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Thomas H.

CHAIR July 28, 2003 CO
Lee H. Hamilton §•!
Richard Ben-Veniste
Mr. John Cloonan
Max Cleland
Frederick F. Fielding as
Jamie S. Gorelick Dear Mr. Cloonan:

Slade Gorton
The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (the
John F. Lehman "Commission") is directed by statute to investigate the facts and circumstances
surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, including the nation's
Timothy J. Roemer
preparedness for, and immediate response to, those attacks and to make
James R. Thompson recommendations for preventing future attacks. As part of its investigation, the
Commission confirms your request for an interview on issues relating to your
Philip D. Zelikow employment, before your retirement, as a Special Agent, Federal Bureau of
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Investigation (FBI). It is anticipated that this interview will concern
investigations conducted by you and other members of the Joint Terrorism Task
Force in the New York Field Division of the FBI.

This letter will confirm your arrangement with Quinn John Tamm, Jr., a member
of the Commission's professional staff, for an interview at your home on August
4, 2003. Also participating in the interview will be Dietrich L. Snell, another
member of the Commission's professional staff.

If you have any questions, please contact John Tamm at 202-331-4075.

Thank you very much for your consideration and cooperation with the
Commission in this matter.


Philip Zelikow
Executive Director

9/11 Personal Privacy

301 71'1 Street SW, Room 5125

Washington, DC 20407
T 202.331 4060 F 202.296.5545
www.9-l I commission.yov

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