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Nicole St.

Pierre / (1) 705 754 1698 Skype:

B. Ed. (Secondary) Specialization: History and Social Studies, University of British Columbia B. A. (Hons.) International Development Minors: Political Science and History, Simon Fraser University

Related Work Experience:

Classroom Teacher, Ditidaht First Nations School: Nitinaht Lake, British Columbia, April-May 2013 Teach Grades 5 through 7 Band Curriculum of Social Sciences, English, Math and P.E. Plan and execute field trips to Bamfield Marine Station and Carmanah National Park Chaperone and/or oversee Boys Club, culture class outings and canoe class expeditions Secondary Teacher, David Thompson Secondary: Vancouver, BC, Oct 2012, Jan 2013-April 2013 Teach Social Studies Grades 9 (Enriched Curriculum), 10 (Enriched Curriculum), and 11 Develop engaging lesson plans aimed at differentiated and kinaesthetic learners Co-sponsor Me to We Club (Free the Children); act as support system for students Volleyball coach, Boys Bantam; overseeing games, running drills, motivating students English Teacher, Wisdom Language School: Guangzhou China, June 2012 Aug 2012 Create lessons and summer curriculum for students ages 8-15; varied English proficiency Promotional teacher; co-coordinate and facilitate workshops with local elementary and primary students to promote summer language classes and tutoring Field trip supervision for English about town classes with Chinese students Youth Worker, Elizabeth Fry Society: Vancouver BC, April 2009 April 2011 Supervise residents, facilitate groups, and help individualize service planning as well as enable youth to address addictions and personal risk factors in a positive manner Support youth in care towards achieving and maintaining their goals as a part of the team responsible for the efficient functioning of residence operations Accept referrals from Ministry of Housing and Social Development, assessed and made suitable recommendations to low-income families, homeless, those in conflict with law Teaching Assistant, Simon Fraser University: Surrey BC, Sept 2010 Dec 2010 Introduced international issues historically, tracing patterns of conflict and cooperation between nations and social groups in the world over the last century Graded weekly pop quizzes, term papers, attendance/participation and final exams Invigilated exams, directed lectures, held office hours and responded promptly and willingly to student queries with accuracy, reflection and respect

Nicole St. Pierre

55-E. 14th Avenue, Vancouver, B.C / (1) 778 837 3539

Work Experience continued:

Dance Instructor, Haliburton Dance Arts: Haliburton ON, Sept 2000 June 2005 Prepare choreography and aid students aged 3-17 in weekly classes of age groupings in various forms of dance; aid in preparation for recitals and competitions Develop, co-coordinate, and market Childrens Summer Dance Camps, which involved over 30 children involved in organized activities throughout summer

Related Volunteer Experience:

Camp Co-ordinator, Community Schools Team (David Thompson Secondary), March 2013 Supervise and assist high school aged students to plan, run and oversee day camp for district closure week for at-risk elementary aged students (K-7) including games, cooking and meals as well as day trips and short outings Learning/Writing Educator, SFU Learning and Writing Commons, Jan 2010 Aug 2011 Trained to provide fellow students with knowledgeable assistance regarding writing skills and learning strategies in weekly consultations; information panels for incoming secondary students Court Worker, Downtown East Side Community Court: Vancouver BC, April 2009 Dec 2010 Assist clients of the court to understand and navigate court processes; transfer documents, interact with crown, defense council, judges, and others in court process SFU Southeast Asia Field School: Student Researcher, Southeast Asia, May 2008 Aug 2008 Semester abroad involving travel to encourage primary source research methods for indigenous peoples living in remote areas of Thailand, Laos, and Vietnam

Relevant Skills:
Dance instructor (jazz, ballet, hiphop) Avid swimmer, yogi, and runner Competitive league volleyball player English literature (fiction) enthusiast Time and Effort Club Sponsor Volleyball coach (Boys Bantam) ESL/EAL Teacher Training Intermediate Spanish speaker Extensive travel experience Intermediate guitar player

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