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How using Letterland ..

Abstract The creation of a micro-environment within the classroom where learners could interact autonomously with the world of written language, is the target of this research project. I will observe five year old children learning through the Letterland Programmes, this is a unique teaching scheme that introduces non readers into the abstract world of letters. Each letter becomes a friendly pictogram character, enabling the child to acquire pre-reading and reading skills Outline of the research When a five year old child faces print, he would probably find it meaningless and totally unfriendly. Imagine you are asked to read the following: !#$%%&/() To a child that hasnt developed reading skills yet print can look as meaningless as the above looks to you. For a five year old child recognizing abstract symbols called letters is a very demanding task. Imagine you were a child; try to get yourself into their frame of work. Your teacher shows you a flashcard with letter C and says: This is letter C for cat. She repeats it and makes you repeat it. So, in the end, you have memorized a sentence and you just repeat it little parrot like, however, when asked: With what letter does the word cake begin?, you would propably not know the answer. Now imagine your teacher tells you a story about a far away invisible land where characters called letters live. And that among all them there is a very special one called Clever Cat. She is very clever because she knows how to cook. She likes cakes and cucumber sandwiches and instead of miaowing she makes a ccc,ccc sound. Can you repeat the sound she makes? Would you like to meet clever cat? . Now the teacher shows you the picture of Clever Cat. She shows you how to

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