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Bhagavad Gita (BG) Class Minutes 06AUG2010 Contrary to western thinking, Indian wisdom presses on the world of dualities

es that of good and bad and the importance of equanimity Slokas 18-30 of Chapter 2 reflect the fundamental way of Indian thinking Analytical thinking is constrained by what you already know Ancient Indian wisdom, maximum discussion happens on understanding birth and death Shankaracharya states a meaning of Purana: as something with which is both old (pura cha) and new (nava cha) Sloka 2:19 o I is dealt with at a different plane of reality o That plane is different from the realm of the material world Sloka 2-20 o How could death and no death co-exist? Think about the waves and the ocean Ocean : Larger manifestation of a principle Wave: Smaller manifestation of a principle in a particular way Sloka 2:22 o Change your perspectives your response and stimulus will change o Every physical being has to go through 6 forms Birth, Existence, Growth, Transformation, Decline and Death Shvethashwathara Upanishad: o Everyone is essentially immortal o It is a matter of ability to understand this o Difference in western and eastern thinking: When someone dies: Westerners say: Somebody lost their soul Indians say: The soul lost the body And then we burn the body so that it disintegrates to the five elements Ishavasya Upanishad: o Nature is all-pervasive and all-connected one must understand this Mission and Vision of an organization o These are nothing but the changeless things of a changing entity Sloka 2:23 o Atman: One can only describe it with similies, by using surrogates much like one cannot describe electricity directly but can only talk about what it would do. o This is because this is beyond that realm of physical medium; Can understand the concept only through inference. o A grosser item cannot influence a subtler item to influence it needs to be atleast as subtle. o Managers should strive to understand the sukshma tattva if we only see the stula or the gross things then it will lead to short-sightedness Sloka 2:24 o Moment you uncoil from the physical medium, new world of opportunities will open, understanding of life will change All these are self-management ideas if one can manage oneself and then he/she could manage anything.

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