuate immediately. 4. Check the Locker Rooms across from the Racquetball Courts and ask everyone to evacuate immediately. 5. Report back to the Front Desk Supervisor and inform him/her that you areas are clear. 6. Exit the Facility. Building Supervisor Responsibilities 1. Check the Office Suite and ask everyone to evacuate immediately. 2. Check the Athletic Training Room and ask everyone to evacuate immediately. 3. Check the Locker Rooms across from the Athletic Training Room and ask everyone to evacuate immediately. 4. Report back to the Front Desk Supervisor to ensure that the entire facility has been evacuated.
*As you ask users to evacuate immediately, be forceful. All users are to evacuate immediately. Even if it is believed to be a fire drill, you must prepare for the worst. Do not allow users to take their time to gather their belongings. In a real emergency, every second counts. *During weekdays, it is likely that NWU maintenance employees will also be attempting to get users out of the building. If anyone tells you to exit the facility, remember that it is your responsibility to get the users in your area out of the facility. Do not leave your areas until they are clear.

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Front Desk Supervisor Responsibilities 1. Check all classrooms and ask everyone to take cover immediately. 2. Check Snyder Arena and ask everyone to take cover immediately (if an event is occurring in Snyder Arena, the Event Management staff on duty will be responsible for evacuating Snyder Arena). 3. Remain at the Front Desk to receive confirmation from the other Area Supervisors that their areas are clear. Once all Area Supervisors (and Building Supervisors, if during an evening or weekend) have reported to you, take cover. Cardio Room Supervisor Responsibilities 1. Check the Cardio Room and ask everyone to take cover immediately. 2. Check the Aerobics Room and ask everyone to take cover immediately. 3. Check the restrooms across from the Cardio Room and ask everyone to take cover immediately. 4. Report back to the Front Desk Supervisor and inform him/her that you areas are clear. 5. Take cover. Weight Room Supervisor Responsibilities 1. Check the Weight Room and ask everyone to take cover immediately. 2. Check the Circuit Room and ask everyone to take cover immediately. 3. Check the Racquetball Courts and ask everyone to take cover immediately. 4. Report back to the Front Desk Supervisor and inform him/her that you areas are clear. a. You may elect to call the Front Desk rather than walking 5. Take cover. Building Supervisor Responsibilities 1. Check the Office Suite and ask everyone to take cover immediately. 2. Check the Athletic Training Room and ask everyone to take cover immediately. 3. Check the Locker Rooms across from the Athletic Training Room and ask everyone to evacuate immediately. 4. Report back to the Front Desk to ensure that the entire facility has been cleared and everyone has taken shelter. 5. Take cover.

Weary Center Tornado Shelter Locations Places To Go: 1. Locker Rooms near Weight Room 2. Restrooms in Classroom Hallway 3. Locker Rooms near Pool Places To Stay Away From: 1. Knight Field House 2. Pool 3. Snyder Arena 4. Areas with glass 5. Areas with heavy equipment

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In case of a stolen item, fill out an Incident Report so that we have a record of what happened. However, there is a very limited amount of options for a theft. The person who had the item stolen should contact Campus Security. The person who had the item stolen may also wish to contact the Lincoln Police Department. Aside from those options, you may write the users information down on the lost & found log. This way, if the missing item is found, we can contact the owner.

Power Failure
In the event of a power failure: 1. Keep everyone calm. 2. Advise individuals to stay where they are until power is restored or until emergency lighting has been activated. 3. Student employees should check through the facility for anyone who may be in danger. 4. Call the Director and/or Assistant Director to notify them of the situation. The Weary Center is equipped with emergency lighting, which, in an emergency should keep major hallways and areas somewhat lit.

Bomb Threat
NWU will not evacuate a building that is subject to a bomb threat until a designated official of NWU or an official of the Fire Department, Police Department or Fire Marshalls office requests that the building be evacuated. A bomb threat will be handled swiftly, carefully, and with the least amount of publicity as possible. If you receive a bomb threat: 1. Keep the caller on the phone as long as possible. Take notes if possible. 2. Ask the caller to tell you when and where the bomb will go off. 3. Listen for any strange or peculiar background noises such as motors running, background music, etc which might give law enforcement a clue as to the location of the call. 4. Listen closely to the voice. Listen for voice quality, an accent, speech impediment, etc. 5. Call the Director and Assistant Director immediately upon hanging up the phone. If you are unable to reach either of them, your next call should be to Campus Security. 6. Prepare to be questioned by law enforcement personnel.

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Active Shooter
In the event someone in the facility has a gun and intends to use it, follow these procedures: 1. 2. Call 911 immediately. Get as many people as possible to safety, including yourself. a. Attempt to lock doors between you and the shooter. b. Place as many barriers (chairs, desks, filing cabinets, etc) between you and the shooter as possible. c. If possible, turn off the lights in the room so that the shooter cannot easily see you. d. Remain as quiet as possible so that the shooter cannot hear you. Wait for law enforcement to arrive and respond accordingly.


Characteristics of an Active Shooter: 1. Active shooters usually focus on assaulting persons whom they come into contact with. 2. Active shooters typically express hatred, rage or revenge. 3. Active shooters are likely to engage in more than one target. 4. Intent may be to kill as many persons as quickly as possible.

Suspicious Persons
The potential for someone to enter the facility who does not belong inside the Weary Center always exists, especially during evenings and weekends. As supervisors in the facility, it is important to keep our users safe. Possible examples of suspicious persons: Children (during non-Family Time hours) Adults (for example, during Intramural sports) Anyone who is in an area he/she has no reason to be in Supervisors always need to be aware of who is in their area(s). In this way, we can keep the facility safe. During the day, if you notice someone who might fall into this suspicious person category, contact the professional staff. During evenings and weekends, Building Supervisors have the responsibility to investigate these situations. What to do if there are suspicious persons in the facility: 1. Say hello to the person(s). 2. Ask the person if there is something you can help him/her find, or if they need assistance in any way. a. Often times the person simply needs assistance to find what he/she is looking for. b. If the person doesnt have a good reason as to why he/she is in the facility, ask him/her to leave. 3. If the situation escalates or you feel unsafe at any point, call campus security (or police, if applicable). 4. Fill out an Incident Report. Be descriptive. Be factual.

Symptoms of Suicidal Thinking: 1. Talking openly about committing suicide or talking indirectly about wanting out or ending it all. 2. Expressing a sense of hopelessness 3. Withdrawing from friends and social activities 4. Taking unnecessary or life-threatening risks 5. Giving away personal possessions 6. Losing interest in personal appearance 7. Increasing use of drugs or alcohol 8. Having attempted suicide in the past If you notice someone who shows signs of suicidal thinking, contact professional staff immediately. They may be able to refer the student in question to the NWU Student Support System. There are various resources on campus available to students who need help. If a suicide occurs in the building, your first phone call should be 911. Your next phone calls should be to the professional staff. The professional staff will be able to walk you through the necessary steps to handle the situation.

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Emergencies | How To Handle Them

There are three primary types of injuries: Life Threatening Non-Life Threatening, Serious Illness / Major Injury Non-Life Threatening, minor injury

Life Threatening Injury

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Do not panic. Stay calm. Call 911 or have someone else call 911 as soon as possible. Check the scene for safety. If the victim is conscious and coherent, get permission to help. a. If the victim is unconscious or incoherent, it is assume that they would want your help. Provide care for the victim until help arrives. a. You may not be able to do much for the victim. If you are certified in First Aid you may be able to provide direct assistance. If you are not certified in First Aid, you should be careful in your actions. Talk to the victim. Ask how you can help. b. You may get: ice, band-aids, wet compress. Complete an Emergency Report Form and turn it in with the Duty Log. Notify the professional staff.

6. 7.

Non-Life Threatening Injury | Serious Illness or Major Injury

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Do not panic. Stay calm. Check the scene for safety. If the victim is conscious and coherent, get permission to help. Call 911 or have someone else call 911 if necessary. Provide care for the victim. a. You may not be able to do much for the victim. If you are certified in First Aid you may be able to provide direct assistance. If you are not certified in First Aid, you should be careful in your actions. Talk to the victim. Ask how you can help. 6. Begin filling out an Emergency Report Form. 7. Advice the victim of care and transportation options (located on Emergency Report Form). Have the victim sign the report if possible. 8. As an employee, you cannot transport the victim to the hospital. 9. As en employee, you cannot advise the victim on where to go. Your responsibility is to simply provide the victim with his/her options. 10. Complete the Emergency Report Form and turn it in with the Duty Log.

Non-Life Threatening Injury | Minor Illness or Minor Injury

1. 2. 3. 4. Do not panic. Stay calm. Check the scene for safety. If the victim is conscious and coherent, get permission to help. Provide care for the victim. a. You may not be able to do much for the victim. If you are certified in First Aid you may be able to provide direct assistance. If you are not certified in First Aid, you should be careful in your actions. Talk to the victim. Ask how you can help. Begin filling out an Emergency Report Form. Advice the victim of care and transportation options (located on Emergency Report Form). Have the victim sign the report if possible. As an employee, you cannot transport the victim to the hospital. As en employee, you cannot advise the victim on where to go. Your responsibility is to simply provide the victim with his/her options. Complete the Emergency Report Form and turn it in with the Duty Log.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

If an emergency does not allow for you to fill out an Emergency Report Form during the emergency, it is still absolutely necessary to complete a report to the best of your ability. Even if you are unable to complete the entire report, fill out as much as you can. There is no such thing as too much information on one of these reports.
The Emergency Report Form serves as a record for the emergency and could become a document in any potential litigation that could result from the emergency.

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Symptoms: Redness Painful or Painless Swelling Dry skin or white-ish skin Blisters Care:

Call 911 or Poison Control if necessary Cool with cool or cold water (do not use ice) Remove any jewelry, clothing, shoes, etc that are directly affected by the burn

Chest Pains
Symptoms: Persistent chest pain or discomfort An unbearable crushing sensation that may spread to neck, jaw and arms Breathing difficulties Skin may be pale, ashen, or blush in color Profuse sweating Nauseated / Vomiting Care: The key symptom of a heart attack is persistent chest pain

Call 911 Have victim stop activity and rest Be prepared to begin CPR

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Partial Airway Obstruction Symptoms: A cough in an attempt to dislodge the object May be able to speak May make a wheezing sound Clutching his or her throat with one or both hands Partial Airway Obstruction Care: If the victim is coughing forcefully or wheezing do not interfere with his/her attempts Stay with the victim Encourage the victim to continue to cough to clear the obstruction Call 911 if necessary Complete Airway Obstruction Symptoms: Choking and is unable to speak, breathe, or cough May cough weakly and ineffectively May make high-pitched noises Clutching at his or her throat with one or both hands Complete Airway Obstruction Care: Call 911 If conscious perform Heimlich Maneuver ask for consent If the victim becomes unconscious try to open the airway by using the head-tilt/chin-lift method and attempt 2 rescue breaths

Symptoms: Changes in level of consciousness, including dizziness, drowsiness and confusion May have extreme thirst, hunger, dry skin, fruity breath, blurred vision or sweating Irregular breathing Abnormal pulse Shaky, irritable, anxious Care:

If the victim is unconscious, call 911 If the victim is conscious, ask if he or she has diabetes or look for a medical alert tag If the conscious victim can take food or fluids, ask for consent to help and give him/her sugar (candy, fruit juice, non-diet soft drinks) If the victim does not feel better approximately 5 minutes after taking sugar, call 911

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Symptoms: Lightheaded or dizzy Pale, cool or moist skin Nauseated Numbness or tingling in the fingers and toes Blurred vision Care:

Prevent victim from falling Position victim on his/her back Elevate the victims legs Do not give the victim food or drink Do not splash water or place a wet cloth on the victims foreheard Call 911 if necessary

Head, Neck and Back

Symptoms: Changes in level of consciousness Severe pain or pressure in the head, neck or back Tingling or loss of sensation in the extremities Partial or complete loss of movement of any body part Sudden loss of memory or balance Blood or other fluids in the ears or nose Impaired breathing or impaired vision Nausea or vomiting Persistent headache Care:

Call 911 Minimize movement of any body part Maintain an open airway Monitor consciousness and breathing Control any external bleeding Keep the victim comfortable

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Heat and Cold Exposure

Heat Exhaustion Symptoms: Cool, moist, pale skin Headache Nausea Dizziness and weakness Exhaustion No longer sweating Heat Exhaustion Care: Have victim discontinue activity Cool the body move to shade or air conditioning slowly Elevate the victims legs 8-10 inches Loosen any tight clothing Call 911 if necessary Heat Stroke Symptoms: Refuses water Vomiting Changes in the victims level of consciousness Red, hot skin which may be either dry or moist Rapid, weak pulse Rapid, shallow breathing No longer sweating Heat Stroke Care: If the victim feels nauseated or vomits, stop giving fluids Position the victim on his/her side to clear airway Monitor breathing and consciousness Continue to cool the body do not move an unconsciousness person Call 911 if necessary Frostbite Symptoms: Swelling Skin color changing from white to red to purple Loss of function and absence of pain Blisters Slurred speech Memory Loss Frostbite Care: Make the victim comfortable Remove any wet clothing and dry the victim Warm the victims body gradually by adding dry clothing Move victim to a warm place do not move an unconscious person Call 911 if necessary

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Hypothermia Symptoms: Shivering Numbness Glassy stare Apathy Loss of consciousness Hypothermia Care: Make the victim comfortable Remove any wet clothing and dry the victim Warm the victims body gradually by adding dry clothing Move the victim to a warm place do not move an unconscious person

Insect Stings and Bites

Symptoms: Redness/swelling at site Pain/tenderness at site Development of hives, rash, itching and burning skins Difficult breathing Anxious Care:

Gently scrape area with credit card to remove possible stinger Apply cold compress Monitor airways if difficulty breathing call 911

Symptoms: Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea Chest or abdominal pain Difficulty breathing Sweating Loss of consciousness Seizure Irregular pupil size, burning or tearing eyes Anxious Care:

Place victim in a safe environment Check for life-threatening conditions call 911 if necessary Call Poison Control (1-800-222-1222) have as much information available as possible at the time of the call (such as, what was ingested, how much, etc).

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Symptoms: Sudden rise of body temperature Change in level of consciousness Jerking may become rigid Confusion or crying out May hold their breath or may breath shallowly Upward rolling eyes Care

Call 911 Do not hold or restrain the victim Do not attempt to stop the seizure Protect the victim from injury Maintain open airway Protect the persons head When the seizure ends place the victim on his/her side in the recovery position When the seizure is over, the person will likely be drowsy and disoriented and will need to rest. If breathing becomes abnormal during the seizure, it usually returns to normal shortly afterwards.

Symptoms: Restlessness/Irritability Rapid, weak pulse Rapid breathing Pale, ashen or blush, cool, moist skin Excessive thirst Nausea/Vomiting Drowsiness or loss of consciousness Care:

Call 911 Monitor breathing and consciousness Make the victim comfortable Reassure the victim Have the victim lie down and elevate his/her legs 12 inches if the victim is not nauseated or if you do not suspect head, neck or back injuries or broken bones Do not give the victim anything to eat or drink

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Sprains, Strains and Dislocations

Symptoms: Pain/Swelling Deformity Discoloration of the skin Inability to use the affected area normally Oss of sensation in the affected part (typically only found in dislocations) Care

Call 911 if the injury involves the head or spine, the injury impairs walking or breathing, or if you suspect it would be difficult to move the victim Avoid any movements that would cause extreme pain Keep the victim comfortable Provide ice when possible Look for symptoms of shock

Symptoms: Look or feeling ill Abnormal behavior Sudden weakness and numbness of the face, arms, or legs on one side of the body Difficulty talking or being understood Vision may be blurred or dimmed Pupils of the eyes may be of unequal size Sudden, severe headache Dizziness, confusion or change in mood Ringing in the ears Victim may begin to drool May become unconscious Care for Stroke: Call 911 immediately Monitor breathing If fluid or vomit is in the victims mouth, position the victim on his/her side Offer comfort and reassurance Do not give the victim anything to eat or drink Although a stroke may cause the victim to experience difficulty speaking, he or she can usually understand what you say. You may have to develop a nonverbal system, such as hand-squeezing or eye blinking to communicate

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Appendix A | Pool Emergency

The potential for an emergency in the pool exists any time the pool deck is accessible by users. One of the most dangerous scenarios for a lifeguard is when there is just one swimmer in the pool in other words, when there isnt anyone else around to help. If an emergency exists in the pool where a lifeguard may need assistance, follow these protocols: 1. The lifeguard will use the pool intercom to reach the front desk supervisor. Once the lifeguard has paged the front desk supervisor, he or she may need to immediately enter the water to make a rescue. The front desk supervisor should then assume the emergency is serious and get to the pool deck (even if the front desk person is busy checking users into the facility, he/she should inform anyone to wait until he/she returns). a. If possible without slowing you down, grab any other people you can when heading to the pool deck. When arriving on the pool deck, the lifeguard will instruct the front desk supervisor on what to do next. a. Depending on the situation, the lifeguard may need the other person to actually get into the water, call 911 or get additional help. Whatever the lifeguard asks for is the law until emergency personnel arrives.




If, for some reason, the pool intercom is not working, the lifeguard may call the Front Desk (x2172). Once dialed, the lifeguard may drop the phone (do not hang it up) and the front desk supervisor will be able to know that it is the pool calling via caller ID. If a lifeguard is not on the other end of the line, the front desk supervisor should assume theres an emergency in the pool.

Pool Intercom Instructions

1. Simply press the button on the pool intercom until you hear a loud BEEP. 2. Once you hear the beep, simply talk into the intercom as if it were a walkie-talkie. 3. The call ends as soon as the button is released. *The pool intercom is only to be used for emergencies.

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Appendix B | Public Relations Emergency

The likelihood of a situation or emergency occurring that would warrant any media outlets to arrive at the Weary Center to cover a story are small (for scheduled events, such as athletic contests and theatre events, this does not apply). However, if something would happen (for example, a fire, large brawl, death, etc), you are being asked as an employee at the Weary Center to not comment. If asked about what happened, please direct the question to your employment supervisor. Eventually, if everyone does what they are supposed to do, the question will eventually get to the Public Relations Director, who is responsible for addressing the media in those types of situations.

In 2006, the Phi Kappa Tau fraternity on campus caught fire. This was a situation, had it been the Weary Center that caught fire, that employees would be asked to not comment. In addition to the public relations aspect of such a tragedy, depending on the event the employee could potentially be liable (for example, if the employees negligence contributed to the emergency). By not speaking about the situation, the employee could potentially be protecting him/herself from litigation as well. If ever in doubt, the safe way to handle a situation is to not comment to any media outlets during or after an emergency.

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