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Do a search on "In-depth Troubleshooting Guide" and you should see them.

Also check out the main troubleshooting guide at

login user yang punya access sysdba di oracle

The following information is available in:
The HTTP Server can be accessed using the following URLs:

Non SSL Mode (executed at install time):


SSL mode:
exam dp-021x Data Protection Designer for UNIX using NetBackup 5.0
exam dp-022x Data Protection Implementation for UNIX using NetBackup DP002X
DPTS-002X VERITAS Certified NetBackup Support Engineer for UNIX N103608
/usr/sbin/pfs_mountd &
/usr/sbin/pfsd &
/usr/sbin/pfs_mount -o xlat=unix /dev/dsk/c3t5d0 /cdrom
/usr/sbin/pfs_umount /cdrom

/usr/sbin/ioscan -funC autoch

/usr/openv/netbackup/db/error ---> netbackup error log
iostat -->liat kecepatan device backup
Java GUI scripts
tune tcp --> solaris=ndd -get /dev/tcp tcp_time_wait_interval
hpux ndd -get /dev/tcp tcp_time_wait_interval or nettuned
contoh:ndd -get /dev/tcp ?

Step 1. Add VERBOSE to your bp.conf file.
Step 2. Create the directory bptm in $NBU/netbackup/logs directory path on the
media server in
Step 3. Either through an adhoc backup class, or manual backups, initiated some
backup jobs to begin
the collection process in your bptm log.
Step 4. Based on the information you collect in the bptm log, make changes from
default (8x32 - 8 DATA
BUFFERS x 32K ea for non multiplex and 8x64 for multiplex).

/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmquery -pn scratch | grep "media ID" | wc -l --> check

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpschedreq -predict 03/15/2006 18:00:00 --cek
runing ga

bpcoverage -c client will report client and version also by querying

the client software directly, but this tends to be more accurate in
reporting patch levels.

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpgetconfig -M eaipapp2 --> liat conf di client

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpsetconfig -h eaipapp2 /usr/openv/bp.bk --->

remote update configuration

troubleshoot while backup:
taroh bpbkar directory di /usr/openv/netbackup/logs --> client
taroh bptm directory di /usr/openv/netbackup/logs -->server

Master Server Logs

* bpadm - Admin
* bprd � request daemon
* bpdbm � database manager
* bpsched � backup scheduler
* xbpadm � X administrator interface
* xbpmon � job monitor

Media Server Activity Logs

* bpbrm � Backup/Restore Manager

* bpcd � Client Daemon
* bptm � Media manager for tape
* bpdm � Disk Manager
* bpdbora
* bphdb

Client Logs

* bp � Menu user interface (curses)

* bparchive � Client archive program
* bpbackup � client backup program
* bplist � lists backup and archive images
* bprestore � client restore program
* bpbkar � manages backups and archives
* bpcd � client daemon
* bphdb � hot database backup program
* db_log - backup log for databases

inventory robot vmcheckxxx -rt robot_type -rn robot_number -list

# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/available_media -nat
media media robot robot robot side/ ret size status
ID type type # slot face level KBytes
DataStore pool

NetBackup pool

A00000 4MM TL4 0 1 - 1 859648 ACTIVE

A00002 4MM TL4 0 3 - - - AVAILABLE
A00003 4MM TL4 0 4 - - - AVAILABLE
A00004 4MM TL4 0 5 - - - AVAILABLE
A00005 4MM TL4 0 6 - - - AVAILABLE
A00001 4MM TL4 0 2 - 1 0 FROZEN

None pool

You can use a command line utility to set a tape volume to FROZEN or SUSPENDED.
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpmedia -suspend -ev XXXXXX
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpmedia -unfreeze -ev XXXXXX

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpmedia -unfreeze -m B00124 -h billpdb1

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bperror -U -problems -hoursago 24

/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmglob -b -listalll | grep <media_server_name>" to find all

glob db entries for this media server

Then use "/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmglob -delete -drive <>"

or "-delete -robot" as necessary to delete the entries

/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmglob -delete -drive -serial 1110052176 -name LTO2-01

-devhost snoopy
/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmglob -delete -robot -serial ADIC202100120 -robnum 0
-devhost snoopy

...then use /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig on your media server to add them back.

On the master run /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpimage -index 9. This will

greatly improve NBU's
performance in finding the files to restore.

liat version:

# cat /opt2/openv/netbackup/bin/version or
# cat /opt2/openv/pack/pack.summary

Your procedure looks good. Maybe worth checking if there are any patches to apply
to Solaris 10 before installing NBU.

And yes, bprecover should recover your policy information.

And if it doesn't, you can copy the /usr/openv/netbackup/db/class/ directory from

the old system to the new. I think you also need /usr/openv/netbackup/db/client/

find expired tapes in a robot

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpmedialist -summary

I have found that I also have to expire the tape, before I can use it, i.e.

cleaning from hop 0 media man:

/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmquery -mt dlt_clean -b

/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpclean -L

I added
INITIAL_BROWSE_SEARCH_LIMIT = 14 to /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf to
limit the initial search to 14 days.

LTO2 drive using LTO1 tape

Usually, in a circumstance like this if you have let
NetBackup configure the drives using the wizard it
will pick a different media type for the new drives.
Not always, but often. Make sure that the new LTO2
drives are the same media type (hcart, hcart2, etc.)
as the LTO1 drives. You will probably find they are
not. Change them so they match the media type of the
old drives and you should be fine.


killall -HUP inetd -->to restart the inet daemon

dd if=/test.txt of=/dev/

"C:\Program Files\Veritas\java\ssshpux.vrtsnbuj"

/etc/opt/samba/smb.conf ---? samba bmr

1. Increase the data buffers used by the VERITAS NetBackup (tm) disk manager
process (bpdm) on master and media servers.
The default buffer size for bpdm (disk backups) is 262144 (256K).

Create /usr/openv/netbackup/db/config/SIZE_DATA_BUFFERS_DISK.
Add the value 1048576 into the file.
Create /usr/openv/netbackup/db/config/NUMBER_DATA_BUFFERS_DISK.
Add the value 16 into the file.

No restart is needed for NetBackup after these files are created.

If Status 89 is now seen on the backups, increase the system's shared memory value
in the kernel settings and then reboot the system.
For a workaround on the Status 89, temporarily reduce the values above in the
buffer files and retry the backup.

When configuration is complete, you enable device management by starting the Media
Manager device daemon (ltid).

Problem reverting a media server from a NetBackup 4.5FP or NetBackup 5.0 or 5.1
release to a NetBackup 4.5MP (or NetBackup 3.4) release.
/nb/bin/admincmd/bpversion -request -server <media_server_name>

bppllist will show you the details of a specific policy.

raw output:
bppllist policyname

A more human-readable format:

bppllist policyname -U

All policies that a particular client is in:

bppllist -byclient clientname [-U]

replicate master server

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpbackupdb -dpath daily

From the command line you would use tpreq to mount the particular tape you
/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpreq -ev MEDIAID -d DLT -p SOMEPOOL -f /tmp/MEDIAID

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpbackupdb -ev MEDIAID -p POOLNAME -tpath

/tmp/MEDIAID \ /usr/openv/netbackup/db \ /usr/openv/netbackup/var \
/usr/opnev/volmgr/database \

log netbackup activity


Obtain the current device allocation state by sending the following command to the
DA host(s):
/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmdareq -h host1 -display

Use the robotic test utility (/usr/openv/volmgr/robtest) to mount a tape on one of

the drives.

The VERITAS SCSI Generic (sg) driver may require special configuration to bind
device World Wide Names for use with the SUN StorEdge Network Foundation Host Bus
Adaptor (HBA).

Before configuring the sg driver, make sure that all devices are powered on,
connected to the HBA and that the appropriate tape devices are created in
1. Reboot the system with the reconfigure option (boot -r or reboot -- -r). (This
step may only be necessary to configure appropriate SCSI Tape (st) devices for the

2. cd /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/driver (you must cd to this directory before

executing the following command)

3. /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/ all -mt <max target number> -ml <max lun number>

4. /usr/bin/rm -f /kernel/drv/sg.conf

5. /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/driver/sg.install

6. Run the following command and verify that you see all of your tape drives and

Steps to use the UNIX tar command to determine data transfer rate between a media
server and a tape device.

1. Manually mount a blank tape:

# tpreq -ev <some brand new tape id> -d <density> -p <pool name> -f /tmp/tape

2. Test various block sizes by using tar with specific blocking factors:

tpreq -ev A00002 -d hcart -p NetBackup -f /tmp/tape

Test a tar to tape with a block size of 64K (64K/512 = 128)
Other blocking factors to try along with their corresponding block size:
Blocking factor = Block size
(128 = 64K; 256 = 128K; 512 = 256K)

# tar -cvbf 128 /tmp/tape </path/to/data>

Once the first test is completed, rewind and test again to ensure consistent
# mt -f /tmp/tape rew

3. Once all the testing is complete, unmount the tape and label it so it will not
be frozen when selected for backups:
# tpunmount -f /tmp/tape
# bplabel -m <mediaid> -d <denslity> -o -p <pool name>

./bplabel -m A00001 -d 4mm -o -p NetBackup

./bplabel -m A00004 -d 4mm -o -p NetBackup

Note: It may be desirable to determine the amount of data and how long it takes to
write it to tape so that a throughput can be calculated. Here are the commands
that would be used:

# du -sk /path/to/data
# time tar -cvbf 128 /tmp/tape </path/to/data>
# tpunmount -f /tmp/tape
# bplabel -m <mediaid> -d <denslity -o -p <pool name>

Replace the physical tape drive that is defective with a good one.
Run the tpautoconf -report_disc command to report discrepancies between detected
devices and Global Database.
An example of using the tpautoconf -replace command:
<install_path>\VERITAS\volmgr\bin\tpautoconf -report_disc

Results of the command:

======== New Device (Tape) ===========

Inquiry = "QUANTUM DLT8000 0250"
Serial Number = PXB08P3242
Drive Path = tape0
Found as TLD(6), Drive = 1

====== Missing Device (Drive) ==========

Drive Name = QUANTUMDLT800014

Drive Path = tape0
Inquiry = "QUANTUM DLT8000 0250"
Serial Number = PXB08P1345
TLD(6) definition Drive = 1

Hosts configured for this device:

Host = dandelion
Host = avocadocat

<install_path>\VERITAS\volmgr\bin\tpautoconf -replace_drive QUANTUMDLT800014 -path

Results of the command:
Found a matching device in global DB, QUANTUMDLT800014 on host dandelion
update of local DB on host dandelion completed
globalDB update for host dandelion completed

Found a matching device in global DB, QUANTUMDLT800014 on host avocadocat

update of local DB on host avocadocat completed
globalDB update for host avocadocat completed

This feature is introduced in Feature Pack 7 (FP7) for version 4.5FP6.

After installing NetBackup 4.5, the Oracle template wizard was used to construct a
backup template which performed a cold backup of the data files and control file.
When executed, the data file backup job completed successfully. However, RMAN was
unable to successfully allocate the channel for the control file and hence the
controlling job exited with status 6.

The RMAN output, as follows, shows that RMAN is allocating, releasing and then
failing to reallocate the channel:

Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.8 Generic February 2000

Oracle Server Manager Release - Production
Copyright (c) 1997, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning option
JServer Release - 64bit Production
... snip ...
Recovery Manager: Release - Production
... snip ...
8> RUN {
12> SEND 'NB_ORA_POLICY=Oracle_taxdoc,NB_ORA_CLIENT=taxdoc';
15> FORMAT 'bk_u%u_s%s_p%p_t%t'
16> TAG 'DMS'
... snip ...
26> SEND 'NB_ORA_POLICY=Oracle_taxdoc,NB_ORA_CLIENT=taxdoc';
28> FORMAT 'bk_u%u_s%s_p%p_t%t'
31> }
RMAN-03022: compiling command: allocate
RMAN-03023: executing command: allocate
RMAN-08030: allocated channel: ch00
RMAN-08500: channel ch00: sid=9 devtype=SBT_TAPE
RMAN-08526: channel ch00: VERITAS NetBackup for Oracle - Release 4.5GA
... snip ...
RMAN-03023: executing command: backup
RMAN-08008: channel ch00: starting incremental level 0 datafile backupset
... snip ...
RMAN-08525: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:08:36
RMAN-03023: executing command: partial resync
RMAN-08003: starting partial resync of recovery catalog
RMAN-08005: partial resync complete
RMAN-03022: compiling command: release
RMAN-03023: executing command: release
RMAN-08031: released channel: ch00
RMAN-03022: compiling command: allocate
RMAN-03023: executing command: allocate
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03007: retryable error occurred during execution of command: allocate
RMAN-07004: unhandled exception during command execution on channel ch00
RMAN-10035: exception raised in RPC: ORA-19554: error allocating device,
device type: SBT_TAPE, device name:
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [17506], [4294967294],
[32407664], [101], [2147450872], [], [], []
RMAN-10031: ORA-19624 occurred during call to

The dbclient log shows a single process which backs up the data files. A second
process for the channel that failed to allocate does not appear.

An Oracle debug log for the process shows that NetBackup is finished releasing the
channel and that Oracle has some internal problem reallocating the channel.

RMAN-03023: executing command: release

... snip ...
krmxrpc: xc=6993008 RPC #21 completed immediately
RMAN-08031: released channel: ch00
krmxr: xc=6993008 finished step
... snip ...
RMAN-03022: compiling command: allocate
EXEC SQL AT RCVCAT yProxy := dbms_rcvman . getAnyProxy ; :getCfBackup :=
dbms_rcvman . getCfBackup ; :listCfCopy := dbms_rcvman . listCfCopy ; :listDfCopy
:= dbms_rcvman . listDfCopy ; :listCfBackup := dbms_rcvman . listCfBackup ;
:listDfBackup := dbms_rcvman . listDfBackup ; :listAlBackup := dbms_rcvman .
listAlBackup ; :listDfProxy := dbms_rcvman . listDfProxy ; :getRecovAction :=
dbms_rcvman . getRecovAction ; :getAlBackup := dbms_rcvman . getAlBackup ;
:listAlCopy := dbms_rcvman . listAlCopy ; end ;
:b1 = 0
:b33 = 12
>> ENTERING setRAflags
>> setRAflags kindMask=255 containerMask=15 actionMask=63
>> ENTERING setComputeRecoveryActionMasks816
>> ENTERING setComputeRecoveryActionMasks
>> EXITING setComputeRecoveryActionMasks
>> EXITING setComputeRecoveryActionMasks816
>> EXITING setRAflags
krmknmtr: the parse tree after name translation is:
1 allocate
1 CHID = ch00
krmkdps: this_db_key=49661
krmkdps: this_dbinc_key=49662
krmkdps: this_reset_scn=1
krmkdps: this_reset_time=06/26/2002
krmkdps: untilSCN=
krmkdps: untilTime=
krmkdps: getRA_completedAfter=
krmkdps: getRA_completedBefore=
krmkdps: getRA_likePattern=
krmkdps: getRA_containerMask=15
krmkdps: getRA_actionMask=63
krmkdps: computeRA_allRecords=0
krmkdps: allIncarnations=0
EXEC SQL AT TARGET select DECODE(status,'OPEN',1,0) into :b1 from
:b1 = 0
krmicomp: the compiled command tree is:
1 CMD type=allocate id=1 status=NOT STARTED
1 STEP id=1 status=NOT STARTED chid=ch00
1 TEXTNOD = -- devalloc
48 TEXTNOD = end;
RMAN-03023: executing command: allocate
krmxpoq: xc=6983800, action="0000002 FINISHED", col_l=16, ind=0, sid=7
krmxpoq: xc=6993008, action="0000021 FINISHED", col_l=16, ind=0, sid=9
... snip ...
krmqgns: commands remaining to be executed:
CMD type=allocate id=1 status=NOT STARTED
1 STEP id=1 status=NOT STARTED chid=ch00
krmqgns: channel ch00 assigned step 1
krmxcic: xc=6993008 chid=ch00 calling peidcs
krmxcis: xc=6993008 chid=ch00 calling pcicmp
krmxr: xc=6993008 chid=ch00 calling peicnt
krmxrpc: xc=6993008 kpurpc2 rc=19624 db=target
krmqexe: unhandled exception on channel ch00
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03007: retryable error occurred during execution of command: allocate
RMAN-07004: unhandled exception during command execution on channel ch00
RMAN-10032: unhandled exception during execution of job step 1: ORA-19624:
operation failed, retry possible
ORA-19554: error allocating device, device type: SBT_TAPE, device name:
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [17506], [4294967294],
[32407664], [101], [2147450296], [], [], []


Modify the RMAN commands being used to execute the backup such that only a single
channel is allocated and not released until the end of the backup. Here is the
general procedure when using the NetBackup Oracle Template wizard.

1. Convert the template file to a shell script:

# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpdbsbora -backup -g -t


2. Edit the <> file and remove the first release statement through the
second allocate. The following file without modification:


FORMAT 'bk_u%u_s%s_p%p_t%t'
# Control file backup
SEND 'NB_ORA_POLICY=Oracle_taxdoc,NB_ORA_CLIENT=taxdoc';
FORMAT 'bk_u%u_s%s_p%p_t%t'
becomes the following with the modification:


SEND 'NB_ORA_POLICY=Oracle_taxdoc,NB_ORA_CLIENT=taxdoc';
FORMAT 'bk_u%u_s%s_p%p_t%t'
FORMAT 'bk_u%u_s%s_p%p_t%t'

3. Modify the backup policy to invoke the modified shell script instead of the

This problem has also been observed to affect custom RMAN backup scripts which do
not involve the NetBackup Oracle Template Wizard. In those cases, modifying the
backup script to allocate the channel(s) once and not release them until all the
backups completed was also successful.

erase media

bplabel with �erase and �l (long erase) options will erase the media.

delete tape:
mt -f /dev/rmt/0 weof

The above command should write an end of file mark onto the tape.

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/rmt/0 bs=1k count=1

backup dari consol utk template oracle : /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpdbsbora -rw -t



check conn to server

# cd /usr/openv/netbackup/bin
# ./bpclntcmd -pn
expecting response from server ssshpux
vrtssrv vrtssrv 49957

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bprecover -r -dpath /catalog -dhost vrtsnew

We at Kanatek have done this several times. There are many steps to it,
but it's pretty straight forward. The main things to do are:
1) install the new server
2) bprecover the database
3) bpimage -newserver <newserver name> -oldserver <oldserver name> -id
<media id>

Complications include:G
1) Client are configured with master server as <oldserver name>.

If this was originally installed to be an alias defined through DNS (or

NIS) you can simply change the entry. Otherwise this must be changed on
each client. (can be done from oldserver with backup/restore - though
this can be tricky)

2) With 2 servers, the bpimage command must be tailored to only change

the images created on the master server.

You can use the command "bpverify -pb -s 01/01/80 | grep <oldserver>" to
get a list of volumes written on the master server.

That's most of it. Lisa is right; unexpected situations do arise and

it's a good idea to have some experienced help while you do it.


NB stop
from master
rm class,config,volDB,poolDB
on media
rm media,ltidevs,robotic_def
restart netbackup
netbackup stop
recover db
netbackup start

./tpconfig -multiple_delete drive 1:2

fundamental 1:labs
ancurin globdb euyy

created a RESTORE_ORIGINAL_ATIME file in /usr/openv/netbackup

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpimport" -create_db_info -id A00000 -M vrtss

rv -server ssshpux -L "/usr/openv/netbackup/logs/user_ops/root/logs/jbpVAAa05614
./vmadd -m AJU244 -mt dlt

SEND 'NB_ORA_SERV=vrtsbaru';





I can finally see the DEVICES!!!!!!!!

After like 48 hours of working on this�.

root@backup01-dev# modinfo | grep sg
93 7be1af70 1718 97 1 sysmsg (System message redirection (fan)
121 7bfe1cc8 31d0 130 1 sg (SCSA Generic Revision: 3.4d)

Note the 3.4d, with the 5.1MP3a patch, (which did not work correctly the first
time, probably b/c of CPU and memory errors)

How we found out:

root@backup01-dev# cat ./pack/pack.summary

NB_CLT_51_3_M installed +NB_51_3_M
NB_JAV_51_3_M installed

The client patch was installed but not the 5.x base patch!

After grabbing the patch from:

And applying it and then running sgscan, EVERYTHING IS WORKING!

root@backup01-dev# modinfo | grep sg
93 7be1af70 1718 97 1 sysmsg (System message redirection (fan)
121 7bfe1cc8 31d0 130 1 sg (SCSA Generic Revision: 3.5a)

Now it is 3.5 and NOW I can see everything:

root@backup01-dev# sgscan
/dev/sg/c0t6l0: Cdrom: "TOSHIBA DVD-ROM SD-M1401"
/dev/sg/c0tw2100000c500187f5l0: Disk (???): "SEAGATE ST373307FSUN72G"
/dev/sg/c0tw2100000c50018daal0: Disk (???): "SEAGATE ST373307FSUN72G"
/dev/sg/c0tw500104f00052cf1cl0: Tape (/dev/rmt/1): "HP Ultrium 2-SCSI"
/dev/sg/c0tw500104f00052cf1fl0: Tape (/dev/rmt/0): "HP Ultrium 2-SCSI"
/dev/sg/c0tw500104f00052cf22l0: Tape (/dev/rmt/3): "HP Ultrium 2-SCSI"
/dev/sg/c0tw500104f00052cf25l0: Tape (/dev/rmt/2): "HP Ultrium 2-SCSI"

All I can say is woohoo!

If the new media server is really new (no backup performed) just move the
../netbackup/db/media/mediadb file to the new server.

this will do the trick

If it's just a media server, and not the master server, you can "move" the tape
info using the bpmedia command.

bpmedia -movedb -m <tapenum> -oldserver <old_server> -newserver <new_server>

You can use the "bpmedialist -mlist -h <old_server>" command to find all the tapes
assigned to the old server.

If you want, you can move them to the master server, replace your old server, then
move them to the new server later.

If you're actually talking master-server to master-server conversion, then you're

right to import the tapes on the new master.


I would just set the following parameter in bp.conf on the master:

FORCE_RESTORE_MEDIA_SERVER = oldserver newserver

This will allow you to do restores of the old servers backups from the new server.

If you move the tapes back to scratch, any server can use them. You shouldn't need
to change the *ownership* of the tapes.

I followed the instructions in this technote :
["How to rebuild the globDB (global device database file) on the master server"]
On unix systems there is a file "/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/version" that shows
which version of the client is installed
or bpcoverage -c <client> -v

you have another option... you can compress the image catalog or change it to
another location...

In this technote you can see how do it...

The technote is form NetBackup 3.4 but it's the same for other versions...

Hello Charles

I would create the volmgr/debug/daemon directory, put verbose=99 in vm.conf

and then restart the media daemons.

What happens if you run acstest -r <libstation> by hand ?

Also check the syslog/messages file if you are on UNIX


We had the same issue here- turned out to be caused by a memory leak on
our Solaris Master server. Once the leaking application was fixed, the
150's went away

Best method to check when a box was successfully backed up?

bpimagelist -U -hoursago 99999 -client <clientname>|head -3|tail -1

Stream file not found

Try this site for the B searches:

Bpredict can be confusing. Please read these technotes:

How to force an inventory update after loa ding tapes into a library?
We have5 L700 libraries. We have vmupdate run via cron daily which backups are
active. No issues.


**----- recommended method to expire tape to use -----**

from master server:
check images written to a media run

cd /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd
./bpimmedia -U -mediaid <media_id>

expire all images on the media:

./bpexpdate -ev <media_id> -d 0
bpexpdate -m XXXXXX -d 0 -host dali

to re-check if images are expired run:

./bpimmedia -U -mediaid <media_id>

Then run vmchange -p <pool_number> -m <media_id>

If you do not know the pool number run $volmgr/bin/vmpool -listall

Use the number represented within the vmpool output like this:
pool number: 5
Good luck,


Here's a TechNote on "How to restore multiple files based on wildcards

via the command line."

To enable the Email this Report link: --config -e true

To configure settings for an SMTP server: --config -h <SMTP_server_hostname> -s <SMTP_user_account>

To change the email ID: --config

To restart the daemons

/usr/openv/nbar/bin/nbar stop

For Unix clients, there is a mechanism for restoring files retaining

> their original access times by touching a file called
> /usr/openv/netbackup/RESTORE_ORIGINAL_ATIME on the Unix client

Here is an interesting issue that I just had. I did a backup to a DSU

then I copied the file to a separate master server. I also copied the
necessary files from the images directory. But to restore the data from
the disk image to an alt server I had to modify the path and master
server name in the UBAK file. After that the restore worked fine. I
figured that I would not be able to restore a disk image from different
master servers. Both NBU servers are 5.1mp3a on Windows.

Hi folks

I'm interested in hearing from anyone in a mixed platform environment

who is running more than 60 media servers from one master server.

We currently have 39 media servers (Solaris, HP-UX, WIndows, Linux)

managed by a clustered pair of Solaris 9 SunFire V880 machines as the
master server.

Our immediate plans call for adding about 30 new media servers, and
I'm concerned about scalability and performance as we move into 2006.

Symantec have advised that we are unlikely to hit any absolute

barriers, but they are preaching caution with regard to the number of
media servers per master going above 60, citing the time to scan for
available drives as the likely tipping point.

We are considering whether to create a new master server cluster to

divide our future workload, but I want to have a strong justification
for the hardware and software spend.

While I realise Symantec will err on the side of caution, I don't want
to assume everything will just work. Clearly we are also looking at
the release of 6.x to provide some scalability benefits, but this will
not meet our needs before the end of this year.

If you have responsibility for a large environment and are willing to

discuss it, please email me and I can give you more details.

Mike Thomson

UK-based mobile telecommunications company

Solaris 9 clustered master server

39 Mixed media servers (Solaris, HP-UX, Windows, Linux)
650+ clients
2 x StorageTek L5500 tape libraries (with ACSLS control)
All IBM LTO-2 drives, fibrechannel SAN connected

To override the NetBackup media server for a restore:

1. If necessary, physically move the media and update the Media

Manager volume database, using the Media Manager administrative

2. Modify the NetBackup configuration on the master server:

UNIX NetBackup server:

As root user, add the following entry to the

/usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf file:


where fromhost is the media server that performed the original

backup and tohost is the desired media host to use for the

Windows NT NetBackup server:

Use the RegEdit application to modify the key


to add the value FORCE_RESTORE_MEDIA_SERVER and then set the

newly added value to fromhost tohost, where fromhost is the media
server that performed the original backup and tohost is the
desired media host to use for the restore.

upgrading UNIX clients


[-ForceInstall -Install_Java
-Install_Client_Bins \
-Install_ADC] \
[-ClientList filename | hardware_type operating_system]

upgrade it to nbu 5.1 MP5 there is network issues with mp3

Does the client have more than one NIC ?

If this the case you proably need to use the REQUIRED_INTERFACE entry in
either bp.conf or registry

Also a traceroute/tracert between the client and the master may gives clue
to what is the problem

A quick fix may be to put the No.Restrictions file under altnames on the

The all-powerful document on tuning:

It tells you how to scan your bptm logs to see if your buffer settings are

Attached is my script that parses the bptm logs to add up some of the wait
time numbers.

It's not friendly.

Usage: policy_perf <policy_name> <logfile>

If you leave off the logfile, it defaults to today's logfile. The policy
name is required.

check your bptm logs for entries that say "waited for empty buffer #### times,
delayed #### times."

if you're not getting a lot of occurances of this, with numbers in the thousands,
then you won't get any better performance by increasing the number of buffers.

Using bprecover, do NOT forget to backup the obvious stuff like DATA_SIZE_BUFFERS
and such, but HIGHLY important:

Do not forget to make your scratch pool a scratch pool, when you do a bprecover it
unchecks the scratch pool as being an actual scratch pool!


I almost use wizard but there are times that I use the GUI to configure
drives (if there is, lets say, 6 drives connected to two servers without
licence and I have to configure 3 drives at each server).
Finally I use the tpconfig command to configure the drives if there is a
problem with the other two ways. I have a customer that has
8 Tru64 and the wizard spends about 20 min at each computer. with this I
tpconfig and then I run the "tpautoconf -sync" command


using old media

vmquery -deassignbyid

bpflist -policy <policy_name> -client <client_name> -d mm/dd/yyyy -e mm/dd/yyyy |

awk '{print $10}'

You can check for NBU DB corruption using the command below.
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpdbm -consistency 2 | tee -a /tmp/DBreprot.out

Hi Greg

Run on your master sever:

bpimagelist -client XXXXXX - st (FULL-INCR-CINC-UBAK) -d mm/dd/yyyy -e mm/dd/yyyy


and take a look if there images present fot that client

Ex. bpimagelist -client client1 -st FULL -d 07/01/2005 -e 07/15/2005 -U

To list the number of tries currently set, issue the following command:

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpconfig -L

prevents scheduled backups from starting.

usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpconfig -tries 0

recomended for million files backup

We've run into this with Windows file systems - tons of little files.
Backing up a 250GB volume was taking about 24 hours. When we starting
utilizing disk-based staging units, the time dropped in half. We then
used the Advanced Client (giving us FlashBackup) and the time dropped in
half again so we're about 5.5 hours for roughly 10M files.

Copy client logs from master server

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpgp from <ClientName> <Full Path on Client> <Full Path

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpgp to <ClientName> <Full Path on MASTER> <Full Path

on Client>

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpgp to amdpapp1
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpgp to resmgtpa /usr/openv/netbackup/NET_BUFFER_SZ

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpgp to tif_dev1 /usr/openv/netbackup/NET_BUFFER_SZ


/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpgp to indira-pdb1 /usr/openv/netbackup/NET_BUFFER_SZ


/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpgp to interconnect /usr/openv/netbackup/NET_BUFFER_SZ


/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpgp to restore-papp1 /usr/openv/netbackup/NET_BUFFER_SZ


check host for globaldatabase

vmglob �get_gdbhost

error bpbrm (pid=26391)

modification time has changed

from client Dfi

* Useful Media Manager Commands


o Admin
vmadm/xvmadm - Volume administration interfaces
vmoprcmd/xdevadm - Device administration interfaces
tpreq/tpunmount - Request media (un)mount
vmquery - Query Volume Database
vmchange - Change media information in Volume Database
vmadd - Add media to Volume database

o Configuration
tpconfig - Tape/Robot configuration
sgscan (-v) - Report devices responding to SCSI inquire via SCSA driver
scsi_command - Direct SCSI inquire command to specific device

[Veritas-bu] help...command
Syed, Mukarram
Tue, 14 May 2002 15:34:27 -0500

* Previous message: [Veritas-bu] disk storage unit

* Next message: [Veritas-bu] help...command
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If you have sunsolve account, here are good links to the commonly used
Netbackup commands:

Here they are in text format (sorry for the verbosity)



SYNOPSIS: Useful NetBackup info commands
bpcoverage -c <clientname> : lists out the filesystems and classes for the
bpdbjobs -report: lists out all jobs and status
bpgetconfig : gives a detailed bp.conf listing
bpclclients : lists all clients that are in classes
bpcllist -allclasses -U : lists setup for all configured classes
sgscan -v : gives info on attached scsi devices along with thier firmware

bigwillie# bpcoverage -c bigwillie

File System Backup Coverage Report (UNIX only)


Key: * - Class is not active

UNCOVERED - Mount Point not covered by an active class
MULTIPLE - Mount Point covered by multiple active classes

CLIENT: bigwillie

Mount Point Device Backed Up By Class

----------- ------ ------------------
/ /dev/vx/dsk/rootvol
/copy_test /dev/vx/dsk/bigdg/vol01
/corrupt /dev/vx/dsk/bigdg/vol03
/mitch30 /dev/vx/dsk/bigdg/vol05
/mitch31 /dev/vx/dsk/bigdg/vol04
/nbu /dev/vx/dsk/bigdg/vol10
/sbu /dev/vx/dsk/bigdg/vol09
/usr /dev/vx/dsk/usr

Class Hardware/OS Report


Key: * - Class is not active

CLIENT - hostname (uname information)
VERSION - NetBackup version running on the client

CLIENT: bigwillie (sun4u/SunOS 5.6 Generic_105181-05)

VERSION: NetBackup-Solaris2.6 3.1.1GA

Class Name Hardware/OS

---------- -----------
bigbackup Sun4/Solaris2.6
bigbackup1 Sun4/Solaris2.6
bigbackup2 Sun4/Solaris2.6
bigwillie# bpdbjobs -report
12 Backup Active bigbackup full bigwillie

bigwillie# bpgetconfig
SERVER = bigwillie
CLIENT_NAME = bigwillie
BUSY_FILE_DIRECTORY = /usr/openv/netbackup

bigwillie# bpcllist -allclasses -U

Class Name: bigbackup

Class Type: Standard

Active: yes
Client Compress: no
Follow NFS Mounts: no
Cross Mount Points: no
Collect TIR info: no
Block Incremental: no
Class Priority: 0
Max Jobs/Class: 99
Residence: L3500
Volume Pool: NetBackup
Keyword: (none specified)

HW/OS/Client: Sun4 Solaris2.6 bigwillie

Sun4 Solaris2.6 little_howie
Sun4 Solaris2.6 loko

Include: /file2

Schedule: full
Type: Full Backup
Frequency: every 7 days
Maximum MPX: 2
Retention Level: 1 (2 weeks)
Residence: (specific storage unit not required)
Volume Pool: (same as class volume pool)
Daily Windows:
Sunday 08:00:00 --> Monday 02:00:00
Monday 08:00:00 --> Tuesday 02:00:00
Tuesday 08:00:00 --> Wednesday 02:00:00
Wednesday 08:00:00 --> Thursday 02:00:00
Thursday 08:00:00 --> Friday 02:00:00
Friday 08:00:00 --> Saturday 02:00:00
Saturday 08:00:00 --> Sunday 02:00:00


Class Name: bigbackup1

Class Type: Standard

Active: yes
Client Compress: no
Follow NFS Mounts: no
Cross Mount Points: no
Collect TIR info: no
Block Incremental: no
Class Priority: 0
Max Jobs/Class: 99
Residence: L3500
Volume Pool: NetBackup
Keyword: (none specified)

HW/OS/Client: Sun4 Solaris2.6 bigwillie

Sun4 Solaris2.6 little_howie
Sun4 Solaris2.6 loko

Include: /file

Schedule: full
Type: Full Backup
Frequency: every 7 days
Maximum MPX: 2
Retention Level: 1 (2 weeks)
Residence: (specific storage unit not required)
Volume Pool: (same as class volume pool)
Daily Windows:
Sunday 08:00:00 --> Monday 02:00:00
Monday 08:00:00 --> Tuesday 02:00:00
Tuesday 08:00:00 --> Wednesday 02:00:00
Wednesday 08:00:00 --> Thursday 02:00:00
Thursday 08:00:00 --> Friday 02:00:00
Friday 08:00:00 --> Saturday 02:00:00
Saturday 08:00:00 --> Sunday 02:00:00


Class Name: bigbackup2

Class Type: Standard

Active: yes
Client Compress: no
Follow NFS Mounts: no
Cross Mount Points: no
Collect TIR info: no
Block Incremental: no
Class Priority: 0
Max Jobs/Class: 99
Residence: L3500
Volume Pool: NetBackup
Keyword: (none specified)

HW/OS/Client: Sun4 Solaris2.6 bigwillie

Sun4 Solaris2.6 little_howie
Sun4 Solaris2.6 loko

Include: /file5
Schedule: full
Type: Full Backup
Frequency: every 7 days
Maximum MPX: 2
Retention Level: 1 (2 weeks)
Residence: (specific storage unit not required)
Volume Pool: (same as class volume pool)
Daily Windows:
Sunday 08:00:00 --> Monday 02:00:00
Monday 08:00:00 --> Tuesday 02:00:00
Tuesday 08:00:00 --> Wednesday 02:00:00
Wednesday 08:00:00 --> Thursday 02:00:00
Thursday 08:00:00 --> Friday 02:00:00
Friday 08:00:00 --> Saturday 02:00:00
Saturday 08:00:00 --> Sunday 02:00:00


Class Name: infx

Class Type: Informix-On-BAR

Active: yes
Class Priority: 0
Max Jobs/Class: 99
Residence: (specific storage unit not required)
Volume Pool: NetBackup
Keyword: (none specified)

HW/OS/Client: Sun4 Solaris2.6 loko

Include: (none defined)

Schedule: Default-Policy
Type: Backup Policy
Maximum MPX: 1
Retention Level: 3 (1 month)
Residence: (specific storage unit not required)
Volume Pool: (same as class volume pool)
Daily Windows:
Sunday 00:00:00 --> Sunday 24:00:00
Monday 00:00:00 --> Monday 24:00:00
Tuesday 00:00:00 --> Tuesday 24:00:00
Wednesday 00:00:00 --> Wednesday 24:00:00
Thursday 00:00:00 --> Thursday 24:00:00
Friday 00:00:00 --> Friday 24:00:00
Saturday 00:00:00 --> Saturday 24:00:00



bigwillie# bpclclients
Hardware OS Client
--------------- --------------- --------------
Sun4 Solaris2.6 bigwillie
Sun4 Solaris2.6 little_howie
Sun4 Solaris2.6 loko

bigwillie# sgscan -v
s/dev/sg/c0t5l0: Tape (/dev/rmt/0): "EXABYTE EXB-8505SMBANSH20793"
/dev/sg/c0t6l0: Cdrom: "TOSHIBA XM-4101TASUNSLCD3424"
/dev/sg/c1t0l0: Changer: "ATL ATL7100 62400902.11"
/dev/sg/c1t1l0: Tape (/dev/rmt/1): "QUANTUM DLT7000 1E48"
/dev/sg/c1t2l0: Tape (/dev/rmt/2): "QUANTUM DLT7000 1E48"
/dev/sg/c1t3l0: Tape (/dev/rmt/3): "QUANTUM DLT7000 172D"
/dev/sg/c1t4l0: Tape (/dev/rmt/4): "QUANTUM DLT7000 172D"
/dev/sg/c1t5l0: Tape (/dev/rmt/5): "QUANTUM DLT7000 172D"
/dev/sg/c1t6l0: Tape (/dev/rmt/6): "QUANTUM DLT7000 172D"

APPLIES TO: Storage/NetBackup, AFO Vertical Team Docs/Storage




SYNOPSIS: NetBackup Quick Notes

* NetBackup Files
* Media Manager Files
* NetBackup Daemons
* Daemon Logging
* Media Manager Daemons
* Product Installation
* Useful NetBackup Commands
* Useful Media Manager Commands

** NetBackup Files

o Configuration - bpadm/xbpadm
class Class Configuration
config NetBackup Global Attributes
altname Alternate Client Names for Restores

o Errors
error Daily error logs

o Backup Images
images File Database
(classname)_(stime)_(backup_type) - backup image summary file
(classname)_(stime)_(backup_type).f - full listing of each file

BackupID recorded as (clientname)_(stime)

o Backup/Restore Job Information

jobs Completed & current job information

o NetBackup Media Use

media Media Database (Master & Slave Servers)

** Media Manager Files


o Configuration - tpconfig/xdevadm
ltidevs - Device Database (Master & Slave Servers)

o Volume Tracking - vmadm/xvmadm

volDB - Volume Database
poolDB - Pool Database

** NetBackup Daemons

o bprd - Request Daemon (Master Server only)

Responds to requests for restores, backup and archives
Started by:initbprd Stopped by: bprdreq -terminate

o bpdbm - Database Manager (Master Server only)

Manages config, error and file databases
Started by: bprd or initbpdbm Stopped by: bpdbm - terminate

o bpsched - Backup Scheduler (Master Server only)

Schedules backups, determines Storage Unit
Started by: bprd

o bpbrm - Backup/Restore Manager (Master and Slave Servers)

Manages client and media manager processes

o bptm - Tape Media Manager (Master and Slave Servers)

Manages transfer of images between client and storage device

o bpbkar - Backup/Archive Manager (UNIX Clients)

Generates Backup Images
Started by: bpbrm

o bpcd - NetBackup Client Daemon (UNIX Clients)

Allows NetBackup server daemons to start client programs
Started by: inetd Stopped by: completion of operation

** Daemon Logging

o NetBackup
To enable daemon logging create a directory with the name of the daemon
under /usr/openv/netbackup/logs. See readme in this directory for more
details. A restart of NetBackup only required when bprd logging is set.
o Media Manager
Create a directory /usr/openv/volmgr/debug/daemon and start Media
daemons with -v flag to commence logging. Remember to check
/var/adm/messages to identify problems with robot/tape hardware.

** Media Manager Daemons


o vmd - Volume Management Daemon

Manages Volume Database, provides ltid with the location of
requested volumes
Started by: vmd Stopped by: vmctrldbm -t

o ltid - Device Management Daemon (one per slave server)

Controls reservation and assignment of volumes
Started by: ltid Stopped by: stopltid

o avrd - Automatic Volume Recognition Daemon

Controls automatic volume assignment and label scanning
Started by: avrd Stopped by: kill {pid}

o txxd - Tape Device Daemon (one per host/robot)

Forwards ltid mount/unmount requests to robotic control daemon
Stopped by: kill {pid}

o txxcd - Tape Device Control Daemon (one per robot)

Processes mount/unmount requests from txxd
Started by: txxcd Stopped by: txxcd -t

All daemons will be started when ltid starts. stopltid stops only ltid,
and the robotics daemons (not vmd or robotics control daemons)

** Product Installation

o Unix File Amendments

/etc/services - NetBackup ports 13720-13783
Volume Manager ports 13701-13718
/etc/inetd.conf - bpcd & java interface server

o Driver installation
The SCSA (Generic SCSI) driver is required for robot control & fast
locate (DLT devices only). It is located under /kernel/drv/ using the
sg & sg.conf. On installation it also creates it's own device links
/dev/sg. Confirm correct loading of driver by running:-

modinfo |grep SCSA

** Useful NetBackup Commands

o Admin
initbprd - starts bprd & bpdbm
bpps -a - displays all NetBackup & Media Manager processes
bp.kill_all - kills all NetBackup & Media Manager processes
xbpadm (- commands) - X windows administrator interface
jbpSA - Java adminstrator interaface
bpbackupdb - Backup NetBackup Databases
bperror - Report errors
bpcllist - List classes
bpclinfo - Report class configuration
bpstulist - Report Storage Unit configuration
bpdbjobs - List backup jobs
support - Listing of System & NBU environment (redirect stdout to file)
bperrorcode - List short description of NBU error codes

o Image Reports/Control
bpimagelist - Report on backed up & archived images
bplist - Report on backed up & archived files
bpimmedia - Report on media status of backup image
bpverify - Verify tape image with File Database contents
bpduplicate - Create copy of backup image
bpexpdate - Image & Media expiration control

o Media Reports/Control
available_media - List all volumes in NBU Media Database
bpmedialist - Report state of media
bpmedia - Control state of media (freeze/suspend)
bplabel - Write NBU label on tape media

** Useful Media Manager Commands


o Admin
vmadm/xvmadm - Volume administration interfaces
vmoprcmd/xdevadm - Device administration interfaces
tpreq/tpunmount - Request media (un)mount
vmquery - Query Volume Database
vmchange - Change media information in Volume Database
vmadd - Add media to Volume database

o Configuration
tpconfig - Tape/Robot configuration
sgscan (-v) - Report devices responding to SCSI inquire via SCSA driver
scsi_command - Direct SCSI inquire command to specific device

APPLIES TO: Storage/NetBackup, AFO Vertical Team Docs/Storage


-----Original Message-----
From: John Pyle []
Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2002 12:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Veritas-bu] help...command

Most commands have the syntax of <command> -h to get the help for
Manpages for some of the commands will give you more detailed info. This is
in the Admin Guide for Unix and Windows, though not all commands are listed.
If there is a specific, or few commands you are looking for list them and I
tell you what I have found for each.

>>> laila aloui <> 5/14/2002 10:16:13 AM >>>


where can i find help about netbackup command ?

thanks in advance


examine patch: /usr/openv/patch/patch.history

How do I use an alternate media server for a restore?
The bp.conf file will need the following entry:
FAILOVER_RESTORE_MEDIA_SERVERS = <media server> <failover media server> <failover
media server> etc.
This also works if your media server hostname changes. I ran into a problem after
the a media server I use had its hostname changed. When I went to restore files
that were backed up under the media server's old name, the restore would fail
because the master couldn't connect to the media server by the old name.
Another way to look at the bp.conf entry is: FAILOVER_RESTORE_MEDIA_SERVERS = <old
media server name> <new media server name>
You can also use the FORCE_RESTORE_MEDIA_SERVER = fromhost tohost in the bp.conf.
Also you can refer to the "Server Independant Restores" section of the NetBackup
System Administrators guide.

tape drive errors


How do I move my policies/schedules from one NB server to another?

All of this information is located at /usr/openv/netbackup/db/class. The "class
directory" can be tarred up and moved to another server. How to:
1) On the old server, stop netbackup, then
cd /usr/openv/netbackup/db tar cvpf /tmp/class.tar class cd /tmp (binary ftp your
tar file to the new server)
2) On the new server, do the following:
stop netbackup cd /usr/openv/netbackup/db mv class class.last tar xvpf
/tmp/class.tar restart netbackup
Boom! You are in business.

berhub dengan loaded tape

view barcode rule
vmrule -listall -b

I can't speak for LTO2 to LTO3 but I have LTO1 & LTO2.

LTO1 media, once *written* in an LTO2 drive is no longer readable in an LTO1


LTO2 writes more efficiently on LTO1 tape, increasing the effective data
density,but the data is unreadable in and LTO1 drive.

I ended up building multiple storage units with different media types &
slowly added the denser media as a new media type to match.

There's a report that restores are media-type aware, too. I thought I could
"fake" my media on my long-term storage, using vmchange to convert my filled
offsite media to HCART2 so that it would read in my LTO2 drives. I've been
told that I would shoot myself in the foot on restores. While you can fake
convert empty media to a new media type, filled media would fail in restore.
Somewhere in the DB, says the report, if a restore is triggered, it says
"such-and-so file is on tape XX whick is HCART media". If vmchange was used
to "convert" the media type to HCART2, then the restore fails because the
media type doesn't match.

I haven't tried this yet - I should test it thoroughly - but it's a


How to prevent NBU from immediately using a medi a that failed before
MEDIA_ERROR_THRESHOLD to 0 is the best option for us, i.e. freezing
the tape immediately.
You can under INSTALLPATH/netbackup created the files

MEDIA_ERROR_THRESHOLD number of allowed errors

TIME_WINDOW in which number of errors occurs (number of hours)

If you put 0 the first file, the tape should get frozen at the first error
A Veritas tech gave me the following info.

The following files on the media server (server with attached tape drives)
can be used to set the time-window and error thresholds.

(create this file and add a value in hours. Default is 12 hours)

(create this file and add a value. Default is 2 - meaning 2 media errors
within TIME_WINDOW freezes media)

(create this file and add a value. Default is 2 - meaning 2 drive errors
within TIME_WINDOW freezes media)

Change bp.conf without restart

After changing the NetBackup master's bp.conf file, the bprdreq command can be
run. This command rereads the bp.conf, but only entries that affect the main bprd
process will be updated. It will not change the environments of existing
processes. For example, adding or changing SERVER entries will not be reread
using this command.

Use the following command to tell bprd to reread it's configuration:

# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bprdreq -rereadconfig

Note: This command will only detect and incorporate some bp.conf configuration
changes. Many NetBackup configuration changes, such as adding or changing a SERVER
entry, require a complete stop and start of the NetBackup daemons. If the bp.conf
configuration change does not take effect, then the NetBackup daemons must be
restarted. To do so, when no backups or restores are running, execute the

# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/netbackup stop
# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/netbackup start

Copies files from and to a netbackup client

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpgp from <client> <absolute path on client> <absolute
path on server>
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpgp to <client> <absolute path on server> <absolute path
on client>

directory listing
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpdir -M <client> <dir_name>

When system memory gets low, Solaris unloads unused drivers from memory and
reloads drivers as needed. Tape drivers are a frequent candidate for
unloading, since they tend to be less heavily used than disk drivers.
Depending on the timing of these unload and load events for the st (Sun),
sg (VERITAS), and fibre channel drivers, various problems may result. These
problems can range from devices "disappearing" from a SCSI bus to system

VERITAS recommends adding the following forceload statements to the

/etc/system file. These statements prevent the st and sg drivers from being
unloaded from memory.

forceload: drv/st
forceload: drv/sg

1. Determine if an sg driver is loaded by using the following command:

/usr/sbin/modinfo | grep sg

liat serial number di sso vmglob -listall -b

abiss add drive or robot

ltid -v

/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/ltid <args>

tpautoconf -sync
tpautoconf -a ajee

tpautoconf -t --> show TPAC45 IBM ULT3580-TD2 47Q0 1110219672 -1 -1 -1 -1

/dev/rmt/22cbn - -
ioscan -funC auth
report new & missing drive: tpautoconf -report_disc

nohup &

: untuk robtest
: tampilin semua drive termasuk yang ada tape atawa kagak
: perintah nya
: s d
: untuk move dari slot ke drive
: perintah nya m s10 d12 misalnya
: kalo dari drive ke drive ya
: perintahnya
: m d2 d3 misalnye
jessejo: trus?
: mt -f /dev/rmt/....... stat ---> harus muncul online
ss ---> show slot

show tape per pool

vmquery -pn <pool_name> | grep ID | wc -l

scan tape di sun solaris

cfgadm -al | grep tape

Before You Start Do the following to verify the right SG Driver. (The =
pre-indtyalled Solaris one will goof things up.)
1. Make copy of sg.conf and st.conf in the /kernel/drv
2. Determine if an sg driver is loaded by using the following command:
/usr/sbin/modinfo | grep sg
141 fc580000 2d8c 116 1 sg (SCSA Generic Revision: 3.4d)
153 fc7fa000 1684 49 1 msgsys (System V message facility)
3. Remove the existing driver:
/usr/sbin/rem_drv sg
4. Install or reconfigure the sg driver.
/usr/bin/rm -f /kernel/drv/sg.conf
b. To install the driver run the following command:
Once the driver has been installed, it is not necessary to reboot the =
system or run
the sg.install command during or after each system boot.
Build SG Drivers
5) cd /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/driver
/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/ all -mt 15 -ml 1
2) touch /reconfigure
3) Reboot! (init 6)=20
4) /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/sgscan all

tpconfig -add -drive -type hcart -path /dev/rmt/6mnb -asciiname Ultrium1

-index 0 -shared yes -drstatus UP -robot 2 -robtype tld -DRIVE 1

unable to sense robotic device 202


/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig -add -drive $drivendex -type hcart

-asciiname $drivename -altname $drivepath -drstatus UP -robot 0 -robtype
tld -robdrnum $drivenumber -multihost yes

hpux--buat instal device

/usr/sbin/insf -e

insf -e

mc �p /dev/rac/robot �r IDSM

/etc/exports --->isinya /harun

To Enable NFS Server Capabili

1. In the /etc/rc.config.d/nfsconf fi
and START_MOUNTD variables are set t
2. Issue the following command to run t
/sbin/init.d/nfs.server start
/sbin/init.d/nfs.client start

mount -F nfs /mnt


gzip -d -c ../rsaref20.tar.Z | tar xvf - -->bptm nyangkut

For Solaris 2.6 or previous use the following command:

ndd -get /dev/tcp tcp_close_wait_interval

For Solaris 7 or above use the following command:

ndd -get /dev/tcp tcp_time_wait_interval

For HP-UX 11 use the following command:

ndd -get /dev/tcp tcp_time_wait_interval
he command to set it to 1000 on Solaris 2.6 and previous versions is:
ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_close_wait_interval 1000

The command to set it to 1000 on Solaris 7 and0 later versions is:

ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_time_wait_interval 10000

The command to set it to 1000 on HP-UX 11 is:
ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_time_wait_interval 1000
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbpushdata -add

./create_nbdb -index /usr/openv/db/ -t /usr/openv/db/data -m/usr/openv/db/data

-datashareddir/db/data -server VERITAS_NB_hostname

ioscan -nfCtape

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpimagelist -d 01/01/2006 -e 01/31/2006 -U

liat isi tape

bpmedialist -mcontents -m H01458 -L

To make NetBackup start up automatically when

the system is restarted, the netbackup script found in
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies has been placed in /sbin/init.d,
with links to it placed in the /sbin/rc2.d directory.

Copying NetBackup K001netbackup script found in /sbin/rc1.d directory

to /sbin/init.d/K001netbackup.NBU_051206.11:18:16 for future reference.
Any local modifications to K001netbackup should be re-evaluated.

To make NetBackup shut down automatically when

the system is restarted, the netbackup script found in
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies has been placed in /sbin/init.d,
with links to it placed in the /sbin/rc1.d directory.

/etc/nsswitch.conf (name switch)

uname -imnprs -sun

count stracth pool tape

vmquery -pn Scratch -b | grep -iv none | wc -l

command check patch

swlist -l fileset|grep -i "libc cumulative patch"
swlist -x show_superseded_patches=true -l patch PHCO_29029
./NCVU -host_node master -conf master
./NCVU -host_node master -conf all_media_servers

./bpimmedia -mediaid F00200 --> ngeliat list image

for i in `ls *UBAK`; do sed 's/at-sn-billing-dev-05 /rleakagepdb1 /g' $i

> kuro; mv kuro $i; done

./bprecover -r -tpath /data/img_hqimux73 -dhost gtx-tdb2 -v

./bprecover -r -dpath /data/img_hqimux73 -dhost gtx-tdb2 -v
./bprecover -r -tpath <tape path>

./bpimport -id H00077 -s 11/01/2006 00:00:00 -e 12/01/2006 00:00:00 -L


aCC runtime: ERROR: _main() not called.

# NetBackup services #
bprd 13720/tcp bprd
bpdbm 13721/tcp bpdbm
bpcd 13782/tcp bpcd
vnetd 13724/tcp vnetd
vopied 13783/tcp vopied
bpjava-msvc 13722/tcp bpjava-msvc
bpjobd 13723/tcp bpjobd
NB_dbsrv 13785/tcp NB_dbsrv
# End NetBackup services #
# Media Manager services #
vmd 13701/tcp vmd
acsd 13702/tcp acsd
tl8cd 13705/tcp tl8cd
odld 13706/tcp odld
tldcd 13711/tcp tldcd
tl4d 13713/tcp tl4d
tshd 13715/tcp tshd
tlmd 13716/tcp tlmd
tlhcd 13717/tcp tlhcd
rsmd 13719/tcp rsmd
# End Media Manager services #

bpcd, vnetd ama vopied << deamon for client

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