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When you played the mediators role

What was the most difficult? .....................................................................
And the easiest? ....................................................................................

Do you think you helped them to solve their problem? ....................... How?
How did you feel as a mediator? .................................................................
When you played the parts role
How did you feel? ..................................................................................
What was the most difficult? .....................................................................
And the easiest? ....................................................................................
Have you reached an agreement? ........Why not? ............................................
Does the agreement seem to be fair to both of you? . Why?......................
If you didnt use the mediation, what do you think you have done in such situation? ....
What do you think its better? ............Why? ................................................
When you play the observers role
What is the best thing in the mediation you observed? .......................................
Which things do you think they could have done better? .....................................
Do you think the mediator helped them? How? Why not?......................
Do you think the reached agreement is fair to both people involved? ......................
How do you think this situation would have been resolved without mediation? ...........

In general
If some of the mediations you played didnt finish with an agreement, Which
difficulties do you think were there? ............................................................
In which other way could it have been done? ..................................................
Which conflict do you think it has been resolved better for both students involved?
Compare your answers with those of your group
Write down the conclusions you have reached .................................................

Which role has been more difficult to you?............................................... Why?
In which role you have felt more comfortable? ................................................
In general, what has been the most difficult to you?..........................................
Is there anything about mediation that you havent understood? ...........................
Do you think that mediation is a good alternative when two students have problems
among them? .......................................................................................
Do you think it would be possible to do it when there be problems between two
students in class?..Why? ...........................................................
Which difficulties you can find? ................................................................
Which advantages do you think the mediation has? ...........................................

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