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3. 3.

Research Population
Purposive sampling will be utilized wherein participants were selected in a non-random fashion to achieve a certain goal. Purposive sampling refers to participants that are chosen to be included in the sample based on the particular purpose of the study (Polit and Beck, 2008). The study will gather data from 30 participants in the selected locale. These will be composed of regular working women with ages ranging from 50 to 60. The participants will be given questionnaires and will have an ample time to complete the survey. After collecting the questionnaires, the responses will be analyzed and recorded.

3. 4. Research Instrumentation
The use of a questionnaire will be implemented for the study. It will consist of the respondents demographic data comprised of the ff. information such as age, job, position, job description, hours at work, place and length of stay at work. Civil status; number of children, if there are any; and the

diagnosis of the disease which will involve the history of the disease will also be included in this aspect. A Likert scale will be used in the assessment of the coping mechanisms done by the respondents upon diagnosis with osteoporosis. It will be divided into 3 parts, namely: (a) Knowledge on the disease, (b) Feelings and attitudes towards the disease and (c) Sources of knowledge regarding the disease. In connection with this, factors affecting or contributing to coping mechanisms will also be identified and will be further divided into two factors: the external factor, which will include diet and work; and the internal factor, which will include management of the disease. There will be a total of 30 questionnaires that will be handed to the population of 50 60 year old osteoporotic working females.

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