Religion Exam Study Guide

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Exam 2 Study Guide The format of the exam will be more or less the same as the last exam.

The exam will cover materials from October 7 Medieval Scholasticism 1 through and including November 4 Billy Grahams Selected Sermons. Be able to identify, define, or describe the following: Scholasticism Anselm Peter Abelard and the sic et non method Thomas Aquinas Seven Sacraments Mysticism Avignon Papacy/Western Schism/Conciliar movement Julian of Norwich Examples of corruption or abuses in the late Middle Ages in society and the church Martin Luther Nature of Luthers religious struggle (with the righteousness of God) and its solution Council of Trent Catholic Reformation vs. Counter Reformation Anabaptists/Key Characteristics John Calvin Henry VIII Elizabeth I Via Media Puritans Thirty Years War/Peace of Westphalia/ Cuis regio, eius religio Enlightenment Deism/[Five] Common Notions of Religion Characteristics of Pietism John Wesley/Characteristics of Methodism Jonathan Edwards/Great Awakenings Billy Graham Know each of the primary texts use the reading questions to help you determine the central points of each. Be able to compare the different perspectives on such subjects such as: understanding of the human problem (i.e. sin and its consequences), how Christ brings a solution to the human problem, how humans receive the benefits from Christs work (i.e. understandings of grace, faith, etc.). You will need to focus on details sometime the theologians views only differ in minor ways and the details thus are essential in distinguishing them Think too about other possible areas of comparison again, the reading questions can guide you in this regard as well

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