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Conservative Impact


As we have watched the ongoing ght in America over the direction of the country, the actions of the Obama administration and Democratic Congress, and the efforts of the tea party movement, the Townhall editorial team has noticed a disturbing pattern: the American Left is trashing everyone who dares to stand against them. The more effective the voices that oppose their agenda, the greater the venom the Left spews in their direction. Its this out-of-control behavior from our fellow citizens who are sold out to the ultraliberal progressive Obama agenda to radically transform the United States that led us to create this list of The 100 Americans the Left Hates Most. The Townhall editorial staff compiled a massive list of those we believe have the largest bulls-eyes painted on them by the Left and the Democrat-dominated government. From that list, through a process of voting, debating and prioritizing, we assembled the nal 100. There were only two absolute requirements: 1) They had to be living, which is why Ronald Reagan and William F. Buckley Jr. are not featured; and 2) they had to be American, which explains Mark Steyn and the Popes absence from the list. If you think were way off base with some or all of our rankings or believe we missed somebody, please let us know. We want to know what you think, so submit your thoughts to


TOWNHALL July 2010

Conservative Impact kicker



Glenn Beck has been doing his thing for years. Hes had a growing radio audience of millions as the third-most-listened-to host in America, and he has never shied way from expressing his love of country (its why he gained the reputation for crying on the air) and his disdain for liberal policies that run counter to everything our nation was founded on. It wasnt until the last couple of years that the rabid hatred of Beck went mainstream. What happened? On Jan. 19, 2009, just in time to counter the progressive agenda of the Obama administration that would be sworn in the next day, Beck launched his Fox News Channel (FNC) show. Though he had been on CNNs Headline News since May 2006, doing a very similar show, it took joining the Fox News family for Beck to really gain the ire of the Lef as long has he was on a low-rated cable channel that also happened to share the ultimate liberal agenda, they felt they could at least co-exist with the conservative talker. But it wasnt just Becks joining the Democrats most-hated network that has driven liberals to hysteria and resulted in some sort of mental condition that causes them to go into conniption ts at the mere mention of his name in even casual conversation. (Just try uttering the words Glenn Beck within earshot of your favoriteor least favoritelef ist and see what happens.) No, its more than Beck becoming one of Roger Ailes minions much more. Its also about more than the fact that he has a massive radio and TV audience of millions. Becks real sin is that he has successfully combined his concern for the direction of this countrya direction currently being dominated by progressives who hate what America has beenwith a powerful defense of American exceptionalism and a passion for the Founding Fathers and the system of government and nation they created to produce a show that both educates and entertains. (Seriously, not just anybody can get Americans riled up about Woodrow Wilson and launch F.A. Hayeks Road to Serfdom to the No. 1 spot on Amazons best-seller list.) AmericansDemocrats and Republicans, young and old, those whove been political for ages and those who are just beginning to get engagednow truly sense the threat to the American way of life that the radical Lef s agenda poses. They hadnt realized it beforeboth because they had never seen such an extremely progressive, uber-liberal, revolution-loving president and because they had either forgotten or never learned the real history of the United States. Thanks to Beck, Americans are waking up to what our government is up to and are hungering for the real story of their nationthe one that the progressive movement, using the schools and universities, has tried to keep from them. We are falling in love with our country again. That is why the Lef hates him.
(George Lange)

July 2010 TOWNHALL


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Long af er her 2008 run to be vice president ended, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is continuing to make political waves. As a favorite of grassroots conservative tea partiers, Palin has used her star power to bring attention to various underdog candidates and issues facing voters this fall. As a conservative working woman and dedicated mom, Palins anti-feminist brand of feminism has redened the scope of womens issues and shed light on blatant liberal hypocrisy. Though try as they might to silence herwith attacks on everything from her outspoken criticism of the current administration to her bra sizePalin is a light that will not be snu ed out. Much to the chagrin of the liberal elites and lef ist reformists, Palins down-to-earth independence, patriotic spirit and nononsense can-do attitude will only continue to propel her popularity.

The Lef hates everything about former President George W. Bush. His crooked smile is an underhanded smirk; his southern swagger is arrogant clout. Though they kept the country safe for years af er Sept. 11, his foreign and national security strategies represented cowboy recklessness. Barack Obamas inauguration was the Lefs celebration of George W. Bushs retirement. Now, more than a year and a half into the new presidents term, these same haters are the rst to bring Bush back into the public debate. Trouble in the Middle East? Blame Bush. Al Gores getting a divorce? Blame Bush. More than ever, the Lef nds it fashionable to relegate responsibility and blame Bush. Unfortunately for them, the Bush blame game is wearing on the publics patience and could cost them in November.

Political correctness nally met its match with this conservative bombshell. No one, including her most liberal adversary, ever has to wonder, What did Ann really mean? Anns bluntness, coupled with her e ectiveness and habit of being right, has made her a burr in the saddle of the Lef . Her favorite place to do battle is on college campuses. Every time shes booked for a college speech, you can bet there will be liberal crazies protesting her very presence and determined to keep her from speaking. Ann credits the bravery and chivalry of male College Republicans for warding o the lef -wing nuts and making her appearances possible. The Lef s hatred of Ann is not limited by international borders. Last March, the provost of the University of Ottawa sent Ann a letter shortly before a scheduled event there, warning her not to bring her hate speech to campus. And in Parliament, a socialist Canadian MP denounced her. In the end, an angry mob and skittish police cancelled the speech, once again proving that liberals love of free speech extends only to those they dont hate with the red-hot passion of a thousand suns.




When youre the leader of the opposition, youve got a target on you at all times; youll be under attack day and night. And El Rushbo is cool with thatit means hes doing his job. Limbaugh has been putting the lie to liberal arguments and policies for decades, earning a handsome sum along the way. And if theres one thing liberals hate more than the truth about their agenda being exposed, its people who make money o exposing that agenda. Rushs army of nearly 20 million listeners is the biggest in the country, and they are engaged. He impacts political races across the country, and his work helps keep the Republican Party in touch with its conservative base. Of course, the real root of the hatred for Rush is that, without him, there is no conservative talk radio as we know it today. His is the voice that launched a thousand stations, and now right-wing talk is the top target of liberals, who are always looking to shut down talk radio once and for all.

She has been the frequent subject of racist rants from lef-wingers, been assaulted by some of Americas nastiest political activists, had her home address published by progressive crazies, moved from the D.C. area to get away from the threats and been spat on, screamed at and cursed by ever-so-tolerant liberals. We gure she must be doing something right. A best-selling author, popular columnist and blogger, and Fox News contributor, Michelle Malkin is making a killing doing what she does best: exposing the lunacy of Americas liberals and the corruption of lef -wing and Democratic politicos. Needless to say, shes having a eld day with the Obama administrationand the Lef cant stop her. Self-sacrice produces resultsa concept the Lef doesnt graspand Michelles results are making it very clear to the world what liberals are up to.

Or as the snide liberal Lef calls these patriots, tea baggers. The tea party movement has presented a signicant roadblock for the presidents progressive agenda. This boisterous bunch of impassioned patriots has helped the political climate quickly cool down af er Obamas fevered supporters vaulted him into o ce. From a minute Facebook group to a mass movement of millions, the tea party movement is driven by American tradition and is focused on resurrecting the nations historical promise. They are everything the Lefhatesselfmotivated, self-educated commonsense patriots who love God, guns and Old Glory. As this grassroots movement continues to grow, liberals know they dont stand a chance their agenda cannot stand up to the greatness of Americas founding and the citizens who will stand to defend it.



TOWNHALL July 2010

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Upon leaving his post as second in command at the White House, former Vice President Dick Cheney retreated to the peaceful serenity of scenic Jackson, Wyo. It wasnt long, however, before the feckless policies of the new administration forced the long-time public servant to reinsert himself into Washington politics. Cheney has since been a vocal critic of the Obama administrations national security policies and procedures for interrogating and prosecuting accused terrorists. In February, Cheney slammed the Obama administration, stating that protecting America was a tough, mean, dirty, nasty business in which evil people would not be stopped by turning the other cheek. The Lef , who have always seen Cheney as their Darth Vader, undoubtedly still despises Cheney and his unapologetic pro-America stance on national security.



Appearing on Fox News is enough to make the Lef angry, but being a Fox News host with the highest-rated cable news program on television is enough for the Lef to hate you. The Lef s disdain for Bill OReilly, his staunch opinions and common sense with a conservative slant is legendary, spanning the last decade in which the no-spin OReilly Factor has commanded its No. 1 spot. In addition, OReillys streak as a best-selling author and former radio host only added fuel to the re. His most recent venture is likely to make liberals blow a gasketthe Bold & Fresh tour, co-hosted with his Fox News colleague and the Lef s most-hated American, Glenn Beck.


Hannity has been actively beating back the liberal agenda with not only a conservative message on his popular radio show and Fox News program but also by promoting the e orts of the Republican Party to take on and defeat the Democrats. Seans e orts have been invaluably helpful to the GOP in its e orts to wrest control of government from the far-Lef , which has a home in todays Democratic Party. Once paired with liberal Alan Colmes on Fox, Hannity has come into his own with his eponymous prime-time show. He trails only cable news heavyweight Bill OReilly in TV ratings and is hammering the competition from CNN and MSNBC. Seans take-no-prisoners approach enrages the Lef , and because his radio show immediately follows Limbaugh on so many stations across the country, liberals are daily abused by the conservative talkers one-two punch. The beating that Hannity has been dishing out every day for years has lef the Lef battered, spiteful and mad.

(AP/Pat Sullivan, AP/Evan Agostini, AP/Joseph Kaczmarek, AP/Cli Owen, AP/Jose Luis Magana, AP/ Michael Cauleld )

As Congress prepared to vote on President Obamas overreaching health care overhaul, one congressional Republican stood up and encouraged Americans to rally in the nations capital to protest. Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann has not only been an ardent critic of the current administrations big-government policies, but has also been an outspoken advocate for the tea party movement and the constitutional principles for which they ght. Bachmann stands as a strong conservative woman who, like Palin, challenges liberal women to think outside the liberal box. In an attempt to silence her outspoken candor, Democrats and their allies on the Lef are making ousting Michele Bachmann their No. 1 goal in this falls elections.


Af er getting her copy of Karl Roves Courage and Consequence personally signed by the author during a book-signing stopover, a retired Michigan woman whispers, Hes not anything like I wouldve thought and he has the prettiest blue eyes. Its true: Karl Rove has never been characterized as a sofie, but that may be a closer-to-reality assessment of his true personality than the ruthless win-at-all-costs political operative persona the Lef has assigned him. Rove is considered to be the brainchild behind and architect of the ascendency of President George W. Bush and numerous successful Republican electoral strategies in recent years. As a result, Code Pink storms his book events to make citizens arrests, and hes greeted on college campuses by hoards of young protestors.


Considering that the Drudge Report rst gained major notoriety by breaking the story that Newsweek had spiked a report about a young intern and her sexual relationship with the president of the United States, it comes as no surprise that its namesake owner would be among the Lef s most-hated. Drudges site, one of the most popular in the world, is a must-read for everyone in politicsLef and Right. His constant exposure of liberal hypocrisy, growing government, climate change scams, worldwide antiAmericanism and global governance is a major inconvenience for the Lef . When you hear the president complain that there is too much information available to the American public, think of the Drudge Report. Drudges power to impact the national discourse from the Right and ability to expose the Lef s wing-nutterymost of which is done by linking to the reporting done by others sends liberals into the stratosphere with rage.
July 2010 TOWNHALL



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As the leader of the 1994 Republican Revolution, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich has been a sore subject of disdain for liberals for years. Though Republican majorities in Congress have come and gone, Gingrich has remained a key player in Beltway politics and policy debates. These days, Gingrich makes his rounds on the media circuits, dropping crumbs of discredited liberal rhetoric as he goes. Further, his policy think tanksAmerican Solutions and the Center for Health Transformationare churning out conservative alternatives to the Lef s radical plans. And his walking tours of Washington, D.C., reveal the truth about the religious heritage of America. He may no longer be a federal o ceholder, but Gingrich still plays a pivotal role in leading the Republican charge.

Dubbed The Great One by Sean Hannity, Levin is the conservative radio pit-bull that wont let go of liberals who dare to tread on his countrys values and history. He hosts one of the top talk shows in all of America, heads the Landmark Legal Foundation and has written best-selling booksmost recently, Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto, which was published in the early months of the Obama presidency and sat in the No. 1 spot on the New York Times bestseller list for 12 weeks. Americans saw the danger the progressive Obama administration posed to the nation and were looking for information on not just how to counter it but also how to gain a rmer grasp on the true meanings of liberty and freedom. Levin has a powerful voice that intimidates weak-kneed liberals, and they have taken it upon themselves to trash him and his cause.



Another conservative talkerhave you noticed how much the Lef hates conservative speech? tops the list of liberal targets for elimination. Though Laura knows politics forward and backward and can debate the goings-on of Capitol Hill with anyone, she has been a leader in taking the ght to the Lef over our culture. Her popular show and best-selling books confront the post-modern, hyper-sexual, atheistic age that discounts family, American values, citizenship and virtuous living. Lauras message is a constant call to arms for Americans to reclaim their culture and their country from a movement that does not have their best interests at heart. Ingrahams fearlessness in the face of hateful adversaries only makes her stongerand them more insane with hatred.

He is the man behind the conservative voice in Hollywood. He has given courage to those saints stuck in liberal bastions to nd their voices and begin to express their political and social beliefs. Andrew Breitbart is the master of New Media. He spends his days and nights doing everything he can to keep Tinsel Town, government and the media accountable. It was Breitbart who ran the videos showing ACORN to be the fraudulent, Democrat-controlled, criminal enterprise we all knew it was. And hes been on top of exposing the media and dirt bags in government for who they are. Breitbarts online empireBreitbartTV, Big Hollywood, Big Government and Big Journalismis leveling the playing eld for the Right. He once told Townhall, All I want is a fair game. Im positive our ideas beat their ideas when the game isnt rigged. I want those of us on the Right to tell people what we believenot to have those on the Lef do it for us (see He Is the Breitbart E ect, by Ned Rice, June 2009). Fairness is something the Lef cannot stand.



Its all his fault! Want to know who is responsible for bringing Glenn Beck to Americas living rooms? Curious whos to blame for Bill OReilly and Sean Hannitys hate speech being blasted from coast to coast? Looking for someone to blame for the insidious Faux News Channel? Roger Ailes, chairman and CEO of Fox News, is likely the most-hated man in the television business. Under Ailes leadership, Fox News audience and revenues have continued to climb as the cable channel provides a news source for conservatives sick of the liberal media and hungry for fair and balanced news coverage and conservative opinion shows. Of course, liberals are unfamiliar with the law of supply and demand, so they are totally ummoxed by FNCs success. It wasnt supposed to be this way af er the inauguration of The One. Obama was to usher in a new era of bipartisanship, making FNC unnecessary. Instead, partisanship has grown more intense than ever, helping Fox to a record year in 2009. And its driving the wing-nuts crazy.

Since assuming his position as a Supreme Court associate justice, Clarence Thomas has been a stalwart conservative voice on the Supreme Court, providing vital balance to the courts roster. Appointed by President George H.W. Bush in 1991, Thomas is a rare textualist judge who seeks to uphold what he sees as the original meaning of the Constitutionmuch to the chagrin of progressive liberals who like to take the living document out for a spin now and then. As the Courts second African-American justice, Thomas has also shrugged o the Lef s onslaught of personal attacks. In his autobiography, My Grandfathers Son: A Memoir, he describes being pursued not by bigots in white robes but by lef -wing zealots draped in owing sanctimony.



TOWNHALL July 2010

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The chairman and CEO of News Corp, Murdoch is almost as hated as the man who runs News Corps Fox News Channel. Though hes not as politically involved with the GOP as Ailes, he has dared to make a fortune giving conservatives what they want: media that does not lie to them. Murdochs News Corp owns (for the Lef that means controls!) hundreds of news and entertainment outlets, the most o ensive of which, in the eyes of the nations liberals, are FNC and the Wall Street Journal. The Lef s insanity when it comes to any media that doesnt toe the liberal line grows exponentially when Murdochs name enters the conversation. If lef -wingers thought they could get away with having the government seize News Corp, throw Murdoch in prison and turn the Fox News studios into some sort of liberal commune for unemployed newspaper journalists, they would have done it yesterday.

Anyone with a strict constructionist view and willingness to mix it up from a powerful seat on the bench of the U.S. Supreme Court cannot be tolerated by the Lef . Justice Scalia would be one of those people. He holds fast to the doctrine of originalism and has no use for those who believe in a living Constitution. In fact, he sees them as a threat to the United States and its laws. Scalia laid out the dangers of the non-originalist view in a speech at Catholic University: These people who go JAMES OKEEFE & HANNAH GILES around talking about the need for growing and They are the Dynamic Duo that brought down ACORN. These two young, enterprising and brave bending [the Constitution]thats nonsense. undercover journalists worked as a uid single entity last spring and summer when they posed What these people want is to impose a view as a pimp and prostitute seeking to get loans from the far-Lef activist networks housing and of things on the whole society from coast business-startup arm. Using hidden video cameras and microphones, Giles acted the part of a young hooker looking get a home loan but still hide her illegal profession from the authorities, and to coast, and it is most quickly and most e ectively done through the Constitution. OKeefe played the role of pimp and aspiring politician. Scalias faithfulness to the Constitution is Not only did they seek and receive advice on how to keep the prostitution business under wraps, but they also got advice on how to get taxpayer-funded assistance in establishing an illegal helping to protect the nation from a thorough takeover by the progressives. He and a few prostitution ring to exploit imported, underage illegal immigrants. like him stand in the way of their domination Then came the media restormnot against ACORN but against OKeefe and Giles. They through constitutional reinterpretation. That dared to mess with a social justice organization with close ties to Barack Obama and his really ticks o the would-be tyrants. progressive thugs.




In the end, OKeefe and Giles had the last laugh as federal investigators are probing serious criminal charges against ACORN and Congress has pulled the organizations funding.

(AP/Haraz N. Ghanbari, KKOB, AP/Manuel Balce Ceneta, AP/Susan Walsh, AP/Alan Diaz, AP/Harry Hamburg)

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney represents a signicant threat to the Lef today. As a Republican who managed to secure the governorship in Massachusetts, liberals are wary of his potential in running for federal o ce. In addition to his past political success, Romney is also an accomplished businessman and leader, following in the footsteps of his father, himself a former governor of Michigan. To add lef ist insult to injury, Romney has good looks and a huge fortune to boot. Since losing the partys nomination in 2008 to John McCain, Romney has barely stopped campaigning and continues to be a de facto voice of the Republican Partys national leadership. He has made himself a major player in the 2010 midterm elections, and success this year could catapult him to the front of the line among 2012 GOP presidential hopefuls.



A young lawyer from the Florida House of Representatives is turning the states U.S. Senate race to the Right and giving Gov. Charlie Crist a serious run for his money. When it looked like Marco Rubio had the Republican primary nomination all locked up, Crist jumped ship to run as an independent candidate. Not only is Rubio the tea party favorite conservative candidate in the race, but his candidacy is forcing Crist to look for votes from the Lef , leaving the Democrats candidate with zero chance of pulling o a Florida victory. This rising star Republican will be one to closely watch this November as he takes on the political establishmentboth in Florida and in Washington.


Despite facing a libuster-proof Democratic majority at the start of 2009, Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., continued to stand rm as one of the most staunchly conservative Republican members of the U.S. Senate. DeMint has worked to oppose increases in federal government spending under the Bush and Obama administrations and remains one of the Senates most relentless defenders of scal responsibility. He is also a pro-life senator who supports school prayer and the strict enforcement of Americas immigration laws. And in electing accused felon and political neophyte Alvin Greene to run against him this fall, South Carolina Democrats have ensured at least six more years of hate from the Lef .
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The host of radios Savage Nation, Michael Savage makes it a habit to o end the sensibilities of bleeding-heart liberals daily. He eviscerates lef ist arguments, sending red-diaper-doper babies cowering back to their mothers basements, and has diagnosed liberalism as a mental disorder. His strong defense of borders and opposition to illegal immigration landed him on a U.K. blacklist in 2009, banning him from visiting Britain. Like the American Lef , British progressives deemed his speech as too dangerous.



He resigned his post as secretary of Defense in 2006, but Donald Rumsfeld still draws intense criticism from the Lef . Though manyincluding former President George W. Bushhave been thankful Rumsfeld took the ght to Americas enemies rather than welcome it to our shores, liberals will continue to blame him for a whole slew of issues, most notably the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

#34 JAN
It took only one governor in one state to bring immigration policy to the front of Americans minds. Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer boldly declared that her state would no longer sit idly by as the federal government neglected its duty to secure the nations borders. Instead, under her leadership, Arizonans took matters into their own hands and passed meaningful legislation. Unfortunately, standing up for the rule of law has made her a primary target of lef ist hate.



Hes been in o ce only since January, but already the dynamic new governor of New Jersey has earned the nickname, the Trenton Thunder. Gov. Christies scal restraint and smallgovernment philosophy have captured the attention of conservatives from across the countryand the resentment of New Jersey liberals. As Christie continues to confront corrupt unions and slash the states budget, he will remain a force to be reckoned with and a rising Republican star.


Political underdog Scott Brown certainly had an uphill battle facing him as a Republican running to replace the late liberal lion Sen. Ted Kennedy. This did not stop the eager candidate from taking on the Massachusetts Democratic establishment. While the Lef may excuse Brown for voting with Republicans on a number of issues, its a good bet theyll never forgive him for tarnishing the states liberal Senate record.



As the editor of the Weekly Standard and a regular on Fox News, Bill Kristol has become one of the nations most inuential political analysts and commentators. During the tea party debates over President Obamas health care overhaul, Kristol urged conservatives to throw the kitchen sink at the legislation now on the table, drive a stake through its heart (I apologize for the mixed metaphors), and kill it.


Not only is Grover the leader of the movement to protect Americans from higher taxes with his famous Tax Pledge, he is the ultimate Washington, D.C., insider. He can contact any Republican senator, congressman, consultant, sta er or lobbyist at the drop of a hat. His Wednesday o -the-record meetings have been a D.C. staple for years and are where conservative journalists, rightwing activists and new-to-the-scene GOP politicians need to be.

The second Cheney on the list, Liz Cheney isnt known for her time working in public o ce like her father but has recently become a target of the Lef for waging a battle from behind the scenes on the Right and dedicating herself to ghting the Lef s attempts to undermine national security. In 2009, Cheney teamed up with Bill Kristol and Deborah Burlingame to found Keeping America Safea group dedicated to providing information to concerned Americans about critical national security issues.




If you watched the conrmation hearings for his nomination to be chief justice of the Supreme Court, you know why the Lef hates him. Without notes, Roberts, a constructionist, schooled every single one of the Judiciary Committees far-Lef senators on constitutional jurisprudence. Having someone of his intellect, worldview and legal understanding as chief justice does wonders to protect the Constitution from those who would amend it by judicial at.

Stuck on the low-rated and annoyingly liberal MSNBC, Pat Buchanan still represents oldschool conservatism. Libs will likely never forgive him for daring to speak those values aloud at the 1992 Republican National Convention: We stand with [President Bush] for freedom to choose religious schools against the amoral idea that gay and lesbian couples should have the same standing in law as married men and women for right-to-life and for voluntary prayer in the public schools. There is a religious war going on in our country for the soul of America. It is a cultural war, as critical to the kind of nation we will one day be as was the Cold War itself.

As the House minority leader, John Boehner has emerged as the (well-tanned) face of the GOP and, as a result, has become a target for attacks from the Lef . When Obamas supporters chanted, Yes, we can! in their demonstrations in favor of ObamaCare, Boehner took to the oor of the House of Representatives to literally tell them, Hell no, you cant! Most recently, Boehner has led the GOPs charge to rein in government spending.

Hes one of the smartest men in America, conservative andgasp! black. Sowells columns are regularly among the most popular for readers and his books have provided important economic and political lessons for countless young conservatives. This Uncle Tom has been a bit uppity as far as the Lef is concerned, but try as they might, theyve never been able to shut him down.



TOWNHALL July 2010

(AP/John Storey, AP/Mel Evans, AP/Ross D. Franklin, Tk)

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His priorities have long been God, family and the preservation of traditional American culture, which means the Lef cant stand him. Dobson founded the powerful conservative, Christian non-prot organization Focus on the Family in 1977. Since that time, he has been ridiculed, castigated and demonized by American liberals for holding to biblical principles without compromise.


Though he hasnt been conservatives favorite Republican chairman, Steele has been a thorn in the side of the Lef , which believes all blacks should be beholden to the liberal-infused Democratic Party. Doesnt Michael Steele know his place? How dare he escape the chains of liberalism and ee the Democrat plantation. His skin color mixed with his party a liation is more than enough reason for lef -wingers to wish him ill.

This radical-lef ist-turnedpro-American-conservative has made it his mission to combat the socialist, pro-communist, antiAmerican Lef s attempts to transform America. Horowitzs attention has been on the radicalization of U.S. colleges and universities. He has documented case af er case of liberal indoctrination, bias and abuse on campus, as well as the growing impact of radical Islam in our education system and culture.


Wisconsin Republican Paul Ryan was a relatively unknown member of Congress prior the debate over Obamas health care overhaul. But as the debate heated up and Ryan debased liberal rhetoric with statistical facts, his star was on the rise. Ryan introduced his Roadmap for Americas Future, a plan to solve Americas growing debt and entitlement addiction. Sorry liberals, its time to start cutting.



#40 JOHN
When President George W. Bush nominated John Bolton to be U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, all hell broke loose. Bolton, a longtime advocate of a Reaganstyle foreign policy that doesnt pussyfoot around with Islamist dictators, communist thugs or tyrannical foreign entities, was blocked from the post by a unied Democratic front, plus a couple of rogue Republicans. Hindsight being what it is, America would have been better served had the Lef chosen not to align itself with our enemies and opposed Boltons presence at the United Nations.

Those darned Supreme Court constructionists! The Lef fears those Constitution-loving, Founders-respecting jurists are going to be the death of their pro-abortion, anti-gun, big-government, high-tax agenda. Democrats visceral attacks brought Alitos wife to tears during his Senate Judiciary Committee conrmation hearingsthats what she gets for marrying someone who dared to believe the authors of our Constitution might have gotten it right when they wrote it more than 200 years ago.


Af er Virginia voted for President Obama during the 2008 election, it was an uphill battle for GOPers to reclaim the traditionally red state. The e cient and e ective campaign of Bob McDonnell beat the odds and rode the wave of political discontent to victory by a huge margin. His gubernatorial victory in Virginia marked the beginning of a conservative political resurgence.




Indiana Congressman Mike Pence is not one to mince words. His confrontational style consistently draws ire from liberals. As a reliable conservative voice in Congress, the Republican Conference Committee chairman most recently slammed President Obamas mismanagement of the Gulf oil spill: I think the fact that he never spoke to the CEO of British Petroleum for the rst 50 days of this incident is emblematic of the kind of detached style of leadership that were seeing here.

Pulitzer Prize-winning syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer o ers up his expert conservative opinion in weekly Washington Post columns and regular television appearances. His fortes include foreign policy and domestic politics. As a former medical professional, Krauthammer was a vocal opponent of the Obama administrations attempts to overhaul the health care industry.


#49 ED


An author of the 1994 Contract with America and former House majority leader, Dick Armey has taken charge as chairman of FreedomWorks, a grassroots organization focused on educating and mobilizing conservative activists from across the country. Armeys organization has worked to unite the tea parties under one big conservative umbrella and put together the nations largest gathering of conservatives in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 12, 2009.

Hes one of the most conservative senators to have ever graced the U.S. Senate chamber. Where hes been most e ectiveand, therefore, most despised by the shrill Democratsis in his e orts to blow wide open the massive hoax that is global warming. He has stood up to far-Lef Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., and climate change snake-oil salesman Al Gore. Daring to cross swords with these liberal icons and intellectual lightweights has put his reputation among lef ies in jeopardyand he couldnt be happier.


In addition to serving as Virginias 7th Congressional District representative, Eric Cantor currently serves as Republican whip. His scal discipline and pro-free trade stances have earned him criticism from powerful unions such as the AFL-CIO.


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(AP/Harry Hamburg, AP/Jose Luis Magana, AP/Lawrence Jackson, Tk)


Ed Morrissey, the blogger formerly known as Captain Ed, is todays face of HotAir. com. He ranks as one of the top bloggers in America and hosts a daily online radio show and a weekend talk show in Minneapolis. Hand-picked by Hot Air founder Michelle Malkin, Ed spends most of his time pointing out the folly of the Lef , the audacity of the Obama administration and the lunacy of those who would destroy our culture.


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#72 #59










Former governor of Arkansas and GOP presidential contender; host of Huckabee on the Fox News Channel

Nationally syndicated radio host of The Hugh Hewitt Show and outspoken socially conservative author


Self-described constitutional conservative Kentucky Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate


Academy Award-winning Hollywood actor and outspoken conservative



Hardcore conservative U.S. senator from Oklahoma

Political consultant, Fox News contributor, pollster and word octor



Anonymous blogging partner of Ed Morrissey on



Conservative libertarian congressman from Texas; former GOP presidential contender

Four-star Army general and head of U.S. Central Command


Hard-rocking, outspoken Motor City Madman and defender of all things conservative, especially guns and small government


Hollywood celebrity, conservative columnist and all-around tough guy icon



President of the Family Research Council, a conservative Christian think tank in Washington, D.C.

U.S. Senate Republican leader from Kentucky



Conservative Republican governor of Louisiana

Host of nationally syndicated radio show The Michael Medved Show; conservative commentator and lm critic



Pundit, author and political consultant; former advisor to President Bill Clinton

Libertarian television host on the Fox Business Network and nationally syndicated columnist


Executive Vice President and CEO of the National Rie Association (NRA)

Heisman Trophy-winning quarterback recently draf ed by the NFLs Denver Broncos; pro-life advocate



Former secretary of State and National Security Adviser to President George W. Bush

National Review Online editor at large; author of Liberal Fascism



Popular Republican governor of Texas



Nationally syndicated radio host and continuing target of the racebaiting Lef

Christian evangelist and missionary; son of the Rev. Billy Graham

Republican governor of Mississippi and rumored possible 2012 candidate for president


Former mayor of New York and Republican candidate for president


TOWNHALL July 2010

Conservative Impact kicker

(Salem Communications, AP/Evan Vucci, AP/Gerald Herbert, AP/Charlie Riedel, AP/Evan Agostini, Salem Communications, AP/David Zalubowski, Salem Communications, AP/LM Otero, Salem Communications, AP/Jay LaPrete, Salem Communications)








#94 #90
author and journalist


Syndicated columnist, author and founder and president of Eagle Forum




Founder and president of Media Research Center

Right-wing entrepreneur, businessman and philanthropist; founder of the Foundation for a Better Life

Editor of Human Events; author of Obama Zombies



Conservative radio host, political theorist and former Reagan cabinet o cial


Conservative syndicated talk-radio host, columnist and author




Nationally syndicated talk-radio host and conservative political commentator for Fox News

Conservative blogger and founder of; CNN political contributor


Former President George W. Bush speechwriter and author of Courting Disaster: How the CIA Kept America Safe and How Barack Obama Is Inviting the Next Attack

Columnist and senior fellow for Family Empowerment at the Family Research Council




Conservative governor of Minnesota and possible 2012 GOP presidential candidate Author and Wall Street Journal columnist; former special assistant to President Ronald Reagan

Economics professor at George Mason University; libertarian columnist and author; ll-in host for Rush Limbaugh Editor in chief of Forbes magazine and CEO of Forbes Inc.

Climatologist and leading global warming denier; considered by Rush Limbaugh to be the o cial climatologist of the EIB network


#98 S.E. CUPP

Co-founder and editor in chief of the Daily Caller


Author, political commentator and contributing editor to Townhall magazine Author, political journalist and conservative columnist for the Wall Street Journal



Author, journalist and media watchdog for Fox News


Conservative U.S. senator from Alabama; ranking Republican member of the Senate Judiciary Committee




Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist,

Conservative and popular former governor of Florida

President of The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank in Washington


Political analyst, pundit and journalist; Fox News contributor

July 2010 TOWNHALL


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