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Thick-Walled Cylinder; Finite Element Analysis

In this chapter, finite element modeling of the thick-walled cylinder (TWC) under fatigue loading is presented. As a first step, to provide a base line the stress distribution in TWC under static internal pressure is estimated using analytical and numerical methods. The component is then analyzed with internal axial crack under static pressure. Finally, crack growth analysis is conducted on the component under cyclic pressure applying the theories of fatigue process. The data obtained from the experimental work is used as the input for the said analysis.

7.1 Thick-walled cylinder

A thick-walled cylinder or tube is one where the thickness of the wall is greater than onetenth of the radius. In the following sections a model of TWC is presented and the stress distribution under internal/external pressure is discussed. 7.1.1. Model description Consider a thick walled cylinder with outer diameter, do and inner diameter, di (Fig. 7.1). The thickness of the cylinder tw is the difference between the inner and outer radius where the outer radius is always greater than the inner radius. The pressures on the inner and outer surfaces of the cylinder are pi and po, respectively.


pi di do po


Fig. 7.1 Two dimensional section of the TWC showing geometric parameters

In case of a TWC with closed ends, the cylinder experiences three principal stresses under static internal/external pressure, i.e. tangential (T), radial (R) and axial (A) as shown in Fig. 7.2. However, in case the cylinder has open ends there will be no axial component of stress. The exact elastic solution for the cylinder under stress can be obtained using Lams equations. Among these stresses the tangential or hoop stress is the maximum. 7.1.2. Model equations Consider the TWC subjected to an internal pressure above atmospheric pressure. The resulting stresses and expansion of the cylinder are described by the equations from 7.1 to


7.5. These equations display how internal/external pressure and the thickness of the cylinder relate to the stresses. This model shows that the stresses within the thick walled cylinder depend on the inner and outer pressures and the inner and outer radii.

A T Pi R Po

Fig. 7.2 Schematic of the TWC indicating three principal stresses

Model equations
(r ) pi ri

po ro

( pi ro

po )(ri ro / r 2 ) ri

2 2

(r )

pi ri

po ro

( pi po )(ri ro / r 2 ) 2 2 ro ri


pi ri po ro 2 2 ro ri
(1 E

2 2


) pi ri

po ro ri


(1 E

) ( pi

po ) ri ro 1 2 2 r ro ri



dua da

2 E

pi ri po ro 2 2 ro ri


where h = tangential stress variation within the material of the cylinder r = stress variation in the radial direction a = longitudinal stress within the material of the cylinder pi = uniform internal pressure po = uniform external pressure ri = inside radius ro = outside radius r = radius, ri r ro E = modulus of elasticity of the material = Poisson's ratio of the material ur = displacement in the radial direction due to pressurization dua/da = relative increase in length in the axial direction 7.1.3. Parameter description In the above equations, all the parameters are known except for the position vector r, which varies from the inner to the outer radius. If the inner pressure is greater than the outer pressure, then from the equations the stresses are largest as r approaches the inner radius. However, if the outer pressure is greater than the inner pressure, the stresses will be largest as r approaches the outer radius. The elements that are located at the same radius but different angle theta will experience the same tangential and radial stresses; this can be easily inferred from the fact that there


is no angular positional variable (i.e. theta) in any of the governing equations. However, the elements at different radial lengths experience different stresses; this can be observed from the fact that r is a variable in the governing equations. 7.1.4. Stress description Tangential stress affects an element in a direction tangent to its circumference, i.e. perpendicular to the radial vector. Radial stress affects the element in a direction that is parallel to the radial vector. For any pressure-thickness condition the difference between the tangential and radial stress is a constant for the entire range of r. That constant can be arrived by subtracting the radial stress from the tangential stress; the tangential stress being always greater, the constant will be a positive value.

7.2 Static loading of TWC - without crack

The TWC is analyzed under static loading by classical theory and the results are compared with the numerical solution. The cylinder was analyzed as an open cylinder with no axial component of stress. Two types of analyses were conducted; one without crack and the other with internal axial crack. 7.2.1. Analytical solution For a TWC with the following parameters the principal stresses calculated by the model equations are given in Tables 7.1 and 7.2. The sketch of the cylinder half section is shown in Fig. 7.3. pi = 5 100 MPa di = 100 mm po = 0 MPa do = 150 mm tw = 25 mm


tw = 25 mm

ro = 75 mm

pi = 5100 MPa

ri = 50 mm

Fig. 7.3 Half model of the cylinder section subjected to internal pressure pi Table 7.1 The variation in stresses and displacements with internal pressure calculated by the model equations at inner radius, ri
Principal stress, MPa pi, MPa

Tangential 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 13 26 39 52 65 78 91 104 117 130 143 156 169 182 195 208 221 234 247 260

Radial -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 -45 -50 -55 -60 -65 -70 -75 -80 -85 -90 -95 -100

Radial displacement, mm 0.0103169 0.0206338 0.0309507 0.04126761 0.05158451 0.06190141 0.07221831 0.08253521 0.09285211 0.10316901 0.11348592 0.12380282 0.13411972 0.14443662 0.15475352 0.16507042 0.17538732 0.18570423 0.19602113 0.20633803


Table 7.2 The variation in stresses and displacements along the wall thickness calculated by the model equations at pi = 50 MPa, po = 0 MPa

Principal stress, MPa r, mm Tangential 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 130.00 126.51 123.21 120.10 117.16 114.38 111.75 109.25 106.88 104.64 102.50 100.47 98.53 96.69 94.93 93.25 91.65 90.12 88.66 87.26 85.92 84.63 83.40 82.22 81.09 80.00 Radial -50.00 -46.51 -43.21 -40.10 -37.16 -34.38 -31.75 -29.25 -26.88 -24.64 -22.50 -20.47 -18.53 -16.69 -14.93 -13.25 -11.65 -10.12 -8.66 -7.26 -5.92 -4.63 -3.40 -2.22 -1.09 0.00

Radial displacement, mm 0.103169 0.101894 0.100682 0.099530 0.098435 0.097393 0.096402 0.095459 0.094562 0.093708 0.092894 0.092120 0.091383 0.090682 0.090014 0.089378 0.088773 0.088197 0.087650 0.087129 0.086634 0.086163 0.085716 0.085292 0.084889 0.084507


7.2.2. Finite element modeling The TWC as shown in Fig. 7.3 was numerically analyzed by finite element method and the results were compared with the analytical solution. The commercially available ANSYS 9.0 finite element software was used for this purpose. Two dimensional finite element analysis (FEA) was conducted using 4-noded quadrilateral elements under planestrain conditions. Model Geometry Fig. 7.4 shows the two dimensional model geometry of the cylinder used for FEA. The symmetry of the cylinder was taken advantage of and a solid model for a half section of the cylinder was created in the ANYSYS pre-processor. The same symmetry conditions can also be used in the presence of axial crack. The outer diameter, do of the cylinder is 150 mm while the inner diameter, di is 100 mm. The wall thickness, tw of the cylinder is 25 mm.

Fig. 7.4 TWC Model used for FEA

124 Material properties During FEA, an isotropic material with modulus of elasticity E = 71 GPa and Poissons ratio, = 0.33 was used [147]. Element selection and meshing The TWC was meshed using two dimensional 4-noded, PLANE42 solid elements. The element geometry is shown in Fig. 6.2. The parametric study was conducted to see the effects of element size on the results. Meshed model is shown in Fig. 7.5.


(b) Fig. 7.5. a) Meshed model using PLANE42 element b) magnified view of boxed area; element size is 0.5 mm 125 Boundary conditions and solution The boundary conditions (BCs) applied on the TWC are shown in Fig. 7.6. The half section of the cylinder was constrained applying symmetry boundary conditions along the wall thickness on both edges. The model was loaded by applying pressure on the inner wall of the cylinder, simulating internal pressure. The pressure was varied from 5 to 100 MPa. There was no outer pressure applied. Solutions were obtained at different internal pressures and the results were compared with the analytical one. The von Mises stress distribution obtained after solution is shown in Fig. 7.7. This value is normally used in both fatigue and static load design of such cylinders. The parametric study conducted to see the effect of element size reveals that the results obtained using element size of 1 mm and less are in good agreement with the analytical results.


Symmetry BCs Fig. 7.6 Static loading - Boundary conditions applied for analysis



(b) Fig. 7.7 Static loading Nodal solution showing von Mises stress distribution at internal pressure of a) 5 MPa b) 100 MPa 7.2.3. Comparison of the analytical and numerical results The results of the stress distribution obtained from analytical (thick-walled cylinder theory, Lams equations) and numerical techniques were compared to see the validity of the model. Figs. 7.8a and 7.8b show the graphical presentation of the analytical and the


FEA results of stress versus internal pressure at inner radius. The stress variation along the wall thickness of the cylinder obtained from the two methods is shown in Fig. 7.9. 300 FEA TWC theory Tangential stress, MPa . 225



. 0 0 20 40 pi, MPa (a) 0 FEA TWC theory 60 80 100 MPa 0

Radial stress, MPa




-100 20 40 pi, MPa 60 80 100

(b) Fig. 7.8 Stress versus internal pressure - comparison of the two results at inner radius a) tangential b) radial 128

275 Analytical Tangential stress, MPa 250 FEA

225 200 MPa 175 150 50 55 60 r, mm (a) 25 Analytical 0 FEA 65 70 75 -25 -50 MPa -75 -100 50 55 60 r, mm (b) 65 70 75

Fig. 7.9 Stress variation along the wall thickness of the cylinder obtained from the two methods at an internal pressure of 100 MPa a) tangential b) radial

Radial stress, MPa


In Fig. 7.8, both the tangential and radial stresses obtained from the analytical and FEA methods change linearly with the applied internal pressure. It can be seen that the results obtained from the two techniques are in good agreement. Fig. 7.9a shows a gradual decrease in the tangential stress from inner to outer radius. The highest tangential (hoop) stress is found at the inner radius i.e. at the inner wall of the cylinder. In Fig. 7.9b the change in radial stress along the wall thickness of the cylinder is presented. A compressive stress is found which varies from 100 MPa at the inner radius to a value of 0 MPa at the outer radius. Again the results obtained from the two techniques and presented in Figs. 7.9a and 7.9b are in fairly good agreement. This concludes that the half model used for the stress analysis is providing satisfactory results and can be used for the analysis of the cylinder with internal crack.

7.3 Static loading of TWC - with internal axial crack

The TWC with internal axial crack and under static loading was analyzed at different internal pressures. Analysis was conducted to determine the stress intensity factor (KI) at the crack tip; (KI) is used to estimate the crack growth rate under cyclic loading. The two dimensional model of the TWC was analyzed analytically and the values for KI obtained. These results were used for finite element analysis of the cylinder under fatigue loading. 7.3.1. Geometry of the model Fig. 7.10 shows the modified two dimensional model geometry of the cylinder, with internal axial crack, used for FEA. The crack was modeled on the inner bore of the cylinder in axial direction (perpendicular to the plane of the paper). The crack depth is a mm.


tw = 25 mm

ro = 75 mm

pi = 5 100 MPa a Crack ri = 50 mm

Fig. 7.10 Schematic of two dimensional half cylinder model with internal axial crack 7.3.2. Material properties, element type and meshing The cracked model was analyzed using the same material properties and employing the same element type as was used for un-cracked model. The half model with an initial crack length of 3 mm, a/tw = 0.12 was used in FEA due to the geometrical symmetry of the cylinder. 7.3.3. Boundary conditions and solution The boundary conditions applied on the TWC are shown in Fig. 7.11. The half section of the cylinder was constrained applying symmetry boundary conditions along the wall thickness on both sides. A 3 mm long crack was modeled by applying no constraints from ri to 3 mm along the x direction at the right wall, thus providing the crack tip node at 3 mm from the inner wall. The model was loaded by applying tractions at the inner wall of the cylinder, simulating internal pressure. After loading the model and obtaining the solution, KI was obtained at the crack tip by defining the path and using KCALC command. Solutions were obtained at internal pressures varying from 5 to 100 MPa.




Symmetry BCs Fig. 7.11 Static loading of TWC with crack - Boundary conditions applied for analysis

The nodal solution showing von Mises stress distribution at internal pressure of 5 and 100 MPa is shown in Fig. 7.12. The maximum stress is at the crack tip node which can be seen more clearly in the Fig. 7.13. 7.3.4. Determination of the stress intensity factor (KI) After obtaining the solution, the stress intensity factor was determined by defining the path and using KCALC command. In order to see the effect on KI, element size was varied from 2 to 0.25 mm; solutions were obtained at internal pressures varying from 5 to 100 MPa. Plot in Fig. 7.14 shows the KI versus internal pressure at a crack length of 3 mm. KI increases linearly with the pressure and the effect of element size was found negligible. Fig. 7.15 shows the KI versus internal pressure at crack length from 3 to 10 mm. Again KI increases linearly with internal pressure for all the crack sizes analyzed.




(b) Fig. 7.12 Static loading of cylinder with crack Nodal solution showing von Mises stress distribution at internal pressure of a) 5 MPa b) 100 MPa


Fig. 7.13 Magnified view of the crack region shown in Fig. 7.12a with BCs 30 a = 3 mm

KI, MPa.sqrt(m)

20 MPa.sqrt(m)


E2 E1 E0.5

0 0 20 40 pi, MPa Fig. 7.14 Plot of KI versus internal pressure at a crack length of 3 mm 60 80 100



60 KI , MPa.sqrt(m) MPa.sqrt(m) 0

a-3 a-5 a-7 a-10



0 20 40 pi, MPa Fig. 7.15 Plot showing KI versus internal pressure at crack length of 3, 5, 7 and 10 mm 60 80 100

Fig. 7.16 shows the variation of KI with the increase in crack length along the wall thickness of the cylinder at different internal pressures. The data was obtained using an element size of 0.5 mm. The curves obtained from the data show polynomial fits which are used for the fatigue calculations.

7.4 FEA of fatigue crack growth in TWC

The fatigue crack growth analysis of TWC was performed based on linear elastic fracture mechanics and using Paris law. The FEA results obtained in the previous section were used for this purpose. The relations between the stress intensity factor KI and the crack size were used and the fatigue calculations were performed employing the same approach as was applied in the case of M(T) samples. The analysis was conducted using the


experimental data obtained in the CR direction which corresponds to the hoop stress in the cylinder. The cyclic pressure was applied with R ratio equal to 0.1 and the crack was advanced in steps of 0.05 mm. The fatigue crack growth life (Ng) of the cylinder was determined at different internal pressures. The fatigue crack growth life was the total applied cycles from the initial crack length to the final fracture [24].

150 P10 P20 P30

KI, MPa.sqrt(m)


P40 P50 P60 P75



0 0 5 10 a, mm 15 20

Fig. 7.16 Variation of KI with the increase of crack length at different internal pressures 7.4.1. Crack propagation in TWC Fig. 7.17 shows the plots of the applied pressure cycles versus crack length of the simulated TWC model with an initial crack size of 3 mm. The analysis of the results showed that the crack grows faster at higher pressures and vice versa as was observed in the case of M(T) samples. It is also clear from the plot that the fatigue crack growth life decreases with an increase in the internal pressure. 136

100.0 P20 P25 P30 P40 P50 P60 10.0

ln a, mm.

1.0 10 100 1000 10000 ln N, cycles 100000 1000000

Fig. 7.17 Applied cycles versus crack length of the simulated TWC model with an initial crack length of 3 mm 7.4.2. Predicted FCG rate Experimental vs FEA The variation of fatigue crack growth rate with K obtained experimentally in CR

samples and from the FEA of the cylinder at different applied pressures is shown in Fig. 7.18. The smooth crack growth rate achieved using the FE analysis is based on the calculations using Paris equation. It can be seen that the fatigue crack growth rate obtained by the FEA lied within the upper and lower bounds of the crack growth rate achieved from the experimental data. 7.4.3. Fatigue crack growth life prediction of the cylinder The fatigue crack growth life of the cylinder was predicted from the FEA and is presented in Fig. 7.19. The plot provides variation in the internal pressure versus the total applied cycles, starting from the initial crack length to the final fracture. The curve fitting 137

of the data provides the best fit with power relation between the two values and is given in the figure. As expected, the fatigue crack growth life of the cylinder obtained from FEA shows that the fatigue lifetime increases as the applied pressure decreases.


da/dN, m/cycle



1.00E-09 1 10 K, MPa.sqrt(m) 100

Fig. 7.18 The variation of fatigue crack growth rate with K Experimental vs FEA 80

60 pi, MPa MPa



y = 360.19 x 2 R = 0.9927 1000 10000 100000 ln Ng, cycles 1000000


0 100


Fig. 7.19 Predicted fatigue crack growth life of the thick-walled cylinder at different internal pressures


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