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American Government Week 2 Syllabus 2-4 Weekly Syllabus GO RAMS Unit One Focus Questions QW: Where did

government come from? What is its purpose? 4 theories Power Point with notes Begin Types of Government split up into small type of government group, fill in chart, label map with your government type (pg. 3) & begin to think of ideas for page 4 HW: Be prepared to share out tomorrow to class!


Finish & share out Types of Government chart/map. Share Propaganda Ads Page 4. (Fill in while groups present) Break up into small groups and Prep for Systems of Government Fishbowl Discussion tomorrow HW: Finish assigned Systems of Government for Discussion tomorrow! Half Day Systems of Government Fishbowl fill out handout during discussion HW: Core Democratic Values assignment Due Monday! Begin Direct/Representative Democracy PowerPoint and notes. Group Discussion: Do you believe a direct democracy could work in the U.S? Should we try it? HW; Core Democratic Values assignment due Monday! Study for Ch.1 Vocabulary Quiz Tuesday!!! Ms. F Gone 2nd Hour First Amendment Teaching Rights: 2. Online Student Speech/FOIA and OMA 1st & 6th Hour Investigation of Direct Democracy Assignment




American Government Week 2 - I Can Statements By 2/4 1.

I can identify and explain arguments about why we need government. I can identify and explain arguments about the purposes of government.

By 2/5 1.

I can identify the roles citizens play in civic and private life.

I can explain the concepts of power, legitimacy, authority, and sovereignty. I can provide examples of power, legitimacy, authority, and sovereignty.
By 2/6 1.

I can compare and contrast the different forms of governmental structures

including anarchy, monarchy, military junta, aristocracy, democracy, authoritarian, constitutional republic, fascist, communist, socialist, and theocratic states.

I can provide examples of the different forms of governmental structures.

By 2/7 1.

I can compare and contrast the sovereignty, diffusion of power, and

institutional structure of parliamentary, federal, confederate, and unitary systems of government. 2.

I can compare and contrast direct and representative democracy.

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