Rapid Escalation - Quickly Have Sex With Women.

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Rapid Escalation by Keychain, escalate quickly & have sex with women.


Every putt is different. Your feet dictate the stroke by how they feel on the green. I just never used the same stroke on every putt. Jack Nicklaus
Every interaction is differentfrom the same-day pulls to months of slow-burn, SCM stylewhat if you could read every woman you meet and know, instantly, when fast escalation is possible? When training clients, Ive no ticed two main sticking points that tend to hold them back: approach anxiety (fear of starting a conversation with a stranger, particularly an attractive woman) and escalation anxiety (fear of moving the interaction forwards or sexualizing the interaction). It was endeavoring to tackle the latter with my students that motivated me to systemize much of this material. I was able to achieve the fast pulls that you hear about (the ones where I sleep with the women the very night I meet her) because of my ability to escalate rapidly. This ability consists of: o Being open to the idea that rapid escalation is possible o Being able to recognize when a woman is open to rapid escalation (an ability to read her momentum) o Having the skill and confidence (outer and inner game) necessary to actually escalate quickly o Having the right logistics to lead the woman to a seduction location In this article I lay out the guiding principles that will allow you to achieve the kind of fast results that are the stuff of legend! Please note, this is a fairly advanced idea that does require a basic level of social and sexual savvy. You should have the ability to carry out an engaging, pleasant conversation with someone without social ticks and excessive nervousness, and you should be meeting and attracting women fairly successfully without wrestling with crippling self-image problems or running out of things to say. If you cant do these things, I recommend closing the proverbial pages of this article and taking care of the first things first. They are most learnable.

Rapid Escalation by Keychain, escalate quickly & have sex with women.
The Overview you can escalate.


Rapid escalation game is a momentum-based approach. A womans momentum dictates how fast A womans momentum is how willing she is to follow your lead. Psychologists might call this compliance. It takes low momentum for her to shake your hand, but higher momentum for her to sleep with you. Momentum can increase or decrease as the interaction unfolds. As you approach women, you will find various levels of momentum. Some women will allow you to escalate smoothly and quickly to a kiss or pull (taking her home) without showing any social resistance at all, while others may refuse to even talk to you when you approach! It is very helpful to be able to read a womans momentum so that you can tailor your escalation to each situation. If there is a lot of momentum in your interaction, you can escalate very quickly. Less momentum will require a more gradual, paced escalation. Rapid escalation is merely a combination of your desire/ability to escalate and your ability to read the womans level of momentum. When you truly get to the level of intuitively sensing how fast you can escalate with each individual woman, you will naturally be reading a combination of physical momentum and a variety of other signals of her interest in you. I dont specifically test for momentum as a distinct act. Every act of leading is a compliance test, so the best way to gauge momentum is just to escalate and pay attention. As you do, take note of how easily she follows your lead. Think of momentum testing like a speedometer on a car it is not something you turn on and off, it constantly reacts to the cars speed and displays its measurement. As you get more and more experience, youll eventually get a feel for the speed of your interaction. Feeling Momentum

You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing there will be no result. -Mahatma Gandhi
When you first taste wine it just tastes like wine, you either like it or you dont. As you become more experienced and educated about wine, you begin to make finer and finer distinctions with the information your senses are sending to you. You begin to detect the nuances of the flavor and how one wine differs from the next.

Rapid Escalation by Keychain, escalate quickly & have sex with women.


Learning by experience is about interpreting the information in your environment with finer and finer distinctions. As you become more experienced and educated, you begin to interpret each interaction better. Patterns and right-action arise from the wash of confusion and guesswork. If I was to summarize the escalation learning process in one sentence it would be this: If you havent already, have a go at escalating really hard and fast and see what happens. Try this, you may blow a few sets but the finer distinctions are worth it. Heres why: o When most guys do the above, they are very often surprised at how much momentum they find o Most guys then realize that they dont escalate as much as they could. Ask yourself, when was the last time you were blown out from over-escalating (has that ever happened)? o For one reason or another, most guys dont ever escalate to the point of blow -out and so never reach the limit of a womans momentum. They never really learn to feel where it is. o If you dont learn to feel the limit of a womans momentum, you cant reliably gauge where shes at. o If you cant gauge her momentum, you cant escalate based on it. o Therefore, your escalations very often fall short. They are based on what you think you can/should do rather than on an understanding of what you actually can do Some How-To: Here are practical tips on how to escalate that will serve you well in-field. o Lead strongly from outset. The purpose here is to establish a lead-follow pattern and to get a feel for the womans current momentum. For example, my friend Sasha and I were on the street doing some daytime approaches. Sasha was talking to two women, I joined him. He introduced me and made it clear which was the one he wanted. As I shook the hand of the other woman, I just held onto her hand and drew her gently towards me, immediately taking the lead. I pulled her in close, spun her and draped her arms around my neck. We were face-to-face at this point, and she didnt flinch away. Based on this, I tried for the kiss but couldnt connect. At this point, I had hit the ceiling of her momentum, so we talked some more (still embracing), baby-stepped some more physical leading and tried again. Still no go. On the third attempt, her friend looked over from Sashas arms and shouted, Just kiss him, hes hot! That social permission was just what she needed, and we kissed.

Rapid Escalation by Keychain, escalate quickly & have sex with women.


o Ladder the acts of leading. If you go for an act of leading, dont wor ry if she does not follow. Just baby-step smaller, more palatable requests until she warms to your original intention. While doing daytime approaches in Oslo, I approached a stunning blond woman with a direct opener. She stopped, I transitioned off the opener by asking if she was Norwegian, she said yes. I hugged her (immediately establishing touch) and said, Awesome, I love Norwegians! As I continued talking, I moved to a bench nearby, Come sit (immediate leading) This was a fairly bold act of leadership considering the brevity of our interaction. She walked towards me but did not sit. Unphased, I simply baby-stepped the momentum with Give me your handsturn them overhmm, okaycome sit And she sat. The physical leading in itself didnt make a lot o f sense and I didnt bother explaining why I wanted to see her hands. I was just laddering stages to get the momentum for her to sit with me. o Escalate on an emotional spike. Another way to gain ground quickly during rapid escalation is to physically escalate on an emotional spike. For instance, if you want to move your woman to another location on the street and she doesnt feel comfortable doing so, wait a while. Make her laugh and, as she feels that good emotion, take her hand and lead her, Come on, lets go to the bar. When you hit a womans momentum threshold, you can withdraw some of the physical touching (a takeaway) so that she misses the connection you already have. Then when your emotional spike hits and you reinitiate escalation, it will be even better received. o Dominant / Physical - Anyone who has been having sex with a woman and, in the throes of passion, has pinned their womans arms above her head for sexy effect will know that many women respond well to physical dominance. You can use this principle outside of the bedroom too. Examples of physical dominance include taking a woman by the hips and pulling her close, physically lifting her up, catching a womans arm as she passes to stop her in a crowded club. Teaching a boot camp in London, I was talking to a woman with one of our clients. Some way into the conversation, she asked me to guess her age. She hopped off her stool and did a little spin for me (a pattern I had established earlier). I looked her up and down, pretending to mull over how old she was. I took her by her hips and pulled her sharply into me. I whispered softly in her ear, I thinkyoure twenty-six. Then I released her. This act of physical dominance had a profound effect on her. It was an unexpected move, and quite excessive for the topic of conversation. But it demonstrated an animal dominance that she

Rapid Escalation by Keychain, escalate quickly & have sex with women.


found very arousing. Physical escalation does not necessarily have to have anything to do with what youre actually talking about. You can make escalation jumps, take cha rge, test her momentum and spike her emotions all with your physical communication, while verbally talking about every day topics. o For best effect you should have an authentic intent. Escalate and approach women that you are genuinely attracted to and all of your interactions will line up far more congruently. o Dont draw excessive attention to the escalation. This is a widely known point on escalation, and worth mentioning here. For more on this, check out Magic Bullets. o Tests. As you escalate, you will encounter congruence tests. The woman is attracted and she wants to test to make sure that youre as solid a man as you seem. Its like standing at the bottom of a mountain and giving your rope a tug before trusting your weight to it. She wants to know that youre not putting up a front because shes attracted its a positive sign! Magic Bullets has excellent advice on dealing with these kinds of tests.

Blow me or blow me out. Brad P

In Conclusion: Your mission as a learner, should you choose to accept it, is to go out and escalate a bunch of interactions to the point of blowout. Find that point. Really zone in on escalation until you begin to obtain those finer distinctions. Escalate, escalate, escalate and let experience redefine your ideas about escalation. When you get to the point where you can accurately read a womans momentum you can tailor your game to suit. Approach the women youre attracted to. Some will be open and invest in your escalation so go rapid. If shes less so, play solid game and shoot for the phone number, and setting up a date. Learn slow burn style from Braddock and Mr.M and add that to your arsenal for long term pulls. Rapid escalation is a part of your overall skill set to be used with calibration when the situation requires it. Like this article says, challenge your beliefs and see how far you can go.

Its weird how your beliefs of how far you can go are holding you back. I remember when I first started I thought I could NEVER touch a girl on the shoulder/hip on the opener when I tried it a bunch of times (being scared shitless of course) I was astounded at how woman werent even responding to it in a negative way. Same goes for hugs and other touches. That said, it really is fantastic fun!

Enjoy! Keychain

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