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Batch V/S On-Line Transaction Processing On-line Schematic How IT Works ATM History Mechanism Security Electronic Commerce Types of E-Commerce Comparison Of E-commerce With Traditional Commerce Benefits Of E-Commerce To organizations To consumers To society Limitations Applications/Scope of E-commerce What Is M-commerce Steps In An M-commerce Transaction Advantages Of M-commerce Disadvantages Of M-commerce

Automatic Teller Machine (ATM)


M Commerce

Threats of Online Transactions

Security Tools Payments System In E-commerce

Electronic Fund Transfer


Basic business operations such as customer orders, purchase orders, receipts, time cards, invoices, and payroll checks in an organization

Transaction processing systems (TPS)

Perform routine operations and serve as a foundation for other systems

Batch V/S On-Line Transaction Processing

Two types of TPS:

Batch processing A system whereby business transactions are accumulated over a period of time and prepared for processing as a single unit or batch On-line transaction processing (OLTP) A system whereby each transaction is processed immediately, without the delay of accumulating transactions into a batch

On-line Schematic
Terminal Terminal Terminal


Immediate processing of each transaction

Terminal Terminal

How IT Works
When you pay for goods or services with your debit card, you have an

option for the payment to be processed in two different ways: as an offline transaction via a credit card processing network, or as an online transaction via an EFT system, requiring a PIN to complete the process.
When processed as an online transaction the exchange of funds is completed

using an EFT network, such as Star , Pulse or Interlink, depending on which EFT system your bank is associated with as a member bank.

Automatic Teller Machine (ATM)

An Automated Teller Machine (ATM) or Automatic Banking Machine (ABM) is a computerized telecommunicated device.

ATMs first came into wide U.K use in 1973. In 1995 the Smithsonians National Museum of American History

recognized Docutel and Wetzel as the inventors of the networked ATM.


mechanism, including a Cheque Processing Module dispensing mechanism Bulk Note Acceptor security sensor

Thermal Seismic gas

Locks Journalizing systems many are electronic or

a solid state device This is considered sensitive data and is secured in similar fashion to the cash as it is a similar liability.

A number of attack on ATMs

resulted, with thieves attempting to steal entire.


attack method PLOFKRAAK is to seal all openings of the ATM with silicone.


Electronic Commerce
Electronic commerce (e-commerce)
Systems that support electronically executed business transactions The fundamental purpose of e-commerce is to execute transactions

Buying, Selling, Marketing & Servicing of Products, Services & Information


Computer Networks

Electronic Commerce

Types of E-Commerce
Business-to-consumer e-commerce (B2C)
Connects individual consumers with sellers , cutting out the middleman E.g.

Business-to-business e-commerce (B2B)

Supports business transactions on across private networks, the Internet,

and the Web

Consumer-to-consumer e-commerce (C2C)
Connects individual sellers with people shopping for used items E.g.

Comparison Of E-commerce With Traditional Commerce

Needs capital & financing
Region, nation Static competency Goods are stored in Warehouses

Very little
Local to global Dynamic competency E-documents are stored in multimedia servers

Benefits Of E-Commerce
To organizations To consumers To society

Benefits of E-commerce to Organizations

International Marketplace Operation Cost Savings Reduced inventory level Lower Tele Communication cost: Internet is much cheaper than Value-

added Network (VAN) No more 24 hour constraint Less expensive to expand business

Benefits to Consumer
24/7 Access
More Choices Price Comparisons Quick delivery (Digitized products) Disintermediation (no mediators) More discount due to more competition Interaction with other customers through e-communities

Benefits to Society
Enables more flexible working practices Less travelling for shopping resulting in less traffic and pollution Increase standard of living Can buy products and services that otherwise are not available to them Facilitates delivery of public services such as health care, education and

distribution of government social services

Technical limitations
Lack of System Security, Reliability, Standards. Insufficient telecommunication bandwidth Software development tools are still evolving and changing Incompatibility of E-commerce Software Vendors may need special web servers & other infrastructure

Non Technical Limitations

Inability to touch and feel the products Online stores dont exist for very long Lack of trust and user resistance Not 100% safe Small Businesses may find it difficult to conform EDI standards Reduces socialism Accessibility to internet is still expensive / inconvenient for potential

customers Not suitable for some perishable products

Applications/Scope of E-commerce
Internet banking
Stock trading Online shopping E-auction

Education sector
E-governance E-publishing for marketing, advertising, sales & customer support Supply chain management

Retail industry
Marketing Inventory and logistics Other online services e.g. tour & travel, health care, legal & professional


M Commerce

What Is M-commerce
M Commerce means mobile commerce that is business activities using

mobile phone
M-Commerce is an extension of E-Commerce. In this user can conduct

business activities like stock trading , bill payment, net banking etc.
M-Commerce is based on a technology or protocol know as WAP ( Wireless

application protocol )

Steps In An M-commerce Transaction

Storefront/service selection
Location aware browsing

Transaction confirmation
User authentication

Storefront authentication

Transaction and settlement

Interface to the fulfillment system

Advantages Of M-commerce
Person can done transaction any time in 24 hours
M-commerce is popular technology for many services examples
News alerts

Bills payable
Entertainment Net banking

Providing wider reach

Disadvantages Of M-commerce

Speed Of Delivery
Mobile phone are more limited in terms of speed than computer therefore, mobile website must be optimized to ensure customer satisfaction

Small Screen Size

While businesses are used to formatting information for monitors, the average mobile screen is only 2 by 3 inches should reduce the amount of information

Cell phone are commonly lost or stolen than laptops, so companies must insure that the security of its customer are not compromised in case this occurs.

Threats of Online Transactions

Hacking Virus Reliability of Services Payment Methods Protection of data from Unwanted intrusion

Security Tools
Firewall Data encryption Message authentication

Site blocking

Payment System In E-commerce

Trusted third party system Electronic fund transfer Digital cash or electronic money Credit cards Electronic cheques.

Electronic Fund Transfer

Automated Teller Machine Point of sale transactions

Preauthorized transfer
Telephone transfer

The Home Banking Dilemma Transaction Processing - Concepts and Techniques

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