Iec1107 Test

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Our current test meter no.


IEC1107 mode c protocol serial conf:9600 7E1 /?873411060122! <CR><LF> Meter responds as in above fig. /BSM5\2P2000 Then <ACK> 051 <CR><LF> #06 051 #06 is hex code for ACK 873411060122 is meter no.

5 means stay in 9600 baud rate Then Meter responds

For reading we should give command with OBIS code as follows <SOH>R1<STX>1-1:32.7.0()<ETX>

Our command #01 R1#02 1-1:32.7.0( )#03 For reading voltage A

You can see others in the log above. Following is the snap of program capture of reading the meter by dataview software of the bluestar company

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