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Advanced Test Analyst - Sample Questions

This is a selection of questions that are derived from the learning objectives of ISTQB Advanced Test Analyst. All questions have the knowledge level marked. K2 questions are worth one point each K3 questions are worth two points each K4 questions are worth three points each The mark for each question is given on the answer sheet at the back of this document. The answer sheet is for you to tear off and use for your answers. Place a cross in the appropriate box for each separate document. The actual answers to the questions will be given to you in a separate document. For each question you either get the full marks or zero. E.g. you cannot score one mark for a two-point question. The total available marks for the questions are 54 marks. To gain 65%, you must score 35 or more. It is recommended that you do these questions under exam conditions (e.g. closed book) and in one sitting. Allow no more than 65 minutes.

ISTQB Advanced Test Analyst - Sample Questions 1. How many test cases are required for minimum criterion classification tree coverage in the following scenario? (K3) A fabric manufacturer has decided to launch a new range of handkerchiefs. As well as the traditional white, they will also offer cream, brown and blue in the range. The standard border finishing will be the plain edge, with the option to order an embroidered edge. The size of the thread available is 12, 14, 16 or 18 stitch equivalent. a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5 2. You are asked to determine impact for a defect in the disposition stage. Which information from the following list is the most appropriate to use? (K4) A. Anomaly description B. Suspect cause C. Organisation D. Priority E. Severity F. Actual cause G. Disposition a) A, E, F, G b) B, C, D, G c) A, D, E d) D, E, G

ISTQB Advanced Test Analyst - Sample Questions 3. Determine the most appropriate severity for the incident to be raised for the following test case result. The system under test is the core system for a bank used for all customer transactions. The report under test is a summary for management of all transactions that day. (K4) Test Case ID Report_004 Priority High Test Case Check transaction summary report produced Objective Test Steps Step ID Step Action Expected Result Actual Result Step 1 Get list of todays List of all transactions Got list successfully transactions from from today database Step 2 Run batch Batch completes and No errors. Report summary report produced. produced Step 3 Check values on report Values should match Fail. Discrepancy list from database between database list and report. The database is correct. Test Conditions ID Name Priority 12 Transaction summary report produced by batch Medium run 62 Transaction summary report lists all transactions High

Severity 1 Severity 2 Severity 3 Severity 4

ISTQB Advanced Test Analyst - Sample Questions

The defect prevents the complete or majority part of the system from working. The defect prevents a major business function from working. The defect prevents a major function of the system but has an effective workaround. The defect prevents a mirror function of the system.

a) b) c) d)

Severity 1 Severity 2 Severity 3 Severity 4

4. A shot of rum costs $4. A shot of vodka costs $3. A midi of beer with a dash of lemonade will cost $2 for the beer and an extra 20c for the dash of lemonade. For half lemonade and half beer in a midi size the cost will be $2 for the beer and an extra 50c for the lemonade. The cost of a midi of beer with no lemonade is $3. For schooners of the same drink, the price of the beer is increased by $1 however the price of lemonade remains the same. Which of the test cases has been created incorrectly? (K3)
Run shot Vodka Beer shot Midi Schooner Dash of Half No Dash of Half No lemonade lemonade Lemonade lemon lemonade lemonade E D D E F G G H H I

+50c +20c $4 $3 $2

a) b) c) d) D F G H

ISTQB Advanced Test Analyst - Sample Questions 5. Which of the answers below is a valid set of test cases based on this L16 4 23 orthogonal array? (K3) Test A B C D 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 3 0 0 1 1 4 0 1 1 0 5 1 0 0 0 6 1 1 0 1 7 1 0 1 1 8 1 1 1 0 9 2 1 1 1 10 2 0 1 0 11 2 1 0 0 12 2 0 0 1 13 3 1 1 1 14 3 0 1 0 15 3 1 0 0 16 3 0 0 1 a) Test A B C D 1 High Data Female Yes 2 High Keyboard Female No 3 High Keyboard Male No 4 High Data Male Yes 5 Medium Data Female Yes 6 Medium Keyboard Male No 7 Medium Keyboard Male No 8 Medium Keyboard Male Yes 9 High Data Female No 10 High Data Male Yes 11 High Keyboard Male Yes 12 High Data Male No 13 Low Keyboard Female No 14 Low Data Female Yes 15 Low Keyboard Female Yes 16 Low Data Female No

b) Test 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 c) Test 1 2 5 6 7 14 15 16 d)

ISTQB Advanced Test Analyst - Sample Questions

A High High High High Medium Medium Medium Medium High High High High Low Low Low Low A High High Medium Medium Medium Low Low Low Test 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 A High High High High Medium Medium Medium Medium High High High High Low Low Low Low

B Data Keyboard Data Keyboard Data Keyboard Data Keyboard Keyboard Data Keyboard Data Keyboard Data Keyboard Data B Data Keyboard Data Keyboard Data Data Keyboard Data B Data Keyboard Data Keyboard Data Keyboard Data Keyboard Keyboard Data Keyboard Data Keyboard Data Keyboard Data

C Female Female Male Male Female Female Male Male Male Male Female Female Male Male Female Female C Female Female Female Female Male Male Female Female C Female Female Male Male Female Female Male Male Male Male Female Female Male Male Female Female

D No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No D Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes No

ISTQB Advanced Test Analyst - Sample Questions 6. New functionality is being added to your companys website. There are very few requirements for this work. All that exists is a set of screen layouts and ranges of values for the different input fields. You are part of the System Test team, which has worked on all previous releases of the website. Test procedures, defects and results from the previous releases have been archived. What are the most appropriate test techniques to derive test cases to use in this situation? (K4) J Cause effect graphing K Defect taxonomies L Exploratory testing M Boundary value analysis a) J, K, L b) L, M c) J, K, M d) K, L

ISTQB Advanced Test Analyst - Sample Questions 7. How many test cases are required to cover all paths through the following use case? (K3)



1. Search for account

Account not found

2. Enter amount

Override for > $50K

3. Enter item

Account opted out of reporting

4. Flag for report

5. File application a) b) c) d) 5 6 7 8

ISTQB Advanced Test Analyst - Sample Questions 8. What is the minimum number of distinct test cases needed to give 100% boundary value analysis in the following scenario? (K3) A theatre ticketing system has four classes of concession rates. Tickets for ages 12 and under are classed as Child. Ages 13 to 16 inclusive are classed as Junior. Tickets for 17 and 18 year olds are classed as Teen. The last class is Young Adult, which is for ages 19 to 25 inclusive. a) 8 b) 13 c) 16 d) 24 9. You have to outline a set of usability tests. Which combination of the following are the most appropriate? (K3) W. Evaluation of user interface from user perspective X. Conduct standard survey with end users Y. Fonts and colours meet company standards Z. Screens can be accessed by users with correct permissions a) X b) W, Y and Z c) W, X and Y d) Y and Z 10. Which set of test completion criteria have been met for the following situation? (K3) A defect report is considered Closed if status = Closed or Duplicate. It is considered Open otherwise. Severity 1 2 3 4 Status
Assigned Fixed Ready for Retest Closed Duplicate 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 4 8 4 3 4 0 16 2 5 0 0 2 0

a) No severity 1 or 2 defects open. Less than 50% of total defects open. b) No severity 1 defects open. No more than 40% of total defects open. c) No severity 1 defects open. No more than 10% of severity 2 defects open. No more than 60% of severity 3 defects open. d) No severity 1 defects open. Less than 20% of total defects open.

ISTQB Advanced Test Analyst - Sample Questions 11. Which type of technical testing would highlight defects in the disaster recovery procedure? (K2) a) Maintainability testing b) Efficiency testing c) Portability testing d) Reliability testing 12. How many test cases are required for 0-switch and 1-switch coverage respectively from S4? (K3) S3 A S1 S2 C B C B A S4 S5 a) 2 and 4 b) 3 and 5 c) 7 and 9 d) 2 and 3


ISTQB Advanced Test Analyst - Sample Questions 13. What is the most appropriate test technique to derive test cases to use in the following scenario? (K4) Company X has a successful computer strategy game on the market. Versions have been produced to work on Windows NT and Windows XP. The company has decided to greatly increase the number of operating environments that they want the game to work on. There is no change to the game functionality. A list of target operating environments, including hardware and operating system combinations, has been produced. a) Condition testing b) State transition testing c) Fault attacks d) Exploratory testing


ISTQB Advanced Test Analyst - Sample Questions 14. Which is the best test procedure specification to verify the following test cases? (K4) Test case specification identifier TC 023 Test items BRD Main application Input specifications Valid username and invalid password Output specifications Error message Invalid username and/or password Environmental needs To be run in System Test environment Special procedural requirements Valid username needed Inter case dependencies None Test case specification identifier TC 024 Test items BRD Main application Input specifications Invalid username and invalid password Output specifications Error message Invalid username and/or password Environmental needs To be run in System Test environment Special procedural requirements Valid password needed Inter case dependencies None Test case specification identifier TC 025 Test items BRD Main application Input specifications Valid username and valid password Output specifications Main menu screen displayed Environmental needs To be run in System Test environment Special procedural requirements Valid username and password needed Inter case dependencies None


ISTQB Advanced Test Analyst - Sample Questions a) Test procedure specification identifier TP 034 Purpose To test the user login screen Covers test cases 023, 024, and 025 Special requirements Valid username and password needed Procedure Steps Step Action Expected result 1 Start up application Login screen displayed 2 Attempt to login with valid Error message Invalid username and invalid username and/or password password Remain in login screen 3 Attempt to login with invalid Error message Invalid username and valid username and/or password password Remain in login screen 4 Login with valid username Main menu screen displayed and password b) Test procedure specification identifier TP 034 Purpose To test the user login screen Covers test cases 023, 024 and 025 Special requirements Valid username and password needed Procedure Steps Step Action Expected result 1 Start up application Login screen displayed 2 Enter valid username and Values entered successfully invalid password 3 Click on OK Error message Invalid username and/or password 4 Click on OK on error message Message closes Remain in login screen 5 Enter valid username and Values entered successfully password 6 Click on OK Main menu screen displayed


c) Procedure Steps Step 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

ISTQB Advanced Test Analyst - Sample Questions

Action Start up application Enter valid username and invalid password Click on OK

Expected result Login screen displayed Values entered successfully

9 d) Test procedure specification identifier Purpose Special requirements Procedure Steps Step 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Error message Invalid username and/or password Click on OK on error message Message closes Remain in login screen Enter invalid username and Values entered successfully valid password Click on OK Error message Invalid username and/or password Click on OK on error message Message closes Remain in login screen Enter valid username and Values entered successfully password Click on OK Main menu screen displayed

TP 034 To test the user login screen Covers test cases 023, 024 and 025 Valid username and password needed Expected result Login screen displayed Values entered successfully

Action Start up application Enter valid username and invalid password Click on OK

Error message Not an authorised password Click on OK on error message Message closes Remain in login screen Enter invalid username and Values entered successfully valid password Click on OK Error message Not an authorised password Click on OK on error message Message closes Remain in login screen Enter valid username and Values entered successfully password Click on OK Main menu screen displayed


ISTQB Advanced Test Analyst - Sample Questions 15. Review the partial requirements below using the checklist. Which of the checklist points indicates a defect in the item under review? (K3) Checklist: W. Feasible X. Unique ID Y. Consistent Z. Prioritised For review: Reference Description Risk REQ-023 The sale amount stored in the system will be subject to GST High REQ-024 The sale amount will be stored as to cent level (e.g. $9.99) Medium REQ-025 GST on sale total will be calculated at time of sale Medium REQ-026 GST rate is variable (initially 10%) Medium REQ-027 GST amount = sale amount * GST rate High REQ-028 Sale amount and GST amount will be included on receipt Medium REQ-029 A daily report of sale amount and GST amount will be produced Low a) Y b) Z c) W and Y d) X and W


ISTQB Advanced Test Analyst - Sample Questions 16. A university sends out a warning letter if attendance is less than 50% of all classes in a term. Also, a warning letter is sent if attendance is not less than 50%, but course work has not been submitted. A student is flagged if the workshop was attended but the course work has not been submitted. Similarly, they are flagged for submitting course work but not attending the workshop. Students who attend the workshop and 50% or more classes are given a star award. If the following four test cases have been produced, what percentage decision table coverage has been achieved? (K3) Test Case 1 2 3 4 Attend 42% 16% 23% 26% Workshop Y N Y N C/W N Y Y N Letter X X X X Flag X X Star a) 25% b) 50% c) 75% d) 100% 17. Which of the following best describes the principle behind defect-based techniques? (K2) a) The primary aim of the tests is to find defects b) All defects found by tests need to be assessed for risk c) Tests are based on what is known about a type of defect d) Failure Mode and Effect Analysis are used to determine defects 18. What is the most appropriate mapping between the test tool types and test levels given below? (K2) r. Keyword driven testing i. Component testing s. Fault seeding ii. Feature interaction testing t. Unit test framework iii. Acceptance testing a) r=ii, s=i, t=iii b) r=iii, s=i, t=ii c) r=iii, s=ii, t=i d) r=i, s=iii, t=ii


ISTQB Advanced Test Analyst - Sample Questions 19. Which of the following technique is the least appropriate to test accessibility characteristics? (K4) a) Branch testing b) Classification tree method c) Defect taxonomies d) Checklist-based testing 20. For the given scenario, which set of tests would provide the minimum level of coverage? (K3) A credit card company Points R Us are offering a special interest of 0% for the first 6 months on balance transfers for new customers with the following credit cards: Banks United, Easy Way Banking and Big Bank. Customers who hold a credit card with Airline Credit Cards would receive a 0% interest on balance transfer until the balanced transfer was paid in full. Current customers with Points R Us were unable to receive this special offer. a) Points R Us, Airline Credit Cards b) Points R Us, Banks United, Easy Way Banking and Big Bank, Airline Credit Cards c) Banks United, Easy Way Banking, Airline Credit Cards d) Points R Us, Banks United, Airline Credit Cards 21. Which of the following is not a risk that arises from the test team providing poor quality feedback when reviewing a functional specification? (K2) a) Lack of time to perform review b) Decrease in respect for test team c) Problems creating test material from the specification d) Defects in specification result in more defects in code 22. Which of the following would be used to calculate (n-1) switch coverage for state transition testing? (K2) a) Percentage of all valid sequences of n transactions exercised during testing b) Percentage of all valid sequences of n-1 transactions exercised during testing c) Percentage of all valid sequences of (n-1)/n transactions exercised during testing d) Percentage of all valid sequences of n+1 transactions exercised during testing


ISTQB Advanced Test Analyst - Sample Questions 23. You are on a project where risk identification and analysis have been completed. Which of the following actions is most likely to take place next? (K2) a) Discuss with the developers how the system may go wrong b) Hire a usability consultant to check the system c) Assign a likelihood for risks occurring d) Calculate the revenue that could be lost if the system failed 24. What is the most appropriate mapping for the relative strengths of walkthroughs and management reviews? (K2) A. Able to find defects without large expense B. Decisions can be made about appropriate actions to be taken C. Stakeholders can get feedback on progress D. Can benefit developers if they do no have knowledge of the business E. Involves looking into the detail of the item under review F. Review session run by the author a) Walkthrough = B, D Management reviews = A, E b) Walkthrough = A, E Management reviews = C, F c) Walkthrough = B, F Management reviews = A, C d) Walkthrough = A, F Management reviews = B, C 25. You are acceptance testing an upgrade to an existing traffic monitoring system. The change is to add a new set of reports on where peak hour delays occur. The requirements for the new reports came from a business workshop and are at a high level. A business person has been made available to assist the test team. What would be the most appropriate test oracles to use for this scenario? (K2) a) Business user b) New requirements c) Existing system d) Existing requirements 26. How many ambiguities are there in the following statement? To compete in the games participants must arrive between 8 & 9 and be over 18 unless notification has been given previously to the organisers. (K3) a) 4 b) 7 c) 10 d) 15


ISTQB Advanced Test Analyst - Sample Questions 27. In which of the following situations would functional security testing be least likely to be included? (K4) a) Customer details updated by teller in bank branch b) Overnight transfer of cheque deposits to a central server c) Health insurance policy added over telephone call to call centre d) Buying tickets by credit card through online ticketing agency 28. A local health club has installed a new membership system. The system covers all interactions with the customer from initial contact until they leave. It also manages fee payments. You will be system testing this system. Which of the following defects are you most likely to find using cause-effect graphing? (K2) a) Cannot order marketing brochures for pending accounts b) User has to go through five screen while enrolling a new customer c) Suspended account are not returned to status of active after balance is paid d) Account can be closed without supervisor override when funds still outstanding End of Questions


ISTQB Advanced Test Analyst - Sample Questions

Answer Sheet Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

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