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Round Robin

NOV-DEC 1972


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TABLE OF CONTENTS WAS MOSES THE SON OF AN EGYPTIAN HIGH PRIEST? By Louis Jacolliot, BEGINNERS' RESCUE GROUP By Dyanene Carmen. ........... . LIMITS TO GROWTH By Les White WHAT SAYS THE INNER CIRCLE? By Kay Ting............... THE KINSHIP OF RELIGION AND SCIENCE Part II, by Robert W. Wilson . . . HEALING THE BODY TEMPLE By Dr. X ......................... INSPIRED BY THE DARK FORCES, PART XI CQC by the Editor................. . 3-9



14 - 15 16 - 19



CLIPS, QUOTES & COMMENTS Christmas Message From Ashtar, Christmas Message From St. Francis de Sales, Dero Queero Business, Black Magician in a White Skin, A BSRAssociate H/ s Her Eyes Opened, The United Nations Association, Free Mind-Control Teaching, Mind Dynamics Shocked But Happy, Keep After Those "Eating Companions", Psalm 51:7, Another Approach From Yoga, The Auto matic Nervous System Society, Light On Noah's Ark?, Into The Fourth Dimension, American Made UFOs, Agreement With The Conmunists, And With The Cath olics, Celebration of the Eucharist. . . . 22 - 36

THE JOURNAL OF BORDERLAND RESEARCH BSRF No. 1 Published by Borderland Sciences Research Foundation, Inc., PO Box 548, Vista, California 92083, U.S.A. Edited by the Director, Riley Hansard Crabb, Doctor of Metaphysics in the Society of St. Luke the Physician.

The Journal is published six issues a year with the assistance of the Associates, at the Director's home, 1103 Bobolink Drive, Vista. It is printed, 36 pages an issue. The Foundation was incorporated under California law, May 21, 1951, #254263, and has been in con tinuous existence since then. Address all correspondence to the PO Box. The Journal is Included in the Foundation membership of $6.00 a year. Single copies and Back issues of the Journal are now $1.25 each. If you dont care to join you may receive the Journal by donating $6 a year or more to the Foundation. The Director's wife, Ms. Judith Crabb, is office manager and Secretary-Treasurer. This is non-profit organization of people who take an active interest in unusual happenings along the borderland between the visible and invisible worlds. In the words of the late Meade Layne, founder and director of BSRA from 1946 to 1959: "BSRA publications are scientific in approach but employ few technical expressions. They deal with significant phenomena which orthodox science cannot or will not investigate. For example: The Fortean falls of objects from the sky, Teleportation, Radiesthesia, PK effects, Underground Races, Mysterious Disappearances, Occult and Psychic Phenomena, Photography of the Invisible, Nature of the Ethers and the problem of the Aeroforms (Flying Saucers). In the year 1946 BSRA obtained an interpretation of the phenomena which since has come to be known as the Etheric or 4-D interpretation, and which has not been radically altered since that time. This continues to be the only explanation which makes good science, sound metaphysics and common sense." The chief present concern of the Foundation is to make this kind of unusual information available as a public service at reasonable cost. Headquarters acts as a receiving, coordinating and distributing center. An important part of the Director's work is to give recog nition, understanding and encouragement to people who are having unusual experiences of the borderland type and/or are conducting research in any of the above fields. For consultation on borderland problems, or for Spiritual healing through prayer, write or phone 714-72^-2043 for help or for an appointment. Donations and bequests toward Foundation research programs and expenses ate welcome. The 24-page list of BSRF publications is available from Headquarters for 50c in coin or stamps. This includes mimeo brochures on border land subjects, tape recordings of Mr. Crabb's lectures and of mem bers of the Inner Circle, talking through trance-medium Mark Probert. Write to BSRF, PO Box 548, Vista, California 92083 USA. PURPOSES OF BSRF:

WAS MOSES THE SON OF AN EGYPTIAN HIGH PRIEST? Louis Jacolliot came to that belief during his studies of Hinduism in India, from Chapter 10, "Occult Science In India" The Election of the Brahmatma (High Priest) "The requisite qualifications for the position were that the candidate should have been initiated, that he should have taken the vow of chastity, and that he should be a member of the Supreme Council. "That this vow was a serious matter will be readily understood when it is known that any Brahmin taking it in the commencement of his career must necessarily persevere until he arrives at the dig nity of a Yoguy, unless he wishes to repeat upon earth a series of transformations (reincarnations). Not having paid the debt of his ancestors, by the birth of a son, who can continue his genealogical line and officiate at his funeral, he would be obliged to come back after death, under a new human envelope, to accomplish that final duty." This is a rather startling view of High Priest obligations which has received little publicity in the West in popularized versions of Yoga disciplines, and we can thank the French legalbeagle, Jacolliot, for bringing it to our attention! "The Yoguys, or members of the Council of Seventy, by reason of their high degree of sanctity, had no new transmigrations to under go: it was a matter of indifference whether they had been heads of families or whether they had always maintained their chastity. But in view of the small number admitted into this sanhedrin, if we may so call it, the Brahmin who should pronounce this terrible vow, as it is termed in the book of the Pitris, at the close of his noviti ate, was in danger of having to go through a succession of new lives, from the first monad, by which the smallest particle of moss is an imated, to man, who is, so far, the most perfect expression of the vital form." Louis learned that the Brahmin priesthood has a rigid structure of Three Degrees. The young neophyte enters on his training at 20, takes his First Initiation at 40, his Second at 60, and his Third at the ripe old age of 80 -- if he lives that long! "While the Brahmatma could only be chosen from among those Yoguys who had taken the vow of chastity, his election was not due to any Nov-Dee 1972 RR, Page 1

supposed degree of sanctity on his part resulting therefrom; for he had hardly been elected when, notwithstanding his advanced age of eighty years, in order that his election might be held valid, he had to furnish evidence of his virile power in connection with one of the virgins of the Pagoda, who was given him as a bride. "If a male child sprang from this union the babe was placed in a wicker basket and turned adrift upon the river to float with the current. If perchance he was washed ashore he was carried to the temple where he was at once, and by virtue of that very fact, regarded as having been initiated into the third degree. From his earliest childhood all the secret mentrams, or formulas of evoca tion, were made known to him. "If, however, the child floated down the stream with the cur rent, he was rejected as a Pariah, and handed over to the people of that caste to be reared by them. "We never could discover the origin Upon comparing other ancient usages with of the sacerdotal castes in Egypt, which respects to those of the Indian temples, selves the following questions, which we er's consideration: THE PROBLEM OR MYSTERY OF MOSES'S BIRTH "Might not Moses, the leader of the Hebraic revolution, have been a son of the Egyptian high priest, who stood at the head of the order of the initiated, and might he not have been brought to the temple, because he had been cast ashore by the Nile? "Might not his brother Aaron, on the contrary, have been cast aside as one of the servile class, because when he was set adrift likewise upon the river he floated along with the current without being cast ashore? "May we not regard the friendship of the two brothers for each other, when informed subsequently of their common origin, as one of the causes that impelled Moses to abandon the sacerdotal caste, of which he was a member, in order to place himself at the head of the Egyptian slaves, and lead them into the desert in search of that promised land which the pariahs, helots, and outcasts of every degree have always looked forward to in their dreams as the sunny land of peace and liberty? "We suggest the question however, we repeat, merely as a sup position. Perhaps ethnographic science, by which the second half of the present (19th) Century has been so brilliantly illustrated, will show some day, that it is something more." Jacolliot's book "Occult Science In India" is published at $5.95 by University Books, New Hyde Park, New York 11040. We have drawn heavily on it to illustrate the Way of the Faqueer in our new Lesson Eight on the Kabala, "The Four Ways To Freedom". . . $2.00. Nov-Dec 1972 RR, Page 2 of this singular custom. the manners and customs are so similar in many we have often asked our now propound for the read


Ar unexpected development in our E.S.P. class has given great impetus to the members to become 'mercy sitters' in a res cue mission of earthbound souls. The leader of our group, Lois Cooper, suggested one day, , ? Do you suppose we should have a rescue service as part of our class development?" The overwhelming avalance of confirmation immediately forth coming from the students' Teachers on the Inner Planes was aston ishing to us all. Information on the conditions plaguing earth-

bound souls was given and several of the group made a point of reading as much as possible on-the subject. THIRTY YEARS AMONG THE DEAD by Carl A. V/ickland, M. D. is a mine of information a3 to the almost unthinkable mental and emot ional conditions of earthbound souls. If those who want to start

a rescue group have no knowledge of extra sensory perception, and no classes are available, it would be wise to read up on even/thing possible on the subject. Libraries abound with such books. Many

paperbacks are on the market, also.

Harold Gherman's HOW TO i'-AKE

E.S.P. WORK FOR YOU and YOUR MYSTERIOUS POWERS OF E.S.F., are two. Although a good trance medium is an asset to a mercy band, still, we have found we have been successful in the rescue work Nov-Dec 1972 RR. Page 3

without any of our mediumistic members going into trance.


have found that this type of work progresses clairsentience, clairvoyance, clairaudience. In MEDIUMSHIP AND ITS LAWS, Hudson Tuttle says, "Myriads whose earth lives were wrecked by violation of moral and spiritual laws, find their immediate condition entrance into spirit life to be in Hell. upon

Impressed with the id-

eas that there can be no relief, they recklessly pursue a course which keeps them in a state of desparation. They have no hope

and no knowledge that there is any chance to escape from their sufferings.1 1 In just one twenty-four hour period, think of the thousands of people, young and old, who pass out of physical life unexpect edly and/or violently I They pass from wars, suicides, automobile You may think

accidents, explosions, earthquakes, floods, drugs.

of as many more ways to instantaneously leave the body for good. It may help to understand these souls problem if we were to supoose we unexpectedly left physical life. Your bodily condition You

though looking the same, has undergone a peculiar change.

cant touch anything, no one can hear you , though you stand in front of someone and shout, they cant hear you, they ca n t even see you! You arent the least bit dead, and if you d o n t hap

pen to see your body when you leave it, no one can convince you of your 'death'! If you do see your body after having been ejected

Nov-Dec 1972 RR, Page 4

from it, you think y o u re having a dream, a strange one, but a dream. Pitifully few are prepared to understand that there is_ life after death. The urgency for the work of rescue groups for these unfortunates is beyond overstatement. A group dedicated to this service will To

find a vitalizing Well done!" coming from the Inner Planes.

convince the earthbound souls that there _is help at hand, that they may leave the constricting limbo and see again their families and friends, only by accepting the truth of the facts they hear at a mercy group meeting will give them glorious hope. The Teachers on

the Inner Planes guide them to these services, for the earthbound souls cannot see or hear the spirit Teachers; they are too close to the physical vibration of earth for those higher ones to contact them until they have in some degree left off their fear and confus ion. The rescue groups specialize in giving intelligent instructions

and understanding to all earthbounas brought into the vicinity, who are confused or ignorant that they may improve their let. There are tragically few rescue groups because it has been be lieved a trance medium is necessary for the work. this is not necessarily true. VJe have proven

It is compassionate love and deep

desire to help our fellows that strike the light and send out the magnetic call into the twilight of earthbound condition. Peggy Mason says in the June 1972 issue of T V . ' O V.'CRLDS, There are several distinct categories of rescue work ..... Nov-Dec 1972 RR, Page 5

Many sightings of "ghosts are merely the momentary tuning in to a thought form imprinted on the ether by some violent emotion of fear, hate or anguish experienced in that place by someone in the past. But very many persistent, noisy, or generally troublesome

hauntings are all too factual. "They are caused by earthbound entities caught up in a web of recurring ' dreams", unable to escape owing to shock, intense emotion, ignorance of what has happened to them, or in some cases of guiltridden people, the stark terror of imaginary. "These latter ones feel safer in their self-created prisons, clinging to old sites, associations and earth experiences, rather than run risk breaking loose only as they fear to be brought to some awful Judgment Seat for their "sins", real or imaginary. "It is terrible to think how many ministers of the gospel of love are responsible, especially in time past, for sowing the seeds of fear by teaching an abominable hell-fire creed, and preaching "the vengeance of God?." It should be understood emphatically that these earthbound souls are affecting our young people. So often the reply to the

question, "Y.Tiy, oh why did you do it?" is, "I heard a voice telling me to do it." "I donTt know why, I felt I had to do it."

Vie point out that we do not as yet handle hard core earthbound entities, for we have not had enough experience. It is to the con 7/e ask our

fused and ignorant we address ourselves at this time.

T e e n e r s on the Inner Planes not to bring in the difficult cases, Nov-Dee 1972 RR, Page 6

but to leave those for the more experienced groups.

Taking care of

the milder cases is of great help to the Teachers, and relieves them of some of their work-load. Their gratitude is boundless.

In this type of psychic work, protection of the workers is of tremendous importance. It is so important, that to go into rescue

work of earthbound souls without protection would be to invite pos session, and even obssession leading to insanity, crime and death. Although the group members are fiill of love and compassion, still protection must not be omitted. Our proceedure may seem simple, but it works I happy frame of mind is essential. A cheerful,

V . e settle ourselves in our chairs

making a circle (there are seven of us), and our leader ocens the service with the Lords Prayer, spiritual value. and one or two others of equally

She asks us to call on our Teachers, Masters, and

Guides on the Inner Planes to cooperate and assist us in the service we are about to give. Then she gives the Protecting Proceedure for

the White Light of the Christ. In giving this protection, we usually use a candle placed where all can comfortably see it. then close our eyes. V . ' e stare at the flame for a time, and (any color is apt

V.Tien we get an after-image,

to appear against our eye-lids) we raise a hand, signifying v:e are ready to proceed. ing with light. Now we gaze at it, the rays fill our entire be It becomes so bright, so powerfull, that the rays

penetrate the very walls of our skin, forming a circle of light all Nov-Dee 1972 RR, Page 7

around us.

As we continue to gaze, the circle of light increases

to spread encircling the room, the surrounding visitors, the house, the block, and on and on until we visualize the whole world encircl ed by this pure White Light of Christ, penetrating it through and through. Then we sit quietly for a moment or two, emphasizing the Light in our minds' eye, thinking how beautiful and invulnerable it is. We begin to talk about the earthbound condition. any one has is like. er, We ask if

any remarks on what they think the earthbound condition

The members really pitch in, asking questions of each oth One time one of the group suddenly

answering each other.

heard clairaudiently, "Thats a lot of b. ...I We realized this speaker didnt know h e d made his transition.

We asked him to see if he could pick something up, and when he couldnt , we asked didnt his hand go right through the object? tried to figure it out? Hadnt he May-

Didnt he think something was strange?

be it was because he had died and didnt know it? We know that many people fear death and because of this they d o n t realize they have already passed that point. In addition to the light that becomes more and more visible to the souls we are working with, we draw attention to the music they can hear if they really listen. The light they see coming toward

them turns out to be someone they know, coming to welcome them in to their new life, and if it is someone they dont know, they are take to friends and relatives who couldnt come just then.

Nov-Dec 1972 RR, Page 8

When the time for the service is finished, we ask the Teachers and those helping us on the Inner Planes to see to it that no soul follows any one of the group away from the meeting place. We close

with the Twenty-third Psalm, thank the Teachers and all, for their appreciated cooperation, and tell the souls who remain we will be back at a specified time again. Simple, isnt it? The results are wonderful! * *

RADIO WAVES MAY REVERSE HEARING LOSS Confirmation of George Lakhovsky's working hypothesis: that soft radio waves have a beneficial effect on living tissue, comes from the University of Southern California. LA "Times", Oct. 25, 1972: "Two USC school of medicine hearing specialists believe it may be possible to stimulate dormant nerve cells in some people with nerve deafness and thereby improve their hearing. Dr. E.C. Hughes and Dr. R.H. Arthur said they have been testing an instru ment which, when applied to the surface of the skin, produces stimulation of the hearing nerves by a low-frequency radio wave. "About half of a group of 78 subjects showed little or no im provement, but 36 showed significant gains in their hearing, av eraging 18% improvement over their usual measured speech hearing ability. Although the improvement was lost in three to five months, additional treatment brought most of the subjects back to their improved performance level. In addition, a number of the subjects experienced a reduction of noise in the ears, known as tinnitus, which often accompanies nerve deafness. The instruments used, were supplied by the Intelectron Corp. of New York. . . " It is most encouraging that these two medical men are verify ing in their clinical work now a principle of electronic therapy established by George Lakhovsky with his Multi-Wave Oscillators in his clinical work in Europe in the 1920s. But their clinical data also proves that no one can be cured or healed against his will! As any experienced healer or MD knows, only about half the sick people who come to him for help really want to get well. And of those who do respond favorably to treatment, unless there is a sincere effort to change their way of thinking, feeling and living, they will relapse back into their old ailment, or create a new one as a substitute. Nov-Dec 1972 RR, Page 9

"LIMITS TO GROWTH" By Les White We Borderlanders should for a brief period look around and take stock of what is currently happening on planet Earth and the trends which are now being widely discussed. Highlighted at the Stock holm Environment Conference, but knoxito few before, is the fright ening news emanating from an organization known as the Club of Rome. This is a group of scientists, philosophers and economists who have been studying the whole environment, population, food production, other natural resources, and pollution, on a world-wide scale. The results are in their book, "The Limits to Growth". Because the scope of such a study is far too wide for any one individual to even attempt to analyse, no matter how well in formed and clever he might be, the analysis of all this data was made the subject of a tremendous cosnpister study. In addition to the aforementioned classifications, predictions of future discovery of additional resources, industrial expansion, and need for energy to supply the said growth were added. After the computer results were translated, a graph was made to dramatise the results, and a most frightening graph it is! PROJECTION FOR DISASTER Nat. Res.

Food Pop. Ind. Out. 1900 2000 2100

1972 T IH E M ag az in e , Ja n u a r y 24,

World resources: fossil fuels, metals of all kinds and a host Nov-Dec 1972 RR, Page 10

of other items necessary for the functioning of our civilized society, are showing signs of running out as we recklessly use them up without considering the possibility of their running out. The graph I have spoken of (reproduced on the preceding page) shows world resources even soon diminishing, making a sharp downturn about the year 2000. As population grows and energy needed to cater to this inevitable growth increases, fossil fuels, coal and oil, will be used up before the end of this century. The term used to describe this kind of growth is Exponential, where population doubles itself at increasingly shorter intervals of time. 2150 looks like a sticky end to life on planet earth as w e know it at present. In a recent issue of SAGA magazine there were a Hozen predictions about the future, by Jeane Dixon and others whose names I forget. The interesting thing is that not one of these socalled forecasters mentioned the Environmental crisis looming in the immediate future. The Dollar question is: Who is right, or wrong, the Computer or the Forecasters? If we Borderlanders are to try to salvage something for posterity the time to start is NOW. Another ten years may be too late. Here in New Zealand an increasing number of young people -- with University educations -- are leaving their present salaried jobs and trying to get settled somewhere in the country where they can maybe keep a goat or two and grow their own food. Thoughtful people are studying current trends and trying to locate themselves and their families in positions where they, or their children, can "sit out" the crisis soon to arrive. A lec turer on Sociology at one of our leading universities a compara tively young man -- is urging his students not to be caught "like a rat in a trap", in one of the Concrete Jungles we call cities. Noah, at the time of crisis, built a boat in the midst of dry land and he wasn't wrong! The question I ask in conclusion is: 'How are you getting along with your boat?" WE MUST TURN OUR CIVILIZATION AROUND! To augment Associate White's timely warning above, we'd like to add a few items from the review of "Limits To Growth" in Time Magazine for Jan. 24, 1972, from which the chart on the preceding page was drawn. * There are 70 members to the Club of Rome, including Kogoro Uemura, president of the Japan Federation of Economic Organizations. Another is Britain's Alexander King, director general for scientific affairs of the Office of Economic Cooperation and Development. Another is Aurelio Peccei, Italian economist and former head of Oli vetti Typewriter Company, who founded the Club of Rome in 1968. He it was who turned to computer expert Dennis Meadows of Massachusetts Nov-Dee 1972 RR, Page 11

Institute of Technology in studying the most basic issue of all, sur vival. Meaaows pulled together a team of international scientists. They used Professor Forrester's "computer model that could simulate the major ecological forces in the world today", to give Peccei "some thing to make mankind's predicament more visible, more easy to grasp". That "something" is the chart reproduced on page 10, where all of "the computer's curves begin to converge and cross. Population outstrips food and industrial supplies. Investment in new equipment falls behind the rate of obsolescence, and the industrial base begins to collapse, carrying along with it the service and agricultural ac tivities that have become dependent on industrial products (like medi cal equipment and fertilizers). Because of lack of health services and food, the world's population dwindles rapidly". Thousands of "alternate hypotheses" were run through the compu ter by Meadows, using the new techniques of "systems dynamics", but they all brought him and his colleagues to the same blunt conclusion: "All growth projections end in collapse." THE SOLUTION? CHANGE FROM GETTING TO GIVING!

If the Exponential Growth of Western civilization can be stopped by 1975, disaster can be converted into Utopia. That's the hope Den nis Meadows and his team offered to the Club of Rome! First of all, stabilize the population by equalizing the birth and death rates -- as is already happening here in parts of California. Second, limit industrial growth to replacing worn out facilities, with non-pOlluting factories. Third, limit the amount of available goods and force people to direct their yearnings to education, recreation and services. Fourth, recycle all possible resources "including the composting of organic garbage". (This we have been doing for our gar den here in Vista for years.) "Products like automobiles and TV sets must be designed to last long and to be repaired easily." With this information in hand, Peccei and his fellow Club of Rome members could offer mankind this encouragement: "A society released from struggling with the problems imposed by growth will have more energy and ingenuity available for solving other problems." A no-physical-growth society would pour its creative energies into the arts, the sciences, religion, social services, recreation. "Without the burden of an ever-increasing population, nations could provide fewer citizens with more amenities." The fact that this constructive look into the future centers in Rome leads your editor to conclude that the World Teacher -- Christ to the Occident and Lord Maitreya to the Orient -- overshadows and guides the Club of Rome activities, through His disciples. Let us review again the Master D.K.'s prophecy through Alice Bailey in "A Treatise On Cosmic Fire", page 759, about the reappearance of Jesus: Nov-Dee 1972 RR, Page 12

"The Master Jesus will take a physical vehicle, and with cer tain of His chelas effect * rc-spiritualization of the Catholic Churches, breaking down the barrier separating the Episcopal and Greek churches frctt the Roman. This may be looked for, should plans progress as hoped, jbout the year 1980." WHAT SAYS THE INNER CIRCLE? Speaking through Mark Probert on March 3, 1949 Inner Circle mem ber Kay Ting, using a Chinese name though he claimed to be of Tibetan origin, made these encouraging remarks about our future: "There will come a time when your civilization will be as greatly advanced as the East in the study of life -- what you call metaphysics. Man is ever striving to find his way home, home to oneness with the Father. When that time comes for you Americans, you will then have the most advanced state of civilization on all the earth. In all past history of man never has there been a time such as there will be when this comes to your country. Why? Because you are so far advanced in your material science, which was something that was very much neglected in my time on earth. "That is why they went down, India and China -- al most all of the East, they neglected the material, con cerning themselves only with the spiritual and mental. That is so always: if man neglects the physical he lo ses the mental. It is im possible to take care of either one alone. Man is a holy trinity of physical, mental and spiritual. "It is better that you understand the world you are in, in all its parts;; then you can go ahead with the spiritual." Portrait of Kay Ting was painted by Mark Probert and reproduced in "The Magic Bag" of Inner Circle; wri tings through Mark.


Darkness to Light in Cycles. Genesis 1:3 tells us, "God said let there be Light, and there was Light." John 1:4 says in effect that what we call Light is the Life of Man and that it shines in a darkness that cannot blot it out, although as astronomy tells us, it may be obscured by a thick cloud making it ineffective for a period. Thus there are in the Universe dark nebulae which cut off the light from more distant sourced while giving none of their own. But they gradually become active as God's Word reaches them, beginning to glow feebly, than warming up by the more rapid vibration to faint, then stronger visibility, slowly solidifying. Then after ages of what we call Time, but really beyond human understating, cool and die and slumber in the Bosom of the Father (John 1:18) until He callsfor the start of another cycle at a higher level, that cycle to be followed by another, but somehow more refreshing, slumber. Each sweep includes downward as well as upward arcs, but the basic trean is up. In these very elementary studies it is impossible to do more than point out a few correspondences in cycles of lesser scale, such as plants from seed through sprout to maturity as grain, either to be buried again (l Cor. 15:36) toproduce the next crop, or to be destroyed by transformation into the nutritional cycle of Kan. And that is part of a larger natural cycle, the excretions fertilizing the veget ation, food again. An equally vital mundane cycle is water, evaporation, conden sation, precipitation. Excessive fluctuations in this are the worst of calamities drought, flood. The cycles of day and night and of the seasoss need no comment beyong noting that the correspondence of greater and less is never absoluteeither as to dura tion or quality, the year is not an exact number of days and the inexactitude varies so that the best minds have never devised a perfect calendar; and in quality a cool summer day is different from a warm winter day. Astronomy recognizes the Preceaiicnal Cycle, that slow swing of Earth's polar axis whsreby our North Pole takes about 25,800 years to trace a roughly circular path, so that Alpha Draconis was Pole Star about 4,000 years ago, Polaris is now, and Vega will be some 12,000 years hence. The Precessional Cycle is divided into twelve periods of about 2,300 years, during which the Sun as seen from the Earth appears successively against a different constellation background, the Signs of the Zodiac. So much is recognized by Science. (Fath, Elements of Astronomy, 3rd ed. secs. 151, 24l). Religious tradition maintains that the entry into each Sign signalizes a new Dispensation. Thus when the Sun moved from Aries, the Ram, into,Pisces, the Fish, the Hosiac, with its symbolita of the ram's horn (shofar) in worship, and an econo my based on sheep-raising, was superceded by the Christian bishop's miter shaped like a fish head, and fish as a particular food. Of course each Age carries rem nants from the past and forer ^adowinga of the next. According to this tradition a new Dispensation, the Aquarian Age, tha Hew Jei-usalem of Revelation 21:2, will fully arrive about 2300 AcD. (Aquarius is the Man bearing the water-jar, water of spiritual Life, the Han being Christ at His Second Coming). What is presently talked of as the Aquarian Age is only a pre-view (Revela-

Bv Robert W. Wilson

Nov-Dec 1972 RR, Page 14

tioc 4:ll) of the coming woe;(chapter 6). That they are beginning is evident froo; any newspaper. But Jesua promised that the woes will be tempered with Divine Mercy except those days be shortened there should be no flesh saved...but they shall be shortened."(Matt. 24:22). And we axe enjoying a foreshadowing of the benefits as well, overcoming Time and Space by material means, such as tape recorders bring ing back the voices of the dead, and mechanical flight, the dream of the ages. Human history repeats, but each cycle better and on a wider scale- Viet N a n . with all its horrors is less dreadful than the Babylonian practices of torturing and slaying all captives. The individual human recapitulates evolution from a spr outing seed, through fish-liko, and so on, always in a sort of egg, until the water is left (as primitive life left the oceans) and the creature breathes air. The major cycle of human life is the path of the Divine Spark, of each indivi dual husan, emanated frca th* Father in relatively early stages of Creation, trav elling in uptending spirals, each spiral including a dip into naatter to learn to control it ("dress and keep the Garden", Gen. 2:16), next a heavenly period to assimilate life's experiences, then a return to Earth in a body and environment uitable for the next advancing session of Life's school. Never can the human soul return to an animal body-- the kev-note is progress. Ultimately all will return to the Bosom of the Father(John 1:18); our inmosr selves (the Sparks) will know "the peace of God that passeth all understanding" Philippians 4:7), called Nirvana i r . Buddhism, yet mystically retain individuality. The Christian Church rejected reincarnation 553 A.D., yet it is accepted by some Christians , largely on the on the basis of John 9:2, "did this m a r . sin...* that he was born blind"; also Matt. 17:12-13, Elijah returned as John the Baptist. An alternative reading of James 3:6 in a footnote in the Revised Standard Version is "wheel of birth" , the preferred reading being "cycle of nature". As to Time "a day with the Lord is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day (2 Peter 3:3), and vast changes can Occur "in the twinkling o^ an eye", 1 Corinthians 15:52. Whose Eye? Are our present unrests part of that Twinkle? As to Time ans Space, Science, speaking through Einstein, says that if a r . object is moved fast enough both its size and its time scale change, so that if an astronaut went an enormous distance at terrific speed he would return maybe a year older, to find his few remaining contemporaries tottering to the grave. Time-Space combinations may produce results not found in any of the combining factors. An instance is watii-aade from whatsub-atomic physics tells us are whirl ing particles of nothing, moving in nothing at inconceivable speedsand devoid of anything suggesting the result of their combination. Only at molecular level does H20 appear. So what is wrong withthe religious explanation that water is "crea ted", not brought into existence through a blind chance combination? But Helicon has too often refused to acknowledge the mechanisms God uses. Ag Pope tells up (Essay on Man, Epistle I, sec IX, line 267) "All are but parts of one stupendous whole. 'hose body nature is , and God the soul."

(Continued in the next issue)

Nov-Dee 1972 k k



HEALING THE BODY TEMPLE By Dr. X To repair and maintain a piece of machinery a mechanic must understand thoroughly the material of which the machine is made, the work that the machine must do and how one part must coordinate with all the other parts. Today, with specialised medicine, the heart specialist doesn' t pretend to know anything else about the body "machine" he is supposed to repair. The day of the family doctor who treated the body as a whole is gone and we need him back, desperately, as our nation is today sicker than any time in history. The doctor who I think knows more about the Nature of our bodies than all the M.D.s coabir.ed is Dr. T. Henry Moray, D. Sc., who says in his book "Cosray": "It has been stated that in the final analysis all things are electrical in nature. If we go a little farther, we may assume without contradiction that all things sum down to rates of vibration. . . Organisms function by elec tricity. The body electrical impulses, maintained by oxidation, sustain life and increase the energy of the protoplasm. . . ". . . the living cell is injured and will deteriorate, and if the injury is great enuf, the cell will die. Why? Because the cell has been caused to vibrate at a rate of frequency of the influ encing radiation. If now, one applies a rate of vibration which will counteract the damaging rate of vibration and restore the rate of vibration by the new applied influencing rate of frequency, the cell can be restored to its normal frequency." It was necessary for me to describe for you this very basic nature of matter for you to understand wh&t I hope to tell you. The very basis of electricity is polarity: positive designated +, negative designated and neutral designated N. Anyone working with electrical apparatus aoust know all about that and where they go. But our bodies are an~iTectrical machine and a very delicate one. Our doctores (M.D.s) who insist that they alone know how to take care of our bodies, dont know the first principle on which our bodies operate! Let me give you an example. Andy, a World War I vet in his 70s, had two fingers black on the ends. He was slowly dying of gangrene. All fingers, all toes, ears, nose and upper lip were darkening in the process. His doctor said the two fingers must come off. Andy objected. "Doctor, you haven't told me what causes this! So we take the fingers off, then my hand, then my arm. So why start?" Of course the doctor knew Nov-Dee 1972 RR, Page 16

it was lack of circulation but didn't know how to improve it. Polarity-wise, Andy's body was neutral all over. Let me assure you that when the polarity is not normal, neither is the circula tion of the blood. Here was the simple solution. EEMAN SCREENS To prove to Andy that the answer was very simple and scienti fic, I did not touch him, but put one Eeman screen under his head with wire to left hand, and the other Eeman screen under his feet (not his hips) and wire to his right hand. In 20 minutes Andy knew he would not have to have surgery. The blood was coming back into his hands and he was in agony. It was just as painful as if they had been frozen! He still had those two good fingers when he died several years later, and all the rest of his limbs. No doctor ever touched them.


c r y

After success with the Eeman Screens I experimented with the Rainbow Toner. (Described in the Sept-Oct 1968 Journal and in BSRF No. 33, Radionics, The New Age Science of Healing? $5.50) But I make the antennas rec tangular rather than round. I found that the Toner, too, would correct body polarity. One night someone woke me from a sound sleep and very plainly said, "If you are getting that much good from the Toner, why not make the antennas larger and get more good?" Now I use a two by four foot copper screen with an applicator under the feet and another just like it under the head. With this setup polarity is corrected in just seconds, unless some unusual condition exists, like the following. Gary had been on Pot about two years. His health began to break; so he allowed his mother to bring him to me. 1 found the most peculiar condition ever, checking him over with the penouLuir.. The polarity was correct on both sides from feet to mid-thigh. From there on up, nothing! The pendulum showed deao. Nov-Dee 1972 RK, S'age 17

I put the screen applicators on him as usual but instead of correcting polarity in seconds it took 30 minutes! When his treat ment was complete he was an entirely different person. He quit Pot, cut his hair, got a job and is doing great. His parents now reside on Cloud 9. ESCAPE FROM INSANITY Next, Mrs. T brought her son Larry, a married man with two children. Larry had not been on drugs but had been fooling around with psychism; and folks, the black devils had him hooked, but good. They had him believing they had made a Master of him, and he could now head anything and do anything. He had lost his job and family, had been in a hospital where they tried to shake him out of it with drugs; but they only made him worse. He assured me that his name was no longer Larry T but now Master Larry! Polarity-wise I found him identical to Gary. Again it took 30 minutes on the Toners to clear him. His next words were, "I know now that I am not a master.'* Both he and his mother now real ize that his next stop was a mental institution, with perhaps a padded cell, shock treatment, and even a lobotomy. Instead Larry his has family back, a good job and good health. Praise God for two pieces of screen wire, four old spark coils from a junk yard, and 'quack who knew enuf to use them. Can you stand to listen to one more case? I'd like to quote a few excerpts from Mary K's letters. "Dear X: I just had to write you and thank you again, altho nothing seems quite adequate to ex press my thanks. You can certainly chalk up another miracle. "My sinus condition is much improved and I am breathing so well. (Sinus treated with gem stones.) The feeling didn't start to come back to my legs and feet until after we started home last nite. It was quite a sensation. I had the feeling of millions of tiny pins pricking at my legs and my feet got WARM. "This will amuse you. When the doctor at the government hos pital diagnosed my case he told me there was no medicine or ther apy for it. H i p suggested I come back four times a year for a checkup so they could tell at what rate the disease was progres sing, and fit my legs with braces when it became necessary. He also told me there was NEVER any chance of my condition improving and set up an appointment for May 2nd. We'll certiainly have a sur prise for the doctor, wont we? "Well, I went to see the doctor May 2nd. He could tell my legs were better and asked what I had been doing. I told him since he had nothing to offer I went to see a Witch Doctor. He replied, 'I suggest you go back and see your Witch Doctor, as I am not one to knock any one's method of healing so long as it works. We certainly have no miracles to pass out here.' He said Nov-Dee 1972 RR, Page 18

this in a very sincere manner. (A pat on the back for this doctor.) This is just the greatest thing anyone has ever done for me. I could hardly go to sleep last nite. I could feel my feet and legs down there, and it was like a child's first Christmas." We know that there is no such a thing as a miracle. We only call things a miracle when we dont understand the LAW that makes them happen; so in my book a miracle is just God Law In Action. Can you think of anything simpler or nearer to God than to hook this wonderful Body Tfcsaple up to a piece of copper screen or copper plate hanging on the wall that is gathering for you some thing that is free and is everywhere available? There is only one condition that must be met, the antenna must hang at least five feet above the earth. Yes, Gary, Larry, Carl, Mary and many others call it a mir acle but I call it God Law In Action. Since Gary, Larry and Carl all had identical symptoms, and since Larry, for sure, was possessed, I am wondering if many of these drug cases aren t possessed, either before they go on drugs or after they start using them and that leaves them open. Most certainly, most of them act a3 if they are possessed by some pretty black wicked ones. What do you think? By the way, the lead wire to the copper screen or to the cop per plate must be soldered to one corner. *

DEFENSE AGAINST THE DEATH PRAYER Yes, Dr. X, it would be well for those attempting to free ad dicts from their drug habit to assume that obsessing entities are in the magnetic sphere of the victim, continually urging him on. Aside from the examples and warnings in psychic literature, there is Max Freedom Long s analysis of the Kahuna Death Prayer technique in his book, "Secret Science Behind Miracles". The numbness, lack of circulation and loss of feeling in the limbs described above by Dr. X corresponds closely to Death Prayer symptoms observed and recorded by Long in Hawaii. The major difference i ^ s that in the Death Prayer the black magician sends his obsessing artificial elementis out deliberately, not just to be "eating companions" of the victim's vices, but to destroy him. "The process," Max wrote on page 86, "was one of entering the body of the intended victim or attaching themselves to it. That done, the vital force of the victim was taken. . . withdrawn from the feet, a numbness came to them which rose gradually over a period of three days to knees, hips, and finally to the solar plexus or heart, at which time the victim died. . . f ' Nov-Dee 1972 RR, Page 19

INSPIRED BY THE DARK FORCES CQC On the Rise and Fall of Hitler's Third Reich Part XI As a departed spirit, Adolf Hitler, is not likely to be an obsessing entity of other hisuma still in th flesh. This accor ding to the late Arthur Ford In her latest book, "A World Be yond", author Ruth Montgomery quotes Ford as writing through her from the other side of the Veils "Let us take the case of a Hitler, who seems to have wrought so much evil in one lifetime that he will never again be able to cleanse himself of such evil, Ha comes here after wrecking the lives and hopes and ideals of many other souls in the physical state, and he himself is an object of ouch:scorn and horror that no one mourns his passing from the physical state. "Here he thinks to resume his antics, his goosestep, his prattlings of power; but there is no one to listen or pay homage. This soul is so totally ignored that is as if he were alone in a dark island without habitation. He prances, rants, shouts, to no avail. There is none here so low as to seek association with this monstrous soul. Shouting and strutting achieve nothing; so at last he falls into a deep pit of his own image-making, and into the black pit he falls, falls, falls until, like Edgar Cayce tells of Saturn, he is in outer darkness. "There he is left to his own devices for many hundreds, per haps thousands of years, depending on the severity of his crime against humanity. If he ever wakens again, his fate will not be a pleasant one; for until he has repaid at least some of his crimes against others by long and arduous study in this state of being, he will not be offered an opportunity again to return to earth life where progress would be faster. He has doomed himself to isolation for many aeons, and the fate of Hitler will not be known to any of you living today; for his banishment self-ban ishment if you will -- will undoubtedly take much longer than any one now living in the flesh can perceive." ' This is all very good, very satisfying to the unawakened for whom Ford writes. The evil Wundermann of Europe of the 1930s has gone to his reward, burning eternally in a purgatory of his own making. But Ford is a Spiritualist, or was, and not an oc cult scientist. What is there in the foregoing to help us under stand the invisible Evil forces which guided Der Fhrer to power and propped him up on his iron throne from behind the Veil. The Nov-Dec 1972 RR, Page 20

twin evils, Naziism and Fascism, are still very much alive right here in the United States. And what of Gen. Karl Haushofer, the Buddhist-Catholic initiate who trained and guided Hitler in his use of black magick. What of Dietrich Eckhardt, who saw to it that the little Corporal turned his footsteps to the right path -- extreme right -- in the early 1920s? Remember Eckhardt's boast: "Follow Hitler. He will dance, but it is I who called the tune. We have given him the means of communicating with Them. Do not mourn for me; I shall have in fluenced history more than any other German." Of even greater interest to us are the personality and teach ings of that well-known agent of the false Christ, Gurdjieff. In their mine of information on the magickal forces around Hitler, the book "The Dawn Of Magic", Pauwels and Bergier reveal that the Russian agent may have had far more influence on Nazi philosophy than had hitherto been suspected! The Austrian engineer Horbiger was author of the cockeyed anthropology to which Hitler and his propagandists turned for in spiration in establishing their myth of the German super-race. But imagine Pauwels's surprise when he learned that Gurdjieff was echoing Horbigftr. Or was Horbiger echoing Gurdjieff? As an earnest student of Gurdjieff after the war and himself a victim of Naziism, the Frenchman had to know if he was ignorantly following one of Hitler's spiritual teachers. He was delighted to be the guest of a highly cultured French woman who was also a follower of Gurdjieff. The Russian occultist was also an occasional guest in her home. This was 1948. She was well educated, with a good technical background in chemistry. Her approach to Gurdjieff's teachings was that of a rational, educated woman, rather than that of a mystic. They were on the balcony of her chalet in the Alps. It was a cold, clear night. The two of them "experienced a sensation of solitude which, elsewhere, can be alarming, but in such surround ings has a purifying effect. Every feature of the Moon was clearly visible. "One ought to speak of a moon," said my hostess, "one of the moons. . . " "What do you mean?" Pauwels interrupted. "There have been other moons in the sky. be the last. . . " "What? this one?" This one happens to

Do you mean there have been other moons, apart from

"Certainly. M. Gurdjieff knows it, and others besides him." (To be continued in the next Journal.) Nov-Dee 1972 RR, Page 21

C lip s, Q u o t e s

8 C o m m e n ts

"I wish to speak to you this day concerning the act of medi tation. We have asked you whom we serve to spend at least one hour a day to send out thoughts of love to help us in balancing the negation we must constantly overcome in our work. "We see among you a great conflict as to how to go about this without the guilt of taking time from 'things that really need doing'. "The secret of sending out love and light is in remembering what love FEELS like. Sit back and remember being in love. You all have those feelings within you. Go back in time if need be and pick up those emotions of being so enraptured by another being that you floated on a cloud of pure happiness when you could spend hours upon hours just enjoying the feel of being needed, of being cherished and adored by that love in your life. "The sad truth is that most of you have forgotten how to feel love, and to send it out from yourselves to others. This is an illusion of your time on earth, a result of over-emphasis on sex as the total end -- or that which should satisfy every need. "How much you miss in not practicing the act of receiving love -- not only in what we wish to send you, but from others around you because you feel you must read the paper, turn on the radio or television. In doing this you dull the sensitive recepting centers of your being to the vibrations of love that are all around you! "It is you who have dulled your minds and hearts to the vibra tions of we who seek desperately to aid you by refining your emo tions and teaching you once more how to feel. "If we asked a person who %/as truly in love to meditate, and send out love to that loved one, they would laugh and say, 'He's a song in my heart. I sing it day and night. I'm never alone because I feel his (her) love around me'. "Go back and remeiaber how it feels to love, and then you will see what it is we need, and it will not be a chore but just a love song sun by hearts that yearn to know truth, freedcm, and a one ness with their God-self. I am Ashtar." Through Marian Hartill, Seaside, Oregon

Nov-Dee 1972 RR, Page 22

CHRISTMAS MESSAGE FROM ST. FRANCIS DE SALES "I Greet You Sir: -- When here on earth, I never hesitated to preach the truth in the presence of heretics. I wish to ask you how you, a small body of people and in so small a minority, expect, success fully, to beard the powerful Catholic Church? "What does it matter, even if you know the truth in relation to Apollonius of Tyana, or in regard to Chrishna, Hesus, or the other gods? You forget that all the valuable manuscripts concern ing them are in possession of our church. "You will need proof to show that your standpoint is correct; and like many of the Protestant Churches (all of which are nothing more than bastard churches) it will appear that it has nothing more to support it but the sayings and doings of a lecherous monk. "You may know, when I tried to convert the famous Theodore Beza, on his deathbed, to the Catholic faith, that I was in earnest about propagating ray religion when here, and I am yet so in spirit life. The priests of my church have hidden their tracks well, and it will cost an immense outlay of time and money to prove that these apostate spirits have been coumunicating to you the truth. You cannot do it, and I challenge you to the trial." A Bishop and Priest of Geneva From J.M. Roberts' "Antiquity Unveiled" DERO QUEERO BUSINESS "With all this underground nuclear testing do you suppose our government is already fighting an underground war? We certainly are not being told anything at all. We are simply being given ver bal tranquilizers. Perhaps the outer space races have established underground bases (being hosted by the Dero) and have started to annoy Washington in various ways, and so we are retaliating??????? "Which reminds me of something that happened right here on our own land shortly after we had purchased and built our home. One day we walked into the backyard to find a hole about four inches in diameter -- round -- which had not been there the day before. The cat got his foreleg dov/n into it as far as his shoulder and went round and round -- apparently felt nothing and gave up. We pegged stones into it to see how deep it was, but could hear nothing fall. It must have been very, very deep. The next day the hole was gone! "Also, we discovered a large cistern-type hole, covered by a large, very flat stone, under the b a m which was on our land. We used this b a m for some years as a studio and gift shop, and then donated it to the Historial Society. They moved it away. There was no flat stone and no hole under the b a m . When the lot was sold about two years ago, and a house buiilt on the site, we Nov-Dee 1972 RR, Page 23

watched the excavation -- but no stone and no hole ever appeared. "Once when my husband entered the b a m in the morning to go to work in the studio he heard voices. There was no one in there when he got in. He heard this just as he was turning the kev. (We also heard laughter and voices in the caves in Kentucky.; We must be, here at our home, sitting on top of a cavern. Do they move these caverns or entrances? Is there a map of known caverns available? It seems Ray Palmer may have mentioned this some time. Incidentally, what makes you think Ray doesn't believe in Saucers? He told us he has seen them right on his place. We know Ray well. You made a statement in a recent Journal to the effect that Gurdjieff was teaching Hitler black magic. I thought Gurdjieff was one of the good guys. How does this stack up?" C.M., Watertown, Wisconsin The underground nuclear tests in Nevada, and Alaska, scarcely indicate an underground war against the Derosl There are over 30, 000 known caves in the United States. Less than a third of these have been fully explored. The inmoral behavior of certain govern ment leaders in Washington seems to indicate -- not annoyance with the Deros -- but compliance with them! In some cases there is more than compliance, there is conscious and enthusiastic cooperation. My guess is that the flat-stone-covered hole under the b a m was an invitation to you and your husband to succumb to temptation and enter the Cavern World, Let's say the entrance was a temporary physical mock-up to arouse your curiosity. Having failed of its purpose it was allowed to dematerialize. It seems likely that Ca vern entrances can be materialized whenever and wherever necessary, enough to match the slightly expanded consciousness of the intended victim -- or Dero agent when his mission is accomplished. Ray Palmer himself is author of the statement that he doesn't really believe in Flying Saucers. It's somewhere in his writings. BLACK MAGICIAN IN A WHITE SKIN As for Gurdjieff, have you asked yourself why his prize pupil, Ouspensky, parted from him there at Essentuki in the Caucases in 1918? The answer is clear enough there in the final chapter of Ouspensky's "In Search Of The Miraculous". Gurdjieff was contra dicting his teaching on the Fourth Way in the earlier years of study in Moscow and St. Petersburg. "But my personal position in Gurdjieff's work began to change," writes Ouspensky. "For a whole year something had been accumulating and I gradually began to see that there many things I could not un derstand and that I had to go. . . I had for some time begun to separate Gurdjieff ancPtKe lHsas. I had no doubt about the ideas (outlined so interestingly and instructively in the "Search"). Nov-Dec 1972 RR, Page 24

I began to doubt very strongly that it was possible for me, or even for the majority of our company, to continue to work under G.'s leadership. . . I saw clearly at that time that I had been mistaken about many things I had ascribed to G. and that by stay ing with him now I should not be going in the same direction I went at the beginning. . . "I had never had a negative attitude toward the 'way of the monk', to religious, mystical ways. . . if after three years of work I perceived that Gurdjieff was leading us towards the way of religion, of the monastery, and required the observance of re ligious forms and ceremonies, there would be a motive for disa greeing with this and for going away, even at the risk of losing direct leadership. And certainly this would not mean that I con sidered the religious way a wrong way in general. It may even be a more correct way than my way but it is not my way. . . " Here Ouspensky should have tried to distinguish between re ligion and the Second Way, the Way of the Monk. Even as Ouspen sky was making the heart-rending decision to break with his tea cher, the whole Russian people to the north of them were destroy ing a corrupt priesthood which had kept them in slavery for a thousand years! Apparently Ouspensky had never suffered, in that life, at the hands of the priests of the Russian Catholic church; so he was blind to the negativity which made a moral cesspool of Russia. But subconsciously he rebelled at Gurdjieff's attempt to establish a monastic community there on the shores of the Black Sea in 1918. This change in direction was heading the group toward the Left Hand Path. Organized priesthoods are on their way out. The Way of the Monk has served its purpose on this planet. To attempt to return people to an earlier form, as Gurdjieff was trying to do, was wrong. This is a characteristic of the Left Hand Path, denying evolution and affirming involution. It can only lead to degradation, decay, and finally, annihilation. A BSRASSOCIATE HAS HER EYES OPENED Where Gurdjieff failed with Ouspensky and the Essentuki group he -- or at least his philosophy -- succeeded with the leaders of the Nazis in the 1920s and 30s. Who knows how many of them made the pilgrimage to his center at Fontainebleau in France? One of our Associates did, the late Florence Evelyn Campbell. In her Hollywood years ago she told us of having been attracted to Gurd jieff and his teachings while living in New York in the 1930s. She had a chance to take a trip to Europe with her husband and welcomed this opportunity to visit Gurdjieff1s rented Chateau. She was considering the possibility of staying there several weeks to study under this famous occult teacher. He was away at the time but she was received by a caretaker and his wife. They had a baby. The year-old boy was the living image, not of the father but of Gurdjieff! Mrs. Campbell and her husband agreed after the visit the Russian agent wasn't to be her teacher after all. Nov-Dee 1972 RR, Page 25

THE UNITED NATIONS ASSOCIATION "Dear UNA Member Riley Crabb: "I am writing this letter to you with a humility befitting one who has served as a U.S. Representative to the United Nations for only one session, and as the current Deputy Chairman of the United Nations Delegation to the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment. These months of continuing intensive work have deepened my convictions and have made clear to me that the world is locked in an awesome equation of time, power and passion. The armsrace, the population explosion, the pollution of the envirorcaent are among the threats to mankind that can only be solved in the framework of ration and peaceful international cooperation. In this quest, the world has at its disposal very few instruments, and chief among these is the United Nations. "Despite its shortcomings and inadequacies, I have come to regard the U.N. as the rallying point for all mankind who seek peace, justice and national development. Indeed, I strongly believe that we must recognize the intrinsic value of the U%.N., not only from a broad humanitarian perspective, but from the purely patrio tic view of hov; best to advance our enlightened national interest in effective international organization. "We must not stand aside, wringing our hands at its short comings. We must recognize ths potential and roll up our sleeves and make the United Nations what we and our co-founders intended it to be. "At the forefront of private citizens efforts to help the United Nations fulfill our hopes and needs is the United Nations Association of the United States. It helped the President's Com mission on the 25th Anniversary in holding public hearings in various parts of the country on the future of the U.N. Yet this is only a small part of the informational and educational work which it carries on steadily in communities and on campuses and through the many national organizations with which it is associated. "In the work of its national policy panels, I know from per sonal experience that it is producing ideas and proposals that are consnanding the attention and respect of policy makers and opinion leaders both here and abroad. For instance, President Nixon twice referred to the UNA Policy Panel Report on World Population in his special message to Congress on this subject. Nineteen Senators and 49 Members of the House, on their own initiative, joined in advo cating the central proposals in the Policy Panel Report on 'Con trolling Conflicts In the 1970s'. The contributions of another UNA policy panel to the nuclear non-proliferation treaty were not only praised by the leaders of our delegation but acknowledged in lead ing academic journals in the Soviet Union. "The dilecanas facing our country in this complex and dangerous world are awesome. Certainly, many of the answers must be found Nov-Dee 1972 RR, Page 26

in an increasingly effective United Nations. As a member of the National Board of UNA, I ask you to join me in strengthening the organization's financial resources so that through the United Nations Association each of us can help promote the cause of in ternational cooperation and peace. Supporting contributions should be sent to the United Nations Association of the United States of America, 833 United Nations Plaza, New York, N.Y. 10017."

FREE MIND-CONTROL TEACHING IN PHILADELPHIA "All 2,000 students of the Hallihan Cacholic High School (for girls) were given the full 48 hr. Silva Mind Control Course with out charge as a special experiment. Jose Silva himself came to help with the planning, and ten instructors came from various pla ces to teach the course. All other school programs were aban doned for the week and seven hours a day were given over to learn ing the mind control method. I understand that all the classes went very well and students were generally enabled to do the psychic readings at the end of the course. Now, some kind of psychological testing is being done to see what the results might be but I have no information on just what that testing consists of. All the schools teachers took the course as well and the principal had taken the course previously, which is what started the ball rolling. News of these events appeared in the front pages of both the city's major newspapers." Art Rosenblum, Aquarian Research Foundation Newsletter, 5620 Morton Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19144 U.S.A. "ASTRO BLASTS MIND DYNAMICS" San Francisco "Examiner , Sept. 18, 1972 - "Mind Dynamics, Inc., a San Rafael firm which promises self-improvement through mind expansion, was accused of being on an ego trip yesterday by moon astronaut Edgar D. Mitchell. He also accused it of 'unscrupulous and dishonest advertising'. "Mind Dynamics sponsored Mitchell's trip to San Francisco and paid him an honorarium for his appearance before 1500 of its ad herents at Masonic Auditorium. Halfway through his speech, Mit chell lashed into an attack on the host organization. "'I've seen the Mind Dynamics ads and frankly they turn me off,' he said. 'It depresses me that they're oriented toward Nov-Dee 1972 RR, Page 27

sensationalism, faddism aid ego games. I've never seen anything in them about helping people grow in wisdom, compassion and humility.' "William Penn Patrick, the San Rafael capitalist who made his fortune selling cosmetics, is chairman of the board of Mind Dynamics. Mitchell later deinfed 'ego games' as 'get-rich-quick' schemes, promises of 'instant sexiness' and promotion of 'mind control . '"There is no short road to instant enlightenment,' he told the crowd, 'and a three-day course in Mind Dynamics is certainly not going to give it to you.' Mitchell conducted extra sensory perception experiments on board the Apollo 14 mission to the moon in January 1971, and has since become involved with a number of parapsychology (mind science) organizations. "The Astronaut called a Mind Dynsaics ad which used his name 'unscrupulous and dishonest. I have never given my endorsement to any mind development company yet anyone reading that ad would have just that impression. I dont like to be used.' He went on to accuse Mind Dynamics of raising falsa hopes in its potential customers and undercutting serious research efforts in the field of psychic phenomena. Apart from his scalding remarks to his host, Mitchell announced that when he retires Oct. 1 from the Navy and his astronaut duties, he plans to become president of his own firm which will conduct research into psychic phenomena. He even hint ed that his corporate venture might include educational projects along the lines of Mind Dynamics. MIND DYNAMICS SHOCKED BUT HAPPY "Robert VJhite, a spokesman and senior vice president for Mind Dynamics later said that while the fiy/a was 'surprised and quite frankly a bit shocked' at sosae of Mitchell's statements, MD was still very happy he was at our conference'. White said the pur ported ad in which Mitchell's naua appeared was actually a re printing of a newspaper article -- which MD reproduced for pro motional purposes but that the linking of Mitchell was done by the reporter and not initially by MD. 'We dont make claims which aren't true,' White said. 'We can back them up...because they're vague enough that...people dont expect more than we offer them.' "During his talk Mitchell said that he gazed down at earth from his Apollo 14 capsule, he saw 'the people on parth acting out of lust, greed and egotism'. That behavior is inimical to planetary survival. 'Egotism is the single factor that blinds us to the interconnectedness of all things in the universe. And yet,' he said later, 'I've seen people (here) count alpha waves like muscle man showing off at the beach.' (During the alpha phase, Mind Dynamics people believe, the mind is focused on inner levels of awareness.) Instead, Mitchell proposed that the Mind Dynamics adherents pursue an altruistic philosophy, concerned with the 'universality of all people and things' and 'aimed at transNov-Dec 1972 RR, Page 28

forming humanity into a higher state of consciousness'. He sug gested that exactly those things would be the objective of Edgar D. Mitchell, Inc., once it begins operation after Oct. 1. "Speaking of that venture, Mitchell softened his tone a bit. 'The commercial aspects have to be recognized. You cant do research without money.' He said his company would work toward bringing all scientific and educational organizations interested in psychic phenomena together to find 'a common way of approaching the problem', KEEP AFTER THOSE "EATING COMPANIONS" "It is beginning to look as if each one of us is going to have to rely upon himself for his protection because it will be impos sible to control every skyjacking and the sending of bombs through the Everybody will probably have to dowse his mail be means of the pendulum each morning and also any airplane trips he plans to make. Please publish a warning to everybody to go slow on ask ing for help from the other side as this will open them to obses sion if they do not adequately protect themselves. You refer to this in RETRO ME but do not go into enough detail on helping one self " R.D., Concord, Massachusetts THEY MAY EVEN STEAL YOUR BOOKS! "So glad the infamous Men In Black haven't grabbed you and Judy by the scruff of the neck! Poor ol' Gray Barker indicated in his last printed letter that he ran into trouble over publi shing UFO books. I always felt he had full protection but per haps no one does. I gave up on this stuff because of some very ter rifying and violent experiences with the unseen world. "I seem to be in a low vibration cud suffer jabs as though a sword or knife was suddenly stuck into me -- without warning and sharp pain in the toes (shoes or no). Also I am in a jam on TIME. I absolutely cannot make it timewise. I have somehow jumped the time track as it vanishes so swiftly and I am often unable to get going on time. That is not all that vanishes around me: money, jewelry, shoes, you nam it, and that vanishes also. Books are loaned out' by an invisible librarian around here -- no sign-out card though and they come back into their vacant slots on the bookshelves! "They can manipulate Obadiah to turn on the T.'V. and I FEEL a group sitting on the floor in front enjoying the program they want, which may not be my selection at all! One evening at 11:45 p.m. I was watching an old csovie, which was interesting, and Obie was already asleep in the bedroom, when the movie went off and the Bethlehem Star appeared on my T.V. set! It came and went eight times -- each time stronger and brighter -- until the last time it was too bright for my eves. The set never worked as well after that so we gave it to the Salvation Army as a tax write-off. I Nov-Dee 1972 RR, Page 29

could write a book on horrible experiences here, but some good ones, too. I am so sharply in tune that the answer to my prayer comes in from a minute to three days, sometimes by most unusual circumstances like a letter directed to someone else but in an envelope addressed to me! Or a telephone call. Or a TV announcement. Or an item in the newspaper. Someone out there is mighty powerful -- not quite all bad but not good, Boy. Why dont you and Judy do a ritual with a proxy to help me get out of this unholy bind? Thanks, Pal." H.E.R., Honolulu, Hawaii Apparently there's one prayer you haven't made, and that is to have your newly found psychism shut off! Here you have achieved a break-through yearned for by millions of students of metaphysics the world over, and now you dont want it! Your reaction reminds me of that of Ouspensky after Gurdjieff "opened" him psychically at a weekend cottage gathering in Finland. When the Astral winds began to blow through him, with their awe-inspiring and terrifying currents, the pressure on Ouspenskyes limited understanding became almost un bearable. Finally, the chela asked his guru to shut it off! To which Gurdjieff replied, "What's the matter? This is what you wanted, isn't it?" This is in Chapter 13 of "In Search of the Miraculous". yourself You should offer/to Edgar Mitchell's new corporation as a sub ject for study. You have "transformed yourself into a higher state of consciousness", but in doing so you have learned something Mr. Mitchell perhaps hasn't come to realize yet, that opening a window or a door to the Astral brings both the highest and the lowest into view, and into contact. This is one sound principle that Kahuna Daddy Bray always emphasized in his teachings! It seems that you thought you could develop psychic sensitivity and still continue to live a worldly life. This is not possible, without throwing yourself to the Astral wolves. Now you have a torn and leaky aura, no doubt. I'll put you on my prayer list for a couple of weeks. The extra energy should enable your Good Forces to repair some of the damage, but to make the repairs permanent you must set up a daily routine of purifying and protective prayers or rituals. If you have none chosen out of your studies, the ones outlined and illustrated in our 50<? brochure, "Retro Me", will work very well, especially the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram. Use that night and morning for your self and your home and it will be as free of poltergeist activity, and as peaceful, as ours is. You can also earn the right to additional protection by taking up some useful service to mankind. Mebbe this is why the "infamous Men In Black" haven't grabbed us by the scruff of the neck! You must also protect yourself from the emotional junk left by gabby visitors in your home, who come to steal your easy-flowing vitality. There is a good, powerful, cleansing chant on page 163-64 of David Malo's "Hawaiian Antiquities". Put a half cupful of water in a monkey pod wooden bowl, add a few pinches of Pa-akai salt, and Nov-Dee 1972 RR, Page 30

repolarize your house or apartment, every room, by sprinkling it as you chant. Malo gives both the Hawaiian and the English. PSALM 51:7 If the above excerpt from Pagan liturgy doesn't appeal to you, there are powerful cleansing prayers in the Christian Bible: "Purge me with hyssop and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. ' In his book, "The Science of the Sacraments", Bishop Leadbeater writes that even more important than the sprinkling and the chanting are the intention, the Will, of the officiant to cleanse the atmosphere and congregation of the church as he asperses them at the beginning of the Mass. At each sprinkling gesture a power ful burst of etheric energy spurts out, neutralizing and dispersing the Astral crud. You can do the same for yourself, your possessions, your home. In fact, as Associate D suggested in his letter, some such daily cleansing may be absolutely necesssary to help protect fyourself from the increasing decay of our crumbling civilization. ANOTHER APPROACH, FROM YOGA "I have had the Five Rites of Rejuvenation in the original printing for many years, during which I have practiced them on and off and found them effective. However, until I begin to feel signs of age I perhaps will not stick to them for any length of time. 1 must admit that there is another factor involved. I simply do not welcome the stimulation of the chakras. This is already enough of a problem for me as it is. Of them all, I like the Sixth Rite best (sublimation of the generative energies) and most worthy of faithful practice. "However, it may be of interest to you or some of your readers to know that there is something more effective than the Sixth Rite, and that is based on the information found in the 30th and 31st Su tras, Book III, Patanjali. The well of the throat being at the op posite end of the torso, fixing the attention there will almost im mediately bring about remarkable results. It is also one of the things which is said to be useful in dealing with prostate troubles. Because it tends to enable one to still all kinds of physical rest lessness, it is also useful when one wishes to sit still for long periods, such as during meditation. All good wishes for both of you and your continued success and spiritual unfoldment." E.J.N., San Diego, California The Aphorisms of Patanjali are fine for those who have the Eastern temprament for hours of contemplation of printed abstrac tions, as Dion Fortune reminds us in her writings; but for the graphic minded Westerner, the "blue print" of the Tree of Life of the Kabala, with its colors and Paths of chakra relationships, gives Nov-Dee 1972 RR, Page 31

his mind the steadying influence of a physical symbol. The sym bol puts him in touch with the abstract Force behind it. Thus we urge the daily use of the Middle Pillar exercise in our class work. The visualization of the five "eyes" or chakras along the spine, and their appropriate colors, and the chanting of the God-names, have a healthy, stabilizing influence on the personality. "THE AUTOMATIC NERVOUS SYSTEM SOCIETY" "My trip to Tokyo was a smashing success, particularly since I am the first American accepted by the 'Japan Ryodoraku Automatic Nervous System Society' to learn Ryodoraku Autonomous Nerve Regula tory Therapy, under the professiosial eye of the outstanding special ists practicing Electric Acupuncture, including Yoshio Nakatani, M. D . , Ph.D. He is the originator of this therapy. "It takes two to three years to master this technique. But because of my many years of training and experience in the study of the human skeleton, and because I was being tutored by the best, for eight hours a day, I was able to pa3S the practical examination of the society, and to receive my certificate. "A news reporter was assigned to me by the Japanese paper, to cover tny activities. This made me some sort of a celebrity, causing me to eat with chopsticks. The paper awarded me with three booklets of pictures taken of me at various activities. "I brought back a portable Neurometer, which has three functions: First, to make readings on the 24 points on the hands and feet (ill ustrated in Dr. Nakatani*s booklet, in English), Second, to locate the points requiring treatment9 and third, to apply current to the treatment needle. Quite a gadget. It is these three factors which differentiate this therapy from the Chinese method. "I also found a day to spend at the factory and research divi sion of the Kagnetizer chair and mattress company. Acupuncture and the use of Magnetizing are finding tremendous popularity all over Japan, and hopefully here, soon. If you feel that other Asso ciates might find a more detailed report of interest, including some pictures, I would surely find time to comply. I was happy to learn that you will now be able to use offset plate printing. ' Dr. Aaron H. Steinberg 277 West End Ave., New York 10023 LIGHT ON NOAH'S ARK? "Besides the account in Genesis 8:4 there is a recent story that American flyers over Mt. Ararat in the Second World V*ar saw the hull of an enormous ship protruding from a rocky crag, photo graphed it, and believed it was Noah's Ark. A different story star ted up when the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls led to further archaeological searches in the Sinai Peninsula, and it was said that the Ark really grounded on Mt. Sinai, where remains were seen either Nov-Dee 1972 RR, Page 32

from the air or by explorers on foot, but that subsequent searches never found it again. I am an old-time borderland researcher, much interested in the subject, and will be grateful for any light on either the Mt. Ararat or the Ht. Sinai stories. Please write me at 20 Treasure Drive, Tampa, Fla. 33609. Robert W. Wilson." INTO THE FOURTH DIMENSION "Noticed your reference in the July-August Journal, page 13, about the Navy ship that was put into the fourth dimension in a U.S. government experiment in 1944. (1943) I have been trying to locate information on this subject for several years and am under the impression that most of it was suppressed by the Government. Is this right? If you could r&cc&Eaand any sources on the subject I would be amazed and very appreciative." R.T., Miami, Florida Our BSRA Brochure No. 14, "MK. Jessup and the Allende Letters" 46 pages, illustrated, $1.50, tells most of what we know about the disappearing Destroyer Escort of October 1943. Som 2 people do re member reading news stories of Navy experiments with a new and start ling way of camouflaging ships at that time, but efforts to find records of these stories in library files have failed. Apparently the Government has gone so far as to have these stories excised and others substituted. We've learned a few more items about it since publishing No. 14. Fred Stone's Panorama", Vol* 9, No. 6 (late 1970 or early 1971) is published in Kilburn, South Australia. In that issue he had an articla on ft&gn<etic Fields t with this observation: "Most UFO r&aGarchars are familiar with the imports of Dr. Jessup concern ing wartime experiments into Einstein's Unified Field Theory, in which a destroyer was made invisible These experiments were ap parently an off-shoot of research into magnetic fields, resulting from experiments on degaussing rings to co&bat usaguetic wines. There are also rumours that at the ssiaa time the British Admiralty also conducted similar experiments; and that a Corvette completely vanished. One of our members tried to track this rumour down. He visited the Adelaide Library and asked for a specific copy of the Admiralty Almanac. The librarian asked what our m^sber wished to discover. When told, the librarian informed him he was wasting his time, but produced the Almanac requested. Our m^Jiher found that there were several pages missing and upon inquiry %tas told that the missing pages referred to highly classified material, not for Public Information." A few years back we had an Associate who had access to classi fied Navy material. To kill time at the remote installation to which he was assigned he browsed through the classified files, and found, to his amazement, some papers analyzing the disappearing destroyer escort incident of 1943! There was plenty of math, and Nov-Dee 1972 RR, Page 33

this officer-physicist tried to tie the success of the Philadelphia Navy Yard experiment with the disappearance of planes and ships in the so-called Bermuda Triangle off the Atlantic coast! The magne tic anomalies of that area of ocean have also attracted the atten tion of New Zealander Bruce Cathie. He discusses them at some length in his second book on the world-wide Flying Saucer grid, "Harmonic 695". Hebbe the Navy's space-warp experiment with the destroyer es cort in Philadelphia harbor in 1943 succeeded because the Yard hap pened to be on or under the UFO grid -- though the existence of the grid probably went unsuspected until Yankee physicists made contact with UFO personnel at Edwards AFB in California in 1954. AMERICAN-MADE UFOS It seems reasonable to assume that by now, 30 years later, an elite group of physicists and technicians have pushed anti-gravity Research and Development to where flyable hardware has been in oper ation in this country for several years. This is the easiest ex planation for the UFOs seen for hours at a time over Kansas towns in August and September. They have to be our own Flying Saucers. Other wise U.S. Air Force patrol craft would have been on the scene within minutes. Just think, the solution to pollution was in our hands in Oc tober 1943! The break-through to a universally available, radical, cheap, new source of power was made by some wild-eyed Navy physi cist, and that power-source is non-polluting! Now all that remains is to get an Administration in Washington that has the courage to de-classify this UFO-anti-gravity information and technology and make it available to the people on a world-wide basis . What a Christmas present that will be when it happens, a science gift to mankind that would unify the planet! This is the opportunity that lies before our newly re-elected President. If he grasps it, he will truly reach across national boundaries, overcome sectional differences and rivalries, trample racial and religious bigotries underfoot, and make himself a place in history as one of the great truly great -- leaders of mankind. AGREEMENT WITH THE COMMUNISTS U.S. and Russian space officials came to an agreement in Octo ber that Russia would launch a spacecraft on July 15, 1975, and the Americans would launch one within five days to join' with it in earth orbit. The U.S. and Russian astronauts would exchange visits while in orbit, test equipment and establish an international rescue sys tem for spacemen in trouble. AGREEMENT WITH THE CATHOLICS About a year ago commissions from the Roman Catholic Church and the Anglican Church met in Windsor, England. The subject for discussion vas the interpretation of the Eucharist or Holy CornNov-Dec

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