2103-Abj - Fluid Mechanics - Pathline, Streamline, Streakline

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2103-abj Fluid Mechanics Pathlines, Streamlines, and Streaklines ABJ

The Difference Among Pathlines, Streamlines, and Streaklines

Pathlines VS Streaklines Assume that the current time is t . Imagine you successively throw projectiles for particles A, B, C, D, and E, at regular time interval of , from the time 4 in the past ( t 4 ) to the current time t with decreasing initial velocities (i.e, unsteady velocity field) at xo , i.e.,

V ( xo , t t 4 ) V ( xo , t t 3 ) ...V ( xo , t ) .

Pathline: Each particle will travel along different pathline as shown in the figure below, A travels the furthest, etc. Streakline: On the other hand, the streakline that passes through the point xo at the current time t is shown as dashed pink line below. Pathline for particle E

Pathline for particle D t E D t- C t-2 Pathline for particle C Pathline for particle B Pathline for particle A B t-3 A t-4 Streakline that passes through the point xo at the current time t

V ( xo , t )


Pathlines VS Streaklines VS Streamlines Now imagine the velocity field with a few velocity vectors represented by the grey arrows below at the current time t . Streamline: The streamline that passes through the point xo at the current time t is shown as grey line below.

Velocity vectors at the current time t

Streamline that passes through the point xo at the current time t

V ( xo , t )
t E D t- C t-2

Pathline of particle A


t-3 Streakline that passes through the point xo at the current time t

A t-4

As we can see, if the velocity field is not steady, the three lines are in general different.

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