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English Communication 1

May 18, 2009

Vocabulary Unit 4
 Bridge= a structure connecting land,
usually over water
 Tunnel = a cylindrical tube going through a
mountain or under water
 Overpass = a road or walkway elevated
above another road
 Underpass = a road or walkway under
another road
Vocabulary Unit 4
 Intersection = a point where 2 or more
roads meet
 Traffic light = a signal for controlling traffic
using red, yellow, and green lights.
 Sidewalk = a path next to a road where
people can walk
 Block = a square area of land with
buildings or houses
Phrases Unit 4
 Excuse me, how do you get to the bank?
 Go straight
 Turn right, turn left
 Follow the signs
 Go past
Directions Unit 4
 North ^
 South v
 East >
 West <
On, in, in front of, behind, next to, between,
across from, opposite
 Small test next week. Unit 3 and 4
Adjectives and Prepositions
 Check out
 Use English everyday!

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