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When a baby is brought into this world, it cries. I why? It's because it has encountered its first challenge of life. The nine months spent in the womb were a bed of roses. This therefore makes life an episode, in that, circumstances and situations that exasperate man's life on earth do surround him and the metaphor," Life is a river" comes to pass. If man adheres to this planet and struggles against or towards a destiny; he becomes ambitious, innovative and invents ways of survival. A nursery child with peculiar thoughts was once quizzed, What do you want to become in future?" This child boldly answered with alacrity, "I want to be a doctor, pilot, teacher or lawyer." Men do struggle for greater horizons but infinity limits them and thats why lumpens, prostitutes and thugs exist in our societies.

After all these sources, I can now derive a principle which states that, "Man is born crying, grows up with melancholy and dies sorrowfully regretting." So man's life's little vexation, bliss and catastrophic ideals be used in conjunction with his cold blooded tricks to escape, unless with Jesus Christ." So at this fundamental stage another principle of life, "man without Jesus is incomplete while man with Jesus is complete." Hence forth, in a nutshell, since life has little to gild the lily, his blood is counted on his own head when he adds nails to his coffin and nip her in the bud.

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