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OBJECTIVE : 1. To identify the factors that encourage students to work. 2. To investigate the kind of work opted by students and the amount of time spent for working. 3. To identify the impact of part time jobs while studying and the effects of their academic. This feedback is only as reference data. SECTION A : RESPONDENT BACKGROUND This following information is required to help us to understand your responses. Please provide the data or information by filling in the blank or checking ( / ) in the box with corresponds to your answer. 1. GENDER : Male Female


: Commerce Electrical Eng.

Mechanical Eng. Info. & Communication Tech.

3. SEMESTER : Semester 1 Semester 3 Semester 5

Semester 2 Semester 4 Semester 6

4. My current HPNM is

SECTION B : RESPONDENT FEEDBACK Please answer the following questions by filling in the blank or checking ( / ) in the box with corresponds to your answer. 5. Do you work a part-time job? YES NO (If Yes, go to question 6 ; if No, go to question 11)

6. How much is your salary per hour? 7. What is the type of part-time jobs that you involved? Model Catering Sales Worker (Promoter) Hotel

Service Jobs (Fast Food Restaurant)

Others please specify: 8. How many hours do you work on part-time job per week? below 5 hours between 10~15 hours 9. between 5~10 hours over 15 hours

What is your major factor that influence you to involve in part-time job? I enjoyed the work. It will help me get a job when I finish studying. I do the part time job to solve my financial difficulties. I work due to the influence of my friend. I do a part-time job because I want to get extra money. I do the part time job because it is my hobby and to fulfill my free time. I do a part-time job because I want to gain more experience, social skills and interpersonal skills.

10. Does it affect your studies? Total disagree Disagree Agree Total Agree

11. Would you like to get involved in part-time job in the future?



12. Do you think part-time job will affect studies? Total disagree Disagree Agree Total Agree

13. In your opinion, what is the negative impact of part-time job while studying? Less time for their assignment / study. Difficult to concentrate in class because of tired or lack of sleep. Increased the level of stress. Higher rates of absenteeism and less involvement in all programs provided by PSP. Lower grades in academic achievement.

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