Correctedtexas Nu Chapter June 25 2013 Board Meeting Minutes

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Nu Chapter Officers and Committee Chairs Minutes Alpha State Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Nu President Dr.

Barbara Pevotos Home Wimberley, Texas June 25, 2013 Nu Chapter Board Members met in the home of Dr. Barbara Pevoto at 11 a.m. on June 25, 2013 for their annual planning and Board Meeting. Dr. Pevoto hosted a lovely brunch for all present before the meeting. Those attending were Nu Officers: Dr. Barbara Pevoto, President; Cheryl Blake, First Vice President; Loretta Eiben, Second Vice President; Kathy Carriker, Secretary and Chair of Ceremonies; Henrietta Smith Corresponding Secretary; and Evelyn Barrett, Immediate Past President, Parliamentarian and Membership and Necrology Chair; as well as, other Committee Chairs Nadyne Gartman, Web Master; Sandra Morales, Music & Rules Revision; Sue Thompson, Social; Mary Nabors, Communication, and LaVerne Rydell, Legislative member representing Sandra East. Call to Order President Pevoto called the meeting to order at 12:11 p.m. Alpha State Convention Overview President Pevoto gave an overview of the Alpha State Convention. President Pevoto commended Nu Chapter member Nadyne Gartman for developing the Nu Chapter website. Because of her development of the website, Nu Chapter has been certified by the International Communication and Publicity Committee. President Pevoto announced Nu Chapter received a P.A.C.E. Award. The Presidential Award for Chapter Excellence is based on a point system evaluation of 13 different areas of participation and commitment of our Chapter.

President Pevoto also commended Mary Nabers for her excellent Nu Newsletter which received a Five Star Award with The Seal of Merit for additional criteria for consistency and content. President Pevoto stated that Nu Chapter had recognition as an Exemplary Yearbook. She thanked member Laura Kirkscey for her excellent work. Cheryl Blake was thanked by the board for her excellent programs and for creating the display board for Nus Annie Award nomination. Discussion followed on what the State Committee looked for when making these awards. Ideas included: showing how a program was shared with others after it was completed; showing what outcomes impacted the Chapter and the Community, and how the members at the meeting were actively involved in the program. Evelyn Barrett reported that Carol Grimm set up and stayed at the Nu Vendor booth during the entire Convention. She raised $400 for the Nu Scholarship fund through the sale of her crocheted necklaces. A motion was made to reimburse Carol Grimm for her Alpha State Convention expenses by Nadyne Gartman. LaVerne Rydell seconded the motion. The motion passed. Nadyne Gartman reported that 100 of the non-dues revenue Delta Kappa Gamma Rose car magnets had been sold to raise money for scholarships. She still has 100 in stock and will take to Branson to the Southwest area DKG convention. Sandra Morales gave a brief report on the Convention highlights. President Pevoto recognized Sandra Morales for her tireless efforts as Co-chair of the Alpha State Convention this year.

Yearbook Discussion for 2013-14 Laurie Kirkscey asked President Pevoto to pass along that she needed help with information gathering for the Yearbook so that Nu could get an Early Bird submission. She needed members to notify her of name

and address changes, as well as, State Officers and Area Coordinator changes. Evelyn Barrett made a motion which was seconded by Cheryl Blake to distribute yearbooks by email except for hard copies mailed individual members who dont have email addresses and Alpha State which requires hard copies be mailed. The motion passed. Discussion followed on putting the Nu Chapter Yearbook on the website if there was a secure area for members personal information. Program Suggestions and Dates for 2013-2014 September 17, 2013: Mary Nabers, Firewise program discussed. October 15, 2013: Dr. Lori Assaf, presentation of her reading program being used in South African Schools November 19, 2013: Suggested Wimberley location with a travel theme. A travel agent was suggested. December: Location and date to be determined with musical presentation by Conner Callendar. Cheryl Blake will make the contact. January 21,2014: Seguin Chapter will host a Tri Chapter Social February 18, 2014: Discussion on a program on Social Media. State want Chapter to do presentations on sites such as Pinterest, Facebook, etc. Need a location with WiFi access for this program like the Wimberley Library. The library in Kyle was the 1st choice because the library has computers. Members could bring their own laptops if they so choose. April 15, 2014: Discussion suggesting Evelyn Farmer present a program on leadership. Location San Marcos. Vote on officers at this meeting. May 20,2014: Founders Day Recognition and Installation of Officers. Strategic Action Plan Discussion Discussed that Nu Chapter should create a manual of procedures so that when new members join, or members change offices, that some continuity or succession of action will be ongoing-Example: procedures

for recognizing condolences in the form of flowers, gifts, etc. can be documented. Discussed changes in State Bylaws that affect Nu Chapter. Nu Chapter Bylaws Committee will determine when they will meet. Henrietta Smith was added to this committee. Robin Estepp will be added to the Provision/Procedures Committee. Membership Ideas* (See Attached List). Sandra Morales discussed items on the list. Discussion followed on these ideas. Suggestion for #2 idea: A drawing could be held to pay the dues of one member. Question if Chapter is healthy enough financially to do this once each year. A game night was discussed for the Sept. meeting (#3) #7 was a suggestion for a Reunion social to reintroduce former members back to the Chapter. Beverly Helms , DKG International President, reported that 70% of former members will rejoin if invited. #9 Sandra Morales suggested sending birthday cards to membership. Sandra suggested having two members in charge of door prizes at meetings. Also, random stickers on plates or chairs for prizes at meetings to encourage attendance. Mary Nabers made motion to designate Nadyne Gartman to be in charge of door prizes. Evelyn Barrett seconded. Motion passed. Suggestions for fun activities during meetings to keep members interested. Idea presented to have an Archives/ Scrapbooking meeting to compile photos and memorabilia from the year. Cheryl Blake suggested Nu Chapter purchase a digital camera. Loretta Eiben will contact Tonda Frady to confirm she has photos of Nu Chapter events for 2012-13. Legislative Update: LaVerne presented legislative information from The Voice related to increase in co-pay for medical costs for Retired Teachers.

Adjournment President Pevoto adjourned the meeting at 2:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Carriker, Nu Chapter Recording Secretary

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