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Independent Care Group (York and North Yorkshire) Media Release

Send out hands off social care message

Residents across North Yorkshire are being urged to send their county councilors a hands off social care message as the local authority considers m aking it harder for older and vulnerable people to get the care they need. North Yorkshire County Council yesterday is looking at a package of budget cuts aimed at saving millions of pounds in the coming years. One of those measures was to tighten up the criteria upon which the council offers care to local residents. At the moment it is based upon people having moderate needs but the council is planning to make that criteria substantial needs from 2014 -15. The Independent Care Group (York and North Yorkshire) is opposed to the change, saying it is a short-term measure which will create long-term problems. It is urging residents across the county to object to the change now that the budget proposals have been put out to consultation. And it is calling on the Government to put proper funding into social care. Chairman Mike Padgham said: If the council presses ahead with this decision to alter its care provision criteria, fewer and fewer people will be able to have the care they need and we cannot stand by and let that happen. This might save money in the short term but cost much more in the long term. Evidence suggests that providing people with the care they need helps prolong their health and independence. If you deny that care research shows that peoples health deteriorates and they need more costly care, often through admission to hospitals, later on. We need to let our local councilors know that social care provides vital services for older and vulnerable people in our local communities and is not the place to come to make budget cuts.

Social care has no more fat to cut and further cutbacks would mean that some of the most vulnerable people in the county would face hardship. At the same time, we know local authorities are under pressure and the Government should be funding social care better in the first place so that cuts like this don t have to be made. ENDS Media Contact: Mike Padgham, chair, Independent Care Group (York and North Yorkshire) 01723 502414 or 07971 111062.

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