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Gay City

S E R V I N G G A Y, L E S B I A N , B I A N D T R A N S G E N D E R E D N E W Y O R K • W W W . G A Y C I T Y N E W S . C O M


Win “Safe”

n the wake of Friday’s mar-
riage equality ruling from
the Connecticut Supreme
Court, advocates and legisla-
tive leaders are voicing confi-
dence that the ruling is in little
danger of being overturned
by referendum, despite the
fact that voters already face a
November 4 ballot question
whether the state legislature
should call a constitutional
convention next year.
P. 8


Tough Manhattan
state Senate run
Bill Thompson blasts
“poll tax” move
And Now,
Homeless drop-in
funding cut
Chekhov brought
■ 17
State Supreme Court, 4-3, Says Civil Unions Won’t Do
back right
■ 22 BY ARTHUR S. LEONARD ples with access to all the state-law rights passage of civil union laws in both states.
—————————————— of married different-sex couples, failed the The Connecticut court faced a question

he Connecticut Supreme Court on state Constitution’s requirement of equal similar to that confronted in California,
October 10 ruled by a 4-3 vote that protection of the laws. where the Legislature had also established
same-sex couples have the same Connecticut thus became the third a legal status other than marriage for
right to marry under the state’s Constitu- state in which the highest court has ruled same-sex couples providing near-parity in
tion as different-sex couples. in favor of a same-sex marriage claim, fol- state legal rights, called domestic partner-
The ruling ended a protracted period lowing Massachusetts in 2003 and Cali- ship in that state. Although the Connecti-
of suspense that began on May 14, 2007, fornia earlier this year. Courts in Vermont cut court did not go as far as the Califor-
when the case was argued before the high and New Jersey had also found a constitu- nia court in constructing a constitutional
court. tional violation in the state’s denial of the theory for requiring the state to go all the
Justice Richard N. Palmer, writing for benefits of marriage to same-sex couples, way to marriage, it did break new consti-
the court, found that the state’s 2005 Civil but left it to their legislatures to remedy tutional ground for Connecticut.
Union Act, which provides same-sex cou- the constitutional defect, resulting in the The case was originally filed by Gay &

2/ Politics 16 - 22 OCT 2008

GOP Gay’s “Uphill” Fight 7 DAYS

John Chromczak aims for Lower Manhattan-Brooklyn state Senate seat
BY PAUL SCHINDLER Chromczak, however, argues er? Chromczak responded,
n a state Senate district
that runs from the Lower
East Side down to Battery
Park and includes portions
that as a gay Republican he is
the one better able to win over
converts on marriage equal-
ity. In the 62-seat Senate, six
Democrats have evidenced
“What I’m saying is I’m going to
vote for the person who’s going
to have the same priorities I do
as a legislator.”
But Chromczak seems to
Sexy People Vote!
of Williamsburg, Brooklyn opposition to gay marriage, so share many of the priorities of In the final of three candidate
Heights, Cobble Hill, and Car- even if the party captures the the current Republican major- nights, the LGBT Community Center
roll Gardens as well, Republi- chamber there will be politick- ity, and the state party has and Gay Men’s Health Crisis host an
can John Chromczak knows ing left to do on the issue. If given him roughly $20,000 evening of Manhattan congressional
he’s got a tough challenge on minority Republican votes are out of the estimated $60,000 candidates, moderated by Marcus
his hands. The area’s party needed, he believes he would he will spend on his race. At a Mabry of the New York Times. 208 W.
registrations overwhelm- be an effective messenger. candidate forum last week at 13th St., 6:30-8:30 p.m.
ingly favor Democrats, and What concerns the Pride the LGBT Community Center, ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
his opponent is a well-funded Agenda and other marriage moderated by this reporter,
insurgent, Daniel Squad- advocates, though, is that the he followed a presentation by BOOKS
ron, who toppled the 30-year loss of an existing Democratic Chelsea Democratic Assem- Kathleen Warnock hosts another
incumbent, Martin Connor, seat could keep the Senate in blyman Dick Gottfried, and in evening of “Drunken! Careening! Writ-
after a high-profile primary Republican hands. The GOP pointed response said, “I just ers!,” tonight featuring Brooklyn poet
fight in September. leadership has been grudging don’t think we can keep taxing and writer Cheryl Burke, Ed Hamilton,
Still, Chromczak, a 38-year- John Chromczak, a gay Republican, over the years in allowing votes ourselves out of every crisis.” author of “Legends of the Chelsea
old out gay medical technolo- acknowledges he is the clear underdog in on gay rights issues and, at a Careful in an interview this Hotel,” Nita Noveno, founder of the
gist who lives in Lower Man- his Manhattan-Brooklyn race for the state Log Cabin Republican recep- week to emphasize that he Sunday Salon series, and vittoria repet-
hattan, said he believes that Senate. tion in Manhattan last month, does not advocate “draconian, to, whose first poetry book is “Not Just
his chances improve “the more Dean Skelos of Long Island, across-the-board spending A Personal Ad.” KGB Bar, 85 E. Fourth
people I get in touch with.” The naire and that his website and the new majority leader, sig- cuts,” he said that “absolute- St., btwn. Bowery & Second Ave., 7
candidate said that in recent literature made no mention of naled that he has no inten- ly” state expenditures need to p.m. Free.
months he’s knocked on an LGBT issues. tion of changing course from be trimmed, citing specifically ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
astounding 10,000 doors in An ESPA endorsement of his predecessor, Joe Bruno, New York’s massive Medicaid
the 25th Senate District. the Republican was probably in blocking marriage equality budget. He did concede, how- RELATIONSHIPS
Yet, in a year when the not in the cards in any event. from going to the floor. ever, that the wealthiest New Making Love
LGBT community is focused After years of carefully steer- Pressed on a GOP-majority Yorkers might need to pay a Want connection? Frustrated from
on Senate races statewide, ing a bipartisan course, which scenario, Chromczak insisted, higher share of total taxes, trying everything you know and get-
Chromczak conceded, when most prominently included rather boldly for a prospective a point Gottfried had talked ting no results? Angelo Pezzote, a gay
asked about the reaction of the endorsement of Gover nor freshman senator, “I am basi- about at the Center forum but psychotherapist, columnist, and author
gay community to his candi- George Pataki in 2002, the cally going to tell them that one that Chromczak faulted (“Straight Acting: Gay Men, Masculin-
dacy, “I don’t think they know group made clear its view that it’s a priority for me, it’s a pri- Democrats for not advancing ity, and Finding True Love”), talks about
what to do with me, to be hon- continued Republican leader- ority for people in my district. more aggressively. releasing roadblocks to intimacy and
est.” He said he has never spo- ship of the Senate made prog- It’s going to have to get to the One issue on which Chrom- manifesting love. Dress comfortably
ken to the Empire State Pride ress on key agenda items such floor of the Senate and if that czak is likely out of step with and bring a blanket and pillow, if you
Agenda, New York’s LGBT as marriage equality and gen- means we’re going to have to many in the LGBT commu- can. LGBT Community Center, 208
lobby, though he had put out der rights legislation, already hold out on other issues to get nity is his pro-life posture; in W. 13th St., room 410, 8-10 p.m. Free.
what he termed “feelers” to the approved by the Assembly and that legislation to the floor it’s fact, West Village Democratic For more information, visit askangelo.
group. supported by Governor David something that I’m going to Assemblywoman Deborah com.
“They’re so entrenched in Paterson, impossible. have to do.” Glick, an out lesbian who ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
the Democratic Party,” Chrom- The Democrats need just Asked whether that warning appeared after him at the
czak said by way of shrugging two seats to take control of the could have an impact, he noted forum last week, spent much CABARET
off the lack of dialogue with Senate. Holding the seat Con- that senators elect a majority of her time criticizing his posi- The Clown Dump
ESPA. nor has held in Democratic leader in January and said, “I tion. Specifically, he believes Vermillion Lies has charmed audi-
For its part, ESPA, on Octo- hands is integral to that effort, don’t think anyone should take that New York State law should ences the world over with their unique
ber 15, announced its endorse- and Squadron is an outspoken anything how I should vote for be amended to require paren- brand of beauty, silliness, and creativ-
ment of Squadron, after hav- LGBT rights supporter, hav- granted.” Does that mean he tal approval of abortion for ity. With songs ranging from lyrical
ing sat out his primary fight ing told Gay City News this might vote to make the cur- minors, except in exceptional folk ballads to raucous circus marches,
with incumbent Connor. The summer that marriage equal- rent minority leader, Queens circumstances, and greater real Life sisters, Zoe and Kim Boek-
group said Chromczak did not ity “is a drum I plan to beat as Democratic Senator Malcolm binder “Vermillion,” have spent their
fill out its candidate question- aggressively as anybody.” Smith, the new majority lead- 䉴 CHROMCZAK, continued on p.19 lives honing their craft at clown boot
camp and the local dump, where they


found their favorite instruments like toy
piano, accordion, typewriter, and BBQ
grill. The Zipper Factory, 336 W. 37th
Catholic peace in the world, I will prefer came out of the closet and Foster Care unmarried from adopting chil- St., 10 p.m. Tickets are $20 at thezip-
Bishop him to somebody who doesn’t against California’s anti-gay Crosscurrents dren or being foster parents. It
Endorses support abortion but who is marriage amendment, has been in Arkansas is being fought by arkansasfam- ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Obama driving millions of people in the dismissed as pastor of the St. The Arkansas Department and the Foster Care
Archbishop John Onaiyekan world to death.” Paul Newman Center by Bishop of Social Services has ruled Alumni of America. Star Dust
of Nigeria said he would vote Onaiyekan is “widely seen as John Steinbock, who wrote, that unmarried gay and straight Klea Blackhurst took New York by
for Obama for president if he the spokesperson for Catholicism “It is tragic that Proposition couples can be foster parents, Five Years for storm with her acclaimed tribute to
could, despite the Democrat’s in Africa,” the newspaper said. 8 opponents have convinced ending a ban imposed in 2005. Killing Philly Ethel Merman, “Everything the Traffic
pro-choice stance. He told the some well-intentioned people Governor Mike Beebe backs the Transwoman Will Allow.” Billy Stritch is an award-
National Catholic Reporter, “If Catholic that Proposition 8, as a legiti- change, citing the shortage of Terron Oates, 20, was sen- winning composer, arranger, vocalist,
my choice is between a person Bishop Fires mate initiative to define the foster homes in the state. tenced to five-to-ten years for and jazz pianist. The two collaborate
who makes room for abortion, Gay Priest institution of marriage, is some- Voters go to the polls on the killing of Alexis King in 2006. on a review based on the music of
but who is really pro-life in Father Geoffrey Farrow, how a condemnation of people November 4 to decide whether
terms of justice in the world, the Fresno Catholic priest who of same-sex orientation.” to prohibit couples who are 䉴 BRIEFS, continued on p.15 䉴 OCT 16, continued on p.8

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4/ Politics 16 - 22 OCT 2008

Thompson Blasts Term Extension

City comptroller, mayoral hopeful, notes potential 2009 gay Council candidates stymied
BY DUNCAN OSBORNE 1996 vote. licity stunt,” James said. “The
Thompson said that any mayor just doesn’t get it. This is
Likening Mayor Michael change to the law should be about democracy.”
R. Bloomberg’s proposal to put before the voters. Coun- Prior to the start of the
increase term limits for city cilmembers David Weprin, Bill event, James said that 18 of
elected officials to poll taxes de Blasio, and Letitia James the 51 Council members were
and literacy tests that were have introduced legislation that opposed to having the Council
used to bar African Americans would require voter approval of change the law. “We’re close,
from voting, city Comptroller any change to the term limits very close,” James said.
William Thompson said any law. NY 1 News, the local cable
change to New York City’s term Thompson recruited African- news station, has been keep-

limits law should be decided by American ministers to take to ing a running tally that shows
the voters. their pulpits and speak against 19 opposed, 15 supporting
“Whether term limits should the Bloomberg initiative begin- the change, and 18 undecided
be changed or not should go ning on October 19. Some of as of October 15. On October Comptroller William Thompson, surrounded by City Council members, at an October 10 rally
back to the voters,” Thompson those ministers joined him at 12, Council Speaker Christine protesting the effort to amend the city’s term limit law legislatively.
said at an October 10 press City Hall. The New York Times Quinn endorsed the Bloomberg
conference held on the steps reported on October 10 that proposal. Thompson was also joined Bloomberg had been a suc-
of City Hall. “Democracy and a different group of African- “In these difficult times, I by state Assemblyman cessful mayor and said, “This
voter’s rights are what’s impor- American ministers supported believe voters should have the Hakeem Jeffries and state is nothing short of a power
tant.” the Bloomberg proposal in a choice to keep the leadership Senators Eric Adams and grab.”
Bloomberg is seeking a vote letter to the City Council. in our city,” Quinn said at a Kevin S. Parker, all three The ter m limits debate
in the City Council that would Joining Thompson at City press conference. Quinn, an of whom represent parts of is complicated by the self-
extend terms for the mayor, Hall were Councilmembers de out lesbian, previously opposed Brooklyn. Parker and Jeffries interest of the politicians
City Council members, and Blasio, James, Darlene Mealy, changing the law. have introduced legislation and political insiders who
other elected officials from the and Charles Barron, all of Bloomberg has said that the in Albany that would require are currently holding that
current two four-year terms whom represent parts of Brook- dismal state of the economy a referendum to change term debate. Many, such as Quinn
to three terms. The term lim- lyn, and Weprin, who repre- and what will certainly be diffi- limits. and Thompson, were prepar-
its law was approved in a 1993 sents part of Queens. cult financial times for the city Calling Bloomberg’s seven ing to run for another office
voter referendum and voters “The mayor said this morn- in the near future require his years in office a “record of
declined to amend that law in a ing that this was a cheap pub- experience and skills. failure,” Parker disputed that 䉴 THOMPSON, continued on p.19

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6/ Politics 16 - 22 OCT 2008

And Now, Connecticut

State Supreme Court, 4-3, says civil unions won’t do
䉴 CONNECTICUT, from p.1 In contrast, the least from the right to marry. argued that gay people actu-
demanding level of judicial Unlike the federal Consti- ally have lots of political clout
Lesbian Advocates & Defend- review is the “rational basis tution, the Connecticut Con- in Connecticut. After all, the
ers, the Boston-based public test,” where the right at stake stitution contains an express state was among the earliest to
interest law firm, on behalf of is not deemed fundamental, or enumeration of the “suspect reform their sodomy laws, and
eight same-sex couples whose the law does not embrace a sus- classes,” which do not include over the past several decades
applications for marriage pect classification. This mode of sexual orientation, and the Connecticut has passed a
licenses had been denied. judicial review presumes the court was not willing to adopt broad gay rights law, has leg-
At the time, GLAD had constitutionality of the law and the argument, which the Cali- islated to allow second-parent
recently achieved its trium- puts the burden on the law’s fornia Supreme Court found adoptions, and has passed the
phant victory in Massachu- challenger to show that there is appealing, that denying gay civil union law. Clearly, in the
setts and was seeking to build no rational basis for it. couples the right marry was dissenters’ view, these legisla-
on that victory in a neighbor- In some cases, courts have also sex discrimination. tive victories would have been

ing state where attempts to recognized a level of review However, in Connecticut, the impossible had gay people been
achieve legal recognition for intermediate between these court noted that its own past unable to form the political alli-
same-sex couples had not got- two, where important indi- decisions had suggested that ances necessary to advance
ten very far in the legislature. Jeffrey Busch and Stephen Davis of Wilton, vidual interests are at stake or the Constitution’s enumeration their interests.
Many state and national orga- one of the plaintiff couples, together since where the law disadvantages of suspect classes did not pre- Dissenting Judge David
nizations joined in support of 1989, with their son, Eli. based on a classification that clude the existence of interme- M. Borden also noted that a
the litigation through amicus might be called “quasi-sus- diate categories, since the Con- same-sex marriage bill had
briefs and other forms of assis- that initial proposition. The pect.” In these cases, the bur- stitution also made clear that been introduced in the General
tance to the plaintiffs. GLAD majority and the three dissent- den of justification is placed on the guarantee of equal protec- Assembly to great fanfare, had
attorney Bennett Klein was ing justices all agreed on this the government to show that tion extends to everyone. achieved significant co-spon-
lead counsel on the case. one point — that civil unions the challenged law advances Justice Palmer carefully sorship, and had even been
Filing of the suit, however, and marriage are different some important state interest examined each of the factors approved in committee, but had
helped to spur the General things, because marriage is and does so better than any that the US Supreme Court not been subjected to floor votes
Assembly, Connecticut’s leg- more than just a bundle of less discriminatory alternative. has used in identifying “quasi- yet for a variety of reasons.
islature, on to the adoption of legal rights. Marriage, as they The court’s decision of which suspect” classes. The Connect- To Borden and the other dis-
the Civil Union Act, making all recognized, is a social insti- level of review to use plays a icut justices generally agreed senters — Justices Christine S.
the state the first to adopt civil tution of long standing that major role in the outcome of a that of the four factors used by Vertefeuille and Peter T. Zarella
union without being ordered has meaning and social sta- case. the US high court, gay people — gay political power in Con-
to take action by a state high tus beyond the concrete legal In the California marriage would qualify on three of them necticut was too far advanced
court ruling, although in Cali- rights and responsibilities cases, the court decided that — a history of invidious dis- to hold that gay people needed
fornia progress toward a broad associated with it. the marriage law’s exclusion crimination, that the charac- special protection of the courts.
domestic partnership law simi- All the judges, then, agreed of same-sex couples discrimi- teristic in question is not rel- However, the court’s majority
larly proceeded without the that the plaintiffs had raised a nated regarding a fundamen- evant to a person’s ability to concluded otherwise. Palmer
spur of a court order. Once the valid constitutional question. tal right — the right to marry participate in society, and that pointed out that the neither
law was enacted, the State of The main disagreement was — and involved a suspect clas- the characteristic in question the US Supreme Court nor the
Connecticut moved for sum- over the appropriate standard sification, sexual orientation. is either immutable or so fun- Connecticut Supreme Court
mary judgment in the marriage by which the court would eval- As a result, the court applied damental to personal identity had invariably insisted that all
case, arguing that its passage uate this constitutional chal- strict scrutiny, and the state’s that the government could not four factors must be present
cured any possible constitu- lenge. The most demanding arguments in support of the insist on the individual trying to justify treating a particular
tional defect. level of judicial review is strict law were not persuasive to the to change it. group as needing judicial pro-
This argument persuaded scrutiny, under which a law majority. Where the dispute came tection from discrimination.
the trial judge, who granted that abridges a fundamental The Connecticut court was was on the question of politi- Indeed, he noted, it was clear
the state’s motion for sum- right or disadvantages people not willing to go that far, but cal power. The Supreme Court from recent US Supreme Court
mary judgment, concluding based on a classification con- the majority concluded that has sometimes indicated that decisions that the current polit-
that whatever difference there sidered suspect of facing dis- the law does discriminate on groups who are unable to pro- ical power of a group was not a
was between civil unions and crimination is presumed to be the basis of sexual orientation, tect their interests in the leg- determinative factor.
marriage was not significant unconstitutional unless the and that gay people should be islative process due to lack For example, the high court
enough to raise a constitution- state can show a compelling regarded as a “quasi-suspect of political power may need has recently found that race
al claim. need for the law that can only class” under the state Constitu- the assistance of the courts remains a suspect classifica-
Every judge on the seven- be achieved through the policy tion, putting the burden on the through judicial review.
member court disagreed with being challenged. state to justify excluding them On this point, the dissenters 䉴 CONNECTICUT, continued on p.7


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䉴 CONNECTICUT, from p.6 den on the state to justify hav- why it was important to main- ation argument. An essential not ready to vote on the issue.
ing made available state law tain uniformity, Palmer wrote. element of the court’s equal He also noted that at the time
tion, even though some racial rights but denied the status of Clearly, such uniformity is protection analysis was the when the Supreme Court
minorities have achieved sub- marriage. The court accepted breaking down, as neighboring assertion that same-sex and decided to treat sex as a quasi-
stantial political power in this the plaintiffs’ argument that Massachusetts and Califor- different-sex couples are simi- suspect classification, there
country, and that sex remains civil unions are a lesser sta- nia — at least for now — have larly situated regarding the were arguments that the pend-
a suspect classification, even tus than marriage, since civil same-sex marriage. A desire significance of marriage as an ing Equal Rights Amendment to
though women constitute a unions are merely a bundle of for uniformity might provide a institution, a point the major- the federal Constitution, which
majority of the electorate and legal rights and responsibili- rational basis for the distinc- ity embraced based on its view had been approved by Con-
have made steady gains in plac- ties, while marriage is a long- tion between same-sex and dif- that marriage was not just gress overwhelmingly and sent
ing their issues at the head of standing social institution. ferent-sex couples, but Palmer about procreation or necessar- to the states for ratification,
the legislative agenda. And, in Indeed, noting the long history found that under intermediate ily about procreation. would take care of the problem
so-called “reverse discrimina- of discrimination against gay scrutiny the state had a bur- Zarella argued that marriage of sex discrimination, making
tion” cases, the Court has used people in our society, the court den to show why it was impor- was, at its base, all about pro- it unnecessary to interpret the
strict scrutiny to evaluate race majority saw the creation of tant, not merely rational, and creation, which he deemed the Equal Protection Clause to pro-
discrimination claims by white a separate status — in a law had not done so. main justification for the state vide special judicial protection
plaintiffs, even though it would that included a declaration that In terms of preserving the recognizing and buttressing for women. The ERA, of course,
be hard to justify treating white only a man and a woman could traditional definition, Palmer this institution. If procreation is fell short of the necessary states
people, as a group, as politically marry — as a clear indication of dismissed this without great so central, then same-sex and for ratification.
disadvantaged. inferior status. effort, pointing out that it was a different-sex couples are not The court’s decision con-
Palmer found the analogy of The State of Connecticut, way of saying that discrimina- similarly situated, in his view, cludes with an order to send
gays and women to be appro- in defending the status quo, tion is insulated from challenge because gay and lesbian cou- the case back to the trial
priate for purposes of this anal- disavowed the bizarre theory just because it is longstanding, ples cannot procreate through court, with directions to grant
ysis. Although the Connecticut accepted by the high courts a point not deemed worth much sex as a couple. summary judgment in favor
Constitution expressly makes of New York, Maryland, and refutation. All of the dissenters of the plaintiffs. The court’s
sex a suspect classification, the Washington — that marriage Borden’s dissent, joined by expressed concerns about the opinion did not expressly
Supreme Court has refused to is necessary for heterosexual Vertefeuille, focused primar- court preempting the political state when and how the rul-
go that far under the federal couples in order to “channel” ily on the political power point, process by constitutionalizing ing would be implemented, so
Constitution, instead using its their procreation into stable although he had differences a right to same-sex marriage, we await word from experts on
four-pronged test to deem sex family units. In looking at the with other parts of the majority with Borden emphasizing his Connecticut procedure.
a “quasi-suspect” classification arguments made by the state, decision, including the court’s view that the political pro- However, Connecticut has
invoking intermediate scru- the court found only two justi- conclusion, in the absence of cess was just chugging along the practice of releasing opin-
tiny. Women, like gays, have fications there — an interest in any real proof — at least in his toward same-sex marriage ions long in advance of their
substantial political power, but maintaining uniformity with view — that civil unions would in any event, so there was no official effective date. As this
suffer from a history of discrim- the marriage laws of other turn out in the long run to be of need for the court to rush in opinion is designated as offi-
inatory treatment by the state, states, and an interest in pre- lesser status than marriages. and finish the task. cially released on October 28,
usually based on stereotypes serving the long-standing tra- Zarella, by contrast, differed Palmer’s rejoinder was to the remand to the trial court
about the group. ditional definition of marriage. with the majority on virtu- point out that the marriage bill does not go into effect until
Having concluded that inter- The court found both of these ally every point, to the extent had been pulled off the floor then. GLAD said the decision
mediate or heightened scrutiny justifications lacking. of reviving, on behalf of the without a vote due to many is likely to take effect on or
applies, the court put the bur- The state had not explained state, the channeling procre- legislators stating they were soon after November 7.

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8/ Politics 16 - 22 OCT 2008

Conn. Marriage Win “Safe” 7 DAYS

Constitutional convention possible, but legislative votes are there
䉴 SAFE, from p.1 lic Health, which supervises 䉴
OCT 16, from p.2
marriage registration, and the
“I definitely agr ee that Madison town registrar of vital Hoagy Carmichael, one of America’s
we have a marriage equal- statistics. most treasured songwriters who
ity majority in the legislature,” In June 2006, Judge Patty wrote “Star Dust” (the most recorded
said Michael P. Lawlor, an out Jenkins Pittman found that song ever), “Georgia On My Mind,”
gay Democratic member of the excluding same-sex couples and “Skylark.” Metropolitan Room,
State House of Representa- from marriage did not violate 34 W. 22nd St. Oct. 16-17, Nov.
tives from East Haven and the the Connecticut Constitution. 20-21, 9:45 p.m.; Nov. 19, 7:30 p.m.
chair of the Judiciary Com- GLAD appealed the ruling to The cover charge is $30, with a two-
mittee. the state Supreme Court and, drink minimum. Reservations at metro-
If voters approve the consti- on May 14, 2007, the group’s or 212-206-0440.
tutional convention call, the Ben Klein argued the case ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
legislature, known in Connect- before the high court. The state
icut as the General Assembly, attorney general represent- PERFORMANCE

has a year to call one. It is ed the Department of Public An Artist to Watch
within the General Assembly’s Health. Utah-based Amy Caron is an ath-
sole prerogative to set terms It took the Supreme Court 17 lete, a product of rural life, a formally
by which they select delegates, Geraldine and Suzanne Artis of Clinton, one of the eight plaintiff couples, together for 12 months to render its decision. trained artist, and someone with a
and then those delegates have years, have three children — nine-year-old Geras and seven-year-old twins, Zanagee and “In an historic decision, quick wit. She arrives in the East Village
autonomy in terms of what Gezani. Connecticut’s Supreme Court with “Waves of Mu,” a neuroscience-
matters they take up. ruled today that gay and lesbi- based installation/performance work
Democrats are close to issue of accepting homosexu- the measure, but Lawlor said an couples in the Constitution that is essentially a wall-to-wall, floor-
having the two-thirds major- ality, it’s pretty hard to argue the votes were clearly there in State deserve marriage,” GLAD to-ceiling representation of the brain,
ity in both houses needed for against marriage for same-sex the Senate and almost there said in a written statement. “ a memorable anatomy lesson. Walking
the selection of delegates, but couples,” he said. in the House. Some of his col- Not domestic partnerships or through this beautifully complex instal-
in any event marriage equal- Lawlor noted that Republi- leagues told him they would civil unions, but full and equal lation, a play on scope and scale, gives
ity, Lawlor said, has significant can Congressman Chris Shays, come around on the marriage marriage and the respect and a wow factor to the organ riding around
bipartisan support. a moderate who represents equality issue, but wanted civil security that only marriage pro- in our skulls that we easily forget is our
Republican Governor Jodi southwestern Connecticut unions to be in place a bit lon- vides.” ultimate source. The room is a portal
Rell is opposed to marriage and is in a battle for his politic ger before making the move. “Today’s victory fulfills the for a deeper understanding of the mind.
equality, but has no legal role life with Democrat Jim Himes, Since that time, he said, a hopes and dreams of gay and Performance Space 122, Oct. 16-18,
in calling the constitutional supports same-sex marriage; number of members, Demo- lesbian families to live as full 7:30 p.m.; Oct. 19, 5:30 p.m. Tickets
convention. in fact, he said, the two candi- crats and Republicans, have and equal citizens in Connecti- are $20, $15 for students & seniors,
“If there is a constitutional dates argue about which one is told him they are prepared to cut,” Klein, the lead attorney, $10 for P.S. 122 members at
convention, it is much more stronger on the issue. take the next step. said. “Marriage is unparalleled ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
likely to take up matters such Stanback acknowledged that Lawlor said that vote will still in the dignity, respect, and pro-
as whether the right to health- the Knights of Columbus, a have to be made, since there tection it gives families.” GALLERY
care should be incorporated Catholic fraternal organization must be a legal mechanism for Plaintiffs Beth Kerrigan and Uncover the Clues
into the state Constitution, or headquartered in New Haven, couples in civil unions to have Jodie Mock, whose names are Gabriela Alva curates “Crime
whether Roe v. Wade should was identified this week as the their status converted to mar- part of the case’s title, said of Drama,” a show of new work from
become part of the Constitu- largest institutional contributor riage without their having to the ruling, “We are overjoyed Andrew Robinson, whose 20-year-plus
tion,” Lawlor said. to the effort to defeat marriage start over. to tell our twin boys that we history in ceramic arts leads the show,
Anne Stanback, a spokes- equality at the polls in Califor- House Speaker James A. will be married, just like their mingling with painting, sculpture, and
woman for Love Makes A Fam- nia next month, ponying up Amann, of Milford, and Senate friends’ parents. We are pro- installation. As the title infers, crimes,
ily, the LGBT rights group in $1.25 million. The group sev- President Pro Tempore Donald foundly grateful to live in a or imperfect histories, are explored
Connecticut, said that her eral years ago circulated anti- E. Williams, of Brooklyn — both state which recognizes our through sculptural multimedia por-
group expects that the marriage marriage petitions in parishes Democrats — are marriage equality.” traits and objects that serve to suggest
equality majority in the General across Connecticut, but “many equality supporters. In New York, the decision secretive narratives begging to be dis-
Assembly will grow as the result Catholics refused to sign,” she Still, Stanback said Love was immediately greeted with covered. Eye Level Gallery at Victor
of the November 4 elections. said. Makes A Family is not compla- praise by gay marriage advo- Osborne Atelier, 364 Leonard St. at
Lawlor, however, said that Lawlor said the high court’s cent about protecting the new cates. Withers St., Williamsburg. Mon.-
no matter what happens in ruling caps a nine-year debate victory. “This is a huge win for mar- Fri, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. through Nov. 1.
November — and a reversal of in Connecticut over same-sex “We are taking nothing for riage equality,” said Cathy- 347-463-9716.
Democrats’ fortunes is certain- partnership recognition and granted and will work very hard Marion Thomas, executive ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
ly not expected — the marriage that the process the General between now and the opening director of Marriage Equality
ruling should safe. Assembly has gone through of the new legislative session New York, a grassroots group. ACTIVISM
“If such a referendum were has been helpful in educating in January,” she said. “With “It is a wonderful decision What Do We Want?
held in Connecticut,” he said, legislators and voters and in continued work, this decision against civil unions.” “Out Now” is an artistic attempt
referring to an anti-marriage building support for full mar- should stand.” Marino-Thomas said that to explore the possibilities for a sym-
ballot question, something not riage equality. In 2005, Con- The October 10 victory came the arguments made in the pathetic cultural backdrop to press
possible until after a constitu- necticut became the first state in a lawsuit filed in August Connecticut majority opinion for urgent action toward ending the
tional convention, “voters would to adopt civil unions without 2004 by Gay & Lesbian Advo- that civil unions are insuf- Iraq War. Artists participating include
vote it down.” pressure from a court ruling. cates & Defenders, a public ficient in delivering equality Friends of William Blake, a loose-knit
Lawlor pointed to a recent That law was signed by Rell, the interest law firm located in for gay and lesbian couples New York artists’ collective who in the
Quinnipiac College poll that Republican governor. Boston, on behalf of eight gay will strengthen the case in past collaborated on “The New York-
found that about 20 percent of In 2007, Lawlor’s Judiciary and lesbian couples who had Vermont, New Jersey, and ers’ Guide to Military Recruitment in
voters in the state oppose any Committee, which includes been denied marriage licens- New Hampshire that the legal the Five Boroughs” and “The People’s
legal recognition for lesbian about a quarter of the total es in Madison, Connecticut. structures created there are Guide to the Republican National Con-
and gay couples, but that the House membership, approved Each of the couples had been inadequate and that full mar- vention”; peace activist Kathy Kelly;
remainder support either civil a bill that would have upgraded together for between ten and riage rights must be substi- artist and writer Trevor Paglen; video,
unions or full marriage recog- civil unions to full marriage by 30 years, many of them raising tuted. sculpture, and performance artists
nition, in about equal percent- a vote of 27-15. The full Gen- children. The defendants were
ages. “Once you get past the eral Assembly never voted on the state Department of Pub- 䉴 SAFE, continued on p.9 䉴 OCT 16, continued on p.10

䉴 SAFE, from p.8 ment recognition of legal marriages in have to leave our home state to get greater right-wing contributions to
the states. married.” the effort to overturn the recent Cali-
The increasing shift by New York “Now New Yorkers can drive across A New York state appeals court in fornia marriage equality ruling in the
State’s neighbors toward marriage the border to a second state, get a February ruled that legal gay marriag- November 4 referendum. Gay rights
equality will also be helpful in Albany, marriage license that will be recog- es from other jurisdictions should be advocates this week warned that the
she said, as the Senate next year, per- nized as legal and valid here at home, recognized here, and, in May, Paterson anti-marriage forces have raised more
haps with a new Democratic majority, and have access to the vast majority of directed all executive branch agencies than $25 million versus just under
confronts the gay marriage bill already the 1,324 rights and responsibilities to develop procedures for complying $16 million by those working to pro-
approved by the Assembly and sup- New York provides with it,” said Alan with that ruling. tect the court ruling, and that polling
ported by Governor David Paterson. Van Capelle, executive director of the “The State Assembly, Governor Pat- has recently swung against the mar-
Marino-Thomas said that with Cali- Empire State Pride Agenda, New York’s erson, and a majority of New Yorkers riage equality side.
fornia and additional states in the gay rights lobby. “While we realize that agree it is time” to act, Van Capelle “I’m scared,” Marino-Thomas said.
Northeast adopting marriage equality, some families will do this because continued. “The State Senate needs to “If you’ve never given a dollar to the
there will soon be “a good base for a they need the protections right now get the message and act now.” fight for marriage equality, now is the
federal fight” over the Defense of Mar- that come with a marriage license, we Marino-Thomas voiced concern that time to give money to the fight in Cali-
riage Act, which precludes US govern- believe that our families should not the Connecticut ruling might spur fornia.”


One week after calling an “emergency” con- of voters approving the Defense of Marriage measure loses by about five points. The No on Prop 8 campaign just released
ference call with the LGBT media to emphasize amendment. “So our message is working,” he said. “We a commercial featuring Ellen DeGeneres and
the risk that California’s Proposition 8 — turn- But on October 14, Patrick Guerriero, the need to be more places, ramp up not only on Guerriero responded to criticism that too few
ing back the recent state Supreme Court ruling former head of the Log Cabin Republicans cur- TV but also on radio. It’s an air war. It is that LGBT faces have appeared in ads against the
in favor of marriage equality — could prevail rently on loan from the Gill Foundation to the black and white.” Later, he added, “There is a referendum by stating that new direct mail
at the ballot box on November 4, leaders of the No on Prop 8 campaign, said that opponents great sense that the public wants to be on our pieces and TV ads would include “LGBT faces
effort to defeat the measure said fundraising of the marriage ban are now raising almost $1 side. They want to hear our arguments.” and families.”
to protect the newly-won right had stepped up million a day, helping to close the nearly $10 Guerriero noted that the Prop 8 fight will He acknowledged, however, that DeGe-
significantly and that polling suggested that million gap of a week before. But, he added, turn out to be the most expensive LGBT referen- neres was among a large number of promi-
their message, when heard, is effective. that fundraising pace needs to be kept up dum ever; it will also likely be the most heavily nent, wealthy lesbian and gay Americans the
As of October 7, supporters of Prop 8 had through election day and the donor pool of funded race this year outside of the presiden- group continues to ask “to write a check.”
raised more than $25 million versus just under only 30,000 contributors must be expanded tial contest. He promised a get-out-the-vote “We are talking to everyone that has money
$16 million for the pro-gay side. That financial considerably. field game leading up to and on election day on and hasn’t given,” Guerriero said. “There will
superiority allowed opponents of gay marriage He stated that tracking polls done by the No par with a US Senate campaign, and noted that be some breakthrough news in the next sev-
to get a leg up on media advertising, officials on Prop 8 campaign were finding that where vot- the lack of competitiveness in the presidential eral days.”
from the No on Prop 8 campaign said, and poll- ers had only heard the anti-gay ads, the marriage contest in California means there are many To view the pro-gay campaign’s advertis-
ing data, just weeks before very promising for ban was showing a double-digit advantage, but progressive activists willing to donate volun- ing spots and to make a donation, visit NoOn-
LGBT advocates, had moved sharply in favor that when marriage equality ads compete the teer time to the effort to defeat Prop 8. — Paul Schindler

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10/ Human Rights 16 - 22 OCT 2008

Iranian Queer RR Launched 7 DAYS

Gay refugee works to speed transit to asylum-willing nations
BY DOUG IRELAND to build a strong relationship 䉴
OCT 16, from p.8
with the UNHCR, who are now

rsham Parsi, the aware of the Iranian queer Martha Rosler and Natascha Sadr
well-known Irani- situation, and of our organiza- Haghighian; interactivity pioneer Rirkrit
an gay activist, has tion, and on each of my trips Tiravanija; writer and artist Jala Toufic;
announced the launch of the I’ve been able to secure inter- and Berlin and New York-based artist
Iranian Queer Railroad (IRQR), national refugee protection Anton Vidokle. E-flux, 41 Essex St.
a new organization designed status for more and more Ira- btwn. Grand & Essex Sts., Tue.-Sat.
specifically to help the grow- nian LGBT refugees in Turkey, noon –6 p.m. through Nov. 8. Kathy
ing number of LGBT Iranians which is the necessary first Kelly will give a lecture on the project
forced to leave their country by step to being granted asylum,” at Cooper Union, Oct. 16, 7 p.m.
the violently homophobic poli- Parsi said. “After my last trip Patrick Cockburn will speak there Oct.
cies of the ayatollahs’ theocra- there in August, we now have 22, 7 p.m. For more information, visit
cy. Homosexuality is a capital 20 more refugees who’ve been or call 212-619-3356.
crime in Iran. newly granted this status and ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Parsi, 28, founded the first are now awaiting flights to gay-
Iranian gay group, the Persian
Gay and Lesbian Organization
(PGLO), in 2004 while still liv-
friendly countries like Canada
and Australia.”
Parsi told this reporter of a BOOKS
ing in Iran. With the police on 29-year -old Iranian lesbian A Life Well-Lived
his tail for his gay activism, refugee he was able to help get John Giorno is a poet and Bowery
Parsi fled to Turkey in 2005, an early legal interview with artists whose career was intertwined
where he continued his work the UNHCR with contemporaries like Andy War-
to publicize the plight of LGBT “She had a terrible life in hol, William S. Burroughs, and Brion
Iranians, and eventually was an abusive situation,” he Gysin. He helped pioneer the open
granted asylum as a sexual explained. “Her family forced exploration and celebration of queer
refugee by Canada, where her to marry with one of their sexuality in poetry in the 1960s; his
he moved two years ago and relatives, and her legal hus- anti-war work with Abbie Hoffmann
changed the name of the PGLO band raped her every night, resulted in Spiro Agnew labeling
to the Iranian Queer Organiza- and she could do nothing him one of the “Hanoi Hannahs” in
tion (IRQO). about it because one of the the 1970s; and his AIDS Treatment
Earlier this year, Parsi and first duties of women in the Project, begun in 1984, set the bar
the IRQO were honored by the Islamic Republic of Iran is sex- for direct, compassionate action in
International Gay and Lesbian ual delivery to their husbands. the AIDS crisis. Tonight, he reads
Human Rights Commission “This poor girl went to a doc- from his newly published anthology
with its Felipa Award for pio- tor after all the rapes, and the of collected works from his 50-year

neering gay activism. doctor told her, ‘You appear career, “Subduing Demons In Amer-
Parsi traveled to Turkey to have been raped by an ani- ica: Selected Poems 1962–2007”
in August to meet with Ira- mal, and you need urgent (Soft Skull Press). New Museum of
nian LGBT refugees and plead Arsham Parsi, a gay sexual refugee living in Toronto, (seen here at right accepting this year’s health care now.’ But her fam- Contemporary Art, 235 Bowery at
their case with the office of the Felipa Award from IGLHRC, alongside Chilean trans activist Andrés Ignacio Rivera Duarte) is ily ordered her to be patient Prince St., 7:30-8:30 p.m. Free with
United Nations High Commis- pressing the fight to help queer Iranian refugees find suitable resettlement. and stay at her husband’s museum admission of $12; $10 for
sioner for Human Rights that home. She was severely beat- seniors; $8 for students.
is located there. The UNHCR of them are in Turkey, which daily in Iran, and to provide a en repeatedly by her husband ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
must grant these queer exiles shares a lengthy border with steady stream of information and eventually escaped and
official refugee status before Iran and where cultural and about homosexuality and the went to a friend’s house. FILM
they can be accepted for asy- political homophobia is ram- transgendered via Internet “But while she was there, Courage at the End
lum in gay-friendly countries. pant, while the rest are scat- into Iran, and I think we’ve had her brothers came while she “Freeheld” is the story of Lau-
As the result of that trip, Parsi tered throughout Europe, great success in doing that. was out and told her friend rel Hester, a 25-year veteran of the
concluded that a new organi- including in the Netherlands, “But after several years they were going to kill her Ocean County, New Jersey, police
zation dedicated exclusively to Sweden, Germany, Switzer- of working with PGLO and to save the family’s honor force, who after being diagnosed
helping sexual dissidents flee land, and Norway. Some 22 are IRQO, I have a lot more expe- because she left her husband with cancer spent her dying months
persecution in Iran was neces- in the United Kingdom, which rience now, and it was clear and has suspicious connec- fighting a courageous battle against
sary. has been extremely reluctant to me we needed a new orga- tions with other women. That’s public officials to make certain that
“I decided to call our new to grant permanent asylum nization with fresh blood and when she fled Iran to Turkey, her benefits earned as a police offi-
group the Iranian Queer Rail- to gay Iranian refugees, and a structure dedicated solely where she was put in touch cer be given to her partner, Stacie
road after the Underground where in the last several years to helping queer refugees, to with us by one of our members Andree. Award-winning director
Railroad in the 19th cen- two Iranians have committed help them flee Iran, to support in Iran. When she told me her Cynthia Wade lived with the couple
tury, which was an informal suicide after receiving depor- them while they are still in story, she cried, and I lost con- for the last ten weeks of Hester’s
network of routes and safe tation orders back to certain transit countries like Turkey, trol, too. I told her, ‘Don’t go life, creating an intimate, emotional
houses helping black slaves in torture and possible death in to assist them in finding their back to Iran, we don’t want to piece. Lesbian Cinema Arts screens
America to escape to freedom Iran. way through the harrowing lose any more members of our this film, followed by a Q&A with
in Canada,” Parsi told Gay But, said Parsi, “there are bureaucratic maze that faces queer family.’” director Wade. LGBT Community
City News by telephone from many, many more queer refu- them in order to gain asylum, Parsi’s dedication to these Center, 208 W. 13th St., 7:30 p.m.
Toronto, where he now lives. gees from Iran who haven’t yet and to help them get settled refugees is fueled by his own Admission is $8 and seating is lim-
He said a board of directors been in contact with us and and cope with setting up a new experience as an exile in Tur- ited. Reservations at
and an advisory committee for who also desperately need life in gay-friendly countries.” key. ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
the new organization would be help. Since being granted asylum “It was the hardest experi-
announced soon. “One of our goals with the in Canada, Parsi has been able ence in my life,” he said. “To THEATER
Parsi said he and his organi- Iranian Queer Organization to make a number of trips to suddenly find myself in an A Welcome
zation are now in contact with was to increase the level of Turkey to help gay refugees unexpected situation in a hos- Resurrection
145 LGBT Iranian refugees awareness about the Iranian and has built a relationship tile country without money, In 1997, playwright Terrence
currently in limbo and seek- queer situation and the hor- with the UNHCR office there.
ing permanent asylum — 85 rible persecution that goes on “I’m so happy I’ve been able 䉴 IRANIAN, continued on p.11 䉴 OCT 17, continued on p.18

䉴 IRANIAN, from p.10 to gay Iranian refugees in particular. Hossein, 22, escaped from Iran to saved while working in a Toronto res-
Beatings are very common. That’s Turkey in September 2006, where he taurant. Now, Parsi said, he’s plan-
with no personal safety or security for just another illustration of why it is so has been languishing while awaiting ning another urgent trip to Turkey in
13 months wasn’t easy.” urgent to get these refugees out of Tur- official refugee status and the granting November to try to get UNHCR refugee
Parsi added, “I cannot forget the key to a safe country.” of asylum in a gay-friendly country. status for still more Iranian queer ref-
day in Turkey when I was walking Parsi provided Gay City News with “I am a musician,” Hossein wrote, ugees, but has no personal resources
with Amir, another gay refugee who translations from Persian of several “and I used to perform at various cel- left and is raising money for the trip.
had been tortured and flogged in Iran. short statements left on the IRQO and ebrations, including weddings and “I know you gay Americans are pre-
We were chased in the street by a IRQR websites from Iranian queers giv- parties. These gatherings were often occupied with your elections,“ Parsi
homophobic crowd, who beat us hard ing their personal histories. The stories raided, but usually the host would pay said, “but I beg you to spare a thought
and tried to kill us. Nobody helped. were posted as part of their applications the authorities a bribe and that would for these poor queer refugees in Tur-
There were no police who came to our for assistance in finding asylum. end the matter. I am homosexual. I had key, who are living in terribly squalid
assistance and people were just stand- Ali, who is 30, escaped from Iran to my first relationship at age 12 with the conditions, unable to work because
ing around watching as we were beat- Turkey in December 2007, where he is son of a neighbor, it lasted two years. they don’t speak Turkish and because
en, simply for being gay refugees in now awaiting resettlement. In September 2006 I was playing along of queerophobia, and who are state-
their country. I‘ll never forget my refu- “I was caught when I was having with other musicians at a private gay less and without hope until they can
gee life in Turkey, and that‘s why I‘ve sex with a guy by his father, who was party in a home. The party was raided be granted legal, international recog-
decided to dedicate myself exclusively a member of the Islamic Revolution- and the police attacked us viciously. nition of their status as refugees by
to making queer refugees’ stay in Tur- ary Guard,” Ali wrote. “As a result, I One person was beaten so badly that UNHCR.
key as short as possible and to help lost my job and I and my family were later I learned he had died from it. I was “We also need money to begin Eng-
them get to freedom in gay-friendly threatened with death. I was arrested beaten for ten minutes and lost con- lish language and computer courses
countries.” several times in Iran, the last time was sciousness for about ten hours. I was for them to prepare them for new lives
Parsi told this reporter, “I just in the summer of 2007 while I was later arrested while I was in hospital. in freedom and to help them pass the
received a phone call from Turkey. on vacation in the north of Iran, and “Eventually my mother and a friend time and escape those feelings of hope-
Two of our refugees — one who is 28 the Islamic Guard arrested me simply of mine came to the hospital, my friend lessness. Please, spare us a few dollars
and one who is 29 — who had rented because I was wearing a T -shirt and was dressed in the uniform of a ser- for your queer brothers and sisters who
a room together, were visited by the jeans and had spiky hair. I don’t feel geant in the disciplinary forces, and are victims of religious persecution.”
mother of the landlord who told them, safe even here in Turkey because the pretended to relieve the soldier who Donations for Parsi’s urgent Novem-
‘We just found out you are gay, and you father of the guy I had sex with is in was guarding my room. I put on a hos- ber trip and to support LGBT Iranian
have to leave because you are gay.’ the Revolutionary Guard and has the pital worker’s uniform and was able to refugees may be made in two ways —
“Our two refugees, who didn’t speak ability to find me here and have me escape. After I was smuggled into Tur- via credit card on the secure PayPal
much Turkish, called the police, who killed so he can cover up the scandal key, my family’s home was raided and “donate” button on the Iranian Queer
instead of admonishing the landlord of his queer son. my mother and father arrested for three Railroad’s web site at http://www.irqr.
arrested our refugees. While in cus- “I didn’t do anything, I’m just a gay days on charges of helping me escape net/, or by check to Iranian Queer Rail-
tody, one of them, who is diabetic, man who was born in a country in for being gay. My father was detained road c/o Arsham Parsi, PH4-150 Gray-
went into diabetic shock, but was not which my existence was forbidden, just and tortured for a year and later died. don Hall Drive, Toronto, Ontario, M3A
allowed by the police to take his insu- for being gay, just for having a special I’m waiting to be granted refugee status 3B3 Canada.
lin. The police insulted them and told feeling which is not that of a majority of by UNHCR and I need your help.”
them, ‘If you’re not happy here, go society. I love guys. It is my right to be Parsi told Gay City News that he Doug Ireland can be reached through
back to Iran.’ Turkish police are very free, but I have to live in exile for it. I financed his August trip to Turkey out his blog, DIRELAND, at
hostile to gay people in general and need help.” of his own pocket from money he’d

Corporate accounts welcome 212-206-8555


I’m anti violence

and pro respect.
Everyone deserves to be treated with respect. We’re no different. That's why I
stand behind the New York City Anti-Violence Project. AVP works to end violence
in our LGBTQ communities and keep our homes and our streets safe. If you need
help, call 212-714-1141 or visit

Live without fear

14/ Perspective 16 - 22 OCT 2008



A Rotten Deal at City Hall

ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER & CO-FOUNDER he Bloomberg-Quinn ciple by twisting it into a trans- is absurd. This is the man who assisting these people. This
TROY MASTERS proposal to suspend parent political deal. Terms fought for a football stadium mayor lords over the Council;
646.452.2502 term limits is a crock. limits have by and large been in Midtown Manhattan, who the next mayor should work The mayor and the City Coun- a right-wing tool based on tried to grab MTA property for with it.
EDITOR IN-CHIEF & CO-FOUNDER cil speaker ran for office know- the principle that politicians that purpose for a song. His The Democratic candidate
PAUL SCHINDLER ing they could only serve eight are crooks, in part, because administration has arrested for president just laid out a
years. Suddenly they are irre- government itself should not more people for smoking mari- program of economic relief.
placeable — nobody else can aim to play a positive role in juana than any other city in Barack Obama’s priorities are
Duncan Osborne do the job as well as they have. people’s lives. The concept the world. Gay bars in untold helping people facing foreclo-
This plan is offensive. substitutes fiat for thought numbers have been closed and sure, fighting unemployment
Christopher Byrne (Theater), Susie Day, Why personalize the quar- and automatically dismisses street cruising harassed. That with a jobs program, and
Doug Ireland (International), rel? Because that is the crux elected officials. Yet, the Char- last policy has been a failure harnessing the tax code to
Brian McCormick (Dance) of the case made by those ter change was enacted by the — AIDS cases among gay and help the unemployed. Obama
Dean P. Wrzeszcz supporting the plan. The bill voters — and three years later bisexual men are increasing in wants the Federal Reserve
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS amends the voter -approved affirmed by them. the city. and Treasury to lend money
Betsy Andrews, Seth J. Bookey,
Anthony M.Brown, Kelly Jean Cogswell,
limit of two terms to three And that, of course, is the A new mayor would take to states and cities with tight
Dean Daderko, Tate Dougherty, Andres Duque, four-year terms, but the clear rub. To treat New Yorkers fair- a fresh look at these issues. budgets.
Michael Ehrhardt, Steve Erickson, Nick Feitel, understanding is that the ly and to respect the history of Bloomberg has his strong Forgive me, but who believes
Jim Fouratt, Joe Fyfe, Deborah Garwood,
Erasmo Guerra, Emily Harney, Andrey Henkin, issue will be revisited by a this provision of city law, the points, and he has his flaws. that these themes would be
Frank Holiday, Andy Humm, James Jorden, Charter Revision Commission; proposal should be put to the He has needed legislators to Bloomberg’s priorities? He is
Brendan Keane, David Kennerley, Gary M. Kramer, the mayor won over term-limit voters. The Council is under help him govern. He is not political, and he has his own
Arthur S. Leonard, Rachael Liberman,
Michael T. Luongo, Lawrence D. Mass, champion Ron Lauder, a fellow increasing fire because the indispensible. priorities. He is not a leader on
Winnie McCroy, Eileen McDermott, billionaire, by assuring him proposal lacks basic legiti- New Yorkers are going to a white horse.
Gregory Montreuil, Ioannis Mookas, Carrie Moyer,
Stephen Mueller, Christopher Murray,
that he will have the opportu- macy. It is devious and self- suffer in the coming economic The Council should hold the
David Noh, Wayne Northcross, Lori Ortiz, nity to restore the eight-year aggrandizing. The public is recession. They will need help. mayor to his contract. When
Pauline Park, Sheila Pepe, John Reed, maximum in 2010. figuring this out, and a vote for We must never repeat the mis- he started, it specified two
Nathan Riley, Andrew Robinson, Gerard Robinson,
Chris Schmidt, Sarah D. Schulman, In that way, the whole it will cause serious problems take of imposing the city’s suf- terms only. The only fair way
Jason Victor Serinus, Linda Shapiro, scheme plays favorites, and next year. Though initiated fering on its young men. In the to change this agreement is by
David Shengold, Gus Solomons Jr., David Spiher, Bloomberg’s argument for by Bloomberg, who has given 1970s, New York experienced letting the voters decide.
Drew B. Straub, Stefen Styrsky, Jerry Tallmer,
Stefanos Tsigrimanis, Kathleen Warnock, pushing it is extraordinary: we support over the past seven its gravest economic hardship Passing this legislation
Benjamin Weinthal, Lee Ann Westover, are facing a financial crisis and years to the Republicans, it since the Great Depression. will in time prove a victory
James Withers, Kai Wright, Susan Yung
he is the best person to handle will give the GOP and con- More than 50 percent of young for Republicans and conser-
Mark Hasselberger, Jamie Paakkonen
that. servatives generally a chance black males were unemployed, vatives. It will sow division
This proposal is not law to wrap their cause in a false often homeless and without among Democrats. The Work-
-making. It unfairly creates an populism by pointing out that benefits. We need policies that ing Families Party is already
646.452.2496 elite. It violates the principle the overwhelmingly Democrat- ensure that any new burdens opposed. These divisions will that laws must be fair and ic Council members wouldn’t are spread more fairly. harden if the bill is enacted.
ADVERTISING MANAGERS impartial in their impact on let the voters decide. Bloomberg is not the best It will make Democrats in
MATT LEWIS everybody. The notion that Michael person to consider these New York City weak just as
646.452.2504 The effort is too clever by Bloomberg is such a good needs. The Council will play a they are gaining ascendancy
COLIN GREGORY half. It debases a great prin- mayor nobody can replace him major, if not the lead role, in nationwide.
646.452.2468 ■ SNIDE LINES
646.452.2485 The Mad Activist’s Declaration of

T he sages of History say, praying that one day her pre- loves me. America remains distant, dis-
LORET GAMBOA Know Thyself — and I cious dickwad will walk out Oh sure, I stay at home a lot, tracted — even when I ago-
646-452-2483 do. I used to be a peace of prison — because, really, weeping into my pillow. But nize about losing my job; even
activist, but thanks to the wasn’t the whole thing her then I remember that America when I say my health plan’s
sages of pop psychology, I see fault? hurts, too. America may seem running out. It’s my fault, I
646-452-2477 now that I am a codependent. If I give up the best years needy and demanding, but, guess; I tend to pick emotion- Yet I refuse to be your ordi- of my life, it’s not going to be secretly, America is afraid I will ally unavailable governments.
NATIONAL DISPLAY ADVERTISING nary, run-of-the-mill code- to “enable” the destructive go over to some other power. From time to time, I panic
Rivendell Media pendent, who’s stuck in a behavior of one measly alco- That’s why America searches and revert to the naïve, 1960s
212.242.6863 crappy relationship with just holic; it’s going to be for an my bag and taps my phone. mode of communication. I go
Web master one needy, abusive individual. entire government, see? As an America is jealous. It’s kind to anti-war rallies; I write let-
Arturo Jimenez I say Nyet to that. I’m not the activist-turned-codependent, of cute. America: Love him or ters asking why America has
Gay City News, The Newspaper Serving Gay and Lesbian NYC, is pub- “oh-my-man-I-love-him-so” my purpose in life is to enable leave him. hurt so many people so bad.
lishedby Community Media, LLC. Send all inquiries to: Gay City News,
145 Sixth Ave., First Fl., NYC 10013 Phone: 646.452.2500 Written wifey whose husband beats the destructive behavior of the Actually, I see America as But America tells me to shut
permission of the publisher must be obtained before any of the contents
of this paper, in part or whole, can be reproduced or redistributed. All her senseless, steals her credit United States of America. a sort of megalomaniacal, up; America says all this is
contents (c) 2008 Gay City News.
cards to pay off his gambling So even though Ameri- paranoid, schizophrenic rage- for my own good. So I shut
Subscriptions: 26 issues, $90.00 debts, kicks her cat through ca steals my money to pay aholic – but in a good way, like up because if I don’t, I’ll lose
(c)2008 Gay City News. a window, then goes out on a of f gambling debts, beats for global dominance? Some- this relationship. And, really,
All rights reserved.
Gay City News is a registered trademark drunken binge and murders me senseless, kicks my cat times, I talk to America; I try to there’s nothing I can do to stop
of Community Media, LLC.
John W. Sutter, President
nine people. I’m not the girl through a window, then goes tell America how my day was, America. Is there?
Fax: 646.452.2501; who quits her job, forgets her out on power-drunken binges, what I’m feeling. I have this This is called having low
dreams of becoming an award- bombing people, poisoning the shameful hope that America self-esteem. However, as an
winning cha-cha dancer, and planet, and annihilating whole will someday see me for the American codependent, I can
spends the rest of her life set- civilizations — I know that, fragile, iridescent, unrepeat-
ting up legal defense teams, deep down, America really able person that I am. But 䉴 SNIDE LINES, continued on p.15
16 - 22 OCT 2008
Losing Gay Marriage in California

Apparently, there’s some Coupled with an enormous The sky didn’t fall. Just a few California to protect same-sex gers under Bush. The Iraq
fixed amount of freedom in the cash infusion, a cool $10 mil- maple leaves. marriage. War, prosperity, national pride,
world, like oil in the ground, lion more than queers, this If the Proposition passes, But usually it’s a conserva- the Constitution.
or gold, and anybody in their campaign is working far bet- ending same-sex marriage, tive tactic. Every law, every There’s also quantifiable
right mind tries to hoard it. ter than old-style smear cam- I’ll blame national gay leader- regulation is a constraint, a loss. Between military expen-
That’s the idea I get, anyway, paigns painting us as the ship, especially Democrats, subtraction of your rights. It’s ditures and the little matter of
when somebody’s explaining usual monsters and child that already agreed to be invis- why Bush was so successful the $700 billion bailout, we’re
why you can’t give more rights molesters. Instead, by mak- ible in the Obama campaign. deregulating the finance indus- so far in the hole we ran out
to women (or people of color ing it seem like a question of By banning us from the cam- try, and why he got pretty far of digits on the National Debt
or immigrants). It’ll be coming lost rights, Californians can era, they make us seem like a promising to privatize social Clock in New York.
right out of their pocket, and oppose gay marriage with- bunch of pervs. It’s for our own security. “Don’t you want to It is tempting to cling to
they can’t afford it. out feeling like bigots. In fact, good, of course. Always for our control your future?” the little we have, hoard our
That seems to be the main they’re the real victims here, own good. Mesmerized by their Of course we do. Phrased rights. Like with children, I
argument in California, where with their civil liberties under homophobic voices, we’ve lost that way, social security suppose the only counter to
proponents of Proposition 8 attack from those clever gays. our pride, and the belief in our sounds more like a noose than miserly behavior is to explain
are claiming that same-sex It’s practically patriotic to vote own American stories of loss a safety net. Who could sup- the benefit of sharing. In the
marriage is somehow allowing for Proposition 8. and striving, like our fights port it but corrupt politicians? case of same-sex marriage, we
queer opportunists to deprive And what are embattled to visit our partners in hospi- The problem, of course, is that could argue that it strengthens
them of their personal and queer people countering that tals, share health insurance, nobody ever says what we’d do an institution plenty of hetero-
religious freedom. If things go with? Ads with reassuring make lives together, all the with all those folks who seized sexuals are turning away from,
on as they are, advertisements heterosexual faces explaining stories that could persuade a control of their futures, decid- and also guarantees that we
say, God-fearing Christians that we’re not going to take reluctant audience that does, ed to invest in the stock mar- queers take care of our part-
won’t be free to even say same- over the world. That’s right. essentially, value equality and ket, and failed. I guess now ners so that they don’t become
sex marriage is wrong because The voice for same sex-mar- civil rights. they’d have the right to eat cat burdens on “society.”
the thought police will be able riage is embodied in smarmy Talking about lost rights food and sleep in the street. On the other hand, if our fel-
to sue you. Churches won’t be hets like San Francisco Mayor is compelling on both sides. It’s always effective to evoke low citizens refuse to share the
free to mount anti-gay cam- Gavin Newsom. If you want You’ve seen them, surely: imaginary lost rights when wealth with same-sex couples,
paigns and lobby for anti-gay straights, you should at least gypped Americans standing there are so many real losses maybe we should shift our
politicians unless they want to get them from Massachusetts on theirs? They’re unstoppa- — lost jobs, lost homes, lost focus altogether, and demand
lose their tax-exempt status, where they can attest that ble. Which is why politicians income, lost sons, and lost they quit awarding any special
and teachers won’t be free to after several years of gay mar- play on issues of rights all the daughters. Especially now, rights to heterosexual mar-
ignore gay marriage, unless riage nobody’s civil or religious time. Sometimes for the force when it feels like everything riages. Then we can all share
they want to lose their jobs. freedoms have been abridged. of good, like we could do in has slipped through our fin- the loss.

䉴 SNIDE LINES, from p.14 But in the Big Picture, I Palace? But History shows that couldn’t do much about it. I know what you’re thinking:
know that I am serving His- those people usually end up Oh, I might have clicked on that America is addicted to oil;
have low self-esteem and be tory — which is chock full of way more depressed than they a few e-petitions, asking for that some day soon, they’ll cut
proud. Actually, thinking you brave “codependentistas” who started out. So I’m burning my more “accountability.” The the mainline and kick America
don’t count for much is kind gave up happiness or careers Al-Anon card and embracing upshot is: if I couldn’t stop out of rehab. Then America
of patriotic. I mean, what does to enable some truly depraved my shame. America — also on my dime and I will die together in the
your life matter when you’re people. Some of them, such I have to, because — from murdering uncount- gutter. But I don’t care. I don’t
poor and 19 and shooting it as Jesus, Super man, and America has just taken able thousands of Iraqi and even care if, one night, Ameri-
out in Iraq, defending democ- Eva Braun, I have put on my $700,000,000,000 of my Afghani human beings, what ca comes home from one of its
racy against those mentally- screen saver. money to “bail out” a few fellow right or ability do I have to stop drunken binges and murders
ill suicide bombers? In fact, I Occasionally, History speaks addicts. Maybe it was my code- this bailout? If I have been too me. Codependents don’t ask
think most of the US military of codependents who tried to pendence; maybe I was tem- psychologically paralyzed to for much; we give. I have given
is probably even more code- achieve a sort of national self- porarily stunned by Treasury respond to the annihilation of my house, my job, my kids, my
pendent about America than actualization. Like those recov- Secretary Henry Paulson’s per- an entire culture — how can I health, my air — to America.
I am, bless their needy little ering Russian codependents in plexing resemblance to Michel seriously contest the destruc- But it’s okay. See, I am part of
hearts. 1917 who stormed the Winter Foucault. In any case, I just tion of my own economy? History.

䉴 BRIEFS, from p.2 Allan H. Spear, a former state brightest members who served.” an early member of the Women’s from the town library’s shelves, “poorly constructed, lack engaging
senator in Minnesota who was Senator Barack Obama Caucus of ACT UP and a writer gay activist Michael Petrelis illustrations, and have too many
Oates maintained that only when one of the first public officials praised Spear’s “evenhanded- for such publications as Boston’s donated copies of “Heather has words on the page to be useful to
the two had sex did he discover that to come out as gay in 1974, died ness, his command of the issues, Gay Community News, New Two Mommies” and “Daddy’s young readers.” He acknowledged
King, a transwoman, had a penis. October 12 at the age of 71 of and his ability to reach across the York’s Outweek, and LGNY, the Roommate,” two such picture that the books were “groundbreak-
Oates claimed “the whole situation complications from heart surgery. aisle and work with colleagues of predecessor of Gay City News. books for children, to the Wasilla ing” 15 years ago, but that “there
got out of control” and he shot her Chuck Wolfe of the Gay and both parties were legendary and With her former partner Liz Trac- Public Library. are better choices for a dynamic,
twice, the Philadelphia Gay News Lesbian Victory Fund, which should inspire us all.” ey, once LGNY’s editor, she wrote The Library Journal’s blog got current, and appealing children’s
reported. His defense argued he works to elect out LGBT candi- Spear is survived by his part- “So You Want to Be a Lesbian” the Wasilla librarian’s verdict collection.”
acted in the heat of passion. dates, said that Spear “chose ner, Junjiro Tusji. in 1995 and was nominated for on the worthiness of the dona- The rejected books will be put
The judge in the case convicted service over silence and proved a Lambda Literary Award. The tions. Norm Oder said that while in the library’s annual sale. Petre-
Oates of voluntary manslaughter, that honesty and openness could Service for women also wrote the “Dead those books were in their collec- lis blogged that he was “disap-
“without giving an explanation for overcome fear and hatred.” Sydney Pokorny Jackie Susann Quarterly,” a self- tion in the past, “anything on the pointed,” but “still happy, as a
his ruling,” the newspaper said. Spear was the first non-attor- October 18 published zine, together. book shelves has to earn its real gay man who supports strength-
Andrea Ransom, King’s mom, ney to head the Senate Judiciary There will be a service for les- estate” and these titles do not, ening public libraries,” that they
testified before the sentencing to Committee, led the fight for pas- bian writer and activist Sydney Wasilla Library though the library “holds many will benefit Wasilla’s.
her love for her daughter, calling it sage of a state law banning dis- Pokorny on Saturday, October Judges Gay- titles that deal with the same Meanwhile, Palin declined a
“everlasting and unconditional.” crimination based on sexual orien- 18 at 11 a.m. at the Community Themed Kids’ subject matter, including the pop- request from Petrelis to declare
tation in 1993, and was president Presbyterian Church, Deer Path Books ular ‘And Tango Makes Three,’” October 11 “National Coming
Allan Spear, of the Senate from 1993 to 2000. and Meeting House Lane, in After it was alleged that which deals with male penguins Out Day” in Alaska, but did pro-
Early Gay His former colleague in the Sen- Mountainside, New Jesey. Sarah Palin, as mayor of Wasilla, raising a chick. claim “Alaska-Taiwan Friendship
Elected Official, ate, Roger Moe, who was major- Pokorny, who died on Sep- Alaska, had taken steps to get Oder went on to critique the Week” and “10th Annual Christian
Dies ity leader, called him “one of the tember 1 at the age of 42, was some gay-themed books removed older books, saying that they are Heritage Week” in October.

Autumn in the

Hudson Valley To Advertise Contact: Lee Castoro - 646-452-2505 -

Come to Where the Country Begins... The Garrison

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16 - 22 OCT 2008 Politics/17
Youth Homeless Center Threatened
Jerry Nadler leads officials in denouncing Ali Forney Center cuts
BY DUNCAN OSBORNE of $3.3 million. The drop-in
location is its sole intake site,

leading provider of and all AFC clients first come
services for New York through there.
City’s homeless queer Congressman Jerrold L.
youth may have to close its Nadler, who represents parts
Chelsea drop-in location. The of Manhattan’s West Side and
city health department told of Brooklyn, joined Siciliano at
the agency that the $600,000 the press event and slammed
contract that funds the loca- the city for the cut.
tion will be ended in June of “Those of us in Washington
2009. who have fought very hard,
“For the homeless LGBT every year we have fought
youth of our city, the Ali For- very hard, to maintain and
ney Center has been the differ- increase HOPWA funding are
ence between acceptance and not pleased that the city, with-
rejection, frankly, between life out any direction from Wash-
and death,” said Carl Sicilia- ington, suddenly takes it upon


no, executive director of the itself to eliminate an entire
Ali Forney Center (AFC), at an category of funding within the
October 14 press conference. HOPWA program, leaving so
“I do not believe that the city Congressman Jerrold Nadler is flanked by Tom Duane, Scott Stringer, Dick Gottfried, Deborah Glick, and Carl Siciliano in denouncing cuts to many vulnerable young people
would consciously disrespect the Ali Forney Center’s Chelsea drop-in center. exposed,” Nadler said. “It is
the LGBT community by turn- intolerable that these funding
ing its back on our most vul- funds are administered by The $600,00 is the entire bud- placed 50 HIV-positive clients cuts can eliminate a center like
nerable kids.” the health department and, get for the drop-in center. into care and housing, Sicilia- the Ali Forney Center.”
The drop-in location, which after increasing the dollars In 2007, the drop-in loca- no said. The city told AFC that it was
opened in 2005, is funded from $300,000 to $600,000 tion had more than 500 cli- AFC has 12 service or one of five programs doing “out-
under the federal Housing in 2007, that agency told AFC ents, placed 200 in emergency administrative sites in the city, reach” with HOPWA dollars
Opportunities for People With six weeks ago that the dollars housing, served 10,000 meals, including the drop-in location,
AIDS program (HOPWA). The would be eliminated entirely. performed 250 HIV tests, and and has an annual budget 䉴 HOMELESS, continued on p.19

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This Fall, take one of the most beauti-
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pecially active in the luxury market. Our offi food, and homemade desserts. Dur-
ce team of associate brokers and sales agents, ing the winter enjoy the warm atmo-
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knowledgeable service you deserve. Mr. McCaffrey is a fourth generation resident of at a fun place to enjoy the warm Fall days and crisp Fall evenings. The Depot is 25 years old
Philipstown and can provide answers to any questions about the area. but the food is brought in fresh every day.
143 Main St. | Cold Spring, NY 10516 1 Depot Square | Cold Spring, NY 10516
845-265-4113 | 845-265-5000 |

Hudson Valley: A True Escape atmosphere in the original historic train depot and serves casual wholesome favorites. The
Pig Hill Inn is a “gem within a gem”. The lovely, tastefully decorated boutique B&B is the per-
By: Lee A. Castoro
fect place to unwind after a day of shopping, kayaking or hiking, with the kindest innkeepers
Growing up in the Hudson Valley, one might think that I know all there is about this in the business. If you’re looking for a second home or a permanent escape from Manhattan,
beautiful region, however, I often find something new to explore or some historic element allow Bob at Robert McCaffrey Realty to show you some of the finest homes available.
to uncover. The area undoubtedly has a rich, vibrant past—the beautiful Hudson is indeed In nearby Garrison you’ll be inspired. This quaint hamlet provides incredible pan-
America’s river, so vital for our independence and our formation as a nation. The breathtak- oramic views of the region. Boscobel, a beautiful federal period mansion offers
ing mountains & highlands have inspired many notable American artists and everyday New museum tours. The Russel Wright Design Center/Manitoga is an architectural
Yorkers take the 1-hour train ride to find a haven, a refuge from the hustle of Manhattan. masterpiece. The Bird & Bottle Inn is absolutely stunning. Centuries old and fully re-
An hour-and-a-half north in Hyde Park you’ll find FDR’s home and The Culinary Institute of stored, the Inn has an exceptional menu and picturesque grounds to host your spe-
America. Le Petit Chateau Inn offers customizable CIA gourmet-cooking classes on premises cial occasion. Nearby, The Garrison Resort offers everything you’ll need for a per-
and an outstanding environment which will make you want to turn off the Blackberry. Down fect getaway—fabulous food, an 18-hole golf course, spa and exceptional cuisine.
south in Putnam County you’ll find 2 gems—Cold Spring and Garrison. The quaint village of Cold Whatever it is you desire in an escape, a Hudson Valley autumn will most surely provide.
Spring is an antique-lover’s dream, with rows of eclectic and decorative shops and some fine culi- The area is by far, one of the most decorated and beautiful in America, and deservingly so.
nary treasures. Cathryn’s Tuscan Grill was recently voted one of the finest Italian restaurants in For more information about the region, contact Putnam Visitors Bureau and Dutchess
the US and features an award-winning wine list. The Cold Spring Depot offers a family-friendly County Tourism. Metro North takes you there from Grand Central in about an hour.


Maryland Co-Parent Win 7 DAYS

“Exceptional circumstances” cited in lesbian visitation ruling

OCT 17, from p.10
BY ARTHUR S. LEONARD recognized family ties between with the second child, and that account, at the hearing the
same-sex partners who raised visitation might damage the judge stated that Larissa was McNally stirred enormous contro-

n a ruling that may be the children together and granted sibling relationship between involved with “all aspects of versy, even death threats, with his
first of its kind in Mary- visitation rights after the rela- the children. parenting,” including select- play “Corpus Christi,” a re-telling of
land, a Baltimore circuit tionship ended. On appeal, the intermediate ing the child’s name, feeding Jesus’ passion depicting him and his
court judge has granted a Larissa S. and Melissa B. appellate court affirmed Dan- him, and toilet training him. disciples as gay men. The play returns
lesbian co-parent visitation were in a relationship when the iels’ ruling that Larissa was a The child refers to Larissa as to New York for a two-week staging.
rights with the child borne couple, according to Larissa’s de facto parent, but rejected “mommy.” He also found that Rattlestick Playwright’s Theater,
by her former partner during testimony, decided that Melis- the rationale for denying visita- those circumstances do not 224 Waverly Pl., west of Seventh
their relationship. sa would attempt to become tion rights with the older child. exist with the younger child, Ave. at 11th St., Tue.-Sat., 8 p.m.;
Finding “exceptional cir - pregnant with a man selected That ruling became unten- with whom Larissa had only Sun., 3 p.m. through Oct. 26. Tick-
cumstances,” Judge Lawrence “because he shared Larissa’s able this May when the state’s occasional contact. ets are $18-$50 visit
R. Daniels ruled on October Hispanic heritage,” the Daily highest court ruled against the Daniels ordered that the Portions of the $25 and $50 tickets
7 that Larissa S. should have Record reported. Melissa, in de facto parent doctrine. older child receive “reunifica- will support the work of the Matthew
visitation rights with that child, contrast, contended that hav- In that case, the court insist- tion therapy with the assis- Shepard Foundation, a group founded
but not the child’s younger ing the child was her decision, ed that only in “exceptional tance of a mental health pro- by the parents of the Wyoming col-
sibling, conceived while the not a joint decision. The child circumstances” could a court fessional” before visitation lege student slain ten years ago this
women were together but born was born in 2001, and the order that a biological parent resumes. month to battle homophobia and anti-
after they had separated. couple split up between the allow an unrelated person to The Daily Record reported LGBT violence.
The Maryland Daily time Melissa became pregnant have visitation with her child. that Alyson D. Meiselman rep- ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Record, a legal newspaper, again and her second child Larissa’s petition was returned resents Larissa and Steven L. No Olive, Please
reported the ruling the day it was born in 2003. to Daniels’ court to determine Tiedemann represents Melis- Basil Twist’s innovative puppetry
was handed down from the Daniels ruled after a 2006 whether she could qualify for sa. Tiedemann indicated that unites with drag diva Joey Arias’ leg-
bench. Daniels issued a brief, trial that Larissa was a “de visitation under this more he would file an appeal and endary voice to transport audiences
non-explanatory order, but facto” parent of the child, demanding standard. seek a stay of the visitation to unpredictable worlds, channeling
the newspaper noted that the based on evidence of her exten- Daniels concluded that order. Meiselman expressed ecstatic desires, lavish nightmares,
state’s highest court ruled in sive parenting involvement and exceptional circumstances regret that visitation would not and bizarre premonitions. “Arias With
May that Maryland law does psychological bonding with the existed, but refrained from resume immediately, and that a Twist” is a feast for the senses, cen-
not recognize the doctrine little boy. He denied visitation spelling those circumstanc- a stay would delay it further, tering on rare songs and reinventions
of “de facto parent,” under rights, however, finding that es out in his written order. prolonging the separation of of popular favorites. HERE Arts Cen-
which courts elsewhere have she had no such relationship According to the Daily Record her client from the child. ter, 145 Sixth Ave. at Dominick St.,
one block below Spring St. Wed.-
Sun., 9 .m. through Dec. 31. Tickets
are $35-$100 at or 212-352-

$300,000 Verdict Upheld 3101. More information at http://
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
California appeals court finds “deliberate indifference” by high school
BY ARTHUR S. LEONARD harassment. The district orientation discrimination, were legally binding on the Carnival, South
contended that it should be but the defendants argued school district. Street Style

ambda Legal suc- relieved of liability because its that the school should not be Even though federal law Ross Mollison once again pres-
cessfully defended response did not constitute held liable unless “deliberate does not provide for sexu- ents Spiegelworld’s annual summer
a $300,00 0 v e r d i c t “deliberate indifference” to indifference” could be proved. al orientation harassment carnival at the South Street Seaport,
awarded by a San Diego the harassment. The trial judge agreed with claims to be brought, it does Pier 17. Spiegelworld delivers a
Superior Court jury to two The court found plenty of the plaintiffs that the fair allow students to make sex- non-stop program of groundbreak-
former students from Poway evidence to support the jury’s housing standard should ual harassment claims, and ing shows, intimate concerts, brazen
High School who suffered conclusion that the officials be applied to their state law the California court applied burlesque, top DJs, and great dining.
severe anti-gay harassment were deliberately indiffer - claim, but, regarding their the same principle to the Among three shows, Spiegelworld
that school officials failed to ent. Both plaintiffs brought constitutional claim that state law provision bar - will present the world premiere of
redress. A unanimous three- the problem to the atten- their equal protection rights ring sexual orientation dis- “Désir,” a theatrical circus experi-
judge panel of California’s 4th tion of principal Scott Fisher had been violated, the plain- crimination, accepting the ence inspired by the sexual, intellec-
District Court of Appeal found and assistant principal Ed tiffs were required to dem- students’ right to take legal tual, and artistic adventures of early
that the evidence introduced Giles many times, including onstrate the school’s “delib- action. The court also looked 20th century Paris. “Absinthe,” the
at trial was sufficient to sup- through formal written com- erate indifference.” The jury to federal precedent on the acro-burlesque production, returns
port the jury’s verdict. An plaints, but the usual inves- found for the plaintiffs on issue of damages and con- once again this year, reprising its
erroneous jury instruction by tigation and sanction pro- both claims. cluded there was support hit runs of the last two years. Gay
the trial judge did not require cedures regarding offending The appeals court agreed there, as well, for the right City News critic Gus Solomons, jr.,
setting the verdict aside, they students were apparently not with the defendants, the of the student plaintiffs to wrote, “In ‘Absinthe,’ awesome
stated. followed. Things got no bet- school and its officials, that receive a monetary award. stunts stirred into a tangy batter of
Plaintif fs Megan Dono- ter after they complained, not the state law standard under The school district also raunchiness kept the crowd shuttling
van and Joseph Ramelli even temporarily. which they lost was not suf- challenged the award of more between awed ovations and belly
encountered such frequent The issue on appeal was ficiently stringent, but that than $400,000 in attorney laughs, while ‘Désir’ relies more for
and severe harassment while what standard is appropri- proved a pyrrhic victory, fees — more than the dam- its impact on elegant execution and
attending the school from ate in interpreting a Cali- because the court found that ages for the plaintiffs — but the physical beauty of its talented
2000 to 2003 — going beyond fornia law prohibiting sex- the jury’s conclusion that the court found that the billing cast of scantily clad acrobats.” Pier
vicious name-calling to ual orientation discrimina- the students’ equal protec- was actually on the low side of 17 is located at the South Street
threats of violence, assaults, tion in public schools and tion rights had been violated reasonable. Brian Chase, from Seaport on the East River right
and property damage — that whether students can sue because of the school’s delib- Lambda Legal’s Los Angeles below the Brooklyn Bridge.
the school district made no for damages when they suf- erate indifference satisfied office, was the group’s lead Through Nov. 2. Tickets range from
effort to argue that it was not fer such harassment by fel- the appropriate standard for attorney on the case, joined by $25-$69 at or
severe and pervasive. Both low students. The plaintiffs the statutory claim as well. Lambda’s deputy legal director 212-279-4200. Consult the website
plaintiffs enrolled in a special had argued at trial that the The appeals court also agreed Hayley Gorenberg as well as for complete performance schedule
program that allowed them standard should be drawn that the principal and his by co-counsel Paula S. Rosen- details.
to complete their senior year by analogy from the Fair assistant were the “appropri- stein and Bridget J. Wilson of ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
through home study rather Employment and Housing ate officials” to deal with the the San Diego law firm Rosen-
than have to face continued Code, which also bans sexual harassment, so their actions stein, Wilson & Dean, P. L. C. 䉴 OCT 17, continued on p.22

䉴 THOMPSON, from p.4 that is what we are talking about bents for reelection, a number of them 䉴 CHROMCZAK, from p.4
now.” probably would not run.”
in 2009 as they faced the end of their The advantages of incumbency Quinn said she would run for her restrictions on late-term abortions.
two terms in office. — the very thing that term limits are current position if term limits are He was explicit this week, however,
The term limits law has produced meant to overcome — are such that increased. Thompson declined to in saying he does not advocate over-
its desired effect. There has been those prospective candidates would detail his plans. turning Roe v. Wade, which he called
regular turnover in elected positions likely change their minds. Many would Thompson and Quinn were effec- “the law of the land,” or of returning to
and 2009 held particular promise for also not want to offend their fellow tively announced candidates for the days of “back-alley abortions.”
gay or lesbian candidates. At least party members by opposing them. mayor in 2009. Thompson and Con- In facing off against Squadron, who
ten such candidates, with three of “They would all have to reconsider gressman Anthony Weiner, another garnered almost 13,000 votes in the
them vying for Quinn’s seat, said whether they would run against an mayoral contender, would face a primary, defeating Connor by a roughly
they would run for the City Council incumbent,” Thompson said. “If term formidable foe in Bloomberg if the 2,000-vote margin, Chromczak steps
next year. limits are overturned or whether they mayor is able to run for a third term. gingerly around the critique that his
“The LGBT community is involved extended them from two terms to three, In published reports, Bloomberg opponent’s advantages in life as the
in a continuous struggle to have their they would have to consider whether operatives said he would spend as son of a successful attorney mean he
rights recognized,” Thompson said. they would run against an incumbent. much as $80 million on a reelection is less able to “relate… to the working
“It’s another struggle for rights, and Given the high success rate of incum- bid. class and the middle class.”
“You’re electing somebody from the
Fifth Avenue crowd, from the Cen-
䉴 HOMELESS, from p.17 sea. “Ali Forney depends on govern- well as the federal government have year tral Park West crowd, somebody who
ment funding and it’s precisely the after year been relentlessly giving mas- doesn’t work 9 to 5 and isn’t impacted
that were being cut and that the dollars kind of program that deserves govern- sive tax cuts to the wealthiest people in by the nickel and diming that Albany
would be used to build housing. ment funding so, believing that Mayor our society,” said Gottfried, who repre- does, whereas I am,” he said. “Going
“The use is not a bad use, you want Bloomberg has a heart, I believe we can sents Chelsea. “For any level of govern- from private school to private school to
more housing,” Nadler said. “This kind save this program.” ment to say ‘Well, sorry, it’s tough times, working for Chuck Schumer to working
of thing is critical, so you shouldn’t be Nadler, Gottfried, and Glick all said we don’t have the money,’ that doesn’t for Knickerbocker, an Albany lobby-
diverting this money for that.” that the city, state, and federal govern- wash.” ing firm, I don’t think that’s the kind of
Nadler recruited Assemblymembers ments had been very generous with tax City Council Speaker Christine C. experience that we need in Albany any-
Deborah Glick and Richard Gottfried, cuts or abatements when the economy Quinn and Councilmembers Rosie more.”
state Senator Thomas K. Duane, and was healthy, but when it turned sour, Mendez and Lewis A. Fidler signed the But offering his own experience is
Manhattan Borough President Scott they ask the most vulnerable popula- letter, but did not attend the press con- going to mean first convincing a whole
Stringer to join him at the press confer- tions to sacrifice. ference. lot of New York City Democrats to send
ence. “If the real issue is that the city doesn’t Asked for comment, the health a little-known Republican to the State
All four roundly criticized the decision have the funding for housing, then per- department wrote that it “continues Senate, and even winning over LGBT
to cut the AFC dollars and they released haps they should hold on to some of the to fund housing for people living with voters is going to be difficult given what
an October 14 letter they sent to Mayor money that they give to developers for HIV/AIDS and will support more than he acknowledged is his party’s failure
Michael R. Bloomberg asking him to luxury housing that goes in the form of 330 newly constructed housing units “to do the outreach to the gay com-
reverse the cut. tax abatements,” said Glick, an out les- next year.” The department said it munity.” That’s a point that clearly
“This is a tough community to raise bian who represents portions of Man- would fund one outreach contract per frustrates John Chromczak, who said,
private funds for generally,” said Duane, hattan centered on the West Village. borough in the 2010 fiscal year that “When I go out and talk to a lot of peo-
who is openly gay and represents Chel- “New York State and New York City as begins next July. ple, they agree with me.”

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Lexington House B&B The Mansion Inn

One of the things we like about New Hope is that A beautifully restored 1865 Victorian manor home, located on
all B&B’s are gay-friendly. But The Lexington the banks of the Delaware River in historic New Hope, PA,
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enter as strangers, but will leave as friends. We look (walking distance of Asbury Park).
forward to meeting you! -Mike and Ed
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6171 Upper York Road | New Hope, PA 18938 New Hope, PA 18938
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Hotel Du Village J&W Gallery – Fine Art

We are a country inn, nestled in the Bucks County countryside, Celebrating it’s 11th year in 2008, this sophisticated yet re-
just one and a half miles north of New Hope providing easy ac- laxed space is now the oldest Fine Art Gallery in New Hope.
cess to the many fine shops and entertainment in the area. Our Opened in 1997 by Joseph Licata and Walter Czajkowski, it rep-
inn offers 20 rooms, all with private bath and air conditioning resents over 30 established and emerging artists in oils, mixed-
and a bridal suite for weddings. The inn is located on the same media and photography. Featured Provincetown artist: Michael
grounds as the restaurant, making it convenient for visitors af- McGuire: oils, Sept. 26 - Oct. 27. Opening reception: Saturday,
ter a day in town. We also provide a continental breakfast for Sept. 27, 6-9pm. Visit the Gallery and see why it is known as
guests staying at the inn. Our restaurant, specializing in country “The Destination for Fine Art in New Hope”. Come and cele-
French cuisine, is open for dinner every evening with the excep- brate the Arts every Second Saturday of the month for special ex-
tions of Monday and Tuesday. We are very proud supporters of hibitions, food and entertainment: 9/13,10/11,11/8 & 12/13.
the LGBT community and look forward to greeting you!
20 West Bridge Street
2535 River Road | New Hope, PA 18938 New Hope, PA 18938
215-862-9911 | 215-862-5119 | Michael McGuire - Lone Shack - 36x36, oil on canvas, 2008.

Gallery Piquel Reinboth & Company

Featuring Bronze Sculpture, Contemporary Oil Paint- Reinboth is a luxury interior design and retail stu-
ings and original “Wearable Art” Jewelry, Gallery Piquel dio that started in 1992 in Lambertville, NJ. To-
presents the work of an array of international and lo- day, Reinboth is the standard-bearer of good taste
cal artists. Some hold positions of honor in important and sumptuous living in the region. Specializing
Museum and Corporate Collections, while others are in the modern aesthetic, Reinboth has designed
just emerging on the art scene. Each has a unique point several upscale residential and commercial projects
of view and their work has that special “something” to in Northern New Jersey, Princeton, Bucks County,
engage and inspire. South Carolina, New York City, Florida, and the
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Open Friday-Sunday 12pm-5pm or later, often on er, works with a team that takes inspiration from
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the Reinboth team to implement successfully non-traditional solutions to traditional challenges.
39 North Main Street
New Hope, PA 18938 “Zuider Zee”, egg tempera & oil on panel, 45 Bridge Street | Lambertville, NJ 08530
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16 - 22 OCT 2008 Dance/21
On The Origin Of Species
Kitt Johnson’s body origami reveals inherent genus
BY BRIAN MCCORMICK ing imperceptibly fades up, stands, creating the shadow of
remaining so dark the eyes a jackal demon’s head using

he belief that species played tricks. Eyes strain to her fingers.
are immutable produc- see something glowing, hang- Naked except for a pair of
tions and were sepa- ing inside Charlotte Oster - shorts, with her long braid tied
rately created might still have gaard’s black backdrop — red, to her waist, and contorted
an audience in fundamentalist muted, like the center of the into functional shapes, her
circles, but in the world of the earth, or a womb. humanness, her nudity dimin-
body and physical reason, as Then blackness, the void ish — a familiar experience in
Kitt Johnson starkly details, again. Static. A spotlight rests the face of primitivism. With
we are all born from the same on the horizon of the stage. one elbow, she hooks her knee,
egg. Flesh emerges from the black and crouching low to the floor,
Johnson, an athlete and curtain where it is illuminated she locomotes sideways, like
artist from Denmark, last per- — a naked back, shoulders, an injured or mutated crab, an
formed here in 2004, present- elbows, and hands. The skull early arachnid, experimenting
ing her remarkable solo work is hidden. Instead, the orb of with the travel, awkward and
“The Mirror.” She returned light suggests an oversized but incredible.
to Danspace Project at St. empty vessel. Light shifts across and
Mark’s Church October 9-11 Using only her shoulders, behind the blackness, expos-
for the New York premiere of arms, hands, and the poly- ing swaths of various textures,


the Danish word for cirripede morphous topography of smooth and satiny surfaces,
— a crustacean subclass that her back’s musculature, she deep ruffled cocoons, and
includes barnacles. evokes an organism with only gauzy translucent layers. Cen-
From darkness to light, from limited powers of movement, turies pass.
conceptual to physical to meta- and none of transportation. Johnson’s body transmutes
physical, this work unfolded Kitt Johnson, in the opening moments of “Rankefod,” evokes an organism with only limited She is rooted, but she rises, again, illustrating the strange
with less illusion than “The powers of movement, and none of transportation. and eventually emerges, criss- and amazing arm-leg sym-
Mirror,” but conveys equal crossing her limbs in quick metry humans have evolved
amounts of contemplation Sture Ericson’s score blends insect sounds, evoking the beats with her back obscur- by shifting our attention from
about the evolution embodied a primordial soup of nearly nature of the Big Bang, qui- ing all but a flash of feet and
in our anatomy. interchangeable electronic and etly. Mogens Kjempff’s light- hands at each side. Then she 䉴 SPECIES, continued on p.27

FYQMPSF “opera in your own backyard”...

New Hope-Lambertville: A Close-to-Home Haven
By Lee A. Castoro
About an hour-and-a-half southwest of Manhattan rests the tiny area of New Hope, PA
and Lambertville, NJ along the Delaware River. The region is noted for its rich, colorful his-
tory, where art enthusiasts can collect a treasured piece, where the hustle flows as slow as the
To get there, our friends at Dollar-Thrifty Car Rental are offering a special rate for men-
tioning the code WCVIP. There are three, equally distinctive places for you to stay with
something unique to offer. The Lexington House B&B, is simply a “slice of heaven”. With
250+ years of history, a fabulous pool, impeccable grounds and the kindest innkeepers in the
business, your stay is sure to be memorable. Taking a little stroll through the heart of New
Hope you’ll find The Mansion Inn, a beautiful manor home, chosen by Country Inns Maga-
zine as one of the “Top 12 American Inns” in the US, with tasteful gourmet dining on prem-
ises. A little outside the town rests Hotel Du Village, with it’s sweeping grounds. This beauti-
ful quiet alternative to the main business district offers tennis and the best of both worlds. The
restaurant features the freshest local ingredients prepared in a variety of ways.
Two art galleries stand out in town: The J&W Art Gallery & Gallery Piquel offer a
fabulous variety of both traditional and contemporary pieces which will appeal to even the
most discerning collector. Directly across the bridge in Lambertville, NJ you’ll find Reinboth
& Company, Interior Design Group. Internationally renown for its tasteful collection, Re-
inboth caters to exclusive Manhattan residences.
Finally, if you are like the many who fall in love with the region and its easy accessibility This program is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs
to Manhattan, let Jim Briggs at Prudential Fox & Roach Realtors show you your next
dream home. With over 30 years of expertise in the region, Jim will be happy to work with you Nov 7 & 8 at 7:30 p.m.
to find that special gem.
Nov 9 at 3:30 p.m.
Getting to the area is simple: Take I-78 to 202 and follow signs into PA. A quiet St. Peter’s Church
haven awaits.... 346 West 20th Street 212-260-1796
22/ Theater 16 - 22 OCT 2008

Classical Evenings 7 DAYS

“Seagull” soars, while “Man for All Seasons” remains earthbound
OCT 17, from p.18
Walter Kerr Theatre
219 W. 48th St. GALLERY
want to see this group
do every Chekhov Tue.-Sat. at 8 p.m.; Art From
play,” said my boy- Wed., Sat. at 2 p.m.; Sun. at 3 p.m. Experience
Through Dec. 21
friend as the lights fell on the SAGE, Services and Advocacy for
$25-$135; 212-239-6200
Royal Court Theatre’s spec- GLBT Elders, is hosting a month-long
tacular production of “The exhibition celebrating the important
Seagull,” at the Walter Kerr. I Roundabout Theatre Company artistic contributions seniors make to
agree. At the American Airlines Theatre the gay community. This afternoon,
In a world where the clas- 227 W. 42nd St. the LGBT Community Center hosts
sics are often mauled or sim- Tue.-Sat. at 8 p.m.; a free reception for the show. 208
ply endured, this production, Wed., Sat., Sun. at 2 p.m. W. 13th St., 4 p.m. The exhibition
using a new version of the $56.50-$101.50; 212-719-1300 runs through Oct. 30.
play by Christopher Hamp- ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
ton, shows just how excit-
ing, riveting, theatrical, and
enthralling Chekhov can be.
Director Ian Rickson
stories creates a play. In less-
er hands than director Rick-
son’s, the fragile balance of BENEFIT
directs his uniformly stel- each of these characters often Joining Hands For
lar company with a preci- collapses on itself. Here it is Health
sion and attention to detail rich and rueful, the magic The beautiful town of Milford,
that finds every nuance in coming from Rickson’s bril- Pennsylvania, on the Delaware River
this heartbreaking comedy of liant distinction between real- just 75 miles west of Manhattan,
love, longing, and delusion. ism and naturalism; the trick plays host to the Second Annual
Hampton’s two-act version of is to reflect life rather than Milford Walkathon, raising money
the original four -act play is replicate it. for amfAR, the Foundation for AIDS
tightened and focused, and It doesn’t hurt that the Research; the Northeast Pennsylva-
only slightly contemporized company is perfection. Kristin nia Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for
in terms of language. Scott Thomas as Arkadina is the Cure; and the Episcopal Church of
Chekhov once said, “The spellbinding. She is the diva the Good Shepherd Pipe Organ Fund.
stage reflects in itself the with downtime, constantly This year’s 10K walk steps off at 9
quintessence of life, so one aware that wherever she is, a.m. at the Church of the Good
must not introduce on it any- she is on stage. Her hunger Shepherd, Catherine & Fifth Sts.,
thing that is superfluous.” for attention and her inabil- and proceeds to Milford Beach, con-
That is the guiding principle ity to confront life, except tinues along the river to Old Milford
of this production; by paring through performance, is mag- Road. Complimentary food, bever-
this play down to its essence nificent. She can almost seem ages, and entertainment, and prizes
and focusing on the charac- real at times, and yet she is will be awarded to top fundraisers.
ters, one is served a sumptu- constantly watchful, waiting For more information, visit milford-
ous feast of humanity. for her cue. or call 570-296-8123.
In his fiction, Chekhov con- Arkadina is smart and ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
tinually cast a cold eye on the resourceful, a survivor, but
artifice most people construct there is also an undercur - GALLERY
around their identities. The rent of fear, and a knowledge The Even Couple
tragedy in his characters is that her hall of mirrors could Gilbert and George met in 1967
their blindness. That theme crack at any moment. When while students in London and began

permeates here, in Chekhov’s she grabs Masha, who is 20 to create art together, developing a
first major work for the stage, years younger than she, and uniquely recognizable style both in
written in 1895. As in his proclaims herself the more their pictures and in their presenta-
short stories, Chekhov also youthful, we would be horri- Kristin Scott Thomas as Arkadina is spellbinding in Christopher Hampton’s adaptation of tions of themselves as living sculp-
eschewed conventional plot- fied if we didn’t see how much Chekhov’s “The Seagull,” directed by Ian Rickson. tures. Over 40 years, they developed
ting, concentrating instead she needs that belief. She a new format that created large-
on the individual journeys of simply can’t see herself as lift him from his torpor, and harden enough to be cyni- scale pictures, visually and emotion-
each character. The drama ridiculous. Every moment of where T rigorin shrugs of f cal, might survive — but she ally powerful, through a unique cre-
emerges as these stories col- Thomas’ performance, every his own mediocrity and goes can’t. Kazan imbues every ative process. The Brooklyn Museum
lide. look, and every gesture is on about his life, Konstantin moment of the performance is the final venue in an international
The actress Arkadina and sublime, and it flows effort- cannot stomach his own. with bleak but appealing life tour that marks the first retrospec-
her lover, the popular novel- lessly. Ann Dowd is a remarkable and the tragedy that such tive of the artists’ work in more than
ist Trigorin, collide with Arka- Peter Sarsgaard is a fine Nina, beautiful but damaged clear self-knowledge brings. 20 years. The exhibition was orga-
dina’s son, a failed symbol- Trigorin. He is a flawed man, and as unable to find peace Masha is probably the only nized by the Tate Modern, London,
ist playwright, Konstantin, an opportunist who knows as Konstantin is. Unlike other fully aware character, psy- with the collaboration of the artists,
who is smitten by the young that the accolades he receives Ninas I’ve seen, Dowd han- chologically speaking, in this who consider this to be the definitive
actress Nina. She in turn falls can’t obscure his knowledge dles the second act unravel- piece, and that tragedy is presentation of their art. 200 East-
for Trigorin and steals him for of himself as no great artist. ing with awe-inspiring art- inescapable. ern Parkway at Washington Ave.
a time from Arkadina. Mean- He is venal and self-involved, istry and a clarity that takes This production ranks near Grand Army Plaza. Wed.-
while, Masha, the daughter but that fits him like a com- a very long speech and makes with Andrei Serban’s “Cherry Fri., 11 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sat. 11 a.m.-6
of Arkadina’s estate man- fortable suit, and his easy it crystal clear and heart- Orchard” starring Irene Worth p.m. (until 11 p.m. first Sat.); Sun.
ager, is desperately in love amorality is a stark contrast breaking. and Terry Gilliam’s “A Doll’s 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Exhibition runs
with Konstantin, but makes to Arkadina. Zoe Kazan stands out as House” starring Janet McTeer through Jan. 11. Admission is $8;
an unhappy marriage to the Mackenzie Crook as Kon- Masha, in a performance that as one of the most unforget- $4 for students & seniors.
impoverished schoolmaster stantin is the picture of con- is finely executed and com- table nights in the theater. ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Medvedenko. tained desperation. Even his pletely believable. This is a
The intertwining of these modicum of success can’t Masha who, if she just could 䉴 CLASSICAL, continued on p.23 䉴 OCT 18, continued on p.23

7 DAYS Junior High Musical

7 NIGHTS The ’tween set gets its own Broadway show. Kewl.
OCT 18, from p.22 13, A NEW MUSICAL
Bernard B. Jacobs Theatre
The Dude Next 242 W. 45th St.
Store Tue.-Sat. at 8 p.m.,
Los Angeles photographer Blake Sat., Sun. at 2 p.m.,
Little’s new exhibit “The Company of Sun. at 7 p.m.
Men” is inspired by what Rank Rodri- $76.50-$111.50;
guez in Butt Magazine called “a shad- 212-239-6200 or
ow world, a buddy system way below
the radar, yet one that is all around BY DAVID KENNERLEY
us… a micro-society developed over

the Internet.” All across the country, t sounded like a gimmick
Little’s subjects were shot in their own with “cutesy” written all
clothes, in their own homes — the over it. A Broadway musi-
antithesis of a celebrity shoot. Each cal titled “13” featuring a cast
man represents someone totally com- of 13 thirteen-year-old kids
fortable in his own skin, with a kind singing, dancing, and pre-
of intrinsic, unconscious masculinity. sumably mugging their little
Wessel + O’Connor Fine Art, 111 hearts out. Plus a rock band
Front St. at Adams St., DUMBO. comprised mostly of teenagers.
Exhibit runs through Nov. 1, Wed.- My doubts deepened when
Sat., 11 a.m.-6 p.m. the preview I attended was
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ delayed several minutes,
waiting for a substantial por-
Fleshing Out tion of the fidgety audience

Street Life to get settled in their booster
Catherine Opie’s body of photo- seats.
graphic work, created since the early This is one reason why
1990s, spans such diverse genres as they seat critics on the aisle, I Graham Phillips and the cast of “13.”
studio portraiture, landscape photog- reminded myself.
raphy, and urban street photography to Yet astonishingly, within cool kids to like him at Dan boy with just the right bal- telephone number borrowed
explore notions of communal, sexual, the first few minutes after Quayle Junior High, Evan ance of pluck and vulnerabili- from “Bye Birdie.”
and cultural identity. From her early a gangly Graham Phillips stomps on a few toes, namely, ty, delivering lines like “A little The hip-hop inflected lyrics
portraits of queer subcultures to her bounded onto the stage and those of Patrice (Allie Trimm), Ritalin and Red Bull and I’m amuse more for their weird
expansive urban landscapes, Opie has the musical stylings of Jason a down-to-earth but maligned up for anything,” and “No one irony than goofy wit. “I wanna
offered profound insights into the con- Robert Brown filled the air, misfit. Brett (Eric M. Nelsen), says ‘no’ to a boy with termi- get all up in yo’ bidness, girl,”
ditions in which communities form and my fears evaporated. My the school’s cocky quarter - nal illness” with an easygoing screeches the bleach-blond
the terms by which they are defined. inner teen was hooked. back, whose MySpace homep- conviction. Brett.
Guggenheim Museum, 1071 Fifth For “13” is char mingly age has a waitlist, pressures The staging is smart You may recall that Brown
Ave. at E. 89th St., Sat.-Wed., 10 savvy and adorably engaging. Evan into setting him up with enough to keep even ado- won the Best Original Score
a.m.-5:45 p.m.; Fri., 10 a.m.-7:45 Think “Rent” for the ‘tween ditzy beauty Kendra (Delaney lescents with ADD amused. Tony Award for “Parade”
p.m. Through Jan. 7. Admission is set, with a dash of “Spring Moro). When Archie (Aaron An intricate date scene at a a decade ago, and he’s
$18; $15 for students & seniors; pay Awakening” tossed in for good Simon Gross), the dork with a movie theater, with the kids returned to top form here ––
what you wish Fri. after 5:45 p.m. The measure. Under the confi- degenerative neuromuscular facing the audience, watch- impressively, the original cast
LGBT Community Center presents a dently fluid direction of Jer- disease, also demands some ing a slasher film while trying recording debuted at #2 on
survey of Opie’s exhibit and career in emy Sams, this little tuner is knee-touching time with Ken- to “do the tongue” (kidspeak the iTunes soundtrack chart.
its Second Tuesday series, Nov. 11, 6 also achingly funny. dra, confusion ensues. for French kissing) is truly a The gifted composer admits to
p.m. 208 W. 13th St. Tickets are $10 at Where to begin? Let’s start Although cast members hoot. a traumatic period in his own with the book, devised by Dan may only be 13, or in some But what really lifts this childhood, when he became
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ Elish and Robert Horn, which cases a tad older, they are as show above ordinary teen “the new kid” in fourth grade,
adds some inspired twists to appealing as any grown-up fare is Brown’s catchy score, and tapped into that reservoir

SUN.OCT.19 a standard-issue teen angst
coming-of-age tale. Protago-
nist Evan Goldman (played
ensemble. Phillips’ sweetly
commanding vocals make up
for his gawky dance moves.
a fresh blend of traditional
musical genres. Likewise the
zippy choreography by Chris-
of latent anxiety.
Granted, the hormones-
gone-haywire “13” is geared
Lay Your Money by Phillips), a well-adjusted, As Lucy, Kendra’s two-faced topher Gattelli. The jazzy towards the young, or adults
Down popular kid “standing on the friend, Elizabeth Egan Gil- musical number “Terminal willing to travel back to their
“The Electro Shock Therapy Com- edge” of manhood who’s plan- lies just might be a little Idina Illness” exudes shades of own ‘tweenhood. Pulsat-
edy Hour,”, the longest running weekly ning a kick-ass Bar Mitzvah Menzel in the making. As for “Puttin’ on the Ritz.” ing with vitality, the show is
queer comedy show, welcomes a bevy party in Manhattan, must Brett’s crew, Malik Hammond And “Getting Ready,” where savvy without being cynical.
of gypsies, tramps, and thieves. Brad suddenly move to a small and Al Calderon are lovable the boys prepare for their When it comes down to it,
Loekle hosts Bernadette Pauley (Com- town in Indiana, “where UFOs cut-ups, if a bit awkward. crucial dates at the mov- you’re never too old to appre-
edy Central, VH1), Charlie Ballard (San go to refuel,” after his parents Perhaps the most engag- ies, oddly feels like a nod to ciate the burning yearnings
Francisco’s Native American sensa- split up. ing character of all is Archie. “Tonight” from “West Side of finding friendship, fitting
tion), Helen Hong (Gotham, Comix), and While scheming to get the Gross plays the becrutched Story.” There’s even a gossipy in, and getting tongue.
Kate McKinnon (Logo’s “Big Gay Sketch
Show”). Therapy, 348 W. 52nd St., 10
p.m. $6 cosmos all night. 䉴 CLASSICAL, from p.22 plodding. total rout, but the production disappearing behind the col-
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ Essentially a story of never really shines. umns, which undermined the

wish I could say the same speaking truth to power and Worse, Santo Loquasto’s energy and neurosis Patrick
for the Roundabout pro- the consequences of relying set, a spare framework, Page brought to the then-
duction of “A Man for All on the law and religion for obscured some of the actors young king.
POLITICS Seasons.” Despite wonder - protection, the play is a talk- from where I was sitting, It’s easy to understand
Luv the Guv ful performances by Frank fest. Fortunately, the actors which diminished the scenes. why someone would want to
The Empire State Pride Agenda, Langella as Thomas More all speak well, but aside from For instance, I couldn’t see revive this 47-year-old play,
New York State’s LGBT political lobby, and Zach Grenier as Thom- Langella and Grenier, the cast Langella in More’s major but what this production did
hosts it annual fall dinner, featuring as Cromwell, this generally brings nothing unexpected first act scene with Cardinal for me was remind me how
workmanlike performance to the roles. Langella’s fine Woolsey, which blunted the fatiguing polarization and
䉴 OCT 20, continued on p.25 seems heavy handed and work keeps it from being a impact, and Henry VIII kept polemics can be.
24/ Books 16 - 22 OCT 2008

The Fall Season, 2008

Gibraltar may tumble, candidates come and go, but good reading is here to stay
BY IOANNIS MOOKAS These new poems find How- pressed inscapes of “Dream- FICTION it looked like to some people
ard waxing camp-classical with I-Believe” or “The Deal”: “The was that I had fallen in love
POETRY “The Rape of the Daughters of trick of the day was won / so Céline Curiol, Voice Over, with her.” Gander’s first novel
Leucippus by Castor and Pol- handily by the sun / when translated by Sam Richard triangulates desire against a
Rick Barot, “Want” (Sara- lux”: “How the plains of Sparta the cards spread out and (Seven Stories Press, $24.95) torrid Ozarks backdrop. “Two
bande Books, $13.95) echoed to maiden plaints!” shone...” Don’t let me be lonely: nuthatches were chasing each
One of the figures in “Captiv- Longer works like “Only Dif- when Curiol’s narrator, a PA other around the scaley bark of
ity Narrative” — “He is running ferent” alternate with more Maureen N. McLane, announcer in Paris’ gare du a bull pine. Les pulled out the
across the ice / fast enough so compact ones (“Mind Under “Same Life” (Farrar, Straus Nord, falls hard for a prom- legs of the tripod and clamped
that it doesn’t know it should / Matter”), climaxing in two mul- and Giroux, $22) ised man, disquieting kinks the distance meter to it.”
be breaking” — could describe tifold sequences, “Exposures” An urbane first book, for- result. “What she needs is to
the poet’s own way with form and “School Days.” mally taut and prepossess- filter out a certain blue wave- Jim Grimsley, “Jesus Is
in this second book. Barot ing. If at times McLane muses length which makes the world Sending You This Message”
inventories desire, and knows Katy Lederer, “The Heav- dejectedly, “In this dark / I a little too cold for her.” Alas, (Alyson Books, $14.95)
the hunger of “the deer in the en-Sent Leaf” (BOA Editions, think my life’s an old hinge / the world obtrudes. “Every These 16 stories gloss real-
cover away from the soldiers, / $16) creaking in silence,” banked- time she thinks about him, the ism, romance, and other staple
its mouth eating even the bark, down embers nonetheless glow pieces of lead shift, crushing fare, but in Grimsley’s incor-
even thorns.” dangerously: “Still you must her insides.” rigibly inventive hands things
admit the old light / in your can swerve just as plausibly
Joshua Beckman and Mat- eyes has turned somewhat Emma Donoghue, “The into the fantastic. “One more
thew Zapruder, eds., “State feral ... you have birthed a wild Sealed Letter” (Harcourt, time they killed me and I woke
of the Union: 50 Political obsession.” $26) under the eye, with the wind
Poems” (Wave Books, $14) of that place scouring through
More than a topical affair, Gabriela Mistral, “Mad- me and the searching of that
this anthology counts John women: The Locas mujeres eye above me, never blinking
Ashbery, Lucille Clifton, Poems of Gabriela Mistral,” or moving.”
Eileen Myles, Marvin Bell, and translated and edited by
Wanda Coleman among its Randall Couch (University of Randa Jarrar, “A Map of
urgent chorus. Reginald Shep- Chicago Press, $25) Home” (Other Press, $24.95)
herd observed in “Maritime” The poems mock a social
how “Market fluctuations and rule that allows no “sane”
assorted / human rights vio- response as thoroughly as
lations are duly noted in the the queer Chilean poet herself
ledger, cement / that holds confounded personal catego-
society together, the concrete From the airy haunts of ries. Couch gives us Mistral
world.” hedge fund management, at her most bracingly vision-
Lederer retrieves blasted son- ary. In “Cross-Eyed Mother,”
Linda Gregg, “All of It nets that whisper with “The she is Gaia: “They made her a
Singing: New and Selected shedding of leaves from the tomb / for the hour that had
Poems” (Graywolf Press, $24) wallet of morning.” In the guise come / and she laughed and
of a “brainworker,” she fords laughed / to see how they “As if reading Fido’s mind,
the torrent of capital, discern- would dig it.” Helen clings to her hand like a
ing beyond it a “nothingness” drowning woman. ‘If you cast
that might be “the genius of Eleni Sikelianos, “Body me off or betray me like these
time.” Once the tide abates, Clock” (Coffee House Press, men have, I’ll perish.’ ” Dono-
“His castle is drying to wind.” $18) ghue dramatizes the real-life
C’mon, she baits, “tonight, early British feminist Emily
Glyn Maxwell, “Hide Now” let’s round all the corners / of “Fido” Faithfull and her explo-
(Houghton Mifflin, $22) the house and light the edges.” sive entanglement with Helen Jarrar’s youthful heroine
A log of the poet’s transit to Codrington, stippling 1860s makes the journey to these
parenthood, festooned with London with a brisk assurance shores (“being in Alexandria
notebook drawings and crack- anchored in solid learning. that winter was like being in
ling with formally unbound, the company of a man in a suit
exultant lyrics. “I love it / Samir El-Youssef, “The who is usually a fabulous drag
when women eat sweet ribbon, Illusion of Return” (Melville queen”) and relates Arab-immi-
sweet / rabbit, sweet meat, House, $13) grant adolescence as never
when women / are the scene / “Both Maher and I were before. “I sat over him, took his
of several utopias.” aware that Sameh was a homo- hand and rocked it back and
Generous selections from sexual but we pretended that forth over my clit until I could
Gregg’s previous six books, Kevin Young, “Dear Dark- we didn’t know.” El-Youssef’s let go and he could guess the
augmented by 22 new poems, ness” (Knopf, $26.95) candidly probing, elegiac first rhythm himself.”
make this a satisfying volume. Young can peel back the novel in English looks back on
In “August in the East Village,” grievous heart of the blues youth in occupied Lebanon, Dennis Lehane, “The
a chance encounter with queer (“My pleasant things all / through the splintered lens Given Day” (William Morrow,
eros — “Across the courtyard ashes are. / No horizon — you of lost friendships — “friend- $27.95)
the painter / is making love can tell / the sky & ground / ship which was only possible Having plied “Mystic River”
to a young man” — melts into apart only / by guessing.”), as long as we kept away from to the striking plateau of
quiet euphoria: “They are wav- Maxwell repeatedly sum- but can also playfully admit each other’s personal lives.” “Shutter Island,” Lehane now
ing / without the morning light mons Cassandra (“Cassandra how much he needs them unfurls a huge historical can-
/ leaving them.” Tells Fortunes,” “Cassandra to lift his song: “Despair, / Forrest Gander, “As a vas of tumultuous Wilsonian-
by the Wall”), and brings ver- if you’ve moved / I wish you Friend” (New Directions, era Boston. Danny Coughlin,
Richard Howard, “Without nacular grace to both the pub- would / send word / or ring. / $13.95) heir to corrupt police brass,
Saying” (Turtle Point Press, lic gesture (“Martial Diptych,” How I would sing / like a ket- “Maybe I fell in love with
$16.95) “Rendition”) and the com- tle to keep you.” Les through Sarah, but what 䉴 BOOKS, continued on p.25

7 DAYS 䉴 BOOKS, from p.24

must infiltrate a seditious

it’s told entirely in salt-cured
Peter W. Galbraith, “Unin-
tended Consequences: How
War in Iraq Strengthened

OCT 20, from p.25
immigrant anarchist ring,
while the Coughlins’ house-
keeper Luther Laurence, flown
north from Tulsa, faces his
Nu Nu Yi, “Smile As They
Bow,” translated by Thi Thi
Aye and Alfred Birnbaum
(Hyperion, $21.95)
America’s Enemies” (Simon
& Schuster, $23)
A sensible appraisal of Gulf
War II’s progress and pros-
own trials. Daisy Bond, the gay tran- pects. Galbraith tallies victors
keynote speaker Governor David Pat- nie natkadaw superdiva, (Iran, Iraqi Shiites, the Kurds)
erson. The governor this past May David Rhodes, “Driftless” reliably floors the pilgrims and losers (Iraq’s Sunni Arabs,
directed all state agencies to prepare (Milkweed Editions, $24) to Burma’s annual Taung- secular Iraqis), and weighs the
procedures for complying with an Closing a 30-year pause, byon festival (“Hey, you back stakes for Turkey and Syria.
appellate court order that New York the author’s new novel is a there, all strung out about Timely morsels abound: the
recognize legally valid gay marriages serenely impassioned home- your brute. Come up here by “democratic” Iraqi factions
from other jurisdictions. As a result, coming. Wholly current in its Mama... Mama’s gonna make favored by McCain don’t “advo-
same-sex couples who marry in Mas- slant on predatory agribusi- him come back.”), but her love cate, or practice, democracy as
sachusetts, Connecticut, California, ness (“Some just can’t take jones for Min Min, her belea- we might recognize it.”
Canada, Spain, or elsewhere will be hold of the tools of new tech- guered, stoic assistant, boils gave a diverse cohort time to
legally married here in Gotham. The nology.”), Rhodes’ small patch over when a tender street waif Marjorie Garber, “Patron- tell their stories, listened with
evening will be emceed by Whoopi of rural Wisconsin dilates turns the lad’s eye. izing the Arts” (Princeton care, and quilted the oral his-
Goldberg, and Kellie O’Hara, a Tony in scope and resonance, its University Press, $24.95) tories into a shimmering pied
nominee for “South Pacific,” will characters outlining the nega- T raining her sights on coat, big enough to hold gen-
entertain. Sheraton New York tive space of a furtive, flicker- NONFICTION Americans’ “besetting ambiva- erations. The richly complicat-
Hotel & Towers, Seventh Ave. at ing center. lence toward the arts,” Garber ing testimonies on Southern
53rd St.. Cocktail reception at 5:30 Michelle Cliff, “If I Could unpacks the contradictions urban and rural life, and the
p.m.; dinner at 7 p.m. Tickets are Vladimir Sorokin, “The Write This In Fire” (Universi- — everyone agrees art is good, men’s varied examples of pres-
$500 at Queue”; translated by Sally ty of Minnesota Press, $21.95) but how do we value artists? sin’ their way, are a lasting
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ Laird (New York Review Books, “He tries to pay a bus driv- — by means of a thorough, benefaction.
$14.95) er with a rabbit he pulls from spirited survey of state and
CABARET A sensation when first a sack. The driver accepts.” corporate sponsorship, private Regina Kunzel, “Criminal
Live From 17th published in France in 1983, A writhing Medusa’s head philanthropy, and university Intimacy: Prison and the
Street Sorokin’s debut novel has of a memoir. Cliff unspar - backing, among other models Uneven History of Modern
Alysha Umphress, seen most matured in stature as a sca- ingly excavates her Jamai- for underwriting the muses. American Sexuality” (Univer-
recently in the William Finn revue brous bauble of that late can childhood and an adult sity of Chicago Press, $29)
“Make Me A Song,” serves up the Soviet period when a third of life confronting racism and E. Patrick Johnson, Jockers, wolves, punks,
latest tunes from the stage, follow- each day was spent waiting on homophobia. It savors not “Sweet Tea: Black Gay Men queens, wives, gang rape, and
ing the video madness of “Musical lines. Everything — grousing, of cinnamon but spleen. “So of the South” (University of HIV/AIDS each take their turn
Mondays,” a screening of the best scheming, flirting, eating, rail- much for lightheartedness. North Carolina Press, $35) before the lens, and in Kunzel’s
ing, doin’ the deed, sleeping — Trickery. The Signifying Mon- Johnson canvassed the
䉴 OCT 20, continued on p.26 happens on one vast line, and key signs off.” South for black gay men, 䉴 BOOKS, continued on p.30

Alice Lets Rip 7 NIGHTS
Kohler’s cornucopia, Priestley goodness, NY Film Fest musings 䉴 OCT 20, from p.26

BY DAVID NOH the right mix. That’s why the from the Broadway archive. Splash
Beatles were so fascinating –– Bar, 50 W. 17th St., performance at

he radiantly talented in the right place at the right 11:30 p.m., but get their early to grab
Alice Ripley is one of the time, all game, with nothing to a seat and enjoy the videos. Admission
stars headlining Scott lose, which I think is the nature is free until 10 p.m.; $5 afterward. You
Siegel’s “Broadway Originals” of rock and roll. Oh, if you get must be 21.
at Town Hall on October 19, me to talk about the band, I ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
with actors singing songs they won’t shut up.”
performed in original Broad-
way casts.
“I don’t know what I’m doing
At the Times Square Center,
Rudetsky played a clip from
the 1997 Tony Awards, where HISTORY
yet. What do you think I should Ripley and Skinner sang “I Will The Virtual Past
do?” she asked me, and then Never Leave You” from “Side CLAGS, the Center for Lesbian and
referring to the show in which, Show.” Gay Studies at CUNY, and the LGBT
with Emily Skinner, she played “Seth paused the tape and Community Center launch OutHistory.
one-half of circus Siamese pointed out to the audience org, a new web resource on queer his-
twins, Violet and Daisy Hilton, how I screwed up the words tory, developed by CLAGS with the sup-
she added, “I can’t do anything in the beginning and asked port of the Arcus Foundation. OutHisto-
from ‘Side Show,’ because they me why,” Ripley said. “I was at is an open-source site, allowing
were all duets, but maybe ‘Sun- Radio City Music Hall with all anyone to contribute data, documents,
set Boulevard.’ I was there for these people and I had just put or citations. Pioneering gay historian
the whole New York run — it Alice Ripley will be one of the stars headlining Scott Siegel’s “Broadway Originals” at Town on my Violet costume for the Jonathan Ned Katz will be on hand for
was nice to be employed for two Hall on October 19. first time in months and just the launch. Snacks and drinks served.
years — and I did it with all the wanted to go off and be alone LGBT Community Center, David
Normas — Glenn Close, Betty with her, not a thinking thing Bohnett Cyber Center, 208 W. 13th
Buckley, Elaine Page, Maureen but a physical/emotional feel- St., 6-8 p.m. Free.
Moore, Barbara Walsh, Karen ing. I paused for a moment, but ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Mason. they kept going and I realized I
“Glenn was just a dream –– had said the wrong words and BOOKS
one of those people I look up to Emily brought me back in one Black Lesbian
in this business because she’s of those great moments. There Self-Examination
managed to become a well- she was again, my teammate Linda Villarosa’s “Passing for Black,”
known, respected, and com- helping me, and that’s usually which probes race, desire, sexual-
pensated artist who also has a the moment when you’re most ity, family, friendship, religion, and hair,
family that means a lot to her, alive on stage, when something was named one of Essence Magazine’s

and she gets what she wants by goes wrong and you have to “10 Summer Sizzlers” and featured as
being kind and considerate. I’m deal with it right in the moment an Ebony “hot pick.” Fiona Zedde is one
hoping I’ll sing something from and make it real. of the black lesbian community’s most
that show, as I don’t often get In J.B. Priestley’s “The Glass Cage,” Saxon Palmer is a devastatingly prescient, funny, and “‘Side Show’ was ahead of dependable writers, her vivid storytell-
to do that, or maybe ‘Tommy.’ touching drunkard, and Jeanine Seralles gives the finest female performance as his too- its time and a strong piece for ing brought to life in her characters.
I’m still good friends with that smart-for-her-own-good sister. women, which I always try to “Hungry For It” is her new novel. Villa-
cast –– Michael Cerveris, She- do. Some thought it an odd rosa and Zedde appear tonight at Cen-
rie Scott, Christian Hoff, and not my business, and I’m just because we’re always, moving, subject matter, but in the end ter Voices. LGBT Community Center,
Norm Lewis, with all his warm focusing on this production traveling. But if I suddenly got I think the gay community 208 W. 13th St., 6 p.m. reception; 7
chocolatey-velvet goodness.” and the significant changes the pregnant, I would stay home understood it right away. It’s p.m. program. Admission is $10; res-
Asked what her dream role writers have made.” and stop working. a piece about the mismatched ervations at
would be, Ripley replied, “It “A lot of people could have “It’s a quandary I’ve been in family — a troupe of people ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
doesn’t exist yet, but I used to played Betty, but this is a role since my early 20s. If I had a who are pushed to the side and
say Evita. I just got finished
singing ‘Rainbow High’ at the
Times Square Center with Seth
I was born to play. Diana Good-
man lets me be myself, which is
the easiest way into a charac-
kid, I’d definitely stay at home,
but who’s gonna make my
income because I’ve always
what do they do? They band
together and put on a show.”
The Unspoken
Rudetsky. Seth always pulls ter. She’s a very normal woman made my own way, and these acked by the best
that out because he’s obsessed — normal meaning completely days, even if you don’t have band I’ve heard this Spoken
with Patti Lupone and me belt- fucked up. [Laughs]. She’s got kids and have a longtime rela- year, Karen Kohler Jason S. Little presents a concert
ing high E flats. the dog and pony show and tionship, you still have to pull performed the first half of her version of “Hedwig and the Angry
“Evita is a really good role for the public face that I definitely your own weight.” ambitious two-part “Little Inch,” with Mark Fiffer, Kate Pazakis,
my voice and personality, but it understand. She’s my age — For now, Ripley gets to Death: Songs of Coming and Mary Ann McSweeney, Greg Utzig, and
kind of goes against my law of 44 — has two kids and a beau- indulge the rock chick side of Going” at the Zipper Factory Ray Marchica, as part of the Harold
working with original material. tiful husband, and they live in herself with her husband and on October 8. Dealing with Clurman Festival of the Arts, hosted by
It’s just better for everybody the suburbs, and the story is band at her home in Albertson, sex, Kohler tackled a stagger- the Stella Adler Studio of Acting. Zip-
–– the audience gets to have a the grief over a loss that breaks Long Island, “a prototype for ing range of music, from blues per Factory Theater, 336 W. 37th St.,
fresh new hunk of material and her mentally. Levittown, one of the original to Brecht/Weill, encompass- Oct. 23 & 31, 11 p.m. Tickets are $20
it’s great if I can hunt down a “I definitely couldn’t have suburbs. Our neighbors are ing Leonard Cohen’s lilting at For complete
good show and help develop played her as fully even just a musicians, so we have a band “Dance Me to the End of Love,” information on the Harold Clurman Fes-
it, like ‘Next to Normal,’” which few years ago. She needs to be house thing. People come by a haunting German version of tival, which brings artists from many
ran earlier this year at Second a real grown-up woman; she and we play and record, and no “In the Still of the Night,” Jane disciplines together for poetry read-
Stage. has kids, for no other reason.” one complains about the noise, Siberry’s ebullient “Temple,” ings, concerts, panel discussions, and
“We’re starting rehearsals As for having kids herself, and we save on paying for a and that Mae West raunchfest, theater and dance performances and
for that again for Arena Stage with her husband, musi- studio. “A Guy What Takes His Time.” runs Oct. 17-27, visit http://stellaadler.
in DC. I think it’s a really good cian Shannon Ford, Ripley, “I’ve put out a couple of Led by Doug Oberhamer, com/festival.html. The festival’s theme
show, still in development, who comes from a family of albums with my band and am her five-piece combo, including this year is “Art & Social Activism.”
that’s been around for about 11 children, said, “I think it always hoping the next one will stunning violinist Meg Okura, ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
ten years. I don’t know what’s would be a surprise. We’ve be even more coherent. I liter- followed her peregrination in
going to happen after we fin-
ish in January ––– it would be
chosen no kids. I just thought
it was natural not to have kids
ally always want to make the
sound a priority, but some-
masterly fashion, culminating gaycity
great if it continued, but that’s when you’re a full-time actor, times it takes years to get just 䉴 ALICE, continued on p.27

䉴 ALICE, from p.26 a charmingly affecting look at an art-

ist adrift one summer in Paris in a self- An Exciting and Rewarding Career in
in purest aural ecstasy with the Astor made ghetto of fellow Koreans.
Piazzola/ Grace Jones “Libertango,”
reason alone to catch this show when it
repeats on October 22.
The second half, which adresses
In Olivier Assayas’ “Summer Hours,”
the dismantling of a family home’s
antiques spurs a moving, thoughtful
rumination about the dismantling of
death, will be performed on October 15 French culture. Community Media publishes award winning weekly
and 29, and I cannot wait to hear what “Wendy and Lucy” is for those besot- newspapers Gay City News, The Villager, Downtown Express, Chelsea Now
Kohler cooks up, everything from Pur- ted by dog movies, with Michelle Wil- and a senior newspaper Thrive NYC and their very popular corresponding
cell to Tom Waits. liams good in a role that was probably websites seeks outstanding and self-confident advertising sales pros.
far more demanding than the much-

he riveting Mint Theater pro- touted one of her late partner, Heath
duction of J.B. Priestley’s “The Ledger, in “the Dark Knight.” You: articulate, never gives up, persuasive,
Glass Cage” (seen October 9) is “After School” is 25-year-old Anto- ready with a message, smart, organized,
everything the lousy, overrated Broad- nio Campos’ stultifying, self-indulgent, energetic, a graduate of an accredited 4 year
way revival of “The Seagull,” with its porn-obsessed look at a prep school college or university (preferred, but) and have
vulgar translation by that tirelessly that merely proves that one can be a previous advertising or related sales experience
employed hack, Christopher Hampton, dirty young man to rival even such (newspaper advertising sales experience is
is not –– an intelligently directed family juvenile-obsessed seniors as Larry Clark a plus). You should have a general under-
drama, with a strong ensemble, play- and Gus Van Sant. standing of selling display advertising, creating
ing mostly in perfect synch. After seeing “Let It Rain,” Agnes Jaoui’s light- sales proposals, using Excel and Word, selling
this, “An Inspector Calls,” and the fasci- weight satire, contained the best female on rate cards and communicating demographic
nating “Time and the Conways” –– not performance of the Festival –– non-pro- data research to make your sale. Knowledge of
to mention the films “The Good Com- fessional Mimouna Hadji basically play- contact management software is helpful.
panions” and “The Old Dark House” ing herself in what she described as her
–– I am desperate to see all of Priestley’s first and last movie.
plays and wish producers had the savvy Mickey Rourke will probably win this
You: Be a team player, enjoy working in a
of the Mint, instead of endlessly reviving year’s Oscar for “The Wrestler,” since diverse environment, able to meet and exceed
Miller/Tennessee/O’Neill chestnuts. Hollywood loves a good comeback story, $$ goals, fearless...ready to make tons of cold
Saxon Palmer is a devastatingly pre- and he delivers a portrait of real tragic calls both in person and on the phone, and
scient, funny, and touching drunkard, dimension in the unlikeliest of milieus. prospect everywhere and everything for new
and the prodigious Jeanine Seralles At the press conference, he cited direc- advertisers. Skilled in getting passed the gate keepers and onto the decision makers.
gives the finest female performance I’ve tor Darren Aronofsky’s toughness, as Your composure, oral and written presentation skills should be excellent.
seen this year, as his too-smart-for- well as the humbling experience of hav-
her-own-good sister. She’s bracingly ing to finally change his self-destructive Salary + commission, vacation/benefits. Please send your resume and tell us why you would
modern in this Edwardian period piece, life around, in being able to really work be a great fit for our company.
but never dramatically out of tune or again.
jarringly anachronistic, in much the In “Changeling,” Clint Eastwood’s
same manner that the young Katharine directorial hand has never been heavi-
Hepburn ravishingly revivified “Little er or more out of touch. The film is a
Women.” garish soapera, which tosses around
terms like “self-esteem” as if they real-

ew York Film Festival thoughts:
“The Class,” Laurent Can-
tet’s amazing study of a year
ly used them in 1928. And can Ange-
lina Jolie really act, or is everyone just
blown away by that general intensity,
in a French junior high school, is prob- that face, and her tabloid life?
ably the year’s best film, both viscerally
and intellectually involving. Contact David Noh at Inthenoh@aol.
Hong Sang Soo’s “Night and Day” is com.
䉴 SPECIES, from p.21 aware of her body and something else.
Trembling, bent over, and facing
the standard vertical orientation to away, her hamstrings and glutes now
horizontal, equating elbow with knee,
hand with foot. She makes her head
invisible again, forcing the focus onto
pulsate and glimmer like beautiful
porpoises. Facing front, she jumps
sideways, in quick hops. She repeats
a single arm and leg connected by a this while squatting, offering more
central nucleus. than a passing resemblance to the pri-
While the difference in the over - mate family. Legs are awesome, and
all mass of the unequal limbs elicits
the first response — like the reaction
to seeing a deformity — the exquisite
they never lie!
Finally, consciousness. Johnson
leaves the internal world she has
design of it becomes mesmerizing, as inhabited for the last hour, the Dar-
she rolls her knee and elbow in oppo- winian chamber of anatomical truth.
sition. We are more curious and allur- She becomes aware of her environ-
ing than we dare to consider.
When she stands and walks, loud,
low deep bass reverberates, suggest-
ment — a church, no less — and con-
sequently of her neutral observers.
Whither we evolve shall be dictated by
ing a sacred primal singing ritual, a genes, free will, and intelligent design
spiritual passage. She rubs her clavi- produced by genomic research, i.e.,
cle, scratches her rib; she is becoming the economy. GAY RAINBOW SISTERS Emporium
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30/ Opera 16 - 22 OCT 2008

Diva Trumps Hunk

Karita Mattila delivered in Salome; Erwin Schrott disappointed in “Don Giovanni”
BY JAMES JORDEN long final scene in superb
voice. Only on the very last

n a star-studded opening phrase of the opera did she
week at the Metropolitan strain momentarily, and even
Opera, a highly-touted an off-center high A-sharp
opera hunk fizzled, but a vet- inspired gratitude that this
eran diva delivered the goods. excellent artist had given her
Make no mistake about it, all.
bass-baritone Erwin Schrott It does seem a shame
is a gorgeous man with a clas- that so fine a performance
sic profile and the bronzed, as Mattila’s should be ham-
toned torso of a soap star. pered by less than brilliant
Curiously, though, in the title conducting. In contrast to
role of “Don Giovanni” (seen Valery Gergiev’s splashy but


October 1), he fails to gen- sloppy leadership a few years
erate sex appeal or, for that ago, Patrick Summers kept
matter, much sense of dan- the Met Orchestra together
ger. without ever coaxing the
Schrott’s emotional range most shimmering colors from
runs the gamut from peevish Richard Strauss’s score.
to petulant, and his aimless Kim Begley and Ildikó
prancing and foppish silk Erwin Schrott, seen here standing over Ildebrando d’Arcangelo, looked terrific in “Don Giovanni,” but offered little in the way of a focused perfor- Komlósi were a tasteful, even
blouse evoke Gob Bluth’s mance, in either his singing or his acting. understated Herod couple; if
flop-sweat magic act. Sadly, anything, Komlósi’s creamy
Schr ott’s singing was no without ever losing the line of in “Or sai chi l’onore.” Isabel ta Mattila’s well-toned nudity mezzo is too beautiful for all
more focused than his acting. singing. Leonard was a demure, lady- at the climax of her “Dance the cackling and shrieking
The basic instrument is solid The other outstanding like Zerlina, which is to say of the Seven Veils.” Mattila her role entails.
if nothing special, but he stylist of the night was Mat- no Zerlina at all. has rethought somewhat the Juha Uusitalo seems to me
does little to color or phrase thew Polenzani (Don Ottavio), Across the board the cast wrong-headed characteriza- to be what the Germans call a
beyond alternating between whose sweet lyric tenor might tended to oversing the recita- tion I criticized (“champagne- Kavalierbariton, a lyric, noble
very loud and very soft sing- have enjoyed more freedom tives in an undifferentiated sozzled celebutante”) when I voice suitable for parts like
ing. from Louis Langrée’s stiff moderate tempo, normalizing first saw this production back Eugene Onegin and Wolfram
In particular, the celebrated time-beating. racy comedy and high trag- in 2004. in “Tannhäuser.” In the boom-
second act serenade sounded Susan Graham was, I edy into unthreatening ora- The soprano has made even ing phrases of Jokanaan, he
perfunctory, without a foun- think, miscast as Donna Elvi- torio blandness. After three greater strides in her sing- sounded underpowered, even
dation of legato. This artist ra. This talented mezzo is a hours of this jokeless, thrill- ing of this long and treacher- from inside the cistern where
lacks neither natural gifts nor fine comedienne with a bril- free production (originally ous role. Four years ago, she he was amplified on the Met’s
publicity; let’s hope in future liantly responsive voice, but by Marthe Keller, revived by attempted too much nuance, 1940s radio quality sound
performances he can live up she lacks tragic grandeur. “Mi Gina Lapinski), I hope never coloring the voice and enunci- system. It seems almost per-
to his hype. tradì” impressed primarily as to see another exposed brick ating the text to the point that verse to import so unsuitable
So listless was Schrott’s a triumph of pinpoint florid wall, ever. she sometimes disconnected a singer while superb young
performance that Ildebrando technique. from the voice. Now her vocal- Met artists like Morris Robin-

d’Arcangelo’s parody of his Working with less lavish he Jürgen Flimm pro- izing sounds more physical son and Keith Miller languish
master’s lounge lizard act vocal material, Krassimira duction of “Salome” and vital, the rich, healthy as Nazarene and Soldier,
was far more appealing than Stoyanova spun out a lovely (revived September 26) tone swelling to a thrilling respectively.
the original. His is not a voice “Non mi dir,” though I wish offers more than a few thrills, brilliance on top.
for the ages, but he knows she would (or could) let the not the least of which is the Mattila never spared her- James Jorden blogs about
how to put over Italian text top A’s ring out more freely brief glimpse of soprano Kari- self and yet arrived at the opera at

䉴 BOOKS, from p.25 this irresistible. Why don’t Palin’s defects fiction master gathers sev-
David R. Roediger, “How matter? “Scandal does not eral short, feuilleton-esque
historically rigorous, warmly Race Survived U.S. History: destroy American fundamen- pieces balanced by meatier
compassionate study, each From Settlement and Slav- talism. Rather, like a natu- efforts like “Opium” or “The
illuminates another facet of ery to the Obama Phenom- ral fire that purges the forest Souvenirs of Communism.”
how prisons and prisoners enon” (Verso, $26.95) ... it makes the movement From the inaugural slate of
have served as a necessarily In six chapters, Roedi- stronger.” Sharlet penetrates a promising new publisher.
constitutive “other” for defin- ger condenses the repub- the theocratic vanguard’s
ing and regulating norma- lic’s entire history of white stealth networks, and tracks Rosanna Warren, “Fables
tive sexualities in society at supremacy to lay his ground their influence to the highest of the Self: Studies in Lyric
large. for the questions put to levels. As Reagan let slip in Poetry” (Norton, $27.95)
Obama’s vision of a color - 1985, “it’s working precisely Between treatments of
Laurence A. Rickels, blind, “postracial” America. because it is private.” Sappho, Dante, Melville,
“Ulrike Ottinger: The Auto- Can an electorally meaning- a n d H a r d y , Wa r r e n s u p -
biography of Art Cinema” ful black-Latino-immigrant Dubravka Ugresic, plies original translations of
(University of Minnesota Press, bloc be forged? Has affirma- “Nobody’s Home,” trans- Gérard de Nerval’s Letter to
$22) tive action been strategically lated by Ellen Elias-Bursac Dumas, his story Octavie,
We already knew Ottinger renounced? How far can you (Open Letter Books, $16.95) and six haunting sonnets,
as pillar of the queer German walk the tightrope? “Anyone who is interest- including Delfica: Remem-
cinema, but Rickels refocuses photos. The sheaf of Tabea ed will be able to find out ber the temple of vast colon-
on the German-Jewish auteur Blumenschein’s voluptué Jeff Sharlet, “The Family: in museums how the world nades, / the bitter lemons
and multimedia savant, his incarnations, and of Delphine The Secret Fundamental- of work and exchange of your teeth once printed, /
lively exposition amply illus- Seyrig as Frau Dr. Mabuse ism at the Heart of Ameri- labor used to look in the old and the sea cavern, fatal to
trated with Ottinger’s own and Lady Windermere, makes can Power” (Harper, $25.95) days.” A contemporary non- careless guests...”


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