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Personal Prayer

Lord Give us the strength to honour your name , To be your ambassadors at work and in our daily lives, Help us Lord to be on good terms with all persons, To approach all with genuine Warmth and openness, For we never know how much Joy we will be bringing in their lives,

Teach us Lord to show respect and consideration for all,

As we would want others to show us, For without this, there would only be malice and discontent in the world, Help us Lord to communicate our actions softly and clearly, Stir us Lord to listen more and speak less, And to respect each others ideas and contradictions, For this is how true understanding will prevail. Teach us Lord, to commit ourselves to whatever actions we may undertake, and to do take pride in all our actions no matter how small, Because in Life, without commitment, there can be no achievement, Teach us Lord to rejoice in our achievements, And to humbly accept criticism when mistakes are made, So that we may learn from our mistakes, Lord show us the value of keeping our word, And to be true when giving our word, For often we are judged by that which is said. Teach us Lord the value of keeping our promises, And to be sincere when giving our promises, As there are those that depends on our promises, Give us the strength Lord to live life by our ethics, And in doing so, inspire others to live by their ethics,

For in this noisy, fast paced and callous world,

Our ethics are usually, the first to go. With all these VALUES combined, May we honour you with our lives, hearts and minds
AMEN. Written By: Shomari Watson

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