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Lesson Planning Sheet Title: Enlargement on a grid.

Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson: All students should be able to enlarge an object to a positive integer scale factor and centre on Cartesian axes. Most students should be able to enlarge an object to a positive scale factor and centre on Cartesian axes. Some students should be able to describe and perform an enlargement using a positive scale factor on Cartesian axes. Keywords: Enlargement, Scale factor, Centre, Ray, Vertex, Vertices. Learning Activities Starter/Introduction Students look for geometrical properties in which to match pairs of shapes. Whilst this is intended as a fairly open activity most students tend to match similar shapes together as intended. However, other pairings could be by symmetry or number of sides. Development Moving on from the starter, students begin to perform enlargements using a scale factor and centre. In this case the centre is given as a coordinate pair rather than a point. To enlarge an object rays are drawn from the centre to each vertex of the object. The length of the ray from the centre is then multiplied by the scale factor. Once one edge of the enlarged image is constructed the object can be redrawn using the scale factor. Additional rays from the image to the object and centre can then be used to check the accuracy of the remaining vertices. The interactive Geogebra files can be used to illustrate the enlargements. Students should be able to progress through the problems on the third slide independently. The worksheet could be handed out to the class to increase pace. To feedback the solutions use either the Autograph V3.3 file or interactive Geogebra files. Plenary The plenary is intended to consolidate and extend the learning of the lesson by having students locate a centre of enlargement and identify a fractional scale factor. Encourage students to consider ways of checking their description using rays. Solutions could be presented on miniwhiteboards for assessment and feedback. Differentiation More able: Students could consider the area scale factor of enlarged images and objects. Negative scale factors could be used and described. Less Able Students may need to consider positive integer scale factors one lesson and fractional scale factors the next. Resources: Mini-Whiteboards Worksheet Autograph V3.3 files Interactive Geogebra files.

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