Religion - Term 1 - Human Existance - Who Am I

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Who am I?

Fertile Question Supporting Questions What does it mean to an active Catholic in our community? What is a Catholic? What do Catholics believe in? Who are Catholics? How is Catholicism different from other religions? Who are the people involved in our community? What is the archdiocese we are a part of? What is a parish? What actions do we participate in as Catholics? What are sacraments? What are some key events Catholics are involved in? Is there anyone else who believes in what we believe in? What are some characteristics of a community of believers? How do I show that I am an active Catholic community member? How do people share faith within a community (e.g. family, parish, school) Religious Knowledge and Deep Understanding Faith is shared and strengthened in the community of believers. The central and primary sharing of faith within the community of believers is the celebration of Eucharist. Skills Identify ways in which people share faith within a community of believers (e.g. family, parish, school, universe of the church). Communicate an understanding of how the faith of people strengthens the faith of the community of believers. Catholics contribute to the faith life of a school community by demonstrating the Mercy Qualities through their words and actions. Identifies the characteristics of a community of believers (outreach, sacramental practice, connections with wider community). Identifies how faith actions are carried out in a community, including attending Mass. All About Me Presentation What makes me a Catholic? Students prepare and present a poster demonstrating what it means to be a Catholic and actions that Catholics practice. - Picture of self - School emblem - Personal Emblem (How does your emblem reflect your catholic faith?) - What is a Catholic? - How do Catholics express and celebrate their faith? - My faith in action How you do celebrate your faith? Creed Vatican Website YouTube Religious Citizenship

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Unit Resources

Tuning In Sessions 1 - 4 Students are to prepare a presentation All About Me The presentation includes information to present to the class about who they are.

Personal Details Family Hobbies Talents Etc.

Limit of 3 sessions 4th session to present. Finding Out Sorting Out Session 5 Teacher to demonstrate the word Catholic on the Students are to list a number of words with a board and explain to students that they are to go partner on onto and brainstorm any words or ideas that relate to it View the video clip Religious Citizenship Students are to note take in their Religion books. They are to take down any information that is relevant to the clip. Following the clip they are to answer a quiz in groups. Students with the most correct win. Session 6 Religious Citizenship We know what it means to a Digital Citizen. How does this differ from being a Religious Citizen? Religious citizens act out their faith in their lives. They volunteer, they attend church, they are prayerful, they are aware of organisations such as Caritas and contribute to these. They are respectful of other Religions (e.g. Judaism). Talk about symbols that are directly related to Catholics Session 7 The life of the Church The central and primary sharing of faith within the community of believers is the celebration of Eucharist (Mass). Eucharist (Mass) is celebrated so that all people can come together to express and practice their faith. At Mass we Gather, Listen, Receive and Leave to serve the Lord Discuss important events that are celebrated in the life of the church, E.g. Easter, Christmas, Lent, Advent, etc. Session 8 What make St. Vincents a Catholic school? Our identity is shown through our links to the church, our name, our motto, our emblem, our school prayer, our school song, our mercy quality song, the fact that we learn about our faith at

Students are to display a Catholic symbol in the middle of their page and then write a number of examples, as spoken about as a class, around the symbol (option for Mac use)

Students are to identify the parts of Mass: Welcoming Liturgy of the Word Liturgy of the Eucharist Recession Go now in peace to love and serve the Lord. What is important about each part of the Mass. E.g. When a reading is read it is for a purpose to help us become aware of the teachings of God/Christ.

Students are put into groups and research a part of our identity and identify ways in which it is Catholic. Teacher to link it all together.

school, our prayer time, masses, liturgies, parish masses, sacraments, etc. Session 9 My Faith in Action Teacher to model a contract that they will abide by to carry out their faith in their everyday life. See example. Students create a contract for themselves to carry out their faith in their everyday life. E.g. I will say grace before meals I will contribute some of my pocket money to an organisation like Caritas When I attend Mass I will be prayerful & reverent

Making Connections Students are to list what they know and what they still wonder about being a member of a Catholic in the St. Vincents community. Processing What makes me a Catholic? Students prepare and present a poster demonstrating what it means to be a Catholic and actions that Catholics practice. (Similar to our School covenant) - Picture of self - School emblem - What is a Catholic? - What important events to the church celebrate? - How do Catholics express their faith? - My faith in action Taking Action Now that we have learnt about this information, what can we do to take action. E.g. explain our poster to our buddy class.

Task Two Semester One Religion Assessment

What makes me Catholic?
Your task requires you to prepare and present a poster demonstrating what it means to be a Catholic and actions that Catholics practice. Your poster needs to be completed with the following components: 1. Your name and picture.

2. St Vincents School Emblem 3. A personal Emblem, which you will create, based on you. Accompanying the emblem needs to be an explanation of it. 4. A paragraph, which explains the question What is a Catholic? (Between 5 and 6 sentences) 5. A paragraph, which explains the question How do Catholics express and celebrate their faith? (Between 5 and 6 sentences) 6. A paragraph, which answers the question How do I celebrate my faith?

Task Two Semester One Religion Assessment

What makes me Catholic?

Content Descriptions

Religious Knowledge and Deep Understanding

Faith is shared and strengthened in the community of believers. The central and primary sharing of faith within the community of believers is the celebration of Eucharist.

Identify ways in which people share faith within a community of believers (e.g. family, parish, school, universe of the church). Communicate an understanding of how the faith of people strengthens the faith of the community of believers.


Knowledge and Understanding

Presentation Skills

Very High




Support Required

The Student: - Explains in a simple paragraph (7 or more complex sentences) what their emblem means and why they have represented certain pictures. - Answers, what it means to be a catholic in 7 or more complex sentences. - Gives 9 or more examples, with elaborate explanations of how Catholics celebrate their faith in simple sentences. - Provides an elaborate explanation of how they show their own faith within the community. The Student: - Explains in a paragraph (5-6 compound sentences) what their emblem means and why they have represented certain pictures. - Answers, what it means to be a catholic in 5 6 compound sentences. - Gives 7/8 examples, with explanations of how Catholics celebrate their faith in simple sentences. - Provides a detailed explanation of how they show their own faith within the community. The Student: - Explains in a simple paragraph (4-5 simple sentences) what their emblem means and why they have represented certain pictures. - Answers, what it means to be a catholic in 5 6 simple sentences. - Gives 5 or 6 examples, with explanations of how Catholics celebrate their faith in simple sentences. - Provides an explanation of how they show their own faith within the community. The Student: - Explains in a simple paragraph with support (2 - 3 simple sentences) what their emblem means and why they have represented certain pictures. - Answers, what it means to be a catholic in 3 - 4 very simple sentences. - Gives 4 examples, with limited explanations of how Catholics celebrate their faith. - Provides a limited explanation of how they show their own faith within the community. The Student: - Very limited explanation with support about what their emblem means and why they have represented certain pictures. - Answers, what it means to be a catholic with support in a limited response. - Gives some examples, with no explanations. - Provides a one-sentence explanation of how they show their own faith within the community.

The Student: - Creates a very appealing poster. - Creates fonts and titles, which suit and match the visual appeal of the poster. - Includes all 7 elements (with detail) on the poster, which are all presented perfectly. - Creates a visually appealing emblem with attention to detail.

The Student: - Creates a visually appealing poster. - Creates fonts and titles, which are all uniformed. - Includes all 7 elements on the poster, neatly and with uniformity. - Creates a visually appealing emblem with some attention to detail.

The Student: - Displays their poster neatly which is visually appealing and without assistance. - Types their paragraphs in a size easy to read. - Includes all 7 elements on the poster. - Creates a visually appealing emblem. - Provides a title, which is easy to read.

The Student: - Displays their poster without assistance. - Types their paragraphs and title. - Includes all 7 elements on the poster. - Creates a emblem.

The Student: - Displays their poster with assistance. - Types their paragraphs and title with assistance. - Does not include all 7 elements on the poster. - Creates emblem with little detail.

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