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Vegetarian Beef Burger

Ingredients for approx. 15 patties: 150g azuki beans, previously soaked for at least 5 hours (it is best to let them soak overnight) 1 medium onion, chopped 1 small carrot, grated 6-7 young salad leaves, chopped (Yes, salad in burger patties. Youll love the crunchy texture ) 1 egg or egg substitute for vegans some fresh chopped parsley (not too much, maybe 2 tbsp) breadcrumbs or chickpea flour (you can also use rice or soy flour youll need it if the composition is too moist) sea salt and ground pepper, to taste burger spices mix (optional if you want it to taste even more like beef burgers you can add a spices mix but be sure it is natural and additive-free if you add spices mix you wont need to add salt and pepper as it most likely already contains them) Directions: Put the previously soaked azuki beans in a pot and cover them with water. Let them boil for half an hour, then replace the boiling water with fresh water and let it boil until tender (another half an hour). Yes, this is the only inconvenient when cooking azuki beans; youll have to soak them and boil them for a pretty long time. When ready, drain very well the azuki beans. Put them in a large bowl and using a vertical mixer, mash them a little. Not too much. Whole azuki beans give the burgers a very nice texture. Add chopped onion, parsley, grated carrot, salt, pepper (or spices mix), egg and chopped salad leaves. Blend them well together using a fork. Now, the composition has to be sticky and easy to mould. If it is too moist you can add some breadcrumbs or chickpea/rice/soy flour. Start with 2 tbsps and add more if needed. Heat some oil in a non-stick frying pan. 1tbsp of oil is enough. Make the burger patties and put them on the pan to cook. Let them cook about 1-2 minutes on each side.

Zucchini and Cheese Vegetarian Casserole

Ingredients for a whole casserole about 12 servings: 3-4 big zucchinis 1 1/2 cup teleme cheese, or any other healthy cheese you like a bunch of dill, chopped 1/2 tsp ground coriander 3-4 Tbsp breadcrumbs use GF if you want 3 eggs 3-4 mashed garlic cloves salt and pepper to taste fresh sour cream, optional Directions: Grate the zucchinis and strain them to eliminate all excess water. Put them in a bowl and add all the other ingredients, except sour cream. Mix very well and put the composition in a pre-greased casserole dish. Place in oven at 180C/350F for an hour.

Broccoli, Egg, and Cheese Breakfast Muffins

makes 12; adapted from Cooking with Coconut Flour 1 small onion, finely diced (or use caramelized onions) 1 small head of broccoli (dark green florets only), chopped into small pieces 2 cups shredded cheese (i.e. cheddar, mozzarella, marble, gruyere, and/or parmesan, etc.) 6 large eggs 4 tbsp unsalted butter, melted 4 tbsp coconut milk 6 tbsp (plus more for dusting) coconut flour (gluten free) or all purpose flour, sifted (Note that it may be difficult to sift the coconut flour, but this step is important.) sea salt pinch of ground black pepper olive oil vegetable oil cooking spray Preheat the oven to 350 F. Generously grease a muffin pan with vegetable oil cooking spray. Lightly dust the greased muffin pan with coconut flour or all purpose flour and set aside. Heat a pan over medium heat. Add a drizzle of olive oil and cook the onion until soft and just starting to brown (or you could use caramelized onions). Set them aside. In a large bowl, whisk together the coconut milk, melted butter, eggs, and a pinch of salt and pepper until just combined. Then whisk in the coconut flour or all purpose flour until the mixture is smooth. Use a spoon to gently stir in the onions, broccoli and shredded cheese. Use a ladle or a cookie dough scoop to distribute the batter evenly into the 12-muffin pan and bake until just cooked through, about 27 to 30 minutes. Place the muffin pan on a wire rack to cool slightly. Once the muffins are just cool enough to handle, run a small knife or cake decorating spatula along the edges of the muffins and carefully remove them from the pan. Enjoy them warm or place them on the wire rack to cool completely. Store leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator and reheat in the microwave.

Supa crema de conopida

Timp de preparare

< 30 min Dificultate:usor Bucatarie Vegetariana Ingrediente piper proaspat, dupa gust , ulei de masline extra virgin, dupa gust , sare dupa gust, 500g apa, 1 conopida desfacuta in buchetele, 1 ceapa medie, taiata , 3 linguri ulei de masline Metoda de preparare

1. Incalzeste uleiul de masline intr-o tigaie si caleste ceapa la foc mic timp de 15 minute, fara sa o lasi sa prinda culoare
2. Adauga buchetelele de conopida, adauga sare dupa gust si 100g de apa. Da focul la mare, acopera totul cu un capac si lasa timp de 15-18 minute, pana se face conopida. Adauga restul cantitatii de apa, da focul la mic si lasa sa mai fiarba inca 20 de minute, fara capac. 3. Pune totul in blender si amesteca pana cand prinde o consistenta cremoasa. Lasa apoi supa sa stea timp de 20 de minute, timp in care se va ingrosa usor. 4. Subtiaza supa cu inca 100g de apa si incalzeste-o. Serveste-o calda, stropita cu putin ulei de masline si piper.

Cartofi copti cu umplutura de spanac Branza, ceapa si spanacul fac din banalii cartofi copti un fel de mancare pe care si copiii il vor adora.

Ingrediente (pentru 6 portii):

3 cartofi mari (in jur de 350g fiecare) 120ml lapte degresat 120g crema de branza 200g Cheddar ras 40g ceapa tocata marunt sare si piper 250g spanac congelat, fiert si scurs bine

Incinge cuptorul la 200C. Inteapa cartofii cu o furculita si coace-i timp de o ora si un sfert, pana cand se inmoaie. Lasa-i sa se raceasca. Taie fiecare cartof in jumatate, pe lungime. Scoate-le mijlocul, pana la o jumatate de centimetru de coaja. Zdrobeste partea de cartof copt scoasa, amesteca in ea laptele si crema de branza, jumatate din branza Cheddar rasa, ceapa, spanacul, sare si piper. Umple cu acest piure cojile de cartofi, presara deasupra restul de branza Cheddar si baga totul la cuptor pentru inca 15 minute. Poti sa decorezi cu ceapa verde tocata marunt.

Triunghiuri de tofu in crusta de arahide

Ingrediente (pentru 4 portii):

400g tofu tare, scurs de apa 300g orez prefiert 350ml lapte de orez 3 fire ceapa vrede, tocata marunt legatura de coriandru proaspat, tocat 3 linguri ardei gras rosu tocat sare 1 lingurita apa 1 albus 50g arahide prajite lingurita pudra de ustuori lingurita ghimbir pudra lingurita boia dulce 2 lingurite ulei de arahide ulei de gatit

Taie tofu in 8 felii egale si fiecare felie in 2 triungiuri (pe diagonala). Aseaza-le intre servetele de hartie si pune deasupra lor o tigaie grea, pentru a scoate apa in exces. Lasa-le sa stea asa 20 de minute. Fierbe orezul in lapte, la foc mic, timp de 5 minute, apoi adauga ceapa, coriandrul, ardeiul gras si sare dupa gust. Acopera si tine la cald. Bate intr-un bol albusul cu putina sare. Marunteste arahidele in robotul de bucataie si amesteca-le cu usuroi, ghimbir, boia si putina sare. Inmoaie fiecare bucatica de tofu in albusul batut, apoi tavaleste-o prin amestecul cu arahide. Prajeste-le intr-o tigaie unsa cu ulei, cate doua minute pe fiecare parte pana cand se rumenesc. Fii cu ochii pe ele permanent ca sa nu se arda! Serveste tofu stropit cu putin ulei de arahide, orez si o felie de lamaie. Sursa reteta: Cooking Light Cubulete de tofu dulce-picant Un fel apetisant pentru pranz sau cina cu arome puternice de usturoi si ghimbir. Ii va cuceri chiar si pe cei carcotasi.

Ingrediente (pentru 4 portii):

100g orez cu bob lung, prefiert 2 linguri ulei de rapita 400g tofu cu continut redus de grasime, taiat in cubulete 150ml zeama supa de pui 60ml sos Hoisin 1 lingura sherry 1 lingurita amidon alimentar 2 lingurite sos de soia 1 lingurita miere lingurita ulei de susan un praf de boia de ardei iute 2 lingurite ghimbir ras 2 lingurite usuroi, tocat marunt 2 cepe verzi, tocate marunt

Fierbe orezul. Incinge uleiul de rapita intr-o tigaie, la foc mediu. Pune cubuletele de tofu in el si soteaza-le timp de 5 minute pana cand capata o culoare aramie. Amesteca bine supa de pui cu sosul Hoisin, sherry, amidonul, sosul de soia, mierea, uleiul de susan si boiaua de ardei. Soteaza 30 de secunde ghimbirul, usturoiul si ceapa si adauga-le in amestecul cu supa. Pune pe foc timp de un minut pana cand se ingroasa putin. Pune si bucatelele de tofu in sos si mai lasa pe foc maxim un minut. Serveste cu orezul fiert. Pachetele de primavara cu tofu O varianta inedita pentru clasicele pachetele de primavara.

Ingrediente (pentru 6 portii):

800g tofu tare 60ml ulei de masline 2 catei de usturoi tocati marunt 1 lingurita ulei de susan 1 lingurita sos de soia 350g spanac 200-220g ciuperci shiitake (fara codite), feliate 4 cepe verzi tocate legatura menta legatura coriandru 6 foi de orez (diamentrul 20cm)

Taie tofu in felii subtiri si preseaza-le intre servetele de hartie. Amesteca 2 linguri din uleiul de masline cu usturoiul, uleiul de susan si sosus de soia intr-un bol larg. Inmoaie feliile de tofu in acest amestec astfel incat sa fie acoperite bine. Inginge 1 lingura de ulei de masline intr-o tigaie si prajeste feliile de tofu timp de 15 minutes. Dupa ce se racesc feliaza-le in betisoare subtiri.

Unge o tigaie cu o lingura de ulei de masline si caleste ciupercile timp de 5 minute pana cand se inmoaie. Inmoaie o foaie de orez in apa fierbinte pana cand devine usor maleabila. Pune in ea parti egale de spanac, tofu si ciuperci, presara coriandru si menta. Infasoara totul in foaia de orez. Repeta operatiunea cu restul ingredientelor ramase pana cand obtii 6 pachetele. Le poti servi cu un sos de citrice.

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