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July has been particularly active in the protest movement.

We witnessed the ousting of Mohammed Morsi on July 3rd, the Treyvon Martin demonstrations and Tunisian protests to wind up the month. Remarkably, the Treyvon demonstrations began on the anniversary of the Storming of the Bastille (July 14th). This was a turning point not only in French history but the world, marking the fall of the aristocracy, the end of feudalism and rise of Republicanism. The backdrop was an economic crisis, a disgruntled citizenry and an indecisive king (sound familiar?) Next week marks 31.4 (Pi * 10) months from the beginning of the 2010 Tunisian protests. It is therefore not surprising that the assassination on Thursday 25 th of Mohammed Brahmi has sparked off a wave of unrest. Tunisia seems to be feeding off Egypt. Coincidentally, Libya also experienced an assassination a day after Tunisia. Abdulsalam Al-Mesmari, a leading political activist who played a major role in the uprising against Muammar Gaddafi in 2011 was shot on Friday 26 th. Two more assassinations were carried out in Benghazi sparking off protests on Friday night and Saturday morning. The strange attractor seems to be the week of August 5 th which resonates with the Iran Islamic Revolution of 1977.

Kinuthia Karanja,

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