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MILLTAM ALLEY (No.1) eldest son of Joasa and Rlizabeth (fiklor) Allon of Hysox, b. 18 Duc, 1781, cane with bie father from Gatokill to Nysox in 1705." He was an ardent supporter of the old Federalist party, but in 1815 he was Independant caniidate for Sheriff of Bradford county. In 1797 thore was « prospect of war with France. On 2 June 1798 Gov. Mifflin iecued a cireular addresced to the ailitia officers of the state, requecting that the militia be onrcllod, orrantzed, equipped, and put 4n condition for active ocrvico, if thoy ohould be nooded. Millian Al~ Ten was ono of those who voluntoorad for duty at thio timo. But thoir services wore not required. Mros ¥. A. Young of Yaverly, N. Ye, has what fo believed to be bio umurl. Tu 1014 Yr. Allen purchused u Culling and clothing mill at Myersburg froa Jacob Ball, unt operutel it for some tine. He d. 5 apr. 1659. He had m. 27 Mar. 1803, ELEANOR COOLBAUGH, b. 26 Oct. 1782, 4. 18 Nov. 1861, dau. of Meces and Hannah (Schoonmaler or shoo- maker) Coolbaugh of Wysox. Mrs. alien's father and grandfather wore both patriots of the Kevolution, the tormor having come trom Shawnco-On-Tho Delaware te ¥yeox in 1769, bringing hic faily up tho Suoquchanna from Kingoton in a Durham boat, vhich vere large, flat-bottomed boats propel lad with long poloss Moocs Ooolbaugh hud serve! in the NorUnnpton county Bilitia in the Revolution, whils his father, Willlom Coolbaugh, and eav= eral brothora, fought with the New Jersey militia from Hunter ion. county. Their history and recorde are fully covered in the author's companion volume, COOLBAUGH FAMILY IN aMZRICA, pages 6-13» Johannoo Koclback or Goolbach, undoubtedly the father of William, ie on record at How York | City as early as 1724, and was a settler at Harlingon, Somerset, Co., Ne | Jey in 1727. The Lincage of tha. Shoumaker or Schoonmiker family ie traced An the author's book, 162 ALLTAD PEYILIES, pages 111-113. They date back to Hendrick Jochemaen Schoormaker, a lieutenant in the Diteh vest India ompany al, Yaw York as early as 1654, who sottled at albany. His grand son Renjinin was one of the oarliect cottloro along tho Dolawaro river in Nonroe county, Pa., being of rocord thero ac carly as 1740. Tio fath~ oreinlaw, Micholae DoPuy, hat oomo to thio vicinity ae far back as 1724, and io popularly conooded by historians to have heen the very firat. par= Manent osttLor in all northern Pennsylvania. Full information pertaining ‘to ali thovo ancestral Lines of the ‘len family are to be found in the volume 162 ALLI8D FAMILIES, alrosdy referred to. Other dictaff lines will be foun? unjer thu names of Benham (pp. 45-47), DoPuy (59-60), Ga- no (61-62), Johnson (76-82), Manbrut (85), Mead (88), Rooca (103-4), and Aynkoop (126-7). \illiwa Allen served as conctable of ¥ycox township in 1605, and the following incident took place during his torn of office. Thera was an old hermit named Fathias Fcneclor who lived in a onbin on the proper ty now ownod by Saith 4. Forbes, about a milo above Mycreburg. Ho woo found doad by two young mon who chancod to pase that way. The youths Wont into the hewal log thus whore thoy found the ol1 man 1ifelose and cold on hia bunk of hemlock bougho ani ckine. In tho mcantine Koco Gool- baugh, Justice of the Peaco, proparoi to hold on inquest. ‘ihile tho ju ry wao being cummonod, Willard Grocn of Gillctte Brilge voluntuured ta

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