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Tt in not easy to compute tho anount of time apent in the difficult, yet exceodingly pleasant employment of gathoring and preserving these me~ mentoos of our worthy uncustorn. To the many frionde whe havo furniched family records and biographical sketches wz are greatly indebted, and truot they will find ample recompense in thy unwurance that present and future gonorations will appreciate the aid they have renderel in so good a works Vany people opend conoiderablo ouno in orvoting valuable but silent tonbstones to honor and perpotuate the monory of those who have passod wwuy. On the other band a Pamily history will give a vavia ana porpot ual pieture of a1) their kinamen and guarantee that their nenory will Live now and in future days, not only in the hearts of their grandohild~ ren, Dut in the hearts of wi) whu can faut proud to be ef the came doa cont. Foccessore of ono of thes» littls volumes will realize core and nore that the records here proserved will increase in value and usoful~ nooo to thon with tho 1apas of tho years and the sdvent af a new gener= ation who might othorviee bo loft in partial, if not compluts (guornnee of thom, or bo unablo to procure thea for love ner nonay. ‘The compiler has on hand many rocorde and information relating to othar descendants of Jesse dllon. Perhapo the tino may not be too far Qistant when this informtion ean be incorporated with what wo have here, into a larger volure. additional copide of this publication ray by procured by addressing tho conpilor.

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