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LITERARY ANALYSIS QUESTIONS ON THE INTERLOPERS SCHOLARS NAME_________________________________________ 1) What point of view does the story employ?

2) What is the setting? 3) There are 2 major conflicts: Conflict 1 and Conflict 2. What type of conflict is Conflict 1? What kind of conflict is Conflict 2? 3) Who/What is the protagonist of Conflict 1? of Conflict 2? 4) Who/What is the antagonist of Conflict 1? of Conflict 2? 5) What is the climax of Conflict 1? of Conflict 2? 6) Name one dynamic character and explain why he/she/it is dynamic. 7) Point out at least two examples of foreshadowing. ANOTHER LITERARY TERM: IRONYIrony is a literary device that uses contradictory statements or situations to reveal a reality different from what appears to be true. It is ironic for a firehouse to burn down, or for a police station to be burglarized. There are three typed of irony. o Verbal irony occurs when a person says one thing but means the opposite. Sarcasm is a strong form of verbal irony that is calculated to hurt someone through, for example, false praise. Dramatic irony creates a discrepancy between what a character believes or says and what the reader or audience member knows to be true. Dramatic irony is found in the Greek tragedy Oedipus the King, in which Oedipus searches for the person responsible for the plague that ravishes his city and ironically ends up hunting himself. Situational irony exists when there is an incongruity between what the audience and/or the characters expect to happen and what actually happens due to forces beyond human comprehension or control. The suicide of the seemingly successful main character in Edwin Arlington Robinsons poem "Richard Cory" is an example of situational irony.

8) Point out and explain at least two different examples of irony found in The Interlopers.

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