Basic Verbs

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Basic Verbs

am, -re, -v, -tum, to love, like d, dare, ded, datum, to give laud,-re, -v, -tum, to praise nvig,-re, -v, -tum,to sail occup, -re, -v, -tum, to seize, capture par, -re, -v, -tum, to prepare, prepare for port, -re, -v, -tum, to carry pugn, -re, -v, -tum, to fight spect, -re, -v, -tum, to look at voc, -re, -v, -tum, to call appell, -re, -v, -tum, to call, name convoc, -re, -v, -tum, to call together, assemble, summon exspect, -re, -v, -tum, to await, wait for habit, -re, -v, -tum, to live, dwell labr, -re, -v, -tum, to labor, work; suffer, be hard pressed nrr, -re, -v, -tum, to tell, relate nnti, -re, -v, -tum, to announce, report super, -re, -v, -tum, to surpass, defeat vol, -re, -v, -tum, to fly vulner, -re, -v, -tum, to wound ambul, -re, -v, -tum, to walk clm, -re, -v, -tum, to shout cnfirm, -re, -v, -tum, to strengthen; encourage; declare dmnstr, -re, -v, -tum, to show lber, -re, -v, -tum, to free, set free oppugn, -re, -v, -tum, to attack serv, -re, -v, -tum, to guard, keep, save st, stre, stet, sttum, to stand tempt, -re, -v, -tum, to try, attempt habe, -re, -u, -itum, to have; hold mane, -re, mns, mnsum, to stay, remain mone, -re, -u, -itum, to warn; advise, inform move, -re, mv, mtum, to move castra movre, to break camp sede, -re, sd, sessum, to sit tene, -re, -u, tentum, to hold time, -re, timu, to fear, be afraid vide, -re, vd, vsum, to see dbe, -re, -u, -itum, to owe, ought doce, -re, -u, doctum, to teach; show prohibe, -re, -u, -itum, to prevent, keep from responde, -re, -, respnsum, to reply, answer retine, -re, -u, retentum, to hold back terre, -re, -u, -itum, to frighten ag, -ere, g, ctum, to do, drive cg, -ere, cog, coctum, to collect, compel dfend, -ere, -, -sum, to defend dc, -ere, dx, ductum, to lead pon, -ere, posu, positum, to put, place reg, -ere, rx, rctum, to rule

relinqu, -ere, relqu, relictum, to leave, leave behind surg, -ere, surrx, surrctum, to rise, stand up trd, -ere, trdid, trditum, to hand over, surrender vinc, -ere, vc, victum, to conquer, defeat cd, -ere, cess, cessum, to move; yield, give way cnstitu, -ere, -stitu, -stittum, to set up; decide, determine contend, -ere, -, -tum, to strive, struggle; hasten dlig, -ere, dlg, -lctum, to choose discd, -ere, -cess, -cessum, to depart, leave excd, -ere, -cess, -cessum, to go out, leave redc, -ere, -dx, -ductum, to lead back accipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum, to receive, accept capi, -ere, cp, captum, to take, capture cnfici, -ere, -fc, -fectum, to accomplish, finish conici, -ere, -ic, -iectum, to hurl; throw together cupi, -ere, cupv, cuptum, to wish, desire faci, -ere, fc, factum, to make, do fugi, -ere, fg, fugitum, to flee, flee from iaci, -ere, ic, iactum, to throw incipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum, to begin interfici, -ere, -fc, -fectum, to kill bib, -ere, bib, to drink curr, -ere, cucurr, cursum, to run dc, -ere, dx, dictum, to say, tell

ed, -ere, d, sum, to eat pet, -ere, petv, pettum, to seek; beg, ask; attack; aim at scrb, -ere, scrps, scrptum, to write mitt, -ere, ms, missum, to lose committ, -ere, -ms, -missum, to entrust, commit expell, -ere, expul, expulsum, to drive out, drive away, expel redd, -ere, reddid, redditum, to give back, restore audi, -re, -v, -tum, to hear, listen to conveni, -re, -vn, -ventum, to come together, assemble dormi, -re, -v, -tum, to sleep impedi, -re, -v, -tum, to hinder inveni, -re, -vn, -ventum, to find mni, -re, -v, -tum, to fortify, build perveni, -re, -vn, -ventum, to reach, arrive veni, -re, vn, -ventum, to come absum, -esse, -fu, -futurus, to be absent, be distant, be away adsum, -esse, -fu, -futurus, to be present, be near contine, -re, -tinu, -tentum, to hold together, restrain, bound inquam, inquis, inquit, inquiunt, say iube, -re, iuss, iussum, to order, bid possum, posse, potu, to be able, can sustine, -re, -tinu, -tentum, to hold up, hold in check, withstand

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