The Knowledge Inn Science Academy

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The Knowledge Inn Science Academy Time- 45 min Name_________________ Roll.


Class- 2nd Year Total Marks-30

Chapter# 20 (Objective type) Q.No.1:Encircle the correct answer : (10)

i. Laser can only be produced if an atom is in its: (a) Normal state (b) Excited state (c) Ionized state (d) De-excited state ii. When an electron in hydrogen atom jumps from higher orbit into first orbit, the set of lines emitted is called: (a) Balmer series (b) Lyman series (c) Bracket series (d) Paschen series iii. Which is an example of continuous spectra? (a) Black body radiation spectrum (b) Molecular spectra (c) Atomic spectra (d) None of these iv. The relation between Rydberg constant and ground state energy is given by: (a) (b) (c) (d) rd v. The radius of 3 Bohr orbit in hydrogen atom is greater than the radius of 1 st orbit by: (a) 2 times (b) 3 times (c) 4 times (d) 9 times vi. In laser, a metastable state is of the order of: (a) (b) (c) (d) vii. Unit of plank constant is: (a) Volt (b) (c) (d) eV viii. For holography we use a beam of: (a) -rays (b) X-rays (c) -rays (d) laser ix. Ionization energy of hydrogen atom in its ground state: (a) 13.5 eV (b) 13.6 eV (c) -13.6 eV (d) None of these x. Rest mass of X-ray photon is: (a) (b) (c) Zero (d) Infinite

(Subjective type) Note: Attempt any six questions from section-1 and one from section-2 Section-1 Q.No.2: Write short answers to the following question: (2 I. What are X-rays? Give some properties of X-rays. II. Write a note on CAT-SCANNER. III. Write some uses of Laser in medicine and industry. IV. How can the spectrum of hydrogen contain so many line when hydrogen contains one electron? V. What are the advantages of Laser over ordinary light? VI. How does stimulated emission differ from spontaneous emission? VII. How does x-ray differ from a x-ray? VIII. Bohr theory of hydrogen atom is based upon several assumptions. Do any of these assumptions contradict classical physics? Section-2 Q.No.3: (a) Derive expression for radii of quantized orbit.

(b) Calculate the longest wavelength of radiation for the paschen series. (3) Q.No.4: (a) What does the word LASER stand for? Write any four uses of LASER. (b) What is the energy in eV of quanta of wavelength 400 nm? (5) (3)

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