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Inexpensive. Informal. Simple. Increased access to justice for all.

A.M. No. 08-8-7-SC
<P100,000 Rule of Procedure for Small Claims Cases 1

Small Claims Cases are civil claims

which are exclusively for the payment or
reimbursement of a sum of money not In Small Claims Cases, judges ascertain
exceeding P100,000.00. the factual matters at issue and elicit
the evidence––all in one hearing, and
render a decision thereafter.

In Small Claims Cases, ordinary

litigants can prosecute and defend
a small claims action without the

participation of lawyers. Judges who employ JDR in Small Claims
or so long a time, we have sat on our hands in the Cases exert efforts to help the parties arrive
face of the urgent need to widen our poor people’s at an amicable settlement through mediation,
access to justice. Social justice is a buzz word in other conciliation, early neutral evaluation, or any
countries, but inaction in our jurisdiction has made it a boo other mode of JDR.
word. With our Justice on Wheels Program and this new Rule
22 of Procedure for Small Claims Cases, we have shortened the
distance between our dream of justice for the poor and the
cruel reality on ground. Chief Justice Reynato S. Puno Supreme Court Public Information Office
3rd Floor, New SC Building Office Annex
Padre Faura St., Ermita, Manila 1000
Telephone Nos. 522-5090 to 94
22 first level courts all over the country The Small Claims Court Pilot Project is a
Telefax 526-8129
have been designated as small claims program of the Supreme Court in partnership
courts to jump-start the pilot project. with USAID and ABA-ROLI

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