Religion Term 3 People of Mercy

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People of Mission

Fertile Question Supporting Questions How can we be people of Mission at St Vincents school? Where and when did the catholic church begin? What have been the defining moments which established the catholic church in Australia? How do we express our faith? How did the first Catholics express their faith? Who were the first Catholics? Religious Knowledge and Deep Understanding Pioneering Catholics overcame challenges to preserve the faith of their fathers and mothers. Catholics took their place in colonial Australian society (c.1850 1900 CE). Being Catholic in a new, free society raised challenges. Skills Sequence some key people and events in the Australian colonies and recognise their significance in bringing about change. Develop historical narratives and descriptions about some key peoples experiences and events in the Church in the Australian colonies using source materials and appropriate historical terms and concepts. The Catholic Church has been around for many years and there are key people who have been involved in pioneering within Australian Colonies. There have also been key events, which have influenced the Church.

Relevant Content Descriptions

Understandings Assessment

Assessment One:
Timeline of events on one of the following:
Sr Ursula Frayne St Vincents hospital Fr McGinty Mary MacKillop

Assessment Two:
Reflection on how the students can be a person of mission, following the person which they investigated. Using ToonDoo to depict the types of things that they would be able to do within the community/world to help others and assist those in need. The pictures need to also include speech bubbles which thoroughly explain how they are assisting/being people of mission etc

Assessment Three:
VISUAL ARTS: Students are to find a portrait of the person who they investigated during sessions 6 and 7. They are then to draw this image themselves and mosaic it using tiny squares of coloured paper. The face can be coloured in using oil pastels to ensure accuracy. Web 2 Tools: Timetoast, ToonDoo, Wall Wisher. Website for teacher background: Catherine McAuley . Mercy Sisters Copies of the religion module pages 44/45.

Unit Resources

Tuning In Session 1 What do the students know? Pose the question using Wall Wisher How did the Australian church begin? Discuss with the students that there have been key people throughout our history who have assisted in the building of the Catholic Church in Australia. Give each student the information sheet (attached) called The Australian Church. Students are given the sheet with the timeline jumbled up and need to read through the paragraphs to determine the correct order. Cut out and glue into their books. (From religious education module: Church unity and diversity, page 44/45). Once completed go through as a whole class identifying important factors etc. Website for teacher background: Session 2 From the information gathered from session above, students are to complete a split page big book strategy. One side of the page will be facts learnt about Australias development of the catholic church and the other is used for a reflection. (see attachment for further explanation) USE TOONDOO IF POSSIBLE AND STUDENTS HAVE CREATED AN ACCOUNT ALREADY (From religious education module: Church unity and diversity, page 44/45). EXAMPLE: The first permanent catholic school was built in 1820. Parramatta Marist began as a school Why did they choose Parramatta? Was it a school for boys and girls? Finding Out Session 3 - Using the class blog teacher creates a post with a picture of the Mercy Sisters and asks the following questions Who are the Mercy Sisters and what do we know about them? Discuss as a class student responses. - Then show them the following website: - Students are to use their note taking skills to find out some key experiences of the Mercy Sisters in being pioneering Catholics. - Use the blog to get students to write a reflective journal entry on what their experiences would have been like when they began their work in Australia. Session 4 - As a whole class create a timeline on big pieces of paper outlining significant events of the Mercy Sisters. - Students will explore the following website to see if they can find important dates to add to the timeline and teacher displays these on the paper at the front of the room. - Introduce the students to timetoast and as a whole class create the timeline of the Mercy Sisters, using the information which the students gathered. Sorting Out

Before showing the website have a brief discussion about Catherine McAuley . undress/story.cfm?loadref=49

Session 5, 6 and 7 - Students are to choose one of the following people:

1841: Catherine McAuley died and others decided that they needed to continue with the mission of Catherine. 1846: Sisters made a foundation in Perth. 1861: Ellen Whitty (Mother M Vincent) and her five companions arrived in Brisbane. 1865: Elizabeth McQuoin was one of those daring, pioneer women, arrived in Sydney. 1888: Cardinal Moran invited Sisters of Mercy from Callan, Ireland to set up a foundation in Parramatta. 1905: The Australian Bishops urged congregations of common origin to unite. 1977: The movement towards unity was established. 1981: The creation of the Institute of the

Sr Ursula Frayne St Vincents hospital Fr McGinty Mary MacKillop -

Sisters of Mercy of Australia.

They need to investigate this person finding out information to questions such as: Who were they? Where did they migrate from and where to? How have they been a significant person within the establishment of the Catholic Church in Australia? What have their experiences been in Australia? Once they have research information about their person they are to create a timeline of the events which occurred in the life of their person. Once they have created it in their books, they are to create one using timetoast. (TO BE USED AS ASSESSMENT- SCREEN SHOT AND PRINT)

Session 8 Using the information learnt from their person of mission students are to reflect upon how they can be people of mission. They are to use ToonDoo to depict the types of things that they would be able to do within the community/world to help others and assist those in need. The pictures need to also include speech bubbles which thoroughly explain how they are assisting/being people of mission etc. This is to be used for final assessment therefore students need to save it and screen shot the finished product to email to their teacher. Session 9 This final session is a Visual Arts component. Students are to find a portrait of the person who they investigated during sessions 6 and 7. They are then to draw this image themselves and mosaic it using tiny squares of coloured paper. The face can be coloured in using oil pastels to ensure accuracy. This is to be used for Visual Arts assessment. Making Connections Using the information learnt from their person of mission students are to reflect upon how they can be people of mission and assist others in their Catholic Community. Processing Timeline of events on one of the following:
Sr Ursula Frayne St Vincents hospital Fr McGinty Mary MacKillop

Reflection on how the students can be a person of mission, following the person which they investigated. Using ToonDoo to depict the types of things that they would be able to do within the community/world to help others and assist those in need. The pictures need to also include speech bubbles which thoroughly explain how they are assisting/being people of mission etc VISUAL ARTS: Students are to find a portrait of the person who they investigated during sessions 6 and 7. They are then to draw this image themselves and mosaic it using tiny squares of coloured paper. The face can be coloured in using oil pastels to ensure accuracy. Taking Action Now that we have learnt about this information, what can we do to take action. Eg. Share the information as a oral presentation and reflect after a particular amount of weeks (according to individual teachers) to show how they have followed through.

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