Mgt311 MGT 311 Week 3 Employee Portfolio Motivation Action Plan 2013

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Mgt311 2013 Week 3 Employee Portfolio: Motivation Action Plan

Determine the motivational strategy or strategies that would likely be most appropriate for each of your three employees on basis of their individual characteristics. Indicate how you would leverage their employee evaluations to motivate each of the three employees. Describe one or more of the motivational theories and explain how the theories connect to each of your selected motivational strategies.

Team Member Name

Summary of Individual Motivational Strategy and Action Plan Characteristics Not happy with his Job The biggest factor here is the Correlation with Exhibit 7-2 Theory Y Two-Factory Theory McClellands theory of needs: affiliation. Distributive theory justice Need for Relevant Theory

Xavier Jones

How Satisfied Am I with My Job survey with a score of 66 which indicates Xavier Jones is not particularly happy with his job because of The upper best

comparison of satisfiers and dissatisfies. Xavier has a personal need to socialize and be interactive with co-workers and customers, so when he works independently he is not satisfied. His perceived fairness and


solution here is to look more indepth at the current and



treatment of other employees by upper management.

see how we can improve their




employees like Xavier that their voices are being heard. Also, a sit down about possibilities in long-term career paths within the company as he is currently not aware of what our

company has to offer longterm.

Maddy is very goal oriented and Maddy Orrison lovers her job Maddy Orrision and is an allover well-rounded employee, however; additional strives to succeed within the company based on the goals she sets out.

McClellands theory of needs: Need for

achievement. Self-determination

management training may be needed before her next

Having the ability to set her own tasks and goals leaves her to feel more positive about her daily tasks and functions of her job. She feels a direct relationship with the type of work she performs and her personal core values. When we relay feedback to Maddy she continues to better her performance. High self-efficacy which leads her to have more confidence in her ability to perform her daily

theory Self-concordance Goal setting theory Self-efficacy theory

promotion as her score for Am I A Deliberate Decision Maker survey is on the verge of being low. She shows great potential with her effectiveness, output, and attitude her towards our



and the company.

tasks. When we relay feedback to Cody Cody Cody Postelle Postelle is a wellhe continues to better his Goal setting theory Self-efficacy theory

rounded employee who likes his job, a great attitude, and an effective worker. We should look into ways of improving his satisfaction with his job. A one on one sit down about potential career growth and promotional opportunity may help with this.

performance. High self-efficacy which leads him to have more confidence in his ability to perform his daily tasks.

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