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iPads an educational benefit or an iFad 1. Topic a. Ipads in the classroom 2. Theme and argument a.

. Theme Politics and Economics b. Ipads are being introduced into classrooms at an increasing rate. There is not enough
research to determine the effects, if any of these machines yet we are still using them. 3. Primary and Secondary sources for insight into the topic a. Issues to be addressed 1. Can ipads provide something that educators can't already get 2. Do we have enough information on their benefits 3. Who is responsible for obtaining and maintenance of the machines b. Literature to be consulted 1. Teaching and Learning with iPads, Ready or Not? By Orrin T. Murray and Nicole R. Olcese The Pennsylvania State University 2. Magan, C. (2012, March 17). Apple's push puts iPads in many schools. St.Paul Pioneer Press (Minnesota), 3. Chris Marshall. (2012, ). Lack of iPads risks 'two-tier' schooling. Scotland on Sunday, pp. 8. 4. Alesha Williams Boyd. (2011, ). Adapting to the iPad: Education's 'equalizer': More schools using tablet called 'game changer' for special-needs students. USA TODAY, pp. A.6. Link 5. Educators evaluate learning benefits of iPads - by Ian Quillen 6. Tutaleni I Asino, & Tutaleni I. Asino. (2011). No electricity? no problem! how about some petrol iPad? TechTrends, 55(1), 18-19. doi:10.1007/s11528-0110462-3 7. JENNA ROSS. (2010, ). iPads go to college: 8. BC Education Plan 9. First hand accounts of teachers use of iPads Provisional conclusions drawn from the argument & issues or data 4. a. Teacher's are introducing iPads to their students without much training. b. It is up to Principals to obtain the machines. Structure / sections of the paper, etc. 5. a. Background 1. What are iPads 2. 21st century learning 3. Politics b. Current research c. Effects on education d. Drawbacks 1. Funding 2. Lack of training 3. Overcrowded high needs classrooms e. Conclusion

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