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Music Video

Categories Essential Question(s) 15

The participants clearly linked the song and content to one or more of the essential questions of the theme. A full 1 page typed, 1 spaced, New Times Roman Font, 12 point size (or comparable) production outline or script is provided. Includes an explanation of the connection to the essential question(s).

The participants linked the song and content to one or more of the essential questions of the theme with a few minor discrepancies. A 3 / 4 page typed, 1 spaced, New Times Roman Font, 12 point size (or comparable) production outline or original script is provided. Includes an explanation of the connection to the essential question(s). Mostly accurate visual interpretation of the song content. A fair amount of creativity was implemented.

The participants link between the song and content to one or more of the essential questions is minimal.

The participants did not link the song and content to one of the essential questions of the theme.


Production Outline/Script

A 1 page typed 2 spaced, The production outline or New Times Roman Font, 12 script is less than adequate point size (or comparable) for content. production outline or original script is provided. Includes an explanation of the connection to the essential question(s).

Visual Interpretation/ Creativity

Accurate visual interpretation of the song content. A high level of creativity was implemented.

Fairly accurate visual interpretation of the song content. Minimal amount of creativity was implemented.

Inaccurate visual interpretation of the song content and/or no creativity was implemented.

Video & Audio Quality

Professional audio and picture quality.

Professional audio and picture quality with 1 or 2 instances of minor issues. Lip synching takes places periodically and is done fairly well by most members of the group. Some minor errors may be noticeable.

Professional audio and picture quality with 3-5 instances of minor issues. Lip synching is used sparingly and is often done poorly because group members dont know the lyrics

Unprofessional audio and picture quality.

Lip Syncing

Lip synching takes place throughout appropriate increments during the video and is performed in a professional manner that demonstrates comprehension of the lyrics. Active participation in the video by all members of the group.

No lip synching takes place.

Active participation

**Whichever group member does NOT participate, receives a TOTAL GRADE of a 0** (If you are not in the video you will not be given any credit)

Category Cover Page

A graphic representing the song, typed name of the song, original artist of the song as well as the names of the members of your group. The song lyrics were cleared with the teacher including the one or more essential questions to be answered.



Cover page is incomplete and/or missing completely.

Teacher Signoff on Rubric

Note: You must still use a radio/clean version of the song. Any profanity in the song, or by the group will be a 10 pt. deduction minimum!

The student did not clear this option with the teacher.

Teacher Signature: _________________________________ Date Approved: _____/_____/_____ Total Points:

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