The Main Symbol/theme/topic in The Story "Everyday Use For Your Grandmama"

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The main symbol/theme/topic in the story Everyday Use For Your Grandmama


As a quilt is made of many different materials, a family is, also, made of distinctive parts. A quilt warms, as a family should give warmth, security, the feeling of belonging to its members. In the story written by Alice Walker, Everyday Use For Your Grandmama, we assume all these things are exemplified. Scarps of Grandma Dees dresses, Grandpa Jarrells shirts, Great Grandpa Ezras uniform were quilted and represented family knots tied years and years ago, but left as a treasure, a reminder of relations between them all. They emphasized the tiny, but significant tread that connected the colours of a quilt, and Dee with her family. The writing down about her life in belonging to tradition, her family developed, was to be proved by her adding of a piece of her clothing to the rest of patchwork. Dee was too supercilious to recognize her destiny in the family history, she should be a decent heir and representative. Pretending to be something she was not, unlike her sister Maggie, Dee craved for life that wasnt to be hers-not because she didnt deserve it, but because she couldnt erase all that was meant to become her sincere, calm, right way of living. And she, partially, became aware of that fact, which made her come back to her home. But half-modern girl, as she became couldnt be faithful to her origins, as she couldnt be accepted in the better world. Sometimes it is better to be criticized for the way you are, to doubt if you should change your nave way of thinking about life and not passively watch happenings, rush there somewhere hoping for the better; but dare not. That is also some kind of fight-fight for the family existence, being near the roots, but not far away of the youthful flowers your family-tree gave. This fight was won by Maggie.

Jasna Petrovic | 080 164

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