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A pose dedicated to the sage Galavasa

EkaPada Galavasana Galavasana

Galava was a sage and one of the Royal Sage Visvamitra's pupils.

Eka Pada Galavasana

One Legged Galava-the-Sage Pose

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Eka Pada Galavasan a Demonstrat ed by Andr Sidersky

Hatha Yoga by Andr Sidersky of Kiev, Ukraine I'm looking for a photo showing the foot hooking the arm. Stay tuned!

A pose dedicated to the sage Galava
Click here for Kukkutasana Poses

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Galavasana Demonstrated by Dr. Krishna Raman

from yoga/biomech.htm This asana is often confused with Parsva Urdhva Kukkutasana or Parsva Urdhva Padmasana. Notice the supporting arm is coming down between the knees? This makes it Galavasana. (Or Parsva Urdhva Padmasana.)

Created on ... December 14, 2003 by Yoga Dancer Designs. This page was last updated on Tuesday, 24-Apr-2007 10:06:54 EDT, and today is Wednesday, 28-May-2008 14:58:04 EDT. We've been blessed with visitors since April, 2002.

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