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The average motion of all grahas are as below (Ref: BV Raman Graha/Bhava Bala).

Graha Sun Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Mean Motion 0.98560265450 0 0.52401933300 Same as Sun 0.08309633300 Same as Sun 0.03343933330

All units are degrees per Savana Day. # DefinitionStrength Meaning Sign Change? Explanation The Graha is going in reverse direction but has not changed to previous sign. If the Graha continued in it's average speed it still would have been in the same sign. The Graha is going in reverse sign direction and also crossed previous sign. After Changing to previous sign the power is reduce from 60 to 30 but still has not come to normal

1 Vakra



2 Anuvakra 30


And Moving Previous sign

3 Vikal



The graha has not moved. (Actually the graha can never be in absolute stationary motion, So the day it's moving from reverse to forward can be taken as stationary day) The Graha is going the below average speed. While trying to go below average speed, The graha has to put some effort (energy) this energy level is 30 The Grahas has crossed a sign on a below average speed, After changing the sign the graha's energy reduces from 30 to 15 but the graha still has to exert some effort

4 Manda


Slow/Below Average

5 Mandatara15

Slow/Below Average

And Moving Next sign

6 Sama



7 Chara


Fast/Above Average

The Graha going in above average speed, To do this acceleration it has to exert effort of 45 Kalas. While going on above average speed the graha has moved to next sign, The sign is like a destination achieved, So the energy level is lower to 35 from 45. But still the graha has not come to normal speed in this state.

8 Atichara 30

Fast/Above Average And Moving Next sign

Let me write briefly on each pada bhaava in tabular form, House 1 and 7th

Natural Pada 1

2nd and 8th


1st house as a pada shows very much not only about the individual but also the choice of spouce etc. If there are benefics in this house, the person can get desired satisfaction from partners(Which could also mean many spouces if bad). 3rd house not only shows about our savings and family it shows about our anxiety and poverty. Malefics here could show results of both 2nd and 8th, This could show even begging, due to no savings and poverty. 3rd can show all siblings like persons who are extension of

3rd and 9th


4th and 10th


family 2nd house and can also show much support to remove anxiety 8th house. 5th normal shows children, But in other ways it can show also about 3rd and 9th house. 5th can show intelligence when initiated. 3rd house is for initiation and 5th is the constant mantra japa one does after initiation. 9th house is all elders(pitri) who want our lineage to increase by 5th house. Benefics in 5th can both show good initiation and also blessings from pitris. 4th house is mana or mind, 7th house is reflection of mind, it shows up in the way we interact with people. 10th house is profession and self-esteem, This also shows up in the way we behave with others 7th. Good job (10th) is sometimes insisted for good marriage (7th) by some. 9th house shows bhaagya, If we have much income (11th) one can be considered fortunate. So analysis of 11th house involved also the 9th house. If we take 5th house to be children, then 9th house is grandchildren, Thus benefics in 9th house can give both good children and also grandchildren. 11th house is income, The income is directly dependent on our spending habits 12th and also our debts 6th house. Malefics in 11th can makes take a lot of long term debts and bad expenditure. 11th house is hara and 12th house is salvation or moksha. 11th house directly shows whether we are attached or not. The

5th and 11th


6th and 12th


"want" of more stuff is shown in 11th. Our past debts is seen in 6th and chances for moksha in 12th. Muhurtha Table: Assuming Sunrise, Sunset, Mid-Noon and Mid-Night are at 6AM, 6PM 12Noon and 12Night respectively. Note, that these can vary depending on location and day of the year. Time Abhijit (Noon) Start 11:36 12:24 13:12 14:00 14:48 15:36 16:24 17:12 18:00 18:48 19:36 20:24 21:12 22:00 22:48 23:36 00:24 01:12 02:00 02:48 End 12:24 13:12 14:00 14:48 15:36 16:24 17:12 18:00 18:48 19:36 20:24 21:12 22:00 22:48 23:36 00:24 01:12 02:00 02:48 03:36 Muhurtha # 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Deity Hari (aja) vivesha udaka nirti vsava mitra akrgni maruta tva arka aryama bhaga pitaro ahi jva aditi ia (Rudra) candra pitmaha Nakshatra Number 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Nakshatra Abhjit U. Ashada P. Ashada Moola Jyeshta Anuradha Vishaka PRADOSHA Swati Chitra Hasta U. Phalguni P. Phalguni Magha Ashlesha Pushya Punarvasu Ardra Mriga Rohini


Pradosha (Dusk) NIGHT

Kaali (Mid Night)

Brahma Muhurta Morning


Abhijit (Noon)

Pradosha (Dusk) NIGHT

Kaali (Mid Night)

03:36 04:24 05:12 06:00 06:48 07:36 08:24 09:12 10:00 10:48 11:36 12:24 13:12 14:00 14:48 15:36 16:24 17:12 18:00 18:48 19:36 20:24 21:12 22:00 22:48 23:36

04:24 05:12 06:00 06:48 07:36 08:24 09:12 10:00 10:48 11:36 12:24 13:12 14:00 14:48 15:36 16:24 17:12 18:00 18:48 19:36 20:24 21:12 22:00 22:48 23:36 00:24

28 vahni 29 yama 30 1 dasra 2 p 3 ahirbudhnya 4 ajapd 5 ambupa 6 vasava 7 govinda 8 Hari (aja) 9 vivesha 10 udaka 11 nirti 12 vsava 13 mitra 14 akrgni 15 16 maruta 17 tva 18 arka 19 aryama 20 bhaga 21 pitaro 22 ahi 23 jva

3 2 1 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8

Krittika Bharani BRAHMA Ashwini Revati U. Bhadrapada P. Bhadrapada Shatabhishaj Dhanishta Sravana Abhjit U. Ashada P. Ashada Moola Jyeshta Anuradha Vishaka PRADOSHA Swati Chitra Hasta U. Phalguni P. Phalguni Magha Ashlesha Pushya

Brahma Muhurta

00:24 01:12 02:00 02:48 03:36 04:24 05:12

01:12 02:00 02:48 03:36 04:24 05:12 06:00

24 25 26 27 28 29 30

aditi ia candra pitmaha vahni yama

7 6 5 4 3 2

Punarvasu Ardra Mriga Rohini Krittika Bharani BRAHMA

Let me put this in tabular form, Divisional Temporary Lagna Meaning of temporary lagna indicating prime intellectual focus. Children and intelligence Losses Main karma Meaning of or success divisional karma or what the person whishes to succeed in. nd 2 house Family and savings. th 9 house Works towards fortune th Focuses on 8 house 8th house income, since focuses more in D3 chart it on weakness. would be physical

D9-Dharma 5th house & marriage D2-Wealth 12th House D311th house Siblings or Parakrama

D4-Fixed properties

10th house


7th house lagna

income. Hence increase in strength Focuses on 7th house ruling ,by getting more land and property since it's D4) Shows that 4th house the person is seeking partners

Indicates that the person works towards enjoyments. 4th house is paataala, It's told in purana's that children prevent one falling in hell and uplifts the pitris to heaven by tarpana. Hence the karma is towards removal from paataala. Putra pu+tra =putra. Where pu refers to a

D10-Karma 4th house


2nd house

Home and 1st house happiness. (lagna) Nature of the individual is to get more fruits by less karma. The intellect in this divisional always focuses on sitting at home Family, The 11th house focus of this divisional chart is family. As it was created by your parents. The person's intellect in this chart always focuses on family as created by

type of hell Power, position and self well being. The person wants to get the maximum to self in form of power and position (lagna)

Gains, Always tries to count what one got from parents.

D16Vehicles and such amenities D20

10th house

parents Swarga, The 7th house person wants to enjoy like in heavens The person is 3rd house forced to think about all his shadripu, enemies and weakness

6th house


2nd house

Speech or 11th expression of knowledge. The person focuses on expressing his knowledge or implementing what one learns. The 4th is taken a prime house for learning,

Kaama, The person tries to get as much desire fulfilled as possible. Upadesa, 3rd house is upadesa. The person tries to seek blessings and good words from gurus to remove the sins. Gains or digestion of knowledge. The person's implementatio n of knowledge very much depends on how much he has digested the knowledge.


8th house

11th is digestion of learning and 2nd is expression or using the knowledge. In this 5th house divisional the person is always thinking about the weakness (rundra) and all the sins.

The person tries to get a good intelligence, The success in this chart depends on mantra (5th bhaava)

: Graha Avastha

Dear Friends, I had been thinking about Graha Avastha's and wanted share them with you. Here are some of my thoughts. The state of a graha indicates nature of fructification of karma. The grahas results are felt during their dasas. The grahas avastha or state indicates many things, 1) How soon the graha will give the indicated results. 2) The guna or nature of the graha while giving the results. 3) The good fortune indicated by the graham 4) The weaknesses of the graha.

5) The activity interested by the graha. Maharishi Paraashara has indicated five types of avathas (ref: Ch 45:BPHS). They are 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Baalaadi Avastha : 5 types based on five parts of odd or even sign. Jagrutaadi Avastha : 3 types depending on its grahas Natural relationship to dispositor (friend, neutral or enemy) Deeptaadi Avastha : 9 types based on grahas Chart specific relationship to dispositor. Lajjitaadi Avastha : 6 types based on conjunctions with malefics etc. Shayanaadhi Avastha : 12 types of activities calculated by Nakshatre * Graha * Navamsha + JanmaNax + Ghatika + Lagna

1) Baalaadi Avastha kramAd.h bAlaH kumAro.atha yuvA vR^iddhastathA mR^itaH BPHS 45.3 They are of five types namely, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Baala : Child Kumaara : Teen Yuva : Youth /Adult Vriddha : Oldage Mrita : Late

The sign is divided in 5 parts and they rule each part in sequence for odd signs and results are reverse for even signs. These indicates when the graha will give the results. The baala avatha graha will give results too early and mrita avastha graha can give results too late during the dasa.

2) Jaagrutaadi Avastha Natural relationship of graha determines this avastha. A graha can be in a friendly house or neutral or enemies house. There are three types of relationships and hence there are three types of this avastha, jAgratsvapnasushhuptyAkhyA avasthA nAmadR^ik.hphalAH 5 1. Jaagrut / Awake 2. Swapna / Dreaming 3. Sushupta / Sleeping These indicate three states of nature like Satwic (Fully conscience), Rajasic or passionate (Partially conscious of deeds) or sushupta (deep sleep, not conscious of what its doing).

3) Deeptaadi Avastha This is based on the individual relationships of graha for a particular chart. i.e temporal relationships. Based on position of grahas in the chart. Due to specific positioning the chart may get better results. These of nine types indicating the bhaagya, dIptaH svasthaH pramuditaH shAnto dIno.atha duHkhitaH vikalashcha khalaH ko.apItyavasthA navadhA.aparAH 45.7 1. Deepta 2. Swastha 3. Pramudita

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Shaanta Deena Vikala Dukhita Khal Kop

This avastha indicates the goodness or bhaagya got from the graham. 1-4 is good, 5 is middling and 6-9 indicates lesser amounts of fortune in sequence. This avastha will indicate the resources available of a graha to do its task.

4) Lajjitaadi Avastha A graha has weaknesses and enemies these are of shad ripu (the six enemies). These are indicated by variously as, lajjito garvitashchaiva xudhitastR^ishhitastathA muditaH xobhitashchaiva grahabhAvAH prakIrtitAH 11 1. Lajjit : Embarrased putragehagataH kheTo rAhuketuyuto.athavA ravimandakujairyukto lajjito graha uchyate 12 Placed in Putr Bhava, if a Grah is associated with Rahu, or Ketu, or with Srya, ani, or Magal, it is in Lajjit Avastha

2. Garvit : Haughty tuN^gasthAnagato vA.api trikoNe.api bhavetpunaH garvitaH so.api gadito nirvishaMkaM dvijottama 13 If a Grah is in exaltation, or in Mooltrikon, it is Garvit (Aspected by malefics) 3. Kshudhit : Hungered shatrugehI shatruyukto ripudR^ishhTo bhavedyadi xudhitaH sa cha viGYeyaH shaniyukto yathA tathA 14 If a Grah is in an enemys Ri, or yuti with an enemy, or receives a Drishti from an enemy, or even, if a Grah is yuti with ani, the Avastha is Kshudhit 4. Trushit : Thirsty jalarAshau sthitaH kheTaH shatruNA chA.avalokitaH shubhagrahA na pashyanti tR^ishhitaH sa udAhR^itaH 15 If a Grah is in a watery Ri and receives a Drishti from a malefic, but does not receive a Drishti from a benefic, the Avastha is called Trushit 5. Mudit : Complacent

mitragehI mitrayukto mitreNa cha vilokitaH guruNA sahito yashcha muditaH sa prakIrtitaH 16 If a Grah is in a friendly Ri, or is yuti with, or receives a Drishti from a benefic, or is yuti with Guru, it is said to be in Mudit Avastha. (And it becomes complacent it it's aspected by Saturn) 6. Kshobhit : Trembling (Out of fear of authority) raviNA sahito yashcha pApA pashyanti sarvathA xobhitaM taM vijAnIyAchchhatruNA yadi vIxitaH 17 If a Grah is yuti with Srya and receives a Drishti from, or is yuti with a malefic, or receives a Drishti from an enemy, it is said to be in Kshobhit yeshhu yeshhu cha bhAveshhu grahAstishhThanti sarvathA xudhitaH xobhito vApi tad.hbhAvaphalanAshanaH 18 The xuditah (Hungered) and xobhita (frightened) are the worst of these avasthas. 5) Shaayanaadi Avastha There are 12 forms of activities indicated by the twelve bhaavas, This is found using the formula Nakshatra * Graha * Navamsha + JanmaNax + Ghatika + Lagna Nakshatra : is the nakshatra number where graha is sitting Graha: is indicated by the graha number sun =1sat=7, rahu=8 and ketu = 9 Navamsha: the navamsha number of the graha in given rashi, eg if in 0 to3.33 deg then 1 Janma Nax: Moon nakshatra Ghatika: the ghatika number counted from sunrise Lagna : Lagna number 1=aries etc

1. Shayan 2. Upavesan 3. Netrapani 4. Prakash 5. Gaman 6. Agaman 7. Sabha 8. Agam 9. Bhojan 10.Nritya Lipsa 11.Kautuk 12.Nidr The details of calculating this can be read from the Narasimhajis article. A copy which is in Warm Regards Sanjay P NOTE: A detailed article will follow in Jyotish Digest.

Kala Sarpa & Kala Amrita Yoga

Article on Kala Sarpa & Kala Amrita Yoga of Pt. Sanjay Rath: I do not have the reference at present for the Stanza "Agre Rahu adhou Ketu Sarva madhye Graha..." for Kala Sarpa Yoga (KSY) and the reverse i.e. "Agre Ketu adhou Rahu .." for Kala Amrita Yoga (KAY). There were other details about the famines and destruction brought about by the KSY in mundane matters. This was extended to natal charts.

The moot point is that the nodes (Rahu & Ketu) represent the two extremities of life like the infra-red rays (Ketu) and the Ultra-violet rays (Rahu) being the two extremeties of the visible spectrum of seven colors (VIBGYOR - the remaining seven planets from Sun to Saturn). Like the Infra-red & Ultra-violet rays are not part of the visible spectrum, yet they can be good (Infra-red can cure many bone related/muscle related diseases) or bad (UV is very dangerous and depletes the ozone layer like Rahu cutting out our breathing system and causing strangulation, asthama etc) so also the nodes Ketu & Rahu are not visible, yet they can influence human life. These two extremities of Human life are the Saint who renounces all attachment to worldly material existence in search for emancipation from sorrow/re-birth symbolised by Moksha karaka Ketu ruling the Tejas (fire) of tapasya or the dreaded Criminals who will go to any extent to enjoy the material enjoyments of this world like the Bhogi - Rahu. These nodes are always opposite to each other symbolising the opposite poles of life direction. Every human being is stationed between these two extremeties at any point of time in his life. Coming to the question of determining the existence of KSY or KAY, the first thing is to IGNORE the ascendant (Lagna). Place your finger on the sign occupied by Ketu and move it zodiacally along the signs till the sign occupied by Rahu. Were all the other seven planets placed within these signs from Ketu to Rahu? If yes, then Kala Sarpa Yoga exists. Similarly, place your finger on the sign occupied by Rahu and move it zodiacally along the signs till the sign occupied by Ketu. Were all the other seven planets placed within these signs from Rahu to Ketu? If yes, then Kala Amrita Yoga exists. If KSY exists then there is an inherent tendency to enjoy and to grab material comforts for oneself. This can take an extreme form like criminal tendencies like stealing etc. If KAY exists, then the tendency is to give up everything. In any case such people tend to be extreme in their decisions and naturally, there will be physical (Rahu) and mental (Ketu) suffering just like Rahu and Ketu eclipsing the Sun and Moon respectively. In both cases, this is considered a bondage due to Karma of the last birth and will relieve the person or manifest at a certain specific age depending on the chart. One method of determing this is to use the natural years of the planets (refer to Crux of Vedic astrology by this scribe) where that for Rahu is 45 and for Ketu is 43. The next natural question is to determine the planets that can break this KSY or KAY related suffering. We know that natural malefics in Kendra (Quadrants) generate Sarpa Yoga. Thus, natural malefic planets (Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu & Ketu - Sun has been included as a Krura and not as a Dushta) only enhace the suffering and potential problems associated with the KSY or KAY while natural Benefic planets (Moon, Jupiter, Mercury & Venus) can annul the suffering and generate greatness or Maha Yoga. Next comes the placement of these planets to annul the KSY/KAY and generate the Maha Yoga. If in a chart otherwise having KSY/KAY, these benefic planet(s) are placed with either of Rahu (Bhoga) or Ketu (Moksha) then the suffering ends and he attains greatness. Now coming to houses, the placement of these planets in the first or seventh

house (Satya Peetha) also generates this great yoga. The results of KSY/KAY are altered as per the houses they start from and end at. Details are beyond the scope of this letter. A traditional Vedic Astrologer should not end without a small note on remedies. "Kaloh Chandi Vinayako" is the Vedic remedy for this KSY (Chandi) or KAY (Vinayaka - Ganapati) respectively. When the benefic planets conjoin the nodes, the deities are Parvati/Gouri (Moon), Sambasiva (Jupiter), Vishnu (Mercury) and Lakshmi (Venus) respectively. When natural benefics are in the first house, then the deity is a form of Vishnu while in the seventh house a form of Shiva. In this manner the intelligent astrologer can recommend the correct remedy.
Posted by Sanjay Prabhakaran


12:48 PM

Retrogression Analysis
|| Om Gurave Namah || Dear Guruji and Jyotishas, I tried to see how often does a graha get retrograde. I tried an everyday position for 60 years (21914 days) period. Here is a summary. You can note that Venus is lowest, with only 7.3% times being retrograde and Saturn is retrograde most often times at 36.36% times. The order is of how often a graha gets retrograde is not in any particular order in when seen as a whole. But, The outer planets are increasing order and inner are in decreasing order. Warm Regards Sanjay P NOTE: If any one is interested to verify the data, It can be provided on reques or the method to generate it. Graha Retrograde Days Venus Mars 1600 2081 Mercury Jupiter 6641 Saturn 7971


Total Days Percentage

21914 7.301269

21914 9.496212

21914 19.11107

21914 30.30483

21914 36.37401

The following command was executed using the swiss ephemeris command line test program swete32.exe -b1.1.2007 -n21914 -p2 -g, -fPYls >Mercury_Speeds.CSV The above was redirected to a CSV file. The -p2 was done for values from 2 to 6 i.e Merc to Saturn.

Posted by Sanjay Prabhakaran


3:27 PM 1 comments

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Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Phases of good and bad predictions

Namaste friends, I mentioned a while ago that an astrologer may experience phases of good and bad predictions. D-27 (nakshatramsa) is the chart of strengths and weaknesses as per Parasara. I said that the 2nd and 5th in D-27 show vaag bala (power of speech) and intuition. I said that we can treat the dasa rasi as per D-27 Narayana dasa as lagna and do this analysis for various periods in one's life. I will give an example - myself. Because the principles we use have some truth in it, we have successes even in the worst dasas. Because the principles we use help only to some extent and a guess has to be made finally, our successes depend on our luck also. And our luck depends on our dasas. So we don't have the same amount of successes always. *** Birthdata: April 4, 1970, 5:50 pm (IST), 81e12, 16n15.

My D-27: Ar - Mars; Ta - Saturn; Ge - Mercury & Jupiter; Cn - Sun & Ketu; Le - Lagna; Sc - Moon & Venus; Cp - Rahu. (Lagna in rasi chart: Vi.) Event data: (1) 1998-99: I did not make many public predictions. I made just one prediction in print and it was a disaster. I predicted very very confidently that Clinton would be impeached. I was wrong. I was confident, but wrong this year. (2) 1999: I wasn't feeling confident like last year, but I made some predictions in a magazine. Not all were right, but some were very correct. I wrote in print that India might have an unpleasant confrontation after May 18 (air strikes on Pakistani infiltrators were from May 25), that India would take a bold stand ("no talks until infiltrators leave") and that the world would support India's bold stand (even US did!). I also wrote that Russia would get into trouble after the eclipse and that Russia might get involved in an armed conflict. Let us see how this fits with my D-27 Narayana dasa. *** If you have trouble with calculations, please refer to the archives for Narayana dasa lessons. Because 27 modulo 12 is 3, look at the 3rd lord in my rasi chart. It is Mars. Mars is in Ar in D-27. Ar is stronger than Li. So start dasas from Ar. Ar dasa is 1970-1982. Ta dasa is 1982-1998 (Venus is in Sc). Ge dasa is 1988-2000. Antardasas in Ge dasa go as Ge, Cn, Le, Vi etc. I ran Ar antardasa during Apr 1998-Apr 1999. I ran Ta antardasa during Apr 1999-Apr 2000. Let us analyze both now. In each antardasa, take the antardasa sign as lagna and analyze the chart. ***

(1) Ar antardasa: The 2nd from Ar is occupied in natal D-27 by Saturn. This is not good for vaag bala. Saturn in 2nd weakens vaag bala (power of speech). The 5th house from Ar shows the power of intuition in Ar dasa. The 5th from Ar is Leo. It is empty and it is aspected by Mars and Rahu. Neither Mars nor Rahu promises good intuition. Rahu in fact misleads. However, arudha of Venus is in Leo! Watery benefic Venus gives smooth intuition in 5th. Arudha of Venus in 5th doesn't do that in reality, but the native will feel that way. So I was very comfortable with my intuition then and felt it was working smoothly. (2) Ta antardasa: The 2nd from Ta is Gemini. Mercury and Jupiter occupy it!! So Ta antardasa can be reasonably good for me even in a bad mahadasa. Mercury and Jupiter in 2nd suggest good vaag bala. The 5th house from there is Virgo. It has no planets and the same duo aspects it ffrom Ge. Ethery Jupiter gives good intuition, while earthy Mercury gives clarity and focus. However, arudhas of Sun, Saturn and Jupiter occupy Virgo. Sun and Saturn in 5th is not good. Saturn in 5th gives hesitating and lazy intuition. But Jupiter there gives good intuition after some Saturnine hesitation. So I feel less confident when making predictions in print this year. Despite some creditable successes this year, I don't feel too confident when I look at charts this year. *** I hope some ideas presented here will provoke thoughts. Points to consider: (1) Astrologer's chart also matters, especially when the principles used are weak. (2) Nakshatramsa is important for that. D-24 shows knowledge, but it is D-27 that shows whether one's intuition is powerful and whether one's vaak (speech) is powerful. (3) Narayana dasa is an excellent phalita dasa and Narayana dasa of D-27 can be used to time phases of good and bad predictions.

(4) An astrologer may feel diffident, but make good predictions. He may feel confident and make stupid predictions. How one feels is an illusion and that illusion can be different from the reality. Arudha padas of planets help in understanding the native's illusions/perceptions. And, arudha lagna helps in understanding the illusions/perceptions of the world about the native. *** As Satish pointed out, today's astrologers mix up many techniques because their precise uses are lost to us. We have to understand the precise uses of varous tools, before astrology is accepted as a valid subject. We have a herculean task in front of us. If we keep faith in Parasara and strive to understand him correctly, I am confident that we will have an astrology department in many universities oneday. May Jupiter's light shine on us, Narasimha

My Other Pages

Om Gurave Namah Dear Friends, Certain times due to access issues to BlogSpot.Com, I update articles on alternate sites. If you are interested you can also visit the following sites.

You comments and views on Jyotish and my articles are welcome. Warm Regards Sanjay
Posted by Sanjay Prabhakaran


12:24 PM 0 comments

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Saturn/ NORTH


Sun/ Venus/ EAST Rohini Mrigashirisa Ardra Punarvasu

Ketu/ Mercury/ SOUTH






/u /la /ca /da /sa

/a /




/a /


/i /ma

Poorva phalguni



Rikta Friday

Nanda Sunday Tuesday Poorna Saturday Jaya Thursday

Bhadra Monday Wednesday

/a /pa /ra

Uttara phalguni

Uttara bhadrapada Poorva bhadrapada

Meena Kumbh

Kanya Tula

Hasta Chitra









/e /na

/ta /




/i /kha
Sravana Abhijit

Uttar Ashada

Poorva Ashada





WEST Rahu/

Given above is placement of Grahas in Sarvotobhadra at my birth as an example.

Nadyamsa from Parasara's shodasa vargas

Namaste Graham, > But as far as I know, no version of Parasara uses > or mentions the D-150. That's partly true and partly inaccurate. Parasara may not have mentioned nadyamsa. But nadyamsa, as I understand it, is rooted in shodasa varga (16 divisions) taught

by Parasara. Some people divide each sign into 150 equal parts and call them the 150 nadyamsas. But we use a different kinds of nadyamsa. Both the varieties are available in the free software Jagannatha Hora 7.02. In this variety (called "Chandra Kala Nadi" in the software), we mark the boundaries of various vargas in rasis. For example, navamsa borders are at 3 deg 20 min, 6 deg 40 min, 10 deg etc. Dasamsa borders are at 3 deg, 6 deg, 9 deg etc. Chaturvimsamsa borders are at 1 deg 15 min, 2 deg 30 min, 3 deg 45 min, 5 deg etc. If we mark the boundaries within each sign based on all the sixteen divisions and count how many distinct partitions are in the sign, we will get exactly 150 portions! Some portions are smaller than 12 arc-min and some are bigger. But, there are exactly 150 unequal portions as a result of dividing the rasi based on shodasa vargas. Chandra kala means phases of Moon and means 16. So we call this "Chandra Kala Nadi", i.e. nadi from 16 [vargas]. If you ask me, this is the correct nadyamsa and the one obtained from uniform division of a sign into 150 equal parts is wrong. Thus, nadyamsa is rooted in shodasa varga. Each nadi is basically a unique combination of shodasa varga parts. ---------------------------------------------Nadi texts talk of dividing nadis into 2 or 4 or 6 equal parts. There are various results based on these. However, these can be applied to non-uniform nadis based on shodasa vargas too. In fact, I think that nly non-uniform nadis based on shodasa varga boundaries should be used. In the next public release of the free software Jagannatha Hora, I will include information on which half, which 1/3rd, which

1/4th, which 1/5th and which 1/6th of the nadi is occupied by various planets, upagrahas, lagnas and other bodies. I will give that ability based on both uniform and non-uniform nadis. This can enable new research. Pt Sanjay Rath already requested these features to be added and they are easy to do in software. When you are checking manually, these things are cumbersome to check, especially if you have to use the non-uniform nadis based on shodasa varga boundaries! Software can do it very easily. The sub-nadi principles can be valuable in finding the right ayanamsa.

Jyotish Time Units

Dear Friends,

|| Om Gurave Namah ||

Jyotish is study of Time and karma on individual. One of the important steps to understand Time is the various ways to measure it. This gives better understanding of Time's various properties or Moods. In Jyotish, basic unit of Time is called Ahoratra (One Day and Night). Aho is Day and Ratra is Night. The various types of measure is derived from this basic units. Various types of division is done on this Basic Unit of Ahoratra, There is division by 2 (day/night), 8(Yama), 8+8(kaala), 12 (Rashi/Bhaava), 24 (hora), 15+15 (Muhurtha), 60 (Nadi). Let me list them out, in regular measure of hours, for your easy reference in your future studies, Normal Duration


Brief Description

Ahoraatra 24 Hours Dina Maana 12 Hours Raatri Maana 12 Hours Raashi/Bhaava2 Hours Hora Yama Kaalam Muhurtha Naadika Ghatika Praana pada 1 Hour 3 Hours 1.5 Hours 48 Minutes 24 Minutes Naadika 6 Minutes

Day and Night Day(Aho) Duration Night(Raatri) Duration 12th part of Ahoratra 12th Part of Dina or Raatri Maana, Hora from Aho+Ratra 8th part of Ahoraatra 8th part of Dina Or Raatri Maana 15th Part of Dina or Raatri Maana 60th Part of Ahoraatra Also called Ghati or Naadi Pada means quarter, It's Quarter of a Naadi. It's 20th of a Bhaava.

Significance of each for of Division, Divide by 2: Jyotish shastra also called Hora Shastra basic division is by 2. Where each creations Purusha and Prakriti influence is noted. Divide by 12: Twelve is number associated with Sun. Divide by 12 is called Arkamsha or Suryamsha. Sun is supposed to have 12 forms. Divide by 8: This is derived from 8 spokes of Kaala chakra, The divide by eight shows Kaala's blocking nature. The 8 signifies Praana or longevity, the 8th house in Jyotish denotes it. It's Time measured in Praanas or breaths in human lives. Kaalam unit of times is derived from this. Units indentified thus are like Raahu Kaalam, Gullika Kaalam etc.

Divide by 15: The jyotish term for divide by 15 is called Tithi amsha. Tithi means 15 to denote the 15 faces of Moon.

Further sub-division of the above units can also be made. Such division's nomenclature is by adding prefixes to above notations. For example, "Vi" is prefix is to indicate further division of the unit by 60, Like Vi+Naadika or Vi+Ghaatika, Vinaadi/Vighatika is 60th part of 24 Minutes hence is 24 Seconds. The Above measures of time is used to derived various divisional chart in Jyotish and the influence on the person. The time period which the person is "sticking to" Lagna is called Rashi Lagna, Bhaava Lagna, Hora Lagna, Ghatika Lagna, Vighatika Lagna etc. Above given are some of the basic demarcations of time. Detailed study can be made from books on Panchanga.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Lagnamshaka Dasa
|| Om Gurave Namah || Answer to Question Below Dear Prashanth, Atmakaaraka association with 11th is an important yoga for Learning jyotish. Your Atmakaaraka is Sun, present in 11th Hence this combination will help you to develop your Jyotish knowledge. Seek a Jyotish Guru on whom you will have confidence to learn Jyotish better. Till the time you get confidence you can continue reading Dr. BV Raman's Books and Pt. Sanjay Rath's books you have bought. Rely solely on Rishiis in your learnings.

Now, to give you an idea about your Jyotish Learning. Let me tell you about Lagnamsaka Dasa (Refer Narayana Dasa Book for details). Lagnamsaka dasa is one of the important dasa indicate your progress in Dhi Shakti, Understand Each dasa to be like a time cycle which controls a certain aspect in your life. Lagnamsaka dasa shows how Time controls your Dhi Shakti. The Following Chart factors are very important to understand Dhi Shakti, 1. Jupiter, The Natural Kaaraka for Dhi. 2. Lord of Sign (Aadhi pati, Means Lord of Dhi) is intellegence for the Sign. Particularly Lord of Lagna indicates your intelligence and protects the native. For 3. Sun, Sun is the Kaaraka for Lagna and gives self knowledge, Jupiter is higher cycle of Sun. Taking in factor the above consider your chart to time your progress in your Dhi shakti,
+-----------------------------------------------+ |Ke | | |JuR | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------+-----------------------+-----------| |HL Md | |Ma | |Gk | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------| Rasi |-----------| | | |Sa | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

|As Mo |Me |Su Ve |Ra GL | | | | |AL | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-----------------------------------------------+ Lagnamsaka Dasa from D-9 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa): Maha Dasas: Sc: 1977-11-14 (10:35:00 am) - 1981-11-14 (11:16:19 am) Ge: 1981-11-14 (11:16:19 am) - 1986-11-14 (6:03:60 pm) Cp: 1986-11-14 (6:03:60 pm) - 1991-11-15 (12:44:13 am) Le: 1991-11-15 (12:44:13 am) - 2000-11-14 (8:16:54 am) Pi: 2000-11-14 (8:16:54 am) - 2009-11-14 (3:34:56 pm) Li: 2009-11-14 (3:34:56 pm) - 2021-11-14 (5:25:19 pm) Ta: 2021-11-14 (5:25:19 pm) - 2026-11-15 (12:06:25 am) Sg: 2026-11-15 (12:06:25 am) - 2032-11-14 (1:11:24 pm) Cn: 2032-11-14 (1:11:24 pm) - 2039-11-15 (8:08:28 am) Aq: 2039-11-15 (8:08:28 am) - 2044-11-14 (3:00:09 pm) Vi: 2044-11-14 (3:00:09 pm) - 2054-11-15 (4:30:00 am) Ar: 2054-11-15 (4:30:00 am) - 2056-11-14 (4:48:41 pm) Sc: 2056-11-14 (4:48:41 pm) - 2064-11-14 (5:57:56 pm) Ge: 2064-11-14 (5:57:56 pm) - 2071-11-15 (1:06:59 pm)

In your Chart, Lagna Lord is Jupiter. Hence Jupiter plays a very important role for your intelligence development, Usually in the following dasas of Lagnamaska dasa is very important, 1. Sign Having Lagna Lord. This gives tremendous change in person's intellegence. The person goes rapid change in thinking and opinions about the world.

2. Sign Having Jupiter. The Person tries to understand Dharma. The person tries to learn various scriptures and implement them. The person could take some dharmic habits. 3. Sign Having Sun. The Sun is natural Atmakaaraka, Hence the person may undergo soul searching. Atma Remembers everything and hence causes the Dhi(Intelligence) to manifest. A person may read Bhagavata geeta in this period. For other signs understand the intelligence development using the Lord of the Sign and Bhaava. Now, Refer your chart above. Your are running Pisces dasa since 2000 to 2009. Pisces lord is Jupiter and Also the Lagna Lord, Rashi aspects the Gemini. Hence This dasa made you learn Dharma, Jyotish etc. This is a very good time for you to continue learning. The Next dasa is of Libra, Having Sun (The Natural and Temproary Atmakaaraka in your chart). Hence your progress in Jyotish after 2009 is will be very good. This is for sure. Warm Regards Sanjay P On 5/30/06, praskam wrote: Sarvebhyo Gurubhyo namaha. Dandavat pranaams. I'm fully conscious of my unfitness to open my mouth in such a learned assembly. But still I want to raise an important question. Over a year ago I developed an interest in astrology, due to my cousin who was kind enough to give me an introduction to the subject.

Since then I have purchased and read a number of books including Sanjay ji's Crux of Vedic Astrology, which I found to be very advanced. So, my condition now is that I have a number of facts collected in my head with near zero ability to read a horoscope - and this after a year of effort. I have great respect for astrology. I have seen with awe some things, which could never have been guessed, being read from a horoscope. In his book 'My Experiences in Astrology' (and else where too), the late Dr. B V Raman stresses the importance of intuition in making correct predictions. He says knowing a lot of techniques is fine, but intuition is the key. In fact, too heavy a reliance on mathematical techniques may mar the intuition. Even in his books, he relies almost solely on the Vimshottari dasa system and on Rasi/Navamsa charts without recourse to Jaimini techniques or referring to shadbala etc. He however doesn't say anything about how to develop intuition except to say that practice of 'certain' (he doesn't specify) mantras will help the process. Additionally, I have also read from his books that Mercury should be strongly placed to gain knowledge of astrology. He says that Me should be placed in a quardrant. Or Su/Me conjunction in the second house. I finally come to the question. Given my horoscope, do I have any chance of developing this intuition? As you will see, Me is in 12 house in both rasi and navamsa. Date: 14/11/1977

Place: Udupi, Karnataka (74 E 23, 13 N 13) Time: 10:35 am I apologize for the rambling nature of this mail. I will be blessed by any guidance. Warm regards, Prashanth
Posted by Sanjay Prabhakaran


11:47 PM 0 comments

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Reservation Issue ( India Mundane Jyotish)

|| Om Gurave Namah || Hare Rama Krishna Respected Gurujans and Learned members . Pranaam, What would be the bhavishya of this country if such amendments continue to happen?Scholars will be outside the screen and eductaion quality will be diluted.Here is arjun singhs interview with karana thapar on the recent reservation issue.Kindly find the attachment.Can anybody at such honourable seat manage to say that he does not know anything whats happening? Regards and respect. Hare Rama Krishna Dear Paul, In Indian Independence chart we have 9th and 10th Lord as Saturn. That is the Policies and nature of work done by the Indian govt. will be governed by Saturn. Hence India has strong leaning to Kaaraka of Saturn for policy making. Saturn indicates the lower strata of community, the under privileged etc. Saturn is Yoga Kaaraka and Situated in 11th from Arudha Lagna. Hence Income from Saturn related terms gives lot of growth but

in slow manner. You should undertand that when India is now in a growing phase, Most income is by Cheap Labour in engineering, support etc. It's presence in with Mercury in 3rd house make the labour very talented. Being in 11th from Arudha gives much income. But Since 9th House is also badhakesha for Taurus, There difficulty in understanding the Policy to implement. Hence is causing much trouble. Mercurial 5th House is giving argala obstructed by Saturnine 9th. Mercury wants Talent ONLY to come up since its a very rajasic planet, the kaarka for 10th (The source of Wealth). Hence the current debate.
+-----------------------------------------------+ | | |As Ra |Ma Md | | | |GL |Gk | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------+-----------------------+-----------| |HL | |Su Mo | | | |Me Ve | | | |Sa | | | | | | | | | |-----------| Rasi |-----------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------+-----------------------+-----------| | |Ke |Ju |AL | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-----------------------------------------------+

Let's see what the current Government will do for the Natal chart's indication.

The Current Indian Central Govt. 2004 Chart is attached. It's observed that the hora Lord is Mercury, The 9th Ruler having Parivartana with Mars. And 9th Having Saturn. Again a Yoga Kaaraka for Libra lagna. Hence Saturn and Mercury are again in fight this time. So this govt will also try to implement Policy dictated by Saturn in 9th. But the Parivartana with Mars will finally dicate the Policy. Mars is friendly to neither Saturn or Mercury. But It has to listen to Mercury since it's change a house with Mercury. [Also See:] You should understand that the this mars, mercury parivaratna is coming up in other State's chart like the current Tamil Nadu government, etc The Final Policy implemented may not be favourable to saturn (reservation) in this current govt. Since Mars is having parivartana on 9th. The Govt. Has to come back again with better policy for India's Natal Saturn to function better. Warm Regards Sanjay P Further content from Below is the Chart for swearing in time for the Manmohan Singh Govt. of India. First Some basics, Muhurtha Chart 8th house indicates the weaknesses in the activity. It's preferred to have no graha in 8th. The 9th House in Govt. Forming charts indicates the policies(Dharma/Rules) of the Govt.

The Reservation policy in dictated by Saturn. As Saturn indicates the weak in the society, who needs special treatment. The Natal chart of India is Taurus LAgna with Saturn as the 9th and 10th Lord. Hence the Natal chart of india itself indicates that the underpreviledged (Saturn) will be one of the driving factors for Policy making and Administration. The Same comes up in this Govt.'s Swearing in chart. With Saturn sitting in 9th house being. The First time this Govt. mentioned about reservations was in December 18, 2005 The Compressed Vimshottari was Saturn dasa Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon): Maha Dasas: Rah: 2003-12-31 (13:56:54) - 2004-10-02 (7:52:27) Jup: 2004-10-02 (7:52:27) - 2005-05-30 (19:06:15) Sat: 2005-05-30 (19:06:15) - 2006-03-15 (4:51:09) Antardasas in this MD: Sat: 2005-05-30 (19:06:15) - 2005-07-17 (1:17:04) Merc: 2005-07-17 (1:17:04) - 2005-08-28 (4:02:57) Ket: 2005-08-28 (4:02:57) - 2005-09-14 (7:24:43) Ven: 2005-09-14 (7:24:43) - 2005-11-01 (10:11:57) Sun: 2005-11-01 (10:11:57) - 2005-11-15 (14:48:00) Moon: 2005-11-15 (14:48:00) - 2005-12-09 (1:59:38) Mars: 2005-12-09 (1:59:38) - 2005-12-25 (10:11:44)

Rah: 2005-12-25 (10:11:44) - 2006-02-05 (10:11:16) Jup: 2006-02-05 (10:11:16) - 2006-03-15 (4:51:09) Merc: 2006-03-15 (4:51:09) - 2006-12-01 (19:33:59) Ket: 2006-12-01 (19:33:59) - 2007-03-15 (10:41:40) Ven: 2007-03-15 (10:41:40) - 2008-01-15 (6:25:59) Sun: 2008-01-15 (6:25:59) - 2008-04-14 (0:57:29) Moon: 2008-04-14 (0:57:29) - 2008-09-16 (23:43:47) Mars: 2008-09-16 (23:43:47) - 2008-12-30 (19:08:57)

The Mahadasa lord Saturn in 9th house indicates the same. The current dasa is of Mercury. Mercury is in parivartana with Mars!. in natal chart. Mercury is 9th lord and Mars is the 7th Lord. Hence Policy seeming controlled by Mercury is actually determined by Mars!. Which is inimical to Saturn. Hence Saturn determined Policy will not favour well for the current govt. The Exchange in lordships will favour more Mars related policy. Mars favours policy in Defence, Engineering, etc. so the Govt, will show reverse this current policy, Else Voilence Due to mars will surely show up. Warm Regards Sanjay P

5-yr chart

Date: Time: Time Zone: Place: Altitude:

May 22, 2004 17:32:00 5:30:00 (East of GMT) 77 E 12' 00", 28 N 36' 00" New Delhi, India 0.00 meters Tarana - Jyeshtha Sukla Tritiya (Ma) (0.94% left) Saturday (Sa) Aardra (Ra) (47.22% left) Soola (Ju) (63.60% left) Garija (Ju) (1.88% left) Mercury (5 min sign: Vi) Venus (5 min sign: Sg) Mars (Mahakala: Venus) 5:31:02 19:05:00 30.0404

Lunar Yr-Mo: Tithi: Vedic Weekday: Nakshatra: Yoga: Karana: Hora Lord: Mahakala Hora: Kaala Lord: Sunrise: Sunset: Janma Ghatis:

Ayanamsa: 23-54-54.71 Sidereal Time: 9:12:36 Body Lagna Sun - GK Moon - PiK Mars - AmK Mercury - PK Jupiter - BK Venus (R) - DK Saturn - AK Rahu - MK Ketu Longitude 18 7 13 15 13 15 1 17 16 16 Li Ta Ge Ge Ar Le Ge Ge Ar Li 01' 48' 42' 40' 27' 27' 48' 05' 14' 14' 37.52" 57.79" 12.20" 38.10" 32.17" 12.34" 28.55" 54.82" 27.84" 27.84" Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa Swat Krit Ardr Ardr Bhar PPha Mrig Ardr Bhar Swat 4 4 3 3 1 1 3 4 1 3 Li Ta Ge Ge Ar Le Ge Ge Ar Li Pi Pi Aq Aq Le Le Li Pi Le Aq

Maandi 20 Ta 39' 01.96" Rohi 4 Gulika 7 Ta 20' 04.34" Krit 4 Bhava Lagna 7 Sc 34' 36.84" Anu 2 Hora Lagna 7 Ta 49' 09.50" Krit 4 Ghati Lagna 8 Sc 32' 47.50" Anu 2 Vighati Lagna 12 Ta 10' 57.50" Rohi 1 Varnada Lagna 18 Cn 01' 37.52" Aswi 1 +-----------------------------------------------+ | |Me Ra |Su HL |Mo Ma | | | |Md Gk |VeR Sa | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------+-----------------------+-----------| |AL | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------| Rasi |-----------| | | |Ju | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------+-----------------------+-----------| | |GL |As Ke | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-----------------------------------------------+
Posted by Sanjay Prabhakaran

Ta Ta Sc Ta Sc Ta Cn

Cn Pi Vi Pi Vi Ar Aq


11:36 PM 1 comments

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Monday, May 29, 2006

Meaning Behind The Madhu Kaitabha Story

From: Narasimha P.V.R. Rao <> Date: May 28, 2006 11:56 PM Subject: [sohamsa] Meaning Behind The Madhu Kaitabha Story To:, , Namaste learned friends, Someone queried a while back on the meaning behind the story of Madhu Kaitabha. Here is a quick reply based on my limited understanding. *** Madhu means honey. "Madhu keeta" means an insect of honey, i.e. honey bee. Madhu kaita means belonging to honey bees. It can be the qualities or nature of honey bees. One of the meanings of "bha" is "having a similarity to". Thus, in my judgment, "Madhu Kaitabha" means "having a semblance to the nature of honey bees". *** Like I keep saying, Sanskrit is a fantastic language. Sanskrit names selected by Rishis for expressing various concepts and stories are very thoughtful. Depending on how deep one goes, there are many meanings of the same word. Thus, Rishis expressed concepts that may have one meaning to a layman and a different meaning to one who is ready to understand the deeper meaning! I salute to the wisdom of our Rishis! I was saying the same thing at Arsha Vidya Gurukulam last weekend. When somebody said at an open discussion that the idea is important and not the name, as there are many names of the same thing in many languages, I made a quick point about the value of Sanskrit names. I said that Sanskrit names have not one meaning, but layers of meanings that can be understood based on the capability of the reader. Rishis used this to hide some special meanings and to keep some higher knowledge as secret, even though it is very much out there! The example I gave was of bhava and pada. Parasara described bhavas (houses) and how to find their respective padas (arudha padas of houses) and said that a bhava and its pada should be judged to see the matters of a house. Though he did not explain the difference between a bhava and its pada further and did not elucidate when to use which one, I said that the very choice of names is a huge clue! Bhava, which is usually translated as a house, also means "a thought/concept/feeling" and pada means "a symbol/word" used to express a thought/concept. Thus, houses are to their arudha padas what thoughts (bhavas) are to the words (padas) that attempt to express them. For example, if the 4th house shows one's happiness, the pada of 4th house shows the tangible articles that attempt to throw light on one's happiness (e.g. vehicle owned by one, TV owned by one etc). Houses (bhavas) show intangible/internal aspects of a matter (just like thoughts inside one's head), while their arudha padas show tangible/external

aspects of a matter (just like the external words spoken that attempt to express the thoughts in the head). If you use the English words to translate Parasara, this hidden meaning may be lost! So, I argued that Sanskrit names used by Rishis are not like words in any language. *** Anyway, let us come back to the Madhu Kaitabha story. As I said, Madhu Kaitabha means "having a semblance to the quality of honeybees". What is the quality of honey bees? Well, they keep working hard to accumulate the sweet honey! They are not intelligent enough to think about any higher things in life. Thus, Madhu Kaitabha are an allegory to the quality within us which makes us work hard, like honeybees, with a single-minded focus on accumulating material comforts. Like honeybees accumulate honey, we accumulate material objects and spend whole life working hard doing just that. Vishnu is a personification of the sattwa guna of the Parama Purusha (Universal/Absolute Being). Within us, Vishnu is an allegory to the sattwa guna within us. Madhu Kaitabha were born from Vishnu's earwax when He was alseep. The ability to work hard like a bee is not really a terrible thing. This ability is essentially born from the sattwa guna within us, when it is in deep slumber (i.e. sattwa guna covered by taamasi shakti, i.e. sattwa guna that "manifests" in a taamasik way). There are so many good people in this world, who just spend their entire lives in honest labor like the honeybees and accumulate things for themselves and others around them. Their sattwa is in deep sleep and Madhu Kaitabha born from that asleep sattva are very much active. The problem with this focus on hard work and accumulation of material objects is that it keeps us away from supreme bliss. Madhu Kaitabha's attack on Brahma and Vedas is symbolic of that. Vedas symbolize the supreme and liberating knowledge of self and Brahma, the carrier of Vedas, symbolizes the sadhana to achieve the supreme knowledge. The focus on working like honeybees and accumulating material objects tries to kills one's ability to do sadhana and obtain supreme knowledge of self. Vishnu battles Madhu Kaitabha for 5,000 years. Devi Bhagavatam even describes that Vishnu wondered in the middle how to defeat Madhu Kaitabha, as He finds them quite formidable! Even when the sattva in us awakens, it is difficult for it to overcome the formidable instinct to lead the life of a honeybee and to accumulate the material objects for oneself and others. When Madhu Kaitabha finally agree to be slain by Vishnu, they ask Him to kill them in a place where there is no water. They see that there is water all around and think that there is no place where there is no water. The Mooladhara, Swadhishthana, Manipoora, Anahata and Visuddhi chakras are the seats of earthy, watery, fiery, airy and ethery elements respectively. Swadhishthana chakra is supposed to control desires and hence water symbolizes desire. As long as there is desire, it is tough to overcome the instinct of just working for material objects! When they want a place that has no water, Vishnu shows his thighs. There is no water there and only earthy element. This suggests that Parama Purusha's Mooladhara chakra is in the thighs of Vishu. (Note: If Chandra Hari is reading this, he will probably realize that this point supports his view on Mooladhara! But I will not say anything more on it for now, as it is a totally different topic. But I do want to acknowledge that this supports his view.)

According to Parasara, thighs are seen from the 9th house of dharma. The earthy element symbolizes the commitment and stability. The fact that earthy element came from the thighs of Vishnu shows that it is the dharma of sattwa guna sustaining this universe that ensures that there is commitment and stability in this creation. Moreover, it is apt that someone born in the ears (3rd house) of Vishnu found end in the thighs (9th house, i.e. 7th house of death from the 3rd house) of Vishnu! Similarly, Brahma, who is born from the navel (6th house) of Vishnu should naturally find His end in the 12th house of Vishnu (feet), which is the 7th house of death from the 6th house! That may be why Vishnu goes to sleep, when there is a change of Brahma. Thus, the instinct within us to keep accumulating material objects like honey bees accumulate honey finds its end in the dharma of the sattwa guna, i.e. when the sattwa guna within us follows its dharma. Then we are fully awake spiritually. Naturally, the path to self-knowledge becomes open then and Brahma becomes elated. Thus, the story of Madhu-Kaitabha refers, allegorically, to the instinct most of us have towards leading a "regular" life, working hard like honeybees and accumulating objects for self and others and how that instinct needs to be defeated by waking up the sattwa guna and allowing to perform its dharma. *** Lest I am misunderstood, I need to clarify one thing. I am not saying that these stories are not real. These stories ARE very much real. In fact, when a Yogi is able to transport consciousness to a particular plane, He/She can vividly see these stories actually happening. The stories are as real as our own existence as beings made of flesh and blood is, in the normal plane of consciousness. What I am saying is that there is an allegorical link between various planes of consciousness. What is real in one plane of consciousness is an allegory in another plane of consciousness. If one is atleast capable of understanding a story as an allegory, that will serve a valuable purpose! If you did not understand my last point, please feel free to ignore it. It is not that important. *** The Shata Chandi Homam we did in Chennai during March 1-7 was for a specific goal - relief for a spiritual master of south India from unfortunate legal troubles. Interestingly, after exactly 64 days passed since the poornaahuti of that homam, some political events happened in Chennai, which MAY bring some relief. We'll see. We intend to do more Shata Chandi homas, this time without any specific goal but just for universal well-being, in the coming years. If She is willing, we may perhaps do the next Shata Chandi homam in the Pune area in 2007 or 2008. If any of you practice reading Durga Saptashati, you can volunteer and help us the next time. In a Shata Chandi homam, Durga Saptashati is to be recited 100 times. If you can read it well, you can come there and contribute towards the count of 100. If interested, please start practicing the recital of Durga Saptashati. I heard Durga saptashati for the time in this life in October 2005 and read it for the first time on the morning of March 3, 2006. Still I ended up contributing 15 or so readings to the Shata Chandi homam. If some of you practice from now, you should easily be able to read a few times at the next Shata Chandi homam! If there are enough reciters, who knows, we may even be able to do a Sahasra Chandi Homam soon!

Please spread Durga Saptashati reading among people you know. May the light of Brahman shine within, Narasimha ---------------------------------------------------------------Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): Free Jyotish software (Windows): Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: ---------------------------------------------------------------*tat savitur varenyam*

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Posted by Sanjay Prabhakaran


9:00 PM 0 comments

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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Durga Saptashati/Devi Mahatmyam

From: Narasimha P.V.R. Rao <> Date: May 13, 2006 4:42 PM Subject: [sohamsa] On Durga Saptashati/Devi Mahatmyam (long) To: Namaste friends, > |om gurave namah | > Respected Gurujis, > > I have heard a lot about Durga saprastuti; what is Durga saptastuti? What is its significance in vedic astrology? > > Any pointers or explanation in this regards are appreciated. > > Regards, > Pranav You asked a good question. I've been thinking of writing about Devi Mahatmyam for a while and have an occasion to do it now. There is something known as Durga Saptashloki, which is 7 verses in the prayer of Divine Mother. This is a short form of a bigger treatise known as Durga Saptashati. I will focus on the latter in this mail. Durga Saptashati (aka Devi Mahatmyam or Chandi saptashati or Chandipath) is a collection of 700 verses about Divine Mother. It is from Maarkandeya Puraanam. The 700 verses are arranged in 13 chapters. Also, they are arranged in 3 parts (charitas). Some parts have more chapters and some parts have less. The three parts have MahaaKaali, MahaaLakshmi and MahaaSaraswati as the deities. They have Rigveda, Yajurveda and Samaveda as the swarupas, i.e. each Veda is a different representation/form/essence of each part. The purposes of the three parts are dharma, artha and kaama respectively. They have aim, hreem and kleem as the beejas. *** Some people mistakenly think that it is merely an account of the exploits of Durgaa and her slaying of demons Mahisha, Chanda, Munda, Raktabeeja, Shumbha, Nishumbha etc. They view it as a collection of stories. But, IMHO, that is a very limited view. Devi mahatmyam is much more than a collection of stories. Vedas are its swarupam! Devi mahatmyam is the very definition of the nature of Divine Mother. When I say Divine Mother, I am not talking about limited forms. I am talking about unlimited Shakti (energy) behind all limited Shaktis. Some people call her Durgaa, some call her Chandi

and some call her Mahaalakshmi. The name does not matter that much. Bottomline is that She is the Moola Prakriti, the root nature, of all that manifests. She is the force that drives everything in the universe. Towards the end, the 11th chapter (titled "Naaraayani Stuti") describes gods praying to the Divine Mother after slaying all the demons. They address Her as "Naaraayani". This is consistent with the difference between Narayana and Vishnu that we maintain at SJC. Vishnu is one of the Trimurthis. He is of Sattva guna and sustains the creation. Narayana is gunaateeta (above gunas/attributes). He is the Sahasraseersha and Parama Purusha. Some people may describe the same as Samba Sada Shiva, but let us not get caught in names. When we are essentially speaking about an entity that is beyond attributes, it is foolish to argue about the name. After all, name too is an attribute. Though great people gave different names to the Parama Purusha, the names essentially capture the nature of the path those people took to experience the Parama Purusha rather than the nature of Parama Purusha, which is beyond names and attributes. The bottomline is that there is a Parama Purusha above the Trimurthis (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva). If we call him Narayana, then Narayani is his Shakti and She is the root cause of all creation. She is inseparable from Him. Don't imagine Narayani as a separate form. That is a mistake. She is simply the power of Narayana. Neither Narayana nor Narayani have a form. After all, Narayana is gunaateeta and formless. Though He CAN take forms, forms only "limit" Him. His highest nature is that He has no form or attributes. Similarly, Amba is not a separate person, but simply the power of Samba Shiva. They are inseparable (just as Sourav said in a separate discussion on "Samba Shiva and Adwaita"). Coming back to the point, the nine Shaktis who fought demons, i.e. Brahmaani, Maaheswari, Kaumaari, Vaishnavi/Lakshmi, Vaaraahi, Naarasimhi, Sivadooti and Chaamundaa/Kaali, are all described as different forms of Naaraayani. I am quoting the slokas below in ITrans format. If you have ITranslator, copy the text into it and see it in Sanskrit. haMsayuktavimAnasthe brahmANIrUpadhAriNi | kaushAmbhaHkSarike devi nArAyaNi namo.astu te || 11-13 trishUlachandrAhidhare mahAvR^iShabhavAhini | mAheshvarIswarUpeNa nArAyaNi namo.astu te || 11-14 mayUrakukkuTavR^ite mahAshaktidhare.anaghe | kaumArIrUpasaMsthAne nArAyaNi namo.astu te || 11-15 shaMkhachakragadAshAr~NgagR^ihItaparamAyudhe | prasIda vaiShNavIrUpe nArAyaNi namo.astu te || 11-16 gR^ihItogramahAchakre daMShTroddhR^itavasundhare | varAharUpiNIshive nArAyaNi namo.astu te || 11-17 nR^isiMharUpeNogreNa hantuM daityAn kR^itodyame |

trailokyatrANasahite nArAyaNi namo.astu te || 11-18 kirITini mahAvajre sahasranayanojjvale | vR^itraprANahare devi nArAyaNi namo.astu te || 11-19 shivadUtIswarUpeNa hatadaityamahAbale | ghorarUpe mahArAve nArAyaNi namo.astu te || 11-20 daMShTrAkarAlavadane shiromAlAvibhUShaNe | chAmuNDe muNDamathane nArAyaNi namo.astu te || 11-21 The nine Shaktis that fought the demons are described as various forms/manifestations of Naaraayani here. Thus, Devi Mahatmyam is essentially about the Shakti of Gunaateeta Parama Purusha (Narayana). All devatas come from Him and hence the shaktis (energies) of all devatas come from His shakti (Narayani). Thus, Devi Mahatmyam is about the nature of the most supreme energy of this universe! *** Though Devi Mahatmyam looks like stories, there are very valuable lessons on Her nature in it. The deeper you go, the more you can understand and appreciate the lessons in the stories. Let me give a couple of examples. (1) When various Mothers are going to war with demons, this is how it is described (8-14): "Whatever form, decoration, weapons and vehicle each god has, his shakti (energy) came in the same form, decoration, weapons and vehicle." The next 9 verses describe how Brahmaani etc came. For example, Brahmaani came on a swan with aksha sutra and kamandalu (worn by Brahma), Maaheswari came on a great bull with a Trishoola and She wore a big snake and Moon. And so on. What is the message hidden in the above description? The fact that these female deities are identical to the male counterparts in form, decoration, weapons and vehicles suggests, to me, that they are not really separate from the male counterparts. Brahma and Brahmaani are not separate. Maheswara and Maaheswari are not separate. Vishnu and Vaishnavi are not separate. And so on. Brahmaani is simply the shakti (vitality/energy) of Brahma. Maaheswari is simply the shakti (vitality/energy) of Maheswara. And so on. Of course, if you imagine Vaishnavi (Lakshmi) as a separate person with certain attributes, She may manifest limited by your imagination and even give you a darshan in that form. However, that is a limited form and Her true nature is beyond that. Her true and highest nature is that She is an inseparable part of Vishnu and represents the energy of Vishnu. She is the part of Vishnu that makes Vishnu think, desire, act etc. Any other external form is a lower nature of Her. Thus, contemplation on these verses will make you understand the true nature of male devatas and female devatas and their relationship better. It will enable you to appreciate the highest nature of Shakti.

(2) Take Raktabeeja's slaying. Raktabeeja is a demon with a special ability. If a drop of blood falls from his body on the ground, another demon will be born from it and will be of the same size, age and strength as the original Raktabeeja even at birth. As Vaishnavi, Maaheswari, Aindri etc were hurting Raktabeeja in the fight, more and more demons were being born and all the gods were scared. Then Chandikaa told Kaali to expand her face and eat all the demons as they are born. Chandika goes around the war ground eating all the demons as they are born and eventually Raktabeeja runs out of blood. This looks like a nice story. But, is there is a deeper meaning in it? Why was Kaali the chosen one and not Vaishnavi or Naarasimhi or Aindri? The word rakta means blood. Another meaning is "desire/passion". Actually, both the meanings are linked and the word comes from the root ranj/rang, which means "to color". Of course, in our astrology also, Moon shows rakta dhatu (blood) and he is also the karaka for desires. Raktabeeja means "the seed of desire". Raktabeeja fighting with gods symbolizes desires taking the better of our good judgment and good qualities. Each human being is a microcosm of the macrocosm that the universe is. All devatas reside in us as various good qualities and all demons reside in us as various undesirable qualities. When we are overcome by desires and do bad deeds, the Raktabeeja within us is defeating the gods within us. The thing is that desires are difficult to get rid of. You get rid of one desire and another desire is born. That is what Raktabeeja's special ability means. The "seed of desires" within us will keep producing more and more desires. It is very resourceful. Then, why Kaali to destroy Him? In astrology, we associate Mahaakaala and Mahaakaali with Saturn. Kaali shows detachment and vairaagyam. She wears a garland of skulls, symbolizing that there is an endless cycle (garland) of births a material form (skull) goes thru. The way Kaali shows to overcome the cycle is vairaagyam and detachment. She shows meaningful and highest level of vairaagyam that comes with a deep understanding of the cycle of material forms. To fully cut off the "seed of desires" so that one does not get any more desires, one needs to develop vairaagyam and detachment and keep on destroying desires as they are born and persist like that. After persisting for a long time, the "seed of desires" will run out of desires and one will overcome desires. Thus, simple stories have deep meanings. This particular story celebrates the value of detachment, vairaagyam and persistence Saturnine qualities. *** Durga Saptashati is what is used in Chandi homam. It is very auspicious to read everyday or on Ashtami/Navami/Chaturdasi days. It takes 1-2.5 hours. When I read it for the first time on March, it took me 2 hours. Now it takes me 50 min. If you don't have much time, you may want to read one chapter per day.

Merely chanting it without understanding the meaning is also excellent and produces results. Understanding the meaning and marvelling at the power of the Mother makes one fearless and energetic and also give material benefits. Understanding the deeper meanings and appreciating the True Nature of the Mother makes one realize one's own true nature. It has various benefits at various levels of sadhana. It is tough to exactly say what benefit it gives, as that depends on the evolution level of sadhaka and his attitude. But, there is something in Chandipath for everyone! It is more effective if you read the moola mantra (the Navakshari mantra or, preferably, Dasakshari mantra with Om added) 108 times before AND after chanting 700 verses. I will give one interesting personal anecdote. I started reading Durga Sapta Shati during Shata Chandi Homam at Chennai in March. I took a vow to read it for 108 consecutive days. After I finished exactly 40 days of reading it, a priest who came to our house gifted me a one foot tall panchaloha idol of Ashtadasa Bhuja Maha Lakshmi (Narayani with 9x2=18 hands). *** There are no classical references, to my knowledge, on the mapping between the the nine planets and the nine forms of Narayani described in Saptashati, who fought with demons. But obviously there must be a link. Here is my first shot at it: Brahmaani: Jupiter Maaheswari: Moon Kaumaari: Mars Vaishnavi: Mercury Vaaraahi: Rahu Naarasimhi: Ketu Aindri: Sun Sivadooti: Venus Chaamundaa/Kaali: Saturn May the light of Brahman shine within, Narasimha ---------------------------------------------------------------Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): Free Jyotish software (Windows): Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: ----------------------------------------------------------------

Posted by Sanjay Prabhakaran


8:32 PM 4 comments

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Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Sanskrit and Pramod Mahajan

From: Sanjay Rath Date: May 9, 2006 7:50 AM Subject: RE: [sohamsa] Sanskrit and Pramod Mahajan To: | om gurave namah | Dear Narasimha, Lakshmi Excellent points about 'Saamba' and the point is well accepted now. The question I was raising was not about the sanskrit part, which is definitely not disputed - Sarbani also has given a fine opinion to me the other day. The point I was hoping would bediscussed slightly more was the concept of Advaita. What is this philosophy and what is the relevance of 'saamba' to this? Hoping to hear some great thoughts from all of you. In the Gemini Lagna for Pramod bhai, +-----------------------------------------------+ | |Ra | |As | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------+-----------------------+-----------| | | |Md Gk | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |-----------| Rasi |-----------| |HL | |Sa | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------+-----------------------+-----------| |Ju GL |Ma |Su Ke |Mo Me | | | | |Ve AL | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-----------------------------------------------+ +-----------------------------------------------+ | | |Ju |HL GL | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------+-----------------------+-----------| |Su Ve | | Mo Sa | |Md | |Ra | | | | | | | | | | | Navamsa | | |-----------| |-----------| |Ke | D-9 | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------+-----------------------+-----------| |As |Ma Gk |AL |Me | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-----------------------------------------------+

Mahajan, Pramod Date: October 30, 1948 Time: 9:21:00 pm Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT) Place: 78 E 28' 00", 17 N 23' 00" Hyderabad, India Lunar Yr-Mo: Sarva-dhari - Aswayuja Tithi: Krishna Chaturdasi (Ve) (79.25% left) Vedic Weekday: Saturday (Sa) Nakshatra: Hastha (Mo) (6.31% left) Yoga: Vishkambha (Sa) (51.29% left) Karana: Vishti (Sa) (58.50% left)

1. Method of 3 lords gives Madhya Ayus as Saturn is ill placed from both lagna and arudha while Mercury & Jupiter are strong. There is no kakshya hrasa or vriddhi in this as although Mercury could have given kakshya hrasa, it has the conjunction of the chaturdasi (shiva) dosha. 2. Method of 3 pairs is as follows: a. lagna + HL = alpa ayus b. lagna lord + 8th lord = long life c. Moon + Saturn = long life . Note that the Moon has serious Chaturdasi dosha i.e. both Moon & Venus become very very malefic and at the vital time Jupiter can turn his face away. This is a grave dosha that can harm longevity just like amavasya dosha that can completely destroy fortune and longevity.

Prima facie we get long life in the short group structure even if we are going to ignore the Moon. Long group structure is 40, 80 & 120.................... 10 year/sign Middle group structure is 36, 72 and 108 .............9 year/sign Short group structure is 32, 64 and 96...................8 year/sign 3. Method of the three Moons = Middle life - very specifically danger is expected in Sat/Rahu period (see the navamsa with the Moon, longevity indicator in the 8th house afflicted by Saturn and Rahu. In my written predictions to him, this dangerous period was clearly indicated. However, I failed to see that it would be murder by his own brother! I always thought it would be a breach of security as Mars also indicates security people and Rahu indicates dangerous criminals. 4. If you look at the panchanga, the pointers are also very clear. The nakshatra lord Moon is in Chaturdasi dosha and this can be dangerous for longevity. The vaara lord Saturn is badly placed for long life indications being in 12th from AL and 3rd from lagna. 5. When people said that he would have problems with seniors, I told him that during Saturn dasa his Rajyoga would not be disturbed as the elders like Vajpayeeji and Advaniji will like him very much - Saturn is the lord of Vishakumbha yoga. Similarly when he was very worried after the 13 day govt, I had guaranteed him the return of BJP due to the fact that Saturn is also the lord of the Karana. So Saturn dasa was his great Rajyoga period. 6. Now coming to Shula dasa - yes the dasa was of Gemini and you always underestimate the power of the Rudra yoga caused by Venus + Moon or Mars + Moon. So we should never undrestimate the power of the Rudra yoga. The protectors Jupiter and AK Mercury also aspect the lagna and can protect. So, in this battle between Mercury & Jupiter on one side protecting him and Moon and Venus on the other destroying him, Jupiter turns away due to chaturdasi dosha (shiva dosha) ad Mercury alone cannot battle a debilitated Venus conjunction and the direct contact of the K14 Moon. The question is when will Jupiter turn away? However, I agree with you that making a death prediction would be very very difficult unless after the attack event as the forces are very delicately and equally balanced. Shoola dasa (troubles and death): Ge MD: 2002-10-31 - 2011-11-01 Antardasas in this MD: Sg: 2002-10-31 - 2003-07-31 Cp: 2003-07-31 - 2004-04-28 Aq: 2004-04-28 - 2005-01-27 Pi: 2005-01-27 - 2005-10-31 Ar: 2005-10-31 - 2006-07-31

Ta: 2006-07-31 - 2007-04-28 Ge: 2007-04-28 - 2008-01-28 Cn: 2008-01-28 - 2008-10-31 Le: 2008-10-31 - 2009-07-31 Vi: 2009-07-31 - 2010-04-28 Li: 2010-04-28 - 2011-01-28 Sc: 2011-01-28 - 2011-11-01 The only time that Jupiter would turn away would be the antardasa of Rahu/Aries, and it is then that the evil struck. Best wishes and warm regards, Sanjay Rath -----------------------------------------------------------------Personal: WebPages Rath's Rhapsody
SJC WebPages: Sri Jagannath Center SJCERC JIVA

Vedic Numerology
Vedic Numerology

-PVR Narasimha Rao

2002 Vedic Astrology List - Warning: You cannot reproduce any parts of this article, without written permission from the author(s) mentioned herein.

Hi Friends, Namaste to all of you after a long hiatus! English language is as unscientific and as unsystematic as any language can get. The ordering of letters (a, b, c, d etc) has no phonological significance whatsoever. No numerological theory that hinges on this alphabet order is meaningful.

Similarly, the Gregorian calendar is equally stupid. Between April 6 of one year and April 6 of another year, there may or may not be any astronomical similarity. It is an *arbitrary* calendar which attempts to address only some mundane issues. OTOH, the solar, lunar and savana (fixed) calendars of India (and much of the old world) have a sound astronomical basis. Again, no numerological theory that hinges on this arbitrary calendar can be meaningful. So numerology as practiced by many people today (based on English alphabet and dates as per the Gregorian calendar) is just nonsense. The name analysis given in the exchange between Anjaneya and Robyn is an example of the systematic approach of Vedic numerology. I want to write a little more on this for the benefit of those who are interested in genuine Vedic numerology. Well, the nama rasi (name sign) does not have to "fit" with Chandra lagna or anything else. It just so happened in your case. We can judge the natal planetary positions using nama rasi of a person to see which indications of the natal chart receive support from the name. In fact, we can also see the nama rasi corresponding to a work or venture by a native (e.g. name of a book, name of a company etc) to see the impact of that work or venture on the native. As it is always easier to learn from real examples, I will give a few. Before I proceed, here is the table for a quick reference, in case you don't have Sanjay ji's "Jaimini Maharishi's Upadesa Sutras" book: Table 1 Katapayaadi Varga

Click on Image to enlarge

1. Take Pt. Sanjay Rath's chart (7th August 1963, 9:14:50 pm (IST), 83e58, 21n27). His second book "Crux of Vedic Astrology: Timing of Events" was popularly known as "COVA" and he became very popular in the world of Jyotish after that book. COVA (kovaa) has two consonants - k and v. They stand for 1 and 4 respectively. Reversing the order, it is 41. Dividing by 12, remainder is 5. This shows Leo. So Leo is the rasi that shows how this book is known. What is its impact on Sanjay ji's natal chart? In his natal rasi chart, Leo contains Mercury (writing) and it is aspected by GL (Ghati Lagna - shows power and fame). This shows becoming very popular as a writer. Writing a book that was known as "COVA" made him famous as a writer. 2. Take the chart of SJVC (10th September 1998, 9:35 am (IST), New Delhi, India). SJVC's first major venture is the "Jyotish Digest" magazine. Let us say this magazine becomes wellknown as "JD" (like Astrological Magazine is known as AM and Express Star Teller as EST). What will it then do to SJVC? The two consonants j and d show 8 and 3. Dividing 38 by 12, we get 2 as the remainder. It shows Taurus as the nama rasi of JD. Judge the impact of Taurus on SJVC chart.

It is the 8th house of the SJVC chart showing hard work and research. The venture known as "JD" will make SJVC work hard and spread occult knowledge. Taurus contains GL and has argala from the raja yoga giving planets in Leo. This shows that JD will make SJVC very popular and famous. But, it does not aspect HL (hora lagna - money) and, moreover, it is the 12th from AL (arudha lagna) showing expediture. This does not really show SJVC making a lot of money on this venture. The financial gains of SJVC from JD may be modest, but the fame and contribution to the spreading of occult knowledge will be immense. 3. I've been using the abbreviation "JHora" for the upcoming "Jagannatha Hora" software to be released by SJVC. The nama rasi of "JHora" is Pisces (j, h, r = 8, 8, 2=288. Remainder is 0, i.e. 12). Because HL in SJVC chart is in Sagittarius and Pisces contains HL lord Jupiter and aspects HL, this venture known as "JHora" is likely to be financially profitable. Jupiter and Pisces also show that this venture will go towards establishing the teachings of maharshis. Perhaps the retrogression of Jupiter in Pisces is one factor slowing down this JHora venture. The software is almost ready, but so many hurdles in finishing it. 1. My own birthdata is: 4th April 1970, 5:47:20 pm (IST), 81e8, 16n10. My full name is "P.V.R. Narasimha Rao". In my childhood, I was known by a nickname of "Babji". The syllables in it are B[aab] and J[ee]. The numbers of b and j are 3 and 2, i.e. 23. The remainder when 23 is divided by 12 is 11, i.e. Aquarius. Aquarius is the 6th house in my natal chart with Moon and Rahu. I did not enjoy good health. But Moon is AK (atma karaka) and is aspected by Jupiter (Libra) and raja yoga planets in Aries. Because of AK and Jupiter, I learnt traditional knowledge so effortlessly as if I was remembering it from my past life. By an age of 11, I obtained 2 diplomas equivalent to a bachelor's degree in Sanskrit literature, one of them with distinction. It also helped that Aq was the strongest sign in the SAV (Samudaya AshtakaVarga) of my natal rasi chart. 2. During the ages of 13-21, I was known as PVR (pee vee aar) - my initials. You can see that p, v, r gives 1, 4, 2, i.e. 241. The remainder when 241 is divided by 12 is 1. This shows Aries. Aries, with 4 planets, has all the raja yogas of my chart. It is also aspected by AK (atma karaka - Moon here). It was a great period and I succeeded in everything I tried.

3. When I came to USA for masters (1991-93), people started calling me Rao(raav). This is just one syllable with the leading consonant being R(2). The nama rasi is Taurus. From Taurus, my raja yogas are in 12th. This period was not so good. It was a period of disillusionment and change in life. 4. Since I returned to USA in 1995, I've been known as "Narasimha". This has 4 syllables -"N[a] R[a] S[im] H[a]". The leading consonants in the four syllables are n, r, s and h, which stand for 0, 2, 7 and 8 respectively. The number 8720 gives a remainder of 8 when divided by 12. This shows Scorpio. Scorpio aspects the raja yogas in Aries. The Mahayogada of my natal chart (Sun) owns the 10th from Scorpio and occupies 5th from it. This shows professional success. Ketu in 10th from Scorpio shows spiritual (Ketu) activities in society (10th). With Scorpio containing AL and various important sahamas (Vidya - education, Yasas - fame, Gaurava - respect, Rajya - kingdom, Karma - profession, Samartha - enterprise), this is a key sign. 5. Take Bill Gates (28th October 1955, 9:25 pm (PST), 122w20, 47n36). Had he been known as " William" or "William Gates", his nama rasi would've been Taurus. With Taurus being the 12th house with Ketu in it, his spirituality would've prospered. Instead, he is known as "Bill Gates" (syllables: B[il] G[aets]) and the nama rasi is Sagittarius, containing HL (money) and aspected by Yogada Mercury and Mars. The name is more conducive to the entrepreneur in him than the spiritual person in him. Leo is the strongest sign in his SAV. It is the 3rd house of enterprise. It contains HL lord (bringer of money) and aspects GL and GL lord (power). It is a key sign and brings money through enterprise and power through money. Incidentally, nama rasi of his company Microsoft (syllables: M[aik] R[oe] S[oft]) is Leo! This company brought him moeny and power. 6. Exercise for the interested: A native has the following chart -

Sg: Lagna; Cp: Sat, Jup; Aq: Ket; Ta: Ven; Ge: Merc, HL; Cn: Sun; Le: Mar, Rah; Li: Gulika, Mandi; Sc: GL.
a. Hypothetically, let us say he founded a company called "Thank Engines". Find the nama rasi of the venture and judge if it brings him money or not. b. Suppose the company's first product is called "Tip One Thousand". Find the nama rasi of the product and judge if this is the product that brings him a lot of money. c. If he is considering "Tip Two Thousand" and "Tip Three Thousand" for the name of the next product, what will you advise? Find the nama rasis of the two names and judge which one is better.

Ruling Planets:
In addition to seeing how the rasi corresponding to the name fits with the native's chart, you can also see if the first letter is chosen properly. Ruling planet of the first letter is as important as the ruling of sign of the whole name. For that, use the planetary rulerships of the first letter. The k-group (k, kh, g, gh, ng), i.e. gutturals, are ruled by Mars. The ch-group, i.e. palatals is ruled by Venus. The alveolar/cerebral t-group is ruled by Mercury. The dental t-group is ruled by Jupiter. The p-group, i.e. labials is ruled by Saturn. Sun rules vowels and Moon rules semi-vowels and sibilants. Within each group, there are 5 letters. For example, k-group has k, kh, g, gh and n(g). These are the voiceless, voiceless aspirated, voiced, voiced aspirated and nasal sounds. They are respectively sub- lorded by Saturn (air), Mars (fire), Mercury (earth), Venus (water) and Jupiter (ether). Let us revisit the previous example: We saw that SJVC's venture known as JD (Jyotish Digest) has Taurus as nama rasi and Taurus contains GL in the chart. In addition, its first sound "J" is lorded by Venus and sub-lorded by Mercury. These two planets (1st and 9th lords) have a raja yoga within half a degree in SJVC chart (for all the data, see the original post with this title). Moreover, Venus owns lagna and GL and is a Yogada promising power and authority. This supports the conclusions drawn from nama rasi! In Bill Gates chart, we saw that nama rasi of Microsoft was the sign containing the maximum score in SAV, containing HL lord and aspecting GL. Moreover, the sound "m" is lorded by Saturn who is exalted in GL, joined by dispositor Venus. The first letter of his name (b) is also lorded by exalted Saturn in GL. Had he been known as William Gates or Will Gates, Moon would've been the planet (not as strong as exalted Saturn in GL). In my own case, Saturn was the ruling planet of the name when I was known as "PVR". Neecha bhanga raja yoga Saturn's influence dominated then. OTOH, the first letter of "Narasimha" is lorded and sub-lorded by Jupiter in the 2nd house. The period when I was known as Narasimha was also the period when my interest in astrology became deep. The ruling sign and ruling planet of the name by which most people call us decide which aspects of our natal charts get stressed. The ruling sign and ruling planet of the name we give to our ventures (companies or books or magazines etc) decide how those ventures activate various aspects of our natal charts.

Rules of Decomposition
Let us say C (C1, C2 etc) represents a consonant, and V a vowel. Then any syllable that is not the first in a word will be of the form

C1 V [C2] [C3] [C4]...

Whatever is in paranthesis is optional. It may or may not be there. But a consonant (C1) and a vowel (V) will always start the syllable. Here C1 is the main consonant of the syllable and its number should be taken. If you have multiple consonants together (e.g. "vy" in "kavya"), only the last one remains in the syllable and others will be the trailing consonants of the previous syllable. For example, "kavya" becomes "kav" + "ya". The first syllable of a word is of a different form. It is of the form:

[C1] V [C2] [C3]...

Here C1 (leading consonant) is also optional (along with the trailing consonants at the end, which are always optional). If it is present, take its number. If not, take 0. Another case is that there may be more consonants before C1 (e.g. sravya). If there are, ignore them. Technically, they are like the second half of a truncated previous syllable. For example, sravya is basically s + rav + ya. The first letter "s" is not a complete syllable and hence clubbed in the first syllable as "srav". However, it does not become the leading consonant of "srav", as it is technically the trailing consonant of a previous truncated (non-existent) syllable. So the leading syllable of the first syllable "srav" of sravya is r. Examples: Let us write each syllable in the form of "C1, V, C2 C3 C4" etc. 1. siddhamsa = sid; dham; sa (dh is one consonant, not two) So siddhamsa = s, i, d; dh, a, m; s, a, -The three leading consonants are s, dh (dental) and s (palatal)

2. shashtyamsa = shasht; yam; sa So shashtyamsa = sh, a, sh, t; y, a, m; s, a, We get sh (cerebral/alveolar), y and s (palatal) 3. ashtamsa = ash, tam, sa So ashtamsa = -, a, sh; t, a, m; s, a, We get -(none), t (alveolar/cerebral), s (palatal) as the 3 consonants. 4. akshavedamsa = ak; sha; ve; dam; sa So akshavedamsa = -, a, k; sh, a, -; v, e, -; d, a, m; s, a, -We get - sh (cerebral), v, d (dental), s (palatal). 5. rudramsa = rud; ram; sa So rudramsa = r, u, d; r, a, m; s, a We get r, r, s (palatal) as the 3 consonants. 6. dwadasamsa = dwa; da; sam; sa So dwadasamsa = d w, a, -; d, a, -; s, a, m; s, a, - The leading consonants are w (note), d, s, s (both palatal). The first syllable dwa is equivalent to a combination of a tuncated syllable "d" and a full syllable "wa". If there was a previous letter, starting sound d would belong to it! 7. dwandwam = dwan; dwam So dwandwam = d w, a, n d; w, a, m The 2 leading consonants are w (note) and w. The first syllable dwan is equivalent to a combination of a tuncated syllable "d" and a full syllable "wan". If there was a previous letter, starting sound d would belong to it! Vowels are the prana (life) of syllables and consonants the body. No syllable can exist without a vowel and each syllable will consist of exactly one vowel (one prana). The number of syllables in a word corresponds to the number of vowels. Dronacharya has o, a, a and a (drOnAchAryA). So it has 4 syllables and not two. Let us start from the end and put a boundary before the preceding consonant of each vowel. Then we get: dronachar | yA drona | chAr | ya dro | nA | char | ya d | rO | na | char | ya Here d is not a complete syllable, as it has no vowel. So, finally, it may be clubbed with "ro". The 4 letters are r, n, ch and y (d | Ro | Na | CHar | Ya). If you are still confused, here is a shortcut: Just forget syllables etc. Just look at the vowels (au, ai, oo are one vowel and not two). Take the consonant immediately before each vowel. Do this for all the vowels. This rule will allow you to get the correct sounds for nama rasi.

Understanding how syllables are formed enables you to see the logic behind this rule and also helps you appreciate the rules of Sanskrit chhandas (metrology for poetry), but it is not necessary to apply the rule. Example: Take a hypothetical name - Alguntyolischa Find the vowels in this. I put them in capital letters here - AlgUntyOlischA. There are exactly 5 separate vowels in this word - a, u, o, i and a (in that order). Now see the consonant sound immediately preceding each vowel. There is none before the first a. There is g before u. There is y before o, l before i and ch before last a. So take these five. This procedure should be easy to follow. More comments: 1. Some people may mis-pronounce ou in "thousand" as avu. But that's not how most people pronounce it. Most people pronounce the vowel ou correctly. So you cannot take a consonant v there. For that matter, some people may mispronounce it as "thousandu" or "thousanda", but the most common pronunciation has no vowel at the end. Moreover, "s" in thousand is not pronounced by most people as "jh". It is closer to "j" instead. If we write it as "thoujand", there are two vowels - ou and a. The consonants immediately preceding them are th and j. The numbers are 7 and 8. 2. The name sign is only one aspect of the name. I told you how to see the planet ruling a name based on the first letter. That's even more important. Look at that too. May Jupiter's light shine on us, Narasimha PS: Name is not everything. Remember that it is only ONE of the factors. Though this article concentrated on just that factor, that's not the only thing that impacts one's fortune. PPS: A series of articles by Sanjay ji and me on a hitherto secret technique is starting in JD from May 2002. I assure that this is the most reliable technique of predictive astrology that I know of for focussed yearly predictions. Don't miss the first article of the series! It is written in the same easy style that you find in Sanjay ji's books and my book, with lots of examples thrown in. If you haven't already subscribed to JD, I strongly advise you to do it right away.
Posted by Sanjay Prabhakaran


2:29 AM

Chinese New Year - Parthiva Magha Shukla Pratipada

Om Gurave Namah Dear Jyotishas, Wish you all Happy Makara Sankranti and Chinese New Year. The Chinese new year commences with the first phase of Moon in Makara/Capricorn Rashi. The current samvatsara is called Parthiva Samavatsara in Jupiterian cycle of 60 Years. The Month is named after the Nakshatra in which a Full moon occurs. Hence, When First phase commences in Capricorn The full moon occurs in Magha Nakshatra in Leo. Hence this new year in vedic naming convention is called Parthiva Magha Shukla Pratipada. Pratipada, Prati means first, Pada means Part. Shukla means Brightening to indicate the waxing phase of moon. This Year The chinese Governments resolution is to remove poverty. "Chinese leaders mark Lunar New Year with poverty pledge BEIJING (AP) China's leaders spent the Lunar New Year holiday with locals in the impoverished countryside, where growing discontent has spilled over into violent protests, and pledged Sunday to do more to improve living standards." The chart for this year is given below,

Date: January 29, 2006 Time: 10:15:10 pm Time Zone: 8:00:00 (East of GMT) Place: 123 E 53' 00", 39 N 51' 00" Beijing, China Altitude: 0.00 meters

Lunar Yr-Mo: Parthiva - Magha Tithi: Sukla Pratipat (Su) (100.00% left) Vedic Weekday: Sunday (Su) Nakshatra: Sravanam (Mo) (58.01% left) Yoga: Siddhi (Ma) (16.02% left) Karana: Kimstughna (Me) (100.00% left) Hora Lord: Venus (5 min sign: Le) Mahakala Hora: Mercury (5 min sign: Sg) Kaala Lord: Moon (Mahakala: Moon) Sunrise: 6:58:01 am Sunset: 4:59:11 pm Janma Ghatis: 38.2141 Ayanamsa: 23-56-28.51 Sidereal Time: 7:05:27 Makara Rashi is the kali yuga sign, Hence Makara Sankranti(ingress) of Sun into Capricorn is celebrated as new year in many parts of India. Classics like Kaalaprakaashika also recommend to take the time of Sun ingress into Capricorn for developments in Mineral and other related events. The reconning of Moon cycle from Makara also hence makes sense. In the above chart for Beijing China, We see that Hora Lord is Venus. Which is also the 9th Lord. Hence the Venus is yoga kaaraka for wealth. Being Hora lord it indicates the main focus of Wealth and resources also. The chinese govt. hence made a pledge of removing poverty. The retrograde Venus indicates tremendous efforts put by the Govt. In 4th house of Property it's also in Partivartana with Jupiter in second so the focus is all the more on wealth generation. 9th lordship of Venus is very auspicious, But 2nd house is a maraka staana and having Jupiter with Kendradi pati doshas, Due to benefic owning the Kendra. The compromise made will be high. Retrograde graha takes the character of nodes, Nodes approach the solution to a problem in reverse. Hence Venus will also take some of the character.

Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon): Maha Dasas: Moon: 2006-01-17 (1:01:07 pm) - 2006-02-16 (2:33:54 am) Mars: 2006-02-16 (2:33:54 am) - 2006-03-08 (11:54:12 pm) Rah: 2006-03-08 (11:54:12 pm) - 2006-05-02 (7:42:04 pm) >>> Jup: 2006-05-02 (7:42:04 pm) - 2006-06-21 (6:51:49 pm) Sat: 2006-06-21 (6:51:49 pm) - 2006-08-20 (10:05:43 am) Merc: 2006-08-20 (10:05:43 am) - 2006-10-11 (5:45:08 pm) Ket: 2006-10-11 (5:45:08 pm) - 2006-11-01 (8:20:33 pm) >>> Ven: 2006-11-01 (8:20:33 pm) - 2006-12-31 (2:53:55 am) Sun: 2006-12-31 (2:53:55 am) - 2007-01-17 (6:52:28 pm) The dasa of Jupiter will mostly give the results of Venus due to this parivartana. Hence in 2006/May it would be interesting to note the developments in China in wealth related matter. Due to the regtrogression It will delay the results and Hence Venus dasa may actually give the results in wealth in 2006/nov. The Taurus indicates Food and Village produces and Libra indicates the Marketting and particularly stock markets. Both are ruled by Venus, Taurus would have given more traditional growth but Libra having Jupiter makes it more stronger and Hence a Stock market based growth is very possible. The Jupiter indicates some expansion (could be little harmful as it's having kendradi pati doshas). The chinese market may hence open up with possibly opening a new Stock exchange for trading. Warm Regards Sanjay P Hare Rama Krishna Other Related Articles

Moon Mechanics: What Really Makes Our World Go 'Round -- Moon Mechanics: What Really Makes Our World Go 'Round: " Moon Mechanics: What Really Makes Our World Go 'Round By Robert Roy Britt Senior Science Writer posted: 07:00 am ET 18 March 2003" A billion years ago, the Moon was much closer to Earth than it will be tonight. Its tighter orbit meant it needed just 20 days to go around us, to make a lunar month. Other things were noticeably different, too. A day on Earth back then was only 18 hours long. People were probably wishing, "If only I had 24 hours in a day" Okay, there were no people then, but the critters of the time eventually got their wish. In the intervening eons, the Moon has been drifting away. Each year, it moves about 1.6 inches (4 centimeters) farther into space. It is a coincidence of orbital and species evolution that we humans are on this planet during an era when we can work 24/7, should that be demanded. Also by coincidence, we're here when the Moon's apparent size in the sky is equal to that of the Sun, so that a total solar eclipse is possible. Furthermore, we arrived comfortably after the pockmarked satellite began showing just one face to Earth, providing that immutable and unchanging beacon we call a full Moon, cosmic governor of terrestrial love and a lot of loony --> Or, one could argue, none of this is coincidence at all. If not for the Moon, some say, love as we know it would never have happened and we wouldn't be here to contemplate Earth's orbiting treasure. The Moon has had dramatic effects on our planet and the life that inhabits it, researchers believe. The Moon stabilizes Earth's rotation, for example, preventing otherwise dramatic movements of the poles that would fuel climate swings that some scientists figure might have doomed any chance for life to form, let alone evolve.

And biologists speculate that tides, generated mostly by the Moon, would have been a logical place for life to originate. Sea creatures might have then used tidal regions as experimental sites for testing the habitability of land, and therefore as an excuse to develop lungs. Put short, your gilled ancestors might have used the Moon like a gravitational guiding light to the first non-aquatic procreation.

In that sense, the only coincidence in all this is the fact that the Moon ever came to exist in the first place. For there was a brief time in the early history of our planet, likely 100 million years or less, when there was no Moon in the sky. 4.5 billion years ago The Earth has recently been forged out of the detritus of star formation, assembled from dust that became rock, then boulders that collided and grew. Other planetary hopefuls roam the solar system. Impacts are frequent. The scene is hectic. A large rock, about the size of Mars, is doomed. It's heading toward Earth, destined for a slightly off-center impact that will set everything that isn't already rotating into a frenzy of spin. Upon impact, material from the incoming object and from the new Earth is cast into space. A ring of debris orbits the planet, and in an amazingly short amount of time -- about one day -- it begins to coalesce into a satellite. It takes somewhere between 1 and 100 years for the Moon to gather most of the stuff into a ball. There are other theories for how the Moon was born, but this one is widely accepted as the most plausible. Earth may or may not have been rotating before the impact, but it certainly was afterward. Importantly, the orbital and rotational mechanics of this new Earth-Moon system were then planned out for all time. The impact imparted angular moment on the system, a spin that could never be destroyed, the laws of physics tell us. Curiously, the specific relationships would change over time -- dramatically -- and the shifts continue today. The face of change During the past 4.5 billion years, Earth's overwhelming gravity has slowed the Moon's rotation down and pushed the satellite away. The cause is complex, involving tides, which we'll discuss below. One amazing result, for now, is a readily observable set of very interesting facts: It takes the Moon 29.5 days to make one revolution about its axis. All the while, of course, the Moon is also going around the Earth. This orbit also takes 29.5 days.

Because the Moon's orbit and rotation times are the same, the satellite always shows the same face to Earth. We see that face because sunlight reflects off it (the Moon does not make its own light). On the Moon, all this means that the Sun rises every four weeks, roughly. It also means there is no "dark side" of the Moon, at least not to someone living in any hypothetical Lunaville. The side of the Moon we cannot see from Earth gets its full share of sunshine periodically, when the Moon is between Earth and the Sun. In this configuration, the Moon is said to be new, and it reflects no sunlight our way. There was a time, however, when the timing was much different. Shifting tides Gravity is said to be the weakest of all the fundamental forces. But one aspect of it is very consequential: Gravity never goes away. It weakens with distance, but it is always at work. This fact is the primary driver of tides. The side of Earth nearest the Moon always gets tugged more than the other side, by about 6 percent. Hey, you might say, there are two high tides on this planet at any given moment. True. And another far more complex set of phenomena explains this. The Moon does not just go around the Earth. In reality, the two objects orbit about a common gravitational midpoint, called a barycenter. The mass of each object and the distance between them dictates that this barycenter is inside Earth, about threefourths of the way out from the center. So picture this: The center of the Earth actually orbits around this barycenter, once a month. The effect of this is very important. Think, for a second, of a spacecraft orbiting Earth. Its astronauts experience zero gravity. That's not because there's no gravity up there. It's because the ship and its occupants are constantly falling toward Earth while also moving sideways around the planet. This sets up a perpetual freefall, or zero-g. Like the orbiting spaceship, the center of the Earth is in free-fall around the barycenter of the Earth-Moon system.

Here's the kicker: On the side of Earth opposite the Moon, the force of the Moon's gravity is less than at the center of the Earth, because of the greater distance. It can actually be thought of as a negative force, in essence, pulling water away from the Moon and away from Earth's surface -- a second high tide. Our planet rotates under these constantly shifting tides, which is why high and low tides are always moving about, rolling in and rolling out as far as observers on the shore are concerned. The Sun, too, has a tidal effect on Earth, but because of its great distance it is responsible for only about one-third of the range in tides. When the Earth, Moon and Sun are aligned (at full or new Moon), tides can be unusually dramatic, on both the high and low ends. When the Moon is at a 90-degree angle to the Sun in our sky (at first quarter or last quarter) tides tend to be mellower. Effect on orbits Earlier, we said tides are at the root of alterations in the entire Earth-Moon orbital system. Here's how: Earth spins once a day, while the Moon goes around the planet at a more plodding pace, once a month. So the planet is always trying to drag tides along, and it succeeds a bit. The high-tide bulges are pulled just ahead of an imaginary line connecting the centers of Earth and the Moon. It might seem rather amazing, but a terrestrial bulge of water has enough mass to tug at the Moon from yet another angle. The effect is to constantly prod the Moon into a higher orbit, which explains why it is moving away from us. The Moon, meanwhile, is yanking back on the tidal bulges. So the water, down where it meets the ocean floor, rubs against Earth. This slows the planet down, explaining why there are 24 hours in a day instead of the mere 18 of a billion years ago. Finally, we need to bring up another factor that helped all these opposing dynamics reach an agreement of sorts: More than just water is pulled up by tides. Earth's solid self actually stretches, too. And Earth's gravity lifts tides on the Moon,

raising relatively small bulges in the seemingly solid satellite. (Similarly, Jupiter's gravity raises tides on its icy moons in the frigid outer region of the solar system, stretching some so dramatically that the action generates enough heat to maintain liquid oceans under their frozen shells, scientists believe.) Back to our Moon: Continual tugging on the lunar bulges reduced the Moon's rotation rate over time. When the rotation had slowed to the point that it equaled the time it took for the Moon to go around the Earth, the lunar bulges lined up with our planet, and the slowdown stopped. At that moment, one face of the Moon became forever locked in our direction. A moment in time Things continue to change, of course. Earth's rotation rate is still slowing down -- our days are getting longer and longer. Eventually, our planet's tidal bulges will be assemble along that imaginary line running through the centers of both Earth and the Moon, and our planetary rotational change will pretty much cease. Earth's day will be a month long. When this happens, billions of years from now, the terrestrial month will be longer -- about 40 of our current days -- because during all this time the Moon will continue moving away. In this future picture, any lunar colonists would then henceforth see just one face of Earth. You can imagine this setup by stretching your arm out and looking at your palm. Now twirl around. You're face and your palm stare at each other the whole time. If the United States happens to be on the back of your head, well, just think what people there do not see. Map the Moon from Home BUY IT NOW The upshot: One day your descendants, if they survive a swelling Sun and other cosmic and human perils, will have at least 960 hours to work with each day. On some nights, half the world will be able to stare up at a full Moon for what seems like days and days. Imagine the loony things they'll have time to imagine, the strange lore they might conjure. A note about this article: The complex dynamics of tides are frequently explained incorrectly. This article owes to several

conversations with astronomers over the years and many scientific papers and books. In particular, one book proved invaluable: "Bad Astronomy" (Wiley & Sons, 2002). Its author, Philip Plait, delves more accurately into the science of this, while explaining it in a sensible and simple manner, than any other writer I'm aware of. -- RRB * Special Report: Full Moon Fever

Burma Moves Its Capital

As Scrutiny Grows, Burma Moves Its Capital: "Few in Rangoon can fathom the motives for the abrupt move, which began Nov. 6. Most observers and even some government officials say they suspect it was solely the brainchild of Gen. Than Shwe, the secretive head of Burma's ruling military junta."

Jyotish Analysis
By Sanjay Prabhakaran The Parthiva Samvatsara's Chaitra Shukla Pratipada (S1) chart for Rangoon, The Capital of Burma is given Below.

Date: Time:

April 9, 2005 3:02:36 am

Time Zone: 6:30:00 (East of GMT) Place: 95 E 00' 00", 16 N 47' 00" Rangoon, Burma/Myanmar Altitude: 0.00 meters Lunar Yr-Mo: Parthiva - Chaitra Tithi: Sukla Pratipat (Su) (100.00% left) Vedic Weekday: Friday (Ve)


Revati (Me) (36.18% left)

Yoga: Vaidhriti (Ju) (72.36% left) Karana: Kimstughna (Ve) (100.00% left) Hora Lord: Venus (5 min sign: Ta) Mahakala Hora: Sun (5 min sign: Ta) Kaala Lord: Moon (Mahakala: Moon) Sunrise: 6:00:35 am (April 8) Sunset: 6:24:15 pm (April 8) Janma Ghatis: 52.5844 Ayanamsa: 23-55-43.23 Sidereal Time: 16:01:23 The Hora Lord is Venus. It's is the 5th and 10th Lord. The 10th indicates the Capital or the place of execution of power. The Parivartana yoga indicates that there is going to some change. The A10 is tangible manifestation. The A10 (Raajya Pada) is conjoined Hora lord Venus indicating that some changes could be possible. This needs to be confirmed from Divisional chart, Since at that moment all nearby nations could also having Similar rising chart. The D10, gives more details about activities in Rashi 10th house. In D10 for Rangoon we see that we have Gemini rising and again we have a parivartana between 10th Lord Jupiter and 6th lord Mars. The Scorpio lord is taken as Mars, even though Ketu is with Saturn. As Mars froms a stronger yoga with Jupiter by parivartana compared with Conjuntion yoga formed by Ketu with Saturn. The strong indications of mars in Rashi and D10 indicates that the Military is the main cause of this change. The compressed vimshottari dasha is

Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon): Maha Dasas: Merc: 2005-03-08 (10:05:15 am) - 2005-04-27 (9:18:02 pm) Ket: 2005-04-27 (9:18:02 pm) - 2005-05-18 (5:46:31 pm) Ven: 2005-05-18 (5:46:31 pm) - 2005-07-16 (8:17:49 pm) Sun: 2005-07-16 (8:17:49 pm) - 2005-08-02 (2:28:29 pm) Moon: 2005-08-02 (2:28:29 pm) - 2005-09-01 (6:05:29 am) Mars: 2005-09-01 (6:05:29 am) - 2005-09-21 (11:10:39 am) Rah: 2005-09-21 (11:10:39 am) - 2005-11-13 (9:31:25 pm) Jup: 2005-11-13 (9:31:25 pm) - 2005-12-31 (7:09:28 pm) Sat: 2005-12-31 (7:09:28 pm) - 2006-02-26 (3:15:42 am) It has to be noted that the hora Lord is Venus and Rahu is tightly conjoined Venus both in Rashi chart and Dasamsa Chart. So Rahu will give the results of Venus. Now, as per Paachakaadi Relation, Venus is inimical to 4th house from where he is situated. Venus is kaaraka moving away from house and travelling. Hence the move can be seen in Rahu dasa. To confirm the same from Dasamsa chart we see that Jupiter the 10th lord is in 4th Venus. Hence Venus behave very inimical to Jupiter and initiates the parivartana. Hare Rama Krishna.
Posted by Sanjay Prabhakaran


11:38 PM 1 comments

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Wednesday, December 21, 2005

The "kaTapayaadi" scheme applied to Melakarta Ragas

The "kaTapayaadi" scheme applied to Melakarta Ragas "The 'ka-Ta-pa-ya' scheme and its application to mELAkarta raagas of Carnatic music

The ka-Ta-pa-ya scheme: The 'ka-Ta-pa-ya' rule used by ancient Indian mathematicians and grammarians is a tool to map names to numbers. Writing the consonants of the Sanskrit alphabet as four groups with 'ka, Ta, pa, ya' as the beginning letters of the groups we get 1234567890 ka kha ga gha ~ma cha Cha ja jha ~na Ta Tha Da Dha Na ta tha da dha na pa pha ba bha ma ya ra la va Sa sha sa ha Now, each letter of the group is numbered from 1 through 9 and 0 for the tenth letter. Thus, ka is 1, sa is 7, ma is 5, na is 0 and so on. So to indicate the number 356 for example one would try and come up with a word involving the third, fifth and sixth letters of the groups like 'gaNitam' or 'lESaca'. However, in the Indian tradition, the digits of a number are written left to right in the increasing order of their place value - exactly opposite the way we are used to writing in the western way. Therefore 356 would be indicated

using letters in the 6th, 5th, and 3rd positions of the group e.g. 'triSUlaM'. There apparently were upto 4 flavors of this scheme in use in ancient India. These differ in how to interpret the conjoint consonant. The popular scheme was to use only the last consonant. And any consonant not attached to a vowel is to be disregarded. These rules should be used while decoding a phrase in 'katapayadi' scheme. The following phrase found in 'sadratnamAla' a treatise on astronomy, bhadram budhi siddha janma gaNita Sraddha@h mayadbhUpagi@h when decoded yields 42397853562951413 which when reversed gives 31415926535879324 which is readily recognised as the digits in 'pi' (except that the 17th digit is wrong - it should be 3) :-)! (source: The article 'The Katapayadi Formula and Modern"
Posted by Sanjay Prabhakaran


10:18 PM 0 comments

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pcakdi sambandha
/pcakdi sambandha Notes by Sanjay Prabhakaran





Graha Sun Saturn Moon Venus Mars Sun Mercury Moon Jupiter Saturn Venus Moon Saturn Venus

House 6 7 2 2 6 2 3

Graha Mars Mars Moon Jupiter Mars Mercury Moon

House 7 9 6 4 5 6 11

Graha Jupiter Saturn Saturn Venus Moon Saturn Jupiter

House 9 11 11 5 7 12 6

Graha Venus Sun Mercury Mars Sun Sun Mars

House 11 3 12 3 12 4 7

Legend & Notes: bold:The ones shown in bold are variations from [SC] Colour: The red ones indicate inimical relations, For moon it's taken as 12th house from itself. All houses are as counted from the planet itself. TIP: If you cannot remember the above table Then, In Jagannatha Hora software, right click on any top of any graha and select "Relationships;Pachakaadi...". This will show relationship of each graha.

Classics like sarvrtha cintmai mention the 4 types of relations called paachakaadi sambanda, literally paachaaka+aadi means "paachaka+etc" and sambanda means realtionships. The 4 relations are, Word 1. /pcaka 2./bodhaka 3. /kraka 4. /vedhaka Meaning Digestor, The one who creates opportunity for the graha Informer, The one who brings the opportunity in front of graha Doer, The one who does the necessary task for the graha Vedha, means knowledge if inimical it can block knowledge hence can cause hurdle.

Graha are like people. Each person has a purpose at given time. Also each person needs help from others to perform certain task, depending on the purpose of the person. An astrological House or Sign (Kshetra) is like a place or environment needed to attain the purpose. It provides the resources needed for the purpose. All purposes of humans can be broadly divided in four, called chaturartha or four purpose. They are, Dharma, Artha, Kaama and moksha. An attempt to bring out the meaning of the paachakaadi is to equate them with chatur-artha (quad-purpose). 1. /pcaka Dharma 2. /bodhaka Kaama 3. /kraka Artha 4. /vedhaka Moksha The pachaka planet is like the graha which give make the Dharma of the planet. Its like the 9th house. When favorable it can give raaja yoga. It gives fortune to a graha by making opportunities. It's the ripener, which fructifies into sweet fruit. Pachaka is the giver and maker of opportunities. The Bodhaka planets is like the 7th house, the 7th house is the dwaara or the door and hence brings the opportunity to the graha. The bodhaka knows the desires of the graha. The Bodhaka graha knows the opportunities and hence can be called the informer. Kaaraka planet is like the 10th house, the kaarka for any graha does the jobs of the graha. Paachaka of a graha knows the karma to be performed by the graha. Pachaka can also do the karma for the graha. Vedhaka is signified by obstacles in terms of aquisition or salvation of the planet. If Vedhaka is benefitial to the graha the goal is reached easily. This graha effects in mental level, hence worship to relevant forms of ganesha helps to overcome.

Certain Usages:

In dasa antardasa, See if the antardasa planet's paachakadi relations. The Mahadasa is like the king and antardasa is like minister, If the relation between them is good the objective of the King is fulfilled. In Naarayana Dasa, If the dasa sign contains a planet. Then, find the inimical pachakadi sign to that graha. That house or sign will be troubled during that dasa. For example if dasa sign has Saturn, Jupiter or Sun the 6 th house from the dasa sign will be troubled.

Similarly for every dasa find the paachaka etc relation of antardasa with mahadasa lord. This will reveal the out of the dasaantardasa.

Sapta Rasa - The Seven Liquids

|| Om Gurave Namah || Sage Parashara gives the names of Seven liquids when describing the Saptamsa chart. saptapstvojaghe gaany nijeata | yugmarau tu vijey saptamarkdinyakt || 10||

krakrau ca dadhyjyau tathekurasasambhava | madyauddhajalvoje same uddhajaldik || 11||

Rasa Name kra kra dadhi ijya ikurasa madhya Translation Alkaline Water Thick Milk Curds Ghee molasses madya Planet Suggested Reasons Saturn Moon Mars Jupiter Mercury Venus Sun A river in Hell Lakshmi born of milk ocean dadhimukah-Name of vaanara(ape) bro-in-law of sugriva Given in Sacrifice Juice of Sugarcane Intoxicating drink Odd Signs Order Even Signs Order 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

uddhajala Pure Water

Please note the obove assignment of the planets is NOT the saptmsha lord, which changes with each Sign. The Seven Liquids Jala or Liquids are the main element by which creation happens. In Humans, The Swadhishtana chakra, rules the Jala element. The Saptamsa lagna lord indicates the creative energy present in each individuals. This sexuality is represented by 28 Nakshatras. Each nakshatra is assigned a male and female of 14 Animals, The following table attempts to bring about a similie between the 14 Animals assigned to each Nakshatra and creative elements present in us.
Male Ashwini Bharani Female Satabhisha Revati Animal Horse Elephant Enemy X X Graha Equivalent Sun Moon

Pushya Rohini Moola Ashlesha Vishaka U. Phalguni Magha Jyeshta U. Ashada P. Ashada P. Bhadra Swati

Krittika Mrigashira Aridra Punarvasu Chitra U. Bhadra P. Phalguni Anuradha Abhijit Sravana Dhanishta Hasta

Sheep Serpent Dog Cat Tiger Cow Rat Hare Mangoose Monkey Lion Ox X X


Saturn Venus Mercury Mars X Moon X Jupiter X X X Saturn Rahu Sun Mars Jupiter Venus

Posted by Sanjay Prabhakaran at 2:18 AM 1 comments
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11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005 09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005 Home

Nakhatra Veedhi
|| Om Gurave Namah ||
Namaste Guruji, While trying to understand "nakshatras", I stumbled across the following information from Vishnu Purana., Part-II. It states that near Agasthya padam, there are 3 nakshatra sthanas called as Airavatha, Jaaradgava and Vaiswaanara. Their directions are respectively North, South and middle.I have given below a table of constellations contained within these sthanas. It is said that the names of veedhis are based upon the physical description of the nakshatras they contain.

Nakshatra Ashwini, Bharani, Krittika Rohini, Mrigasira, Aardra Punarvasu, Pushyami, Aslesha Makha, P.phalguni, U.phalguni Hasta, Chitra, Swati Visakha, Anuradha, Jyestha Moola, P.ashadha, U.ashadha Sravana, Dhanishta, Satabhisham P.bhadra, U.bhadra, Revathi

Veedhi (Street) Naaga(snake) Gaja(elephant) Airaavatha Vrishabha(Ox) Go(Cow) Jaradgava(vulture) Aja(goat/unborn) Mriga(deer) Vaiswaanara(Fire)

Sthana (station) Airavatha Airavatha Airavatha Jaaradgava Jaaradgava Jaaradgava Vaiswaanara Vaiswaanara Vaiswaanara

While these names themselves carry a lot of amazing connotations, it is also interesting to see that the three gandanta points define the end of one nakshatra sthana and beginning of another. It is also seen that there is a change of direction as well occurring at these points. Could it be that this is the basis of concept of gandantas, which, in fact represent that vacuum (nabhi) between one nakshatra sthana and the other? The directions also seem to indicate birth(north-Rahu), death(south-Ketu) and the Holy Fire which digests our karmas and throws up the resulting energies(papa/punya) to fuel next birth? If imaginary lines are drawn connecting these three nakshatra sthanas, I have a feeling that a trikona/triangle is formed Guruji, isn't this similar to the trikona of Sri charka and the nakshatra sthanas are the tri-kootas? I am really confused and humbly request your corrections/guidance. Regards, Lakshmi

|om namo bhagavate vasudevaya|

Dear Lakshmi Airavata is the vahana of Indra and rules over Bhu loka - Aries to Cancer Jaaradgava the bird (vulture or bald eagle) is the ruler of Bhuva loka (Leo to Scorpio), and Vaishwaanara (Agni) is the ruler of svarga loka That should clear something about the larger divisions. With best wishes and warm regards, Sanjay Rath

Posted by Sanjay Prabhakaran


10:32 PM 0 comments

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Friday, September 16, 2005

naga dosha-defects removal mantra

|| nga doa nivraa mantra || Nga: the race of Kadru or Surasaa inhabiting the waters or the city Bhoga-vati1 under the earth ; they are supposed to have a human face with serpent-like lower extremities [see esp. Nag. v , 17 RTL. 233 &c.] ; their kings are Shesha , Vaasuki , and Takshaka ib. 323 ; 7 or 8 of the Na1gas are particularly mentioned MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; with Buddhists they are also represented as ordinary men -Dictionary MW || nga doa nivraa mantra ||

anato vsuki ea padmanbhaca kabaa anato/ananta; Endless one; eternal, vsuki ; one who protects (like cloth or covering),

ea/shesha; remainder; one who remains even after deluge, padmanbha; One whos the lotus navel;The lotus stalk from Visnu;Umblical chord;The one who creates, kabaa; The insect which spins fiber for blanket,

akhaplo dhrtarra takaka kiyastatha || akhaplo /shankapaala; akha conch or shell, also refered to temple bone on forehead; One who protects the conch. dhrtarra /dhaartaraashtra; the son of Dhtarra (Duryodana); One born of a firm empire. takaka /takshaka; One who cuts (like a carpenter) kiya; Kl+iya; who is from time, beyond Time, dark (the manifestation of ignorance etc)

etni nava nmni ngn ca mahtmn These nine names of ngs of great fame,

syakle pahennitya prtakle vieata || In the evening whoever recites at dawn inspecial

tasya viabhaya nsti sarvatra vijay bhavet Those poisonous fear will be be negated and will be victorious all over. -sanskrit text courtesy tvrao_agd -translation SanjayP
Posted by Sanjay Prabhakaran


9:38 PM 3 comments

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Thursday, September 15, 2005


By Sanjay Prabhakaran A month or the 12th part of the Hindu year. There are 4 kinds of Measuring months , viz. 1. 2. 3. 4.

/saura/saura ;the solar /svana/sAvana; the natural /nkatra/nAkSatra; the stellar /cndra/cAndra; the lunar;

/saura/saura ;the solar

This consists consists of suns transit into every Zodiacal sign called Rashi of 30 degrees each. Each month is named after the Sign name eg dhanur maasa when sun is in Saggittarius. Word meaning sura = surya, expanding gives "saura" = from Surya, Note the "au" to indicate derivation.

/svana/sAvana; the natural

This consists of 30 Earth Days, i.e 30 Sunrise/Sunset counts as one month. Ahargana (aha= day gana = count) keeps tracks of total number of days. Refer any panchanga to get the ahargana count. Word meaning : savana = 3 times a day oblation, saavana is the expanded form, meaning 'from savana'. (For counting the total number of oblations done).

/nkatra/nAkSatra; the stellar

This also called Sidereal month in english. The period of revolution of moon around the Zodiac is called one month in this notation, has mean value of 27.32166 days. This is used to adhaana chart (gestation chart) etc to count months in pregnency. [Ref: In the 1850s, a Dr. Naegele determined the average length of human gestation was 266 days from conception, or 280
days (40 weeks) from last menstrual period. He assumed that the average woman had cycles that lasted 28 days and that she ovulated on Day 14 of her cycle. He used his data to come up with a mathematical calculation for due dates] Word meaning : nakshatra = lunar mansion, Naakshatra is derived form to indicate it's from be nakshatra. Note "aa" inbetween to show the derivation.

/cndra/cAndra; the lunar;

Consists of 30 Tithis forming the Lunar Calendar, This form of measuring a month in english is also called the Synodical Month is the interval of time between two identical phases and has a mean value of 29.53059 days. It consists of, 1. Krishna paksha (krishan=dark, paksha=side), Waning phase, Reducing Moon.

2. Shukla paksha (shukla = bright paksha=side), Waxing phase, Increasing Moon. Each is divided in 15 Parts called tithiamsha. Each day is called a tithi. The approximate nakshatra in which full moon occurs is the name given to the Month, For example the Karthika maasa the approximate full moon occurs in Krittika nakshatra, Ashaada when full moon can happen in Purva-ashaad etc
Posted by Sanjay Prabhakaran


12:27 AM 0 comments

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Friday, September 09, 2005

Moon Site:Mike Wilson PH290 Astronomy Movement and Phases of the Moon Changes in phases of the Moon are observed due to fact that we see one side of the Moon illuminated by the Sun from various angles during the course of its revolution about the Earth. The period of revolution is the SIDEREAL MONTH and has mean value of 27.32166 days. The SYNODICAL MONTH is the interval of time between two identical phases and has a mean value of 29.53059 days. The Eastward motion of the Moon against the background of stars has a speed of per mean solar day. Thus time intervals between successive Lunar transits, ie. LUNAR DAYS, have a mean duration of 24hr 51min. The Moon changes its position by approximately , or its own angular diameter, per hour. The Moon's obstruction of other celestial objects is called occultation. The Moon revolves about its axis with exactly the same period that it revolves about the Earth, ie. in a synchronous orbit --and thus presents the same face towards the Earth.

Librations of the Moon are small oscillations from time to time which allow us to get short glimpses of small portions of the side of the Moon which is normally hidden. The Moon orbits the Earth in an ellipse (a=384,400 km, e=0.0549). The plane of the lunar orbit intersects the ecliptic at an angle of In consequence of perturbations by the Sun and planets the Moon's orbit has two major motions: (i) The line of nodes of the lunar orbit (the line of intersection of the plane of the lunar orbit with the plane of the ecliptic) has a retrograde motion ie. rotates towards the West (in the plane of the ecliptic) at a rate of /year ie. with a period of 18.60 years (nutation period). Thus the node, or point at which the Moon's orbit crosses the ecliptic, moves steadily Westward. The interval of time between the passage of the Moon through the same node is called the DRACONITIC MONTH, and is 27.2122 days. The times of the eclipses depend upon these factors. (ii) Perigee is distance of closest approach, apogee is that of farthest. The line joining these two points (the line of Apsides) has a progressive motion, it advances ie. rotates in space in the plane of the Moon's orbit to the East, ie. direct motion, making one complete revolution in 3232.575 days or about 8.85 years. Solar and Lunar Eclipses Conditions for occurrence of an eclipse are determined (largely) by: the inclination of the lunar orbit to the ecliptic the apparent diameter of the Moon and the Sun (their parallax) and the speed of revolution of the lunar nodes. Eclipses occur when the line of S-M-E or S-E-M coincides with the line of nodes. Thus Lunar eclipses can only occur at full Moon and Solar eclipses can only occur at new Moon. Conditions are fulfilled at about 10 days short of 6 monthly intervals--due to motion of lunar nodes--this period of revolution of the lunar nodes relative to the Sun, marking the recurrence of the interval of time during which eclipses are possible is called the period of a SYNODIC REVOLUTION of the NODES or ECLIPSE YEAR (346.62 days).

The SAROS CYCLE. In the course of : the Sun will have passed through the lunar nodes 19 times... 19 x 346.62=6585.78 days, and the Moon will have performed 223 revolutions...223 x 29.53=6585.19 days. Thus, after this period the relative positions of the Sun, Earth and Moon repeat themselves. There are about 70 eclipses per Saros roughly in the ratio: 20 solar to 13 lunar. Study Guide Unfortunately Roy and Clarke's text on Astronomy: Principles and Practice does NOT deal with the description and explanation of the motion of the Moon, cause of eclipses etc... Many other books do so, including Roy and Clarke's other text: Astronomy : Structure of the Universe HOWEVER, some freely available accounts are available on the Web. One that I have found at an introductory level and contains some nice diagrams is: Introduction to Astronomy and Astronomy Without a Telescope at To access these Click here. The RGO have some leaflets on Eclipses and also the Metonic Cycle and the Saros at To access these click on Eclipses. Please let me know if you find any other real or virtual sources with useful information on this topic and I'll add them to this mini-list! Mike Wilson Tue Sep 24 15:09:21 BST 1996

Also Read

Posted by Sanjay Prabhakaran


9:50 PM 0 comments

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Chart of Mata Amritanandamayi (Ammachi)

Namaste friends, Some people seemed to be looking for the chart of Mata Amritanandamayi (Ammachi). Just a month back, the Mother came to Boston. I visited her and got her blessings. I became curious at that time and worked on her chart for a few hours. Based on what I learnt about her, the following data makes very good sense. Please find the data at the end of this mail! Please note that Ketu is in the 10th house and 10th lord Moon is exalted in the 8th house of sadhana and mysticism. In D-10, Ketu is in lagna and Moon is in 10th house. All these suggest a compassionate spiritualist. Note that AK Mercury is with moksha karaka Ketu in navamsa and PK Moon is in 7th from him (exactly like in the chart of Sri Aurobindo). This shows a detached soul destined for a great following. In D-20, note that 1st, 2nd, 5th, 9th and 10th lords are on Vi/Pi axis and give multiple raja yogas as well as Gaja-Kesari yoga, Guru-Mangala yoga and Chandra-Mangala Yoga. This shows someone who is destined for fame and a lot of good karma related to spirituality. From arudha lagna in D-60, note that 10th lord Venus is with Moon and Ketu is in the 8th. She was a compassionate mystic in previous life too. In the annual TP chart of 2004-05, D-10 contains Jupiter and Rahu in the 6th house of enemies. Note that the six-day Jupiter-

Rahu antardasa was running at the time of the attempted attack! May Jupiter's light shine on us, Narasimha ---------------------------------------------------------------Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): Free Jyotish software (Windows): Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: ---------------------------------------------------------------Mata Amritanandamayi Date: September 27, 1953 Time: 9:10:00 Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT) Place: 76 E 36' 00", 8 N 53' 00" Quilon, India Lunar Yr-Mo: Vijaya - Bhadrapada Tithi: Krishna Panchami (Ju) (37.80% left) Vedic Weekday: Sunday (Su) Nakshatra: Krittika (Su) (30.05% left) Yoga: Vajra (Mo) (26.08% left) Karana: Taitula (Me) (75.59% left) Hora Lord: Mercury (5 min sign: Cn)
Posted by Sanjay Prabhakaran


7:19 PM 0 comments

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Thursday, August 11, 2005

Nakshatras - 27 Wives of Moon

By Sanjay Prabhakaran The Zodiac is divided in 12 Parts. The space around us is thus primarily of 12 types, each thus gives a bhaava or expression space. Whereas the mind is divided into 27 parts, Vedic philosophy expresses this in the form of personified moon and his 27 wives. Mind due to a fact of creation is wavering in nature. Like a young man with 27 Wives, it has no rest and its passions are many. The 27 Wives are described below. Understanding our mind is essential for all relationships including relationship with people and also nature(Prakriti). Name Ashvini Bharani Kritika Rohini Mrigashira Ardra Punarvasu Pushya Ashlesha Magha Purva Phalguni Uttara Phalguni Other Names Lord Ketu Apa Barani Venus Krithigai Sun Moon Mrigaseersham Mars Thiruvaadhirai,Aarudra Rahu Punarpoosam Poosam Aayilyam Magam Pooram Uttaram Jupi Sat Merc Ketu Sign(s) Ari Ari Ari/Tau Tau Tau/Gem Gem Gem/Can Can Can Leo Guna Tama Raja Raja Raja Tama Tama Satva Tama Satva Tama Raja Raja Gana Deva Manushya Rakshasa Manushya Deva Manushya Deva Deva Rakshasa Rakshasa Type Dharma Artha Kama Moksha Moksha Kama Symbol Horse Head Yoni Razor Chariot Deer Head Head/Precious Stone Artha Bow Dharma Flower Dharma Serpent Artha Palanquin Sex Male Female/Male Female/Male Male Female/Herm Female Female/Male Male Male/Female Male/Female

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2

Animal Horse Elephant Sheep Serpent Serpent Dog Cat Sheep Cat Rat Rat Cow

Venus Leo Sun Leo/Vir

Manushya Kama

Front Legs of Female cot Manushya Moksha Back legs of cot Male/Female

1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5

Hasta Chitra Swati Vishakha Anuradha Jyeshtha Mula Purva Ashadha Uttara Ashadha Shravan Dhanistha

Hastham Chithirai

Moon Mars Rahu

Vir Vir/Lib Lib Lib/Sco Sco Sco Sag



Moksha Palm Kama Artha Pearl Sapphire

Female Female Male/Female Male/Female Female Male/Female

Buffalo Tiger Buffalo Tiger Hare Hare

Tama Rakshasa Tama Deva Satva Rakshasa Tama Deva Satva Rakshasa Tama Rakshasa Raja Raja Raja

Visaakam Anusham Kettai Moolam Pooraadam Uttaraadam Thiruvonam Avittam,Sravishta

Jupi Sat Merc Ketu

Dharma Potters Wheel Dharma Umbrella Artha Kama Umbrella

Crouching Lion Male/HERMAPHRODITE Dog Monkey

Venus Sag Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupi Sag/Cap Cap Cap/Aqu Aqu Aqu/Pis

Manushya Moksha Front of square Male/Female Manushya Moksha Back of square Male/Female Deva Artha Arrow Female Female Female/Herm

Mongoos Monkey Lion Horse Lion

Tama Rakshasa Tama Rakshasa

Dharma Drum/Flute Dharma Flower

Satabishak Sadhayam Purva Poorataadhi,Poorva Bhadrapad Broshtapadha

Satva Manushya Artha

Front legs of cot Male/Female

2 6 2 7 2 8

Uttara Uttarataadhi,Uttara Bhadrapad Broshtapadha Revati Abhijit

Sat Merc

Pis Pis

Tama Manushya Kama Satva Deva

Back legs of cot Female/Male Female/Male


Moksha Fish


Dosha The Dosha Column given in the above table is as per Nakshatra. Dosha for Marriage matching should not be same. The Dosha can be reckoned by both Nakshatra wise or Pada wise. The dosha for each nakshatra is mentioned. The male and female should not belong to same Dosha. Table as per Nakhatra Pada Vaata Ashvini pada 1 Bharani pada 3 Rohini pada 1 Mrigashira pada 3 Punarvasu pada 1 Pushya pada 3 Magha pada 1 Purva Phalguni pada 3 Hasta pada 1 Chitra pada 3 Vishakha pada 1 Anuradha pada 3 Mula pada 1 pitta Ashvini pada 2 Bharani pada 4 Rohini pada 2 Mrigashira pada 4 Punarvasu pada 2 Pushya pada 4 Magha pada 2 Purva Phalguni pada 4 Hasta pada 2 Chitra pada 4 Vishakha pada 2 Anuradha pada 4 Mula pada 2 kapha Ashvini pada 3 Kritika pada 1 Rohini pada 3 Ardra pada 1 Punarvasu pada 3 Ashlesha pada 1 Magha pada 3 Uttara Phalguni pada 1 Hasta pada 3 Swati pada 1 Vishakha pada 3 Jyeshtha pada 1 Mula pada 3 kapha Ashvini pada 4 Kritika pada 2 Rohini pada 4 Ardra pada 2 Punarvasu pada 4 Ashlesha pada 2 Magha pada 4 Uttara Phalguni pada 2 Hasta pada 4 Swati pada 2 Vishakha pada 4 Jyeshtha pada 2 Mula pada 4 pitta Bharani pada 1 Kritika pada 3 Mrigashira pada 1 Ardra pada 3 Pushya pada 1 Ashlesha pada 3 Purva Phalguni pada 1 Uttara Phalguni pada 3 Chitra pada 1 Swati pada 3 Anuradha pada 1 Jyeshtha pada 3 Purva Ashadha pada 1 vaata Bharani pada 2 Kritika pada 4 Mrigashira pada 2 Ardra pada 4 Pushya pada 2 Ashlesha pada 4 Purva Phalguni pada 2 Uttara Phalguni pada 4 Chitra pada 2 Swati pada 4 Anuradha pada 2 Jyeshtha pada 4 Purva Ashadha pada 2

Purva Ashadha pada 3 Shravan pada 1 Dhanistha pada 3 Purva Bhadrapad pada 1 Uttara Bhadrapad pada 3

Purva Ashadha pada 4 Shravan pada 2 Dhanistha pada 4 Purva Bhadrapad pada 2 Uttara Bhadrapad pada 4

Uttara Ashadha pada 1 Shravan pada 3 Satabishak pada 1 Purva Bhadrapad pada 3 Revati pada 1

Uttara Ashadha pada 2 Shravan pada 4 Satabishak pada 2 Purva Bhadrapad pada 4 Revati pada 2

Uttara Ashadha pada 3 Dhanistha pada 1 Satabishak pada 3 Uttara Bhadrapad pada 1 Revati pada 3

Uttara Ashadha pada 4 Dhanistha pada 2 Satabishak pada 4 Uttara Bhadrapad pada 2 Revati pada 4

Sachin Tendulkar by Sri PVR

Namaste friends, Though I have been away from the list, a friend forwarded me the discussion on Sachin Tendulkar's birthdata. Being a big Tendulkar fan, I could not resist replying. So here's a note before I go to sleep. Those who suggest that the birthdata given for Tendulkar is wrong unfortunately did not give any alternative birthdata. If they give an alternative birthdata, we can evaluate it. If all they have to say is that this date is wrong, it is not quite helpful. I have looked at several events in Tendulkar's life using the natal chart and annual TP charts. In fact, I made several correct predictions on Tendulkar using 16:28 of April 24, 1973. For example, Tendulkar had a terrible 2003 in test cricket and scored only 153 runs in the entire year. I predicted on vedic-astrology yahoogroup that Tendulkar would experience a viparita raja yoga and go from one extreme to another to make a high score during Dec 26, 2003-Jan 5, 2004. Indeed, he scored 302 runs without getting out in the first 4 days of January (more than double what he made in entire 2003)! If you check his 2003-04 annual TP chart, you'll see that 12th lord Moon and 8th lord Jupiter conjoin in 12th in D-10. Considering that this VRY involves Gaja-Kesari yoga also, I thought it should give a high score that will be remembered. Moon-Jupiter antardasa as per compressed annual Tithi Ashtottari dasa ran during Dec 26-Jan 5. There was a discussion on his marriage. Moon and Rahu in UL in rasi chart show something unconventional about marriage. Look at the annual TP chart of 1995-96. Venus, karaka of marriage, is the exalted 7th lord and he happens to be the ruler of the year too! He owns vivaha sahama. In the Kalachakra of the TP chart, he is in the spoke of Eeshaana showing auspicious events. Thus, marriage during the year makes perfect sense. As per compressed annual Tithi Ashtottari dasa, dasa of Jupiter and antardasa of Venus ran during May 23-June 6, 1995. Jupiter is the 9th lord in rasi chart and 7th lord in navamsa chart. Moreover, he closely aspects vivaha sahama! For those who don't know, Tendulkar was married to Anjali on May 25, 1995. Look at the annual chart of 1999-2000. Sun is closely afflicted by Saturn in rasi chart and the 9th from Sun in D-12 has Saturn. The 9th lord of Rasi chart as well as D-12 is in 8th in D-12. Annual dasa of Saturn brought the death of father. The same Saturn is

yogakaraka in D-10 and occupies 11th and he did well in career (century on return from funeral, albeit against Kenya). Look at his annual chart of 2000-01. The 5th lord and puttra sahama lord Saturn has a close conjunction with naisargika and chara puttra karaka Jupiter. In D-7, Jupiter is the 5th lord in lagna. He had his son Arjun that year. Look at his annual chart of 1998-99. The 6th house from lagna contains 3 malefics, in the 3rd house from arudha lagna and in the 1st house from Ghatika Lagna. One of the three planets happens to be Saturn, the ruler of the year! Saturn dasa was the first dasa. No wonder the first few days of the year saw a blitzkrieg of runs from him at Sharjah. He scored back-to-back centuries against Australia to first take India into finals and then to win the trophy for India. Look at his annual TP chart of 1996-97. Venus is the 5th lord in lagna in both rasi and D-10. He shows ascension to a powerful position. In Kalachakra, he is in the spoke of Indra and shows authority. It was in Venus dasa that he became India's Test team captain. Look at his annual TP chart of 1999-2000. Mercury is the lord of rajya sahama lord and he is afflicted by Sun and Saturn. In D-10, he occupies the 8th house. In Mercury dasa, he resigned as Indian captain. In Kalachakra, Mercury is on the spoke ruled by Varuna. *** I have examined many events in his life using the natal chart as well as annual TP charts. I am reasonably satisfied that this birthdata is correct. Of course, skeptics can think that I am being satisfied easily, with wrong data. But, *I* am quite comfortable with this data. It is not impossible that Tendulkar's family naively disclosed the correct data in the early days without knowing about all the politics of astrology and decided to mislead professional astrologers who approached them later because of various concerns that came up as Tendulkar became famous and gave them wrong data. If these astrologers share the data that they can think is right, I can evaluate it for myself. Until then, I will use this data as I am quite comfortable with it. This allows uncanny explanation of many known events based on many techniques. Why should I reject it just because somebody insists that it is

wrong without giving an alternative, especially when it makes good sense in my evaluation? May Jupiter's light shine on us, Narasimha Namaste, Oops, I also meant to comment on the Pakistani astrologer's prediction that Tendulkar would retire. In my judgment, Tendulkar will not retire this year. Tendulkar may continue to have problems as long as Rahu is in Pisces. Once Rahu moves to Aquarius, Tendulkar will have another golden phase in his career. Those 2.5 years will be great. In his annual TP charts of 2006-07 and 2007-08, 5th lord Sun is exalted in lagna. In 2007-08 chart, hora lagna and ghatika lagna also join lagna (and hence Sun). Starting from Sun dasa of 200607 (Nov-Dec 2006), he will do very well for a year and half. Tendulkar will reach great new heights then. Wright's recent comment may then prove right after all! Though the odds for this are extremely low, I will not be surprised if Tendulkar becomes captain again in 2006-07 (esp second half of 2006). However, 2008-09 chart shows some problems. Ruler of the year Sun is in own sign in 9th in D-10, but Ketu eclipses him. He may have some problems with administrators. In the 2009-10 chart, Moon is the ruler of the year. He is the 8th lord in 7th in D-10 and is a clear maraka. However, Moon joins lagna lord Jupiter and gives Gaja-Kesari yoga. My expectation is that he will retire in a well-planned event (rather than being unceremoniously sacked) during 2009-10. Summary: He may retire in 2009-10. Even 2008-09 is possible. But, his retirement before his lunar birthday in 2008 is almost

impossible. Moreover, end of 2006, 2007 and beginning of 2008 will bring a glorious phase in his cricketing career. May Jupiter's light shine on us, Narasimha Natal Chart

Date: Time: Time Zone: Place:

April 24, 1973 16:28:00 5:30:00 (East of GMT) 72 E 50' 00", 18 N 58' 00" Bombay, India


0.00 meters

Lunar Yr-Mo: Pramadi - Chaitra Tithi: Krishna Sapthami (Sa) (69.34% left)

Vedic Weekday: Tuesday (Ma)

Nakshatra: Yoga: Karana: Hora Lord:

Poorvashadha (Ve) (2.62% left) Siddha (Ke) (22.84% left) Vishti (Sa) (38.68% left) Mercury (5 min sign: Li)

Mahakala Hora: Venus (5 min sign: Cn) Kaala Lord: Rahu (Mahakala: Rahu)

Sunrise: Sunset:

6:19:03 18:54:55

Janma Ghatis: 25.3726



Sidereal Time: 5:58:40

+-----------------------------------------------+ |Me | | | | |Su | | | | Ve |Sa | | | | GL |Ke | | | | AL | | | | |

|-----------+-----------------------+-----------| |HL | | | | | | | | | Rasi |Md | | | | Gk | | | | |

|-----------| |Ma | | | | Ju | | | | |

|-----------| | | | | | | | | | |

|-----------+-----------------------+-----------| |Mo | | | | UL Ra | | | | | | | | | | |As | | | | | | | | |


TP2003-2004 +-----------------------------------------------+ |Ve | | | | |Su | | | | Me |Ra | | | | |Sa | | | | | | | | |

|-----------+-----------------------+-----------| | | | | |Ju |Gk Md | |

| | |

| | | Rasi

| | |

| | |

|-----------| |Ma | | | | | | | | |

|-----------| |As | | | | | | | | |

|-----------+-----------------------+-----------| |Mo |AL | | | HL |Ke | | | | GL | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |



+-----------------------------------------------+ |Ve | | | | |As |Me |HL | | Su Ke GL |Md | | | | Gk | | | | | | | | | |

|-----------+-----------------------+-----------| |Sa | | | | | | | | | Rasi |Ma | | | | AL | | | | |

|-----------| | | | | | | | | | |

|-----------| | | | | | | | | | |

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Posted by Sanjay Prabhakaran


7:52 PM 1 comments

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Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Graha(Planetary) Information
Distance from the Sun (km) (Semimajor axis of orbit) Mean Equatorial Radius (km) 57,909,175



Moon(From Earth) 384,400 km 1737.4 km



1,426,725,400 60,268 (9.449 x Earth) 8.2713 x 1014 (763.6 x Earth) 5.6851 x 1026 0.7 7.207 127,760 0.44401 29.4 34,821 0.0541506 2.484 26.73

2,439.70 6,051.80 6,378.14 (0.3825 x Earth) (0.9488 x Earth) (1 x Earth's) 6.08272 x 1010 9.284 x 1011 1.0832 x 1012 21,970,000 km3 Volume (km3) (0.054 x Earth's) (0.88 x Earth's) (1 x Earth's) Mass (kg) 3.3022 x 1023 4.8685 x 1024 5.9737 x 1024 7.3483 x 1022 kg Density (g/cm3) 5.427 5.24 5.515 3.341 g/cm3 Equatorial Surface Gravity (m/s2) 3.7 8.87 9.766 1.622 m/s2 Escape Velocity (km/h) 15,300 37,300 40,248 8,568 km/h Rotation Period (Earth days) 58.646 -243 0.99726968 27.321661 Orbit Period (Earth years) 0.241 0.615 1.0000174 0.074804679 Mean Orbit Velocity (km/h) 172,341 126,077 107,229 3,682.8 km/h Orbit Eccentricity 0.20563069 0.0068 0.01671022 0.0549 Orbit Inclination to Ecliptic 7 3.39 0.00005 5.145 degrees Inclination of Equator 0 177.3 23.45 to Orbit 6.68 degrees Minimum/Maximum -0.405152225 462 -88/58 (min/max) Surface Temperature -233/123 C Major Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen, Oxygen Nitrogen Constituents Moons None None 1 moon Rings No No No

3,397 71,492 (0.5326 x Earth) (11.209 x Earth) 1.6314 X 1011 1.4255 x 1015 (0.150 x Earth) (1316 x Earth) 6.4185 x 1023 1.8987 x 1027 3.94 1.33 3.693 20.87 18,072 214,300 1.026 0.41354 1.8807 11.8565 86,871 47,051 0.0934 0.04839 1.8 1.305 25.19 -87 to -5 3.12

Carbon Dioxide, Hydrogen, Helium Hydrogen, Helium Nitrogen, Argon 2 moons No 63 moons Yes 34 moons Yes

Posted by Sanjay Prabhakaran


2:07 AM 0 comments

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07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005 05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005 Home

Dream Analysis
By Sanjay Prabhakaran Last night, I had an unusual dream which the listmembers can help decipher and interpret. In the dream, I was in personal association with the current American president and his father. I was telling George W to take an enjoyable bike ride by taking a scenic route, which includes a tunnel and a lake, near the White House. Even Laura Bush was amazed that there was such a route nearby. After this scene, I was conversing with the Older Bush about a tax reduction in personal income. The Older Bush said "I heard that you retired. Is that true? I replied, "I guess I can't keep any secrets around here. Yes, that's true." During this conversation, I was amazed at how I got involved with such important people in the US. The Older Bush continued by saying, "You know, they reduced the 'slurp' tax on my personal income." Without hesitation I responded, "That's because you're retired. Even though I did not know what it was, it appeared that was the right thing to say. On the next scene, a healthy looking man appeared with a smile to greet the Older Bush and me in a hall which I presumed to be in the Capitol. The man appeared to look like the younger version of Senator Ted Kennedy or Mayor Newsome of San Francisco. After the greeting, he hastily walked ahead of us and bade us to follow.

To which the Older Bush commented, "I wish these senators would slow down for us to follow." Thus, the dream far as I can recall. :) Comments anyone? What is the meaning of this dream? Regards, John R. Dreams which are seen before sun rise can be deciphered to foretell the future. Can you please tell if this dream was seen before sunrise. And you were not under the influence of some drugs(medication etc), Sickness or thought induced due to a movie,story etc. If not then also please tell the time of seeing the dream. I estimate that the dream occurred at about 3 AM. In the San Francisco Bay Area, the sun rises at about 5 AM. I did not take any drugs, for medication or otherwise, before going to sleep. However, I usually take an ayurvedic herbal supplement before sleeping for health reasons. I have noticed that this herbal pill appears to give clear and colorful dreams sometimes. Also, I did not watch any movies or TV programs before sleeping either. Further, I'm not a vegetarian. I've heard that there maybe negative effects of eating meat and fish, aside from pure physical health aspect is concerned. Please, tell us what the dream means if you have any ideas. I Learnt a principle about dream analysis, Havent used them much. But anyway, letme try it on your case. I casted the chart for San Fransisco for 03:00AM (Sunrise at 5:57AM).

Truth in dream The Dream chart lagna is not aspected by Sun or Moon. The principle is Sun or moon the luminaries aspecting the dream lagna can make the dream come true. Which is not the case here. But Moon is in trines in the 9th house. To counter, Rahu in Dream lagna makes me doubt whether thereis possibility of truth. So taking this as an indicator as a possibility only let me analyse further. Dream Bhava is 9th 9th Bhava is where dreams come from. The reason, 12th house is sleeping and the action performed at that time is 10th from 12th, Which is 9th house. Chart for dream scene. Assign planets and Bhavas to characters and places repectively in Dream. Using this principle an assumed chart can be cast. For example, "Saw the ruler of the nation with his wife"-> Sun and Moon. "The place was the capitol"->10th house. "You were present with them"->Lagna Lord in 10th with Sun and Moon. There is conversation about playfullness so either the 10 sign is Gemini or Virgo (3rd is playing and Virgo is also playgrounds) So either Mercury sign or Mercury is playing a role here in the 10th. Now, Since this chart is of Dream Scene the Lagna here is actually the 9th house from your reality. So the whole 10th house is dream is actually your 6th house from Actual lagna. So the portent, if any, is of some Solar or Lunar influence in 6th house. Indicating that your may get govt job or something service related. Sun-Moon in 6th may indicate your parental relation may be in stress. To time this event please take proportional time of 3AM from last sunset and sunrise for a Years time. As One year is maximum

time by which a dream can fructify. Sunrise: 5:57:32 (May 23) Sunset: 20:16:09 (May 23) Night about 9H 45minutes. and this happened three hours or so before sun rise. This even can after about 3.7 months from date of seeing the dream. The proportion is done in reverse as dreams seen right at sunrise have immediate effect. Please check your natal dasa, and focus on 6th house results, send your birth detail for others to check also Thank you Warm Regards Sanjay P Hari om tat sat

VA21267 Dream Analysis Natal Chart Date: May 24, 2005 Time: 3:00:00 Time Zone: 7:00:00 (West of GMT) Place: 122 W 25' 06", 37 N 46' 30" San Francisco, California, USA Altitude: 63.00 meters

Lunar Yr-Mo: Parthiva - Vaisakha Tithi: Krishna Pratipat (Su) (36.03% left) Vedic Weekday: Monday (Mo) Nakshatra: Jyeshtha (Me) (96.87% left) Yoga: Siva (Me) (1.32% left) Karana: Kaulava (Ma) (72.06% left) Hora Lord: Moon (5 min sign: Cn) Mahakala Hora: Venus (5 min sign: Pi) Kaala Lord: Sun (Mahakala: Sun) Sunrise: 5:57:32 (May 23) Sunset: 20:16:09 (May 23) Janma Ghatis: 52.6026 Ayanamsa: 23-55-50.25 Sidereal Time: 17:58:44 Namaste, Sanjay That was a fantastic analysis. I've never seen an actual chart reading based on a dream. You've given us a very important lesson. For the benefit of all, can you give us a name of a book which contains the method for making this dream analysis? Your point relating to the 6th house has some bearing with what I'm doing presently. I am doing a real estate project which requires much physical labor, such as painting, sanding and cleanup. Even though the work is physical, I find the work satisfying. It gives me some control and freedom of what I want to do. Perhaps, the reason for this satisfaction is due to the fact that I used to work for the federal government which requires much patience in dealing with the bureaucratic rules, in addition to the actual stress from the actual work involved.

In my own way, it is likely that the dream provided an experience of being in control of the situation which was depicted in my association with prominent people in the USA, with the president and his family no less. As far as my actual plans in the near future is concerned, I do not want to work for another government agency (city or state), if I can help it. I am planning to start a career in real estate, an area that I have been doing as a sideline job while employed on a full time basis. This career can be considered service related, as you have analyzed in the dream. We'll find out how this dream plays out in the waking state of consciousness in the next few months. May you gain the support of Nature in all of your endeavors! Thank you. Regards, John R. PS My actual birth data is as follows: July 21, 1951 6:01 AM Tagbilaran, Bohol, Philippines 123E51 9N39 Cancer lagna Moon in Dhanishta Currently undergoing the period of Saturn/Jupiter/Sun.
Posted by Sanjay Prabhakaran


10:29 PM 0 comments

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Sunday, May 22, 2005

Mantra Shastra, Medha Dakshinamoorthi

Conversations by Sri P.S Ramanarayan, Pt. Sanjay Rath, Sri PVR Narasimha Rao Dear Sanjay, Visti, Hari & Prabhakaran, Namaste. Please refer the previous mail in connection with Ista and Mantra. Visti had a question about usage of Mantra addressing Kartikeya as Ista. Sanjay had stated that he preferred Ista to be Sowmya and that if Kartikeya Mantra is to be given, then an additional beeja relating to removal of poison may be added. Now we see a mail coming up in the form of a 'Dakshinamoorthy Shloka' by Narasimha(Mars). i was wondering the way the Almighty carefully takes up each wave of vibration and strokes it affectionately! Mars is extremely comfortable in South/dakshin. Makara is the exaltation sthana of Mars where dakshinayana ends and uttarayana begins. Makara is the kshetra where Guru expresses himself through Mars. Mars reminds me of Dakshinamoorthy. You may feel as to why Yama should be linked to Dakshinamoorthy! Yama the controller is dharmaswaroopi. Gyana means complete transformation(8th house related activity - Vimsamsa). Rath: The Kalachakra directions are based on *who blocks what* or on *who controls what*. Thats what Kala is all about. The NE direction has the digbala of Jupiter whereas Rahu sits in the NE doorway in the Kalachakra. So naturally Rahu's job is to block the access or path to Guru. Similarly Mars has the digbala or fighting and killing strength (Mrityu is the son of Mars) in the southern direction and the God of Peace Jupiter/Guru has the power to block or control this destruction and is made to sit in the southern direction. This powerful form of the Guru that blocks death and destruction is Dakshinamurthy and this is not Mars but Jupiter. Yama is not linked to Dakshinamurthy in any way to the best of my knowledge. Yama is the God of death and is linked to Saturn and as you have pointed out this direction is also linked to the sign Capricorn which ruled burial grounds and burning ghats for dead bodies. Hence Yama is linked to southern direction due to the *sign* Capricorn which rules the places for the dead. Similarly Indra the king of the Gods sits in the eastern direction as Mesha (Aries) is the Royal sign of the natural zodiac and the king must sit here in the eastern direction.

In conclusion, Dakshinamurthy is the Guru bala of the Kalachakra to block the digbala of Mars and Yama is linked to saturn through the sign Capricorn. Indra is linked to the eastern direction due to Arieswhich is the royal sign.

Karma-dahana(burning of karmas) paves the way for Gyana. Mars sits outside the dakshinayana boundary while Guru(Sadasiva) sits outside the Uttarayana boundary. One can visualise this easily. Guru is debilitated in Makara. This is akin to the embrace of Sadasiva and Skanda and an upliftment of Skandha. In kataka you will see Skandha existing in the third eye of the Lord as a 'tilaka'. Third eye is the origin/womb (garbha) of Agniputra. Makara is the expression of Agni. Skanda gave explanation for Pranava and was called as Sivagurunathan. This does not mean that the Almighty Sadasiva who is the cause doesnot know the meaning of Pranava. This was done to honour the Agniputra Skanda by conferring upon him the Gurutwa. Skandha who was handed the Velayudha by MA Parasakthi did not kill the asura Surapadma but transformed him. The physiology of the asura ofcourse underwent a change. One half became Kukutta(cock) and the other half became Mayura(peacock). The cock(AK/ahankara { concept of 'I'} of the asura) took up a place in the dwaja(flag) while the peacock(mamakara (concept of 'mine'}became his vahana/vehicle. Rath:Yes thats right. I may add that Kartikeya is Sivagurunathan due to the Mahavakya's he spoke of (refer Shiva Purana). Thats why Kukuti vrata and Mayuri vrata...ok it fits wonderfully into the Bagala tantra and Somanatha (head of Shiva). If Subrahmanya is considered as the sarpa/snake then he is the highest form of Sarpa known as Kundalini. Rath: Thats for all deities, lets not get carried away. Kundalini jagran is for the seeker who has the vairaghya. Here in comes the brilliance of Sanjay where he feels that Mantras are not mere sounds. Mantras are meant for transformation. This Subramanya invocation is sure to give results.

When the Guru who is to give the mantra is not ready yet then the mantra is not to be given. i feel this is the message which Sanjay wanted to convey. There is so much to say in this but the mail is becoming lengthier. Rath: Go on Ram, you are speaking sense. People insisting on mantras like bargaining for bread is a sad state. Mantra is a spontaneous exuberance of pranic shakti of a fellow traveller called *guru* that follows the churning of karmic ocean by the 54 devas and 54 asuras knotting the kundalini snake around the heart lotus mountain within our bodies. So many actors are involved in here that it cannot be controlled. Unless Shiva has drunk the poison, how can the nectar come. Thats why I was suggesting that the poison destroying bijaksara (seed syllable) be added to the mantra of Skanda so that the native can at first have the poison destroyed and then alone come to the light of amrita that is being distributed by Mohini. Incidentally the name *mohini* is from Moha and has the kaama bijakshara as the giver of amrita - kliiM. To sum up, if one is able to identify his Ista through a Guru in a graha then the navagraha becomes a anugraha/blessing. The jyotisha should necessarily consult his Ista before giving the Ista devatha mantra. Ista devatha Mantras are not mere sounds and are meant for transformation(8th house)/complete knowledge. Rath: Yes I insist on this. He who has the light can give light, and our light can come from our Ista devata only. The eighth house you mention is a secret I have kept for sometime. Most of the dvadasakshari mantra are of the type *om namo bhagavate vaasudevaaya* - 4 words, 12 akshara and mantra devata is in 8th house. Thats the key to transformation. Last but not the least Mars has the power and potency to bring back the jeeva to this jambudweepa(mrityu loka - this means whether it is Saylorsborg or it is Mmubai everything comes under Jambudweepa) with a sole intention of driving the jeeva to completley realise the helpless state of Ahankara. The moment the jeeva thinks that he is supreme and that another world exist(other than Sivasakthi) you are brought to this dweepa/island and till you realise the

parents(original) you are retained here. The moment you realise, your asuric qualities are converted into a vahana and the ahankara converts itself into flag of wisdom and the upward surge(rasing) takes place. Kartikeya is a task master indeed. Sorry for the length. Best wishes. Astrologically & spiritually yours, p.s.ramanarayanan. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pranaam Sanjay and Rama Narayanan, That was an illuminating discussion. The discussion on Kala Chakra is very interesting! I just want to add my 2 cents regarding the meaning of "Medha Dakshinamurthy". Dakshina not only means "south" as you are discussing, but it means "right" (opposite of "left") too. Of course, when one faces east, one's right hand side is in the southern direction and that may be why the right hand is called "dakshina hastam". Medha means intelligence. What is the seat of intelligence? Normally we consider the brain as the seat of intelligence. Dakshinaamurthy is dakshina+amurthy. Amurthy means a formless entity. So "Medha Dakshinaamurthy" may be roughly translated as "the formless entity in the right brain". What is it? If we study the basics of yoga and modern neuroscience, this can become clearer. The right half of the brain controls the left part of the nervous system and the left half of the brain controls the right part of

the nervous system. There is a cross over in the medulla. Though Lord Medha Dakshinamurthy's name is associated with the right side (dakshina), he is depicted as sitting with his left (vaama) leg up. Modern science says that structured logic is performed by the left half of the brain and inutition and unstructured logic is performed in the right half of brain. That may be why left-handed cricket batsmen tend to look more free-flowing, intuitive and elegant (e.g. David Gower, WV Raman, Brian Lara, Sourav Ganguly etc). The nervous reflexes associated with left part of the body (and hence the right brain) are used by them more pre-dominently and hence the reflexes are more intuitive. In Yoga, the nervous channels of Pingala and Ida are associated with fire and water (Sun and Moon). In terms of modern terminology, they correspond to sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. One system plays a stimulating (fiery) role and the other plays a soothing (watery) role. Structured logic is fiery in nature and unstructured intuition is watery in nature. Medha Dakshinamurthy is depicted as a guru who teaches without speaking a word. He sits in jnaana mudra in silence and knowledge comes automatically. This seems to point at the intuition within us, which taps to the universal source of knowledge! This intuition that contributes to unstructured learning is "the formless entity of the right brain" and it gives us knowledge thru silence. Medha Dakshinamurthy is stationed in our right brain as the formless entity called intuition and teaches us everything. Lord Medha Dakshinamurthy is often portrayed as teaching to four youthful sons of Brahma, who epitomize spiritual purity Sanaka, Sananda, Sanatana and Sanatkumara. These are the rulers of the four chaturthamsas of signs (like dasa dikpalakas for dasamsa). I have always felt that Chaturthamsa (D-4) is not used to its fullest by most astrologers. Chaturthamsa shows "bhagya" according to Parasara. If one restricts "bhagya" to the residence, one cannot understand why chaturthamsas are ruled by these four Kumaras. Anyway, I will write my thoughts on what these four Kumaras symbolize and also the chaturthamsa links in an email later. One thought before I finish. Many beejaksharas (seed syllables) used in mantras have rakaara or lakaara, which activate/feed the sympathetic and parasympathetic channels. Ra is fiery and La is watery. For example, "Kreem" and "Kleem" have totally different purposes, though they are very similar. Similarly, "Shreem" and "Shleem" have totally different purposes. Ancient Hindu sages and Yogis carefully studied and chronicled the impact of various sounds on various subtle energy channels. Today, people look at mantra sastra as some kind of magic that helps one fulfil cheap material desires and they forget the most essential

basics of mantra sastra. The ultimate purpose of mantra and tantra is to control oneself and rise spiritually. Let me end this rather long-winding rambling with a beejakshara that can activate the right brain. Try meditating on the beeja "dhleem" in jnaana mudra for a few hours and you'll see the difference! May Jupiter's light shine on us, Narasimha
Posted by Sanjay Prabhakaran


11:25 PM 3 comments

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