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Magdaong, Ereno Dr.

Adiviso Assignment

June 13, 2013

NON- Enhanced CT scan of BOWEL OBSTRUCTION Dilated loops of fluidfilled small bowel, with a small amount of air. collapsed right colon and beak-shaped transition of the small bowel

NORMAL CT SCAN of the abdomen (1) Liver (2) Spleen (3) Pancreas (4) Gallbladder (5, 6) Left Adrenal Gland (7) Inferior Vena Cava (8) Aorta (9) Portal Vein (11) Ascending Colon (12) Descending Colon (14) Stomach

MR entertography Axial and coronal true-FISP images Decompressed ileum (A, arrow) and focal narrowing and twisting in the small bowel loop approximately 5 cm just deep to the stoma. Subsequent conversion to Brook ileostomy demonstrated an adhesion at this location (B, arrow diaphragmatic web-like stricture in the ileum (C, arrow) Plain Abdomen Xray of bowel obstruction

MRI and Mammogram of Breast Cancer

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