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1. J@S8E ALLEH, whoco family history wo take up in thic volume, wao born at Morristown, N. J., about 1754. At thie writing we have no infor~ mation as to his parentage or other fantly connexions. A careful search of contemporary records might well yield Interesting rmilte. dw indim cated in the prafatory remarks, this writer would bs inclined to look first for a New Meland origin for him. He onlictod in tho Continental aray oarly in the otrugele for Anor— joan independence, and corved thruout tho conflict. Ye wao in the oxpe~ dition under ontgomory inte Oanada, and otecd within a fow foct of that gallant officcr when ho fell at Quebec. He was in many ongagenonts and Indian skiraishes, serving in the Conpany of Oaptain Jacobus S. Bruyn, under O01. Janas Glinton, Now York Gantinentala. Ha waa nt the aurrane der of Cornwallis at Yorktown. It wae probably during the war that ho became acquainted wath, and married, Mb1Za36l4 SLALUR, of Catokill, N. Ye» whooc paronto wore Holl~ and poopie. sho wae a aistor of Frederick Siklor, who followed Hr. al- Lon to Wycox in 1786, aul in 1796 lovated ut Rue, whore = nuubyr of his deocendants ara still to he found. Mrs Allen cru Lo Wysox in 1764 in quest of a new home. Ho selocte wi thw Zast Towanda lots, worked the season making improvouents, and re- turned in the autumn for his family. Upon hic arrival noxt spring, he found his location occupied by Koowoll franilin. So he went to tho Low- er ond of tho syeox valley, took posocssion of and subocquontly purchased all the Land compriged botwoen Wysox creek and York's narrows. Wo came from the head of the Suaquehannn inn canoe with hin offa while his wife rodo a horae all the way, following the Indian trall, nnd carrying an infant, not mny woke old,'who aftorwarde became the Lato Potor Allen of Rows. Hu occupicd his purchase a mumbor of yoars. .ifter cloaring and inproving many acres, ho planted tho first orehard in tho Wysox valloy with code brourht with him from Catckill. Ho cold hio im Provenentc and lived for a tine on tho old Uoolbaugh proporty, and aloo on the Lent place at Lake Wycauking, which for many yoaro wao known a0 alon's pond. In 1800 ho neved to the Genosse country, in contral New York Stato, whore he reaainod a short tine, an! then returne! to buku Wymuking, whore ho opent the ronaindor of hin days. Ne was a stirring, impulsive aan, a otrong supporter of the Presby~ tartan church, and ono of the moot zealous promoters of the formation of tho old church at Wycox, which was organizod ac arly ao 3 Oct. 179l+ This is tho oliest church ooioty in thic part of Ponnoylvania north of Wilkeo-Barro. Mro. Allon woo aloo a monbor. Mrs allon ds 24 June 1824, in his 70th year, and hia wife 4. 6 Sop. 1845 in hor 90th yoar, an? both rost in thu oll Luku My:suking conetury, on tho hilloiis overlooking thnt bewwtiful shoot of water.

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