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A HEGEL BIBLIOGRAPHY This selective bibliography is mainly of English-language material, although some items in French and German are

also listed. Printed out, the bibliography is about 40 pages long. Navigation: The bibliography is all on one page. After the list of contents, it is divided into 8 main sections, each with up to 20 headings. Each heading is preceded by @ plus a space. To find a heading, use the find facility on your browser, entering @ + space + the first words of the heading. To return to the top of the page, press Ctrl-Home. [ ] = date of writing or original publication

* = recommended + = introductory

Please e-mail suggestions for additions or improvements to Andrew Chitty, University of Sussex, England (home page) Last updated 13 Nov 2012 Contents GENERAL Introductions to Hegels work as a whole, by Hegel Introductions to Hegels work as a whole Commentaries on Hegels work as a whole Collections on Hegels work as a whole Historically influential views of Hegel Terminology and language Bibliographies Surveys of Hegel literature Journals of Hegel studies Hegel links TEXTS Translations of Hegels major works Translations of some of Hegels short pieces PRECURSORS: UP TO HERDER Indian and Eastern Philosophy and Hegel Greek philosophy in general and Hegel Forms and categories in Plato, Aristotle, Kant and Hegel Plato, Socrates and Hegel Plato and Hegel: political philosophies Aristotle and Hegel Aristotle and Hegel: political philosophy Christian theology in general and Hegel Neo-Platonism, Pseudo-Dionysianism and Hegel Paul, John, Marcion and Hegel Gnosticism and Hegel Aquinas and Hegel Hermeticism, German mysticism and Hegel: general Eckhart and Hegel Boehme and Hegel Hobbes and Hegel Spinoza and neo-Spinozism as influences on Hegel Spinoza and pantheism: Hegels critique Maimon and Hegel Rousseau and Hegel Political economists and Hegel

PRECURSORS: GERMAN IDEALISM German idealism and Hegel Kant and Hegel: general Kant and the Phenomenology Kants epistemology and metaphysics: Hegels critique Intellectual intuition from Kant to Hegel Kant on self-consciousness, apperception and the transcendental deduction: Hegels critique Kants dialectic and antinomies: Hegels critique Kants ethics and theory of will and freedom: Hegels critique of it in general Kants ethics: Hegels critique of its formalism Schiller and Hegel Fichte: general Fichte: metaphysics and relation to Kants first critique Fichte on consciousness and self-consciousness Fichtes ethics Fichtes philosophy of right (general) Fichtes distinction between right and ethics Fichte on recognition and intersubjecivity Fichte on property Fichte and Hegel: general Fichte and Hegel: recognition Romanticism and Hegel (Novalis, Schlegel) Schelling Schellings Philosophy of Nature Schellings early systems and Hegel Hlderlin and Hegel DEVELOPMENT OF HEGELS THOUGHT Biographies (intellectual) Early development as a whole (Stuttgart, Tbingen, Berne, Frankfurt, Jena) Stuttgart and Tbingen writings (1777-93) Berne and Frankfurt writings (1793-1800) Natural theology and the young Hegel Civil religion and the young Hegel Progressive theories of history and the young Hegel Jena writings (1801-06): general Jena writings: logic and metaphysics Jena writings: politics, ethics and religion Essay on Natural Law (1802-03) Natural law and Hegel Differenzschrift and Faith and Knowledge RECOGNITION AND INTERSUBJECTIVITY Recognition: the concept Recognition and intersubjectivity: histories Recognition in Plato and Aristotle Recognition in Fichte Life and love in Frankfurt, Jena and the Phenomenology Love in Hegels mature writings Recognition in Hegels work as a whole Recognition in the Jena writings (1801-1806) Recognition in the Phenomenology, master-servant relation Recognition in the Philosophy of Spirit (= Philosophy of Mind), universal self-consciousness Recognition in the Philosophy of Right Recognition in the Logic Slavery in Hegel Recognition and selfhood in Hegel Recognition and freedom in Hegel Marx on recognition Kojve (on recognition and in general)

Merleau-Ponty on recognition Sartre on recognition Heidegger on intersubjectivy, recognition and Mitsein Althusser on recognition Habermas on recognition Honneth on Hegel Fukuyama (on recognition and on end of history) Nancy on intersubjectivity and recognition Recognition in other 20th century writers Recognition and work Recognition and colonialism, Fanon Colonialism, racism and Hegel Recognition and feminism Recognition in international relations Honour vs. dignity Kohlberg, Mead and Dewey on recognition Strawson on recognition Honneths theory of recognition Politics of recognition, recognition of identities Recognition and redistribution (Honneth-Fraser debate) Recognition, work and class Self-esteem, self-respect, dignity Recognition as ontological Recognition as ethical Recognition theory: collections PHENOMENOLOGY OF SPIRIT Phenomenology: short introductions Phenomenology: introductory commentaries Phenomenology: advanced commentaries Phenomenology: commentaries on particular topics Phenomenology: collections Phenomenology: Preface Phenomenology: Introduction Method of the Phenomenology Transcendental argument and transcendental deduction in the Phenomenology Scepticism and Hegel, assumptions and foundations of the Phenomenology and Logic Immediate knowledge Structure of the Phenomenology Phenomenology: chs. 1-3 in general Sense-certainty, ch. 1 Sense-certainty: possible parallels to Hegels argument Perception, ch. 2 Force and understanding, ch. 3 Infinity in Hegel Inverted world Self-consciousness in the Phenomenology Desire and the body in the Phenomenology Recognition in the Phenomenology Master-servant relation Death in Hegel Labour in Hegel Stoicism, scepticism and the unhappy consciousness, ch. 4B Social epistemology in ch. 4 Observing reason Transition to spirit Spirit: texts Spirit: metaphysical interpretations Spirit: intersubjective and collective-subject interpretations Phenomenology: ch. 6 in general

Coherence of the Phenomenology, phenomenology and history Greek world and its inadequacy Antigone Tragedy in Hegel Legal status (Rechtszustand), Roman world, person and property in the Phenomenology Alienation in Hegel Enlightenment vs. faith Modernity and Hegel French Revolution Totalitarianism, authoritarianism, nationalism and Prussianism in Hegel Moral and political stance of the Phenomenology Phenomenology: ch. 7 Art in the Phenomenology Absolute knowing and the metaphysics of the Phenomenology, ch. 8 Phenomenology and logic, phenomenology and system LOGIC AND METAPHYSICS Logic: short introductions Logic: commentaries Logic: collections Logic: surveys of the secondary literature Dialectical method Logic: method and structure, dialectic, contradiction, speculation, form and content Logic: formalisations of dialectical logic Reason, understanding and intuition Sociality of reason Proposition (judgment), speculative proposition, language Being, nothing, becoming Essence Subjective logic Concept, the Concrete and abstract universality Identity and difference in Hegel Concrete universal in British idealism Metaphysics of Hegel, his account of the absolute: texts Metaphysics of Hegel: surveys Metaphysics of Hegel: theological interpretations - general Metaphysics of Hegel: theological interpretations: orthodox Metaphysics of Hegel: theological interpretations: spirit-monist, emanationist and panentheist Metaphysics of Hegel: theological interpretations: kenotic and christomorphic Metaphysics of Hegel: immanentist and pantheist theological interpretations Metaphysics of Hegel: conceptualist and panlogist interpretations Metaphysics of Hegel: dialogical interpretations Metaphysics of Hegel: non-metaphysical interpretations in general Metaphysics of Hegel: empiricist-realist interpretations Metaphysics of Hegel: positivist and category theory interpretations Metaphysics of Hegel: implicitly anti-realist interpretations Metaphysics of Hegel: hermeneutical interpretations Metaphysics of Hegel: Kantian interpretations Metaphysics of Hegel: transformed-Kantian interpretations Metaphysics of Hegel: epistemist-realist interpretations Metaphysics of Hegel: social-Kantian interpretations Metaphysics of Hegel: historical-relativist interpretations NATURE AND SUBJECTIVE SPIRIT (REALPHILOSOPHIE) Relation of Logic to Realphilosophie Nature and the natural sciences: general Mathematics and geometry in Hegel Ecology, environmentalism and Hegel Nature and the natural sciences: particular topics

Time Life in Hegels mature system, plant and animal subjectivity Subjective spirit: general Soul and feeling, anthropology Consciousness, self-consciousness and the I in the Philosophy of Spirit Universal self-consciousness in the the Philosophy of Spirit Theoretical spirit, intentionality, imagination Practical spirit Madness and Hegel POLITICS, ETHICS AND HISTORY Politics and ethics: texts Politics and ethics: introductions Politics and ethics: guides Politics and ethics: fuller commentaries Politics and ethics: collections Politics and ethics: early development Normative stance, the Doppelsatz (the rational is real), positive right vs. natural right, ethics and reason Philosophy of Right: method and structure Philosophy of Right and Logic Hartmann on the Philosophy of Right Pippin on Hegels social philosophy Freedom in Hegel: general Freedom and recognition in Hegel Freedom and determinism Freedom and free will as the basis of the Philosophy of Right, constructivism in Hegel Action in Hegel Reasons for action in Hegel Will: its logical structure Savigny (and the historical school of law) and Hegel Duty, desire and feelings in Hegel Abstract right Property and contract (general) Property and contract: recognition-centred accounts Human rights in Hegel Crime and punishment Morality (Moralitt) Principle of subjectivity or subjective freedom, individuality, autonomy, liberalism and Hegel Bifurcation Conscience and virtue Ethical life, i.e. Sittlichkeit Community and individual, sociality of the self in Hegel Social role and sense of self (Selbstgefhl) in Hegel Ethical substance: substantialist vs. intersubjective interpretations Social contract theory: Hegels critique Substantial will, objective will, universal will, substantial or objective freedom Family Feminism and Hegel Civil society: general System of needs, the economy Class in Hegel Law (Gesetz), legal theory, Roman law Bildung and education Contradictions of civil society State and constitution Democracy and monarchy in Hegel War and international relations in Hegel Civic humanism and other forms of republicanism in Hegel History (philosophy of): texts History (philosophy of): short introductions

History (philosophy of): commentaries and collections History as progressive, the cunning of reason History of philosophy Historical role of Hegels philosophy End of history in Hegel RELIGION AND ART Philosophy of religion in general Kant and Fichtes theology and Hegel Religion in the Phenomenology Natural religion Judaism and Hegel Christianity and Hegel, Hegels christology Trinitarianism in Hegel Religion and philosophy in general Religion and the state Art and aesthetics SUBSEQUENT PHILOSOPHERS AND HEGEL Schellingian critiques of Hegel Marx and Hegel Kierkegaard and Hegel Nietzsche and Hegel British Idealism (or British Hegelians) British idealism: ethical and political thought Whitehead and Hegel Freud, Lacan and Hegel Heidegger and Hegel French philosophers and Hegel Bataille and Hegel Kojve and Hegel Sartre and Hegel De Beauvoir and Hegel Levinas and Hegel Marxists on Hegel Wittgenstein and Hegel Adorno and Hegel Gadamer and Hegel Nancy and Hegel Irigaray and Hegel Habermas on Hegel, and on philosophy after Hegel Lyotard, postmodernism and Hegel Derrida and Hegel Analytic philosophy and Hegel McDowell on Hegel Brandom on Hegel @ GENERAL @ Introductions to Hegels work as a whole, by Hegel Hegel [1820s] Introduction to the Lectures on the History of Philosophy, tr. Knox and Miller, pp. 15-52 Berlin Introduction Hegel [1830] The Encyclopaedia Logic, tr. Geraets et al., 1-25 @ Introductions to Hegels work as a whole Soll, I. (1969) An Introduction to Hegels Metaphysics Singer, P. (2001) Hegel: A Very Short Introduction, originally published 1983 as Hegel, Past Masters Rockmore, T. (1993) Before and After Hegel: A Historical Introduction to Hegels Thought

Maker, W. (1994) Philosophy without Foundations: Rethinking Hegel Plant, R. (1997) Hegel: On Religion and Philosophy, The Great Philosophers Stern, R. (1998) G.W.F. Hegel in J. Teichman and G. White (eds.) An Introduction to Modern European Philosophy, 2nd. ed * Beiser, F.C. (2005) Hegel * Houlgate, S. (2005) An Introduction to Hegel: Freedom, Truth and History (2nd ed. of his Freedom, Truth and History, 1991) Schroeder , W.R. (2005) Continental Philosophy: A Critical Approach, ch. 1 Hegel James, D. (2007) Hegel: A Guide for the Perplexed @ Commentaries on Hegels work as a whole Findlay, J.N. (1958) Hegel: A Re-examination Mure, G.R. (1965) The Philosophy of Hegel Lauer, Q. (1971) Hegels Idea of Philosophy Rosen, S. (1974) G.W.F. Hegel: An Introduction to the Science of Wisdom Rotenstreich, N. (1974) From Substance to Subject: Studies in Hegel Taylor, C. (1975) Hegel, 5th (ed.) 1987 Hamacher, W. [1978] Pleroma: Reading in Hegel: The Genesis and Structure of a Dialectical Hermeneutics in Hegel, tr. 1998 Inwood, M. (1983) Hegel, Arguments of the Philosophers Rockmore, T. (1984) Hegels Circular Epistemology Hsle, V. (1987) Hegels System. Der Idealismus der Subjectivitt und das Problem der Intersubjectivitt [Hegels System: The Idealism of Subjectivity and the Problem of Intersubjectivity], 2 vols Pinkard, T. (1988) Hegels Dialectic: The Explanation of Possibility Pippin, R. (1989) Hegels Idealism: The Satisfactions of Self-Consciousness Berthold-Bond, D. (1989) Hegels Grand Synthesis: A Study of Being, Thought and History Stern, R. (1990) Hegel, Kant and the Structure of the Object Kainz, H.P. (1996) G.W.F. Hegel: The Philosophical System Redding, P. (1996) Hegels Hermeneutics Wallace, R.M. (2005) Hegels Philosophy of Reality, Freedom, and God @ Collections on Hegels work as a whole (Collections on specific subjects are under the relevant headings) Steinkraus, W.E. (1971) New Studies in the Philosophy of Hegel * MacIntyre, A. (ed.) (1972) Hegel: A Collection of Critical Essays * Inwood, M. (ed.) (1985) Hegel, Oxford Readings in Philosophy Lamb, D. (ed.) (1987) Hegel and Modern Philosophy Desmond, W. (ed.) (1989) Hegel and his Critics Hospers, J. (ed.) (1991) Hegel today, The Monist 74(3) * Stern, R. (ed.) (1993) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments, 4 volumes * Beiser, F.C. (ed.) (1993) The Cambridge Companion to Hegel Stewart, J. (ed.) (1996) The Hegel Myths and Legends Lamb, D. (ed.) (1998) Hegel, 2 vols Deligiorgi, K. (ed.) (2006) Hegel: New Directions Ashton, P. et al (2008) The Spirit of the Age: Hegel and the Fate of Thinking @ Historically influential views of Hegel Caird, E. (1883) Hegel, reprinted 2002, also available online McTaggart, G. (1901) Studies in Hegelian Cosmology Royce, J. (1919) Lectures on Modern Idealism Rosenzweig, F. [1920] Hegel und der Staat Mure, G.R. (1940) An Introduction to Hegel Popper, K. (1945) The Open Society and Its Enemies, 5th (ed.) 1966, vol. 2, ch. 12 @ Terminology and language (For Hegels own theory of language see Proposition (judgment), speculative proposition, language) Royce, J. (1901) Hegels terminology, Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology, vol. 1 (ed.) J.M. Baldwin Koyr, A. (1961) Note sur la langue et la terminologie hgliennes in his tudes dHistoire de la Pense Philosophique

Adorno, T.W. [1963] Hegel: Three Studies, ch. 3 Petry, M.J. (1981) Introduction to Hegel The Berlin Phenomenology, (ed.) Petry, sec. i The language Solomon, R. (1983) In the Spirit of Hegel, ch. 4a Geraets, T.F. et al (1991) The Encyclopaedia Logic * Inwood, M. (1992) A Hegel Dictionary Burbidge, J.W. (2001) Historical Dictionary of Hegelian Philosophy @ Bibliographies Weiss, F.G. (1973) Hegel: a bibliography of books in English arranged chronologically, in J.J. O Malley et al. The Legacy of Hegel Steinhauer, K. (1980, 1998) Hegel Bibliography, Parts 1 and 2 (Utterly comprehensive listing of works on and by Hegel published up to 1990, over 1000 pages long) The Encyclopaedia Logic (1991), tr. T.F. Geraets et al. (Has an annotated bibliography on the Logic) Houlgate, S. (1991) Freedom Truth and History (Has an annotated bibliography) * Inwood, M. (1992) A Hegel Dictionary (Has a bibliography covering the main areas of Hegels thought) * Beiser, F.C. (ed.) (1993) The Cambridge Companion to Hegel (Has another good bibliography) Harris, H.S. (1997) Hegels Ladder, vol. 2 (Has a 70-page bibliography on the Phenomenology) Stewart, J. (ed.) (1998) The Phenomenology of Spirit Reader (Has a bibliography on the Phenomenology) @ Surveys of Hegel literature Avineri, S. (1968) Hegel revisited, Journal of Contemporary History 3(2), reprinted in MacIntyre (ed.) Hegel 1972 (survey of interpretations of Hegels political philosophy from his death onwards) Schmidt, J. (1980-81) Recent Hegel literature: general surveys and the young Hegel, Telos 46 Schmidt, J. (1981) Recent Hegel literature: the Jena period and the Phenomenology of Spirit, Telos 48 Lewis, C. (1981) Recent literature on Hegels Logic, Philosophische Rundschau 28 Bienenstock, M. (1985) Hegels Jena writings; recent trends in research. Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 11 Ameriks, K. (1986?) Recent work on Hegel: the rehabilitation of an epistemologist?, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 46 Harris, H.S. (1987) Hegels science of experience, Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 15 @ Journals of Hegel studies The Owl of Minerva (US) Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain (Britain) Hegel-Studien (Germany) Hegel-Jahrbuch (Germany) Jahrbuch fr Hegelforschung (Germany) @ Hegel links Hegel.Net (maintained by Kai Frobe, Munich) Hegel Society of Great Britain Hegel Society of America @ TEXTS @ Translations of Hegels major works (The e-texts page gives a list of Hegel texts available online. The best sources for English translations are Hegel by hypertext and Carl Mickelsons Hegel text collection and These also have secondary literature) Three Essays 1793-95 [Tbingen, Berne 1793-95], tr. J. Dobbins and P. Fuss 1984 Early Theological Writings [Berne, Frankfurt 1795-1800], tr. T.M. Knox 1948, reprinted 1971 The Difference Between Fichtes and Schellings System of Philosophy (the Differenzschrift) [Jena 1801], tr. H.S. Harris and W. Cerf 1977. Available online: German text Natural Law [Jena 1802], tr. T.M. Knox 1975 Faith and Knowledge [Jena 1802], tr. W. Cerf and H.S. Harris 1977 System of Ethical Life and First Philosophy of Spirit [Jena 1802, 1803-4], tr. H.S. Harris and T.M. Knox 1979. Available online: System of Ethical Life The Jena System 1804-5: Logic and Metaphysics [Jena 1804-5], tr. J. Burbidge and G. di Giovanni 1986. Second Jena system

Hegel and the Human Spirit [Jena 1805-6], tr. L. Rauch 1983. Third Jena system. Available online: English text (in part) Phenomenology of Spirit [Jena 1807], tr. A.V. Miller 1977, or in a looser but more readable translation, as The Phenomenology of Mind, tr. J.B. Baillie 1910, revised 1931. Available online: German text, German text on a single page, Baillie translation, Baillie translation (alternative source) Spirit: Book Six of Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit, (ed.) D.E. Shannon, 2001 The Philosophical Propaedeutic [Nrnberg 1808-11], tr. A.V. Miller, 1986. Available online: Section on Phenomenology, Section on Logic Science of Logic [Nrnberg 1812-16, rev. Berlin 1831], tr. A.V. Miller 1969 pb, or in 2 volumes, tr. W.H. Johnston and L.G. Struthers 1929. Available online: German text part 1, part 2, Miller translation (extracts) Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences in Outline [Heidelberg 1817], tr. S.H. Taubeneck 1990. This includes the Encyclopaedia Logic, Philosophy of Nature and Philosophy of Mind Encyclopaedia Logic (also known as Shorter Logic) [Heidelberg 1817, rev. Berlin 1827, 1830], tr. T.F. Geraets et al. 1991 pb, or in a much worse translation, as Hegels Logic or The Logic of Hegel, tr. W. Wallace 1873, reprinted 1975, Available online: German text, Wallace translation Lectures on Logic, tr. C. Butler, 2008 Encyclopaedia Philosophy of Nature [Heidelberg 1817, rev. Berlin 1827, 1830] as The Philosophy of Nature, tr. A.V. Miller 1970, or, in a better translation with the German on opposite pages, in 3 volumes, tr. M.J. Petry 1970. Available online: German text, Taubeneck translation of 1817 edition Encyclopaedia Philosophy of Spirit [Heidelberg 1817, rev. Berlin 1827, 1830] as Hegels Philosophy of Mind, tr. W. Wallace 1894, republished with additions, tr. A.V. Miller 1971 pb. Also, with the German on opposite pages and an 1825 set of students lecture notes as an appendix, as Hegels Philosophy of Subjective Spirit, 3 volumes, tr. M.J. Petry 1978. Petry republished the section on Phenomenology, with the 1825 lecture notes interpolated between the paragraphs of Hegels text instead of the usual additions, as The Berlin Phenomenology 1981. Available online: German text, Wallace translation Lectures on the Philosophy of Spirit 1827-8, ed. R.R. Williams, OUP 2007 Lectures on Natural Right and Political Science [Heidelberg, 1817-18], tr. J.M. Stewart and P.C. Hodgson 1995 Philosophy of Right [Berlin, 1821] as Elements of the Philosophy of Right, tr. H.B. Nisbet 1991 pb or as Outlines of the Philosophy of Right tr. Knox and Houlgate 2008, preferable to the older translations as Hegels Philosophy of Right, tr. T. Knox 1952 pb, and, tr. Dyde 1897. Available online: Knox translation Lectures on the Philosophy of History [Berlin 1820s] as The Philosophy of History, tr. J. Sibree 1858, revised 1899, reprinted 1956 pb. The introduction is published separately, in much better translations than Sibrees, as Reason in History, tr. R.S. Hartman 1953, and as Introduction to the Philosophy of History, tr. L. Rauch 1988 pb; and also in a much fuller version as Lectures on the Philosophy of World History, Introduction: Reason in History, tr. H.B. Nisbet 1975 pb. Available online: Sibree translation of introduction Lectures on Aesthetics [Berlin 1820s], as Hegels Aesthetics, 2 volumes, tr. T.M. Knox 1979. The introduction is published separately as Introductory Lectures on Aesthetics, tr. B. Bosanquet 1886, reissued 1993 pb, and also as Hegels Introduction to Aesthetics, tr. T.M. Knox 9179. Available online: Knox translation of whole text Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion [Berlin 1821-31], 3 volumes, tr. P.C. Hodgson et al. 1984-87. Preferable to the older version, tr. E.B. Speirs and J.B. Sanderson 1895, reprinted 1968. Available online: Speirs and Sanderson translation (introduction) Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion: One-volume Edition, The Lectures of 1827 [Berlin 1827], tr. P.C. Hodgson et al. 1988. The 1827 version of the lectures extracted from the 3-volume edition Lectures on the Proofs of the Existence of God, tr. P.C. Hodgson 2007 Lectures on the History of Philosophy [Berlin 1820s], 3 volumes, tr. E.S. Haldane and F. Simson 1892-96, reprinted 1995 pb. A more accurate version of volume 3 is published as Lectures on the History of Philosophy: The Lectures of 1825-26. Volume 3: Medieval and Modern Philosophy, tr. R.F. Brown and J.M. Stewart 1990. The various introductions are translated separately as Introduction to the Lectures on the History of Philosophy, tr. T.M. Knox and A.V. Miller 1985 pb. Available online: Haldane and Simson translation (selections), (alternative source) Hegel: The Letters, tr. C. Butler and C. Seiler 1984 A reasonably complete edition of Hegels works in German is published by Suhrkamp as Hegel: Werke, 20 volumes pb. For online and CD versions, see @ Translations of some of Hegels short pieces Two fragments of 1797 on love [1797], Clio 8(2), 1979 Two fragments on the ideal of social life [1799-1800], Clio 10(4), 1981 The relationship of skepticism to philosophy [1801], in G. di Giovanni and H.S. Harris, tr. Between Kant and Hegel: Texts in the Development of Post-Kantian Idealism, 1985

On the nature of philosophical critique (1802), partly translated in M.N. Forster, Hegels Idea of a Phenomenology of Spirit, 1998, pp. 605-607 Aphorisms from the wastebook [1803-1806], Independent Journal of Philosophy 3, 1979 Who thinks abstractly? [1807-1808], in Kaufmann Hegel: Reinterpretation, Texts and Commentary, pp. 461465. Available online: German text, English text Reason and religious truth [1821], foreword to H. Hinrich Religion in its Inner Relation to Science, in F. Weiss (ed.) Beyond Epistemology: New Studies in the Philosophy of Hegel, pp. 227-244. Available online: German text Hegel, G.W.F. (2000) Miscellaneous Writings of G.W.F. Hegel, (ed.) J. Stewart @ PRECURSORS: UP TO HERDER @ Indian and Eastern Philosophy and Hegel Dubey, V.K. (2002) Absolutism: East and West: A Comparative Study of Sri Aurobindo and Hegel Herling, B.L. (2006) The German Gt: Hermeneutics and Discipline in the German Reception of Indian thought, 1778-1831 @ Greek philosophy in general and Hegel (See also Greek world and its inadequacy and Natural law and Hegel) Gray, J. (1958) Hegel and Greek Thought Heidegger, M. [1958] Hegel and the Greeks in W. McNeill (ed.) Pathmarks 1998 (Another English translation is available online) Riedel, M. [1967] Criticism of natural law theory, as ch. 4 of his Between Tradition and Revolution, tr. W. Wright 1984 Taminiaux, J. [1982] Hegel and Hobbes, in his Dialectic and Difference: Modern Thought and the Sense of Human Limits 1985 Taminiaux, J. (1984) Naissance de la Philosophie Hglienne de lEtat: Commentaire et Traduction de la Realphilosophie dIna (1805-1806), Introduction (Paris: Payot) De Laurentiis, A. (2000) Silenced subjecvity: remarks on Hegels view of Platos world, Studies in Practical Philosophy 2(1), p. 64-79 De Laurentiis, A. (2005) Subjects in the Ancient and Modern World: On Hegels Theory of Subjectivity @ Forms and categories in Plato, Aristotle, Kant and Hegel Mure, G.R.G. (1940) An Introduction to Hegel (Oxford), pp. 82-113 Wilson, J.C. (1968) Categories in Aristotle and Kant, in J. Moravcsik (ed.) Aristotle: A Collection of Critical Essays Rosen, M. (1982) Hegels Dialectic and its Criticism Jaeschke, W. (1981) Absolute Idee Absolute Subjektivitt. Zum Problem der Persnlichkeit Gottes in der Logik und in der Religionsphilosophie , Zeitschrift fr philosophische Forschung 35, pp. 385-416 @ Plato, Socrates and Hegel (See also Plato, Aristotle, Kant and Hegel on the forms and categories) Lectures on the History of Philosophy, section on Plato Philosophy of Right, references to Plato Plato, Timaeus Rosen, S. (1974) Self-consciousness and self-knowledge in Plato and Hegel, Hegel-Studien 9 Rose, R.E. (1978) Hegel, the Plato of the modern world, Southwestern Philosophical Studies Griswold, C. (1982) Reflections on dialectic in Plato and Hegel, International Philosophical Quarterly 22(3) Wartenberg, T.E. (1991) Hegels use of Socratic Method in the Phenomenology, Hegel-Jahrbuch Vieillard-Baron, J.-L. (1997) Platon et l idalisme allemand Ferrari, G.R.F. (1999) Platonic love in R. Kraut (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Plato Ware, RB (2000) Freedom as justice: Hegels interpretation of Platos Republic, Metaphilosophy 31(3) Sembou, E. (2006) The young Hegel on life and love, Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 53-54 @ Plato and Hegel: political philosophies Lectures on the History of Philosophy, section on Platos political philosophy Foster, M.B. (1935) The Political Philosophies of Plato and Hegel Inwood, M. (1984) Hegel, Plato and Greek Sittlichkeit, in Z. Pelczynski (ed.) The State and Civil Society @ Aristotle and Hegel

(With thanks to Vicky Roupa) (See also Plato, Aristotle, Kant and Hegel on the forms and categories) Lectures on the history of Philosophy, section on Aristotle Mure, G.R. (1940) An Introduction to Hegel Weiss, F.G. (1969) Hegels Critique of Aristotles Philosophy of Mind Findlay, J.N. (1971) Hegels use of teleology, in Steinkraus, W.E. (ed.) New Studies in the Philosophy of Hegel Aubenque, P. (1974) Hegel et Aristote, in J. d Hondt (ed.) Hegel et la pense grecque Santoro-Brienza, L. (1992) Aristotle and Hegel on nature: some similarities, Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 26 Wolff, M. (1992) Das Krper-Seele Problem. Kommentar zu Hegel Enzyklopdie(1830), #389 [The Body-Soul Problem: Commentary on Hegels 1830 Encyclopaedia, 389] Koninck, T. de and Planty-Bonjour, G. (eds.) (1992) La question de Dieu selon Aristote et Hegel, esp. essays by P. Aubenque, V. Dcarie and L. Ponton Ferrarin, A. (2001) Hegel and Aristotle Pendlebury, G. (2006) Action and Ethics in Aristotle and Hegel: Escaping the Malign Influence of Kant @ Aristotle and Hegel: political philosophy (See also Slavery in Hegel) Ilting, K.-H. (1963-4) Hegels Auseinandersetzung mit der aristotelischen Politik, Philosophisches Jahrbuch 71 Pinson, J.-C. (1988) Hegel et lempirisme dans lecrit sur le droit naturel de 1802-1803, Archives de Philosophie 51 Depew, D.J. (1992) The polis transfigured: Aristotles Politics and Marxs Critique of Hegels Philosophy of Right, in G.E. McCarthy (ed.) Marx and Aristotle: Nineteenth Century German Social Theory and Classical Antiquity Fawes, H. (1995) Lesclave, le travail et laction: Aristote et Hegel, Archives de Philosophie 58(1) Bull, M. (1998) Slavery and the multiple self, New Left Review 231 @ Christian theology in general and Hegel (See also Christianity, Hegels christology and Hegels metaphysics: theological interpretations) Sontag, F. (1962) Divine Perfection: Possible Ideas of God Dickey, L. (1987) Hegel: Religion, Economics and the Politics of Spirit 1770-1807 @ Neo-Platonism, Pseudo-Dionysianism and Hegel (Plotinus, Proclus, Pseudo-Dionysius, John Scotus Eriugena) (Also in their relation to Schelling) Hegel, Lectures on the History of Philosophy, section on neo-Platonism Plotinus, Enneads Proclus, The Elements of Theology Rist, J.M. (1967) Plotinus: The Road to Reality (Cambridge), pp. 38-54 Findlay, J.N. (1970) Towards a neo-neo-platonism, in his Ascent to the Absolute: Metaphysical Papers and Lectures Beierwaltes, W. (1973) The revaluation of John Scottus Eriugena in German Idealism in J.J. OMeara and L. Bieler (eds.) The Mind of Eriugena Vater, M.G. (1976) Schellings neo-Platonic system-notation, Ineinsbildung and temporal unfolding in R.B. Harris (ed.) The Significance of Neoplatonism + Kolakowski, L. (1978) Main Currents of Marxism, Vol. 1: The Founders, ch. 1 Gottfried, P.E. (1981) Hegel and Proclus: remarks on a problematic relationship, Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 56, pp. 263-271 ORegan, C. (1994) The Heterodox Hegel, ch. 2 The first narrative epoch: the immanent trinity Beierwaltes, W. (2002) The legacy of Neoplatonism in F. W. J. Schellings thought, International Journal of Philosophical Studies 10(4) @ Paul, John, Marcion and Hegel Souche-Dagues, D. (2000) Thinking Logos in Hegelianism, Philosophical Forum 31(3-4) @ Gnosticism and Hegel (See also Boehme and Hegel) Hanratty, G. (1984) Hegel and the Gnostic tradition: I, Philosophical Studies 30 Hanratty, G. (1986-87) Hegel and the Gnostic tradition: II, Philosophical Studies 31 ORegan, C. (2001) Gnostic Return in Modernity

Burbidge, J. (2002) The word became flesh or the orthodox Hegel, Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 45-46 Mitscherling, J. (1997) The identity of the human and the divine in the logic of speculative philosophy, in M. Bauer (ed.) Hegel and the Tradition: Essays in Honour of H.S. Harris Hanratty, G. (1997) Studies in Gnosticism and in the Philosophy of Religion @ Aquinas and Hegel Lakebrink, B. (1955) Hegels dialektische Ontologie und die thomistische Analektik Maritain, J. (1964) Moral Philosophy, an Historical and Critical Survey of the Great Systems , section on Hegel Lakebrink, B. (1984) Perfectio omnium perfectionum. Studien zur Seinskonzeption bei Thomas von Aquin und Hegel Brito, E. (1991) Dieu et lEtre daprs Thomas dAquin et Hegel Vieillard-Baron , J.-L. (1994) De Saint Thomas Hegel @ Hermeticism, German mysticism and Hegel: general (Hermes Trismegistus, Eckhart, Cusa, Bruno, Paracelsus, Boehme) Benz, E. [1968] The Mystical Sources of German Romantic Philosophy, tr. 1983 + Kolakowski, L. (1978) Main Currents of Marxism, Vol. 1: The Founders, ch. 1 Weeks, A. (1993) German Mysticism: From Hildegard of Bingen to Ludwig Wittgenstein, ch. 9 Magee, G.A. (2001) Hegel and the Hermetic Tradition, introduction available online @ Eckhart and Hegel Ekhart, Meister Eckhart: Selected Treatises and Sermons, (eds.) J.M. Clark and J.V. Skinner 1963 Lichtenstein, E. (1966) Zur Entwicklung des Bildungsbegriffs von Meister Eckhart bis Hegel Beriaschwili, M. (2001) Das einfache Eins-Werden des Menschen und Gottes bei Meister Eckhart und Hegel, Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch fur Antike und Mittelalter 5(1), pp. 71-95 @ Boehme and Hegel Lectures on the History of Philosophy, vol. 3, section on Jacob Boehme Haldane, E. S. (1897) Jacob Boehme in his relation to Hegel, Philosophical Review 6 Benz, E. [1968] The Mystical Sources of German Romantic Philosophy, tr. B. Reynolds and Eunice Paul 1983 Vieillard-Baron, J-L. [1971] Natural religion: an investigation of Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit, tr. J. Stewart in Stewart (ed.) The Phenomenology of Spirit Reader 1998 Walsh, D. (1994) The historical dialectic of spirit: Jacob Boehmes influence on Hegel, in R.L. Perkins (ed.) History and System: Hegels Philosophy of History (with Comment by E. von der Luft)) ORegan, C. (2002) Gnostic Apocalypse: Jacob Boehmes Haunted Narrative @ Hobbes and Hegel Natural Law, tr. Knox, pp. 59-70 Lectures on the History of Philosophy, The Lectures of 1825-1826, Volume 3, tr. Brown and Stewart, pp. 180-182 Strauss, L. (1936) The Political Philosophy of Hobbes (see end of ch. 4) Riedel, M. (1971) Nature and freedom in Hegels Philosophy of Right, in Pelczynski (ed.) Hegels Political Philosophy, reprinted as Laws of nature and laws of right, ch. 3 of Riedels Between Tradition and Revolution 1984 Siep, L. [1974] The struggle for recognition: Hegels dispute with Hobbes in the Jena writings, in J. ONeill (ed.) Hegels Dialectic of Desire and Recognition 1996 (originally in German in Hegel-Studien 9) * Taminiaux, J. [1981] Hegel and Hobbes, in his Dialectic and Difference: Modern Thought and the Sense of Human Limits 1985 (originally in French in Taminiauxs Philosophie et Politique) Peperzak, A.T. (1995) Hegel and Hobbes revisited, in A. Collins (ed.) Hegel on the Modern World Buchwalter, A. (1995) Hegel, Hobbes, Kant and the scientization of practical philosophy, in A. Collins (ed.) Hegel on the Modern World @ Spinoza and neo-Spinozism as influences on Hegel (Neo-Spinozism refers to the revival of Spinozistic thought by Herder, Goethe and Lessing in the 1780s) Spinoza [1677] Ethics Herder [1787] God: Some Conversations, Bobbs-Merrill, 1940 (esp. the third conversation; see also the introduction by F.H Burkhardt) Beck, L.W. (1969) Early German Philosophy: Kant and his Predecessors Bell, D. (1984) Spinoza in Germany from 1670 to the Age of Goethe Beiser, F.C. (1987) The Fate of Reason: German Philosophy From Kant to Fichte

Walther, M. (ed.) (1992) Spinoza und der deutsche Idealimus @ Spinoza and pantheism: Hegels critique (Including Hegels debates with those who accused him of atheism and pantheism) Phenomenology of Spirit 17 Science of Logic, tr. Miller pp. 536-40 (The philosophy of Spinoza and Leibniz), 580-1 Encyclopaedia Logic 151A Philosophy of Spirit 573 Lectures on the History of Philosophy, tr. Haldane and Simson, vol. 3 pp. 256-290 (on Spinoza) Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion, vol. 1, the section Of God Whittemore, R.C. (1960) Hegel as panentheist, Tulane Studies in Philosophy 9 Parkinson, G.H.R. (1977) Hegel, pantheism and Spinoza, Journal of the History of Ideas 38(3) Lauer, Q. (1982) Hegels Concept of God, ch. 6 The question of pantheism Yovel, Y. (1989) The Adventures of Immanence, ch. 2 Byrne, L. (1990) Hegels criticism of Spinozas concept of the attribute, in G. di Giovanni (ed.) Essays on Hegels Logic Solomon, R.C. (1978) The secret of Hegel (Kierkegaards complaint): a study in Hegels philosophy of religion, The Philosophical Forum 9(4) @ Maimon and Hegel Atlas, S. (1964) From Critical to Speuclative Idealism: The Philosophy of Salomon Maimon Beiser, F.C. (1987) The Fate of Reason: German Philosophy from Kant to Fichte, ch. 10 @ Rousseau and Hegel (See also Substantial will) (See also French Revolution) (See also Social contract theory: Hegels critique) (See also Freedom in Hegel) Phenomenology ch. 6B 3 Absolute freedom and terror Encyclopaedia Logic 163A Philosophy of Right 29R, 258R Philosophy of Spirit 435, 435A Lectures on the History of Philosophy, tr. Haldane and Simpson, vol. 1vol. 2 p. 115, vol. 3 pp. 400-402 Kelly, G.A. (1969) Idealism Politics and History: Sources of Hegelian Thought, pp. 336-342 Mthais, P. (1974) Contrat et volont genrale selon Hegel et Rousseau in dHondt, J. (ed.) Hegel et le Sicle des Lumires Riley, P. (1982) Will and Political Legitimacy, chs. on Rousseau and Hegel Fulda, H.F. and Horstmann (eds.) (1991) Rousseau, die Revolution und der junge Hegel Philonenko, A. (1991) Rousseau et Hegel: droit et histoire, in Fulda and Horstmann (eds.) Rousseau, die Revolution und der junge Hegel Fulda, H.F. (1991) Rousseausche Probleme in Hegels Entwicklung, in Fulda and Horstmann (eds.) Rousseau, die Revolution und der junge Hegel Wokler, R. (1993) Hegels Rousseau: the general will and civil society, Arachne 8, Gteborg; reprinted in Woklers Rousseaus Enlightenment: The Historical Contexts of his Social Thought, 1998 Ripstein, A. (1994) Universal and general wills: Hegel and Rousseau, Political Theory 22(3) Neuhouser, F. (2000) Foundations of Hegels Social Theory: Actualizing Freedom, chs. 1-2 De Laurentiis, A. (2003) The place of Rousseau in Hegels system, in D.A. Duquette (ed.) Hegels History of Philosophy: New Interpretations @ Political economists and Hegel (See also Civil society) Lukacs, G. [1948] The Young Hegel Chamley, P. (1963) conomie politique chez Stuart et Hegel Chamley, P. (1965) Les origines de la pense conomique de Hegel, Hegel-Studien 3 Avineri, S. (1972) Hegels Theory of the Modern State, first chs Plant, R. (1973) Hegel: An Introduction, 2nd ed. 1983 Plant, R. (1977) Hegel and political economy, parts 1 and 2, New Left Review 1034, revised and extended as Hegel on political economy, in Maker 1987 Plant, R. (1973) Hegel: An Introduction, 2nd ed. 1983 Cullen, B. (1979) Hegels Social and Political Thought

Dickey, L. (1987) Hegel: Religion, Economics and the Politics of Spirit, 1770-180, ch. 5 Waszek, N. (1988) The Scottish Enlightenment and Hegels Account of Civil Society Henderson, J. and Davis, J.B. (1991) Adam Smiths influence on Hegels philosophical writings, Journal of the History of Economic Thought 13 @ PRECURSORS: GERMAN IDEALISM @ German idealism and Hegel Seth Pringle-Pattison, A. (1882) The Development from Kant to Hegel, reprinted 2002, available online Henrich, D. [1973] Between Kant and Hegel: Lectures on German Idealism, tr. 2003 Ameriks, K. and Sturma, D. (eds.) (1995) The Modern Subject: Conceptions of the Self in Classical German Philosophy Kelm, D. and Zller, G. (eds.) (1997) Figuring the Self: Subject, Absolute and Others in in Classical German Philosophy Sedgwick, S. (ed.) (2000) The Reception of Kants Critical Philosophy: Fichte, Schelling, and Hegel Beiser, F.C. (2002) German Idealism: The Struggle Against Subjectivism, 1781-1801 Pinkard, T. (2002) German Philosophy 1760-1860: The Legacy of Idealism Beiser, F. (2005) Hegel @ Kant and Hegel: general (See also Bifurcation) (For specific areas see Kants epistemology and metaphysics: Hegels critique, Kants ethics and theory of will and freedom: Hegels critique and Kant and Fichtes theology and Hegel) Priest, S. (ed.) (1987) Hegels Critique of Kant Zimmerman, R.L. (2005) The Kantianism of Hegel and Nietzsche: Renovation in 19th-Century German Philosophy @ Kant and the Phenomenology Solomon, R.C. (1974) Hegels epistemology, American Philosophical Quarterly 11, reprinted in Inwood (ed.) Hegel Redding, P. (1996) Hegels Hermeneutics Kain, P.J. (2005) Hegel and the Other: A Study of the Phenomenology of Spirit Bristow, W.F. (2007) Hegel and the Transformation of Philosophical Critique @ Kants epistemology and metaphysics: Hegels critique (Also on the contrast between Hegels idealism and Kants in general) (See also specific sections) (See also Plato, Aristotle, Kant and Hegel on the forms and categories) (See also Kant and Fichtes theology and Hegel) (See also Proposition (judgment), speculative proposition, language) (See also Metaphysics of Hegel: Kantian interpretations) (See also McDowell on Hegel) (For Hegels general critique of the Kantian standpoint see Bifurcation and the standpoint of modern thought, Kants standpoint as a whole) Faith and Knowledge, A. Kantian Philosophy, esp. c. pp. 63-78 Phenomenology 235 Science of Logic, tr. Miller, pp. 35-36, 44-47, 56, 62-3, 489-490, 577-595, 789 Encyclopaedia Logic 40-60 Philosophy of Spirit 413-425 Lectures on the History of Philosophy, volume 3, section on Kant Maier, J. (1966) Hegels Critique of Kant Soll, I. (1969) An Introduction to Hegels Metaphysics, ch. 2 Smith, J.E. (1973) Hegels critique of Kant, Review of Metaphysics 26, reprinted in J.J. OMalley et al. Hegel and the History of Philosophy 1974 Solomon, R.C. (1970) Hegels concept of Geist, Review of Metaphysics 23, reprinted in MacIntyre (ed.) Hegel: A Collection of Critical Essays Sayers, S. (1985) Reality and Reason: Dialectic and the Theory of Knowledge, chs. 2-3 Ameriks, K. (1985) Hegels critique of Kants theoretical philosophy Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 46(1) Priest, S. (ed.) (1987) Hegels Critique of Kant, first six essays

Hartnack, J. (1987) Categories and things-in-themselves in Priest (ed.) Hegels Critique of Kant Pippin, R.B. (1987) Kant on the spontaneity of mind, Canadian Journal of Philosophy 17(2), reprinted in Pippins Idealism as Modernism: Hegelian Variations Rosen, M. (1988) From Vorstellung to thought: is a non-metaphysical view of Hegel possible?, in Henrich, D. and Horstmann, R.-P. (eds.) Metaphysik nach Kant?, reprinted in Stern (ed.) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments vol. 3 * Bird, G. (1987) Hegels account of Kants epistemology in the Lectures on the History of Philosophy, in S. Priest (ed.) Hegels Critique of Kant Pippin, R. (1989) Hegels Idealism, chs. 1, 2, and part 3 Stern, R. (1990) Hegel, Kant and the Structure of the Object * Guyer, P. (1993) Thought and being: Hegels critique of Kants theoretical philosophy, in F.C. Beiser (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Hegel McDowell, J. (1996) Mind and World McDowell, J. [2001] LIdealismo di Hegel come Radicalizazzione di Kant, in L. Ruggiu and L. Testa (eds.) Hegel contemporaneo: La ricezione americana di Hegel a confronto con la tradizione europe , 2003 @ Intellectual intuition from Kant to Hegel (Also called intuitive understanding) Kant, Critique of Judgment, 76-77 Schelling, F.W.J. [1802] Further presentations from the system of philosophy, tr. M. Vater, Philosophical Forum 31(4), 2001 (in Schelling) Hegel, Faith and Knowledge, pp. 88-90 Walsh, W. (1946) Hegel and intellectual intuition, Mind 55 Gram, M.S. (1981) Intellectual intuition: the continuity thesis, Journal of the History of Ideas 42 Walsh , W. (1982) Kant as seen by Hegel, in Vesey, G. (ed.) Idealism Past and Present Snow, D.E. (1987) F.H. Jacobi and the development of German Idealism, Journal of the History of Philosophy 25 Pippin, R. (1989) Hegels Idealism, ch. 4 Velkley, R.L. (1997) Realizing nature in the self: Schelling on art and intellectual intuition, in G. Zller (ed.) Figuring the Self: Subject, Absolute, and Others in Classical German Philosophy Westphal, K.R. (2000) Kant, Hegel, and the fate of the intuitive intellect, in S. Sedgwick (ed.) The Reception of Kants Critical Philosophy: Fichte, Schelling, and Hegel Vater, M. (2000) Intellectual intuition in Schellings philosophy of identity 1801-1804, in C. Asmuth (ed.) Schelling: Zwischen Fichte und Hegel Kreines, J. (2007) Between the bounds of experience and divine intuition: Kants epistemic limits and Hegels ambitions, Inquiry 53 @ Kant on self-consciousness, apperception and the transcendental deduction: Hegels critique (See also McDowell on Hegel, Hegels metaphysics: Kantian interpretations) (For Hegels own positive account, see Self-consciousness in the Phenomenology) Faith and Knowledge, A. Kantian Philosophy Science of Logic, pp. 577-595 Guyer, P. (1980) Kant on apperception and a priori synthesis, American Philosophical Quarterly 17 Dsing, K. (1983) Constitution and structure of self-identity: Kants theory of apperception and Hegels criticism, Midwest Studies in Philosophy 8, reprinted in Stern (ed.) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments vol. 3 Priest, S. (1987) Subjectivity and objectivity in Kant and Hegel in Priest (ed.) Hegels Critique of Kant * Pippin, R.B. (1989) Apperception and the difference between Kantian and Hegelian idealism, in G. Funke and T.M. Seebohm (eds.) Proceedings of the Sixth International Kant Congress, vol. II/2, 535-550, revised as ch. 2 of PippinsHegels Idealism Sedgwick, S. (1992) Hegels treatment of transcendental apperception in Kant, The Owl of Minerva 23(2) Sedgwick, S.S. (1993) Pippin on Hegels critique of Kant, International Philosophical Quarterly 33(3) De Nys, M.J. (1995) Self-consciousness and the concept in Hegels appropriation of Kant in A.B. Collins (ed.) Hegel on the Modern World Stern, D.S. (1995) Transcendental apperception and subjective logic: Kant and Hegel on the role of the subject, in A.B. Collins (ed.) Hegel on the Modern World McDowell, J. (2003) The apperceptive I and the empirical self: towards a heterodox reading of lordship and bondage in Hegels Phenomenology, Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 47-48, reprinted in K. Deligiorgi (ed.)Hegel: New Directions, 2006 Schulting, D. (2005) Hegel on Kants synthetic a priori in Glauben und Wissen, in A. Arndt (ed.) Glauben und Wissen, Dritter Teil (Hegel-Jahrbuch 2005)

@ Kants dialectic and antinomies: Hegels critique Encyclopaedia Logic 48 Science of Logic Pure Quantity, remark 2 (pp. 190-199), Quantitative infinity remark 2 (pp. 234-238) Sedgwick, S. (1991) Hegel on Kants antinomies and the distinction between general and transcendental logic, The Monist 74(3) Priest, G. (1995) Beyond the Limits of Thought @ Kants ethics and theory of will and freedom: Hegels critique of it in general (Including material focusing exclusively on ch. 5C and ch. 6C of the Phenomenology) (Also of Kants theory of freedom, will and morality; of Moralitt) (For Hegel on form and content, and critique of Kants formalism, see) (See also bibliography in Wood 1990 p273) (See also Action and will and Duty, desire and feelings in Hegel) Phenomenology of Spirit, ch. 5Cb, 5Cc, 6C Philosophy of Right 129-141 Good and conscience Bradley, F.H. (1927) Ethical Studies, 2nd ed., essay 4 Duty for dutys sake Reyburn, H.A. (1921) The Ethical Theory of Hegel, chs. 8-10 Ritter, J. [1956] Morality and ethical life: Hegels controversy with Kantian ethics in Hegel and the French Revolution: Essays on the Philosophy of Right Knox, T.M. (1957-58) Hegels attitude to Kants ethics, Kant-Studien 49, pp. 76-81 Maier, J. (1966) On Hegels Critique of Kant, relevant chapters Walsh, W.H. (1969) Hegelian Ethics, chs. 1-9 Shklar, J. N. (1974) The Phenomenology: beyond morality, Western Philosophical Quarterly 27, reprinted in Stern (ed.) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments, vol. 4 Gram, M. S. (1978) Moral and literary ideals in Hegels critique of the moral world-view, Clio 7: pp. 375-402, reprinted in Stewart (ed.) The Phenomenology of Spirit Reader Petry, M.J. (1983) Hegels criticism of the ethics of Kant and Fichte, in L. Stepelevich and D. Lamb (eds.) Hegels Philosophy of Action Priest, S. (ed.) (1987) Hegels Critique of Kant, relevant essays OHagan, T. (1987) On Hegels critique of Kants moral and political philosophy, in Priest (ed.) Hegels Critique of Kant Sedgwick, S.S. (1988) Hegels critique of the subjective idealism of Kants ethics, Journal of the History of Philosophy 26 Rawls, J. (1989) Themes in Kants moral philosophy, in E. Frster (ed.) Kants Transcendental Deductions Hoy, D.C. (1989) Hegels critique of Kantian morality, History of Philosophy Quarterly 6 Stern, P. (1989) On rational autonomy and ethical community: Hegels critique of Kantian morality, Praxis International 9(3) * Wood, A. (1990) Hegels Ethical Thought, chs. 8-9 Allison, H.E. (1990) Kants Theory of Freedom, ch. 10 sec. 2 Westphal, K.R. (1992?) Hegels critique of Kants moral world view, Philosophical Topics 19(2), pp. 133-17 + Wood, A. (1993) Hegels ethics, in F.C. Beiser (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Hegel Pippin, R.B. (1995) Hegel on the rationality and priority of ethical life, Neue Hefte fr Philosophie 35, pp. 95126, reprinted as Hegels ethical rationalism in Pippins Idealism as Modernism: Hegelian Variations 1997 @ Kants ethics: Hegels critique of its formalism (Including Hegels critique of Kants divorce of morality and feeling - see also Duty, desire and feelings in Hegel) (Including Hegel on form generating content in ethics) Phenomenology of Spirit, ch. 5C sec. c Natural Law, tr. T.M. Knox 1975, pp. 70-92, esp. 75-83 Philosophy of Right 135R Good and conscience Walsh, W.H. (1969) Hegelian Ethics, ch. 4 Ethical formalism Ameriks, K. (1987) The Hegelian critique of Kantian morality, in B. den Ouden (ed.) New Essays on Kant Sedgwick, S.S. (1988) On the relation of pure reason to content: a reply to Hegels critique of formalism in Kants ethics, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 49(1) Wood, A. (1989) The emptiness of the moral will, The Monist 72(3), reprinted in R. Stern (ed.) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments, vol. 4 * Wood, A. (1990) Hegels Ethical Thought, ch. 9 The emptiness of the moral law Pippin, R.C. (1991) Idealism and agency in Kant and Hegel, Journal of Philosophy 88

Pippin, R.C. (1991) Hegel, ethical reasons, Kantian rejoinders, Philosophical Topics 19(2), reprinted in Pippins Idealism as Modernism: Hegelian Variations Sedgwick, S. (1998) On the relation of pure reason to content: a reply to Hegels critique of formalism in Kants ethics, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 49 Wood, A. (1999) Kants Ethical Thought, ch. 3 sec. 7 Problems with FUL @ Schiller and Hegel Beiser, F.C. (2005) Schiller as Philosopher: A Re-examination @ Fichte: general (See also D. Breazeale, English Fichte bibliography in D. Breazeale and T. Rockmore (eds.) Fichte: Historical Contexts / Contemporary Controversies, 1994) (Each issue of the North Americans Fichtean Societys newletter Fichteana has a bibliography of recent work on Fichte. See also the societys bibliography of Fichtes works in English translation) Fichte [1790-99] Early Philosophical Writings, tr. D. Breazeale 1988, especially Some lectures concerning the scholars vocation Fichte, Introductions to the Wissenschaftslehre and Other Writings, tr. D. Breazeale 1994 Fichte [1794-95] The Science of Knowledge [Foundation of the Entire Wissenschaftslehre], trs. Heath and Lachs, 1-3 Fichte [1796-97] The Foundations of Transcendental Philosophy (Wissenschaftslehre) Nova Methodo , tr. Breazeale 1992 Fichte [1800] The Vocation of Man, sec. 2 Knowledge Fichte [1810] Outlines of the doctrine of knowledge, in The Popular Works of Johann Gottlieb Fichte, tr. W. Smith, 1889, available online Fichte, The Popular Works of Johann Gottlieb Fichte, tr. W. Smith, (ed.) D. Breazeale 1999. Introduction available online Copleston, F. (1963) A History of Philosophy. Vol. 7: Fichte to Nietzsche, section on Fichte Henrich, D. [1973] Between Kant and Hegel: Lectures on German Idealism, 2003, section 3 Fichte New studies in the philosophy of Fichte (1976) Idealistic Studies 6(2) (special issue on Fichte) Tabor, J. (1983) Transformative Philosophy: A Study of Sankara, Fichte and Heidegger Beiser, F.C. (1987) The Fate of Reason: German Philosophy from Kant to Fichte Jalloch, C.M. (1988) Fichtes Kant Interpretation and the Doctrine of Science Fichte and contemporary philosophy (1988) Philosophical Forum 19(2-3) (special issue on Fichte) + Wood, A. (1991) Fichtes philosophical revolution, Philosophical Topics 19 Breazeale, D. and Rockmore, T. (eds.) (1994) Fichte: Historical Contexts / Contemporary Controversies Breazale, D. (1993) Fichte and Schelling: The Jena period, in R.C.. Solomon and K.M. Higgins (eds.) (1993) Routledge History of Philosophy. Volume 6: The Age of German Idealism Seidel, G.J. (1993) Fichtes Wissenschaftslehre of 1794: A Commentary on Part 1 @ Fichte: metaphysics and relation to Kants first critique Lachs, J. (1972) Fichtes Idealism, American Philosophical Quarterly 91 Mandt, A.J. (1984) Fichtes idealism in theory and practice, Idealistic Studies 14 Taber, J. (1984) Fichtes emendation of Kant, Kant-Studien 75 * Philonenko, A. (1988) Fichte and the critique of metaphysics, Philosophical Forum 19(2-3) Reid, J.D. (2003) On the unity of theoretical subjectivity in Kant and Fichte, Review of Metaphysics 57 @ Fichte on consciousness and self-consciousness * Henrich, D. [1966] Fichtes original insight in D.E. Christensen et al. (ed.) Contemporary German Philosophy Vol. 1, 1982 Henrich, D. [1970] Self-consciousness: a critical introduction to a theory, Man and World 4(1), 1971 Pippin, R. (1988) Fichtes contribution in Philosophical Forum 19(2-3), revised as ch. 3 of his Hegels Idealism: The Satisfactions of Self-Consciousness, 1989 Neuhouser, F. (1990) Fichtes Theory of Subjectivity La Vopa, A. (2001) Fichte: The Self and the Calling of Philosophy Breazeale, D. (2005) Check or checkmate? On the finitude of the Fichtean self, in K. Ameriks and D. Sturma (eds.) The Modern Subject @ Fichtes ethics Fichte, J.G. (1798) The System of Ethics, trans. G. Zller and D. Breazeale 2005

+ Wood, A. (1999) The I as principle of practical philosophy, in S. Sedgwick (ed.) The Reception of Kants
Critical Philosophy: Fichte Schelling and Hegel, also available online Darwall, S. (2005), Fichte and the second person standpoint, International Yearbook of German Idealism, vol. 3 Breazeale, D. (2008), The first-person standpoint of Fichtes ethics, Philosophy Today 52(3-4) @ Fichtes philosophy of right (general) (Including the relation between ethics and right) Fichte, J.G. [1796-97] Foundations of Natural Right [Grundlage des Naturrechts nach Prinzipien der Wissenschaftslehre] part 1, 1-4 Fichte, J.G. [1798] System of Ethics in accordance with the Principles of the Wissenschaftslehre , tr. 2005 Philonenko, A. (1968) Thorie et praxis dans la pense morale et politique de Kant et de Fichte en 1793, 2nd ed. 1988 Renaut, A. (1986) Le systme du droit. Philosophie et droit dans la pense de Fichte Hsle, V. (1992) Zur Interpretation von Fichtes Theorie der Intersubjectivitt, in Fichtes Lehre von Rechstverhltnisse: Die Deduktion der 1-4 der Grundlage des Naturrechts und ihre Stellung in der Rechtsphilosophie Shell, S. (1992) A determined stand: freedom and security in Fichtes Science of Right, Polity 25 Williams, R.R. (1992) Recognition: Fichte and Hegel on the Other Ferry, L. [198?] Political Philosophy, vol. 2: The System of Philosophies of History, tr. F. Philip 1992 Radrizzani, I. (1993) Vers la fondation de lintersubjectivit chez Fichte. Des Principes la Nova Methodo Williams, R.R. (1994) The question of the other in the thought of Fichte, in D. Breazeale & T. Rockmore (eds.) Fichte: Historical Contexts/Contemporary Controversies * Martin, W.M. (1997) Idealism and Objectivity: Understanding Fichtes Jena Project Zoeller, G. (1998) Fichtes transcendental philosophy: The Original Duplicity of Intelligence and Will + Neuhouser, F. (2000) Introduction to Fichte, Foundations of Natural Right, tr. M. Baur Breazeale, D. and Rockmore, T. (2006) Rights, Bodies and Recognition: New Essays on Fichtes Foundations of Natural Right Beck, G. (2008) Fichte and Kant on Freedom, Rights, and Law James, D. (2010) Fichtes reappraisal of Kants theory of cosmopolitan right, History of European Ideas 36 James, D. (2011) Fichtes Social and Political Philosophy, ch. 1 (second entry) Nakhimovsky, I. (2011) The Closed Commercial State: Perpetual Peace and Commercial Society from Rousseau to Fichte @ Fichtes distinction between right and ethics Ferry, L. (1988) The distinction between law and ethics in the early philosophy of Fichte, Philosophical Forum 19(2-3) Neuhouser, F. (1994) Fichte and the relationship between right and morality, in D. Breazeale and T. Rockmore (eds.) Fichte: Historical Contexts/ Contemporary Controversies James, D. (2009), The relation of right to morality in Fichtes Jena theory of the state and society, History of European Ideas 35 @ Fichte on recognition and intersubjecivity Philonenko, A. (1966) La Libert Humaine dans la Philosophie de Fichte, 2nd ed. 1980 + Wood, A. (1990) Hegels Ethical Thought, ch. 4 Wolff, E.A. and Zaczyk, R. (1992) Fichtes Lehre vom Rechtsverhltnis: Die Deduktion der 1-4 der Grundlage des Naturrechts und ihre Stellung in der Rechtsphilosophie Shell, S. (1992) A determined stand: freedom and security in Fichtes Science of Right, section 1, Polity 25(1) Williams, R.R. (1995) The other: F.H. Jacobi and German idealism, in A.B. Collins (ed.) Hegel on the Modern World Franks, P. (1996) The discovery of the other: Cavell, Fichte and scepticism, Common Knowledge 5 Redding (1996) Hegels Hermeneutics, ch. 5 Hegels recognitive theory of spirit + Chitty, A. (1998) Recognition and social relations of production, section 1, Historical Materialism 2 Herbert, G.B. (1998) Fichtes deduction of rights from self-consciousness, Interpretation: A Journal of Political Philosophy 25(2) Fischbach, F. (1999) Fichte et Hegel: la reconnaissance, section on Fichte Moggach, D. (1999) Reciprocity, elicitation, recognition: the thematics of intersubjectivity in the early Fichte, Dialogue 38(2) Giassi, L. (2000) De la dduction fichtene la phnomnologie hglienne: le concept dintersubjectivit, in M. Beinenstock and M. Crampe-Casnabet (eds.) Dans quelle mesure la philosophie est pratique. Fichte, Hegel

Honneth, A. (2001) Die transzendentalen Notwendigkeit von Intersubjectivitt in J-C. Merle (ed.) Johann Gottlieb Fichte: Grundlage des Naturrechts Brinkmann, K. (2002) The deduction of intersubjectivity in Fichtes Grundlage des Naturrechts, in D. Breazeale and T. Rockmore (eds.) New Essays on Fichtes Later Jena Wissenschaftslehre Scribner, F.S. (2002) The subtle matter of intersubjectivity in the Grundlage des Naturrechts, in D.Breazeale and T. Rockmore (eds.) New Essays on Fichtes Later Jena Wissenschaftslehre Siemek, M.J. (2003) Fichtes und Hegels Konzept der Intersubjektivitt, Fichte-Studien 23 Nowak-Juchacz, E. (2003) Das Anerkennungsprinzip bei Kant, Fichte und Hegel, Fichte-Studien 23 Mather, R. (2003) On the concepts of recognition, Fichte-Studien 23 Gardner, S. (2005) Sartre, intersubjectivity, and German Idealism, Journal of the History of Philosophy 43 (see pp. 337-40) Wood, A. (2006) Fichtes intersubjective I, Inquiry 49(1) Ware, O. (2010), Fichtes voluntarism, European Journal of Philosophy 18 Nomer, F. (2010), Fichte and the relationship between self-positing and rights, Journal of the History of Philosophy 48(4) @ Fichte on property Neuhouser, F. (1994) Fichte and the relationship between right and morality, in D. Breazeale and T. Rockmore (eds.) Fichte: Historical Contexts/ Contemporary Controversies Perru, O. (1998) Rapports de droit et propriete selon Fichte, Revue Philosophique de Louvain 96(3), pp. 489-495 Patten, A. (1999) Hegels Idea of Freedom ch. 5 sec. 4 James, D. (2010) Fichtes theory of property, European Journal of Political Theory 9(2) James, D. (2011) Fichtes Social and Political Philosophy, ch. 1 @ Fichte and Hegel: general Science of Logic, tr. Miller pp. 77, 709 Lectures on the History of Philosophy, tr. Haldane and Simson vol. 3 pp. 479-506 Fichte Siep, L. (1970) Hegels Fichtekritik und die Wissenschaftslehre von 1804 Taylor, C. (1975) Hegel, ch. 1 Seidel, G.J. (1976) Activity and Ground: Fichte, Schelling and Hegel Solomon, R. (1983) In the Spirit of Hegel, chs. 1-2 Kelly, G. (1969) Idealism, Politics and History: The Sources of Hegelian Thought Seidel, G.J. (1976) Activity and Ground: Fichte, Schelling and Hegel + Beiser, F.C. (1993) Introduction: Hegel and the problem of metaphysics, in F.C. Beiser (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Hegel Houlgate, S. (1994) Hegel and Fichte: recognition, otherness and absolute knowing, The Owl of Minerva 26(1) @ Fichte and Hegel: recognition (See Recognition in the Jena writings) @ Romanticism and Hegel (Novalis, Schlegel) (For Schelling see Schelling) (For Hlderlin see Hlderlin and Hegel) Werner, A.S. (1980) Spirit and Politics in German Idealism and Romanticism: G.W.F. Hegel and Friedrich Schlegel Beiser, F.C. (1992) Enlightenment, Revolution and Romanticism: The Genesis of Modern German Political Thought 1790-1800 Beiser, F.C. (ed.) (1996) The Early Political Writings of The German Romantics Beiser, F.C. (2004) The Romantic Imperative: The Concept of Early German Romanticism Frank, M. (2003) The Philosophical Foundations of Early German Romanticism @ Schelling (Including Schelling on recognition) (See also Schellingian critiques of Hegel) Schelling, F.W.J. [1795] Of the I as the principle of philosophy, in The Unconditional in Human Knowledge: Four Early Essays (1794-96), tr. F. Marti 1980 Schelling, F.W.J. [1795] Philosophical letters on dogmatism and criticism, in The Unconditional in Human Knowledge: Four Early Essays (1794-96), tr. F. Marti 1980

Schelling, F.W.J. [1800] System of Transcendental Idealism, tr. P. Heath 1978, introduction and part 1 available online (Williams 1997: see esp. pp. 160-174, the first exposition of freedom as intersubjective, following Fichtes hints in GNR) + Schelling, F.W.J. [1801] Presentation of my system of philosophy, tr. M. Vater, Philosophical Forum 31(4), 2001 Schelling, F.W.J. [1802] Further presentations from the system of philosophy, tr. M. Vater, Philosophical Forum 31(4), 2001 (co-authored by Hegel) Schelling, F.W.J. [1809] Philosophical Investigations into the Nature of Human Freedom, tr. 2002; also as Of Human Freedom, tr. J. Gutmann 1936 Schelling, F.W.J. [1833-34] On the History of Modern Philosophy, tr. A. Bowie 1994 Feuerbach, L. [1839] Towards a critique of Hegels philosophy in L.S. Stepelevich (ed.) The Young Hegelians 1983, pp. 116-120, reprinted in Stern (ed.) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments vol. 1, c. pp. 118-122 Heidegger [19?] Schellings Treatise on the Essence of Human Freedom, Ohio University Press, c. p. 163 + Cerf, W. (1977) Speculative philosophy and intellectual intuition, secs 1-3, in Harris and Cerf (eds.) The Difference Between Fichtes and Schellings System of Philosophy Marx, W. (1984) The Philosophy of F.W.J. Schelling: History, System, Freedom White, A. (1983) Schelling: An Introduction to the System of Freedom Bowie, A. (1990) Aesthetics and Subjectivity: from Kant to Nietzsche, 2nd ed. 2002, ch. on Schelling Bowie, A. (1993) Schelling and Modern European Philosophy: An Introduction Snow, D.E. (1996) Schelling and the End of Idealism Williams, R.R. (1997) Hegels Ethics of Recognition, ch. 2 Recognition in Fichte and Schelling (Better on Schelling than Fichte) [1] + Horstmann, R.-P. (2000) The early philosophy of Fichte and Schelling, in K. Ameriks (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to German Idealism Beierwaltes W. (2002) The legacy of Neoplatonism in F. W. J. Schellings thought, International Journal of Philosophical Studies 10(4) Lawrence, J.P. (2003) Spinoza in Schelling: appropriation through critique, Idealistic Studies 33(2-3) @ Schellings Philosophy of Nature Schelling, F.W.J. [1797] Ideas for a Philosophy of Nature, tr. E. Harris and P. Heath 1988 Schelling, F.W.J. [1799] First Outline of a System of the Philosophy of Nature, tr. K.R. Peterson 2004 Schelling, F.W.J. [1800] System of Transcendental Idealism, tr. P. Heath 1978, pp. 83-133 @ Schellings early systems and Hegel (See also Schellingian critique of Hegel) Nauen, F. G. (1971) Revolution, Idealism and Human Freedom: Schelling, Holderlin and Hegel and the Crisis of Early German Idealism Seidel, G.J. (1976) Activity and Ground: Fichte, Schelling and Hegel Solomon, R. (1983) In the Spirit of Hegel, chs. 1-2 @ Hlderlin and Hegel @ Hoelderlin and Hegel Hlderlin, F., Friedrich Hlderlin. Essays and Letters on Theory, ed. T. Pfau, 1988 Henrich, D. [1965-66] Hlderlin on judgment and being, in his The Course of Remembrance and Other Essays on Hlderlin, 1997 Henrich, D. [1967] Hegel and Hlderlin, in his The Course of Remembrance and Other Essays on Hlderlin, 1997 Henrich, D. (1970) Some historical presuppositions of Hegels system, in D.E. Christensen (ed.) Hegel and the Philosophy of Religion:The Wofford Symposium Nauen, F. G. (1971) Revolution, Idealism and Human Freedom: Schelling, Holderlin and Hegel and the Crisis of Early German Idealism Henrich, D. [1973] The place of Hlderlins Judgment and Being, in his Between Kant and Hegel: Lectures on German Idealism, 2003 Olson, A.M. (1982) Renunciation and metaphysics: an examination of dialectic in Hlderlin and Hegel during their Frankfurt period, Man and World 15(2) Frster, E. (1995) To lend wings to physics once again: Hlderlin and the Oldest System Programme of German Idealism, European Journal of Philosophy 3 Henrich, D. (1997) Hlderlin in Jena, in his The Course of Remembrance and Other Essays on Hlderlin @ DEVELOPMENT OF HEGELS THOUGHT

@ Biographies (intellectual) Rosenkranz, K. [1844] Georg Wilhem Friedrich Hegels Leben, reprinted 1969 Haym, R. [1852] Hegel und seine Zeit, reprinted 1962 Kaufmann, W. (1965) Hegel: Reinterpretation, Texts and Commentary Althaus, H. [1992] Hegel: An Intellectual Biography, tr. 2000 Pinkard, T. (2000) Hegel: A Biography @ Early development as a whole (Stuttgart, Tbingen, Berne, Frankfurt, Jena) Haering, T. (1929) Hegel, sein Wollen und sein Werk Hyppolite, J. [1948] Introduction to Hegels Philosophy of History, tr. 1996 Lukacs, G. [1948] The Young Hegel Asveld, P. (1953) La Pense Religieuse du jeune Hegel * Harris, H.E. (1972) Hegels Development I: Towards the Sunlight (1770-1801) Plant, R. (1973) Hegel: An Introduction, 2nd ed. 1983 * Harris, H.E. (1983) Hegels Development II: Night Thoughts (Jena 1801-1806) Dickey, L. (1987) Hegel: Religion, Economics and the Politics of Spirit, 1770-1807 Wylleman, A. (ed.) (1989) Hegel on the Ethical Life, Religion and Philosophy (1793-1807) + Harris, H.S. (1993) Hegels intellectual development to 1807, in F.C. Beiser (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Hegel Crites, S. (1998) Dialectic and Gospel in the Development of Hegels Thinking @ Stuttgart and Tbingen writings (1777-93) Lukacs, G. [1948] The Young Hegel, ch. 1 Lacorte, C. (1959) Il Primo Hegel * Harris, H.E. (1972) Hegels Development I: Towards the Sunlight (1770-1801), chs. 1-2 Plant, R. (1973) Hegel: An Introduction, 2nd ed. 1983, ch. 1 Althaus, H. [1992] Hegel: An Intellectual Biography, tr. M. Tarsh 2000, ch. 2 Pinkard (2000) Hegel: A Biography, chs. 1-2 @ Berne and Frankfurt writings (1793-1800) Lukacs, G. [1948] The Young Hegel, chs. 2-8 Wahl, J. (1929) Le malheur de la conscience dans la philosophie de Hegel Kaufmann, W. (1954) Hegels antitheological phase, Philosophical Review 63 Kaufmann, W. (1960) The young Hegel and religion in his The Owl and the Nightingale: From Shakespeare to Existentialism, reprinted in MacIntyre (ed.) Hegel: A Collection of Critical Essays Walsh, W.H. (1963) Metaphysics, ch. 9, reprinted in Inwood (ed.) Hegel Kaufmann, W. (1965) Hegel: Reinterpretation, Texts and Commentary, ch. 1 * Harris, H.E. (1972) Hegels Development I: Towards the Sunlight (1770-1801), chs. 3-5 Young, W. (1972) Hegels Dialectical Method Plant, R. (1973) Hegel: An Introduction, 2nd ed. 1983, chs. 2-3 Taylor, C. (1975) Hegel, ch. 2 Schmidt, J. (1980-81) Recent Hegel literature: general surveys and the young Hegel, Telos 46, Winter 1980-81 + Solomon, R. (1983) In the Spirit of Hegel, ch. 3 Dickey, L. (1987) Hegel: Religion, Economics and the Politics of Spirit, 1770-180, introduction, chs. 1-4 Althaus, H. [1992] Hegel: An Intellectual Biography, tr. M. Tarsh 2000, chs. 2-4 Bondeli, M. (ed.) (1999) Hegels Denkenentwicklung in der Berner und Frankfurter Zeit + Pinkard (2000) Hegel: A Biography, chs. 3-4 Adams, G.P. (1910) The Mystical Element in Hegels Early Theological Writings, reprinted 2005 @ Natural theology and the young Hegel (This is the attempt to establish the existence and properties of God and the essential doctrines of religion on the basis of reason) (See also Kant and Fichtes theology and Hegel) Rousseau, J.J. [1762] Emile, book 4 Reimarus [1774-77] Fragments (originally published as Fragmente des Wolfenbuttelschen ungenannten) Lessing, G.E. [1779] Nathan the Wise Lessing, G.E. [1780] The Education of the Human Race Herder [1787] God: Some Conversations

Pfleiderer, O. [18?] The Development of Theology in Germany since Kant @ Civil religion and the young Hegel Dickey, L. (1987) Hegel: Religion, Economics and the Politics of Spirit, 1770-1807, introduction Shanks, A. (1991) Hegels Political Theology @ Progressive theories of history and the young Hegel Lwith, K. (1949) Meaning in History Dickey, L. (1987) Hegel: Religion, Economics and the Politics of Spirit, 1770-180, chs. 1-2 @ Jena writings (1801-06): general (Jena systems refers to the logic and metaphysics of 1801-2 (largely lost), JS1 (1st Jena System, 1803-4: philosophy of nature, spirit), JS2 (2nd Jena System, 1804-5: logic, metaphysics, philosophy of nature), JS3 (3rd Jena System, 1805-6: philosophy of nature, spirit)) Schmidt, J. (1981) Recent Hegel literature: the Jena period and the Phenomenology of Spirit, Telos 48 Harris, H.E. (1983) Hegels Development II: Night Thoughts (Jena 1801-1806) @ Jena writings: logic and metaphysics The Jena System 1804-5: Logic and Metaphysics (second Jena system) Hyppolite, J. [1938] The concept of life and consciousness of life in Hegels Jena philosophy, in his Studies in Hegel and Marx, tr. 1969 Dsing, K. (1980) Idealistische Substanzmetaphysik. Problem der Systementwicklung bei Schelling und Hegel in Jena, Hegel-Studien Beiheft 20: Hegel in Jena Harris, H.E. (1983) Hegels Development II: Night Thoughts (Jena 1801-1806), ch. 1 The new logic and the old metaphysics @ Jena writings: politics, ethics and religion (For the Essay on natural law see Essay on natural law) (For recognition in these works see Recognition in the Jena writings) (For politics and ethics of the Phenomenology see Moral and political stance of the Phenomenology) Essay on Natural Law System of Ethical Life First Philosophy of Spirit (first Jena system) Hegel and the Human Spirit (third Jena system) Ilting, K.-H. (1963-64) Hegels Auseinandersetzung mit der aristotelischen Politik, Philosophisches Jahrbuch 71 Habermas, J. [1966] On Hegels political writings, in his Theory and Practice Kimmerle, H. (1970) Das Problem der Abgeschlossenheit des Denkens: Hegels System der Philosophie in den Jahren 1800-1804 Riedel, M. [1967] Criticism of natural law theory, as ch. 3 of his Between Tradition and Revolution, tr. W. Wright 1984 Horstmann, R.-P. (1972) Probleme der Wandlung in Hegels Jenaer Systemkonzeption, Philosophische Rundschau 19 Harris, H.S. (1979) Introduction to the System of Ethical Life, in System of Ethical Life and First Philosophy of Spirit, tr. H.S. Harris and T.M. Knox Kimmerle, H. (1980) Hegels lectures on natural law, in D.P. Verene (ed.) Hegels Social and Political Thought Rose, G. (1981) Hegel Contra Sociology * Harris, H.E. (1983) Hegels Development ll: Night Thoughts (Jena 1801-1806) Taminiaux, J. (1984) Naissance de la Philosophie Hglienne de lEtat: Commentaire et Traduction de la Realphilosophie dIna (1805-1806), Introduction (Paris: Payot) Bienenstock, M. (1985) Hegels Jena writings; recent trends in research, Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 11 Gerard, G. (1986) La fin du droit naturel Hegelien dIena selon les comptes rendus de Karl Rosenkranz et de Rudolf Haym, Revue Philosophique de Louvain 84:64 Dickey, L. (1987) Hegel: Religion, Economics and the Politics of Spirit, 1770-1807 Wood, A. (1990) Hegels Ethical Thought, ch. 7 Bienenstock, M. (1992) Politique du Jeune Hegel: Ina 1801-1806 @ Essay on Natural Law (1802-03) Essay on Natural Law

Riedel, M. [1967] Criticism of natural law theory, as ch. 3 of his Between Tradition and Revolution, tr. W. Wright 1984 Pinson, J.-C. (1988) Hegel et lempirisme dans lecrit sur le droit naturel de 1802-1803, Archives de Philosophie 51 Cruysberghis, P. (1989) Hegels critique of modern natural law, in A. Wylleman (ed.) Hegel on the Ethical Life, Religion and Philosophy (1793-1807) Bourgeois, B. (1986) Le droit naturel de Hegel (1802-03): Commentaire @ Natural law and Hegel (In his early and later political philosophy, and both classical natural law based on the idea of nature and modern natural law based on the ideas of freedom, will and reason; for the former see also Greek philosophy in general and Hegel, for the latter see also Freedom and free will as the basis of the Philosophy of Right ) (For Essay on Natural Law see Essay on Natural Law) (For Aquinas, see Aquinas and Hegel) Bobbio, N. [1966] Hegel e il giusnaturalismo, Rivista di Filosofia 57, pp. 379-407, tr. into German as Hegel und die Naturrechtslehre in M. Riedel (ed.) Materialien zu Hegels Rechtsphilosophie vol. 1, 1974 Ilting, K.-H. (1971) The structure of Hegels Philosophy of Right, in Z. Pelczynski (ed.) Hegels Political Philosophy Mitias, M.H. (1982) Hegels conception of law, Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia del Diritto 59 Burns, T. (1996) Natural Law and Political Ideology in the Philosophy of Hegel Fonnesu, L. and Henry, B. (eds.) (2000) Diritto naturale e filosofia classica tedesca @ Differenzschrift and Faith and Knowledge Wright, K. (1983) The identity of identity and non-identity, Idealistic Studies 13 @ RECOGNITION AND INTERSUBJECTIVITY (Recognition is acknowledging someone as something; intersubjectivity is the constitution of subjectivity or selfhood, or of a certain sort of self, or of a certain self-conception, through relations between subjects) (Constitutive recognition recognition that gives rise to intersubjectivity recognition that constitutes the recognised as a self or a certain sort of self . For this see headings with that phrase in them) (For Hegels concept of spirit and the sociality of the self see respectively Spirit and Community and individual, sociality of the self in Hegel) (For recognition in Hegels work as a whole, and for Fichte-Hegel comparisons on recognition, see Recognition in the Jena writings) (See also A social and political philosophy bibliography: Recognition) @ Recognition: the concept Cavell, S. (1976) Knowing and acknowledging, In Must We Mean What We Say: A Book of Essays Darwall, S.L. (1977) Two kinds of respect, Ethics 88(1) + Inwood, M. (1992) A Hegel Dictionary, entry on recognition Brandom, R.B. (2007) The structure of desire and recognition: self-consciousness and selfconstitution, Philosophy and Social Criticism 33(1), reprinted in H. Ikheimo and A. Laitinen (eds) Recognition and Social Ontology, 2011 Honneth, A. (2001) Recognition I: Invisibility: on the epistemology of recognition, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 75 Ikheimo, H. (2002) On the genus and species of recognition, Inquiry 45(4) * Ikheimo, H. and Laitinen, A. (2007) Analysing recognition: identification, acknowledgement and recognitive attitudes between persons, in B. van den Brink and D. Owen (eds.) Recognition and Power: Axel Honneth and the Tradition of Critical Social Theory @ Recognition and intersubjectivity: histories Theunissen, M. [1965] The Other: Studies in the Social Ontology of Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre and Buber, 2nd German ed. 1977, trans. 1984 Buber, M. (1965) The history of the dialogical principle, in Between Man and Man Trilling, L. (1969) Sincerity and Authenticity Roth, M.S. (1988) Knowing and History: Appropriations of Hegel in Twentieth Century France Taylor, C. (1989) Sources of the Self Honneth, A. [1992] The Struggle for Recognition, tr. 1995 Crossley, N.B. (1996) Intersubjectivity Todorov, T. (2001) Life in Common. An Essay in General Anthropology

Ricoeur, P. (2005) The Course of Recognition, part 3 @ Recognition in Plato and Aristotle Plato, Phaedrus, esp. 255d Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics 1166a31, 1170b6 Irwin, T.H. (1988) Aristotles First Principles, ch. 18 Karavakou, V. (2003) Friendship and recognition in Aristotle and Hegel, Philosophical Inquiry 25(3-4) @ Recognition in Fichte (See Fichte on recognition and intersubjectivity) @ Life and love in Frankfurt, Jena and the Phenomenology (See also Life in Hegels mature system) Hegel, The Spirit of Christianity and its Fate, Love , and Fragment of a System in Early Theological Writings Hegel, Two fragments of 1797 on love, Clio 8(2), 1979 Hegel, Phenomenology of Spirit, 169-172 Marcuse, H. [1932] Hegels Ontology and the Theory of Historicity, chs. 18-25 Hyppolite, J. [1936] The concept of life and consciousness of life in Hegels Jena philosophy, in his Studies in Hegel and Marx, tr. 1969 Pggeler, O. (1966) Die Komposition des Phnomenologie des Geistes, Hegel-Studien, Beiheft 3, reprinted in Fulda and Henrich (eds.) Materialien zu Hegels Phnomenologie des Geistes 1973, pp. 329-390 Gadamer, H.-G. [1973] Hegels dialectic of self-consciousness, in Hegels Dialectic: Five Hermeneutical Studies Harris, H.S. (1980) The concept of recognition in Hegels Jena manuscripts, Hegel-Studien, Beiheft 20, reprinted in J. ONeill (ed.) Hegels Dialectic of Desire and Recognition, 1996 Wright, K. (1983) Hegel: The identity of identity and non-identity, Idealistic Studies 13 Dsing, E. (1990) Genesis des Selbstbewutseins durch Anerkennung und Liebe: Untersuchungen zu Hegels Theorie der konkreten Subjektivitt, in L. Eley (ed.) Hegels Theorie des Subjektiven Geistes Freiberger, E.D. (1997) The Genesis of Hegels Concept of Life: A Translation of the 1803 and 1805 Jena Lectures on the Organic with an Historical Introduction and Commentary, dissertation, abstract available online Ormiston A. (2004) Love and Politics: Re-Interpreting Hegel Sembou, E. (2006) The young Hegel on life and love, Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 53-54 @ Love in Hegels mature writings Ikheimo, H. (2010) Making the best of what we are: recognition as an ontological and ethical concept, in H.-C. Schmidt am Busch and C. Zurn (eds) The Philosophy of Recognition: Historical and Critical Perspectives Ikheimo, H. (2011) Holism and normative essentialism in Hegels social ontology, in H. Ikheimo and A. Laitinen (eds) Recognition and Social Ontology @ Recognition in Hegels work as a whole Williams, R.R. (1992) Recognition: Fichte and Hegel on the Other Williams, R.R. (1997) Hegels Ethics of Recognition Pippin, R. (2008) Hegels Practical Philosophy: Rational Agency as Ethical Life , ch. 7 Hegelian sociality: recognitive status Anderson, S.S.C. (2009) Hegels Theory of Recognition: From Oppression to Ethical Liberal Modernity Sorensen, A. (ed.) (2009) Dialectics, Self-Consciousness, and Recognition: The Hegelian Legacy @ Recognition in the Jena writings (1801-1806) (Including discussions of how Hegel absorbed Fichtes practical philosophy, and specifically his conception of mutual recognition, from SEL through to PhG) (For ethics and politics in general in the Jena works see Jena writings (politics, ethics and religion)) (For recognition specifically in Phenomenology see Recognition and the master-servant relation in the Phenomenology) (For labour see Labour in Hegel) Hegel [1801] The Difference Between Fichtes and Schellings System of Philosophy, tr. H.S. Harris and W. Cerf 1977, pp. 142-9 Hegel [1802] Natural Law, second part Hegel [1802] System of Ethical Life, in System of Ethical Life and First Philosophy of Spirit, pp. 110-152

Hegel [1803-04] First Jena System (= First Philosophy of Spirit), in System of Ethical Life and First Philosophy of Spirit section B The negative, pp. 235-244 (also section C Real existence of the people, pp. 242-250, on social division of labour and property) Hegel [1805-06] Third Jena System, tr. as Hegel and the Human Spirit, pp. 110-120 (also pp. 120-127 on social division of labour, property and contract) Hegel [1820s] Lectures on the History of Philosophy, tr. Haladane and Simson, vol. 3 pp. 503-4 * Habermas, J. [1967] Labour and interaction: remarks on Hegels Jena Philosophy of Mind, in his Theory and Practice, tr. J. Viertel 1973 Theunissen, M. (1973) Die Verwirklichung der Vernunft. zur Theorie-Praxis Diskussion im Anschluss an Hegel, Philosophische Rundschau Beiheft 6 Siep, L. [1974] The struggle for recognition. Hegels dispute with Hobbes in the Jena writings, in J. ONeill , Hegels Dialectic of Desire and Recognition: Texts and Commentary, 1996 Siep, L. (1979) Anerkennung als Prinzip der Praktischen Philosophie: Untersuchungen zu Hegels Jenaer Philosophie des Geistes Harris, H.S. (1980) The concept of recognition in Hegels Jena manuscripts, Hegel-Studien, Beiheft 20, reprinted in J. ONeill (ed.) Hegels Dialectic of Desire and Recognition, 1996 Wildt, A. (1982) Autonomie und Anerkennung: Hegels Moralittskritik im Lichte seiner FichteRezeption [Autonomy and Recognition: Hegels Critique of Morality in the Light of his Reception of Fichte] Mercier-Josa, S. (1982) Combat pour la reconnaissance et criminalit, in D. Henrich and R.-P. Horstmann (eds.) Hegels Philosophie des Rechts Habermas, J. [1985] The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity, tr. 1990, lecture 2 Dsing, E. (1986) Intersubjektivitt und Selbstbewusstsein: behavioristische, phnomenologische und idealitische Begrundungstheorien bei Mead, Schutz, Fichte und Hegel Jurist, E.L. (1987) Hegels concept of recognition, The Owl of Minerva 19(1) Siep, L. (1992) Der Freheitsbegriff der praktischen Philosophie Hegels in Jena, in Sieps Praktische Philosophie im Deutschen Idealismus Honneth, A. (1992) Moral development and social struggle: Hegels early social doctrines, in A. Honneth et al. (eds.) Cultural-Political Interventions in the Unfinished Project of Enlightenment Williams, R.R. (1992) Recognition: Fichte and Hegel on the Other, ch. 4 The early Hegel and Fichte * Honneth, A. [1992] The Struggle for Recognition, trans. 1995, chs. 1-3 Beck, G. (1996) From Kant to Hegel: Johann Gottlieb Fichtes theory of self-consciousness, History of European Ideas 22(4) Williams, R.R. (1997) Hegels Ethics of Recognition, ch. 5 Recognition and right in the Jena manuscripts Fischbach, F. (1999) Fichte et Hegel: la reconnaissance Decker, K. (2001) Right and recognition: criminal action and intersubjectivity in Hegels early ethics, History of Political Thought 22(2) Redding, P. (2005) Fichtes role in Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit, Chapter 4 (paper to APA, Pacific Division, Annual Conference, San Francisco, March 25, 2005) , available online Clarke, J. (2009) Fichte and Hegel on recognition, British Journal for the History of Philosophy 17(2) Testa, I. (2012, forthcoming) How does recognition emerge from nature? The genesis of consciousness in Hegels Jena writings, Critical Horizons @ Recognition in the Phenomenology, master-servant relation (Including the section Evil and forgiveness) (See also Slavery in Hegel, and Labour in Hegel) (See also Recognition in the Philosophy of Spirit (= Philosophy of Mind)) (For relation to Aristotle see Aristotle and Hegel: political philosophies and slavery) Kojve, A. [1947] Introduction to the Reading of Hegel In place of an introduction Hyppolite, J. [19?] Le phnomne de la reconnaissance universelle dans lexprience humaine, in his Figures de la pense philosophique, 1991 Kelly, G.A. (1966) Notes on Hegels Lordship and bondage, Review of Metaphysics 19, reprinted in MacIntyre (ed.) Hegel: A Collection of Critical Essays, in Stern (ed.) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments vol. 3, and in Stewart (ed.)The Phenomenology of Spirit Reader Soll, I. (1969) An Introduction to Hegels Metaphysics, ch. 1 * Gadamer, H.-G. [1973] Hegels dialectic of self-consciousness, in Hegels Dialectic: Five Hermeneutical Studies + Taylor, C. (1975) Hegel, ch. 5 sec. 1 Siep, L. (1992) Zur Dialektik der Anerkennung bei Hegel, in his Praktische Philosophie im Deutschen Idealismus Norman, R. (1976) Hegels Phenomenology, ch. 3

Preuss, P. (1982) Selfhood and battle: the second beginning of the Phenomenology in M. Westphal (ed.) Method and Speculation in Hegels Phenomenology + Solomon, R. (1983) In the Spirit of Hegel, ch. 8 Flay, J. (1984) Hegels Quest for Certainty, ch. 4 and notes pp. 331-341 Neuhouser, F. (1986) Deducing desire and recognition in the Phenomenology of Spirit, Journal of the History of Philosophy 24(2) Jarczyk, G. and Labarrire, P.-J. (1987) Les premiers combats de la reconnaisance. Maitrse et servitude dans la Phnomenologie de lesprit de Hegel Gunn, R. (1988) Recognition in Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit, Common Sense 4 Pippin, R. (1989) Hegels Idealism, ch. 7 + Wood, A. (1990) Hegels Ethical Thought, ch. 4 Williams, R.R. (1992) Recognition: Fichte and Hegel on the Other, chs. 7-8 Pinkard, T. (1994) Hegels Phenomenology, ch. 3 Duquette, D. (1994) The political significance of Hegels concept of recognition in the Phenomenology, Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 29 Osborne, P. (1995) The Politics of Time, ch. 3 ONeill, J. (ed.) (1996) Hegels Dialectic of Desire and Recognition: Texts and Commentary Kain, P.J. (1998) Self-consciousness, the other and Hegels dialectic of recognition, Philosophy and Social Criticism Siep, L. (1998) Die Bewegung des Anerkennens in der Phnomenologie des Geistes, in D. Khler and O. Pggeler (eds.) G.W.F. Hegel: Phnomenologie des Geistes, Klassiker Auslegen, 2nd ed. 2006 Rauch, L. and Sherman, D. (1999) Hegels Phenomenology of Self-Consciousness: Text and Commentary, part 2 Williams, R.R. (1997) Hegels Ethics of Recognition, ch. 3 Recognition in the Phenomenology Sembou, E. (2003) Hegels idea of a struggle for recognition: the Phenomenology of Spirit, History of Political Thought 24(2) Williams, R.R. (2003) The concept of recognition in Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit in A. Denker and M. Vater (eds.) Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit: New Critical Essays * Houlgate, S. (2003) G. W. F. Hegel: The Phenomenology of Spirit, in R. Solomon and D. Sherman (eds.) The Blackwell Guide to Continental Philosophy, available online Pippin, R. (2004) Recognition and reconciliation: actualized agency in Hegels Phenomenology, in K. Ameriks and J. Stolzenberg (eds.) Internationales Jahrbuch des Deutschen Idealismus, vol. 2, reprinted in K. Deligiorgi (ed.) Hegel: New Directions, 2006, also in B. van den Brink and D. Owen (eds.) Recognition and Power: Axel Honneth and the Tradition of Critical Social Theory, 2007 Burke, V. (2005) Hegels concept of mutual recognition: the limits of self-determination, The Philosophical Forum 36(2) Beiser, F. (2005) Hegel, ch. 8 Solipsism and intersubjectivity Brandom, R.B. (2007) The structure of desire and recognition: self-consciousness and selfconstitution, Philosophy and Social Criticism 33(1), reprinted in H. Ikheimo and A. Laitinen (eds) Recognition and Social Ontology, 2011 Neuhouser, F. (2009) Desire, recognition, and the relation between bondsman and lord, in K. Westphal (ed.) The Blackwell Guide to Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit Houlgate, S. (2009) Why does the development of self-consciousness in Hegels Phenomenology make recognition necessary?, Archivio di Filosofia 77(2-3) * Quante, M. (2010) The pure notion of recognition: reflections on the grammar of the relation of recognition in Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit, in H.-C. Schmidt am Busch, H.-C. and C. Zurn (eds) The Philosophy of Recognition: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives Stern, R. (2012, forthcoming) Is Hegels master-slave dialectic a refutation of solipsism?, British Journal of the Histgory of Philosophy @ Recognition in the Philosophy of Spirit (= Philosophy of Mind), universal self-consciousness (For comparisons with the earlier writings see Recognition in Hegels work as a whole) Philosophy of Spirit 424-439 (in Hegels Philosophy of Mind, or in Philosophy of Subjective Spirit or The Berlin Phenomenology with accompanying lecture notes) Chitty, A. (1996) On Hegel, the subject and political justification, sections 2-4, Res Publica 2(2) Williams, R.R. (1997) Hegels Ethics of Recognition, ch. 4 Recognition in the Encyclopedia Philosophy of Spirit Chitty, A. (1998) Recognition and social relations of production, section 3, Historical Materialism 2 Ikheimo, H. (2000) Self-Consciousness and Intersubjectivity: A Study on Hegels Encyclopedia Philosophy of Subjective Spirit (1830), also available online Ikheimo, H. (2004) On the Role of Intersubjectivity in Hegels Encyclopaedic Phenomenology and Psychology, Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain, 49/50, pp. 73-95

@ Recognition in the Philosophy of Right (For recognition as a particular being in the Philosophy of Right see Social role and sense of self (Selbstgefhl) in Hegel) (For other specific areas see Recognition in abstract right, Freedom as social, freedom and recognition) (For Honneths view see Honneth on Hegel) Theunissen, M. [1982] The repressed intersubjectivity in Hegels philosophy of right, in D. Cornell et al. (eds.) Hegel and Legal Theory 1991 Tunick, M. (1992) Hegels Political Philosophy: Reinterpreting the Practice of Legal Punishment Williams, R.R. (1997) Hegels Ethics of Recognition, part 2 Recognition in the Philosophy of Right Patten, A. (1999) Hegels Theory of Freedom, chs. 4-6 * Patten, A. (2001) Social contract theory and the politics of recognition in Hegels political philosophy, in R.R. Williams (ed.) Beyond Liberalism and Communitarianism: Studies in Hegels Philosophy of Right * Pippin, R. (2008) Hegels Practical Philosophy: Rational Agency as Ethical Life Moyar, D. (2011) Hegels Conscience, ch. 5 Mutual recognition @ Recognition in the Logic (See also Metaphysics of Hegel: social-Kantian interpretations) (See also Concept and universal in Hegel, identity and difference) Westphal, M. (1980) Hegels theory of the concept, in W.E. Steinkraus and K.I. Schmidt (eds.) Art and Logic in Hegels Philosophy, reprinted in Stern (ed.) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments vol. 3 Hsle, V. (1987) Hegels System. Der Idealismus der Subjectivitt und das Problem der Intersubjectivitt [Hegels System: The Idealism of Subjectivity and the Problem of Intersubjectivity], 2 vols @ Slavery in Hegel (see also Aristotle and Hegel: political philosophy) Philosophy of Right 21R, 57, 66-7 Philosophy of Spirit 433A, 482 Hegel and American Slavery (1989) Special issue of Cardozo Law Review 10(5-6) Davis, D.B. (1975) The Problem of Slavery in the Age of Revolution, epilogue Patterson, O. (1982) Slavery and Social Death Smith, S.S. (1992) Hegel on slavery and domination, Review of Metaphysics 46 Bull, M. (1998) Slavery and the multiple self, New Left Review 231 Buck-Morss, S. (2000) Hegel and Haiti, Critical Inquiry 26(4) @ Recognition and selfhood in Hegel (Recognition by others as a necessary condition of self-consciousness or subjectivity) (See Self-consciousness in the Phenomenology) @ Recognition and freedom in Hegel (See Freedom as social, freedom and recognition) @ Marx on recognition (See A Marx bibliography: Recognition in Marx) @ Kojve (on recognition and in general) (See also End of history) Kojve, A. [1946] Hegel, Marx and Christianity, Interpretation: A Journal of Political Philosophy 11970 Kojve, A. [1947] Introduction to the Reading of Hegel, tr. J.H. Nichols 1969, esp. pp. 88-99 Kojve, A. and Strauss, L. (1991) On Tyranny, expanded edition Poster, M. (1975) Existential Marxism in Postwar France Descombes, V. [1979] Modern French Philosophy, ch. 1 Riley, P. (1981) Introduction to the reading of Alexandre Kojve, Political Theory 9(1) Goldford, D.J. (1982) Kojves reading of Hegel, International Philosophical Quarterly 22 Roth, M.S. (1983) A note on Kojves phenomenology of right, Political Theory 11(3) Roth, M.S. (1985) A problem of recognition: Alexandre Kojve and the end of history, History and Theory 24 Butler, J. (1987) Subjects of Desire: Hegelian Reflections in 20th Century France, ch. 1 and c. pp. 63-87 Roth, M.S. (1988) Knowing and History: Appropriations of Hegel in Twentieth Century France , ch. 5 Lynch, R.A. (2001) Mutual recognition and the dialectic of master and slave: reading Hegel against Kojve, International Philosophical Quarterly 41(1)

@ Merleau-Ponty on recognition Merleau-Ponty [1946] Hegels Existentialism, in his Sense and Non-Sense, tr. 1992 Schmidt, J. (1979) Lordship and bondage in Merleau-Ponty and Sartre, Political Theory 7(2) @ Sartre on recognition (See also Sartre and Hegel) Sartre [1943] Being and Nothingness, tr. H.E. Barnes 1956, pt. 3 ch. 1 sec. 4 The Look (pp. 252-302) (cf. the preceding commentary on Hegel, pp. 233-252), pt. 3 ch. 3 Concrete Relations with Others (pp. 361-433), pt. 4 ch. 2 sec. 3 Quality as a Revelation of Being (pp. 600-615) Sartre [1946] Anti-Semite and Jew Sartre [1946] Existentialism and Humanism Sartre [1947-48] Notebooks for an Ethics, tr. 1992, pp. 10-60, 470-560 Sartre [1961] Introduction to F. Fanon Wretched of the Earth Greene, N. (1960) Jean-Paul Sartre: The Existentialist Ethic + Warnock, M. (1967) Existentialist Ethics ch. 4 Theunissen, M. [1965] The Other: Studies in the Social Ontology of Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre and Buber, 2nd German (ed.) 1977, trans. 1984, ch. 6 Barnes, H. (1967) An Existentialist Ethics Schmidt, J. (1979) Lordship and bondage in Merleau-Ponty and Sartre, Political Theory 7(2) Anderson, T.C. (1979) The Foundation and Structure of Sartrean Ethics Jeanson, F. (1980) Sartre and the Problem of Morality Butler, J. (1987) Subjects of Desire: Hegelian Reflections in 20th Century France, ch. 2 Honneth, A. [1992] The Struggle for Recognition, trans. 1995, ch. 7, section on Sartre Anderson, T.C. (1993) Sartres Two Ethics Catalano, J.S. (1996) Good Faith and Other Essays: Perspectives on a Sartrean Ethics Gardner, S. (2005) Sartre, intersubjectivity, and German Idealism, Journal of the History of Philosophy 43 (3) @ Heidegger on intersubjectivy, recognition and Mitsein (See also Heidegger and Hegel) Gadamer, H.G. [1975] Subject and intersubjectivity, subject and person, Continental Philosophy Review 33(3), 2000 Dallmayr, F.R. (1980) Heidegger on intersubjectivity, Human Studies 3 Mazis, G.A. (1985) Co-being [Mitsein] and meaningful interpersonal relationship in Being And Time, Journal of the British Society For Phenomenology 16(3) Williams, R.R. (1989) Hegel and Heidegger, in W. Desmond (ed.) Hegel and his Critics Olafson, F.A. (1998) Heidegger and the Ground of Ethics: A Study of Mitsein Salem-Wiseman, J. (2003) Heideggers Dasein and the liberal conception of the self, Political Theory 31(4) Lewis, M. (2005) Heidegger and the Place of Ethics: Being-With in the Crossing of Heideggers Thought [1] @ Althusser on recognition (See A Marx bibliography: Althusser: on ideology, recognition and selfhood, interpellation) @ Habermas on recognition (See also Recognition in the Jena writings) Baynes, K. (2002) Freedom and recognition in Hegel and Habermas, Philosophy & Social Criticism 28(1) @ Honneth on Hegel Honneth, A. [1992] The Struggle for Recognition, tr. 1995, chs. 2-3 Honneth, A. (2000) Suffering from Indeterminacy: An Attempt at a Reactualisation of Hegels Philosophy of Right Honneth, A. [2001] The Pathologies of Individual Freedom: Hegels Social Theory, tr. 2010 Honneth, A. [2006] Das Reich der verwirklichten Freiheit. Hegels Idee einer Rechtsphilosophie, in Honneth, Das Ich im Wir, 2010 Honneth, A. (2008) From desire to recognition: Hegels account of human sociality, in D. Moyar and M. Quante (eds) (2008) Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit: A Critical Guide Honneth, A. (2009) Justice as institutionalized freedom: A Hegelian perspective, A. Sorenson (ed.) Dialectics, Self-Consciousness, and Recognition: The Hegelian Legacy Honneth, A. (2011) Das Recht der Freiheit @ Fukuyama (on recognition and on end of history)

Fukuyama, F. (1989) The end of history?, The National Interest 16, Summer 1989 Hirst, P. (1989) Endism, London Review of Books 11(22), 23 November 1989 Roth, M.S. (1991) Natural right and the end of history: Leo Strauss and Alexandre Kojve, Revue de Metaphysique et de Morale 3 Redding, P. (1991) Hermeneutic or metaphysical Hegelianism? Kojves dilemma, The Owl of Minerva 22(2) Fukuyama, F. (1992) The End of History and the Last Man Anderson, P. (1992) The ends of history in his A Zone of Engagement Miliband, R (1992) Fukuyama and the socialist alternative, New Left Review 192 Bertram, C. and Chitty, A. (eds.) (1994) Has History Ended?: Fukuyama, Marx, Modernity Burns, T. (ed.) (1994) After History? Francis Fukuyama and his Critics, esp. essay by Susan Shell Williams, H., Sullivan, D. and Matthews, G. (eds) (1997) Francis Fukuyama and the End of History ONeill, J. (1997) Hegel against Fukuyama: associations, markets and recognition, Politics 17(3) Anderson, P. (2006) Inside man, The Nation Elliott, G. (2008) Ends in Sight: Marx, Fukuyama, Hobsbawm, Anderson @ Nancy on intersubjectivity and recognition (And more generally on community) (See also Nancy and Hegel) * Nancy, J.-L. [1983] The Inoperative Community, tr. P. Connor et al 1991, ch. 1 Nancy, J.-L. [1988] The Experience of Freedom, tr. B. McDonald 1993 Nancy, LJ.-L. (1991) La comparution/the compearance: from the existence of communism to the community of existence 20(3) * Nancy, J.-L. [1996] Being Singular Plural in Being Singular Plural, tr. R. Richardson and A. OByrne 2000 Nancy, J.-L. (1993) The Birth to Presence Bernasconi R., On deconstructing nostalgia for community within the West: the debate between Nancy and Blanchot, Research in Phenomenology 23 Ingram, D. (1988) The retreat of the political in the modern age: Jean-Luc Nancy on totalitarianism and community, Research in Phenomenology 18 Devisch I. (2000) A trembling voice in the desert: Jean-Luc Nancys re-thinking of the space of the political, Cultural Values 4(2) Norris, A. (2000) Jean-Luc Nancy and the myth of the common, Constellations 7(2) George, T.D. (2003) The myth of the West interrupted: community and cultural difference in Nancys literary communism, International Studies in Philosophy 35(1) Rehberg, A. (2004) Exposures: Nancy and Heidegger on community, Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 35(3) @ Recognition in other 20th century writers Weber, M. [19?] Classes, status groups and power in W.G. Runciman (ed.) Weber: Selections in Translation, 1978 Bakhtin, M.M. [19?] Problems of Dostoyevskys Poetics Sorel, G. (19?) The ethics of socialism, in J.L. Stanley (ed.) From Georges Sorel: Essays in Socialism and Philosophy Buber, M. [1928] I and Thou Ricoeur, P. [19?] Oneself as Another, tr. 1992 Mead, G.H. (1934) Mind, Self and Society Mead, G.H. (1964) Selected Writings (ed.) A.J. Reck Frie, R. (1977) Subjectivity and Intersubjectivity in Modern Philosophy and Psychoanalysis Frank, M. (1991) Wider den apriorischen Intersubjektivismus: Gegenvorschlge aus Sartrescher Inspiration, in his Selbsbewutsein und Selbsterkenntnis: Essays zur analytischen Philosophie der Subjektivitt Dews, P. (1995) Modernity, self-consciousness and the scope of philosophy, in his The Limits of Disenchantment: Essays on Contemporary European Philosophy @ Recognition and work Recognition and Work, conference at MacQuarrie University, 2007 (audio links) @ Recognition and colonialism, Fanon Sartre, J.-P. [1946] Anti-Semite and Jew (original title: Rflexions sur la question juive) Fanon, F. [1961] The Wretched of the Earth, with introduction by Sartre Fanon, F. [1952] Black Skin, White Masks

Turner, L. (1996) On the difference between the Hegelian and Fanonian dialectic of lordship and bondage, in L.R. Gordon et al. (eds.) Fanon: A Critical Reader Liberman, K. (1999) The dialectics of oppression: a phenomenological perspective, Philosophy Today 43(3) Gibson, N. (2002) Dialectical impasses: turning the table on Hegel and the black, Parallax 8(2), 30-45 Chari, A. (2003) The limits of recognition: Fanon and Hegel, available online Oliver, K. (2003) Alienation and its double; or, the secretion of race in R. Bernasconi (ed.) Race and Racism in Continental Philosophy Chari, A. (2004) Exceeding recognition, Sartre Studies International 10(2) @ Colonialism, racism and Hegel McCarney, J. (2003) Hegels racism? a response to Bernasconi, Radical Philosophy 119 @ Recognition and feminism (See also Feminism and Hegel) (For de Beauvoir see De Beauvoir and Hegel) Benhabib, S. (1992) Situating the Self: Gender, Community and Postmodernism in Contemporary Ethics Meehan, J. (ed.) (1995) Feminists Read Habermas Fraser, N. (1995) From redistribution to recognition? Dilemmas of justice in a post-socialist age, secs. 1 and 2, New Left Review 212 Dean, J. (1996) Solidarity of Strangers: Feminism after Identity Politics Fraser, N. (2001) Recognition without ethics?, Theory Culture and Society 18(2-3) Yar, M. (2002) Beyond Nancy Frasers perspectival dualism, Economy and Society 30(3) Gauthier, J.A. (2006) Hegel and Feminist Social Criticism: Justice, Recognition and the Feminine @ Recognition in international relations Williams, R.R. (2000) Hegels Ethics of Recognition, ch. 14 Kochi, T. (2009) The Others War: Recognition and the Violence of Ethics @ Honour vs. dignity Berger, P. (1983) On the obsolescence of the concept of honour, in S. Hauerwas and A. MacIntyre (eds.) Revisions: Changing Perspectives in Moral Philosophy @ Kohlberg, Mead and Dewey on recognition Kohlberg (1969) Stage and sequence: the cognitive-developmental approach to socialisation, in D.A. Goslin (ed.) The Handbook of Socialisation Theory and Research, pp. 347-380 Joas, H. (1998?) Die Entstehung der Werte (last chapter is on Dewey and Mead vs. Habermas on the recognitive foundations of morality) @ Strawson on recognition Strawson, P. (1959) Individuals, ch. 3 Persons Strawson, P.F. (1962) Freedom and resentment Proceedings of the British Academy 48, reprinted in Freedom and Resentment and Other Essays, also in G. Watson (ed.) Free Will, and as a pamphlet Strauss, M. (2003) The role of recognition in the formation of self-understanding, in R.N. Fiore and H.L. Nelson (eds.) Recognition, Responsibility, and Rights @ Honneths theory of recognition (For Honneth and Marx see A Marx bibliography: Recognition in Marx) (For Honneth on Hegel see A Hegel bibliography: Honneth on Hegel) Honneth, A. (1979) Communication and reconciliation: Habermass critique of Adorno, Telos 39 Honneth, A. [1980] Work and instrumental action: on the normative basis of critical theory, New German Critique 26, 1982, reprinted in C. Wright (ed.) The Fragmented World of the Social: Essays in Social and Political Philosophy1994 Honneth, A. (19?) Diskursethik und implizites Gerechtigkeitskonzept, ? Honneth, A. and Joas, H. [1980] Social Action and Human Nature, tr. 1988 Honneth, A. [198?] The Critique of Power: Reflective Stages in a Critical Social Theory, tr. 1990 Honneth, A. (1990) Die zerrissene Welt des Sozialen Honneth, A. (1990) Morale Bewutsein und Klassenherrschaft (?), in Die zerrissene Welt des Sozialen Honneth, A. [1990] Integrity and disrespect: principles of a conception of morality based on the theory of recognition, Political Theory 20(2), 1992; reprinted in C. Wright (ed.) The Fragmented World of the Social:

Essays in Social and Political Philosophy, 1994 (Overview of the theory developed in The Struggle for Recognition) Honneth, A. (1992) Moral development and social struggle: Hegels early social doctrines, in A. Honneth et al. (eds.) Cultural-Political Interventions in the Unfinished Project of Enlightenment * Honneth, A. [1992] The Struggle for Recognition, tr. 1995 Honneth, A. (1994) The social dynamics of disrespect: on the location of critical theory today, Constellations 1, 255-269 Honneth, A. (1994) Introduction to Honneth (ed.) Pathologien des Sozialen Honneth, A. (1995) The other of justice: Habermas and the ethical challenge of postmodernism, in White, S.K. (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Habermas Alexander, J. and Pia Lara, M. (1996) Honneths new critical theory of of recognition, New Left Review 220 Honneth, A. (1997) Anerkennung und moralische Verpflichtung, Zeitschrift fr philosophische Forschung 51 + Honneth, A. and Critchley, S. (1998) Philosophy in Germany, Radical Philosophy 89 + Foster, R. (1999) Recognition and resistance: Axel Honneths critical social theory, Radical Philosophy 94 Honneth, A. (2000) The possibility of a disclosing critique of society: The Dialectic of Englightenment in the light of current debates in social criticism, Constellations 7(1) Honneth, A. (2001), Invisibility: On the epistemology of recognition, Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 75(1) Honneth A. et al (2002) Symposium on Honneths theory of recognition, Inquiry 45(4) Heidegren, C.-G. (2002) Anthropology, social theory and politics: Axel Honneths theory of recognition, Inquiry 45(4) Honneth, A. (2002) Grounding recognition: a rejoinder to critical questions, Inquiry 45(4) Kauppinen, A. (2002) Reason, recognition and internal critique, Inquiry 45(4) Honneth, A. (2002): The role of sociology in the theory of recognition, Interview by A. Petersen and R. Willig, European Journal of Social Theory 5(2) * Fraser, N. and Honneth, A. (2003) Redistribution or Recognition? A Political-Philosophical Exchange Honneth, A. (2003) Anxiety and Politics Honneth, A. (2004) Recognition and justice: outline of a plural theory of justice, Acta Sociologica 47(4) Markell, P. (2003) Bound by Recognition Honneth, A. (2006) Reification: a recognition-theoretical view, The Tanner Lectures on Human Values, also available online Thompson, S. (2006) The Political Theory of Recognition: A Critical Introduction Deranty, J.-P. and Renault, E. (2007) Politicizing Honneths ethics of recognition, Thesis Eleven 88(1) Honneth, A. (2007) Work and recognition, a redefinition, conference paper (audio link) Honneth, A. (2007) Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory van den Brink, B. and Owen, D. (eds.) (2007) Recognition and Power: Axel Honneth and the Tradition of Critical Social Theory Deranty, J.-P. (2009) Beyond Communication: A Critical Study of Axel Honneths Social Philosophy @ Politics of recognition, recognition of identities (Including the relation between recognition and multiculturalism) Adorno, T. [19?] Society, in F. Jameson et al. (eds) Critical Theory and Society Althusser, L. [1968] Ideology and the ideological state apparatuses, in Lenin and Philosophy, and Other Essays Siep, L. (1979) Anerkennung als Prinzip der Praktischen Philosophie: Untersuchungen zu Hegels Jenaer Philosophie des Geistes, last part Gutmann, A. (ed.) (1992) Multiculturalism and the Politics of Recognition, enlarged edition as Multiculturalism: Examining the Politics of Recognition, 1994 * Taylor, C. (1992) The politics of recognition in A. Gutmann (ed.) Multiculturalism and the Politics of Recognition Taylor, C. (1992) The need for recognition, in his The Ethics of Authenticity Cornell, D. (1993) Transformations: Recollective Imagination and Sexual Difference Brown, W. (1995) States of Injury: Power and Freedom in Late Modernity, chs. 2-3 Butler, J. (1997) Excitable Speech Butler, J. (1997) Merely cultural, Social Text 52-53, reprinted in New Left Review 227, 1998 Dttmann, A.G. [1997] Between Cultures: Tensions in the Struggle for Recognition, tr. 2000 Wynne, E. (2000) Reflections on recognition: a matter of self-realization or a matter of justice?, in Thinking Fundamentals, IWM Junior Visiting Fellows Conferences, Vol. 9: Vienna 2000, available online Yar, M. (2001) Recognition and the politics of human(e) desire, Theory, Culture and Society, 18 (2-3)

Markell, P. (2003) Bound by Recognition Lazzeri, C. and Christian, A. (2006) Recognition today: the theoretical, ethical and political stakes of the concept, Critical Horizons 7(1) McNay, L. (2008) Against Recognition @ Recognition and redistribution (Honneth-Fraser debate) * Fraser, N. (1995) From redistribution to recognition? dilemmas of justice in a post-socialist age, New Left Review 212 * Fraser, N. (1997) Justice Interruptus: Critical Reflections on the Post-Socialist Condition Tully, J. (2000) Struggles over recognition and distribution, Constellations 7(4) Fraser, N. (2000) Rethinking recognition, New Left Review II/3 Fraser, N. (2001) Recognition without ethics?, Theory Culture and Society 18(2-3) Yar, M. (2001) Beyond Nancy Frasers perspectival dualism, Economy and Society 30(3) * Fraser, N. and Honneth, A. (2003) Redistribution or Recognition? A Political-Philosophical Exchange Zurn, C.F. (2003) Identity or status? Struggles over recognition in Fraser, Honneth and Taylor, Constellations 10(4) Thompson, S. (2005) Is redistribution a form of recognition? Comments on the Fraser-Honneth debate, Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 8(1) @ Recognition, work and class (See also see A Marx bibliography: Recognition and Marx)) Honneth, A. [1980] Work and instrumental action: on the normative basis of critical theory, New German Critique 26, 1982, reprinted in C. Wright (ed.) The Fragmented World of the Social: Essays in Social and Political Philosophy 1994 Deranty, J.-P. (2006) Repressed materiality: retrieving the materialism in Axel Honneths theory of recognition, Critical Horizons 7(1) Honneth, A. (2007) Work and recognition, a redefinition, conference paper (audio link) Honneth, A. (2007) Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory Smith, N.H. (2009) Work and the struggle for recognition, European Journal of Political Theory 8(1) Deranty, J.-P. and Smith, N. (2010) Applying the Ethics of Recognition: Work and the Social Bond @ Self-esteem, self-respect, dignity (For Rawls and self-respect see that) Kant, Lectures on Ethics, tr. Infield, 120-127 Sachs, D. (1981) How to distinguish self-respect from self-esteem, Philosophy and Public Affairs 10(4) Bay, ? (1982) Self-respect as a human right: thoughts on the dialectic of wants and needs in the struggle for human community, Human Rights Quarterly 4, 53-75 Hill, T.E. Jr. (1991) Servility and self-respect, in Autonomy and Self-Respect Honneth, A. [1990] Integrity and disrespect: principles of a conception of morality based on the theory of recognition, Political Theory 20(2), reprinted in C. Wright (ed.) The Fragmented World of the Social: Essays in Social and Political Philosophy, 1994; originally published as Integritt und Miachtung, Merkur 44 Bertram, C. and Chitty, A. (eds) (1994) Has History Ended?, essays by McCarney, Bertram Margalit, A. [19?] The Decent Society Raz, J. (1994) Duties of wellbeing in his Ethics in the Public Domain @ Recognition as ontological (Recognition by others as constituting individuals as self-conscious or subjects or person) (For recognition as making individuals free in Hegel see Freedom and recognition in Hegel) (See also Brandom on Hegel, Pippin on Hegels social philosophy) Baynes, K. (2001) Practical reason, the space of reason, and public reason, in J. Bohman and W. Rehg (eds) Pluralism and the Pragmatic Turn Strauss, M. (2003) The role of recognition in the formation of self-understanding, in R.N. Fiore and H.L. Nelson (eds.) Recognition, Responsibility, and Rights Winfield, R.D. (2006) Self-Consciousness and intersubjectivity, Review of Metaphysics 59(4) Ikheimo, H. (2007) Recognizing persons in H. Ikheimo and A. Laitinen (eds), Dimensions of Personhood, special issue of Journal of Consciousness Studies 14(5-6), also issued separately as a book Ikheimo, H. (2010) Making the best of what we are: recognition as an ontological and ethical concept, in H.-C. Schmidt am Busch and C. Zurn (eds) The Philosophy of Recognition Ikheimo, H. and Laitinen, A. (eds) (2011) Recognition and Social Ontology

Testa, I. (2011) Social space and the ontology of recognition, in H. Ikheimo and A. Laitinen (eds) Recognition and Social Ontology @ Recognition as ethical (Recognition by others as a condition of a good life) (See also Honneths theory of recognition) Laitinen, A. (2002) Interpersonal recognition: a response to value or a precondition of personhood, Inquiry 45(4) Laitinen, A. (2007) Sorting out aspects of personhoon: capacities, normativitiy and recogntion, in H. Ikheimo and A. Laitinen (eds), Dimensions of Personhood, special issue of Journal of Consciousness Studies 14(5-6), also issued separately as a book @ Recognition theory: collections van den Brink, B. and Owen, D. (eds.) (2007) Recognition and Power: Axel Honneth and the Tradition of Critical Social Theory Schmidt am Busch, H.-C. and Zurn, C. (eds) (2010) The Philosophy of Recognition Seymour, M. (ed.) (2010) The Plural States of Recognition Ikheimo, H. & Laitinen, A. (eds) (2011) Recognition and Social Ontology Sorenson, A @ PHENOMENOLOGY OF SPIRIT (Including corresponding parts of Philosophy of Spirit) (For ch. 7 see Religion in the Phenomenology) @ Phenomenology: short introductions Baillie, J.B. (1910) Translators Introduction to Hegel, The Phenomenology of Mind, tr, Baillie * Findlay, J.N. (1958) Hegel, chs. 4-5 * Kaufmann, W. (1965) Hegel: Reinterpretation, Texts and Commentary, ch. 3 Taylor, C. (1975) Hegel, ch. 4 sec. 1 * Singer, P. (1983) Hegel, ch. 4 Solomon, R. (1983) In the Spirit of Hegel, ch. 4b Findlay, J.N. (1977) Foreword to Millers translation of the Phenomenology Harris, H.S. (1987) Hegels science of experience, Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 15 (survey of interpretations of the Phenomenology since the 60s) Solomon, R. (1993) Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit, in R. Solomon and K.M. Higgins (eds.) The Age of German Idealism, Routledge History of Philosophy Vol. 6 Pinkard, T. (1999) History and philosophy: Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit, in S. Glendinning (ed.) The Edinburgh Encyclopedia of Continental Philosophy @ Phenomenology: introductory commentaries Marx, W. (1976) Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit: Its Point and Purpose Norman, R. (1976) Hegels Phenomenology Rockmore, T. (1997) Cognition: An Introduction to Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit Stern, R. (2002) Hegel and the Phenomenology of Spirit, Routledge Philosophy Guidebook Verene, D.P. (2007) Hegels Absolute: An Introduction to Reading the Phenomenology of Spirit @ Phenomenology: advanced commentaries Heidegger, M. [1930-31] Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit * Hyppolite, J. [1946] Genesis and Structure of Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit, tr. S. Cherniak and J. Heckman 1974 Kojve, A. [1947] Introduction to the Reading of Hegel, tr. J.H. Nichols 1969 Loewenberg, J. (1965) Hegels Phenomenology: Dialogues of the Life of the Mind Gadamer, H.-G. [1966] Hegels Dialectic: Five Hermeneutical Studies, tr. 1976 Pggeler, O. (1973) Hegels Idee einer Phenomenoloige des Geistes Kainz, H.P. (1976,1983) Hegels Phenomenology, 2 volumes Lauer, Q. (1976) A Reading of Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit, 2nd ed. 1993 Westphal, M. (1979) History and Truth in Hegels Phenomenology, 3rd (ed.) 1998 Lamb, D. (1980) Hegel: From Foundation to System Dudeck, C.V. (1981) Hegels Phenomenology of Mind: Analysis and Commentary Solomon, R. (1983) In the Spirit of Hegel: A Study of G.W.F. Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit Flay, J. (1984) Hegels Quest for Certainty

Westphal, K. (1989) Hegels Epistemological Realism: A Study of the Aim and Method of Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit Pinkard, T. (1994) Hegels Phenomenology: The Sociality of Reason Harris, H.S. (1995) Hegel: Phenomenology and System Reed, E.D. (1996) A Theological Reading of Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit, with Particular Reference to its Themes of Identity, Alienation, and Community: Salvation in a Social Context Harris, H.S. (1997) Hegels Ladder, 2 volumes * Forster, M.N. (1998) Hegels Idea of a Phenomenology of Spirit Simpson, P. (1998) Hegels Transcendental Induction Siep, L. (2000) Der Weg der Phenomenologie des Geistes Stewart, J. (2000) The Unity of Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit: A Systematic Interpretation Westphal, K. (2003) Hegels Epistemology: A Philosophical Introduction to the Phenomenology of Spirit . Russon, J.E. (2004) Reading Hegels Phenomenology Kain, P.J. (2005) Hegel and the Other: A Study of the Phenomenology of Spirit Bristow, W.F. (2007) Hegel and the Transformation of Philosophical Critique Jameson, F. (2010) The Hegel Variations: On the Phenomenology of Spirit @ Phenomenology: commentaries on particular topics Verene, D.P. (1985) Hegels Recollection: A Study of Images in the Phenomenology of Spirit Parry, D.M. (1988) Hegels Phenomenology of the We Russon, J.E. (1997) The Self and Its Body in Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit @ Phenomenology: collections Fulda, H.F. and Henrich, D. (eds.) (1973) Materialien zu Hegels Phnomenologie des Geistes Westphal, M. (ed.) (1982) Method and Speculation in Hegels Phenomenology Stern, R. (ed.) (1993) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments, volume 3 Browning, G.K. (ed.) (1997) Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit: A Reappraisal * Stewart, J. (ed.) (1998) The Phenomenology of Spirit Reader: Critical and Interpretive Essays Denker, A. and Vater, M. (eds) (2003) Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit: New Critical Essays Moyar, D. and Quante, M. (eds) (2008) Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit: A Critical Guide Vieweg, K. and Welsch, W. (eds) (2008) Hegels Phnomenologie des Geistes: Ein kooperativer Kommentar zu einem Schlsselwerk der Moderne Westphal, K. (ed.) (2009) The Blackwell Guide to Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit @ Phenomenology: Preface Phenomenology of Spirit, Preface 1-47 * Kaufmann, W. (1965) Hegel: Reinterpretation, Texts and Commentary, ch. 8 Schacht, R. (1972) A commentary on the Preface to Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit, Philosophical Studies 23, reprinted in his Hegel and After: Studies in Continental Philosophy Between Kant and Sartre 1975 Marx, W. (1975) Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit: Its Point and Purpose Sallis, J. (1977) Hegels concept of presentation: its determination in the Preface to the Phenomenology of Spirit, Hegel-Studien 12, reprinted in Salliss Delimitations: Phenomenology and the End of Metaphysics, and in Stewart (ed.)The Phenomenology of Spirit Reader Westphal, M. (1979) History and Truth in Hegels Phenomenology, ch. 2 Adelman, H. (1984) Hegels Phenomenology: facing the Preface, Idealistic Studies 14 Stepelevich, L. S. (ed.) (1990) G. W. F. Hegel: Preface and Introduction to the Phenomenology of Mind Yovel, Y. (2005) Hegels Preface to the Phenomenology of Spirit: Translation and Running Commentary @ Phenomenology: Introduction (For specific issues see Method of the Phenomenology and Scepticism and Hegel below) Phenomenology of Spirit, introduction Heidegger, M. [1950] Hegels Concept of Experience * Norman, R. (1976) Hegels Phenomenology, ch. 1 Westphal, M. (1979) History and Truth in Hegels Phenomenology, ch. 1 Bahti, T. (1981) The indifferent reader: the performance of Hegels introduction to the Phenomenology, Diacritics 11 Solomon, R. (1983) In the Spirit of Hegel, ch. 6 Gillespie, M.A. (1984) Hegel, Heidegger and the Ground of History, ch. on the introduction Pippin, R. (1989) Hegels Idealism, chs. 2, 5 Stepelevich, L. S. (ed.) (1990) G. W. F. Hegel: Preface and Introduction to the Phenomenology of Mind

@ Method of the Phenomenology (Including role of the phenomenologist (for us), immanent critique, determinate negation) (For dialectical method in the Logic see Logic: method and structure, dialectic, contradiction, speculation, form and content) (For relation of Phenomenology and logic see Phenomenology and system, phenomenology and logic) Hyppolite, J. [1946] Genesis and Structure of Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit, part 1 ch. 1 Meaning and method of the Phenomenology Taylor, C. (1975) Hegel, ch. 8 Pippin, R. (1989) Hegels Idealism, ch. 5, see pp. 94-99 Dove, K. (1970) Hegels phenomenological method, Review of Metaphysics 23(4), reprinted in Steinkraus (ed.) New Studies in the Philosophy of Hegel, reprinted in Stern (ed.) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments vol. 3, and in Stewart (ed.) The Phenomenology of Spirit Reader 1998 Pippin, R. (1975) Hegels phenomenological criticism, Man and World 8, reprinted in Stern (ed.) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments vol. 3 Marx, W. (1975) Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit: Its Point and Purpose, pp. 91-92 Rosen, M (1979) The spirit of Hegel in Radical Philosophy 22 Marx, W. (1979) Dialectic and the role of the phenomenologist, The Owl of Minerva 11(2), reprinted in Stern (ed.) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments vol. 3 Flay, J.C. (1982) Pragmatic presuppositions and the dialectics of Hegels Phenomenology, in Westphal (ed.) Method and Speculation in Hegels Phenomenology Rosen, M. (1982) Hegels Dialectic and its Criticism, ch. 2 Determinate negation and immanent critique Westphal, K. (1988) Hegels solution to the dilemma of the criterion, History of Philosophy Quarterly 5, reprinted in Stewart (ed.) The Phenomenology of Spirit Reader 1998 Houlgate, S. (2003) G.W.F. Hegel: Phenomenology of Spirit (1807): thinking philosophically without begging the question, in J.J.E. Garcia et al. The Classics of Western Philosophy: A Readers Guide + Houlgate, S. (2005) An Introduction to Hegel: Freedom, Truth and History (2nd ed. of his Freedom, Truth and History, 1991), ch. 3 Phenomenology and natural consciousness @ Transcendental argument and transcendental deduction in the Phenomenology (See also Scepticism and Hegel, assumptions and foundations of the Phenomenology and Logic) * Taylor, C. (1972) The opening arguments of the Phenomenology, sec. 2, in MacIntyre (ed.) Hegel: A Collection of Critical Essays Neuhouser, F. (1986) Deducing desire and recognition in the Phenomenology of Spirit, Journal of the History of Philosophy 24(2) Westphal, K. (1989) Hegels Epistemological Realism: A Study of the Aim and Method of Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit , pp. 154-188 Forster, M.N. (1998) Hegels Idea of a Phenomenology of Spirit , ch. 3 Justifying Hegelian science pp. 161-165 (critique of Taylor) Stewart, J. (2000) The Unity of Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit: A Systematic Interpretation , pp. 21-25 Kant and Hegel on transcendental philosophy Horstmann, R.-P. (2006) Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit as an argument for a monistic ontology, Inquiry 49(1) @ Scepticism and Hegel, assumptions and foundations of the Phenomenology and Logic (Including the idea that Hegels philosophy is anti-dogmatic, presuppositionless or anti-foundationalist) (See also Phenomenology: Introduction) (See also Transcendental argument and transcendental deduction in the Phenomenology) (For Hegels critique of Kantian scepticism in particular, see Kants epistemology and metaphysics: Hegels critique) Relationship of skepticism to philosophy, exposition of its different modifications and comparison of the latest form with the ancient one [1801], in G. di Giovanni and H.S. Harris (eds.) Between Kant and Hegel: Texts in the Development of Post-Kantian Idealism 1985 Lectures on the History of Philosophy, Part 1, Section 2, D Scepticism Introduction to Lectures on the History of Philosophy, tr. Knox and Miller, pp. 181-182 Encyclopaedia Logic 32A, 71-72, 81A Heidegger, M. [1930-31] Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit, 5 The presupposition of the Phenomenology: its abolute beginning with the absolute

Dove, K. (1970) Hegels phenomenological method, Review of Metaphysics 23(4), reprinted in Steinkraus (ed.) New Studies in the Philosophy of Hegel, reprinted in Stern (ed.) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments vol. 3, and in Stewart (ed.) The Phenomenology of Spirit Reader 1998 Rosen, M. (1982) Hegels Dialectic and its Criticism Flay, J.C. (1982) Pragmatic presuppositions and the dialectics of Hegels Phenomenology, in Westphal (ed.) Method and Speculation in Hegels Phenomenology Rockmore, T. (1984) Hegels Circular Epistemology Harris, H.S. (1985) Skepticism, dogmatism and speculation in the critical journal, in G. di Giovanni and H.S. Harris (eds.) Between Kant and Hegel: Texts in the Development of Post-Kantian Idealism Westphal, K. (1988) Hegels solution to the dilemma of the criterion, History of Philosophy Quarterly 5, reprinted in Stewart (ed.) The Phenomenology of Spirit Reader 1998 Westphal, K. (1989) Hegels Epistemological Realism: A Study of the Aim and Method of Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit Forster, M.N. (1989) Hegel and Skepticism Maker, W. (1994) Philosophy without Foundations: Rethinking Hegel * Forster, M.N. (1998) Hegels Idea of a Phenomenology of Spirit , ch. 3 Justifying Hegelian science Clark, W.L. and Fritzman, J.M. (2003) The nonfoundational Hegelianism of Dove, Maker, and Winfield, The Philosophical Forum 34(1) Westphal, K.R. (2003) Hegels manifold response to scepticism in The Phenomenology of Spirit, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 103(1) + Beiser, F. (2005) Hegel, ch. 1 The cultural context Houlgate, S. (2005) An Introduction to Hegel: Freedom, Truth and History (2nd ed. of his Freedom, Truth and History, 1991), ch. 2 Thinking without presuppositions and sec. 1 of ch. 3 Phenomenology and natural consciousness @ Immediate knowledge (This is a cogito-like knowledge in which one knows the object with the same indubitability that one knows oneself; sometimes Hegel uses witness of ones spirit for it) Phenomenology 26, 554 Philosophy of Right 147 Reason and religious truth p. 43 Vorlesungen uber Philosophie des Rechts vol. 1 pp. 285-286 @ Structure of the Phenomenology (See also Coherence of the Phenomenology, phenomenology and history) Hyppolite, J. [1946] Genesis and Structure of Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit, part 1 ch. 3 Lukacs, G. [1948] The Young Hegel, sec. 4 ch. 3 Solomon, R. (1983) In the Spirit of Hegel, ch. 4c (pp. 211-236) * Stewart, J. (1993) The architectonic of Hegels Phenomenology, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 55(4), reprinted in Stewart (ed.) The Phenomenology of Spirit Reader Forster, M.N. (1998) Hegels Idea of a Phenomenology of Spirit @ Phenomenology: chs. 1-3 in general Philosophy of Spirit (as Hegels Philosophy of Mind or Hegels Philosophy of Subjective Spirit, or The Berlin Phenomenology) 413-423 Encyclopaedia Logic 125-130, 135-137 Science of Logic, 2.2.1.A The thing and its properties, 2.2.3 The essential relation Purpus, W. (1908) Zur Dialektik des Bewutseins nach Hegel Taylor, C. (1975) Hegel, ch. 4 sec. 2 Norman, R. (1976) Hegels Phenomenology, ch. 2 Solomon, R. (1983) In the Spirit of Hegel, ch. 7 secs. a-e Pippin, R. (1989) Hegels Idealism, ch. 6 Pinkard, T. (1994) Hegels Phenomenology, ch. 2 Chitty, A. (1996) On Hegel, the subject and political justification, section 1, Res Publica 2(2) @ Sense-certainty, ch. 1 Phenomenology ch. 1, 558 Encyclopaedia Logic 20R, 61-78 * Feuerbach, L. [1839] Towards a critique of Hegels philosophy in L.S. Stepelevich (ed.) The Young Hegelians 1983, pp. 113-116, reprinted in Stern (ed.) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments vol. 1, pp. 116-118

Loewenberg, J. (1935) The comedy of immediacy in Hegels Phenomenology, Mind 44, pp. 21-38 Hamlyn, D. (1961) Sensation and Perception: A History of the Philosophy of Perception, chapter on Hegel Wiehl, R. (1966) ber den Sinn der sinnlichen Gewiheit in Hegels Phnomenologie des Geistes HegelStudien Beiheft 3 Soll, I. (1969) An Introduction to Hegels Metaphysics, ch. 3 Lwith, K. (1971) Mediation and immediacy in Hegel, Marx and Feuerbach in Steinkraus, W.E. (ed.) New Studies in the Philosophy of Hegel 1971 Heinrichs, J. (1974) Die Logik der Phnomenologie des Geistes + Westphal, M. (1979) History and Truth in Hegels Phenomenology, ch. 3 * Taylor, C. (1972) The opening arguments of the Phenomenology, sec. 2, in MacIntyre (ed.) Hegel: A Collection of Critical Essays, reprinted without the references to Wittgenstein as ch. 4 sec. 2 of Taylors Hegel, 1975 Solomon, R.C. (1974) Hegels epistemology, American Philosophical Quarterly 11, reprinted in Inwood (ed.) Hegel Soll, I. (1976) Charles Taylors Hegel, Journal of Philosophy 73(19), reprinted in Inwood (ed.) Hegel Taylor, C Lamb, D. (1978) Hegel and Wittgenstein on language and sense-certainty, Clio 7, pp. 285-301 De Nys, M.J. (1978) Sense certainty and universality: Hegels entrance into the Phenomenology, International Philosophical Quarterly 18(4), reprinted in Stern (ed.) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments vol. 3 Plumer, G. (1980) Hegel on singular demonstrative reference, Philosophical Topics 11, pp. 71-94 Warminski, A. (1981) Reading for example: sense-certainty in Hegel, Diacritics 11(2), pp. 83-94 Solomon, R. (1983) In the Spirit of Hegel ch. 7 sec. a Dulckheit, K. (1986) Can Hegel refer to particulars?, The Owl of Minerva 17, reprinted in Stewart (ed.) The Phenomenology of Spirit Reader Craig, E. J. (1987, pb. 1996) The Mind of God and the Works of Man, ch. 4 One way to read Hegel [oso] De Vries, W. (1988) Hegel on reference and knowledge, Journal of the History of Philosophy 26 * Pippin, R. (1989) Hegels Idealism ch. 6 sec. 1 Pinkard, T. (1994) Hegels Phenomenology, ch. 2 sec. 1 Westphal, K.R. (2000) Hegels internal critique of naive realism, Journal of Philosophical Research 15, pp. 173229 @ Sense-certainty: possible parallels to Hegels argument Plato, Theaetetus, 151d186e Fichte [1800] The Vocation of Man, first third Wittgenstein, L. (195?) Philosophical Investigations Quine, W. (19?) Word and Object, ch. 4 McDowell, J. (1996) Mind and World @ Perception, ch. 2 Taylor, C. (1972) The opening arguments of the Phenomenology, section 3, in MacIntyre (ed.) Hegel: A Collection of Critical Essays Westphal, M. (1973) Hegels phenomenology of perception, in Stewart (ed.) The Phenomenology of Spirit Reader Solomon, R. (1983) In the Spirit of Hegel ch. 7 secs. b-c Pippin, R. (1989) Hegels Idealism ch. 6 sec. 2 Pinkard, T. (1994) Hegels Phenomenology, ch. 2 sec. 2 Westphal, K.R. (1998) Hegel and Hume on perception and concept-empiricism, Journal of the History of Philosophy 33 @ Force and understanding, ch. 3 De Nys, M.J. (1982) Force and understanding: the unity of the object of consciousness, in M. Westphal (ed.) Method and Speculation in Hegels Phenomenology Solomon, R. (1983) In the Spirit of Hegel ch. 7 sec. d @ Infinity in Hegel (See also Levinas and Hegel) Encylopaedia Logic 92-95 Hyppolite, J. [1936] The concept of life and consciousness of life in Hegels Jena philosophy, in his Studies in Hegel and Marx, tr. 1969 Lacroix, A. (2000) The mathematical infinite in Hegel, Philosophical Forum 31(3-4)

Horstmann, R.-P. [2003] Substance, subject and infinity: A case study of the role of logic in Hegels system, in K. Deligiorgi (ed.) Hegel: New Directions, 2006 @ Inverted world (For the soul, see Soul and feeling, anthropology) Phenomenology of Spirit ch. 3 157-165 (Baillie pp. 203-213), ch. 4 166 (Baillie pp. 218-9) Philosophy of Spirit 413-417, 422-424 (in Hegels Philosophy of Mind, or in Philosophy of Subjective Spirit or The Berlin Phenomenology with accompanying lecture notes) Hyppolite, J. [1946] Genesis and Structure of Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit, section on the inverted world Gadamer, H.G. [1966] Hegels inverted world, in Hegels Dialectic: Five Hermeneutical Studies, reprinted in Stern (ed.) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments vol. 3 Flay, J.C. (1970) Hegels inverted world, Review of Metaphysics 23(4), reprinted in Stern (ed.) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments vol. 3, and in Stewart (ed.) The Phenomenology of Spirit Reader, and in D. Khler and O. Pggeler (eds.) G.W.F. Hegel: Phnomenologie des Geistes, Klassiker Auslegen Murray, D. (1970-71) Force and understanding, in Reason and Reality, Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures vol. 5, (ed.) G. Vesey Bossart, W.H. (1982) Hegel on the inverted world, Philosophical Forum 13(4) Zimmerman, R. (1982) Hegels inverted world revisited, Philosophical Forum 13(4) Solomon, R. (1983) In the Spirit of Hegel, ch. 7 sec. e Pippin, R. (1989) Hegels Idealism: The Satisfactions of Self-Consciousness , section on the inverted world @ Self-consciousness in the Phenomenology (See also Fichte on consciousness and self-consciousness, Consciousness, self-consciousness and the I in the Philosophy of Spirit) (Including the idea of recognition or intersubjectivity as a necessary condition of self-consciousness) (For Hegels critique of Kants conceptions of apperception and of the I, see Kant on self-consciousness, apperception and the transcendental deduction: Hegels critique) (For the connection between the concept and the I see Representation vs. concept, concrete universal, intentionality) Phenomenology 26, 36, 82, 84, chapter 4 section A Cramer, K. [1973] Bewutsein und Selbstbewutsein: Vorschlge zur Rekonstruktion der systematischen Bedeutung einer Behauptung Hegels in 424 der Berliner Encyclopdie der Philosophischen Wissenschaften in D. Henrich (ed.)Hegels philosophische Psychologie, Hegel-Studien Beiheft 19, 1979 Cramer, K. (1974) Erlebnis: These zu Hegels Theorie des Selbstbewutseins mit Rucksicht auf die Aporien eines Grundbegriffs nach Hegelscher Philosophie, Hegel-Studien Beiheft 11 Cramer, K. (1976) Bemerkungen zu Hegels Begriff vom Bewutsein, in Guzzoni, U. et al. (eds.) Der Idealismus und seine Gegenwart Tugendhat, E. [1979] Self-Consciousness and Self-Determination, tr. 1986, lectures 13-14 de Vries, W.A. (1988) Hegels Theory of Mental Activity: An Introduction to Theoretical Spirit, chs. 2,6, also available online Pippin, R. (1989) Hegels Idealism, ch. 6 sec. 3 Frank, M. (1991) Subjektivitt und Intersubjektivitt, in his Selbstbewutsein und Selbsterkenntnis Hespe, F. (1991): System und Funktion der Philosophie des Subjektiven Geistes, in Hespe and Tuschling (eds.) Psychologie und Anthropologie oder Philosophie des Geistes Ikheimo, H. (2007) Recognizing persons, Journal of Consciousness Studies, 14(5-6), pp. 224-247 Pippin, R. (2011) Hegel on Self-Consciousness: Desire and Death in the Phenomenology of Spirit @ Desire and the body in the Phenomenology (see also Self-consciousness in the Phenomenology) (For desire as pragmatisation of knowledge, see Social epistemology or pragmatism in ch. 4) Neuhouser, F. (1986) Deducing desire and recognition in the Phenomenology of Spirit, Journal of the History of Philosophy 24(2) Butler, J. (1987) Subjects of Desire: Hegelian Reflections in 20th Century France, ch. 1 Desire, rhetoric and recognition in Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit Russon, J.E. (1997) The Self and Its Body in Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit Jenkins, S. (2009) Hegels concept of desire, Journal of the History of Philosophy 47(1) @ Recognition in the Phenomenology (See this heading above)

@ Master-servant relation (see Recognition in the Phenomenology above) @ Death in Hegel Hyppolite, J. [1955] The concept of existence in the Hegelian phenomenology, in his Essays on Hegel and Marx @ Labour in Hegel (In all writings, but Phenomenology is central) (Also: the praxis/poesis relation) (For the economy see Civil society and the economy) (See also Contradictions of civil society) Philosophy of Right, sec. on The kind of work under system of needs Lukacs, G. [1948] The Young Hegel Arendt, H. (1959) The Human Condition, ch. 5 Dubsky, I. (1961) Hegels Arbeitsbegriff und die idealistische Dialektik Lakebrink, B. (1962-63) Geist und Arbeit im Denken Hegels, Philosophisches Jahrbuch 70 Lim, S.-Z. [1963] Der Begriff der Arbeit bei Hegel: Versuch einer Interpretation der Phnomenologie des Geistes, 2nd German (ed.) 1966 * Habermas, J. [1967] Labour and interaction: remarks on Hegels Jena Philosophy of Mind, in his Theory and Practice Lobkowicz, N. (1967) Theory and Practice: History of a Concept from Aristotle to Marx, ch. 22 Mercier-Josa, S. (1976) Aprs Aristote et Adam Smith, que dit Hegel de lagir?, Les Etudes Philosophiques 3 Blanchette, O. (1979) Praxis and labor in Hegel, Studies in Soviet Thought 20 Lange, E.M. (1980) Das Prinzip Arbeit, esp. ch. 1 Adelman, H. (1980) Of human bondage: labour, bondage, and freedom in the Phenomenology, in Verene (ed.) Hegels Social and Political Thought , reprinted in ONeill (ed.) Hegels Dialectic of Desire and Recognition: Texts and Commentary, also in Stewart (ed.) The Phenomenology of Spirit Reader Planty-Bonjour, G. (1983) Hegels concept of action as unity of poesis and praxis, in Stepelevich and Lamb eds Bernstein, J. (1984) From self-consciousness to community: act and recognition in the master-slave relationship, sec. 4 (pp. 32-38), in Pelczynski (ed.) The State and Civil Society Arthur, C. (1988) Hegels theory of value in M. Williams (ed.) Value, Social Form and the State Avineri, S. (1996) Labor, alienation, and social classes in Hegels Realphilosophie, in J. ONeill (ed.) Hegels Dialectic of Desire and Recognition Sayers, S.P. (2003) Creative activity and alienation in Hegel and Marx, Historical Materialism 11(1) Sayers, S.P. (2005) Why work? Marxism and human nature, Science and Society 69(4) Sayers, S.P. (2007) The concept of labour: Marx and his critics, Science and Society 71(4) @ Stoicism, scepticism and the unhappy consciousness, ch. 4B (See also Legal status (Rechtzustand), person and property in the Phenomenology) Hegel [1795] How Christianity conquered paganism, in The Positivity of the Christian Religion, in his Early Theological Writings, also available online Phenomenology ch. 4B, 340 Wahl, J. (1929) Le malheur de la conscience dans la philosophie de Hegel, 2nd ed. 1951, Presses Universitaires de France, pp. 119-147, trans. R. Northey in R. Stern (ed.) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments, vol. 2 Hyppolite, J. [1946] Genesis and Structure of Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit, part 3, chs. 2-3 Greene, M. (1970) Hegels notion of inversion, International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 1(3) Hyppolite, J. (1971) Hegels phenomenology and psychoanalysis, in Steinkraus (ed.) New Studies in the Philosophy of Hegel Rosen, S. (1974) G.W.F. Hegel: An Introduction to the Science of Wisdom, ch. 7 Burbidge, J.W. (1978) Unhappy consciousness in Hegel: an analysis of medieval Catholicism?, Mosaic 11, reprinted in Burbidges Hegel on Logic and Religion: The Reasonableness of Christianity, and in J. Stewart (ed.) The Phenomenology of Spirit Reader Solomon, R. (1983) In the Spirit of Hegel, ch. 8 pp. 455-471 Butler, J. (1997) The Psychic Life of Power, ch. 1 Stubborn attachment, bodily subjection: rereading Hegel on the unhappy consciousness @ Social epistemology in ch. 4 Westphal, M. (1979) History and Truth in Hegels Phenomenology, ch. 5A Solomon, R. (1983) In the Spirit of Hegel, ch. 4 secs. e-f, i.e. pp. 376-401

Solomon, R.C. (1974) Hegels epistemology, American Philosophical Quarterly 11, reprinted in Inwood (ed.) Hegel Pippin, R. (1993) You cant get from there to here: transition problems in Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit, secs. 2-4, in F.C. Beiser (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Hegel @ Observing reason Phenomenology of Spirit, ch. 5A Acton, H. B. (1971) Hegels conception of the study of human nature, in ? (ed.) Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures, Vol. 4: 1969-70: The Proper Study; reprinted in Inwood (ed.) Hegel MacIntyre, A. (1972) Hegel on faces and skulls, in MacIntyre (ed.) Hegel: A Collection of Critical Essays, reprinted in Stewart (ed.) The Phenomenology of Spirit Reader Westphal, M. (1979) History and Truth in Hegels Phenomenology, ch. 4 Solomon, R. (1983) In the Spirit of Hegel, ch. 7g Pinkard, T. (1994) Hegels Phenomenology, ch. 4 sec. 1 @ Transition to spirit Phenomenology of Spirit, ch. 5B-C Norman, R. (1976) Hegels Phenomenology, ch. 4 Solomon, R. (1983) In the Spirit of Hegel, ch. 9 secs. a-b Pinkard, T. (1994) Hegels Phenomenology, ch. 4 sec. 2 @ Spirit: texts Phenomenology, 177, introduction to ch. 6 Philosophy of Spirit 381-384, and the students notes to 377 (published in M. Petry (ed.) Hegels Philosophy of Subjective Spirit, vol. 1) @ Spirit: metaphysical interpretations (For the parallel discussions about the nature of ethical substance, see Ethical substance) (For relationship between spirit and nature, see Freedom and determinism) Findlay, J.N. (1958) Hegel, ch. 2 Habermas, J. [1967] Labour and interaction: remarks on Hegels Jena Philosophy of Mind, in his Theory and Practice, tr. J. Viertel 1973 * Taylor, C. (1975) Hegel, chs. 3, 14 Taylor, C. (197?) Hegels philosophy of mind, reprinted in Human Agency and Language: Philosophical Papers 1 1985 Habermas, J. [1985] The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity, tr. 1990 lecture 2 + Inwood, M. (1991) A Hegel Dictionary, entry on Spirit Honneth, A. [1992] The Struggle for Recognition, tr. 1995, chs. 1-3, esp. pp. 58-62 * Hardimon, M.O. (1994) Hegels Social Philosophy: The Project of Reconciliation, ch. 2 sec. 1 @ Spirit: intersubjective and collective-subject interpretations Solomon, R.C. (1970) Hegels concept of Geist, Review of Metaphysics 23(4), reprinted in MacIntyre (ed.) Hegel: A Collection of Critical Essays Theunissen, M. (1970) Hegels Lehre vom Absoluten Geist also theologisch-politischer Traktat Westphal, M. (1979) History and Truth in Hegels Phenomenology, ch. 5 Williams, R.R. (1987) Hegels concept of Geist, in P.G. Stillman (ed.) Hegels Philosophy of Spirit, reprinted in Stern, R. (ed.) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments, vol. 3 Williams, R.R. (1992) Recognition: Fichte and Hegel on the Other Pinkard, T. (1994) Hegels Phenomenology: The Sociality of Reason Pippin, R.B. (2000) What is the question for which Hegels theory of recognition is the answer?, European Journal of Philosophy 8(2) Sembou, E. (2003) Hegels idea of a struggle for recognition: the Phenomenology of Spirit, History of Political Thought 24(2) Pippin, R. (2008) Hegels Practical Philosophy: Rational Agency as Ethical Life , ch. 7 Hegelian sociality: recognitive status @ Phenomenology: ch. 6 in general (For mature theory of history see History (philosophy of)) Phenomenology of Spirit, ch. 6 Taylor, C. (1975) Hegel, ch. 6

Norman, R. (1976) Hegels Phenomenology, ch. 5 Solomon, R. (1983) In the Spirit of Hegel, ch. 9 pp. 534-579 Pinkard, T. (1994) Hegels Phenomenology, ch. 5 @ Coherence of the Phenomenology, phenomenology and history (And the transition from chs. 1-5 to ch. 6) (See also Phenomenology: structure) Phenomenology of Spirit, Preface 27-29 Encyclopaedia Logic, 25 Haering, T. (1934) Die Entstehungsgeschichte der Phnomenologie des Geistes, Verhandlung des 3. Hegelkongresses, (ed.) B. Wigersma Hyppolite, J. [1946] Genesis and Structure of Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit, part 1 ch. 2 History and phenomenology Lukacs, G. [1948] The Young Hegel, sec. 4 ch. 3 Pggeler, O. [1961] Zur Deutung der Phnomenologie des Geistes, in his Hegels Idee einer Phnomenologie des Geistes, 1973 * Marx, W. (1975) Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit: Its Point and Purpose Pggeler, O. (1966) Die Komposition des Phnomenologie des Geistes, Hegel-Studien, Beiheft 3, reprinted in Fulda and Henrich (eds.) Materialien zu Hegels Phnomenologie des Geistes 1973 Petry, M.J. (1978) Introduction to Hegels Philosophy of Subjective Spirit, (ed.) M.J. Petry Schmidt, J. (1981) Recent Hegel literature: the Jena period and the Phenomenology of Spirit, Telos 48 (pp. 125130) Pippin, R. (1993) You cant get from there to here: transition problems in Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit, in F.C. Beiser (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Hegel Forster, M. (1998) Hegels Idea of a Phenomenology of Spirit, chs. 8-12 @ Greek world and its inadequacy (For the figure of Antigone and feminist interpretations of the Antigone story, see Antigone) (See also Enlightenment vs. faith and Principle of subjectivity or subjective freedom, individuality, autonomy) (For Hegels relations to Greek philosophy see Plato and Hegel, Aristotle and Hegel, Greek philosophy in general and Hegel) Phenomenology of Spirit, ch. 6A Philosophy of History, part 2 secs. 1 and 3; part 3 introduction Philosophy of Right, Preface (CUP edition) pp. 20-21, 117A, 124R, 185R,A, 206R, 262A Hyppolite, J. [1946] Genesis and Structure of Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit, part 5, introduction (pp. 321333) Shklar, J. (1971) Hegels Phenomenology: an elegy for Hellas, in Pelczynski (ed.) Hegels Political Philosophy, reprinted in Stern (ed.) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments vol. 3 Plant, R. (1973) Hegel: An Introduction, 2nd ed. 1983 Shklar, J.N. (1976) Freedom and Independence: A Study of The Political Ideas in Hegels Phenomenology of Mind Kelly, G.E. (1978) Hegels Retreat from Eleusis Schmidt, J. (1981) Recent Hegel literature: the Jena period and the Phenomenology of Spirit, Telos 48, pp. 136141 Inwood, M. (1984) Hegel, Plato and Greek Sittlichkeit, in Pelczynski (ed.) The State and Civil Society + Hardimon, M.O. (1994) Hegels Social Philosophy: The Project of Reconciliation, ch. 5 sec. 1 De Laurentiis, A. (2005) Subjects in the Ancient and Modern World: On Hegels Theory of Subjectivity De Boer, K. (2009) The eternal irony of the community: Aristophanian echoes in Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit, Inquiry 52(4) @ Antigone (For feminists on Hegel in general see Feminism and Hegel) (For Irigarays interpretation in particular see Irigaray and Hegel) Irigaray L. [1974] Speculum of the Other Woman, The eternal irony of the community Steiner, G. (1984) Antigones, the section on Antigone in Hegel, reprinted in Stern (ed.) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments, vol. 3 Mills, P.J. (1986) Hegels Antigone, The Owl of Minerva 17(2), revised version in Mills (ed.) Feminist Interpretations of G.W.F. Hegel 1996, reprinted in Stewart (ed.) The Phenomenology of Spirit Reader Benhabib, S. (1991) On Hegel, women and irony, in Shanley and Pateman (eds.) Feminist Interpretations and Political Theory

Kelly, O. (1996) Antigones ghost: undoing Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit, Hypatia 11(1) Walsh, L. (1999) Her mother her self: the ethics of the Antigone family romance, Hypatia 14(3) Hutchings, K. (2000) Antigone: towards a Hegelian feminist philosophy, Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain, 41/42, pp. 120-131 Butler, J. (2000) Antigones Claim: Kinship Between Life and Death @ Tragedy in Hegel Bradley, A.C. (1903-04) Hegels theory of tragedy, The Hibbert Journal 11, reprinted in A. and H. Paolucci (eds.) Hegel on Tragedy Hegel, G.W.F., Hegel on Tragedy, eds. A. and H. Paolucci, 1962 Kaufmann, W. (1968) Tragedy and Philosophy, section on Hegel Roche, M.W. (1998) Tragedy and Comedy: A Systematic Study and a Critique of Hegel Finlayson, G. (2000) Conflict and reconcilation in Hegels theory of tragedy, Journal of the History of Philosophy 37(3) George, T.D. (2006) Tragedies of Spirit: Tracing Finitude in Hegels Phenomenology @ Legal status (Rechtszustand), Roman world, person and property in the Phenomenology (See also Stoicism, scepticism and the unhappy consciousness) Phenomenology, ch. 6Ac Legal status, 748-753 Seth Pringle-Pattison, A. (1887) Hegelianism and Personality, reprinted 1971, available online Hyppolite, J. (1966) Ltat du droit (la condition juridique), Hegel-Studien 3, pp. 181-185 Kervegan, J.-F. (1987) Hegel et ltat du droit, Archives de Philosophie 50, pp. 55-56 Bernasconi, R. (1989) Persons and masks: the Phenomenology of Spirit and its laws, Cardozo Law Review 10, pp. 1695-1711, reprinted in D. Cornell et al (eds.) Hegel and Legal Theory 1991 Hoffheimer, M.H. (1992) The idea of law (Recht) in Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit, Clio 21(4), pp. 345-367 @ Alienation in Hegel (Entfremdung and Entusserung) (Including comparisons between Hegels and Marxs usages) (For Marx on these alienation see A Marx bibliography: Alienation) (For Entsserung and kenosis in Hegels work as a whole see Metaphysics of Hegel: theological interpretations: kenotic and christomorphic) Marx, K. [1844] Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts, final section: Critique of Hegels dialectic Marx, Hegels construction of the Phenomenology [1844], Marx and Engels, Collected Works, vol. 4, p. 665 * Lukacs, G. [1948] The Young Hegel tr. R. Livingstone 1975, part 4, ch. 4 Entausserung as the central philosophical concept of the Phenomenology of Mind Hyppolite, J. [1955] Studies on Hegel and Marx , ch. 4 Alienation and objectification Gauvin, F. (1962) Entfremdung et Entusserung dans la Phnomenologie de Hegel, Archives de Philosophie, 555-571 Lobkowicz, N. (1967) Theory and Practice: History of a Concept from Aristotle to Marx, chs. 20-22 Schacht, R. (1971) Alienation, ch. 2 * Norman, R. (1976) Hegels Phenomenology, ch. 5 Robinson, J. (1977) Duty and hypocrisy in Hegels Phenomenology of Mind: An Essay in the Real and the Ideal, pp. 23-26 Kain, P.J. (1979) Alienation and estrangement in the thought of Hegel and the young Marx, The Philosophical Forum 11(2) Arthur, C.J. (1986) Dialectics of Labour: Marx and his Relation to Hegel, chs. 4-6 + Inwood, M. (1992) A Hegel Dictionary, entry on alienation and estrangement Duquette, D.A. (1993) C. J. Arthur on Marx and Hegel on alienation, Auslegung 19(1) Hardimon, M.O. (1994) Hegels Social Philosophy: The Project of Reconciliation, introduction, pp. 95-122, conclusion Sayers, S. (2003) Creative activity and alienation in Hegel and Marx, Historical Materialism 11(1) @ Enlightenment vs. faith (See also Principle of subjectivity or subjective freedom) (See also Greek world and its inadequacy) (See also Historical role of Hegels philosophy) (See also Bifurcation, and the standpoint of modern thought, Kants standpoint as a whole ) Relationship of skepticism to philosophy [1801], in G. di Giovanni and H.S. Harris, tr. Between Kant and Hegel: Texts in the Development of Post-Kantian Idealism 1985

Phenomenology 6-10, 26, and ch. 6B2 The Enlightenment Reason and religious truth, foreword to H. Hinrich Religion in its Inner Relation to Science, in F. Weiss (ed.) Beyond Epistemology: New Studies in the Philosophy of Hegel, pp. 227-244 Lectures on the History of Philosophy, part 3 introduction and section on French Philosophy Rosen, S. (1974) G. W. F. Hegel: An Introduction to the Science of Wisdom, Yale University Press, pp. 183-228 + Solomon (1983) In the Spirit of Hegel pp. 552-559 Hinchman, L.P. (1984) Hegels Critique of the Enlightenment Stern, R. (1993) General introduction, to Stern (ed.) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments, vol. 1 pp. 1-20 Pippin, R. (1997) Hegel on historical meaning: for example, the Enlightenment, Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 35 @ Modernity and Hegel (See also Principle of subjectivity or subjective freedom, individuality, autonomy) Taylor, C. (1975) Hegel and Modern Society (= Hegel chs. 3,1 4, 15, 20) * Habermas, J. [1985] The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity, lecture 2 Kolb, D. (1986) The Critique of Pure Modernity: Hegel, Heidegger and After Westphal, M. (1992) Hegel, Freedom, and Modernity Brod, H. (1992) Hegels Philosophy of Politics: Idealism, Identity and Modernity Dallmayr, F. (1993) G.W.F. Hegel, Modernity and Politics, new ed. 2002 Collins, A.B. (ed.) (1995) Hegel on the Modern World Luther, T. (2009) Hegels Critique of Modernity: Reconciling Individual Freedom and the Community @ French Revolution (including material on the relation of Enlightenment to French Revolution) (See also Will and action ) (See also Rousseau and Hegel) Phenomenology ch. 6B2c Absolute freedom and terror Philosophy of History, part 4 sec. 3, The modern time Hyppolite, J. [1952] The significance of the French Revolution in Hegels Phenomenology, in his Studies on Hegel and Marx Ritter, J. [1956] Hegel and the French Revolution, in his Hegel and the French Revolution, tr. R. Winfield 1982 Habermas, J. [1963] Hegels critique of the French Revolution, in his Theory and Practice, tr. J. Viertel 1973 Nusser, K. [1970] The French Revolution in Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit, in Stewart (ed.) The Phenomenology of Spirit Reader Suter, J.-F. (1971) Burke, Hegel, and the French Revolution, in Pelczynksi (ed.) Hegels Political Philosophy * Avineri, S. (1972) Hegels Theory of the Modern State + Taylor, C. (1975) Hegel pp. 403-421 Beck, L. W. (1976) The Reformation, the Revolution, and the Restoration in Hegels political philosophy, Journal of the History of Philosophy 14 Harris, H.S. (1977) Hegel and the French Revolution, Clio 7, pp. 5-18 dHondt, J. (197?) Hegel in his Time: Berlin 1818-1831, tr. J. Burbidge 1981 + Solomon (1983) In the Spirit of Hegel, pp. 559-564 Smith, S.B. (1990) Hegel and the French Revolution: an epitaph for republicanism, in F. Fehr (ed.) The French Revolution and the Birth of Modernity, also available online May, H. (1990) The French Revolution and the problem of German modernity: Hegel, Heine, and Marx, New German Critique 50 ORegan, C. (1995) The religious and theological relevance of the French Revolution, in A.B. Collins (ed.) Hegel on the Modern World Wokler, R. (1996) The Enlightenment and the French revolutionary birth pangs of modernity, Sociology of the Sciences Yearbook 20 Wokler, R. (1997) The French Revolutionary roots of political modernity in Hegels philosophy, or the Enlightenment at dusk Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 35 Wokler, R. (1998) Contextualizing Hegels phenomenology of the French Revolution and Terror, Political Theory 26(1) @ Totalitarianism, authoritarianism, nationalism and Prussianism in Hegel (I.e. in Hegels own politics) Haym, R. (1857) Hegel und seine Zeit, ch. 15 Popper, K. (1945) The Open Society and Its Enemies, 5th (ed.) 1966, vol. 2, ch. 12

Kaufmann, W. (1951) The Hegel myth and its method, Philosophical Review 60, also in Kaufmanns The Owl and the Nightingale, also in MacIntyre (ed.) Hegel: A Collection of Critical Essays Berlin, I. (1958) Two Concepts of Liberty (pamphlet), reprinted in Four Essays on Liberty 1969 Ritter, J. [1962] Person and property: on Hegels Philosophy of Right, paragraphs 34-81, in Hegel and the French Revolution: Essays on the Philosophy of Right Knox, T.M. (1970) Hegel and Prussianism in W. Kaufmann (ed.) Hegels Political Philosophy * Avineri, S. (1972) Hegels Theory of the Modern State, chs. 6-9 Stewart, J. (ed.) (1996) The Hegel Myths and Legends, part 2 Tugendhat, E. [1979] Self-Consciousness and Self-Determination, tr. 1986, pp. 312-23 Cristi, R. (2005) Hegel on Freedom and Authority @ Moral and political stance of the Phenomenology (Considered separately from that of the Philosophy of Right) (For material on ch. 6Ac see Legal status (Rechtzustand), person and property in the Phenomenology) (For material on ch. 5C and 6C see Kants ethics and theory of will and freedom: Hegels critique of it in general) (See also Recognition in the Jena writings) Marcuse, H. (1941) Reason and Revolution, ch. 4 The Phenomenology of Mind Plamenatz, J. (1963) Man and Society, vol. 2, pp. 146-202 Shklar, J.N. (1976) Freedom and Independence: A Study of The Political Ideas in Hegels Phenomenology of Mind Franco, P. (2000) Hegels Philosophy of Freedom, ch. 3 The moral and political ideas of the Phenomenology of Spirit Pippin, R. (2004) Recognition and reconciliation: actualized agency in Hegels Phenomenology, in K. Ameriks and J. Stolzenberg (eds.) Internationales Jahrbuch des Deutschen Idealismus, vol. 2, reprinted in K. Deligiorgi (ed.) Hegel: New Directions, 2006, also in B. van den Brink and D. Owen (eds.) Recognition and Power: Axel Honneth and the Tradition of Critical Social Theory, 2007 @ Phenomenology: ch. 7 (See Religion in the Phenomenology) @ Art in the Phenomenology (See Art) @ Absolute knowing and the metaphysics of the Phenomenology, ch. 8 (Commentaries on ch. 8 and references to it by Hegel elsewhere) (For Hegels standpoint in general see Hegels standpoint (his idealism) and the Logic: texts below and the sections following it) Phenomenology 26, 37, 797-808 Science of Logic, tr. Miller, pp. 28 (on pure knowing), 49 (on absolute knowing), 60 (on pure knowing), 69 (on pure knowing) + Norman, R. (1976) Hegels Phenomenology, pp. 107-109 * Miller, M.H., Jr. (1978) The attainment of the absolute standpoint in Hegels Phenomenology, Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 7, reprinted in Stewart (ed.) The Phenomenology of Spirit Reader Solomon, R. (1983) In the Spirit of Hegel, conclusion Houlgate, S. (1998) Absolute knowing revisited, The Owl of Minerva 30(1), 51-67 Horstmann, R.-P. (2006) Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit as an argument for a monistic ontology, Inquiry 49(1) @ Phenomenology and logic, phenomenology and system (Including logicist interpretations of the Phenomenology) * Phenomenology, Preface 35-47 (Baillie pp. 95-106), esp. 37, ch. 8 805 (Baillie pp. 804-806) Science of Logic, Preface to first edition Hyppolite, J. [1946] Genesis and Structure of Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit, Conclusion pt. 3 Hyppolite, J. [1952] Logic and Existence: Essays on Hegels Logic, tr. 1997 Hartmann, K. (1966) On taking the transcendental turn, Review of Metaphysics 20(2), reprinted in Hartmanns Studies in Foundational Philosophy, 1988 Pggeler, O. (1966) Die Komposition des Phnomenologie des Geistes, Hegel-Studien, Beiheft 3, reprinted in Fulda and Henrich (eds.) Materialien zu Hegels Phnomenologie des Geistes 1973

Fulda, H.F. (1966) Zur Logik der Phnomenologie von 1807, Hegel-Studien, Beiheft 3, reprinted in Fulda and Henrich (eds.) Materialien zu Hegels Phnomenologie des Geistes 1973 Lonard, A. (1971) La structure du systme hglian, Revue philosophique de Louvain 69, pp. 495-524 Puntel, L.B. (1971) Darstellung, Methode, und Struktur, in Hegel- Studien, Beiheft 10 Heinrichs, J. (1974) Die Logik der Phnomenologie des Geistes Trede, J.H. (1975) Phnomenologie und Logik: Zu den Grundlagen einer Diskussion, Hegel-Studien 10 Lonard, A. (1976) Pour une exgse renouvele de la Phnomnologie de lesprit de Hegel, Revue philosophique de Louvain 74, pp. 572-593 + Norman, R. (1976) Hegels Phenomenology, pp. 116-132 Westphal, M. (1979) History and Truth in Hegels Phenomenology, ch. 8C Schmidt, J. (1981) Recent Hegel literature: the Jena period and the Phenomenology of Spirit, Telos 48 Dove, K. (1982) Phenomenology and systematic philosophy, in Westphal, M. (ed.) Method and Speculation in Hegels Phenomenology Hsle, V. (1987) Hegels System. Der Idealismus der Subjectivitt und das Problem der Intersubjectivitt [Hegels System: The Idealism of Subjectivity and the Problem of Intersubjectivity], 2 vols Forster, M.N. (1998) Hegels Idea of a Phenomenology of Spirit , chs. 13-17 Cobben, P.G. (2003) The logical structure of self-consciousness, in A. Denker and M. Vater (eds.) Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit: New Critical Essays @ LOGIC AND METAPHYSICS @ Logic: short introductions Marcuse, H. (1941) Reason and Revolution, part 1 ch. 5 Hyppolite, J. [1952] On the Logic of Hegel, in his Studies on Hegel and Marx Hyppolite, J. [1952] Logic and Existence: Essays on Hegels Logic, tr. 1997, final chapter, The organisation of the Logic, available online Kaufmann, W. (1965) Hegel: Reinterpretation, Texts and Commentary, ch. 4 Mure, G.R. (1965) The Philosophy of Hegel chs. 1,5 * Gadamer, H.-G. [1973] The idea of Hegels Logic, in Hegels Dialectic: Five Phenomenological Studies, reprinted in Stern (ed.) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments vol. 3 Taylor, C. (1975) Hegel, ch. 9 Pinkard,T. (1979) The logic of Hegels Logic, Journal of the History of Philosophy 17, reprinted in Inwood (ed.) Hegel Inwood, M. (1983) Hegel, Arguments of the Philosophers, ch. 8 deVries, W.A. (1993) Hegels logic and philosophy of mind, in R.C. Solomon and K.M. Higgins (eds.) Routledge History of Philosophy. Volume 6: The Age of German Idealism * Houlgate, S. (2005) An Introduction to Hegel: Freedom, Truth and History (2nd ed. of his Freedom, Truth and History, 1991), ch. 2 Thinking without presuppositions Burbidge, J. (1992) On Hegels Logic, in Burbidge (ed.) Hegel on Logic and Religion Burbidge, J. (1993) Hegels conception of logic in F.C. Beiser (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Hegel Burbidge, J. (2006) The Logic of Hegels Logic: An Introduction @ Logic: commentaries (Unclassified as to interpretation) Harris, W.T. (1890) Hegels Logic: A Book on the Genesis of the Categories of the Mind: A Critical Exposition, reprinted 2011 McTaggart, J.M. (1896) Studies in the Hegelian Dialectic, available online, 2nd ed. 1922 available online Baillie, J.B. (1901) The Origin and Significance of Hegels Logic: A General Introduction to Hegels System Macran. H.S. (1929) Hegels Logic of World and Idea Mure, G.R. (1950) A Study of Hegels Logic Findlay, J.N. (1954) Hegel: A Re-examination, chs. 6-8 Rosen, S. (1974) G.W.F. Hegel: An Introduction to the Science of Wisdom, chs. 3-5 * Burbidge, J. (1981) On Hegels Logic: Fragments of a Commentary Longuenesse, B. [1981] Hegels Critique of Metaphysics, tr. 2007 Harris, E.E. (1983) An Interpretation of the Logic of Hegel Johnson, P.E. (1989) The Critique of Thought: A Re-examination of Hegels Science of Logic Hartnack. J. (tr. 1998) An Introduction to Hegels Logic Carlson, D.G. (2007) A Commentary to Hegels Science of Logic @ Logic: collections

Weiss, F. (ed.) (1974) Beyond Epistemology: New Studies in the Philosophy of Hegel Steinkraus, W.E. and Schmitz, K.L. (eds.) (1980) Art and Logic in Hegels Philosophy Vesey, G. (ed.) (1982) Idealism Past and Present di Giovanni, G. (ed.) (1990) Essays on Hegels Logic * Stern, R. (ed.) (1993) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments, volume 3 @ Logic: surveys of the secondary literature Lewis, C. (1981) Recent literature on Hegels Logic, Philosophische Rundschau 28 The Encyclopaedia Logic (1991), tr. T. Geraets et al. (aas annotated bibliography of works on the Logic) @ Dialectical method See Logic: method and structure, Logic: formalisations of dialectical logic, Method of the Phenomenology @ Logic: method and structure, dialectic, contradiction, speculation, form and content (Including materials on dialectic in general in Hegel; for dialectic specifically in the Phenomenologys see Method of the Phenomenology) (Form and content in the sense that the Logic generates content from form; for form and content in Hegels ethics see Kants ethics: Hegels critique of its formalism) (See also Reason, understanding and intuition) (For critique of Kants antinomies see Kants dialectic and antinomies: Hegels critique) (For Phenomenology and Logic see Phenomenology and system, phenomenology and logic) Science of Logic, Prefaces, Introduction, With what must the science begin? * Encyclopaedia Logic, Prefaces, 19-25, 79-82 Philosophy of Nature Philosophy of Spirit 377-387, 413-439, 440, 445-456, 451, 465, 469, 481-6 (in Hegels Philosophy of Mind) Popper, K. (1940) What is dialectic?, Mind 49, reprinted in Poppers Conjectures and Refutations, 5th (ed.) 1989 Findlay, J.N. (1958) Hegel, ch. 3 Mueller, G.E. (1958) The Hegel legend of thesis-antithesis-synthesis, Journal of the History of Ideas 19 di Giovanni, J. (1973) Reflection and contradiction: a commentary on some passages of Hegels Science of Logic, reprinted in Stern (ed.) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments vol. 3 Pinkard,T. (1979) The logic of Hegels Logic, Journal of the History of Philosophy 17, reprinted in Inwood (ed.) Hegel Pippin, R.B. (1978) Hegels metaphysics and the problem of contradiction, Journal of the History of Philosophy 16, reprinted in Stern (ed.) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments vol. 3 Wolff, M. (1979) ber das Verhltnis zwischen logischem und dialektischem Widerspruch, Hegel Jahrbuch Sherman, N. (1980) Hegels two dialectics, Kant-Studien 71, reprinted in Stern (ed.) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments vol. 3 Burbidge, J. (1982) Transition or reflection, Revue Internationale de Philosophie 36, reprinted in Stern (ed.) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments vol. 3 Rosen, M. (1982) Hegels Dialectic and its Criticism, chs. 2-3 Forster, M.N. (1993) Hegels dialectical method, in F.C. Beiser (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Hegel Bencivenga, E. (2000) Hegels Dialectical Logic + Beiser, F.C. (2005) Hegel, ch. 7 The dialectic Hahn, S.S. (2007) Contradiction in Motion: Hegels Organic Concept of Life and Value @ Logic: formalisations of dialectical logic Kosok, M. (1972) The formalisation of Hegels dialectical logic, in A. MacIntyre (ed.) Hegel: A Collection of Critical Essays Lachertman, D. (1987) Hegel and the formalisation of logic, Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 12, 153-236 Priest, G, (1989) Dialectic and dialethic, Science and Society 53 @ Reason, understanding and intuition (As methods of thinking) (Also Hegels critique of ordinary logic) (See also Representation vs. concept, concrete universal, intentionality) Phenomenology, transition to ch. 5 Encyclopaedia Logic 60, 80-82 Reason and religious truth, foreword to H. Hinrich Religion in its Inner Relation to Science, in F. Weiss (ed.) Beyond Epistemology: New Studies in the Philosophy of Hegel, pp. 227-244

Hanna, R. (1986) From an ontological point of view: Hegels critique of the common logic, Review of Metaphysics 40 @ Sociality of reason Escobar, J.A.R. (2008) Hegels Science of Logic and the sociality of reason, in P. Ashton et al. The Spirit of the Age: Hegel and the Fate of Thinking @ Proposition (judgment), speculative proposition, language (See also Reason, understanding and intuition) (For Hegels own use of language see Terminology and language above) Phenomenology of Spirit, Preface 60-66 Science of Logic 577-595, tr. Miller Encyclopaedia Logic 1-5, 20, 28-29, 163, 166 Cook, D.J. (1972) Language and consciousness in Hegels Jena writings, Journal of the History of Philosophy 10, reprinted in R. Stern (ed.) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments, vol. 4 Cook, D. (1973) Language in the Philosophy of Hegel Surber, J.P. (1975) Hegels speculative sentence, Hegel-Studien 10, reprinted in Stern (ed.) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments vol. 3 Theunissen, M. (1978) Sein und Schein: Die kritische Funktion der Hegelschen Logik Gasche, R. (1986) The Tain of the Mirror: Derrida and the Philosophy of Reflection, c. pp. 45-49 deVries, W.A. (1988) Hegels Theory of Mental Activity: An Introduction to Theoretical Spirit (part 3 is on Hegels theory of language) * Rosen, M. (1988) From Vorstellung to thought: is a non-metaphysical view of Hegel possible?, in Henrich, D. and Horstmann, R.-P. (eds.) Metaphysik nach Kant?, reprinted in Stern (ed.) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments vol. 3 Surber, J.O. (2006) Hegel and Language Vernon, J. (2007) Hegels Philosophy of Language Reid, J. (2007) Real Words: Language and System in Hegel @ Being, nothing, becoming Encyclopaedia Logic, 84-88 Burbidge, J. (1981) On Hegels Logic: Fragments of a Commentary, pp. 38-45 Harris, E.E. (1983) An Interpretation of the Logic of Hegel, pp. 93-100 Pippin, R. (1989) Hegels Idealism pp. 182-188 Houlgate S. (2004) The Opening of Hegels Logic: From Being to Infinity @ Essence Henrich, D. [19?] Logik der Reflexion in his Hegel im Kontext Houlgate, S. (1999) Hegels critique of foundationalism in the Doctrine of Essence, in A. OHear (ed.) German Philosophy Since Kant Cirulli, F. (2006) Hegels Critique of Essence: A Reading of the Wesenslogik @ Subjective logic Winfield, R.D. (2005) From Concept to Objectivity: Thinking Through Hegels Subjective Logic Carlson, D.G. (ed.) (2005) Hegels Theory of the Subject @ Concept, the (Including the connection between the concept and the I) (See also Infinity in Hegel) Pinkard,T. (1979) The logic of Hegels Logic, Journal of the History of Philosophy 17, reprinted in Inwood (ed.) Hegel Westphal, M. (1980) Hegels theory of the concept, in W.E. Steinkraus and K.I. Schmidt (eds.) Art and Logic in Hegels Philosophy, reprinted in Stern (ed.) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments vol. 3 De Nys, M.J. (1986) Self-consciousness and the concept in Hegels appropriation of Kant in A.B. Collins (ed.) Hegel on the Modern World Iber, C. (2003) bergang zum Begriff. Rekonstruktion der berfhrung von Substantialitt, Kausalitt und Wechselwirkung in die Verhltnisweise des Begriffs, Anton Friedrich Koch (ed.) Der Begriff als die Wahrheit. Zum Anspruch der Hegelschen Subjektiven Logik De Boer, K. (2004) The dissolving force of the concept: Hegels ontological logic, Review of Metaphysics 57(4)

@ Concrete and abstract universality (For the universality of the will see Substantial will) * Royce, J. (1892) Appendix C: The Hegelian theory of universals, in his The Spirit of Modern Philosophy, pp. 492-506., also available online (the whole book is available here) Grier, P.T. (1990) Abstract and concrete in Hegels Logic, in G. di Giovanni (ed.) Essays on Hegels Logic Harris, E.E. (1990) A Reply to Philip Griers Abstract and concrete in Hegels Logic, in G. di Giovanni (ed.) Essays on Hegels Logic Ilyenkov, E.V. [19?] The universal, in F.J. Adelmann (ed.) Philosophical Investigations in the USSR, 1975 (an alternative version of this article exists as ch. 11 of Dialectical Logic), available online Stern, R. (2007) Hegel, British Idealism, and the curious case of the concrete universal, British Journal for the History of Philosophy 15(1), sections 2-4 Kisner, W. (2008) The concrete universal in iek and Hegel, International Journal of Zizek Studies 2(2), available online @ Identity and difference in Hegel Haas, A. (2000) Hegel and the Problem of Multiplicity Grier, P.T. (2007) Identity and Difference: Studies in Hegels Logic, Philosophy of Spirit, and Politics, part 1 @ Concrete universal in British idealism (See also British idealism) Bosanquet, B. (1912) The Principle Of Individuality And Value, The Gifford Lectures for 1911, lecture 2 The concrete universal, available online Sabine, G.H. (1912) Professor Bosanquets Logic and the concrete universal, The Philosophical Review 21(5) Mander, J. (2005) Life and finite individuality: The Bosanquet/Pringle-Pattison debate, British Journal for the History of Philosophy 13(1) Stern, R. (2007) Hegel, British Idealism, and the curious case of the concrete universal, British Journal for the History of Philosophy 15(1) @ Metaphysics of Hegel, his account of the absolute: texts Phenomenology, Preface, 17-23 (substance as subject), 37 (being is self-like or the concept); ch. 1; 759 (substance reflected into itself in its accidents is subject); ch. 8 esp. 797 (knowledge of self as substance and of substance as knowledge of selfs act) Science of Logic, Prefaces, Introduction, With what must science begin? Encyclopaedia Logic (also as Hegels Logic or The Logic of Hegel), 1-18, esp. 7-12 and 18 (NB this is Hegels introduction to the Encyclopaedia as a whole, not just to the Encyclopaedia Logic), 26-78 Philosophy of Nature, Introduction from start up to and including 247 (Miller translation pp. 1-16) Philosophy of Spirit, Introduction, section on what mind [Geist] is, 381-384 (in Hegels Philosophy of Mind, tr. Wallace pp. 8-20; or in vol. 1 of Hegels Philosophy of Subjective Spirit, (ed.) M. Petry) Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion, vol. 1, the section Of God Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion (one volume edition), c. pp. 473, 489 @ Metaphysics of Hegel: surveys Kreines, J. (2006) Hegels metaphysics: changing the debate, Philosophy Compass 1(5) (NB The following interpretations of Hegels metaphysics are from the most realist to the most idealist) @ Metaphysics of Hegel: theological interpretations - general (Theological interpretations are the only ones to attribute to Hegel the claim that he can know objects beyond the range of sensory experience) (For Hegels philosophy of religion see Philosophy of religion) (See also Kant and Fichtes theology and Hegel) Collins, J. (1967) The Emergence of Philosophy of Religion, ch. 7 Religion and Hegelian metaphysics Jaeschke, W. (1981) Absolute Idee Absolute Subjektivitt. Zum Problem der Persnlichkeit Gottes in der Logik und in der Religionsphilosophie , Zeitschrift fr philosophische Forschung 35, pp. 385-416 Ferrini, C. (1999) God and nature in Hegels Science of Logic, Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain, 39/40 @ Metaphysics of Hegel: theological interpretations: orthodox (The basic distinction between these and emanationist and kenotic and immanentist interpretations is that God or the absolute is self-conscious independently of creation, rather than only through human beings)

(See also Religion in Hegels work as a whole) (See also Trinitarianism in Hegel) Yerkes, J. (1978) The Christology of Hegel Lauer, Q. (1982) Hegels Concept of God, esp. introduction and ch. 1 @ Metaphysics of Hegel: theological interpretations: spirit-monist, emanationist and panentheist (Also the idea of the absolute as substance and subject) (Neo-Platonist. The Logic is realist and a priori; its determinations pre-exist us, and more or less literally externalise themselves in nature in order to then become self-conscious in human spirit, thereby realising God, whether this realisation is thought of as achieved in the first or second of these steps. Hence substance as subject.) (See also Spinoza and pantheism: Hegels critique) (For Feuerbachs view of Hegel see Feuerbach and Hegel in A Marx bibliography) Phenomenology 17-19, 36-37, 755-61, 802 Whittemore, R.C. (1960) Hegel as panentheist, Tulane Studies in Philosophy 9 * Taylor (1975) ch. 3 secs. 2,3,5 (reprinted as Taylors Hegel and Modern Society, ch. 1 secs. 2,3,5 ), esp. pp. 87-90, and ch. 18 secs. 1-2 + Plant, R. (1997) Hegel: On Religion and Philosophy, The Great Philosophers, esp. pp. 30-49 @ Metaphysics of Hegel: theological interpretations: kenotic and christomorphic (This is a version of emanationism in which the emphasis is on the necessity for absolute to empty itself, become finite, and subject itself to suffering, as Christ does in Christianity) (For Hegel on the historical Jesus and on Christianity, see Christianity) Phenomenology 760-784 Kng, H. [1970] The Incarnation of God: An Introduction to Hegels Theological Thought as a Prolegomena to a Future Christology, tr. 1987 Hallman, J. (1991) The Descent of God: Divine Suffering in History and Theology, last chapter Altizer, T.J.J. (1991) Hegel and the Christian God, Journal of the American Academy of Religion 59(1) Altizer, T.J. J. (1993) The Genesis of God: A Theological Genealogy, ch. 2 ORegan, C. (1994) The Heterodox Hegel McGrath, A.E. (1994) The Making of Modern German Christology, 1750-1990 @ Metaphysics of Hegel: immanentist and pantheist theological interpretations (Spinozist. The Logic is realist and a priori; its determinations are the determinations of an immanent rational subjectivity which emerges progressively within not prior to nature and then in the human mind) (See also Spinoza and pantheism: Hegels critique) Butler, C. (1985) Hermeneutic Hegelianism, Idealistic Studies 15 Houlgate, S. (2005) An Introduction to Hegel: Freedom, Truth and History (2nd ed. of his Freedom, Truth and History, 1991), ch. 2 Thinking without presuppositions Houlgate, S. (1991) Thought and being in Kant and Hegel, The Owl of Minerva 22(2) Houlgate, S. (1993) A reply to Joseph C. Flays Hegels metaphysics, The Owl of Minerva 24(2) Houlgate, S. (1994) Hegel and Fichte: recognition, otherness and absolute knowing, The Owl of Minerva 26(1) @ Metaphysics of Hegel: conceptualist and panlogist interpretations (Aristotelian. The Logic is realist and a priori; its determinations pre-exist us and are immanent in nature. The difference from pantheist interpretations is that subjectivity is not mentioned here) Horstmann, R.-P. (1974) Ontologie und Relationen Buchdahl, G. (1973) Hegels philosophy of nature and the structure of science, Ratio 15(1), reprinted in Inwood ed., and in Stern (ed.) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments vol. 4 Rosen, M. (1982) Hegels Dialectic and its Criticism Inwood, M. (1983) Hegel, Arguments of the Philosophers, chs. 8-10 Eisenberg, P. (1990) Was Hegel a panlogicist?, Nous 24 Stern, R. (1990) Hegel, Kant and the Structure of the Object * Wartenberg, T. (1993) Hegels idealism: the logic of conceptuality, in F.C. Beiser (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Hegel @ Metaphysics of Hegel: dialogical interpretations (Flay, Williams. The Logic is a priori but cannot be categorised as either realist or anti-realist because it thematises the relationship between subject and object (Flay), in which the object is neither just distinct from nor just identical to the subject (Williams))

Flay, J.C. (1993) Hegels metaphysics, The Owl of Minerva 24(2), 145-152 Flay, J. (1998) Absolute knowing and the absolute other, The Owl of Minerva 30(1), 69-82 @ Metaphysics of Hegel: non-metaphysical interpretations in general Lumsden, S. (2008) The rise of the non-metaphysical Hegel, Philosophical Compass 3(1), available online @ Metaphysics of Hegel: empiricist-realist interpretations (Findlay. The Logic is realist and a posteriori, ordering our empirical knowledge at the highest level of abstraction. This interpretation is called non-metaphysical because it is a posteriori) Findlay, J.N. (1958) Hegel, ch. 1 sec. 1, chs. 6-9, ch. 12 sec. 5 * Findlay, J.N. (1971) Hegels use of teleology, in Steinkraus, W.E. (ed.) New Studies in the Philosophy of Hegel Rosen, M. (1988) From Vorstellung to thought: is a non-metaphysical view of Hegel possible?, in Henrich, D. and Horstmann, R.-P. (eds.) Metaphysik nach Kant?, reprinted in Stern (ed.) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments vol. 3 @ Metaphysics of Hegel: positivist and category theory interpretations (Hartmann and followers. The Logic is anti-realist and a posteriori; the Logic is a derivation of the categories of ordinary experience and empirical science, without existential commitments, and justified by its explanation of those categories. All of Hartmann is here, although he seems to waver between a positivist and a Kantian interpretation: Pippin sees him as positivist and Beiser as Kantian) Hartmann, K. (1966) On taking the transcendental turn, Review of Metaphysics 20(2), reprinted in Hartmanns Studies in Foundational Philosophy, 1988 * Hartmann, K. (1972) Hegel: a non-metaphysical view, in MacIntyre (ed.) Hegel: A Collection of Critical Essays, reprinted in Stern (ed.) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments vol. 3 Hartmann, K. (1972) The analogies and after, in Beck, L.W. (ed.) Proceedings of the Third International Kant Congress + Bole, T. (1974) The dialectic of Hegels Logic as the logic of ontology, Hegel-Jahrbuch Hartmann, K. (1976) Die ontologische Option, in his Die ontologische Option Pinkard, T. (1979) Hegels idealism and Hegels Logic, Zeitschrift fr philosophische Forschung 33, reprinted in Stern (ed.) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments vol. 3 Pinkard, T. (1987) Hegels Dialectic: The Explanation of Possibility Pinkard, T. (1989) The categorial satisfaction of self-reflexive reason, Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 19 Smith, T. (1990) The Logic of Marxs Capital ch. 1 Pippin, R. (1990) Hegel and category theory, Review of Metaphysics 43 Englehardt, H.T. and Pinkard, T. (eds.) (1994) Hegel Reconsidered: Beyond Metaphysics and the Authoritarian State Khushf, G. (1994) The meta-ontological option, in Englehardt, H.T. and Pinkard, T. (eds.) Hegel Reconsidered * Beiser, F.C. (1995) Hegel, a non-metaphysician? A polemic, Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 32 @ Metaphysics of Hegel: implicitly anti-realist interpretations (The Logic is a theory of thought-categories, so is implicitly anti-realist, but these writers remain agnostic about its possible metaphysical implications) Henrich, D. (1971) Hegel im Kontext Fulda, H. (1978) Unzulngliche Bermerkungen zur Dialektik, in Horstmann, R.-P. (ed.) Seminar: Dialektic in der Philosophie Hegels @ Metaphysics of Hegel: hermeneutical interpretations (Gadamer. The Logic is anti-realist and a posteriori, as in positivist interpretations, but the method of elucidating these is hermeneutic rather than hypothetico-deductive; the Logic is a hermeneutic of contemporary spirit) Gadamer, H.-G. [1973] Hegels Dialectic: Five Phenomenological Studies Redding, P. (1996) Hegels Hermeneutics @ Metaphysics of Hegel: Kantian interpretations (Pippin, early Solomon. The Logic is anti-realist but a priori; it elaborates, a priori, the categories which are the necessary conditions of thought or intelligible experience) (See also Kants epistemology and metaphysics: Hegels critique) (See also McDowell on Hegel)

(For discussions focusing on apperception see Kant on self-consciousness, apperception and the transcendental deduction: Hegels critique) Solomon, R.C. (1970) Hegels concept of Geist, Review of Metaphysics 23, reprinted in MacIntyre (ed.) Hegel: A Collection of Critical Essays Longuenesse, B. [1981] Hegels Critique of Metaphysics, tr. 2007 White, A. (1983) Absolute Knowledge: Hegel and the Problem of Metaphysics Pinkard, T. (1988) Hegels Dialectic: The Explanation of Possibility, chs. 1-5 * Pippin, R (1989) Hegels Idealism, esp. ch. 1, ch. 5, ch. 8 sec. 1 Various authors (1989) Pippins Hegel, Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 19 Pinkard, T. (1990) How Kantian was Hegel?, Review of Metaphysics 43 Pippin, R. (1990) Hegel and category theory, Review of Metaphysics 43 Ameriks, K. (1991) Hegel and idealism, Monist 74(3) reprinted in Stern vol. 3 Westphal, K. (1993) Hegel, idealism, and Robert Pippin, International Philosophical Quarterly 33(3) @ Metaphysics of Hegel: transformed-Kantian interpretations (Akin to Kantian interpretations but attributing to Hegel a more radical transformation of Kant in a metaphysical direction) Fulda, H.F. (1988) Ontologie nach Kant und Hegel, in his Metaphysik nach Kant De Boer, K. (2004) The dissolving force of the concept: Hegels ontological logic, Review of Metaphysics 57(4) Bristow, W.F. (2007) Hegel and the Transformation of Philosophical Critique @ Metaphysics of Hegel: epistemist-realist interpretations (Beiser, Fulda. The Logic is realist and a priori, but it deduces the nature of reality from the successive necessary ways in which consciousness must conceive it in order for it to be able to think of itself as knowing it. Akin to Kantian interpretations except that the result is a realist Logic) (See also Phenomenology and system, phenomenology and logic) (See also Schellingian critiques of Hegel) Beiser, F.C. (1993) Introduction: Hegel and the problem of metaphysics, in F.C. Beiser (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Hegel @ Metaphysics of Hegel: social-Kantian interpretations (Including Metaphysics and ethics) (Theunissen. The Logic is anti-realist but a priori, as for Kantian interpretation, but it elaborates, a priori, the categories which correspond to a free or true social order) (See also Philosophy of Right and Logic) (Also, material on the relation between Hegels ethics / politics / theory of freedom and his logic/metaphysics) Reyburn, H.A. (1921) The Ethical Theory of Hegel: A Study of the Philosophy of Right Habermas, J. (1968) Knowledge and Human Interests, ch. 1 Berki, R.N. (1968) Political freedom and Hegelian metaphysics, Political Studies 16 Soll, I. (1969) An Introduction to Hegels Metaphysics + Norman, R. (1976) Hegels Phenomenology, pp. 109-116 Theunissen, M. (1978) Sein und Schein: Zur kritische Funktion der Hegelschen Logik Westphal, M. (1979) History and Truth in Hegels Phenomenology Pippin, R. (1979) The rose and the owl: some remarks on the theory-practice problem in Hegel, Independent Journal of Philosophy 3 Pippin, R. (1981) Hegels political argument and the problem of Verwirklichung, Political Theory 9 Fulda, H., Horstmann, R.-P. and Theunissen, M. (1980) Kritische Darstellung der Metaphysik. Eine Diskussion der Hegels Logik Rose, G. (1981) Hegel Contra Sociology Kolb, D. (1986) The Critique of Pure Modernity: Hegel, Heidegger and After, chs. 3-5 @ Metaphysics of Hegel: historical-relativist interpretations (Later Solomon and later Pinkard. The Logic is anti-realist but a priori; it elaborates, a priori for those of us who belong to the contemporary form of spirit, the categories of that spirits thought, in terms of the rationality intrinsic to it) Solomon, R.C. (1974) Hegels epistemology, American Philosophical Quarterly 11 Solomon, R. (1983) In the Spirit of Hegel, conclusion Pinkard, T. (1991) The successor to metaphysics: absolute idea and absolute spirit, Monist 74(3), July 1991, parts 1-2 Pinkard, T. (1994) Hegels Phenomenology, ch. 6 sec. 2

@ NATURE AND SUBJECTIVE SPIRIT (REALPHILOSOPHIE) @ Relation of Logic to Realphilosophie Halper, E.C. (2002) The idealism of Hegels system, The Owl of Minerva 34(1) @ Nature and the natural sciences: general (For particular topics see Nature and the natural sciences: particular topics) (See also above metaphysics of Hegel) (See also Aristotle and Hegel) Encyclopaedia Logic 6-12 Philosophy of Nature, Introduction (245-252), pp. 191-201 Philosophy of Spirit 379A Alexander, S. (1886) Hegels conception of nature, Mind 11 Harris, E.E. (1949-50) The philosophy of nature in Hegels system, Review of Metaphysics 3 Kimmerle, H. (1967) Hegels Naturphilosophie in Jena, Hegel-Studien 4 McMullin, E. (1969) Philosophies of nature, The New Scholasticism 43 Petry, M.J. (1970) Introduction to his translation of The Philosophy of Nature Buchdahl, G. (1973) Hegels philosophy of nature and the structure of science, Ratio 15(1), reprinted in Inwood (ed.) Hegel and in Stern (ed.) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments vol. 4 Sambursky, S. (1974) Hegels philosophy of nature, in Elkana, Y. (ed.) The Interaction Between Science and Philosophy * Petry, M.J. (1975) Hegels dialectic and the natural sciences, Hegel Jahrbuch 19 Webb, T. (1980) The problem of knowledge in Hegels philosophy of nature, Hegel-Studien 15 Buchdahl, G. (1983) Conceptual analysis and scientific theory in Hegels philosophy of nature (with special reference to Hegels optics) in Cohen and Wartofsky (eds.) Hegel and the Sciences Cohen, R.S. and Wartofsky, M.W. (eds.) (1983) Hegel and the Sciences Lucas, G.R. (1984) A reinterpretation of Hegels philosophy of nature, Journal of the History of Philosophy 22(1), reprinted in Stern (ed.) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments vol. 4 Horstmann, R.-P. and Petry, M.J. (eds.) (1986) Hegels Philosophie der Natur Richter, ? (1985) Hegels begreifende Naturbetrachtung Stern, R. (1990) Hegel, Kant and the Structure of the Object Kalenberg (1997) Die Befreiung der Natur Houlgate, S. (ed.) (1998) Hegel and the Philosophy of Nature Beiser, F. (2003) Hegel and Naturphilosophie, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 34(1) Stone, A. (2005) Petrified Intelligence: Nature in Hegels Philosophy @ Mathematics and geometry in Hegel (With thanks to Dirk Damsma) (For infinity see infinity in Hegel) Baer, R. (1932) Hegel und die Mathematik, in Verffentlichungen des Internationalen Hegelbundes, Verhandlungen des Zweiten Hegelkongresses vom18. bis 21. Oktober 1931 Tth, I. (1972) Die nicht-euklidische Geometrie in der Phnomenologie des Geistes; Wissenschaftstheoretische Betrachtungen zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Mathematik Paterson, A.L.T. (1997) Towards a Hegelian philosophy of mathematics, Idealistic Studies 27 (this and other articles by Paterson on Hegel and mathematics are available online) Paterson, A.L.T. (2002) Does Hegel have anything to say to modern mathematical philosophy? Idealistic Studies 32(2) Paterson, A.L.T. (2004-05) Hegels early geometry, Hegel-Studien 39/40 @ Ecology, environmentalism and Hegel (With thanks to Alison Stone) Passmore, J. (1995) Attitudes to nature, in R. Elliott (ed.) Environmental Ethics (includes a section on Hegel) Petersen, M.C. E. (1996): The role of practical and theoretical approaches in Hegels philosophy of nature, The Owl of Minerva 27(2) Berthold-Bond, D. (1997) Hegel and Marx on nature and ecology, Journal for Philosophical Research 22 Miller, E.P. (1997) The figure of self-sacrifice in Hegels Naturphilosophie, Philosophy Today 41, Supplement Stone, A. (2002) Ethical implications of Hegels philosophy of nature, British Journal for the History of Philosophy 10(2)

@ Nature and the natural sciences: particular topics Wandschneider, ? (1982) Raum, Zeit, Relativitt Ferrini, C. (1991) Features of irony and alleged errors in Hegels De orbitis planetarum, Hegel-Jahrbuch 1991, pp. 459-477 Petry, M.J. (ed.) (1993) Hegel and Newtonianism Reusswig, ? (1993) Natur und Geist Ferrini, C. (1994) On Newtons demonstration of Keplers second law in Hegels De orbitis planetarum (1801), Philosophia Naturalis 31(1), pp. 150-170 Burbidge, J.W. (1997) Real Process: How Logic and Chemistry Combine in Hegels Philosophy of Nature @ Time McTaggart, Unreality of time, Mind 17, pp. 457-74 Malabou, C. [1996] The Future of Hegel: Plasticity, Temporality and Dialectic, tr. 2005 @ Life in Hegels mature system, plant and animal subjectivity Greene, M. (1987) Natural life and subjectivity, in P.G. Stillman (ed.) Hegels Philosophy of Spirit Malabou, C. [1996] The Future of Hegel: Plasticity, Temporality and Dialectic, tr. 2005 @ Subjective spirit: general (with thanks to Heikki Ikheimo) Fetcher, I. (1970) Hegels Lehre vom Menschen Petry, M.J. (1978) Introduction to Petry (ed.) Hegels Philosophy of Subjective Spirit Stillman, P.G. (ed.) (1987) Hegels Philosophy of Spirit deVries, W.A. (1988) Hegels Theory of Mental Activity: An Introduction to Theoretical Spirit Eley, L. (ed.) (1990) Hegels Theorie des subjektiven Geistes Hespe, F. and Tuschling, B. (eds.) (1991) Psychologie und Anthropologie oder Philosophie des Geistes Wolff, M. (1992) Das Krper-Seele-Problem Stederoth, D. (2001) Hegels Philosophie des Subjektiven Geistes Halbig, C. (2002) Objektives Denken Henrich, D. (ed.) (1979) Hegels philosophische Psychologie (Hegel-Studien Beiheft 19) @ Soul and feeling, anthropology (On I and self, see Self-consciousness in the Phenomenology) (On sociality of the self, see Community and individual, sociality of the self in Hegel,) Greene, M. (1972) Hegel on the Soul: A Speculative Anthropology @ Consciousness, self-consciousness and the I in the Philosophy of Spirit (See also Self-consciousness in the Phenomenology) Schalhorn, C. (2000) Hegels enzyklopdischer Begriff von Selbstbewusstsein Ikheimo, H. (2000) Self-Consciousness and Intersubjectivity: A Study on Hegels Encyclopedia Philosophy of Subjective Spirit (1830), also available online @ Universal self-consciousness in the the Philosophy of Spirit (See Recognition and univeral self-consciousness in the the Philosophy of Spirit) @ Theoretical spirit, intentionality, imagination Greene, M. (1972) Hegels triadic doctrine of cognitive mind, Idealistic Studies 2, reprinted in R. Stern (ed.) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments, vol. 4 deVries, W.A. (1988) Hegels Theory of Mental Activity: An Introduction to Theoretical Spirit Bates J.A. (2004) Hegels Theory of Imagination @ Practical spirit (see Action and will in Hegel) @ Madness and Hegel (See also Freud, Lacan and Hegel) @ POLITICS, ETHICS AND HISTORY @ Politics and ethics: texts

Philosophy of Right Preface, 1, 4-21, 27-33, 36, 41-45, 54, 59, 65, 71-75, 81-82, 102-108, 114, 129-139, 141157, 158, 181-198, 209, 229-231, 249-250, 256-262, 272-273, 279, 302-303, 324, 330-334 and the remarks and additions (these passages cover all the key points and transitions) (up to 157 incl. is to end of introduction to ethical life) @ Politics and ethics: introductions (Including Hegels substantive political views, and discussions of whether he is a conservative or liberal) Avineri, S. (1968) Hegel revisited, Journal of Contemporary History 3(2), reprinted in MacIntyre (ed.) Hegel 1972 (survey of interpretations of Hegels political philosophy from his death onwards) Inwood, M. (1983) Hegel, Arguments of the Philosophers, ch. 11 Singer, P. (1983) Hegel Past Masters, ch. 3 (with ch. 2 on philosophy of history) Ottman, H. (1984) Hegels Philosophy of Right: changing paradigms for its interpretation, Clio 13(4) Wood, A. (1990) Hegels Ethical Thought, introduction Houlgate, S. (1991) Freedom, Truth and History, ch. 3 Hardimon, M.O. (1992) The project of reconciliation: Hegels social philosophy, Philosophy and Public Affairs 21(2) Dallmayr, F.R. (1993) G.W.F. Hegel: Modernity and Politics Wood, A. (1993) Hegels ethics, in F.C. Beiser (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Hegel Westphal, K. (1993) The basic context and structure of Hegels Philosophy of Right, in F.C. Beiser (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Hegel Hardimon, M.O. (1994) Hegels Social Philosophy: The Project of Reconciliation, ch. 1 @ Politics and ethics: guides Avineri, S. (1972) Hegels Theory of the Modern State, esp. chs. 5-9 Kainz, H.P. (1974) Hegels Philosophy of Right: A Handbook for Students Knowles, D. (2002) Hegel and the Philosophy of Right, Routledge Philosophy Guidebook Rose, D. (2007) Hegels Philosophy of Right: A Readers Guide @ Politics and ethics: fuller commentaries Bradley, F.H. (1876) Ethical Studies Bosanquet, B. (1899) The Philosophical Theory of the State, available online Reyburn, H.A. (1921) The Ethical Theory of Hegel: A Study of the Philosophy of Right Forster, M. (1935) The Political Philosophies of Plato and Hegel Walsh, W.H. (1969) Hegelian Ethics Avineri, S. (1972) Hegels Theory of the Modern State, esp. chs. 5-9 Plant, R. (1973) Hegel: An Introduction, 2nd ed. 1983 Weil, E. [1950] Hegel and the State, tr. 1998 Weil, E. (1979) Hegel et la Philosophie de Droit * Riedel, M. (1984) Between Tradition and Revolution: The Hegelian Transformation of Political Philosophy (translation of Studien zu Hegels Rechtsphilosophie) Steinberger, P.J. (1988) Logic and Politics: Hegels Philosophy of Right * Wood, A. (1990) Hegels Ethical Thought Peperzak, A.T. (1991) Hegels praktische philosophie Tunick, M. (1992) Hegels Political Philosophy: Reinterpreting the Practice of Legal Punishment Brod, H. (1992) Hegels Philosophy of Politics: Idealism, Identity and Modernity * Hardimon, M. (1994) Hegels Social Philosophy: The Project of Reconciliation Neuhouser, F. (2000) Foundations of Hegels Social Theory: Actualizing Freedom Franco, P. (2000) Hegels Philosophy of Freedom Honneth, A. (2000) Suffering from Indeterminacy: An Attempt at a Reactualization of Hegels Philosophy of Right Peperzak, A.T. (2001) Modern Freedom: Hegels Legal, Moral, and Political Philosophy Ormiston A. (2004) Love and Politics: Re-Interpreting Hegel Goldstein, J.D. (2006) Hegels Idea of the Good Life: From Virtue to Freedom, Early Writings and Mature Political Philosophy James, D. (2007) Hegels Philosophy of Right: Subjectivity and Ethical Life Brooks, T. (2007) Hegels Political Philosophy: A Systematic Reading of the Philosophy of Right * Pippin, R. (2008) Hegels Practical Philosophy: Rational Agency as Ethical Life Luther, T. (2009) Hegels Critique of Modernity: Reconciling Individual Freedom and the Community Moyar, D. (2011) Hegels Conscience @ Politics and ethics: collections

Kaufmann, W. (ed.) (1970) Hegels Political Philosophy Pelczynski, Z.A. (ed.) (1971) Hegels Political Philosophy (See esp. piece by Ilting) Riedel, M. (ed.) (1974-75) Materialien zu Hegels Rechtsphilosophie, 2 vols Verene, D.P. (ed.) (1980) Hegels Social and Political Thought Henrich, D. and Horstmann, R.-P. (eds.) (1982) Hegels Philosophie des Rechts: Die Theorie der Rechtsformen und ihre Logik Pelczynski, Z.A. (ed.) (1984) The State and Civil Society (See esp. pieces by Pelczynski, Hartmann) Cornell, D. et al. (eds.) (1991) Hegel and Legal Theory Stern, R. (ed.) (1993) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments, volume 4, section on political philosophy Kotkavirta, J. (ed.) (1997) Right, Morality, Ethical Life: Studies in G.W.F. Hegels Philosophy of Right Siep, L. (ed.) (1997) Hegel: Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts Williams, R.R. (ed.) (2001) Beyond Liberalism and Communitarianism: Studies in Hegels Philosophy of Right Pippin R. and Hffe O. (eds.) (2004) Hegel on Ethics and Politics @ Politics and ethics: early development (See Jena writings (politics, ethics and religion)) @ Normative stance, the Doppelsatz (the rational is real), positive right vs. natural right, ethics and reason (The underlying basis for Hegels ethics: whether it is Aristotelian, legal-positivist ( Machtstaat-ist), communitarian, historical-movement-based, or freedom-and-rationality based (Rechtstaat-ist)) (Including discussions of and the Preface to the Philosophy of Right as a whole) (However for freedom-based accounts see Freedom and free will as the basis of the Philosophy of Right ) (See also Ethical substance and Ethical life) (For Religion and the state see that) (For Hegels substantive political views see Politics and ethics: introductions) The German Constitution, introduction Encyclopaedia Logic 6, 142 Lectures on Natural Right 1, pp. 319-321 Philosophy of Right preface (esp. footnote on laws of nature and right, and last four pages), 3, 211-214, 258A, 270R (see Nisbet (ed.) p. 294), 273R Reason in History p. 53 Lectures on the History of Philosophy, section on Platos political philosophy Reyburn, H.A. (1921) The Ethical Theory of Hegel Lwith, K. [1941] From Hegel to Nietzsche, tr. D. Green, 1964, pp. 135-50 Weil, E. (1951) Hegel et lEtat Ritter, J. [1956] Morality and ethical life: Hegels controversy with Kantian ethics in Hegel and the French Revolution: Essays on the Philosophy of Right Plamenatz, J. (1963) Man and Society vol. 2 pp. 216-241 Ilting, K.-H. (1963-64) Hegels Auseinandersetzung mit der aristotelischen Politik, Philosophisches Jahrbuch 71 Pelczynski , Z.A. (1964) Introduction to Hegels Political Writings (V.Roupa: clear statement of Rechtstaatist view) Walsh, W.H. (1969) Hegelian Ethics Marini, G. (1977) La polemica con la scuola storica nell Filosifia del diritto hegeliana, Rivista di Filosofia 78-9, pp. 169-204 (see section 2) Tugendhat, E. [1979] Self-Consciousness and Self-Determination, tr. 1986 Peperzak, A.T. (1983) The foundations of ethics according to Hegel, International Philosophical Quarterly 23 Stillman, P.G. (1986) A critique of ideal worlds: Hegel and Marx on modern utopian thought in G.S. del Buffa and A.O. Lewis (eds.) Utopie per Gli Anni Ottanta: Studi Interdisciplinari sui temi, la storia, i progetti (Rome: Gangemi) Peperzak, A.T. (1987) Philosophy and Politics: A Commentary on the Preface to Hegels Philosophy of Right Wood, A. (1990) Hegels Ethical Thought, introduction, chs. 11-12 Lucas, H.-C. (1993) The identification of Vernunft with Wirklichkeit in Hegel, Owl of Minerva 25(1) * Hardimon, M.O. (1994) Hegels Social Philosophy: The Project of Reconciliation, ch. 2 sec. 2 The Doppelsatz Chitty, A. (1996) On Hegel, the subject and political justification, Res Publica 2(2) Kaufman, A. (1997) Hegel and the ontological critique of liberalism, American Political Science Review 91(4) Brod, H. (1992) Hegels Philosophy of Politics, ch. 2 ONeill, O. (1988) Ethical reasoning and ideological pluralism, Ethics 98 Tunick, M. (1994) Hegels nonfoundationalism, History of Philosophy Quarterly 11(3) Jackson, M.W. (1996) Hegel: the rational and the real, in J. Stewart (ed.) The Hegel Myths and Legends Sayers, S. (1998) Marxism and Human Nature, chs 6-9

Patten, A. (1999) Hegels Idea of Freedom, ch. 1 Stern, R. (2006) Hegels Doppelsatz: a neutral reading, Journal of the History of Philosophy 44(2) @ Philosophy of Right: method and structure (For relations between Philosophy of Right and Logic see metaphysics of Hegel: social-Kantian interpretations) Ilting, K.-H. (1971) The structure of Hegels Philosophy of Right, in Pelczynski (ed.) Hegels Political Philosophy Ilting, K.-H. (1982) Rechtsphilosophie als Phnomenologie des Bewutseins der Freiheit, in Henrich and Horstmann eds Mitias, M.H. (1984) The Moral Foundation of the State in Hegels Philosophy of Right: Anatomy of an Argument Markus, G. (1997) Political philosophy as phenomenology: on the method of Hegels Philosophy of Right, Thesis Eleven 48 @ Philosophy of Right and Logic (With thanks to Charlotte Daub) (See also Will: its logical structure, Metaphysics of Hegel: social-Kantian interpretations) Fulda, H.F. (1968) Recht der Philosophie in Hegels Philosophie des Rechts Ilting, K.-H. (1975) Zur Dialektik in der Rechtsphilosophie, Hegel-Jahrbuch 1975 Gottfried, P. (1980) On the social implications and context of dialectics, Journal of the History of Ideas 41 Henrich, D. and Horstmann, R.-P. (eds.) (1982) Hegels Philosophie des Rechts. Die Theorie der Rechtsformen und ihre Logik Steinberger, P.J. (1988) Logic and Politics: Hegels Philosophy of Right Richardson, H.S. (1989) The logical structure of Sittlichkeit: a reading of Hegels Philosophy of Right, in Idealistic Studies 19 Such, J. (2000) Hegels category of totality and his concept of the state, in Hegel-Jahrbuch 2000 Peperzak, A.T. (2001) Modern Freedom: Hegels Legal, Moral, and Political Philosophy, ch. 1 Henrich, D. (2004) Logical form and real totality: the authentic conceptual form of Hegels concept of the state, in R. Pippin and O. Hffe (eds.) Hegel on Ethics and Politics, 2004 @ Hartmann on the Philosophy of Right (And work on Philosophy of Right as social theory) Hartmann, K. (1971) What is a social category? Idealistic Studies 1(1) Hartmann, K. (1984) Towards a new systematic reading of Hegels Philosophy of Right, in Pelczynski (ed.) The State and Civil Society, also in Hartmanns Studies in Foundational Philosophy 1988 Bubner, R. [1984] Hegels significance for the social sciences, in R.S. Cohen and M.W. Wartofsky (eds.) Hegel and the Sciences Pinkard, T. (1986) Freedom and social categories in Hegels ethics, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 47(2), reprinted in Stern (ed.) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments vol. 3 Pinkard, T. (1994) Hegels Phenomenology, ch. 7 @ Pippin on Hegels social philosophy (Including his account of freedom in Hegel) Pippin, R. (1979) The rose and the owl: some remarks on the theory-practice problem in Hegel, Independent Journal of Philosophy 3 Pippin, R. (1981) Hegels political argument and the problem of Verwirklichung, Political Theory 9 Pippin, R.B. (1989) Hegels Idealism: The Satisfactions of Self-Consciousness * Pippin, R.B. (1991) Modernity as a Philosophical Problem, ch. 3 Pippin, R.B. (1991) Hegel, ethical reasons, Kantian rejoinders, Philosophical Topics 19(2), reprinted in Pippins Idealism as Modernism: Hegelian Variations Pippin, R. (1991) Hegel, modernity and Habermas, The Monist, 74(3), reprinted in his Idealism as Modernism: Hegelian Variations, 1997 Pippin, R.C. (1991) Idealism and agency in Kant and Hegel, Journal of Philosophy 88 Pippin, R. (1993) You cant get from there to here: transition problems in Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit, in F.C. Beiser (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Hegel Pippin, R.B. (1995) Hegel on the rationality and priority of ethical life, Neue Hefte fr Philosophie 35, reprinted as Hegels ethical rationalism in Pippins Idealism as Modernism: Hegelian Variations, 1997 Pippin, R.B. (1997) Hegel, freedom, the will: the Philosophy of Right 1-33, in L. Siep (ed.) Hegel: Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts

Pippin, R.B. (1999) Naturalness and mindedness: Hegels compatibilism, with a comment by Richard Rorty, European Journal of Philosophy 7(2) Pippin, R.B. (2000) What is the question for which Hegels theory of recognition is the answer?, European Journal of Philosophy 8(2) Pippin, R. (2004) Recognition and reconciliation: actualized agency in Hegels Phenomenology, in K. Ameriks and J. Stolzenberg (eds.) Internationales Jahrbuch des Deutschen Idealismus, vol. 2, reprinted in K. Deligiorgi (ed.) Hegel: New Directions, 2006, reprinted in B. van den Brink and D. Owen (eds.) Recognition and Power: Axel Honneth and the Tradition of Critical Social Theory, 2007 * Pippin, R. (2008) Hegels Practical Philosophy: Rational Agency as Ethical Life Pippin, R. (2011) Hegel on Self-Consciousness: Desire and Death in the Phenomenology of Spirit, partly reprinted in H. Ikheimo and A. Laitinen (eds) Recognition and Social Ontology, 2011 Deranty, J.P. (2011) Rationality, autonomy and the social bond: models of Hegelian recognition and their implications for social and political theory, Philosophy Today, Spring 2011 OConnor, B. (2012) The Neo-Hegelian theory of freedom and the limits of emancipation, European Journal of Philosophy (pre-publication) @ Freedom in Hegel: general (See also Freedom as social, Action and will in Hegel) (For freedom as the normative foundation for Hegels political philosophy see Freedom and free will as the basis of the Philosophy of Right ) Philosophy of Right, Introduction (especially 10-22), 260 Lectures on the Philosophy of World History: Introduction, tr. Nisbet, pp. 93-101, 145-9 Philosophy of History, tr. Sibree, pp. 37-43, 442-449 Philosophy of Spirit 483-486 (in Hegels Philosophy of Mind) Dyde, S.W. (1894) Hegels conception of freedom, Philosophical Review 3(6) Berlin, I. (1958) Two Concepts of Liberty (pamphlet), reprinted in Four Essays on Liberty 1969 Riedel, M. (1971) Nature and freedom in Hegels Philosophy of Right, in Pelczynski (ed.) Hegels Political Philosophy, reprinted as Laws of nature and laws of right, ch. 3 of Riedels Between Tradition and Revolution 1984 Schacht, R. (1972) Hegel on freedom, in MacIntyre (ed.) Hegel: A Collection of Critical Essays Tugendhat, E. [1979] Self-Consciousness and Self-Determination, tr. 1986, lectures 13-14 Siep, L. (1992) Der Freifeitsbegriff der praktischen Philosophie Hegels in Jena, in his Praktische Philosophie im Deutschen Idealismus Houlgate, S. (1995) The unity of theoretical and practical spirit in Hegels concept of freedom, Review of Metaphysics 48 (4) * Franco, P. (2000) Hegels Philosophy of Freedom * Neuhouser, F. (2000) Foundations of Hegels Social Theory: Actualizing Freedom Dudley, W. (2002) Hegel, Nietzsche, and Philosophy: Thinking Freedom +Houlgate, S. (2005) An Introduction to Hegel: Freedom, Truth and History (2nd ed. of his Freedom, Truth and History, 1991), ch. 8 Beiser, F.C. (2005) Hegel, ch. 9 + Matarrese, C. (2007) Hegels theory of freedom, Philosophical Compass 2(2) Yeomans, C. (2012) Freedom and Reflection: Hegel and the Logic of Agency @ Freedom and recognition in Hegel (The idea that individuals become free through mutual recognition) (For Pippins version of this claim see Pippin on Hegels social philosophy) (For Brandoms version see Brandom on Hegel) (For Honneths version see Honneth on Hegel) (For other contemporary versions of the idea that freedom is the result of recogntion see Recognition as ontological) (See also Recognition in the Philosophy of Right, Ethical substance) Westphal, M. (1980) Hegels theory of the concept, in W.E. Steinkraus and K.I. Schmidt (eds.) Art and Logic in Hegels Philosophy, reprinted in Stern (ed.) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments vol. 3 Winfield, R.D. (1983) Freedom as interaction: Hegels resolution to the dilemma of liberal theory, in Stepelevich and Lamb (eds.) Hegels Philosophy of Action, reprinted in Winfields Freedom and Modernity Gadacz, T. (1987) Freedom as reconciliation: the essence of the individuals freedom in the philosophy of Hegel, International Philosophical Quarterly 27 Smith, S. (1989) Hegels Critique of Liberalism: Rights in Context

Wood, A. (1990) Hegels Ethical Thought, ch. 2 Pinkard, T. (1994) Hegels Phenomenology: The Sociality of Reason, ch. 5 Williams, R.R. (1997) Hegels Ethics of Recognition, pp. 80-88, 122-32 * Patten, A. (1999) Hegels Theory of Freedom, esp. chs. 2-4, 6 * Neuhouser, F. (2000) Foundations of Hegels Social Theory: Actualizing Freedom, esp. chs. 1 and 3-5 McCarney, J. (2000) Hegel on History, Routledge Philosophy Guidebook, ch. 5 Freedom Baynes, K. (2002) Freedom and recognition in Hegel and Habermas, Philosophy & Social Criticism 28(1), section 1 Sinnerbrink, R. (2004) Recognitive freedom: Hegel and the problem of recognition, Critical Horizons 5(1) Ikheimo, H. (2010) Making the best of what we are: recognition as an ontological and ethical concept, in H.-C. Schmidt am Busch and C. Zurn (eds) The Philosophy of Recognition: Historical and Critical Perspectives Ikheimo, H. (2011) Holism and normative essentialism in Hegels social ontology, in H. Ikheimo and A. Laitinen (eds) Recognition and Social Ontology @ Freedom and determinism (Also, freedom and inclinations, relation of spirit to nature, Hegel on the mind-body problem) Philosophy of Spirit 381, 388-9 * Parkinson, G.H.R. (1970-71) Hegels concept of freedom, Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures, Vol. 5: 197071: Reason and Reality, reprinted in M. Inwood (ed.) Hegel * Schacht, R. (1972) Hegel on freedom, in MacIntyre (ed.) Hegel: A Collection of Critical Essays Pippin, R.B. (1997) Hegel, freedom, the will: The Philosophy of Right 1-33, in L. Siep (ed.) Hegel: Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts Pippin, R.B. (1999) Naturalness and mindedness: Hegels compatibilism, with a comment by Richard Rorty, European Journal of Philosophy 7(2) Yeomans, C. (2012) Freedom and Reflection: Hegel and the Logic of Agency @ Freedom and free will as the basis of the Philosophy of Right, constructivism in Hegel (For recognitive constructivism in Hegel see Recognition in the Philosophy of Right) (See also Rousseau and Hegel, Substantial will, Will: its logical structure) (Hegel can be seen as a constructivist either in that he derives right regressively as the necessary condition of agency or will or freedom (e.g. Westphal) or expressively in that he derives it as the necessary expression of agency or will or freedom (e.g. Maletz)) (For discusssions limited to property, see Property) (For principle of subjective freedom, see Principle of subjectivity or subjective freedom, individuality, autonomy) (For critique of Hegel as a totalitarian see Totalitarianism, authoritarianism, nationalism and Prussianism in Hegel) Bosanquet, B. (1899) The Philosophical Theory of the State, ch. 8 sec. 4 Freedom in Hegels Philosophy of Right (pp. 247-52), ch. 9 sec. 8 The state proper and following two sections (pp. 280-95) Weil, E. [1950] Hegel and the State, tr. 1998 (in Politics and ethics: commentaries) Riley, P. (1975) Hegel on consent and social contract theory: how does he cancel and preserve the will?, Western Political Quarterly 26(1) Pippin, R.B. (1981) Hegels political argument and the problem of Verwirklichung, Political Theory 9(4) Riley, P. (1982) Will and Political Legitimacy, ch. on Hegel Winfield, R.D. (1983) Freedom as interaction: Hegels resolution to the dilemma of liberal theory, in Stepelevich and Lamb (eds.) Hegels Philosophy of Action, reprinted in Winfields Freedom and Modernity Maletz, D.J. (1985) An introduction to Hegels Introduction to the Philosophy of Right, Interpretation 13, reprinted in D. Lamb (ed.) Hegel, 1988 Westphal, K. (1993) The basic context and structure of Hegels Philosophy of Right, in F.C. Beiser (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Hegel + Maletz, D.J. (1989) Hegel on right as actualized will, Political Theory 17(1) Hardimon, M.O. (1994) Hegels Social Philosophy: The Project of Reconciliation, ch. 3 Patten, A. (1999) Hegels Idea of Freedom, chs. 2-4, 6 * Neuhouser, F. (2000) Foundations of Hegels Social Theory: Actualizing Freedom * Franco, P. (2000) Hegels Philosophy of Freedom, esp. ch. 5 Peperzak, A.T. (2001) Modern Freedom: Hegels Legal, Moral, and Political Philosophy Cristi, R. (2005) Hegel on Freedom and Authority @ Action in Hegel

(See also Freedom in Hegel, Freedom and determinism and Duty, desire and feelings, Freedom as social, Slavery in Hegel, Will: its logical structure) Philosophy of Spirit 471-478 (in Hegels Philosophy of Mind) Philosophy of Right, introduction, 105-125 Kant, Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, beginning of section 3 (Kants account of negative and positive freedom) Wiehl, R. (1971) ber den Handlungsbegriff als Kategorie der Hegelschen sthetik Derbolav, J. (1975) Hegels Begriff der Handlung Mercier-Josa, S. (1976) Aprs Aristote et Adam Smith que dit Hegel de lagir?, Les tudes Philosophiques 3 Taylor, C. (197?) Hegels philosophy of mind, reprinted in Human Agency and Language: Philosophical Papers 1, 1985 Inwood, M. (1982) Hegel on action, in G. Vesey (ed.) Idealism Past and Present Stepelevich, L. and Lamb, D. (eds.) (1983) Hegels Philosophy of Action Taylor, C. (1983) Hegel and the philosophy of action, in Stepelevich, L.S. and Lamb, D. (eds.) Hegels Philosophy of Action (eds.) Pelczynski, Z.A. (1984) Freedom in Hegel, in Z.A. Pelczynski and J. Gray (eds.) Conceptions of Freedom in Political Philosophy Murray, P.T. (1991) Hegels Philosophy of Mind and Will Quante, M. [1993] Hegels Concept of Action, tr. 2004 Pendlebury, G. (2006) Action and Ethics in Aristotle and Hegel: Escaping the Malign Influence of Kant Pippin, R. (2008) Hegels Practical Philosophy: Rational Agency as Ethical Life Yeomans, C. (2012) Freedom and Reflection: Hegel and the Logic of Agency @ Reasons for action in Hegel Laden, A.S. (2005), Evaluating social reasons: Hobbes vs. Hegel, Journal of Philosophy 102(7) @ Will: its logical structure (For the universality of the will see Substantial will, objective will, universal will) Westphal, M. (1980) Hegels theory of the concept, in W.E. Steinkraus and K.I. Schmidt (eds.) Art and Logic in Hegels Philosophy, reprinted in Stern (ed.) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments vol. 3 Maletz, D.J. (1985) The meaning of will in Hegels Philosophy of Right, Interpretation 13, reprinted in D. Lamb (ed.) Hegel, 1988 Quante, M. (1997) Personal autonomy and the structure of the will, in J. Kotkavirta (ed.) Right, Morality, Ethical Life: Studies in G.W.F. Hegels Philosophy of Right Pippin, R.B. (1997) Hegel, freedom, the will: the Philosophy of Right 1-33, in L. Siep (ed.) Hegel: Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts Quante, M. [1997] The personality of the will as the principle of abstract right: an analysis of 34-40 of Hegels Philosophy of Right, in terms of the logical structure of the concept, in R. Pippin and O. Hffe (eds) Hegel on Ethics and Politics, 2004 Dudley, W. (2000) A limited kind of freedom: Hegels logical analysis of the finitude of the will, Owl of Minerva, 31(2) @ Savigny (and the historical school of law) and Hegel (For Savigny and Hegel on possession, see Possession) (For Savigny in general see A Marx bibliography: Savigny) Philosophy of Right, Preface pp. 16-17 (CUP edition), 3R, 211R, 212R, 215R, 216R Jaeger, H. (1967) Savigny et Marx, Archives de Philosophie du Droit 12, pp. 65-89; see pp. 82-83 Marini, G. (1977) La polemica con la scuola storica nell Filosifia del diritto hegeliana, Rivista di Filosofia 78-9, pp. 169-204 Marini, G. (1980) Il rapporto Savigny-Hegel nella storiografia recente, Quaderni fiorentini per la storia del pensiero giuridico moderno 9, pp. 113ff Schild, W. (1978-79) Savigny und Hegel, Anales de la Catedra Francisco Suarez 18-19, pp. 321-340 Schiavone, A. (1984) Alle Origini del Diritto Borghese: Hegel Contro Savigny Becchi, P. (1984) Hegel e Savigny, Materiali per una storia della cultura giuidica 14(2), pp. 463-470 @ Duty, desire and feelings in Hegel (For this in relation to Kant specifically, see Kants ethics: Hegels critique of its formalism) Lectures on the Philosophy of World History: Introduction, tr. Nisbet, pp. 68-93 Philosophy of Mind 478 Philosophy of Right 149

Butler, J. (1987) Subjects of Desire, ch. 1 Pippin, R.B. (1997) Hegel, freedom, the will: The Philosophy of Right 1-33, in Hegel: Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts (ed.) L. Siep Wildt, A. (1982) Autonomie und Anerkennung: Hegels Moralittskritik im Lichte seiner Fichte-Rezeption , part 1 Patten, A. (1999) Hegels Idea of Freedom, ch. 2 esp. secs. 1-3 @ Abstract right Brudner, A. (1991) Hegel and the crisis of private law in D. Cornell et al. (eds.) Hegel and Legal Theory Weinrib, E.J. (1991) Right and advantage in private law, in D. Cornell et al. (eds.) Hegel and Legal Theory @ Property and contract (general) (See also Social contract theory: Hegels critique) (See also Property and contract: recogintion-centred accounts) (For Kant on property see A social and political philosophy bibliography: Kant on possession and property) (For Savigny on possession see A Marx bibliography: Savigny on possession) Reyburn, H.A. (1921) The Ethical Theory of Hegel, ch. 6 Marcuse, H. (1941) Reason and Revolution, 2nd ed., part 1 ch. 6 * Ritter, J. [1962] Person and property: on Hegels Philosophy of Right, paragraphs 34-81, in Hegel and the French Revolution: Essays on the Philosophy of Right Teichgraeber, R. (1977) Hegel on property and poverty, Journal of the History of Ideas 38 Stillman, P.G. (1980) Person, property and civil society in the Philosophy of Right, in Verene (ed.) Hegels Social and Political Thought Stillman, P.G. (1980) Property, freedom and individuality in Hegels and Marxs political thought, in J.R. Pennock and J.W. Chapman (eds.) NOMOS XXII: Property Piper, A. (1980) Property and the limits of the self, Political Theory 8, also Stillman, P.G. (1980) Property, freedom and individuality in Hegels and Marxs political thought, in J.R. Pennock (ed.) Property Berry, C.J. (1980) Property and possession: two replies to LockeHume and Hegel, in J.R. Pennock and J.W. Chapman (eds.) Nomos XXII: Property Ilting, K.-H. (1982) Rechtsphilosophie al Phnomenologie des Bewutseins der Freiheit in D. Henrich and R.-P. Horstmann (eds.) Hegels Philosophie des Rechts Radin, M.J. (1981-82) Property and personhood, Stanford Law Review 34 Knowles, D. (1983) Hegel on property and personality, Philosophical Quarterly 33:130 Ryan, A. (1984) Property and Political Theory, ch. 5 Ryan, A. (1984) Hegel on work, ownership and citizenship, in Pelczynski (ed.) The State and Civil Society Davis, R.A. (1987) Property and labor in Hegels concept of freedom, in W. Maker (ed.) Hegel on Economics and Freedom Waldron, J. (1988) The Right to Private Property, ch. 10 (but see also the review of Waldron by A. Carter, Philosophical Books 31, 1990, pp. 129-136) Davis, R.A. (1989) The conjunction of property and freedom in Hegels Philosophy of Right, Zeitschrift fur philosophische Forshung 43(1), pp. 111-123 Benson, P. (1991) The priority of abstract right and constructivism in Hegels legal philosophy, in D. Cornell et al. (eds.) Hegel and Legal Theory Stillman, P.G. (1991) Property, contract and ethical life in Hegels Philosophy of Right, in D. Cornell et al. (eds.) Hegel and Legal Theory Becchi, P (1991) Ein Fragment Hegels ber Savigny. Zur Geschichte der Besitzlehre am Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts, Zeitschrift fr neuere Rechtsgeschichte 13 Patten, A. (1995) Hegels justification of private property, History of Political Thought 16(4), revised as ch. 5 of his Hegels Idea of Freedom 1999 Lampert, J. (1997) Locke, Fichte, and Hegel on the right to property, in M. Bauer and J. Russon (eds.) Hegel and the Tradition: Essays in Honor of H.S. Harris Knowles, D. (2002) Hegel and the Philosophy of Right, Routledge Philosophy Guidebook, ch. 5 Quante, M. (2004) The personality of the will as the principle of abstract right: an analysis of 34-40 of Hegels Philosophy of Right, in terms of the logical structure of the concept, in R. Pippin and O. Hffe (eds) Hegel on Ethics and Politics, 2004 @ Property and contract: recognition-centred accounts (Including the problem of the apparent individualism in Hegels account of property) Ilting, K.-H. (1971) The structure of Hegels Philosophy of Right, in Z. Pelczynski (ed.) Hegels Political Philosophy

Landau, P. (1975) Hegels Begrundung des Vertragsrechts, in M. Riedel (ed.) Materialien zu Hegels Rechtsphilosophie, vol. 2 Ilting, K.-H. (1982) Rechtsphilosophie als Phnomenologie des Bewutseins der Freiheit, in D. Henrich and R.P. Horstmann (eds.) Hegels Philosophie des Rechts Siep, L. (1982) Intersubjektivitt, Recht und Staat in Hegels Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts, in D. Henrich and R.-P. Horstmann (eds.) Hegels Philosophie des Rechts Siep, L. (1984) Person and law in Kant and Hegel, Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 10 Benhabib, S. (1984) Obligation, contract and exchange: on the significance of Hegels abstract right, in Z.A. Pelczynski (ed.) The State and Civil Society Wood, A. (1990) Hegels Ethical Thought, chs. 4-5 * Patten, A. (1995) Hegels justification of private property, History of Political Thought 16(4), revised as ch. 5 of his Hegels Idea of Freedom, 1999 (see especially section 5) Williams, R.R. (1997) Hegels Ethics of Recognition, ch. 7 Persons, property and contract Skorupski, J. (1999) Freedom, morality and recognition: Some theses of Kant and Hegel in his Ethical Explorations Knowles, D. (2002) Hegel and the Philosophy of Right, Routledge Philosophy Guidebook, ch. 4 Schmidt am Busch, H.-C. (2008) Personal respect, private property, and market economy: what critical theory can learn from Hegel, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 11(5) @ Human rights in Hegel (With thanks to Neil Stammers) Hinchman, L.P. (1984) The origins of human rights: a Hegelian perspective, Western Political Quarterly 37(1) Douzinas, C. (2000) The End of Human Rights: Critical Legal Thought at the Turn of the Century Cannon, B. (2001) Rethinking the Normative Content of Critical Theory: Marx, Habermas and Beyond @ Crime and punishment (With thanks to Chris Bennett) MacTaggart, J.M.E. [1899] Hegels theory of punishment, in G. Ezorsky (ed.) Philosophical Perspectives on Punishment 1972, revised and extended as ch. 5 of MacTaggarts Studies in Hegelian Cosmology 1901 Stillman, P.G. (1975) Hegels idea of punishment, Journal of the History of Philosophy 14(2) Nicholson, P.P. (1982) Hegel on crime, Journal of the History of Political Thought 3(2) Hinchman, L.P. (1982) Hegels theory of crime and punishment, Review of Politics 44(4) Steinberger, P.J. (1983) Hegel on crime and punishment, American Political Science Review 77(4) Primoratz, I. (1989) Justifying Legal Punishment, ch. 4 Tunick, M. (1992) Hegels Political Philosophy: Reinterpreting the Practice of Legal Punishment Vogel, U. (1997) Loss of recognition and self-subsumation - Hegels theories of punishment, Hegel-Studien 32 (in German) Skorupski, J. (1999) Freedom, morality and recognition: Some theses of Kant and Hegel in his Ethical Explorations @ Morality (Moralitt) Ritter, J. [1956] Morality and ethical life: Hegels controversy with Kantian ethics in Hegel and the French Revolution: Essays on the Philosophy of Right Wood, A. (1990) Hegels Ethical Thought, chs. 7-8 Wood, A. (1997) Hegels critique of morality, in L. Siep (ed.) Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts. Klassiker Auslegen Moyar, D. (2011) Hegels Conscience @ Principle of subjectivity or subjective freedom, individuality, autonomy, liberalism and Hegel (Including reconciliation of this with membership of state and citizenship) (See also Enlightenment vs. faith, Modernity and Hegel, Community and individual, sociality of the self in Hegel) Lectures on the History of Philosophy, tr. Haldane and Simpson, vol. 2 pp. 114-5 Philosophy of Right, Preface (CUP edition) p. 20, 117, 118A, 120, 124R, 132, 185R,A, 206, 258R (CUP edition p. 277), 260, 261R,A, 262A, 316A, 355R Pippin, R.C. (1991) Hegel, ethical reasons, Kantian rejoinders, Philosophical Topics 19(2), reprinted in Pippins Idealism as Modernism: Hegelian Variations Losurdo, D. [1992] Hegel and The Freedom of Moderns, tr. 2004 Hardimon, M.O. (1994) Hegels Social Philosophy: The Project of Reconciliation, ch. 1 sec. 4 part 3 (pp. 32-37) and ch. 5 Individuality and social membership

Neuhouser, F. (2000) Foundations of Hegels Social Theory: Actualizing Freedom, chs. 3, 7 Taylor, M.C. (1981) Journeys to Selfhood: Hegel and Kierkegaard Chitty, A. (1996) On Hegel, the subject and political justification, Res Publica 2(2) Franco, P. (1997) Hegel and liberalism, Review of Politics 59(4) Cristi, R. (2006) Marxs critique of Hegels Philosophy of Right: a critique, in D. Moggach (ed.) The New Hegelians: Politics and Philosophy in the Hegelian School James, D. (2007) Hegels Philosophy of Right: Subjectivity and Ethical Life Quante, M. and Schweikard, D.P. (2009) Leading a universal life: the systematic relevance of Hegels social philosophy, History of the Human Sciences 22(1) @ Bifurcation (See also Kant and Hegel: general, Modernity and Hegel) (See also History (philosophy of)) (This is the theme of the feeling/thinking and subject/object divisions in general) (See also Duty, desire and feelings in Hegel) (See also Reason, understanding and intuition) (See also Kants ethics: Hegels critique of it in general and Kants epistemology and metaphysics: Hegels critique) (See also Enlightenment vs. faith) (For the public/private bifurcation see state and the value of community) The Difference Between Fichtes and Schellings System of Philosophy c. pp. 83-89 + Introductory Lectures on Aesthetics, Penguin, pp. 58-60 Reason and religious truth, foreword to H. Hinrich Religion in its Inner Relation to Science, in F. Weiss (ed.) Beyond Epistemology: New Studies in the Philosophy of Hegel, pp. 227-244 Taylor, C. (1975) Hegel, ch. 1 + Plant, R. (1997) Hegel, The Great Philosophers, pp. 11-29 @ Conscience and virtue (Including conscience in the Phenomenology) Buchwalter, A. (1992) Hegels concept of virtue, Political Theory 20 * Wood, A. (1990) Hegels Ethical Thought, ch. 10 Bernstein, J.M. (1996) Confession and forgiveness: Hegels poetics of action, in R. Eldridge (ed.) Beyond Representation Sembou, E. (2003) Hegels idea of a struggle for recognition: the Phenomenology of Spirit, History of Political Thought 24(2) (in Spirit: intersubjective and collective-subject interpretations) @ Ethical life, i.e. Sittlichkeit (Discussions specifically of the role of ethical life (Sittlichkeit) in the Philosophy of Right, and its contrast with Moralitt) (See also Bildung and education) (For general discussions of Hegels synthesis of community and individualism see Community and individual, sociality of the self in Hegel) (For the will that underlies ethical life see Substantial will) (For discussions of whether Hegel grounds his ethics in existing community practices, i.e. is a nonfoundationalist, see Normative stance, the rational is real, ethics and reason) Phenomenology 347-350 Philosophy of Right, introduction to Ethical life Philosophy of Mindt 513-516 Taylor, C. (1975) Hegel, ch. 14 Ethical substance Habermas, J. [1976] The development of normative structures in Communication and the Evolution of Society Siep, L. (1983) The Aufhebung of morality in ethical life in L. Stepelevich and D. Lamb (eds.) Hegels Philosophy of Action Wood, A. (1990) Hegels Ethical Thought, chs. 11-12 Hardimon, M.O. (1994) Hegels Social Philosophy: The Project of Reconciliation, chs. 5-6 Neuhouser, F. (2000) Foundations of Hegels Social Theory: Actualizing Freedom, chs. 3-5 @ Community and individual, sociality of the self in Hegel (This is the general issue of the relation between the social whole and individuals, and of priority of the former to the latter) (Including romantic and organicist political thought and Hegel)

(See also Social contract theory: Hegels critique) (See also Ethical life) (See also Self-consciousness in the Phenomenology) (See also Soul and feeling, anthropology) (See also Principle of subjectivity or subjective freedom) (See also Freedom as social) Philosophy of Right 142-157 Taylor, C. (1975) Hegel, ch. 14 Ethical substance Thomas, P. (1980) Karl Marx and the Anarchists, ch. 1 Hegelian roots * Pelczynski, Z.A. (1984) Political community and individual freedom in Hegel, in Pelczynski (ed.) The State and Civil Society Ilting, K.-H. (1984) Hegels concept of the state and Marxs early critique, in Z.A. Pelczynski (ed.) The State and Civil Society Beiser, F.C. (1992) Enlightenment, Revolution and Romanticism: The Genesis of Modern German Political Thought 1790-1800, chs. 8-11 + Hardimon, M.O. (1994) Hegels Social Philosophy: The Project of Reconciliation, ch. 5 Larmore, C. (1996) The Romantic Legacy Chitty, A. (1996) On Hegel, the subject and political justification, Res Publica 2(2) Williams, R.R. (ed.) (2001) Beyond Liberalism and Communitarianism: Studies in Hegels Philosophy of Right Tunick, M. (2001) Hegel on political identity and the ties that bind, in R.R. Williams (ed.) Beyond Liberalism and Communitarianism: Studies in Hegels Philosophy of Right Luther, T. (2009) Hegels Critique of Modernity: Reconciling Individual Freedom and the Community @ Social role and sense of self (Selbstgefhl) in Hegel (Including recognition of oneself as a particular being) Philosophy of Right 158, 162, 261R Hardimon, M.O. (1994) Hegels Social Philosophy: The Project of Reconciliation, ch. 6 Hardimon, M.O. (1994) Role obligations, Journal of Philosophy 91 Neuhouser, F. (2000) Foundations of Hegels Social Theory: Actualizing Freedom, ch. 3 sec. 2 (pp. 93-102) @ Ethical substance: substantialist vs. intersubjective interpretations (For the parallel discussions about the nature of spirit, see Spirit) (See also Recognition in the Philosophy of Right) Bosanquet, B. (1899) The Philosophical Theory of the State, MacMillan, pp.192-199 Theunissen, M. [1965] The Other: Studies in the Social Ontology of Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre and Buber, 2nd German (ed.) 1977, trans. 1984, see pp. 88ff, 150ff Theunissen, M. (1975) Begriff und Realitt, in Denken im Schatten des Nihilismus Siep, L. (1979) Anerkennung als Prinzip der Praktischen Philosophie: Untersuchungen zu Hegels Jenaer Philosophie des Geistes, pp. 285 ff Theunissen, M. [1982] The repressed intersubjectivity in Hegels philosophy of right, in D. Cornell et al. (eds.) Hegel and Legal Theory 1991 Hsle, V. (1987) Hegels System. Der Idealismus der Subjectivitt und das Problem der Intersubjectivitt [Hegels System: The Idealism of Subjectivity and the Problem of Intersubjectivity], 2 vols @ Social contract theory: Hegels critique (Including the question of methodological atomism, whether for Hegel the good or end of the social whole can be reduced to the good of individuals prior to their membership of it) (See also Ethical life and Rousseau and Hegel) (See also Principle of subjectivity or subjective freedom) Encyclopaedia Logic 98A Ritter, J. [1962] Person and property: on Hegels Philosophy of Right, paragraphs 34-81, in Hegel and the French Revolution: Essays on the Philosophy of Right Stillman, P.G. (1974) Hegels critique of liberal theories of right, American Political Science Review 68(3) Losurdo, D. [19?] Hegel et les libraux, tr. into French 1992 Smith, S. (1989) Hegels Critique of Liberalism: Rights in Context Williams, R.R. (1997) Hegels Ethics of Recognition, ch. 12 Recognition and the social contract theory of the state Patten, A. (1999) Hegels Idea of Freedom, ch. 4, secs. 1-2 Neuhouser, F. (2000) Foundations of Hegels Social Theory: Actualizing Freedom, pp. 37-52, ch. 6

* Patten, A. (2001) Social contract theory and the concept of recognition in Hegels political philosophy, in
R.R. Williams (ed.) Beyond Liberalism and Communitarianism: Studies in Hegels Philosophy of Right (shortened version of Patten 2000 ch. 4) Westphal, K.R. (2003) Objektive Gltigkeit zwischen Gegebenem und Gematchtem: Hegels kantischer Konstruktivismus in der praktischen Philosophie, Jahrbuch fr Recht und Ethik 11, pp. 177-198, see sec. 5 @ Substantial will, objective will, universal will, substantial or objective freedom (The will that is rational in and for itself; this is the will that underlies ethical life) (For material specifically on the contrast between Hegels universal will and Rousseaus general will see Rousseau and Hegel) Philosophy of Right 24, 26, 142-147, 257-258 Philosophy of Spirit 435A, 486 Philosophy of History, tr. Sibree p. 456 Brudner, A. (1991) Hegel and the crisis of private law, in D. Cornell et al. (eds.) Hegel and Legal Theory Neuhouser, F. (2000) Foundations of Hegels Social Theory: Actualizing Freedom, pp. 52-54, 78-81, chs. 4-5 Patten, A. (1999) Hegels Idea of Freedom, ch. 3 sec. 4 Towards a resolution: the concrete universal Baum, M. [19?] Common welfare and universal will in Hegels Philosophy of Right, in R. Pippin and O. Hffe (eds.) Hegel on Ethics and Politics, 2004 Stern, R. (2007) Hegel, British Idealism, and the curious case of the concrete universal, British Journal for the History of Philosophy 15(1), sections 2-4 @ Family Phenomenology, ch. 6A Philosophy of Right, the family Stillman, P.G. (1981) Hegels idea of the modern family, Thought 56:22, September 1981, pp. 342-52 Siebert, R.J. (1998) Hegels Concept of Marriage and Family: The Origin of Subjective Freedom @ Feminism and Hegel (For feminist interpretations of the Antigone story, see Antigone) (For feminism and Hegel see Feminism and Hegel)) (For de Beauvoir De Beauvoir and Hegel) (For Irigaray see Irigaray and Hegel) Phenomenology of Spirit, 446-463 The ethical world. Human and divine law: man and woman de Beauvoir, S. (19?) The Second Sex Mills, P.J. (1978) Hegel and the woman question: recognition and intersubjectivity in L.M.G. Clark and L. Lange (eds.) The Sexism of Social and Political Theory: Women and Reproduction From Plato to Nietzsche Benjamin, J. (1980) The bonds of love: rational violence and erotic domination, Feminist Studies 6(1) Lloyd, G. (1983) Masters, slaves and others, Radical Philosophy 34 Lloyd, G. (1984) The Man of Reason, 2nd ed. 1993, chs 4-6 Arthur, C. (1988) Hegel as lord and master, Radical Philosophy 50, revised version in S. Sayers and P. Osborne (eds.) Socialism, Feminism and Philosophy: A Radical Philosophy Reader 1990 Ravven, H.M. (1988) Has Hegel anything to say to feminists?, The Owl of Minerva 19(2) Benjamin, J. (1988) Bonds of Love: Psychoanalysis, Feminism and the Problem of Domination Chodorow, N. (1989) Feminism and Psychoanalytic Theory Butler, J. (1989) Gendering the body: Beauvoirs philosophical contribution, in A. Garry and M. Pearsall (eds.) Women, Knowledge and Reality: Exploration in Feminist Philosophy Young, I.M. (1990) Justice and the Politics of Difference Bambey, A. (1991) Das Geschechterverhltnis als Annerkennungstruktur Benhabib, S. (1991) On Hegel, women and irony, in Shanley and Pateman eds., Feminist Interpretations and Political Theory Gatens, M. (1991) Feminism and Philosophy: Perspectives on Difference and Equality Mills, P.J. (ed.) (1996) Feminist Interpretations of G.W.F. Hegel Gauthier, J.A. (1997) Hegel and Feminist Social Criticism: Justice, Recognition and the Feminine Hutchings, K. (2002) Hegel: A Feminist Revision Hutchings, K. (2003) Hegel and Feminist Philosophy Kerruish, V. (2002) Persons and available identities: gender in Hegels philosophy of law, in M. Salter (ed.) Hegel and Law Stone, A. (2004) Going beyond oppositional thinking? The possibility of a Hegelian feminist philosophy, Res Publica 10(3) Gauthier, J.A. (2006) Hegel and Feminist Social Criticism: Justice, Recognition and the Feminine

MacDonald, S. (2008) Finding Freedom: Hegels Philosophy and the Emancipation of Women @ Civil society: general (For contrasts between Marx and Hegel on civil society see A Marx bibliography: Critique of Hegels Doctrine of the State) * Riedel, M. [1962] State and civil society: linguistic context and historical origin, as ch. 6 of his Between Tradition and Revolution, tr. W. Wright 1984 Plant, R. (1973) Hegel: An Introduction, 2nd ed. 1983, ch. 9 * Arato, A. (1991) A reconstruction of Hegels theory of civil society, in Cornell et al (eds.) Hegel and Legal Theory, slightly revised as J.L. Cohen and A. Arato, Civil Society and Political Theory, 1992, ch. 2 Conceptual history and theoretical synthesis Hardimon, M.O. (1994) Hegels Social Philosophy: The Project of Reconciliation, ch. 6 Patten, A. (1999) Hegels Idea of Freedom, ch. 6, sec. 2 @ System of needs, the economy (For these themes in the young Hegel see Political economy and the young Hegel) (For the civil society / state distinction see Contradictions of civil society) (For recognition and work, see Labour in Hegel) Philosophy of Right, Civil society Phenomenology of Spirit, introductions to chs. 5B and 6, virtue and the way of the world, the animal kingdom of spirit Avineri, S. (1971) Labor, alienation and social classes in Hegels Realphilosophie, Philosophy and Public Affairs 1(1) Horstmann, R.-P. (1974) The role of civil society in Hegels political philosophy, in R. Pippin and O. Hffe (eds.) Hegel on Ethics and Politics, 2004 Stillman, P.G. (1980) Hegels civil society: a locus of freedom, Polity 12(4), Summer 1980, pp. 622-46 Stillman, P.G. (1983) Scarcity, sufficiency, and abundance: Hegel and Marx on material needs and satisfaction, International Political Science Review 4(3), Summer 1983, pp. 295-310 Walton, A.S. (1984) Economy, utility and community in Hegels theory of civil society, in Z.A. Pelczynksi (ed.) The State and Civil Society Dickey, L. (1987) Hegel: Religion, Economics and the Politics of Spirit, 1770-1807, ch. 5 Maker, W. (ed.) (1987) Hegel on Economics and Freedom Stillman, P.G. (1987) Partiality and wholeness: economic freedom, individual development, and ethical institutions in Hegels political thought, in W. Maker (ed.) Hegel on Economics and Freedom Winfield, R.D. (1987) Hegels challenge to the modern economy, in W. Maker (ed.) Hegel on Economics and Freedom Arthur, C.J. (1987) Hegel on political economy, in D. Lamb (ed.) Hegel and Modern Philosophy Arthur, C.J. (1988) Hegels theory of value, in M. Williams (ed.) Value, Social Form and State Waszek, N. (1988) The Scottish Enlightenment and Hegels Account of Civil Society Inwood, M. (1992) A Hegel Dictionary, entry on thing and subject matter Wallace, R.M. (1999) How Hegel reconciles private freedom with citizenship, Journal of Political Philosophy 7(4) @ Class in Hegel Ruda, F. (2011) Hegels Rabble: An Investigation into Hegels Philosophy of Right @ Law (Gesetz), legal theory, Roman law (See also Natural law and Hegel) Bogdandy, A. von (1966) Hegels Theorie des Gesetzes Villey, M. (1974) Le Droit Romain dan la Philosophie des Rechts de Hegel, Hegel-Studien Beiheft 11 Cornell, D. et al. (eds.) (1990) Hegel and Legal Theory Salter, M. (ed.) (2002) Hegel and Law @ Bildung and education (See also Community and individual, sociality of the self in Hegel) Phenomenology 28-29 Philosophy of Right 187, 187R + Inwood, A Hegel Dictionary, entry on culture and education Luqueer, F.L. (1896) Hegel as Educator Mackenzie, M. (1909) Hegels Educational Theory and Practice

Gadamer, H.-G. [19?] Truth and Method, tr. 1975, pp. 9-19 Trilling, L. (1974) Sincerity and Authenticity, 2nd ed Kelly, G. (1969) Idealism, Politics and History: The Sources of Hegelian Thought, esp. pp. 341-8 Soll, I. (1972) Hegel as a philosopher of education, Educational Theory 22 Soll, I. (1972) Bildung, Geschichte und Notwendigkeit bei Hegel, Hegel Jahrbuch 1972 Dooren, W. (1973) Der Begriff der Bildung in der Phnomenologie des Geistes, Hegel Jahrbuch Bruford, W.H. (1975) The German Tradition of Self-Cultivation Bourgeois, B. (1978) La pedagogie de Hegel, in G.W.F. Hegel: Textes Pedagogiques Pggeler, O. (1980) Hegels Bildungsconzeption in geschichtlicher Zusammenhang, Hegel-Studien 15 Stillman, P.G. (1980) Hegels civil society: a locus of freedom, Polity 12(4), Summer 1980, pp. 622-46 Schmidt, J. (1981) A paideia for the Brger als bourgeois: the concept of civil society in Hegels political thought, History of Political Thought 2(3) Vincent, A.W. and George, M. (1982) Development and self-identity: Hegels concept of Bildung, Educational Theory 32(3-4), pp. 131-141 Stillman, P.G. (1987) Partiality and wholeness: economic freedom, individual development, and ethical institutions in Hegels political thought, in W. Maker (ed.) Hegel on Economics and Freedom Smith, J.H. (1988) The Spirit and its Letter: Traces of Rhetoric in Hegels Philosophy of Bildung Honneth, A. (1992) Moral development and social struggle: Hegels early social doctrines, in A. Honneth et al. (eds.) Cultural-Political Interventions in the Unfinished Project of Enlightenment Hardimon, M.O. (1994) Hegels Social Philosophy: The Project of Reconciliation, p.155 Fernald, D.H. (2004) Spirits Philosophical Bildung: Image and Rhetoric in Hegels Phenomology of Spirit and Science of Logic @ Contradictions of civil society (And the transition from civil society to the state) (Here the issue of the relationship between recognition and work recurs within Philosophy of Right) Reyburn, H.A. (1921) The Ethical Theory of Hegel, chs. 10-12 Marcuse, H. [193?] Reason and Revolution, ch. 6 Ritter, J. [1956] Hegel and the French Revolution, secs. 2-3, in his Hegel and the French Revolution, tr. R. Winfield 1982 Plamenatz, J. (1963) Man and Society vol. 2, ch. 4 esp. pp. 241-261 Riedel, M. [1969] The framework and meaning of objective spirit, as ch.1 of his Between Tradition and Revolution, tr. W. Wright 1984 Plant, R. (1973) Hegel: An Introduction, 2nd ed. 1983, ch. 9 Horstmann, R.-P. [1974] The role of civil society in Hegels political philosophy, in R. Pippin and O. Hffe (eds.) Hegel on Ethics and Politics, 2004 [1] Ghler, G. and Roth, ? (1981) Der Zusammenhang von konomie, Recht und Staatsgewalt. Hegels philosophische Begrndung in der gegenwrtigen Diskussion, Zeitschrift fr philosophische Forschung 35 Ryan, A. (1984) Hegel on work, ownership and citizenship, in Pelczynski (ed.) The State and Civil Society Pelczynski, Z.A. (1984) Introduction: the significance of Hegels separation of the state and civil society, in Pelczynksi (ed.) The State and Civil Society Ilting, K.-H. (1984) The dialectic of civil society, in Z. Pelczynski (ed.) The State and Civil Society Wood, A. (1990) Hegels Ethical Thought, ch. 14 Theunissen, M. (1991) The repressed intersubjectivity in Hegels philosophy of right, in Cornell et al eds., last two secs. (pp. 36-57) * Arato, A. (1991) A reconstruction of Hegels theory of civil society, in Cornell et al (eds.) Hegel and Legal Theory, slightly revised as J.L. Cohen and A. Arato, Civil Society and Political Theory, 1992, ch. 2, second section Hardimon, M.O. (1994) Hegels Social Philosophy: The Project of Reconciliation, ch. 6 @ State and constitution (Including discussions of individualism and Hegels attempts to overcome it in the modern state, and of his attempt to reconcile the public and private) (See also Social contract theory: Hegels critique, and for organicism in Hegel Community and individual) Marx, K. [1843] Critique of Hegels Philosophy of Right Bosanquet, B. (1899) The Philosophical Theory of the State, ch. 9 sec. 8 The state proper and following two sections (pp. 280-95) Stillman, P.G. (1988) Hegels idea of constitutionalism, in A.S. Rosenbaum (ed.) Constitutionalism: The Philosophical Dimension, Contributions in Legal Studies, Number 46, pp. 88-112

Wolff, M. [1984] Hegels organicist theory of the state, in R. Pippin and O. Hffe (eds.) Hegel on Ethics and Politics 2004 Sedgwick, S. (2001) The state as organism: The metaphysical basis of Hegels Philosophy of Right, Southern Journal of Philosophy 39 @ Democracy and monarchy in Hegel Philosophy of Right, 273-279, 281, 301, 303, 308 Yack, B. (1980) The rationality of Hegels concept of monarchy, American Political Science Review 74(3) Hartmann, K. (1984) Towards a new systematic reading of Hegels Philosophy of Right, in Pelczynski (ed.) The State and Civil Society, also in Hartmanns Studies in Foundational Philosophy 1988 Tunick, M. (1991) Hegels justification of hereditary monarchy, History of Political Thought 12(3) Kervegan J.F. (2000) Sovereignty and representation in Hegel, Philosophical Forum 31(3-4) Lagerspetz, E. (2004) Hegel and Hobbes on institutions and collective actions, Ratio Juris 17(2) Brooks, T. (2006) Plato, Hegel, and democracy, Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 53-54 Brooks, T. (2007) No rubber stamp: Hegels constitutional monarch, History of Political Thought 28(1) @ War and international relations in Hegel Philosophy of Right 321-340 Armstrong, A.C. (1933) Hegels attitude on war and peace, Journal of Philosophy 30:25 Avineri, S. (1961) The problem of war in Hegels thought, Journal of the History of Ideas 22(4) Mitias, M. (1980) Hegel on international law, Clio 9 Smith, S.B. (1983) Hegels views on war, the state, and international relations, American Political Science Review 77(3) Hicks, S.V. (1999) International Law and the Possibility of a Just World Order: An Essay on Hegels Universalism Fine, R. (2003) Kants theory of cosmopolitanism and Hegels critique, Philosophy and Social Criticism 29(6) @ Civic humanism and other forms of republicanism in Hegel Taylor, C. (1991) Hegels ambiguous legacy for modern liberalism in D. Cornell et al. (eds.) Hegels Legal Theory Patten, A. (1999) Hegels Idea of Freedom, ch. 1 sec. 6 @ History (philosophy of): texts Lectures on the Philosophy of World History: Introduction, tr. Nisbet 1975, pp. 25-101, 138-151 (roughly the same material, abridged and rearranged by Hegels son, appears as chs. 2-3 and pp. 67-82 of Introduction to the Philosophy of History, tr. Rauch 1988; as chs. 2-3 and pp. 78-95 of Reason in History, tr. Hartman 1953; and as pp. 9-53 and 63-79 of The Philosophy of History, tr. Sibree 1956) Philosophy of Right, Preface, 341-360 Introduction to the Lectures on the History of Philosophy, tr. Knox and Miller, pp. 15-52 Berlin Introduction Encyclopaedia Logic 13-14, 86 and additions Phenomenology, Preface 27-29, ch. 8 800-808 Philosophy of History @ History (philosophy of): short introductions Kaufmann, W. (1965) Hegel: Reinterpretation, Texts and Commentary, ch. 6 * Taylor, C. (1975) Hegel, ch. 15 Forbes, D. (1975) Introduction to Nisbet (ed.) Lectures on the Philosophy of World History. Introduction Cohen, G.A. (1978) Karl Marxs Theory of History, ch. 1 * Singer, P. (1983) Hegel Past Masters, chs. 2-3 Houlgate, S. (1991) Freedom, Truth and History, ch. 1 Chitty, A. (1997) The direction of contemporary capitalism and the practical relevance of theory, Review of International Political Economy 4(3) @ History (philosophy of): commentaries and collections Hyppolite, J. (1948) Introduction to Hegels Philosophy of History, tr. 1996 OBrien, G.D. (1971) Does Hegel have a philosophy of history?, History and Theory 10(3), reprinted in Inwood (ed.) Hegel Walsh, W.H. (1971) Principle and prejudice in Hegels philosophy of history in Pelczynski (ed.) Hegels Political Philosophy Wilkins, B.T. (1974) Hegels Philosophy of History

OBrien, G.D. (1975) Hegel on Reason and History Stepelevich, L.S. and Lamb, D. (eds.) (1983) Hegels Philosophy of Action Inwood, M. (1983) Hegel, Arguments of the Philosophers, ch. 11 Perkins, R.L. (ed.) (1984) History and System: Hegels Philosophy of History * Jaeschke, W. (1984) World history and the history of absolute spirit in R.L. Perkins (ed.) History and System: Hegels Philosophy of History Bautz, T. (1988) Hegels Lehre von der Weltgeschichte. Zur logischen und systematischen Grundlegung der Hegelschen Geschichtsphilosophie * McCarney, J. (2000) Hegel on History, Routledge Philosophy Guidebook Rosen, S. (19?) Hegel and historicism, in ?, reprinted in Stern (ed.) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments vol. 4, 1993 Houlgate, S. (1990) World history as the progress of consciousness: an interpretation of Hegels philosophy of history, The Owl of Minerva 22(1), reprinted in R. Stern (ed.) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments vol. 4, 1993 @ History as progressive, the cunning of reason Plamenatz, J. (1971) History as the realisation of freedom, in Pelczynski (ed.) Hegels Political Philosophy Avineri, S. (1971) Consciousness and history: List der Vernunft in Hegel and Marx, in W.E. Steinkraus (ed.) New Studies in Hegels Philosophy Taylor, C. (1999) Comment on Jrgen Habermas From Kant to Hegel and back again, European Journal of Philosophy 7(2) Pippin, R.B. (2001) Hegel and institutional rationality, Southern Journal of Philosophy 39 @ History of philosophy (And historical role of philosophy, historicity of philosophy, Hegels historicism) Hegel [1820s] Introduction to the Lectures on the History of Philosophy, tr. Knox and Miller, pp. 5-28, 41-52 (roughly the same material appears as Lectures on the History of Philosophy, tr. Haldane, vol. 1 pp. pp. 1-19, 27-36, 49-61) and pp. 65-114 (a fuller elaboration of the same ideas) Walsh, W.H. (1965) Hegel on the history of philosophy, History and Theory, Beiheft 5 Houlgate, S. (1991) Freedom, Truth and History, ch. 1 Beiser, F.C. (1993) Hegels historicism, in F.C. Beiser (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Hegel Browning. G. (1999) Hegel and the History of Political Philosophy Duquette, D.A. (ed.) (2003) Hegels History of Philosophy: New Interpretations @ Historical role of Hegels philosophy (See also Bifurcation, and the standpoint of modern thought, Kants standpoint as a whole) Faith and Knowledge Introductory Lectures on Aesthetics Preface to The Philosophy of Right Pinkard, T. (1994) Hegels Phenomenology, ch. 1 Why the Phenomenology of spirit? Hardimon, M.O. (1994) Hegels Social Philosophy: The Project of Reconciliation @ End of history in Hegel Lectures on the Philosophy of World History: Introduction, tr. Nisbet, pp. 145-149 Philosophy of History, pp. 442-457 Kojve, A. (1947) Introduction to the Reading of Hegel, pp. 157-168 Inwood, M. (1983) Hegel, Arguments of the Philosophers, pp. 509-519 Cooper, B. (1984) The End of History: An Essay on Modern Hegelianism, University of Toronto Press, Toronto Roth, M.S. (1985) A problem of recognition: Alexandre Kojve and the end of history, History and Theory 24 Berthold-Bond, D. (1988) Hegels eschatological vision: does history have a future?, History and Theory 27(1) Fukuyama, F. (1989) The end of history?, The National Interest 16 Bubner, R. (1991) Hegel and the end of history, Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain, 23-24 Malabou, C. [1996] The Future of Hegel: Plasticity, Temporality and Dialectic, tr. 2005 @ RELIGION AND ART @ Philosophy of religion in general (For Christian religion see Christianity and Hegel) Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion Fackenheim, E.L. (1967) The Religious Dimension in Hegels Thought Christensen, D.E. (ed.) (1970) Hegel and the Philosophy of Religion

Taylor, C. (1975) Hegel, ch. 18 Reardon, B.M. (1977) Hegels Philosophy of Religion Butler, C. (1977) G.W.F. Hegel Williamson, R.K. (1984) Introduction to Hegels Philosophy of Religion * Jaeschke, W. [1986] Reason in Religion: The Foundations of Hegels Philosophy of Religion, tr. J.M. Stewart and P.C. Hodgson 1990 Walker, J. (ed.) (1991) Thought and Faith in the Philosophy of Hegel * Jaeschke, W. (1992) Philosophical theology and the philosophy of religion in D. Kolb (ed.) New Perspectives on Hegels Philosophy of Religion Kolb, D. (ed.) (1992) New Perspectives on Hegels Philosophy of Religion Merklinger, P.M. (1993) Philosophy, Theology and Hegels Berlin Philosophy of Religion 1821-1827 Hodgson, P.C. (2005) Hegel and Christian Theology: A Reading of the Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion @ Kant and Fichtes theology and Hegel (See also Natural theology and the young Hegel) Kant, I. [1781] Critique of Pure Reason, B595-607, 639-40, 826, 837-46 Kant, I. [1788] Critique of Practial Reason Kant, I. [1790] Critique of Judgement Fichte, J.G. [1792] Attempt at a Critique of All Revelation, tr. G. Green 1978 Kant, I. [1793] Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone Jaeschke, W. [1986] Reason in Religion: The Foundations of Hegels Philosophy of Religion, tr. J.M. Stewart and P.C. Hodgson 1990 , ch. 1 @ Religion in the Phenomenology (See also Christianity and Hegel) * Phenomenology of Spirit, ch. 7 Phenomenology of Spirit, ch. 4 The unhappy consciousness, ch. 6 Faith and insight Hyppolite, J. [1946] Genesis and Structure of Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit, part 6 ch. 3 Taylor, C. (1975) Hegel, ch. 7 Westphal, M. (1979) History and Truth in Hegels Phenomenology, ch. 7 Flay, J. (1981) Religion and the absolute standpoint Thought 56, pp. 316-327 Solomon, R. (1983) In the Spirit of Hegel, ch. 10 Pinkard, T. (1994) Hegels Phenomenology, ch. 6 sec. 1 Jamros, D.P. (1990) The appearing God in Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit, Clio 19 Jamros, D.P. (1994) The Human Shape of God: Religion in Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit @ Natural religion Vieillard-Baron, J-L. [1971] Natural religion: an investigation of Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit, tr. J. Stewart in Stewart (ed.) The Phenomenology of Spirit Reader 1998 @ Judaism and Hegel The spirit of Christianity and its fate esp. first part Phenomenology 340, 720 Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion, Volume 2, The religion of sublimity Fackenheim, E. (1973) Encounters Between Judaism and Modern Philosophy, pp. 81-134 Poggeler (1974) Hegels interpretation of Judaism, Human Context 6 Stepelevich, L. (1975) Hegel and Judaism, Judaism 2 Hodgson, P.C. (1987) The metamorphosis of Judaism in Hegels philosophy of religion, Owl of Minerva 19(1) Luft, E.V.D. (1989) Hegel and Judaism: a reassessment, Clio 18(4) Smith, S. (1997) Spinoza, Liberalism and the Question of Jewish Identity, pp. 185-196 Yovel, Y. (1998) Dark Riddle: Hegel, Nietzsche and the Jews Leopold, D. (1999) The Hegelian anti-semitism of Bruno Bauer, History of European Ideas 25(4) @ Christianity and Hegel, Hegels christology (Hegels account of Christianity, and of its relationship with philosophical knowledge of the absolute. Also discussions of his conception of Jesus and of whether Hegel is a Christian) (See also Christian theology in general and Hegel) (For discussions of religion in the Phenomenology see Religion in the Phenomenology) Phenomenology, ch. 7C Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion, part 3

Preface to the 2nd edition and foreword to 3rd edition of the Encyclopaedia, in The Encyclopaedia Logic, tr. Geraets et al Reason and religious truth, foreword to H. Hinrich Religion in its Inner Relation to Science, in F. Weiss (ed.) Beyond Epistemology: New Studies in the Philosophy of Hegel, pp. 227-244 McTaggart, J.M.E. (1901) Studies in Hegelian Cosmology, ch. 7 Lauer, Q. (1970) Hegel on the identity of content in religion and philosophy in D.E. Christensen (ed.) Hegel and the Philosophy of Religion Kojve, A. (1970) Hegel, Marx and Christianity, Interpretation Yerkes, J. (1978) The Christology of Hegel McCarthy, V.A. (1986) Quest for a Philosophical Jesus: Christianity and Philosophy in Rousseau, Kant, Hegel, and Schelling, ch. 3 Hegel and the Jesus of consummate religion Houlgate, S. (1991) Freedom, Truth and History, ch. 5 Shanks, A. (1991) Hegels Political Theology Jaeschke, W. (1991) The history of religion and absolute religion, in J. Walker (ed.) Thought and Faith in the Philosophy of Hegel + Dickey, L. (1993) Hegel on religion and philosophy, in F.C. Beiser (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Hegel Rocker, S. (1995) Hegels Rational Religion: The Validity of Hegels Argument for the Identity in Content of Absolute Religion and Absolute Philosophy Desmond W. (2003) Hegels God: A Counterfeit Double? Schickler, J. (2005) Metaphysics as Christology: An Odyssey of the Self from Kant and Hegel to Steiner Hodgson, P.C. (2005) Hegel and Christian Theology: A Reading of the Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion ORegan, C. (2006-06) Philosophy of religion in the context of Hegels philosophy, The Owl of Minerva 37(1) Jamros, D.P. (1995) Hegel on the incarnation: unique or universal? Theological Studies, also available online @ Trinitarianism in Hegel (See also Christianity and Metaphysics of Hegel: theological interpretations) Schlitt, D.M. (1984) Hegels Trinitarian Claim: A Critical Reflection ORegan, C. (1994) The Heterodox Hegel Calton, P.M. (2001) Hegels Metaphysics of God: The Ontological Proof as the Development of a Trinitarian Divine Ontology Hodgson, P.C. (2005-06) Hegel: theologian of freedom, The Owl of Minerva 37(1) @ Religion and philosophy in general (The relation between religion and philosophy in general, and between the history of religion and the history of philosophy. For discussions specifically on the relation between Christian religion and Hegels own philosophy, see Christianity) Reason and religious truth [1821], foreword to H. Hinrich Religion in its Inner Relation to Science, in F. Weiss (ed.) Beyond Epistemology: New Studies in the Philosophy of Hegel, pp. 227-244. Available online: German text Introduction to the Lectures on the History of Philosophy [1820-27], tr. Knox and Miller pb, pp. 25-42, 114-163 (roughly the same material appears as Lectures on the History of Philosophy, tr. Haldane, vol. 1 pp. 55-94) Wallace, W. (1873) Bibliographical notice in Wallace (ed.) Hegels Logic @ Religion and the state Philosophy of Right 270 The relationship of religion to the state, in Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion: Volume 1, (ed.) P. Hodgson Olson, A. (1992) Hegel and the Spirit: Philosophy as Pneumatology Rocker, S. (1995) Hegels Rational Religion: The Validity of Hegels Argument for the Identity in Content of Absolute Religion and Absolute Philosophy @ Art and aesthetics Phenomenology, ch. 7B Lectures on Aesthetics Kaminsky, J. (1962) Hegel on Art * Henrich, D. [1970] The contemporary relevance of Hegels aesthetics, in Inwood (ed.) Hegel Solomon, R. (1983) In the Spirit of Hegel, pp. 604-614 Bungay, S. (1984) Meaning and Truth: A Study of Hegels Aesthetics Desmond, W. (1986) Art and the Absolute: A Study of Hegels Aesthetics + Inwood, M. (1993) Introduction to the Introductory Lectures on Aesthetics Steinkraus, W.E. and Schmitz, K.L. (eds.) (1980) Art and Logic in Hegels Philosophy

+ Wicks, R. (1993) Hegels aesthetics: an overview, in F.C. Beiser (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Hegel
Wicks, R. (1994) Hegels Theory of Aesthetic Judgment Maker, W. (ed.) (2000) Hegel and Aesthetics Pillow, K. (2000) Sublime Understanding: Aesthetic Reflection in Kant and Hegel Etter, B.K. (2006) Between Transcendence and Historicism The Ethical Nature of the Arts in Hegelian Aesthetics Houlgate, S. (ed.) (2007) Hegel and the Arts @ SUBSEQUENT PHILOSOPHERS AND HEGEL @ Schellingian critiques of Hegel (This is essentially the critique, initiated by the later Schelling, that there is always more to reality than our concepts of it, and that Hegel failed to recognise this) (For Adorno, see Adorno and Hegel) (For Levinas, see Levinas and Hegel) (See also metaphysics of Hegel: positivist and category theory interpretations above; Hartmanns category theory interpretation is meant to preserve the existence/essence distinction that Schelling claims Hegel collapses) (See also Sense-certainty, ch. 1) Schelling, F. [1832-33] Grundlegung der positiven Philosophie, (ed.) H. Fuhrmans 1972 Schelling, F. [1833-34] On the History of Modern Philosophy, tr. A. Bowie 1994, section on Hegel, partly available online * Feuerbach, L. [1839] Towards a critique of Hegels philosophy in L.S. Stepelevich (ed.) The Young Hegelians 1983; also in Stern (ed.) G.W.F. Hegel: Critical Assessments vol. 1 Marx, K. [1844] Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts final section, Critique of Hegels dialectic Heidegger, M. [1956] Hegels Concept of Experience White, A. (1983) Absolute Knowledge: Hegel and the Problem of Metaphysics Bowie, A. (1993) Schelling and Modern European Philosophy: An Introduction, ch. 6 Houlgate, S. (1994) Hegel and Fichte: recognition, otherness, and absolute knowing, Owl of Minerva 26(1) @ Marx and Hegel (See A Marx bibliography: Hegl and Marx, Marxs critique of Hegels ontology, Alienation: Marxs critique of Hegels concept of it and Method of Capital: Hegelian interpretations) @ Kierkegaard and Hegel Kierkegaard, S. Early journal entries in H.V. Hong and E.H. Hong (eds.) The Essential Kierkegaard, 2000 Kierkegaard, S. Repetition, section on Job Kierkegaard, S. Fear and Trembling, section on Abraham and Isaac Kierkegaard, S. [1846] Concluding Unscientific Postscript, esp. book 1 ch. 2 and book 2 part 1 Sartre, J.-P. Marxism and existentialism, in W. Kaufman (ed.) Existentialism from Dostoevsky to Sartre Wahl, J. (1934) LEtude de J. Wahl dans les rapports du IIIe Congrs hglien de Rome Hyppolite, J. [1955] The concept of existence in the Hegelian phenomenology, in his Essays on Hegel and Marx Thulstrup, N. [1969] Kierkegaards Relation to Hegel, tr. 1980 Solomon, R.C. (1978) The secret of Hegel (Kierkegaards complaint): a study in Hegels philosophy of religion, The Philosophical Forum 9(4) Taylor, M.C. (1981) Journeys to Selfhood: Hegel and Kierkegaard Cruysberghs, P. (1995) Beyond world history: on Hegels and Kierkegaards interests in ethics and religion, History of European Ideas 20 (1995) Stewart, J. (2003) Kierkegaards Relations to Hegel Reconsidered Cruysberghs, P. (2005) Hegel has no ethics: Climacuss complaints against speculative philosophy, in Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook @ Nietzsche and Hegel Nietzsche, F. [1874] The uses and disadvantages of history in Untimely Meditations (also translated as Thoughts out of Season) Houlgate, S. (1986) Hegel, Nietzsche, and the Criticism of Metaphysics Miklowitz, P.S. (1998) Metaphysics to Metafictions: Hegel, Nietzsche, and the End of Philosophy Dudley, W. (2002) Hegel, Nietzsche, and Philosophy: Thinking Freedom Zimmerman, R.L. (2005) The Kantianism of Hegel and Nietzsche: Renovation in 19th-Century German Philosophy

@ British Idealism (or British Hegelians) (See also Concrete universal in British idealism) Bradley, F.H. (1883) The Principles of Logic, 2nd ed. 1922 available online Bradley, F.H. (1893) Appearance and Reality: A Metaphysical Essay, 2nd ed. 1897, available online McTaggart, J.M. (1896) Studies in the Hegelian Dialectic, 2nd ed. 1922, available online McTaggart, J.M. (1901) Studies in Hegelian Cosmology, 2nd ed. 1918, available online Mackintosh, R. (1903) Hegel and Hegelianism, reprinted 1990 Bosanquet, B. (1912) The Principle of Individuality and Value, The Gifford Lectures for 1911, available online Bradley, F.H. (1914) Essays on Truth and Reality, available online Royce, J. (1919) Lectures on Modern Idealism, available online Robbins, P. (1982) The British Hegelians, 1875-1925 Stern, R. (1994) British Hegelianism: a non-metaphysical view, European Journal of Philosophy 2 Den Otter , S.M. (1996) British Idealism and Social Explanation: A Study in Late Victorian Thought Sweet, W. et al. (2004) Early Responses to British Idealism Sweet, W. (ed.) (2007) Bernard Bosanquet and the Legacy of British Idealism @ British idealism: ethical and political thought Bradley, F.H. (1876) Ethical Studies, esp. My station and its duties Green, T.H. (1883) Prolegomena to Ethics Bosanquet, B. (1899) The Philosophical Theory of the State Nicholson, P.P. (ed.) (1990) The Political Philosophy of the British Idealists: Selected Studies Sweet, W. (1996) Idealism and Rights: The Social Ontology of Human Rights in the Political Thought of Bernard Bosanquet Boucher, D. and Vincent, A. (2000) British Idealism and Political Theory @ Whitehead and Hegel Lucas, G.R. (1979) Two Views of Freedom in Process Thought: A Study of Hegel and Whitehead Ellis, R. (1981) From Hegel to Whitehead, The Journal of Religion 61(4) Lucas, G.R. (ed.) (1986) Hegel and Whitehead; Contemporary Perspectives on Systematic Philosophy Christensen, D.E. (1986) The Search for Concreteness: Reflections on Hegel and Whitehead Nussbaum, C. (1986) Logic and the metaphysics of Hegel and Whitehead, Process Studies 15(1), also available online Lakeland, P. (1986) Process and revolution: Hegel, Whitehead, and liberation theology, Process Studies 15(4), also available online @ Freud, Lacan and Hegel (See also Madness and Hegel) Ricoeur, P. [1965] Freud and Philosophy, tr. 1970, ch. on Hegel Hyppolite, J. [1971] Hegels phenomenology and psychoanalysis, in W.E. Steinkraus New Studies in the Philosophy of Hegel 1971 Butler, C. (1976) Hegel and Freud: a comparison, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 36(4) Mills, J. (2002) The Unconscious Abyss: Hegels Anticipation of Psychoanalysis @ Heidegger and Hegel (See also Heidegger on intersubjectivity, recognition and Mitsein) Heidegger, M. [1927] Being and Time, section 82 Heidegger, M. [1930-31] Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit Marcuse, H. [1932] Hegels Ontology and the Theory of Historicity Heidegger, M. [1956] Hegels Concept of Experience Heidegger, M. [1958] Hegel and the Greeks in W. McNeill (ed.) Pathmarks 1998 (another English translation is available online) Heidegger, M. [19?] The Metaphysical Foundations of Logic Gadamer, H.-G. (1967) Hegel and Heidegger in his Hegels Dialectic: Five Hermeneutical Studies Krell, D.F. (1980) Hegel, Heidegger, Heraclitus. in J. Sallis (ed.) Heraclitean Fragments Gillespie, M.A. (1984) Hegel, Heidegger and the Ground of History Kolb, D. (1986) The Critique of Pure Modernity: Hegel, Heidegger and After Schmidt, D.J. (1988) The Ubiquity of the Finite: Hegel, Heidegger and the Elements of Philosophy De Boer, K. (2000) Thinking in the Light of Time: Heideggers Encounter with Hegel @ French philosophers and Hegel

Baugh, B. (2003) French Hegel: From Surrealism to Postmodernism Keenan, D.K. (ed.) (2004) Hegel and Contemporary Continental Philosophy @ Bataille and Hegel Brger, P. [1998] The Thinking of the Master: Bataille between Hegel and Surrealism, tr. 2002 Gemerchak, C.M. (2003) The Sunday of the Negative: Reading Bataille, Reading Hegel @ Kojve and Hegel (See Kojve) @ Sartre and Hegel (See also Sartre on recognition) Sartre, J.-P. [1943] Being and Nothingness, tr. H. Barnes, pp. 233-252 Hartmann, K. (1966) Sartres Ontology: A Study of Being and Nothingness in the Light of Hegels Logic Ogilvy, J. 91980) Mastery and sexuality: Hegels dialectic in Sartre and post-freudian psychology, Human Studies 3(1) OHagan, T. (1981) Reading Hegel through Sartre, Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 12 Butler, J. (1987) Subjects of Desire: Hegelian Reflections in 20th Century France, chapter on Sartre Honneth, A. [1992] The Struggle for Recognition, tr. 1995, chapter on Sartre Matarrese, C. (2001) Solidarity and fear: Hegel and Sartre on the mediations of reciprocity, Philosophy Today 45(1) Gardner, S. (2005) Sartre, intersubjectivity, and German Idealism, Journal of the History of Philosophy 43 Evans, D. (2009) Sartre and Beauvoir on Hegels Master-Slave Dialectic and the Question of the Look, in C. Daigle and J. Golomb (eds.) Beauvoir and Sartre: The Riddle of Influence @ De Beauvoir and Hegel (With thanks to Alison Stone) de Beauvoir, S. (1949) The Second Sex, Introduction and The Data of Biology Lundgren-Gothlin, E. (1996) Sex and Existence: Simone De Beauvoirs The Second Sex, section on The masterslave dialectic in The Second Sex, reprinted in E. Fallaize (ed.) Simone de Beauvoir: A Critical Reader 1998 Bauer, N. (2001) Simone de Beauvoir, Philosophy and Feminism, chs. 3-7 Bauer, N. (2001) Being-with as being-against: Heidegger meets Hegel in The Second Sex, Continental Philosophy Review 34(2) Changfoot, N. (2009) The Second Sexs continued relevance for equality and difference feminisms, European Journal of Womens Studies 16(1) Evans, D. (2009) Sartre and Beauvoir on Hegels Master-Slave Dialectic and the Question of the Look, in C. Daigle and J. Golomb (eds.) Beauvoir and Sartre: The Riddle of Influence @ Levinas and Hegel (See also Irigaray and Hegel) Levinas, E. [1982] Ethics and Infinity: Conversations with Philippe Nemo, tr. 1985, c. pp. 66-90 Bernasconi, R. (1982) Levinas face to face with Hegel, Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 13(3) Bernasconi, R. (1986) Hegel and Levinas: the possibility of forgivenness and reconciliation, Archivio Di Filosofia 54 Schroeder, B. (2000) The (non)logic of desire and war: Hegel and Levinas, in H.J. Silverman (ed.) Philosophy and Desire @ Marxists on Hegel Engels, F. [1888] Ludwig Feuerbach and the Outcome of Classical German Philosophy, ch. 1 Marcuse, H. [1932] Hegels Ontology and the Theory of Historicity Marcuse, H. (1941) Reason and Revolution, part 1 Lukcs, G. [1948] The Young Hegel Lukcs, G. [19?] The Ontology of Social Being: Hegel, tr. 1978 Lukcs, G. [19?] Hegels False and his Genuine Ontology, tr. D. Fernbach, 1982 Althusser, L. [1965] For Marx @ Wittgenstein and Hegel Lamb, D. (1980) Language and Perception in Hegel and Wittgenstein

@ Adorno and Hegel (See also A Marx bibliography: Adorno on identity thinking) Adorno, T.W Adorno, T.W. [1960] Ontologie und Dialektik (lectures corresponding to Negative Dialectics part 1) Adorno, T.W. [1963] Hegel: Three Studies, tr. 1993 Adorno, T.W. [1964-65] History and Freedom, tr. 2006 Adorno, T.W. [1965-66] Vorlesung ber Negative Dialektik, 2003 (lectures corresponding to Negative Dialectics part 2 and addition corresponding to the introduction), see lecture 2, translation available online Adorno, T.W. [1966] Negative Dialectics, tr. 1973 Bernstein, J.M. (2004) Negative dialectic as fate: Adorno and Hegel, in T. Huhn (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Adorno Jarvis, S. (2004) What is speculative thinking? (Adorno, Hegel, Kant), Revue Internationale de Philosophie 58(227) OConnor, B. (2004) Adornos Negative Dialectic: Philosophy and the Possibility of Critical Rationality @ Gadamer and Hegel Gadamer, H.-G. [1973] Hegels Dialectic: Five Phenomenological Studies @ Nancy and Hegel (See also Nancy on intersubjectivity and recognition) Nancy, J.-L. [1973] The Speculative Remark: One of Hegels Bon Mots, tr. C. Surprenant 2001 Nancy, J.-L. [1997] Hegel: The Restlessness of the Negative, tr. J. Smith and S. Miller 2002 @ Irigaray and Hegel (With thanks to Alison Stone) (See also Levinas and Hegel) Irigaray L. [1974] Speculum of the Other Woman, The eternal irony of the community Irigaray L. [1987] Sexes and Genealogies, tr. 1987, The universal as mediation, The female gender Irigaray, L. [1992] I Love to You: Sketch for a Felicity within History, tr. 1996, especially the essay Love between us Irigaray, L. [1994] To Be Two Irigaray, L. [19?] Sexual difference in McNeill and Feldman (eds.) Continental Philosophy: A Reader Chanter, T. (1995) Ethics of Eros, ch. 3 Cheah, P. and Grosz, E. (1998) Of being-two: introduction to Irigaray and the political future of sexual difference, Diacritics 28: 1 Walsh, L. (1999) Her mother her self: the ethics of the Antigone family romance, Hypatia 14(3) Joy, M. (2000) Love and the labor of the negative: Irigaray and Hegel, in D. Olkowski (ed.) Resistance, Flight, Creation: Feminist Enactments of French Philosophy @ Habermas on Hegel, and on philosophy after Hegel (Habermass 1967 Labour and Interaction and responses to it are in see Recognition in the Jena writings ) (See also A social and political philosophy bibliography: Political role of philosophy) (Also on metaphysics as a guide to action; see also A social and political philosophy bibliography: Self) Horkheimer, M. (1947) Eclipse of Reason, Seabury, c. pp.12-24, 61-62 Habermas, J. [1965] Knowledge and human interests: a general perspective (the 1965 Frankfurt inaugural address), appendix to Knowledge and Human Interests, 1987, pp.301-317 Habermas, J. [1966] On Hegels political writings, in his Theory and Practice Habermas, J. [1968] Knowledge and Human Interests, chs. 1,9 Habermas, J. [1971] Why more philosophy? Social Research 38 Habermas, J. [1975] The place of philosophy in Marxism, Insurgent Sociologist 5(2), 1975, pp 41-48 McCarthy, T. (1978) The Critical Theory of Jrgen Habermas, 2nd ed. Polity 1982, sec. 2.5 The idea of philosophy and its relation to critical theory (pp.102-111 is on Hs attempt to see ideology-critique as the successor to philosophy) Kortian, G. (1980) Metacritique: The Philosophical Argument of Jrgen Habermas Habermas, J. [198?] Philosophy as stand-in and interpreter, in Baynes, K. et al. (eds.) After Philosophy: End or Transformation? 1987 Habermas, J. [1985] The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity, tr. 1990, lecture 2 Habermas, J. [1988] Themes in postmetaphysical thinking, in Postmetaphysical Thinking, tr. 1992 Habermas, J. (1999) From Kant to Hegel and back again: the move towards detranscendentalization, European Journal of Philosophy 7(2)

@ Lyotard, postmodernism and Hegel Lyotard, J.-G. [1979] The Postmodern Condition Browning, G.K. (2003) Lyotard and Hegel: what is wrong with modernity and what is right with the philosophy of right, History of European Ideas, 29(2) @ Derrida and Hegel Derrida, J. [1967] From restricted to general economy: a Hegelianism without reserve, in Writing and Difference Derrida, J. [1971] The pit and the pyramid: an introduction to Hegels semiology, in Margins of Philosophy Derrida, J. [1974] Glas, tr. 1986 Barnett, S. (1998) Hegel After Derrida Magnus, K.D. (2001) Hegel and the Symbolic Mediation of Spirit @ Analytic philosophy and Hegel Rockmore, T. (2005) Hegel, Idealism, and Analytic Philosophy @ McDowell on Hegel McDowell, J. (1996) Mind and World Friedman, M. (1996) Exorcising the philosophical tradition: Comments on John McDowells Mind and World, Philosophical Review 105, reprinted in N.H. Smith (ed.) Reading McDowell: On Mind and World, 2002 Sedgwick, S. (1997) McDowells Hegelianism, European Journal of Philosophy 5(1) Stern, R. (1999) Going beyond the Kantian philosophy: McDowells Hegelian critique of Kant, European Journal of Philosophy 7(2), also available online Sedgwick, S. (2000) Hegel, McDowell and recent defences of Kant, Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 31(3), reprinted in K. Deligiorgi (ed.) Hegel: New Directions, 2006 McDowell, J. [2001] Hegels idealism as a radicalisation of Kant in McDowell, Having the World in View, 2009, originally published as LIdealismo di Hegel come Radicalizazzione di Kant, Iride 34, 2001 Bernstein, R.J. (2002) McDowells domesticated Hegelianism, in N.H. Smith (ed.) Reading McDowell Pippin, R.B. (2002) Leaving nature behind: or two cheers for subjectivism, in N.H. Smith (ed.) Reading McDowell: On Mind and World, reprinted in Pippins The Persistence of Subjectivity: On the Kantian Aftermath, 2005 (critique of McDowell on Hegel) McDowell, J. (2002) Responses, in N.H. Smith (ed.) Reading McDowell: On Mind and World McDowell, J. (2003) The apperceptive I and the empirical self: towards a heterodox reading of lordship and bondage in Hegels Phenomenology, Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 47-48, reprinted in K. Deligiorgi (ed.)Hegel: New Directions, 2006 McDowell, J. (2003) Hegel and the myth of the given, in W. Welsch and K. Vieweg (eds) Das Interesse des Denkens: Hegel aus heutiger Sicht Pippin, R.B. (2005) Postscript: on McDowells response to Leaving nature behind, in The Persistence of Subjectivity: On the Kantian Aftermath Houlgate, S. (2006) Thought and experience in Hegel and McDowell, European Journal of Philosophy 14(2) Westphal, K. (2006) Contemporary epistemology: Kant, Hegel, McDowell, European Journal of Philosophy 14(2) McDowell, J. (2007) On Pippins postscript, European Journal of Philosophy 15(3), section 4 Rdl, S. (2008) Eliminating externality, Internationales Jahrbuch des Deutschen Idealismus 5 @ Brandom on Hegel (Brandom, R. (1979) Freedom and constraint by norms, American Philosophical Quarterly 16(3) Brandom, R. (1994) Making It Explicit * Brandom, R.B. (1999) Some pragmatist themes in Hegels idealism: negotiation and administration in Hegels account of the structure and content of conceptual norms, European Journal of Philosophy 7(2), reprinted in his Tales of the Mighty Dead: Historical Essays in the Metaphysics of Intentionality, 2002 McDowell, J. (1999) Comment on Robert Brandoms Some pragmatist themes in Hegels idealism, European Journal of Philosophy 7(2) Habermas, J. (2000) From Kant to Hegel: on Robert Brandoms pragmatic philosophy of language, European Journal of Philosophy 8(3) Brandom, R.B. (2001) Holism and idealism in Hegels Phenomenology, Hegel-Studien 36, reprinted in his Tales of the Mighty Dead: Historical Essays in the Metaphysics of Intentionality, 2002 Rockmore, T. (2002) Brandom, Hegel and inferentialism, International Journal of Philosophical Studies 10(4)

Testa, I. and Brandom, R.B. (2003) Hegelian pragmatism and social emancipation: an interview with Robert Brandom, Constellations 10(4) Pippin, R.B. (2005) Brandoms Hegel, 13(3) Brandom, R.B. (2005) Sketch of a program for a critical reading of Hegel: comparing empirical and logical concepts, in K. Ameriks (ed.) Internationales Jahrbuch des Deutschen Idealismus / International Yearbook of German Idealism, Vol. 3 * Brandom, R.B. (2007) The structure of desire and recognition: self-consciousness and selfconstitution, Philosophy and Social Criticism 33(1), reprinted in H. Ikheimo and A. Laitinen (eds) Recognition and Social Ontology, 2011 de Laurentiis, A. (2007) Not Hegels tales: applied concepts, negotiated truths and the reciprocity of un-equals in conceptual pragmatism, Philosophy and Social Criticism 33(1) [#] Brandom, R. (2008) Georg Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit, Topoi 27 [#] OConnor, B. (2008) Hegels Phenomenology and the question of semantic pragmatism, The Owl of Minerva 38(1-2) Houlgate, S. (2009) Phenomenology and De Re interpretation: a critique of Brandoms reading of Hegel, International Journal of Philosophical Studies 17(1) deVries, W.A. (2011) Brandom and the spirit of Hegel, in H. Sturm and C. Barth (eds) Robert Brandoms Expressive Vernunft: Historische und systematische Untersuchungen, also available online Redding, P.A. (2011) The analytic Neo-Hegelianism of John McDowell and Robert Brandom, in S. Houlgate and M. Baur (eds) A Companion to Hegel [end]

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