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Basic Environmental Safety Act

The environment around our great nation is in dire need of the help of the Vlastian people. As the presenter of this bill, I, the President and Founding Father of Vlastia, decree that there is a way that the average person can help out both in our wonderful Vlastia, and in the US, where many of our people reside, and whom we split from.

There are many simple methods available that show how the common man can help improve our environment, for we are all the worlds citizens, and Vlastia believes, as well as many other nations around the globe, both micronational and macronational, that these little ways can build up and help a whole lot. The following are the methods that are required, or at least recommended of our citizens: 1. Do not leave your computer on all day and night (bad for the computer as well) 2. Conserve water in any way possible 3. Recycle plastic bottles, cardboard, paper, and other recyclables 4. Use reusable cups for water, soda, coffee, and other beverages 5. Telecommunication is preferred over physical meetups a. E-mail, Skype, and other online methods are preferred to reach the Republic b. Papers presented by the people, or from inside the government should be PDFs 6. If something can be donated rather than trashed, donate it. a. This also helps our revolutionary cause, and betters our standing in the world community.

Published by the Communist Party of Vlastia

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