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Outlines on Journalism Today Book

SECTION ONE Journalism in a Democracy

Chapter 1 Looking Back: The History of American Media Chapter 2 Meeting Ethical and Legal Responsibilities
SECTION TWO Gathering News for the School Newspaper

Chapter 3 Deciding What Is News Chapter 4 Organizing the Staff to Capture the News Chapter 5 Making the Interview Work
SECTION THREE Writing and Delivering the News

Chapter 6 Writing News Story Leads Chapter 7 Writing News Stories and Headlines Chapter 8 Handling Quotes Fairly and Accurately Chapter 9 Doing In-Depth Reporting Chapter 10 Design and Layout
SECTION FOUR Writing Features, Sports, and Editorials

Chapter 11 Writing Feature Stories Chapter 12 Writing Sports Stories Chapter 13 Writing for the Editorial Page
S E C T I O N F I V E Other Aspects of Scholastic Journalism

Chapter 14 Producing the Yearbook Chapter 15 Writing for Radio and Television Chapter 16 Understanding and Using Public Relations Chapter 17 Handling Finances: Advertising and Business
SECTION SIX Photography

Chapter 18 Taking and Using Effective Photographs Chapter 19 Understanding Technical Aspects of Photography
SECTION SEVEN Computers and Desktop Publishing

Chapter 20 The Impact of Technology

Document A. Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics Document B. Editorial Policy (sample) Document C. Yearbook Statement of Philosophy (sample) Document D. Broadcast Standards (sample) Document E. Code of Professional Standards for the Practice of Public Relations Document F. The Advertising Principles of American Business Document G. Position Statement on Photo-Manipulation

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