Bhagavad Gita (BG) Class - Minutes - 22SEP2010 - Session #11

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Bhagavad Gita (BG) Class Minutes 22SEP2010 Session #11 What is meant by evolving?

ng? How do you see yourself evolving? o In the last ten years, have I evolved? Slide: What is the meaning of work o Understand the notion of work o Work could provide you not only small and ordinary benefits but also help as a vehicle for salvation Slokas 2.47 and 2.48 o Talking about a much larger context o Disconnect Karma and results Connecting Karma to results leads to ahankara o When we associate Karma more and more with results, then tendency for risk management increases o Simple act of deep sleep is a demonstration of disconnection of Karma and results o Goal orientation is different from result orientation o Modern incentive mechanisms promote connection of Karma with results Root of problems like the sub-prime crisis o Action is in the present and result is in the future Too much result-orientation will lead to loss of focus of the present o When we are deeply engrossed in something and we have lost the sense of space and time Then Karma and results are totally disconnected o This disconnection will lead us to a discovery of a whole different world Sloka 2.49 o Efficiency Work must evolve us into a better spiritual state Work should lead to inner development Swami Vivekananda: Education is man-making o Buddhi should be used to gain disconnection between Karma and results Sloka 2.53 o One of the most powerful ways to calm the mind is to achieve this disconnection o Also leads to lot of conservation of our energy o Idea of Bhakti, Bhagavad Prasada, Sharanagati tattva will help us achieve this energy conservation

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